[ Part 1 ] My Parents Tried To Set Me Up With Rich Guys, But I Scared Them All Away

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hi my name's crystal and my family are super wealthy i have never needed to work but i wanted to so me and my friend alice decided to become entrepreneurs and my dad helped fund our startup we both love shopping so we created a really cool app that helps you choose the latest trends to suit your body and unlike my friends i was single but i didn't mind in fact i loved how free i felt however there was just one small problem my parents weren't okay with this they were desperate for me to find someone and get married and that's when they decided to take matters into their own hands they started setting me up on blind dates i told them i could easily find my own date but they said that whoever i dated had to come from a good wealthy family i couldn't believe it i wasn't even interested in dating especially as i'd had some really bad relationships in college that's also why my parents wanted to find someone for me as they'd hated the guys i'd dated before and didn't trust me that i wouldn't make the same mistakes again i refused to go but then my dad said something that sent chills up my spine okay don't go but then your startup is over i'll take away all your funding wait no that couldn't happen we'd worked so hard to build the app and the only way we could afford it was with my dad's help fine i'll go but i can't promise i'll like these guys i said i went on the date and then many more after that and i quickly became an expert at making sure those boys wouldn't be interested in me and yet still i was keeping my parents happy by going on the dates it was a win-win but before i became a pro at this blind date game there were many awkward and hilarious situations that i had to go through on one of my first dates we met up in the lounge of a hotel all i knew was that the guy trent owned the hotel and that his family were a big name in some hotel chains in the area i was running late and the parking lot in the basement was jam-packed i finally managed to find an empty spot and i was rushing to get to it but then out of nowhere another car also appeared and was heading for the same spot we ended up bumping into each other both our cars got badly scratched and mine even had a dent oh no my baby i was so upset this was my porsche that my parents had bought me for my sweet 16th and even though i have a ton of other cars at home this was my most favorite who would dare to hurt my child like this i stomped out of the car and started yelling at the guy he climbed out of his car and he was wearing a hat so i couldn't really see his face but i guessed he was younger than me could he be the valet parking boy or something but then he started speaking and said that it was my fault because i'd been going in the wrong direction and that he had every right to make me pay for the damage done to his car what he's the one who should have been paying for the damage on my car well that just made me even more furious and then he had the cheek to say he was in a rush and he handed me his business card and said we'd settle this later i snatched that card out of his hand and threw it in my bag without even looking that would be my lawyer's problem not mine and to make matters worse he had taken the parking spot so now i still had to find somewhere else to park it took me ages and by then i figured my date wouldn't have even waited for me i arrived at the table that had been reserved for us and of course he was already sitting there from afar i was impressed he looked like a total babe maybe my parents taste wasn't so bad after all and his outfit was on point in fact i'd seen it somewhere before must have been a new trend i said hi to him and sat down but he just started laughing and after like one minute of smiling at me he said hi back then he started to introduce himself and i realized who he was he was the guy i just bumped into in the parking lot oh my god this couldn't be happening this was too awkward i pretended to look for something in my bag and then quickly glanced at his name card yep it said general manager on it oh man i was doomed i tried my best to act like nothing had happened i mean maybe he didn't recognize me ugh who am i kidding of course he did and as the date went on he kept teasing me about it saying that the parking spot was reserved for hotel staff i was kind of bummed i mean he was so cute and i'd completely ruined my chances i felt bad for creating such a bad impression and begged him not to tell my parents he agreed that it would be our little secret and after that things were better we actually got really close and even became good friends you're probably wondering why we didn't hit it off well turns out he's actually gay he trusted me enough to come out to me that's how close we were he hadn't even told his parents yet and that's why these blind dates are as much of a nuisance for him as they are for me so he's the one who helped me come up with the idea to act like a bad girl to turn off the other guys on dates all based on his actual experience of our date ever since then whenever i went on a blind date i was intentionally late so that i'd make the worst impression possible i'd wear my bad girl outfit which was an oversized black shirt ripped jeans and dirty sneakers and of course i'd always chew gum make sure to have this annoyed look on my face all the time this drove rich guys crazy and none of them ever asked for a second date with me but one time it didn't go to plan the guy i was on a date with corey he saw right through me and even had the guts to confront me about what i was trying to do it made me so mad and it was the worst date ever but still he told his parents that it went well and he wanted to see me again he surely wanted to pick a fight with me since he was the only guy that i'd been on a blind date with that had given positive feedback my parents were super stoked upon hearing this and they made me continue seeing him otherwise they said they'd take away my cars and cancel my credit cards i couldn't stand him he was your typical bad boy player type who thought he owned the world he didn't even work his dad just made up a position for him in the family business what a spoiled brat and we didn't even actually date he just rang me up anytime he wanted and made me go to places with him as if i was just an accessory to him it's such a waste of time but what else could i do one day we were at the country club to celebrate his dad's 60th it was so boring so i snuck outside for a bit he caught me playing on my phone and he literally snatched it out of my hand and teased me with it he thought it was hilarious until he realized that i'd been texting with trent suddenly he looked really distant then he asked if i was close to the sky i didn't even have a chance to respond he quickly returned my phone and just left me standing there i didn't get it was he jealous or something after that he disappeared for a few weeks which was really odd because normally he was all up in my face all the time my parents were worried and they forced me to go check to see if he was okay why is he so bothersome i didn't want to go at all but still i had to i got to his apartment and the whole place smelled like alcohol i mumbled an annoyance hey are you an alcoholic or something i thought you'd maybe been sick but okay then i see then he said this is all because of you i was confused what had i done i was about to leave when i noticed something it was a crumpled photo of trent and corey oh my god am i seeing things or what i picked it up corey glanced over inside after a really awkward silence corey told me that trent was his ex what so corey was gay too they broke up because they had planned to run away together because neither of them were brave enough to come out to their parents but then corey had bailed on the plan when his dad had offered him a position in the company and a huge inheritance he couldn't give that up trent had been so hurt because corey had chosen money over their relationship it's been two years since then and corey regrets it a lot but trent won't even give him the time of day anymore that's when corey asked me to help him speak to trent again oh god i don't know if i should do it because i don't want trent to date such a bad guy again plus maybe trent will just think i'm taking corey's side and cut me out of his life too but what if corey really has changed you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 466,703
Rating: 4.8965368 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, My Parents, Rich Guys
Id: ZYQiCT-L9sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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