My BEST Chicken Parmigiana Recipe 💥 | #CookWithMe | Marion's Kitchen

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it's about the sauce it's about the cheese it's about that crispy chicken chicken parmigiana one of those classics and we are going to do it step by step and make the ultimate version this is my very best chicken parmigiana [Music] or palmy or palm however you want to call it there are so many different ways that your chicken palm can turn into a tragedy lots of little details here lots of little techniques and tricks for making the ultimate chicken parmigiana let's get going on the chicken first of all so chicken i know i always usually say guys i'm a legs and thighs girl but for me chicken parmigiana got to be a chicken breast i think but there's a way to make the chicken breast really really good here so let's get on to that look chicken breast always has this big like you know lumpy side the thin side we've got to even that guy out so what you want to do is take your knife and cut through the thick side here and then kind of butterfly it open and then it really depends on you whether you want a big like plate overhang chicken parmigiana or like a little dainty one we're gonna go with like a giant chicken plate overhang kind of parmigiano today so i'm gonna keep this one big piece you could just you know sort of cut it in half now it's still looking a little uneven here on this chicken piece so what you want to do is even that out so grab some baking paper and look if you've got a fancy meat mallet that's great but you know i always have empty wine bottles lying around because i drink wine so that would totally do just sort of pound it in that just concentrate on the thick area so that you're getting a nice even sort of consistency the whole way through [Music] and then what you want to do is you want to get a lot of salt on this guy so this is how we're going to improve the texture and flavor of the chicken breast and that is by dry brining so get in here a lot of salt all over continue on with the second piece of chicken and then pop your chicken out onto a tray and you really want to leave it for at least 20 minutes look if you could even do an hour that would be amazing the salt will penetrate more into that chicken and it's almost like like when you're doing a brine kind of tenderizes as well so i'm gonna let that salt do its magic and while that's happening we want to get cracking on our tomato sauce now of course because i'm me my tomato sauce for my best ultimate chicken parmigiana has a few little secret you know marine ingredients um let's get on to how we get started with that first of all we just need a little bit of oil now add in some garlic [Music] and now some tomato paste as well so my whole thing about uh you know the tomato sauce for chicken palms is that a lot of the time it's really insipid and watery and just kind of ruins the whole thing so this tomato sauce has so much intense flavor one of the reasons why is the tomato paste so and that's an obvious one you know concentrated tomatoes so that goes in [Music] [Applause] and just let that paste cook out a little in that heat and then the base of this tomato sauce is going to be whole peeled tomatoes so you know there's so many options with cans of tomatoes look if i'm going for a really concentrated flavor i like to use the whole peeled rather than crushed or anything else just i find they're less watery and a bit more intense [Music] and then here come the bits and pieces that you won't find in an old school chicken parmigiana i have some miso paste and this again is along that same theme of how do we get the flavors more concentrated how do we get more umami more intensity more like yum in the tomato sauce miso paste full of umami not just saltiness it really gives a great big kick of flavor so that goes in and it's just going to kind of have to melt through it'll get there in the end and now some soy sauce so usually you would add salt into your tomato sauce right well soy sauce is adding the salt but it's also got you know an extra edge on the salt it's got some you know savory umami flavors that also add extra character so there you go and then finally my last little special ingredient is star anise yes a very asian ingredient but it adds this really beautiful background spice that's just really subtle but you know people are like tasting the sauce going that's really special i don't know why but you know that's the styronix making it special mix all that through just kind of get in there and do a bit of squishing with your spoon on those whole tomatoes and because we've added so much intense flavor in there we only need to really simmer this for about 20 minutes and when we come back it will be amazingly super tasty we're now on to our next element of our chicken parmy oh i know so many elements when you're doing a chicken parmigiana uh okay now we're gonna concentrate on the crumbing so for me one of the other things that's so tragic about a bad chicken parmy and that is that soggy crumbing that you can get okay so how do we solve that problem well first of all i like to use panko breadcrumbs which is the japanese style of breadcrumb very crispy very light and i like to cut that with some parmesan cheese parmesan cheese kind of gets a little firm and crispy when you fry it up so that helps with giving us a nice like firm coating and i like to do a one-to-one ratio of the cheese