ABBY LEE CAN'T TALK FOR 24 HOURS *funny pranks*

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five dollars for a selfie with abby  lee abby lee miller of dance moms wet garbage criticize my appearance criticize how i dress   I feel like you owe me an apology i've  been waiting for it for two years hello everyone i am on santa monica beach with  the one and only abby lee miller she's made a   good living talking talking talking yelling  yelling yelling if she's able to stay silent   for 24 straight hours and not saying words what  do you mean i'm not allowed to talk okay here's   the deal i'm not allowed you're not permitting me  this is america 24 hours just take a minute and wow appreciate this this  is incredible if abby lee miller can stay quiet   for 24 hours she gets a massage by the one and  only scott mathison   all right i'm gonna flirt with her and see if this can get her to talk i'm gonna massage you in any way you like what i wanna know   is how do you want me to massage you where do  you like to massage do you even like massages   abby just tell them what you want because i love  using massage oil when i massage you want to touch   oh there it is there it is yup so  now you know what you get if you   are able to stay silent for 24 hours i was gonna  flirt with him and i was gonna make him turn   red not just his face all the way i couldn't  talk couldn't say anything i need to   you know the witty repartee abby we  have a special guest today pressley hosbach   i got in trouble on the very first day of  dance moms for wearing plaid pants so today   i'm wearing bright yellow baggy plaid pants  that cut off at the ankle which she hates she's a skateboarder now and a dancer i mean  a dancer on a skateboard one accident stupid   your career is over i mean look at me i  wasn't even on a skateboard   I'm looking at profile pic right now and i think you need  an update i've got a special guest that's gonna   help you get a really awesome profile pic  one and only solo flow hey saul it's all   i'm gonna pretend to be on my phone the whole  time and kind of like ignore what she's saying   to irritate her saul dude look he's always  on his phone oh oh there it is with a selfie what do you think of those shoes when you're ready could we have a flip over yeah  i want you to jump off this boom i'm gonna use a   low angle which she hates and post a photo on her  profile pic she's not gonna like that okay i'm   gonna shoot straight up at you because i need him  in the sky so i'm gonna get low and straight up   okay and then we're gonna put it we're gonna put  it on your profile pick right now and go solo yes   okay thank you so much i mean somebody buy the  kid a pair of shoes he keeps losing one and he   has to use a different one and it's just sad   money passport credit card here is this all necessary we'll decide later if that's necessary so i'm  going to go ahead and put that photo of solo   on your instagram profile and i'll just hold  on to this in case i need it for anything else   today thanks ab   i'm going gonna run up and take a picture with pressley and i'm gonna act like i don't know abby lee and she can't say  anything i'm gonna see if it really makes her mad  oh my gosh she isn't pressley from dance moms you're my favorite part of   dance mom thank you so much do you want to take  a picture can you just take the picture for us   so nice to meet you you too thank  you do you want a picture with her no   she hasn't bitten yet we gotta up the ante   abby lee hates it when people make money on her so i'm going to charge five dollars for  selfies and keep it for myself who wants a   selfie with abby lee miller for five dollars  only five dollars abby lee miller selfies   oh you would like one oh you want two  selfies okay so that'll be ten dollars for me   that's awesome thank you you guys thank you  you're gonna help me pay my kids to college okay   okay so obviously nobody actually has to pay we're  gonna give them the five dollars just that abby   thinks that they're actually paying jordan for a  selfie with her let's go so you got your five here first we take the money then the selfie i am  making so much money thank you so much abby i   think i should take a cut of this yeah thank you  who wants a selfie with abby lee five dollars for   a selfie with abby lee abby lee miller of dance  moms for five dollars who wants a selfie would   you like a selfie with abby lee miller five  dollars right there five dollars something now   okay come on abby i gotta i got kids to pay for  oh ten dollars ten more dollars abby i'm raking   it in this is great this hurts i don't want  to take this money from this kid but i will   okay go ahead take your selfie with  abby lee for five bucks oh wait   i'm sorry are they both in it yeah that's  gonna be ten dollars kind of another five can   i flip for a selfie as long as you give me five  dollars all right five dollars in the flip whoa   there you go yeah okay oh you guys look like abby  lee fans oh