Classic Vietnamese Dishes | Marion’s Kitchen

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[Music] the ultimate Vietnamese for crispy traditional Vietnamese spring rolls if there was such a thing as the perfect bite this would be it my friends which is really good classic Vietnamese fur just the most comforting bowl of noodle soup you could possibly imagine and we are going to go through this one step by step to get the ultimate Vietnamese beef syrup foreign [Music] bowls of fur I've ever had always have the most brilliant beautiful Crystal Clear beefy fragrant just amazing broth it's all about the broth so making that broth at home and getting it really super super supercharged with a whole lot of flavor it does take a little bit of effort it's not difficult a little bit of effort a little bit of time but we're going to go through it step by step and you guys are going to have the most amazing bowl of fur at the end all right let's get on to the beef first of all so you want to head to your Supermarket or your Butcher and it'll depend on where you are and what you can get a hold of but basically we want some beef bones now I like to go with some bones with a bit of meat on them so I'm using some short ribs here and I'm also using some oxtail now oxtail is the important one here because the oxtail also has some really good like latinous stuff inside those bony bits so if you can't get oxtail try and get beef knuckle it's kind of the knuckly joint parts of the beef bones that have the gelatin so you want to mix bones gelatin meat and you should be good to go all right so I'm going to get all of that into my pot the biggest pot you've got at home would be great I'm gonna do about five liters of water here so mine's about a six liter stock pot and now in order to get that really beautiful Crystal Clear color what we need to do is kind of blanch these bones first and get rid of a whole lot of Gunk that's going to come out of them first up so pour the water in just so that they're covered and then bring this up to a boil and just cook it for like two or three minutes or until you see a whole bunch of gross stuff on the top you'll know trust me all right while that's happening we're going to char some vegetables so yes even the vegetables get the special treatment for this one now I really want to char the outside of these vegetables so I'm going to use an open gas flame here if you've got a gas stovetop that's great if you've got a gas barbecue you could do that outside otherwise just roast these in the oven until they're really nice and black first up we want an onion whole onion pop it on the flame and then a whole piece of ginger as well looking for here is kind of really burning the outside of these and then the inside will be nice and sweet and soft oh that is noisy just keep rotating both of these kind of turn the heat down to about medium I don't want to set the fire alarm off but I do want as I said to get a really nice Char on the outside here it's going to take like 10-15 minutes so be a little patient okay so I really did mean burn the outside of those vegetables you can see how chary Chari they are so just take the onion off first and then what you want to do is actually take off most of that burnt stuff so just kind of get your knife in here and just peel that off and then give that a little bit of a rinse as well all right now just slice the onion up now same thing for the ginger so just take off that burnt skin I can tell that Ginger is really nice and soft inside so this is going to take away kind of that harsh onion or harsh heat from the ginger so that our broth ends up being infused with a really sweet onion flavor and a sweet Ginger flavor there is method to the madness don't worry okay let's wash that Ginger off as well and then just give that a slice [Music] and what I like to do here to get even more flavor out of my Ginger is just to kind of break it down with a pestle or a rolling pan [Music] all right so I did warn you about the horror show that was going to be uh the top of that liquid there so just what we wanted and see this is what we don't want in our broth and we're getting rid of it so let's take out those pieces of beef let's get them into some water or just rinse them under a tap and then let's clean up that pot and start all over again so clean beef bones go back in the pot and now for all the beautiful aromatics that makes a fur broth so special if you have a look at the spices here what I've got is some star anise a cinnamon stick and some whole cloves so they go in and then I've always got spring onions kicking around the bottom of my fridge they just always seem to appear there um so it doesn't matter if they're a little bit over the hill don't worry about that pop those in and now our softened onion and Ginger and now some fresh water now bring this up to a gentle simmer and then let it cook for about two hours and the secret here my friends is keep it gentle keep it nice any kind of hard boiling here is going to make our stock really cloudy and I want a really nice beautiful color crystal clear so just let it do its thing nice [Music] okay so this is smelling truly amazing my friends oh I just you know it's incredible how much of the fragrance of the spices and the aromatics you get I mean you know the smell of a beautiful fur broth is truly a joy now I did sort of scoop off used a ladle and scooped off some of that scummy stuff that rose up to the top just throughout the two hours of cooking so this is