TOP 6 BEST DISHES of 2022 | Marion's Kitchen

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2022 was a big year and by big I mean like really delicious every year in January I like to have a think about what were the recipes that you guys love the most that I loved cooking the most and eating the most obviously and I've put together my annual guide to those best of recipes so here are my best recipes of 2022 [Music] so in my quest to have hand pulled noodles at home more often I have figured out the perfect little hack here that doesn't involve hours and hours of noodle making if you do want to make your own handball noodles I do have a video for that but let's do the cheats version why don't we um I'm gonna get to the noodles later on but first of all let's do our little spicy garlic prawn sauce so I want to get my pan heating up nice and hot that actually could have preheated this for me you know let's go but Jimbo said he was going to do it you had one job actually it's not his job really is it so this is nice and hot and I'm going to go in with some oil now with this recipe you can kind of freestyle it a bit because you can add more garlic you could use chicken instead of prawns tofu if you wanted to keep it meat free but I'm going to go in here with garlic and lots of it because I love garlic and I'm gonna go in with some prawns today too so I just want to stir fry these until the prawns are just cooked you guys need a little bit more oil in here I always err on the side of caution to start with because I'm going to put a lot of chili oil in here later on so I don't want to overload the oil situation now I sliced my prawns in half lengthways for this because I mean I think with a dish like chili oil noodles right you really got to pay attention to all the little details and I like to have lots of purani noodle mouthfuls I don't want just like one or two prawns in there so thinning them out gives you more prawn per noodle mouthful if you like this is looking good I'm gonna go in now with some sesame seeds I like to throw these in first so they get a little bit of a like toastiness to them and now the chili oil so I've got my homemade chili oil here you could use store-bought chili oil um if you do want to make your own check out my video on how to make your chili oil but the point here is that you want a lot of it this noodle is all about garlic prawns and spicy spicy chili oil so go hard now for like the seasoning flavors if you like so I've got some soy sauce and I'm using some dark soy sauce here as well because this is going to give me a little bit of a deeper color which is always very nice it's smelling really good already yum so at this point I'm going to turn the heat off because now I want to kind of do the noodle bits and the garnish bits I've got some coriander here also known as the devil herb to some people not me obviously and some spring onion so I'm going to throw these to my prawns now because I'm a complete masochist I'm going to go in with some chili powder too because I'm me that's optional for you though and then finally some vinegar so I think this little dash of vinegar really makes all the difference to this sauce because you've got obviously a lot of oily kind of characters going on and you want the vinegar to kind of cut through that so this is a chunky and vinegar a Chinese black vinegar you can just go in my actually my favorite substitute with this is like half balsamic half white vinegar because then you get a little bit more of that floral kind of character to it so just drizzle that in and I'm just going to let that sit there while I do my noodle things so handful Chinese noodles are totally doable at home but they take a long time and I really love noodles so I'm always trying to figure out ways to have this dish without doing you know the things so I've got here some fresh lasagna sheets which you can get in any supermarket and what you want to do is just get a few sheets here and this is so great because you can actually freeze these as well so if you don't use the whole packet you know pop it back in the freezer don't waste them and then just tear the sheets into odd shape noodles so the point here is you want to kind of look like the hand pulled one so you don't want to be too you know OCD about it if you like and then if you have a look here and get them really close you can see that I've got that really lovely torn Edge on the edge of the noodles and that's really important because if you cut the noodles you don't get that hand pulled texture so that's what we want and I want lots of as I said different shapes here thin thick that kind of will give you the right Vibe all right so I have my beautiful pile of noodles here and then in goes your pasta so because this is fresh pasta you don't want to overcook it and it's not going to take very long so just kind of agitate those strands in there a little as they cook so they don't stick I'm just getting my sauce heating up again okay so my noodles look good I just want to get them straight out of the pot and into my sauce it doesn't matter if you get a bit of liquid in there that's just gonna help the sauce anyway and now just toss everything together and you'll find that some of the like sort