and the breadcrumbs so a lot more than usual recipes would call for but i think it really makes a big difference now for a little flavor enhancement here i'm gonna go in with some garlic powder and a little bit of salt and you just want to mix that through and set that aside for when we're ready to do our crumbing [Music] now let's come back and have a look at our chicken we've had 20 minutes here and you can see already see that kind of shimmering salty brine that's on the top of that chicken that's exactly what i wanted because that kind of salty liquid is much more easily absorbed by that chicken as it sits there but what i don't want is any of that liquid on the chicken when i go to actually crumb it because that's again liquid is going to make things soggy so you want to grab yourself some paper towel and really dry these guys off [Music] so now we're crumbing guys i have a fairly standard crumbing i like to call it a station you know it's it's about getting organized crumbing isn't it so set yourself up with some flour this is just some regular plain or all-purpose flour i've got some eggs i've got my bread crumbs that we made earlier and then of course we've got our chicken so we're going to do the thing that i always do which is the left hand drag wait no i got it wrong it's left hand wet hand oh goodness see i really do need a t-shirt to remind me okay left hand wet hand dry hand right hand the whole point of that is that you don't get a big glowy sticky mess everywhere i promise repeat it in your head as you're coming it'll it'll work okay pick up your chicken with your left hand wet hand and that goes into your flower and then your right hand comes in and places that into the egg [Music] left hand comes in to just get all of that coated and then into your bread crumbs and then dry hand right hand gets the bread crumbs on top just make sure you're pushing those bread crumbs right on there [Music] and that is one very good looking little chicken cutlet [Music] okay so we are ready to get all crispy and crunchy here now you want some hot oil just like a centimeter depth in the pan is totally fine and then slide one of these guys in [Music] we're going to give this guy about a minute or so on this side what i like to do is kind of get that bottom side firming up a little in the oil and then flip it over and then keep flipping while it's cooking because you don't want any like brown hot spots you want a nice golden even color okay so this is looking totally golden crispy amazing all the things let's get this guy out onto some paper towel and then i like to just give this a dab just dab that extra oil off the top there so cute it's like a little love heart schnitzel all right now let's get this guy finished off he is only half dressed for the party at the minute so grab your chicken schnitzel onto an oven proof plate or tray and now let's come back here and have a look at our tomato sauce and i like to kind of leave it chunky you could blend this up if you want to but have a look at that ruby red concentration i mean you can just tell it's smacks of flavor all right now we want to get some of it out onto our chicken spread this out and not too thin guys well i don't know up to your preference i'm kind of like a thick layer of saucy kind of girl so i want lots of sauce on there and now comes the cheese so this is another little pressure point i think for chicken parmesa sometimes the cheese is is too kind of soft and stretchy and it kind of falls off it's not creamy enough so i've got a combo that i like which is mozzarella cheese and then some french gruyere cheese so like the mozzarella gives us the stretchy and the gruyere kind of gives us the creamy stickiness now just mix that together now sprinkle that cheese mix all over the top of that tomato sauce and look you can go your own adventure here i'm like a more small girl when it comes to cheese so i'm going to be quite generous and then this needs to go under a really hot grill for 10 minutes or so or until that cheese is like you know like bad ass gooey let's go [Music] all right so this is pretty much my idea of having on a plate um crispy chicken check out that cheese and that red sauce holy smokes i am totally going to enjoy this one um before we get to me totally making the mess of myself and eating all of this let's put a little bit of greenery on here um just a little sprinkling of basil is what we need all right let's get in here i need to show you guys what this looks like check out that cheese ah this looks so and smells so good ah do you know what i can i can smell like the cheesiness uh and also that little bit of the garlic powder as well that is such a wow moment holy smokes i mean you have all the like crispy chicken stuff going on that garlic powder is just making everything taste more chickeny for some reason and that tomato sauce and then the cheesy cheese and the oh man this dish is everything [Music] everything you
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 329,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marions kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, marion’s kitchen, marions kitchen chicken, cook with me, chicken parmigiana, chicken parmigiana recipe, best parmigiana recipe, best chicken parmigiana recipe, best chicken parmigiana recipe australia
Id: NVmqoYEqXzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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