My BF Suddenly Disappeared! It's All Because Of My Jealous Best Friend

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hi i'm ella and i'm 17. have you ever been brave enough to change the things that you were too familiar with if yes did you encounter any difficulties well for me yeah it's more than just changes and this is the story of what happened to me last summer and it's really crazy so brace yourself so i grew up in a small town in pennsylvania when i say small i mean it it only had a population of 85 people there was just one gas station two small parks one grocery store and oh yeah only one school including me there were only seven kids in my grade that's right seven people and my grade was one of the biggest ones from when i was five years old to the time i was 15 i spent most of my time with the same six classmates after being with them for many years most of them really started to get on my nerves well apart from rosie rosie and i became bff's in third grade some other kids were teasing me about my red hair and told me that i looked like a tomato but then rosie appeared by my side and told them to back off from then on we became best friends and were pretty much inseparable my life was good i felt safe in my little town where everyone knew each other in a city there were way too many people for my liking and too much pressure to be popular and i didn't want that i knew a small town life was the life for me but then when i was 16 everything changed on one saturday afternoon i was at rosie's house watching a movie when my parents called me and told me to come home at once i thought this was kind of weird because my parents didn't usually call me to come home until it was late at night and right now it was only 4 30 pm what did they need me to come home for i arrived home to find jake my brother crying i bursted out loud what happened what was going on seeing me totally in shock my dad said ella we have some news what news was bad enough to make my brother who wasn't the emotional type cry did someone have a serious illness had someone died oh no had my beloved dog sally died then he said ella i've been offered a job in new york city what i yelled and he's taking it this is an amazing opportunity for us all and moving out of this town will be good for us it'll be a great adventure mom said new york the biggest city in the entire country no i couldn't move there i didn't want a new adventure i was perfectly happy where we live now and i didn't want to leave but however much i sulked shouted or pleaded with my parents to stay their minds were made up and we were moving telling rosie was horrible she got so upset and i felt awful about it i didn't want to leave her but what choice did i have i spent my last day in town with her we ate pizza watched our favorite movies played our favorite video games and things like that when it was time for me to leave i gave her my unicorn plushie to remember me by then we cried into each other's arms and we promised to text each other every single day so i left the safety of my little town and moved to the city our new house was much smaller than my old one but at least we could keep sally on my first day of school i was terrified there were so many people and i didn't know where i was meant to go or what i was meant to do luckily the kids there were actually really nice this one girl showed me where my locker was and some other kids let me sit with them at lunch time after only a few weeks of living in new york i started to find my bearings i even figured out how to navigate the underground i made some pretty great friends but this didn't change the fact that rosie was still my bff i texted her every day and sometimes we spent hours on the phone with each other a month of city life passed and i got talking to this boy in my english class called alex he had the most amazing blonde hair and his eyes they were blue like the sky and the ocean and a swimming pool and yeah if you couldn't tell i really liked alex not only was he unbelievably cute but he was also kind and funny we bonded over our love of video games and dogs and soon became pretty close then one day he invited me over to his apartment to hang out then over a giant pizza and a movie he told me he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend i instantly said yes i was so excited and couldn't wait to tell rosie but she didn't seem all that thrilled about it for a few months everything was perfect for me school life was great and i had some awesome friends and an amazing boyfriend sadly though rosie and i grew further apart i barely had time to talk to her hours on the phone every night it was like our timeline became different she always called when i was busy and when i texted her back she wasn't there i know that she always cared about me but my busy life just carried me away i told myself this was okay as things change people get different friends though not as often as before rosie and i still chatted whenever we had a chance one time i told her that i would be going out with alex at a fancy restaurant the next day anytime i mentioned alex she seemed not cool with it but that time she expressed her excitement and asked me a lot about our date that made me feel so good when the day came i went to meet alex at the restaurant that he had booked for us i entered and waited for about 20 minutes for him to show i began to get impatient and asked a waiter if he'd seen a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes come in at all the waiter told me he had but he'd left with a tall girl with long brown hair and brown eyes what who was the girl he left with and why i thought of everyone i knew who fit that description i couldn't think of anyone except for rosie but she lived in pennsylvania why would she be here talking to my boyfriend i decided to call alex but he sounded muffled and i heard a girl talking in the background it sounded like they were arguing and then the call ended this was so weird what happened i had no idea what was going on so i headed home on my way i felt like someone was following me and then i realized that there was one car driving very slowly after me when i tried stopping it also stopped oh my god was it having anything to do with me i felt terrified and started to run as quick as i could until i reached my house i turned back and saw that car parked outside my house i was shaking as i tried to open the door and as i did sally zoomed past me and ran toward the car i had only seen her act that way whenever alex came over she really liked alex wait alex that was it alex was in that car was it a prank i ran over to see what the heck was going on there sitting in the driver's seat was rosie and to my complete shock alex was tied up in the back seat rosie i screamed what are you doing here in new york with my boyfriend alex screamed help she told me you were waiting for me in her car then she kidnapped me rosie quickly turned around and looked me right in the face oh um hi ella what are you doing with my boyfriend he's not a good guy for you ella i need you to break up with him now or else i will drive away so you can never find him ever are you crazy we will not break up just because you demand me to do that now let him go i walked around to the passenger door to get alex but then the car started moving fast i ran after the car but i was too slow but sally ran after it too and she didn't stop she almost got hit by cars as she ran through traffic until she was out of sight i was so scared i was about to call the cops when i saw a police car zoom past me how did they know about this already who called 9-1-1 i looked back and saw my mom standing outside with the phone waving at me nervously she had seen all the commotion and called the cops thanks mom there was nothing i could do now except wait it was awful i was so anxious about an hour later a cop car pulled up to our house the cop stepped out and opened the back door and out came sally i ran up to the police car and hugged sally she was safe but what about alex the officer told me that they'd chased the car for almost two miles until they cornered it on a dead-end street he said that rosie was very fierce and tried resisting arrest but they taken her to the station to my relief alex was fine and they dropped him back home phew i just didn't understand it rosie was my best friend why would she try to seriously harm my boyfriend i later found out that rosie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder it's a disorder that causes people to go through extreme mood swings and do things that are out of character and crazy rosie had a lot going on as well as me not being around anymore her dad had moved out i didn't know this as she hadn't told me back then i wasn't talking all that much to her but i'd never expected that the separation rosie felt was too much for her and could lead her to bipolar disorder i was her only one at that time so she wanted her to be my only one too but alex appeared and made her feel insecure and seriously jealous it is fortunate there are no serious consequences i really hope rosie gets the proper treatment for her disorder we might not be as close anymore but in my eyes she'll always be the girl who was there for me when i was being teased then i will always regret that i wasn't there to listen to her more when she needed me i still feel sad about it all but i'm trying to see the positives things with alex are going great and i'm happy here it turns out city life is for me after all whether it's in friendship or love people still need their own space and sometimes as sad as it is people do grow apart this happens in life being over jealous doesn't help mend things it just pushes the other person further away you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 208,800
Rating: 4.9248261 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: v1ApgT-JPHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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