of starchiness of the noodles will start to thicken the sauce and the noodles will start to like soak up some of that flavor too it's looking great okay so just pile up your noodles and prawns into your bowl and I just want some fresh cucumber here as well because I really love the traditional way of serving these hand pulled noodles where you have that like cold crunchy cucumber going on with the hot noodle just add a little bit of a sesame sprinkle and just one more bit of chili oil and there you go guys that is my cheats version of that very classic like hand pulled chili oil noodle dish that I love let's get in here make sure I've done a good job huh that texture is so perfect like you know you're getting that fresh noodle texture for sure but you know the garlic the prawns and yeah a whole lot of spicy hey Dax do you reckon immune boosting is code for like hangover food I couldn't use this yesterday yeah you could have you could have actually would have been nice yeah yes this is definitely a Sunday suit for you huh all right so what do I mean by immune boosting well I kind of wanted to cook something for you guys that um I don't know helped out a little bit with that warm and fuzzy kind of healthy feeling um I am all about Flavor though so you guys know that if it's healthy and I'm doing it it still needs to taste really good the thing I love about this soup is there are quite a few really cool ingredients here that help you out a bit first of all Ginger this is great for nausea if you're feeling a little under the weather also great antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and while we're on the anti-inflammatory I'm using garlic and fresh turmeric both those two ingredients really powerful naturally anti-inflammatory so that's on the things there's more things coming later I'll explain but let's get going first of all on my chicken now I'm using chicken thighs and I know that you guys know that I'm a legs and thighs girl and coincidentally did you know chicken thighs have more iron than chicken breast so there you go there is actually a method to the madness Okay so I'm going to add a little bit of oil here into my pot I'm using olive oil here but you could use a Macadamia or a grapeseed oil as well and I'm going to add some salt here to my chicken thighs and the whole point with starting out with the chicken is that I really want to get some lovely Brown Chicken going on because that brownie that happens in the pan that's a lot of flavor okay a bit more salt on that second side now just let those guys do their thing so just a few minutes here and you can see we're starting to get a lot of that caramelization the brownie happening in the bottom of the pan there and I'm going to flip the chicken over and again just let that color again so I think with really simple soups like this one just a little details of what's really important all of that lovely color is going to really serve our soup well in terms of chickeny flavor okay that chicken's looking good put onto a plate now don't wash the pan out we just went to all that trouble to get all that lovely coloring Flavor now I'm going to add in some onion straight in there and it's just a natural little bit of chicken fat that we have that's come out into there as well so we don't have to add any extra oil make sure you're using your spoon to scrape up any of those brown bits okay so my onion is lovely and soft and golden here I have let them cook down for a couple of minutes now I want to go in with some ginger and some garlic and this guy here is your fresh turmeric looks a little bit like ginger but the Skin's a bit darker and then if I cut it open you can see they've got a really lovely orange color there and you just want to peel off the skin now don't go touching anything like your white dress which I happen to be wearing um or anything like that just like the powdered turmeric this is going to stain very easily now fresh turmeric freezes really well so if you do happen to get a hold of it just freeze a bunch of it like in Little sections unpeeled and then when you want to use it just to frost it peel it and off you go so I'm also going to pop in some chili here chili contains capsaicin which is also an anti-inflammatory so these are all things that are very good for us or they at least make me feel like I'm doing something virtuous you know what I mean now I need a few more spices here I'm going to go in with some ground cumin ground coriander and garam masala all right so now I'm going to go in with some chicken stock now you can just use store-bought here don't be a hero every night of the week particularly not if you're hungover now I do just want to sort of deglaze the pan a little bit and by that I mean I want to lift off all of that lovely Browning business that's happened on the bottom there so I add a little bit of stock first and then just scrape that up already I'm getting like lovely warming spices healthy kind of Vibes going on here I see I'm just more than healthy Vibes I'm just getting like straight up flavor buns smells good is what I'm trying to say okay so I'm gonna put my chicken back in pour in any juices from that resting chicken now more stock then I just like to top this up with some water