DYING MY HAIR WITH SHARPIES *permanent markers*

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hey welcome back to my channel I wanna be honest lately I haven't been doing so well it's probably because of a mess that's on top of my head right now I'm just gonna cut right to it my hair is messed up I'm gonna get to that later in the video but today's videos really exciting because I have been wanting to do this ever since I made my last markers video which you guys loved so much I decided I want to try and dye my hair with sharpies Oh cut my hair is just a sad happy story right now I've been walking around for the past 12 hours looking like one of the Seven Dwarves from Snow White because I'm too scared for anyone to see you know this mess on top of my head give me a paper bag it's better than my face last time I died in my hair with markers I used washable Crayola markers now those stain your hair but they don't actually dye your hair I thought what if I use permanent permanent marker to dye my hair because that would most likely die because it's you know Partin and it stains things that's how my brain works that sounded like a perfect idea to me so today I'm dyeing my hair with permanent markers permanent markers I hope this isn't permanent I don't exactly know how to open a permanent marker I'm gonna guess this like the other marker so you just pop the back of it off okay this isn't working right can you do this thing someone help me how the heck am I gonna give this hot what's just it's there everyone knows it's there today I'm trying to fix them up on top of my head today's main focus is I wanna dye my hair more for bluey green color and I want to get rid of these roots let's see if markers can actually die like straight-up bleached hair yeah okay I got a different pair of scissors for this cuz I thought maybe this would happen oh my god how am I supposed to do all the markers but hands hurt how do you open a thing hmm this contraption looks very familiar I pulled this out of the marker I have a glass of water I'm going to dunk it inside I want it to turn a little bit white like you see how the markers kind of turning white like that that's what we want in a separate glass I'm going to blow the ink into it oh my god it's working oh I can already tell that this ink it's so pigmented this is really gonna work this is actually gonna dye my hair you know the other one set non-toxic on the bottle these are definitely toxic so I am going to recommend no one to do this at how that is a lot of ink so now let's open the next one I like this color so we're gonna go in with this color the last one I just snapped open so we're just come to me baby come dislodging three - oh it's so toxic my eyes are burning ooh that's pretty color though let's make the dye now I'm gonna take a bowl like this I'm gonna add some white hair guys this is white - looter guy that you add to other hair colors to make it either lighter so I'm going to use this as the base of my hair died along with that I'm going to use a barn sustainer because my hair is very damaged what this does is it rebonds the ends of your hair kind of like in olaplex but I'm using the brand new Perlis if you got damaged hair this stuff is good it does make your hair dry really sticky though now I'm taking a sharpie ink and I'm going to pour it into the bowl Wow oh my god the moment of truth let's stir it up the hair dye is a little bit more on the blue sides and I was expecting it to be that's fine though because I'm not expecting this to actually like really dye my hair I think it's more so gonna stain it but that's the whole point of this experiment is to see if it actually does dye my hair so maybe who knows I might have my hair blue for a little bit this looks really nice though the colors are really cool blue color so let's put it in my hair gonna separate it like this dips get little summer dates you wanna do and zaps now my hair is sectioned let's really get into this so I'm going to tell you guys how my hair ended up like this disgusting mess that it is and it's because the other day I asked my mom to dye my hair and by dye I mean bleach oh I need gloss what am i doing there's literally permanent marker in it and I'm like I'm just gonna fit in with my hands it's fine we got gloves today so the other day I asked my mom to bleach my hair it was midnight midnight not not anytime before midnight literally midnight because that's the time that she got home by the way I asked her earlier that day I was like hey can you dye my hair today because you know I want to film that video of me putting the sharpies in my hair because I've really been looking forward to making that video and my mom always bleaches my hair so this is nothing new yeah I'll totally bleach your hair later tonight she told me she was gonna be gone for three hours and she comes home at midnight and I was like oh dang I'm not gonna be able to film my video tonight well at least let me bleach the hair so I can film the video tomorrow tomorrow big today Wow when my mom came home let's just say my mom had a little bit too much go-go juice in her system she told me she was just gonna go out and get him sauce no honey that's not what happened super mama comes home and she's ready to do my hair and I really thought she was fine she seemed fine until she started bleaching my hair now typically my mom does a pretty good job bleaching my roots that's why I always ask her to do it but after this time nah she's been cancelled