what we're left with and let's keep going because I really need to eat some fur smell I can tell you that now I just like to get some of these big bits and pieces out of the way first because I do want to strain this but makes less of a mess if you kind of get these bits out first now I am going to keep that bowl of chunky stuff because I'm going to use some of that beef a little later on and meantime let's take a look at our broth strain that out and just look at that beautiful golden color oh perfection and now we're in the final stages of making our perfect bowl of fur now I want to get this beautiful broth back into a clean pot and from now on it's all about the setup so the important part of our broth still to come and that is the seasoning so what I want to do is just try this and see where we're at you know that star anise fragrance is so beautiful and then you've got like the background beefiness and then all those other little aromatics in there so good now I do want to season with some fish sauce and look I find that you really need to aggressively season the broth itself because we're going to be adding noodles which are unseasoned we're going to be adding more beef which is unseasoned so you really want this broth to be the star of the show here I want a little bit of sugar as well and then a fairly decent amount of salt here let's get that heating up we're getting there it's a little bit more salt for my liking and it just has that beautiful fur magic which I mean not like Furs and fairy animals but you know what I mean the fur is amazing that's what I'm trying to say all right so now let's get our meaty bits and pieces already and because I use beef short rib it means I've got a good opportunity here to use up some of this lovely slow braised beef now you won't always get good chunks of meat here like so say for example if you're using mainly knuckle bones or marrow bones you won't get that but if you've used some short rib you will and I am all about the fat and gristle I have to say it's not everyone's cup of tea but it certainly is mine and you can see because we've simmered that broth so slowly and gently we've still got like a nice pink tinge to the meat here and it's not bone dry is good now don't worry if you don't have any meat that you can salvage from your bones because we're also going to use some extra beef on top so this is just a piece of round steak that I've had in the freezer for about 15 minutes putting in a freezer means that we can slice it really thin far easier than if it was just at room temperature [Applause] now you could use I fill it here as well I find the main thing you're going for for this cut of beef is you don't want too much fat or connective tissue and I hardly ever say that because I am such a fat girl when it comes to beef but if you've got big hunks of fat running through this piece of beef the hot soup won't be enough to kind of dissolve it and make it really yummy so just go for one that that is all beef and you want some really thin slices here so if you pick that up it should look like stained glass window you should be able to see the light see the light you should be able to see the light through the beef all right so we are finally at the assembly stage which means we are nearly there my friends we can nearly indulge in our beautiful perfect bowl of fur now what I want you to do here is pretend that you're like Gordon Ramsay and get all really pedantic about the setup because the setup is everything here set up and timing all right so what I've got here are my noodles I've had them soaking these are some rice stick noodles and I've soaked them in just some room temperature water because I want them to soften up and for some of that starchiness to kind of Escape out of the noodles that way we're gonna have a really clean bouncy Snappy noodle in our bowl and not kind of like a soggy noodle all right and then we've got everything else here our beef and I've got together a little seasoning plate here with some fish sauce some chili and lime and some Thai Basil then shoots spring onion our sliced beef we're ready to go so grab yourself a handful I like to do this bowl by Bowl just because I get the right amount of noodle and everything so noodles go into my rapidly boiling water here you want to be quick about this you want to keep the noodles moving and literally that was like I don't know 10 seconds pull them out straight into your bowl being shoots grab a bunch of those into the water again a few seconds only pull them out and I just want a little bit of thinly sliced onion here I know you want a nice little bundle of some of this raised beef for me I like to go for all the little fatty bits but that's just me and some of those strips wafer thin strips of steak let's throw some spring onion on top and your bra should be bubbling away I want lots of steam here should be like it should be like facial time in your kitchen pour that on top pour that over the beef and you can see the beef changes color straight away so it's cooking through there and that is it my friends one little chip bowl of Vietnamese fur right there and look if you're so when I am eating fur in Australia a lot of the time the restaurants will have hoisin sauce and sriracha sauce to add into this that's great and I grew up kind of eating fur that way but when I went to the north of Vietnam uh in Hanoi they would eat their fur completely unadorned just like this with a little bit of fish sauce some lime and the herbs which I think