okay lid on and then basically I want to cook the chicken's eye obviously until it's cooked through but I also want all of those aromatics to kind of make friends in there and really kind of develop some lovely flavor and Infuse that chicken stock so we're going to let it go for about 15 minutes we'll do I think and come back now my chicken is almost done probably about five more minutes so I'm just going to get a few more things prepped up here I want to get my noodles cooking these are some dried egg noodles now we're doing a couple of different types of greens here first of all I'm going in with some broccolini I'm going to put these in sort of at the last minute so I want to slice them into nice little bite-sized pieces now with my noodles I'm going to drain them off and then I'm actually going to toss them with a little bit of sesame oil which will help them from sort of sticking and clumping together but also add a nice little bit of Sesame flavor okay put my noodles out into some bowls now let's have a look at this chicken smells really good okay I just want to slice the chicken almost so it kind of looks a bit shredded you know what I mean like shredded chicken now a broccolini can go in and my kale chicken and then you just need to give this another like five minutes or so for the broccoli to become a little tender the kale to melt down and that chicken to take on even more of that soupy Flavor now one final thing here I just want to check the seasoning because chicken stock can vary so much in terms of how salty it is so you'll need to go by your own taste here oh that's good oh you know the spices are also warm and lovely um and that beautiful chickeny soup flavor that's just so comforting I am going to go in here with a little bit more salt and just a little pinch of white pepper now of course if salt and sodium is a concern for you you can just leave the salt out of all the stages that I've put it in now this is looking good so scoop out a nice steamy kind of ladle this is the kind of soup that would freeze really well too so if you're someone who likes to do meal planning this would be the perfect thing to do I would cook the noodles separately though so cook the soup put in the freezer and then you just have to reheat and cook your noodles couple of final things here to make it really special some Bean shoots and some cashews now just adding this little sprinkle of nuts at the end we're kind of increasing the vitamin E content which nuts have and also like they taste good so you know good thing let's get in here and have a look shall we toss all that together yum this out um yum that is definitely my kind of noodle soup chickeny really lovely spices that don't kind of like they're not overpowering they're just kind of like a really lovely subtle you know warming kind of spice situation you could totally spice that up and add more chili if you wanted to but that's just a really lovely comforting immune boosting suit yum patio literally just translates as soy sauce stir fry so for me this is like one of those dishes that really tests you as a cook because there's nowhere to hide it should be very simple really great technique and really good flavors so um let's get started on the prawn part first of all because this is not so traditional but I really want to like garlic up my prawns I want like a nice you know hit of garlic business going on so I'm going to do my prawns with the grated garlic typically you're kind of stir fry the chopped garlic with the vegetables and the noodles and stuff but I really like trying to infuse the protein with some of that garlic flavor and some soy sauce here too sesame oil and some pepper white pepper here so I think for me Patsy eel like a really good one it's all about the little details like you should have the really Smoky soy sauce fried noodles a little bit chary but then you also need to have a good hit of white pepper both on your protein and at the end and then you also have the condiments which we'll get to in a minute so just let the prawns do their thing for a little bit now let's talk about noodles so I've got these rice noodles fresh rice noodles that I got from my Asian grocery store they're usually found in the fridge section but you know a little secret you can take them home and freeze them actually so I like to keep a packet in my freezer all the time so that I can use them all the time but the thing is that when they come out of the packet they're kind of really firm and if you try to break them up or try to like strip them out they kind of crumble into little bits because they're really firm I guess because they're a little cold so the trick here is that you want to heat them up a little so they're nice and warm and they'll easily come apart and separate without breaking so I usually do this in the microwave because it's really easy [Music] foreign [Music] so now these guys should come apart very easily ah so much easier now before we start stir frying there's just a couple of other bits and pieces that we need to do now I mentioned condiments earlier and I think this is another really key thing that people often get wrong with a padsy eel you really need this hit of chili vinegar at the end that's what I'm about to make