yes five dollars each thank you very   much thank you very much oh no don't get that near  her that's my money thank you very much go ahead have your selfie   i never charge a kid to take  a picture with me he's collecting five dollars   and putting it in his pocket that's a perfect  example of people making money on me the network   the producers the production company   wow we made a lot of money so we made two hundred dollars so here's your cut of a hundred thank  you thank you there we go that was awesome   this week's subscriber is carly sotas usually we  give away air pod pros or a photo shoot with   me but this week we're gonna do something a little  different we're gonna give something away that's   abby related a free dance lesson from abby dinner  with abby sleep over with abby 24 hours with abby he won 1 000 from abby oh that is so great  and you know what here's 20. there you go   america's stress card all right so we'll just  use this to give carly a thousand dollars of   abby's money like i'm actually gonna give the  kid a thousand bucks come on no that was real wait what   subscribe share this video hit post  notifications could be you next do you want them to subscribe to you just tell them i got some  great advice for abby i don't think she's gonna   like it though so let's see here okay abby  i have some career advice from you so people   have been calling you mean and that you yell  correct so career advice is don't do that okay   and work extremely hard for free okay because  that's the way to do it that's how you make the   money you do it for free okay and most  importantly get a hammer smash your tv   tik tok is what you need to be focusing on all  those tik tok dances you don't know what you're   talking about just do tik tok   who is this kid  who does this kid think he is a subscriber to our channel he and his family are  going to walk really slowly in front of abby's   wheelchair so that she can't get around them she  hates that and she can't tell them to get out of   the way abby we got to get to our next location  hurry come on let's go abby hurry hurry let's go abby we're missing our next location come on hurry  it's abby we're running late my wheelchair goes   7.9 miles per hour spatial awareness people ready  such a slowpoke normally i would say excuse me   excuse me excuse me but i couldn't talk i wasn't  allowed to talk this is just like dance moms   i just got i just got paid way more money   well this is all abby's merch abby tell them about it no you don't want to pitch your merch you  can sell your merch right now it's all free   come on down to the shop you can get it all for  free right abby for free you can get all that   merch right here   we have not gotten her to talk yet we're gonna do a five minute photo challenge we're gonna do some things wrong we're gonna  do some nasty things you all know how much abby   loves beautiful dance photos so we're here by the  freeway overpass when i say go we go are you ready   abby are you ready are you i can't hear you i  can't hear you go pressley take off your shoes take   off your shoes hurry take them up no problem with  bare feet except if you're outside in los angeles   on the street how many pieces of chewing gum  wads of chewing gum shoes feet skateboards dogs   you know what i mean yeah that's beautiful don't  you think how was her foot good yeah okay oh   trash can lay on top of the trash can yeah i could  call her mother trash i probably have but pressley   on a trash can no way how about being an arch  back on the trash can why is this so disgusting oh no oh no okay i don't know okay the hair put  the you have the hairs in your face that's perfect   come on make it beautiful there we go arch back  press like you're sunbathing oh it's so pretty watch out oh yeah pretty good right so far  so good just found it that was so gross that   was so great here sanitized sanitized i i  want to do a good day oh her feet i know   i can't think of a good dance pose what do  you think okay just stand there i'll just   i'm trying to get her to relive in beautiful  fifth position and arch back and give me this   gorgeous beautiful line and i can't talk and  she doesn't understand what i'm saying can you   back up little you're in my shot keep going keep  going back keep going back keep going back yeah   abby what are you talking about that doesn't  look very good to me but i guess you like it you used to be good at this kind of thing but now  i don't know what that was i want you to leap in   the middle of the street leaving the middle of the  street does that sound good yeah okay here we go   you could end all this just giving  us a note right now can all be over   no okay and then she's gonna go leaving  the middle street middle street here we go   it's rush hour we're right next to the 405.  