if you're going to go the trouble of you know making your fur soup from scratch why not really be able to taste it so I'm going to leave mine like this but feel free to add Hoisin and Sriracha if you like now I'm going to add in a couple of chilies our basil a little squeeze of lime a little extra fish sauce because I don't know here in Asia you always add a little bit of extra fish sauce what we do in Thailand anyway and then mix and now after waiting half a day let's make sure that it's all worthwhile huh you know it looks like such a simple dish but as we know because we've just walked through the whole process not so simple does take some time but wow is that worth it and that's super rough pure beefiness saltiness herbaceousness all the things all the nurses hmm it's really one of those beautiful Pleasures in life a good bowl of fur I hope you guys love this one as much as I do yum so good [Music] crispy traditional Vietnamese spring rolls these are such a delight to eat especially with a really beautiful Tangy Norton dressing this is my version of Vietnamese fried spring rolls so Guys these Vietnamese spring rolls oh I love to eat them but can I say there are quite a few dangerous things that can happen with these fruit rolls there's a few tips and tricks to master here but I'm going to walk you through it it's okay if I can do it you can do it all right let's go the noodle we want here is called a Bean Thread vermicelli noodle it's also known as mung bean noodles glass noodles cellophane noodles now the tricks start early here my friends with these noodles if you boil them in a pot they will go all soggy and soft and they will not be good so what you need to do is just soak them in some hot water doesn't need to be boiling just move those noodles around with a fork make sure they're getting an even soaking there's no clumps anywhere and these will just take a bear two minutes so they're nice and soft I want to make sure they don't cook any further so I'm going to put them into some just some room temperature water and now you want to drain these really well my little tricks here to get these noodles really dry is just to pop them into a clean tea towel and then give them a really tight squeeze and the reason we want to make sure there's not too much moisture in these noodles is because moisture inside of these spring rolls is going to mean explosion when it comes to Frying time trust me okay so that's about as dry as we're going to get them let's pop them into a large bowl here now to make these noodles more manageable I like to go at them with some scissors I always feel like my mom's going to come over and get angry at me whenever I'm chopping noodles with Scissors because of course there is this Asian Superstition that chopping noodles is bad luck so there's a lot of bad luck happening here today guys and now for the rest of the filling we're going to do some pork mince and some red Asian shallots you could also use some French echelots as well the key here is we want them chopped really nice and fine [Music] and then I also want some prawns I need these really finely minced [Music] and now to flavor our filling we need some fish sauce some sugar [Music] and some white pepper and a pinch of salt and then to bring it all together we need to bind it with an egg now give this a really vigorous mixing I want to kind of work the proteins in the pork and the prawn so that everything becomes quite firm and quite sticky [Music] for the wrapper we're going to use rice paper and this is what you're looking for when you're going to buy your rice paper from an Asia Market from the supermarket try to look out for one that's a blend of rice flour and tapioca flour the tapioca flour seems to make it softer and more manageable a lot of the plain rice flour ones can be overly sticky and hard to work with if you're not used to working with them so there's a tip for buying those now for preparing them there's a couple of things we need to do here because we need to wet these in order to roll the spring rolls but on the other side of the coin any kind of moisture that goes into hot oil results in an explosion so that's what we don't want so there's a couple of ways around this first of all we want to prepare the water that we're going to use for soaking and for that I need some hot water and then a little trick that you might not have thought of is to add some sugar into the water the sugar is going to help the wrappers to caramelize and brown quicker in the oil give that a stir to dissolve [Music] and now to combat that moisture on the outside of the wrapper I like to put a tea towel down first and that will soak up some of that moisture as we roll now the other secret here guys is that you don't want to leave the wrapper in here long enough that it gets soft because that's when you're going to be in a bit of trouble because it'll stick together so dunk it in make sure you get every part of the wrapper submerged pull it out at this stage it's still quite firm don't worry it'll soften up so pop that onto your tea towel okay so I'm going to put my filling here and then the key to this is to shape your filling into a cylinder first because the other thing we need to do here is make sure we're expelling as much air as possible air pockets are going to be another reason why your spring rolls will explode in the oil okay now rolling time roll over from the bottom try to as I said get rid of any air pockets keep rolling fold the sides over [Applause] keep rolling