so just some slices of chili and some white vinegar and this is literally the condiment you get on the street when you're ordering your Patsy eel in Bangkok and some chili powder as well is definitely it's an optional but it's a definite for me so now for my green vegetables now if I'm in Thailand I use a green vegetable called Kana it's very easy to find very common quite similar to bok choy but a little bit firmer so when I'm outside of Thailand I'll typically use bok choy Pak Choy or some broccolini which I'm using today I do quite like the broccolini because it's got a little bit more of a firmer texture it's not as watery as a bok choy but I do like to slice it just on the diagonal so it Cooks a little bit quicker in the wok a few more things things I just want to get some eggs ready and now we're in the wok so all of this is going to happen fairly quickly not as quickly as it would in like a you know A Streetcar situation where the wok is really hot and the fire is really hot always at home it takes a little bit longer with stir frying because you want to let that Wok come up to temperature and I'm always talking about how like that kind of really fast what cooking is kind of for the movies only unless you have a really powerful burner at home which a lot most people don't even me and I'm going to pour some oil in there and now this first part is all about the noodles so the aim here is to get really Smoky charred Wok fried noodles and to do that we just go in with our separated noodles and then just a little dark soy sauce here gonna give us the color that we want and a little dash of sugar is going to help with that kind of burning caramelization a little bit of char that's what I'm after now you're just going to stir fry these until this soft pliable and then just starting to burn at the edges if you go too long you'll get a big sticky clumpy mess in there this is looking pretty good though so I'm going to take these out for oil here again let it come up to temperature get nice and hot now go in with your prawns spread them out and let them get a nice sear on them and see so this is kind of what I'm talking about like with domestic Wok cooking you're really waiting for that temperature all the time the second I add the prawns the walk temperature goes down I need to wait for it to come back up of course if you're in a Chinese restaurant you've got that really high heat you can just be there with the flames and the drama and all the things but we have to do things a little differently at home to get the same results and stir frying these now and I've already got a really nice color on the bottom of those prawns garlic and the prawns smell so good together so my prawns are almost cooked through I'm going to now add in my broccolini now here's the thing with the broccolini because it does have quite firm stems you want to add just a touch of water to help kind of steam and cook the broccoli through so just a little bit in the center there see that steam now we've got really beautiful bright steamed broccolini happening in there now just as my broccolini's nice and tender I'm going to push everything over to the side and add in my egg and then you just kind of want to push the egg out just to get it to cook a little more evenly once that egg is like at kind of a soft set and you can start flipping it tossing it through everything else now we can go in with our noodles and then a little drizzle of regular soy sauce just around the side of the wok so that the soy sauce reaches those prawns underneath a little bit of white pepper again and then toss everything together and at this point now we really have a pet seal going on [Music] now this is the kind of dish that will not wait for any woman you need to get it straight out onto a plate final bits and pieces so chili vinegar our chili powder and there we go guys that is a very classic technique for Thai Patsy eel with like you know a little beefed up Garlic prawns in there but let me show you how we go about eating this the right way chili vinegar everywhere eh chili powder also everywhere and then in there it seems so simple like when you look at it looks like a very simple Wok toss noodle but the flavors you know you've got the Beautiful charrowness on the noodles and I'm just kind of like a really Ultra comforting garlicky prawn kind of flavor and that vinegar makes all the difference so good yum so you guys know this is going to be a dish that I love right spicy Szechuan peppercorns that hot and numbing situation going on so good um now I always used to love to order this dish when I was out at like a really good Szechuan Restaurant but I thought that it might be a little difficult to make at home but I figured out it's not if you have a little bit of technique going for cooking the eggplant which we'll get to in a bit um no actually we'll get to it now start with the eggplant you're waiting for the eggplant what you deck I was you were you were okay I know so I have these um long eggplants now and they're often called Japanese eggplants or Lebanese eggplants you can use the larger ones as well but the main point is the preparation of them so I like to take some of this skin off I don't want to take all of it off because leaving