My BF Saw My True Face After 2 Years Of Relationship

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hey sally here i'm 25 years old and i love makeup i mean i really love it i don't even answer the door bare face to the postman my fascination with makeup started back when i was just a little kid my mom was a famous beauty blogger and even created her own cosmetics brand everyone from renowned models to hollywood actresses wanted to use her products back then the industry was different it wasn't about youtube and different media channels instead people like my mom had to take different avenues to promote their products i remember how amazing it felt to walk into a drugstore and see my mom's makeup on the shelves but then my mom's world came crashing down and it was all thanks to one lame model i knew something was up when my dad picked me up from school he barely ever picked me up mom always did and weirder still he didn't say a single word to me then i walked into our house to find mom standing in front of the mirror as she smeared makeup all over her face my mom was a glamorous perfect looking woman i'd never seen her look or act like this before i remember just staring at her not knowing what i should do or say then she started crying which caused the makeup to streak down her face i remember thinking that she looked like a scary clown she seemed so out of control in a harsh tone my dad said to her will you just look at yourself how can you let sally see you like this then he covered my eyes and pulled me out of there i asked him what was going on and he sighed and told me how a model had a bad reaction to the products during my mother's live webcast and now she was getting treatment at the dermatology hospital she blamed it on my mom's cosmetics products which meant that both the press teams and police were now involved now the beauty industry was boycotting the range that my mom had worked so hard to create the next day after school my mom seemed to be in good spirits she took me for a milkshake and we sang along to disney tunes in the car i thought that everything was back to normal but then we arrived home and she sat me down and said to me sally you're going to be my model and save this family then she filmed herself applying her makeup products on me she turned to the camera and said see i dare to use my products on my daughter's delicate skin because i know there's absolutely nothing wrong with them the problem is that footage of a young girl having her makeup done is boring in comparison to the shocking pictures of a famous model with burned skin all the brands turned their backs on her and she went from super successful entrepreneur to blacklisted overnight an investigation later proved that the model's skin damage was due to dangerous fake botox injections not my mom's products but this was too little too late as my mom had already lost all her deals and partnerships and the money spent on pricey lawsuits made my family bankrupt after that mum left the beauty industry behind her but that afternoon changed my life i always felt a sense of self-esteem as growing up in an environment full of famous beauties but that day after being put on makeup by my mother i felt so pretty i looked in the mirror and found myself like all the dream girls i'd seen from my childhood my new beautiful appearance made me more confident since then i started practicing makeup and this obsession doesn't stop until i grow up by the age of 14 i wouldn't be seen leaving the house without a full face of makeup on it gave me this added layer of confidence and made me feel ready to face the day when i had my makeup on then it didn't matter as much that my parents were now poor i looked and felt beautiful and i could handle the world now at 25 i still adore makeup i'm a self-confessed makeup addict even my boyfriend chris had never seen my bare face when i stayed over at his i went to bed with a full face of makeup on then i waited until he'd fallen asleep so i could sneak into the bathroom and take it off and moisturize then i woke up two hours before he did just so i could apply my makeup then get back into bed and look like i'd just woken up that glamorous yes keeping up appearances was hard work but when he looked at me like i was the most beautiful girl in the world well that made it so worth it only on one occasion chris woke up early and walked in on me doing my makeup i totally freaked out and immediately covered my face with my hands and screamed out no don't look at me i'm hideous he laughed and said don't be silly a bit of makeup doesn't change the fact that i love you and think you're the most beautiful girl in existence this was sweet and all but i still shouted at him until he left the room so i could finish off my makeup his words got me thinking though did he really truly love me we'd been together for two years yet he'd never ever seen me fresh-faced so how could he possibly know if he loved me if i wasn't wearing it i couldn't stop thinking about this i needed to know if he truly loved me for me or not so i took all my makeup off yep even my clear lip gloss then i tied back my hair and put on casual clothes and a pair of sneakers i was standing right behind him at his favorite cafe i hesitantly went to the table where he was sitting and was confused as to how to speak that was when he looked up at me while still scrolling through his phone and said yeah you can take that seat as i'm leaving soon he didn't recognize me interesting i sat down in front of him pretending to be a shy cute girl and softly starting up a conversation i tried varying the tone of my voice to ask what i should order and it worked he completely thought that i was just some random girl after we chatted for ages i said to him i see you don't really have to leave soon huh he smiled and complimented me on being cute it made me feel a lot more confident so by then i had the courage to tell him that i was his girlfriend but suddenly he grinned and said if you don't have a boyfriend i wonder if i have a chance to get to know you what he was still in a relationship with me unbelievable well another plan just popped up in my head so i tried to stay calm and replied coily i'd like that after that i started living two different lives when i put my makeup on and become energetic and attractive chris complimented me on how beautiful and charming i was and proudly showed me off to his friends but when i appeared with a bare face and acted all coy he said that he loved how sweet and rustic i was and that he thought girls who wore makeup all day were tragic tragic how dare he he would lie about going out with friends so he could spend more time with makeup for me then he kissed makeup me and told me how he loved how glamorous i was and how i was the only girl for him yeah right i couldn't believe how fake this guy was there i was thinking he loved me but now he was cheating on me with me a playboy like him didn't deserve any version of me so it was time for revenge so when he asked makeup for me to go on a trip i shyly accepted i knew he just wanted to trick an innocent girl into bed with him but i'm not an ordinary girl anyways as he was chilling out in the pool i shyly said i would take a shower and wait for him inside and i swear i saw his eyes brightened like a magpie i ran into the bathroom to turn the shower on then i left a trail of makeup freemie's clothes and then snuck out into the room nearby that i'd booked for the night there i transformed into makeup me then got back ringing the doorbell obviously he had to hurry from the pool to open the door and when he saw me he turned so pale i walked in without his welcome calmly walked through the luxurious room and picked up every trace of adultery i'd previously scattered on the floor the sundress the bikini and even lingerie then i threw them at him he was unable to say a word and got panicked when i kept walking straight to the toilet where there was the sound of a shower pouring water calmly saying the person i need to hit is inside isn't she he panicked and ran in between me and the door it's not worth your action honey she's nothing you know you're my only one i asked him is she beautiful no she's boring and old-fashioned not like you i pushed him away and opened the door to enter he panicked jumped right behind me and froze when his mistress was nowhere to be found in the hot shower steam he probably thought she somehow escaped herself and at least saved his life i still walked in undressed and put a bathrobe on myself right in front of him then walked over to the mirror and started removing my makeup he was still so bold and shameless i completely had you fooled there is no girl this is my plan to bring you here let's enjoy the night babe he really had a talent for lying i just silently removed all the makeup on my face i've never seen you remove your makeup tonight will be really great he said as he walked over to hug me from behind i finished by tying my hair up and wiping the steam on the mirror with my hand and said so who do you want to sleep with tonight he looked up into the mirror to see another me and screamed in horror running away as if he'd seen a ghost that night i gloatingly stayed in that luxury hotel room and enjoyed the first day of my single life makeup is my passion and hobby and i won't change it for anyone especially for that kind of guy but i now realize that i deserve to find a guy who loves me unconditionally whether i'm the glamorous makeup covered version of me or just plain koi makeup free me
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 1,084,164
Rating: 4.8873453 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, My BF, my boyfriend, Saw My True Face, After 2 Years Of Relationship
Id: h2l90WIlM0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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