he doesn't realize duhh that the cross traffic   is making a left turn i mean  how hard is that to figure out we got time for one more shot one more shot  hey abby tell me if you need time to break   just let me know if you're not ready what you're  going to do is you're going to pay this meter okay   exactly like that okay i got something  in my photo that's okay nice nice get all the way out there nice back  there good there good good good okay   hey that was like a really good  shot abby i can't get my shot   do you have a do you have a  correction give her the correction   i know what they're doing with this whole  sickle foot thing but it still drives me crazy come on that's gotta get you crazy give her  the correction and this thing no wow time man   even that didn't break her okay she thinks  this was funny fine wait until the next one   jordan and pressley have been doing this all  day and have clearly not been successful   so i think it's time we'd leave it to a  dance mom i love to choreograph i like   the creative process uh finding the right  music teaching the steps and costuming   of course she knows exactly what i mean just by  my facial expressions i mean doesn't everybody i hate to interrupt your damn class did you  miss me you're just gonna ignore me like i'm   not here i mean i feel like you and i  had a couple a couple come on i missed you   so much i haven't seen you in so long she's  full of it i know that i was your favorite   mom i know right yes yes see she hates the  way i dress she hates the holes in my jacket   don't pay attention to your mother that's what  she's saying i've heard that a couple of times   okay well this i feel like this is a good time  that i could like have a real like heart to heart   with you about you know our time together in  pittsburgh so i'm gonna bring up some old stuff   from dance moms from two years ago but i actually  don't really care why did you make it seem like i   went ahead and changed her costume on my own when  you gave me permission you wanted her do that solo   and then i changed her costume and you yelled at  me and then you made it look like i changed it   on my own you did me dirty miss abby you did abs  isn't that what jordan was calling you abs it's a   good opportunity for you to like say something  now if you want to like clarify what happened   this one wants me to remember a costume that i  told her not to wear i told her to wear i told   her to change it whatever who cares when i say  something and i am furious or i really give it   to you i get it out and it's over we move on some  of these women they like to hold on for years   two years i have been holding it in  the things that i wanted to say to you   i feel like you were really really mean  you said some really mean things you would   always criticize me criticize my appearance  criticize how i dress make comments about   my family and this that and the other  thing and i think that was really rude   yes of course i was mean on the show i mean that  was my job i got paid to be me i feel like you owe   me an apology i've been waiting for it for two  years and i i feel like you should apologize to   me i would love to apologize to ashley right now  but uh i couldn't talk darn it he'll never change   but you tried you know you tried  you tried and i thought she had it so abby does not think we're filming right now i'm  going to try to convince her that i have a crush   or a boyfriend that i want to go to date with  that's like years older than me so let's see if we   can make her freak out and talk i definitely don't  have a crush not seeing anybody no boyfriends   definitely not for me right now can i talk to you  about something okay so you know everybody my age   kind of has like these boyfriends and you know  they're in this like relationship thing um and   i've been like kind of texting back and forth  this guy and he he is like a couple years older   than me i think he's like 16. he turned 17 like  august maybe he really wants like taking on a date   so i was i was just asking i want to ask your  advice and like maybe like ask you like what   i should wear or like if what do you what you  think about it you're really not helping me here   i really need advice i don't know what you  mean you have to tell me i see everybody   else on social media and they all have their  boyfriends and whatever i mean i just kind of   want to be like all the other girls and no  you don't want to be like other girls oh my god i had to say no don't do it i had to say it i got  you that was some good acting i'm sorry you're   not gonna get your hunk massaging you but i'll  tell you what here's a little something from me   oh yeah if you want to see  a sleepover with abby lee   give us a hundred thousand thumbs up  we're doing a sleepover with abby lee yeah
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 4,409,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, abby lee miller, dance moms, pressley hosbach, pranks, funny, tricks, dance, contortion, soloflow, bodybuilder, 24 hour challenge
Id: SYn485wNCI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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