some helps to keep the tender eggplant together a little bit and then take the end off and I like to make sure that these slices are fairly thin that means they're going to cook quite quickly when we steam them a little bit later on and I think that gives you the right you know surface area of eggplant to be soaking up all the Yum spicy stuff it's going to happen later on so the process for the eggplant is that you want to steam the eggplant that's actually the best way to cook it so that you're kind of breaking it down and making it soft and tender but you're not searing it or you're not boiling it I think boiling the eggplant would be weird it would get kind of get all like weird and slimy so steaming is the way to go so open up your steamer and then grab your pieces of eggplant and just pile them in and no you don't have to Salt eggplant these days because basically that bitterness that you used to get with eggplant has kind of been bred out of the eggplant so now you don't need to do that salting step now 25 minutes I'm going to let that Steam Away in the meantime let's make our spicy sauce because this stuff is really good I'm going to start off with my Szechuan peppercorns I'm using green ones there's green and red right but the green ones seem to have a much heftier kind of numbing and citrusy flavor than the red ones so if you can get a hold of these green ones that would be really great I just crushed those now I also need some ginger and some garlic so now we're going to get into the wok and I need a little bit of regular oil here first and then we're going to go in with some chili oils so this is my homemade chili oil you can watch a video on how to make it but you can use store-bought as well the reason I like the homemade version is you get all these lovely spices in here they're extra Sichuan Peppercorns in here as well so is good stuff okay put that in there put in that garlic and ginger that is such a good smell ah slightly uh you know clears you out now I'm going to go in with dope and Jang so dope and Jang is an ingredient you would have seen me cook with on my channel a fair bit particularly if you're doing Sichuan style dishes you might see it as well it's basically like a fermented chili and Broad bean paste and it kind of gives you a kick of umami and saltiness as well as the spicy you can search it out online it's widely available to order online so just see if you can find it or check your local Chinese grocer to that I'm going to add some soy sauce some rice wine vinegar and some sugar now lastly we go in with our peppercorns okay so our sauce is pretty much done that sugar is dissolved everything is really lovely and spicy and garlicky in there extra hit the peppercorns at the end is like is really punchy I'm gonna have a look at my eggplant now so at this point my eggplant should be really lovely and soft let's take a look oh very nice okay so they're not quite dressed for the party yet they're like it's not the most Instagram worthy stage of the recipe but um you want to carefully just transfer them into a bowl and carefully because they are really soft now I don't want to break them up too much and then you just want to spoon that spicy stuff all over the top and then almost as if you're tossing this like a salad I just want you to just really gently encourage that eggplant and the sauce to make friends in there and then you can scoop that out onto a plate make sure you catch all of that yummy sauce and pour that over the top foreign a little sprinkling of spring onion here you go um a really beautiful restaurant classic that I've only just started making at home and I think I think it's really delightful I love that red oil like that kind of red sauce in there just looks amazing now the eggplant should be really nice and soft it's almost like it kind of just melts away in your mouth and you're left with all those yummy spices hmm yeah so perfect it's almost like the eggplant gone all creamy then you've got like big hits of spice and Szechuan peppercorn and then like that numbing tingling sensation you get at the end so good so this is actually a follower request we had a request to make a beef stew and I have to say it's not something I had made at home before so I was really excited to give this a try and even more excited because it's got like peanutty Satay kind of vibe to it and honestly when I tried out I was like yes yes this is my kind of beef stew let's get into looking at our beef though so this is typically made with oxtail it's an oxtail beef stew but the oxtail at my market this morning wasn't just looking that great wasn't like really meaty and yum so I'm going with an ossobuko cut today which is from the shank rather than the tail but it will do the same sort of job with that connective tissue a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper now even though I'm going to be putting this in my slow cooker I want to start it off in the pan so I get some really nice color on my beef a little more salt a little more pepper and the base of any really good stew whether you're talking about like a French beef ugly on or you're talking about this particular Filipino beef stew is that you want to really layer the flavors so you start off getting