she's been fired you are fired mom I don't trust you bleaching my roots anymore after what happened I haven't even gotten to the juicy bits yet so my mom's been doing a lot of dating recently that's cool but when I asked you earlier that day to bleach my hair I didn't ask you to come home with go-go juice in your system barely being able to you know pick up a freaking hair dyeing brush she said oh I'm just tired mm-hmm mm-hmm sure you were just tired I bet you were just tired mom it's like when someone's doing your hair and you like know they're doing a bad job you just like want them to stop it's like you're already here already doing it like what do you say that was the situation I was in so she's bleaching my hair every now and then she'll be stumbling over this little scale that I have on the floor down here because I have a scale on the floor down here she would stumble in on it she's being really really violent with my head not just like moving my head not like didn't get a little tilt to the side she's like pushing my head back in for I'm like monkey bay a little more gentle like you're hurting me she was tired it's fine she was tired well mother from you being tired my hair paid the price it paid the price [Music] so I left the bleach in my hair for about I don't know 40 minutes and then I decided hey I'm gonna take it out because usually 40 minutes in is when my hair is like completely white its bleached it looks good it's not spotty it's not patchy and there was no banding going on in my hair usually when I take it out when it's been in for 40 minutes but no this time when I took it out when I had been in there for 40 minutes I I don't even have words words don't exist for the monstrosity that was on top of my head there was no which way any type of angle to cover up what had been done I looked like a spotted hippopotamus it looked like there was brown and orange and yellow polka dots of different spots all over the top of my head I look like a cheetah no yeah that would be cool if I was going for the cheetah hair look but I just wanted my brooch free bleach that's all I ask for not not a big day that's not crazy that's not out of the normal that's not what I got though I am mess my hair up so many times but never in all of my years have I ended up looking like a cheetah spotted it was too awful okay it was awful so I ended up waking up this morning and rebleeding the front of my roots they're a little yellow now but at least they're not orange like when I say it was orange it was like an actual orange I went to an orange orchard and I picked an orange off the tree and that is what my hair looked like in orange I am now an orange needless to say I'm not fanta foreign although so far this hair dye is looking pretty good like who knew Sharpie could look so good at some hair I am running out of this sharpie hair dye very quickly I do not know how I'm gonna do the rest of my heck with it I'm really not about to have enough hair dye right now this is gonna be bad with the bonder in it it's definitely making the consistency of the dye really really weird this is a weird kind of sticky this is more gooey kind of slime dyeing my hair with slime my hair's not gonna match I already look like a cheetah in the back I'm just gonna grab the hair that's down we're just gonna use everything that's left that's all hot stuff I'd have been a bad yeah alert alert this is not going well helped anyone except for my mother please don't come if you're my father don't you touch my hair anymore I guess that's all the hair dye I have keep it in my hair for the next hour and let's see what happen and this is what my hair turned out like I am really happy with my hair color there's a lot of alcohol in sharpies and I figured my hair was going to be really dry and really disgusting but I believe because I put the Bhandar in it my hair is actually pretty soft it feels a lot healthier than it did before I had dyed it in when my hair was fresh chilli bleached wow that came out awkward but look at this color it's a little bit more on the blue side but I'm fine with that I think it looks cute this is what the underneath of my hair looks like and I didn't end up dying it because I didn't have enough dye that is where my mom bleached my hair and this is the Sharpie hair dye I'm gonna say that this video was a success so make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel below if you haven't already and let me know we think about my new hair in the comment section below if you're not following me over on Instagram make sure to go follow me because debris and if you want you can follow me on Twitter and chick talk because I have those as well when I'm not over here I'm definitely over there and you should beat it I love you guys so much and I will see you here in my next video [Music]
Channel: Mackenzie Marie
Views: 6,555,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dying my hair with markers, dying my hair with permeant markers, dying my hair with sharpies, dying my hair, dying hair, I dyed my hair with sharpies, I dyed my hair with markers, how to dye your hair with sharpies, how to dye your hair with markers, dying my hair blue, dying my hair blue with sharpies, dying my hair blue with markers, can you dye your hair with sharpies, can you dye your hair with markers, coloring your hair with sharpies, diy hair dye, mackenzie maire
Id: gRe1wr4DnWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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