keep everything nice and tight and then pop this on a tray lined with baking paper baking paper because this stuff is sticky it will stick and now there's one more thing we need to do here I know there's a lot of little tips to remember for this recipe but I want to put these into the fridge for about 30 minutes uncovered and that's going to help those wrappers to dry out a little bit before we put them in the oil all right so while that's happening I'm going to make our dipping sauce I'm going to start off with some fish sauce [Music] some sugar and finely chopped chili some garlic [Music] and some lime juice as well oh I nearly forgot I want a little bit of white vinegar as well whisk that quite vigorously so that Sugar dissolves I just love that magical combination of the sweet and the Tangy and the salty perfection so here we are at the moment of truth where the spring roll is going to meet the hot oil and all those little precautions that we've made well hopefully fingers crossed they all work out okay so I'm going to test the oil first I want to make sure it's hot I don't want it too hot because overly hot oil and explosions aren't good but I want to see some nice bubbles here okay now definitely do this in batches as I said these guys are sticky and they will want to stick to each other like there's no tomorrow I like to put in about half a dozen depending on how big your Wok is and then you're going to need to get straight in there with some Chopsticks and keep them moving and separate them as they're frying just until they get a little crunchy once they've gotten crunchy and hard on the outside they'll stop sticking together okay now we're looking good these guys are going to happily fry not stick together now and you can see we're getting a little bubbling effect on these spring rolls the wonderful thing about these guys is their imperfection there will be some little bubbles some little gnarly bits on the outside and that's okay it's just the way they are now once these are golden and they're starting to get some dark brown spots that's what I know they're ready to go [Music] [Music] thank you and now to serve these up I like to just snip them into smaller pieces [Music] and obviously we're serving them with our milk charm dressing and then on the side just some lettuce leaves and some herbs so the way we want this to go is grab a lettuce leaf add a little chunk of spring roll dressing [Music] and some nice fresh herbs and now that gets all roughed up and goes straight in my mouth text really this is beautiful the crunch look at that soft Savory filling flavor wise my goodness the fresh herbs that Porky prawn mixture and that Tangy dressing that just brings everything together every mouthful right here is an explosion of flavor amazing [Music] one of hanoi's most iconic dishes turmeric grilled fish topped with heaps of beautiful dill and fresh herbs this is my version of Chaka so whenever I land in Hanoi I am beelining to get some Chaka at one of the famous Chaka restaurants there turmeric and Dill fish have a look at this look at this sizzling pot so gorgeous this is one of my favorite restaurant dishes there and I've tried to recreate the same flavors so that you guys can experience it at home so one of the main things we want to do is get some marinade going for our fish I'm going to start off with some spring onion here [Music] and then I want some garlic as well [Music] and as always a little pinch of salt which is going to help to break down the fibers in these aromatics and then we just want a rough paste here [Music] okay so this is the kind of texture that you're looking for pop that into a bowl and now to that we want to add some turmeric and this dish is all about the turmeric so be generous here and then this is probably not a traditional ingredient but I like to add just a little dash of curry powder I think it gives the spiced element of this dish a little bit more depth then a little dash of sugar and some fish sauce and a little bit of oil as well and our other most important ingredient in this dish is Dill we really want a lot of that Dill flavor so we're going to put some into our marinade as well as finish off the dish with it [Music] okay can I just give that a mix [Applause] and I love how gorgeous and sunshiny this marinade turns out to be [Applause] makes me very happy and now let's talk about the fish so in Hanoi they use a local River fish which obviously we don't get here in Thailand and you might not get a home so what you want is just a firm white fillet of fish it needs to be firm so it doesn't break up too much while it's cooking so I've just got some sea bass here let's give that a mix now this doesn't need long to marinate at all I would just set it aside for a few minutes while you're getting everything else ready now the next thing we want to make is a little dressing that we're going to serve with the fish and the noodles and it kind of binds everything together with this sweet Tangy flavor so I'm going to start off with a little bit of garlic and some chopped chili and then some fish sauce white vinegar and sugar and then for that beautiful Alchemy of the Tangy and the sour and the sweet that a lot of Vietnamese sauces have we really need to add some lime as well now this is the kind of sauce where you really need to use your own senses so the limes could be more or less sour in your region the type of fish sauce that you're using might be more or less salty so start out with a little bit of these