a really lovely beefy flavor with this caramelization have a look at this color that's exactly what we want and then from here we can start to go in with our aromatics and then finally our liquids so that's kind of the way I think about it when I'm doing a stew this color is looking really great what I might do is grab my slow cooker and my beef pieces can go straight in there now I've got some oil and fat left in here in the pan and the really interesting thing with this dish is using annatto seeds that's these guys here these red seeds to flavor and color that oil and then immediately you'll see you start to get this really lovely ruby red color here now I know annatto seeds aren't widely available everywhere do try and search them out online or from an Asian or Filipino grocery store but if not you could just add a little bit of sweet paprika here to give you a little bit of that red color it does have a little bit of like a florally musty kind of fragrance to it but mainly it's about that beautiful red color once the seeds have done their job though you want to take them out to that oil I'm going to add some onion look at that color it's just so vibrant and amazing I love that garlic and a little bit of salt here salt always helps when you are sauteing onion now the other clever thing that I want to do here is deglaze My Pan with just a little bit of the beef stock I'm going to be using for this recipe this will lift off any of that flavor that's stuck to the bottom of the pan and then into my slow cooker pot my next ingredient here is really a little bit more about texture than anything so I'm taking this sticky rice this is a glutinous rice or a sticky rice and it's raw I'm going to put it into my frying pan and then toast it up and we're going to make a ground roasted rice and it does give you a little bit of like a toasty peanutty flavor which is really great and it also thickens up your stew sauce so see how everything is really lovely deeply dark and golden you'll kind of get a bit of like a popcorn kind of smell when it's ready I'll pop that in here and then just grind that to a really fine powder add that to my other ingredients along with some peanuts and some eggplant some peanut butter and then the rest of my beef stock so at this point I just like to give everything a little bit of a mix my lid goes on now the cooking time really depends on your slow cooker I've got a high and low setting so if I turn this to high this is going to cook in about three hours if you're doing it on a low setting that's going to take six to eight hours sometime later thank you so now I think we're looking pretty good let's have a look in here ah yes I love when something else does all the hard work for you I really do like slow cooking because you don't have to sit there and watch it on the stovetop and be stirring it you just kind of set it and forget it which is great and then here's the thing I really like to do this kind of seasoning thing at the end after all those ingredients have really softened up and really developed their flavors so here at the end I'm going to add in some vinegar fish sauce brown sugar now I do want to add some extra bits and pieces here I'm going in with some snake beans you could use green beans if you can't get a hold of snake beans but it is a far more classic edition for this Filipino dish if you haven't seen a snake being before they're like much longer than a green bean I find that they have a little bit more of a chalky texture a slightly more medicinal kind of flavor than a regular sort of more sweeter green bean if you like but either would be fine I'm gonna pop those in and then pop the lid back on another 20 minutes just to let those extra seasonings make friends in there so now I think we should be good let's have a look so I mean the thing that I love about this is that this beef should be Uber tender if you have a look in here just break that open oh so that makes me happy so here we go spoon out some of that really lovely like peanutty shiny kind of sauce along with your beef and see how that eggplant's really kind of like broken down and also like help to thicken up that sauce as well oh so good so the classic way to serve this is with some steamed rice and yeah just dig in there now I think with any good beef stew you should be able to pass what I call the spoon test so spoon goes in and that beef should just melt away look at that so soft and tender hmm so much great flavor there it's just it's such a comforting kind of dish I can see now why so many people have been requesting this dish because I feel like it's one of those kind of family dishes that you would have eaten growing up and just always craved as you got older oh I love that [Music] my freezer is never without frozen dumplings just you know pack it frozen dumplings from the supermarket I'm not a food snob but whatever all the different ways you can use them so this is one of my favorite ways we're going to make a really rich luxa noodle soup here and we're going to do it in like a matter of minutes so let's go a little bit of oil into my Wok here and the cheat we're going to use today is some red curry paste instead of making our own laksa paste and this is kind of like a um a curry