ingredients give it a mix quite a good mix in this instance so we can dissolve that sugar and then just taste that sauce I love that beautiful chemistry that happens with fish sauce sugar and those sour ingredients I am going to add a little bit more lime juice for my taste dough and then one last thing we need to do before we start cooking our fish is get the finishing herbs already and I want some spring onion for this and I want some really fine strips here so just lengthways slice them through and then into buttons [Music] and some dill so I want the dill to be fairly chunky here I don't want to fine slice so I'm just going to cut some pieces and then once you kind of get to the stem part because this is going to cook really quickly at the end I don't want any of these big thick bits of stem in there I want to take those out just leave the tender leaves okay so into a wide pan I just want to add a little bit of oil and then in goes my fish now you want to spread that fish out so each piece gets some good contact with the heat at the bottom of that pan and then just let that fish cook on that first side don't disturb it too much you don't want that fish breaking up just want to wait until it lifts naturally from the bottom of the pan smell is just like pure joy I'm telling you the dill and the garlic and the turmeric and the curry powder is all just smelling delightful so now I want to gently flip my pieces over and I find Chopsticks are the best way to do this and now just look at that beautiful color we've got on that fish oh amazing now I'm going to add in my herbs sure I get a good mix of dill and the spring onion this is done table side when you're eating it at a restaurant in Hanoi and I just love the drama of the sizzling and the herbs and the steam so you do want to add a little bit of water to create that sauce and then one final squeeze of lime juice some extra flavor there and then that is it oh the smell of this is so amazing now I like to serve this at the table with some of that North charm dressing that we made and then just those extra herbs as well and now as in Hanoi I would always serve these with some vermicelli noodles and then this is how you build your bowl you want to get some beautiful pieces of the fish [Music] and then a little spoonful of that dressing and don't forget some of that amazing sauce in the bottom of that pan because that is pure flavor my friends pour some of that on top [Music] and then this is just a little bowl of sunshine the beautiful marriage of that Dill the spring onion the turmeric and then that sweet sour dressing and the noodles this is just I just it's so good I'm lost for words [Music] can you taste testing my dishes now huh so ever since I've been to Hanoi I have been craving this dish buncha is one of those classic Hanoi street foods but it can be difficult to get right at home so I've got a few tips and tricks up my sleeve the first one is getting the marinade just right so we start off with a little bit of fish sauce and then some dark soy sauce for a little bit of color and some sugar and then some finely diced red shallots or Asian shorts you could use astronauts as well or some red onion if that's what you've got and then you want some garlic as well finely chopped and a really good hit of pepper to me it's that garlic and pepper combination that really makes this a classic Vietnamese marinade now half this marinade is going to go into some pork mince and we're going to make some epically tasty little pork meatballs with that give that a good mix start off with the spoon and then you're just going to have to get your hands in there because you really want to mix and work that pork and then you want to get your hands in there because you really want to work that pork until it becomes nice and sticky you'll see how the texture changes it's almost like you're needing a dough is we're working those proteins in the meat and then we want to start slapping this is exactly where my mum does it to get the right texture on her Thai fish cakes it works just as well with these meatballs okay we want some decent sized little patties here now to get the most flavor out of these guys you really want to let them marinate for at least a couple of hours overnight is best all right now let's talk about the sliced pork now I'm using pork belly because I love pork belly it has a beautiful amount of fat and flavor if you would rather use a leaner cut go right ahead all you want to do is slice it into pieces about I'd say like half a centimeter thick a delicately sized piece of pork belly if you like now the rest of our marinade goes onto that pork just mix that through and then again you want to let this have some time to really develop some flavors so at least two hours or overnight now the dressing now this part is one of the most crucial it's really all about getting a balance of sweet sour Tangy and first of all we want a little bit of fish sauce well a little bit a lot of fish sauce and then some sugar a little bit of vinegar and some water now you want to heat this up until the Sugar's dissolved okay sugars dissolved that's looking good let's just have a little taste Tangy Sweet sour love it okay now here's my big tip when you're making this kind of dressing let this cool down and once it's cool pour it into a bowl and then add in your lime juice if you add the lime juice in at the beginning when you're cooking the sauce you lose all the freshness and the Tang now speaking of pork here we go my favorite part okay just brush your pan with a little bit of oil and then here we go and now would you look at that color so this is why the marinade is all important that little bit of sugar and that seasoning is giving us a beautiful crust on the outside of our little meatballs okay now these are looking super delicious and take these off I've got quite a bit of fat left here in the pan so I don't think I'll add any more oil just get those strips of pork belly straight in there okay now this pieces really take no time at all just want to wait until you've got that lovely color on the outside and then flip them straight away pork belly will stay really nice and tender as long as you cook it really quickly it's either a low and slow or a very fast cooking meat I'm just going to pour a little bit of that marinade in there as well give it some extra flavor and some extra Sizzle who doesn't like extra Sizzle it's looking good get those pork pieces out okay now here's the thing with this pork we're not done with it yet a few pieces of pork belly and a few of those little pork patties go into a bowl and then that dressing we made earlier is actually to dress this the pork and so pour that dressing over the top and what you get is this amazing marriage of Porky juices sweet sour Tangy dressing and that is what's going to make this noodle salad extra special at the end and now everyone has their own individual bowl and it's just about picking up bits and pieces and mixing it and all getting delicious so start off with a little bit of noodle and then of course you want a few pieces of pork along with some of that amazing dressing and then pick off a few little pieces of herbs some lettuce I want some of that pickled papaya the recipe for that is on my website if you want to give it a go it's really easy and then everyone can add their own little dash of chili or garlic to taste and then mix it all up and create your own perfect bite that dries it's amazing I look really bad when I eat noodles don't I it's never pretty here it is my ultimate ban me sandwich why is it so ultimate because there's this sticky slow cooked pork which is just out of this world magnificent okay first things first let's get this sticky pork going all right we need a marinade and a very good one at that we're going to start with some hoisin sauce a little bit of light soy sauce and a little bit of dark soy sauce mix that together and I'm using a pork belly here a skinless pork belly today because I'm all about the sticky today not about the crispy skin for this one and just pour that marinade all over the top get your hands in there give that pork a nice little massage with all those lovely flavors now because this is a very sweet marinade I'm going to add a little bit of water just to the side of that pork because I don't want it to stick or burn too much on the bottom of the pan so you want the water about halfway up the side of your pork belly wrap that in foil and that goes into a very low oven for about two and a half hours or until it's really sticky and fork tender so while that pork is doing that thing we've got plenty of time to get our other ingredients ready and one of the key things for me about a bun me sandwich is having that pickled vegetable that sweet tanginess the crunchiness so I'm going to do some pickled carrot and all we need to do is just add a little bit of sugar and some white vinegar let's mix that up and just set the that aside until you are ready to assemble your sandwich all right let's have a look at what we've got ah that pork looks so epic already but I'm just going to pop this back under a really hot glue in the oven so I just want to get some color on the top of that pool so just while that pork is cooking I'm going to get everything else ready for my sandwich now I need some cucumber I just want some nice slices cut those into battens and some red chili and then that carrot that we've had pickling what I want to do is grab a hold of that and really squeeze get rid of all of that liquid so that we're left with a nice pickly carrot without all the juices and now we just have to wait for that pork [Music] look at that heaven now this pork is incredibly tender so I'm just going to carefully get it out onto my board just slice through now that I'm barely even touching that pork and it's just falling apart oh amazing um so good that's very exciting so you ban me you definitely want a really great crusty bread roll and there are a few elements here that you need so first of all you just need some Pate I've just got a pork Pate here and then I like to add some mayonnaise not strictly necessary but just like adding extra bits and pieces okay and I want some of that pickled carrot and some cucumber and some of that ridiculously amazing pork now sprigs of coriander and just a sprinkling of chili and that my friend is one hell of a sandwich now excuse me I'm gonna be busy for a while this is really good [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 194,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnamese recipes, marions kitchen, how to, vietnamese food recipes, beef pho recipe, beef pho noodle soup recipe, beef pho broth recipe, beef pho recipe authentic, beef pho broth, vietnamese spring rolls sauce, vietnamese spring rolls, banh mi recipe, banh mi, pork banh mi, pork banh mi recipe, bun cha ca, bun cha recipe, vietnamese food, vietnam
Id: CzCrm7ihirY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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