luxa flavor so I know there are lots of different types of laksa in the world this one is very much a curry Luxor so I'm going to add curry paste first and then to give it the luxa flavor and not a Thai red curry flavor what I need to do is add a little bit of curry powder so I'm going to add that in and this is just a mild curry powder you could try lots of different types of curry powder you could also do garam masala as well it's basically just adding in a few more dried spices to give you a bit more of that luxa flavor okay so just get that sizzling in the oil here so here's an optional extra I happen to have some Vietnamese mint also known as luxa Leaf it just happened to be at my local fruit shop this morning so I grabbed some but again I am trying to keep this kind of like Pantry weeknight friendly so if you don't have it just leave it out I'm going to pop that in with my curry paste add in some coconut milk now I've tried to really stick with some pretty solid like pantry and freezer type ingredients here so I do have some chicken stock but I literally just made this up from some stock cubes so not very fancy and also very easy we're adding so much flavor in here no one will know no one will know now just a few other little seasoning ingredients here a little bit of sugar and some fish sauce so I'm just going to let that simmer away for a little bit let all those flavors make friends in there now while the soup broth is doing its thing let's do our noodles so I'm using some laksa rice vermicelli noodles you could literally use whatever noodles you have in your pantry for this one I have my laksa noodles they're going in to some water let's toss them around a little bit so they separate a little easier now coming back to our soup it's looking really Lush already it's literally been like five minutes if that I'm going to add in my prawns and again prawns are something that I like to keep in the freezer as well just for this kind of situation but you could actually just leave them out or you could use chicken if you like as well just thinly sliced chicken thigh now they only need about two or three minutes until they're just cooked and this is one tip big tip that I have for noodle soups and you might just say well why don't you just Chuck the noodles in with the soup well if you have a look at that water it's very cloudy so a lot of starch has come off those noodles and that is a lot of starch and a lot of flavor that you don't want affecting your actual noodle soup broth so that's why I do it and that's why also I'm going to cook my dumplings separately as well so I'm going to pop those in there now they just need a few minutes and then I just had some greens kicking around in my fridge you could use frozen spinach you could use baby spinach I just happen to have some Pak Choy and bok choy once the dumplings are ready you can just scoop those out to your bowl and then I'm just going to quickly blanch my Greens in that water as well just because we're doing a cheats version doesn't mean we can't do a nice version you know what I mean still needs to be great and these vegetables now are beautifully tender and bright green because they haven't been soaking in like some boiling water for a long time I just think that's the problem with vegetables people cook them for too long that's my one rant for the day there you go okay if you have a look here my prawns are just cooked through let's get this done people all right soup going on to my noodles a couple of prawns now I always get asked this question are prawns the same as shrimp in Australia we call our prawns prawns not shrimp does that make sense although it's very confusing because Paul Hogan back way back when was talking about putting a shrimp on the barbie right Holly but we don't put shrimps on the barbie we put prawns on the barbecue that's right people is that like my second rant for the day this looks great to me though that's the main thing I'm gonna put an egg on here because gonna have an egg on noodle soup so we have some Bean shoots here again these are like optionals if you don't have these things it's totally fun and then a little bit more of my luxa leaf so this looks totally delicious I mean you know but let's not take my word for it let me try it and then I'll give you my word on it okay let's get in here and try it ah I love that you can make that kind of soup like literally in minutes look at the color it's amazing ah it literally tastes like it's been simmering for like hours and hours oh it's spicy oh that's good damn [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 208,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: awesome food compilation, marions kitchen, marions kitchen noodles, marion grasby, marion kitchen, marions kitchen chicken, chilli oil recipe, chilli oil noodles, chilli oil, laksa recipe, laksa soup recipe, noodles recipe, noodle soup recipe, thai street food, thai street food cooking, pad see ew, pad see ew recipe, noodle chilli oil, noodles chilli garlic, noodles chilli challenge, chicken soup recipe, chicken soup, chicken soup chinese style, noodle chicken soup
Id: oTU3w34Em_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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