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So let's make another pasta dish that is a bit more special. You may serve it on Valentines this upcoming next month, right? This is Chicken Parmigiana, it sounds so fancy, right? But that is just Chicken pasta that is associated with Parmesan cheese on top. "But how it is since Parmesan cheese is too expensive, can I just put quick melt on top?" It can be, so you can call it Chicken Quick melt Cheese Pasta. There it is, right? If there's a will, there's a way and where you are happy. So first, let's start with the chicken. You need chicken breast fillet, so this is chicken breast fillet that I've pounded. We are making it thin. Why? So that's it's easy to eat, quick to cook, and the presentation of your chicken is flat and nice. And also, when you pound it, it will seep more and the flavor will hold quickly. So first, you need a plastic to pound it. You are to put it in a plastic. "I don't want plastic, can I use wax paper or parchment paper?" Yes, it can also be. So you get your chicken, put it in plastic, okay? And then here, you watch it carefully. You're going to pound it using a rolling pin because I don't have a mullet. What is mullet? The one use to flatten the mullet. So I use rolling pin. So look. You just flatten it like that, that is just very quick because if it is too long or don't pour all of your anger in here. Not in here. Just knead some bread instead. Because if you are too angry, you pound it too much, what will happen is the chicken will also tear. Okay. So you pound it like that. Just like what we did, we made one already a while ago. And then you season it both sides with some salt, garlic powder, and black pepper. You can also use black pepper that is refined. I just like using this type of coarse because I am fond of black pepper. Salt garlic powder, and black pepper. "Is it okay if I don't use garlic powder because I don't have that?" Sure, it can be. This is just optional but it really adds a lot of nice flavors. And then the next thing we will do is the breading. First, you prepare your breading station. So there, it is flipped. You need flour, eggs, and bread crumbs. We are using fine bread crumbs, the one we use for Pan de sal. So when you go to the grocery store, you will find this near the bread pile. It is there or you can buy from Baking Supplies Store. "Is it okay if we use those big bread crumbs?" It can also be but traditionally, this recipe really uses fine bread crumbs. The first step is to season your breading with salt and pepper. You put salt and pepper to your breading station and I'm also putting a bit of garlic powder for added flavor. And then there, you toss it like that. So the eggs, you beat it. And then let's start breading. So again, you may soak your one hand with the egg, the other hand should stay very clean and dry. So let's start. You soak it on the flour first, this is just All-Purpose flour. " I don't have All-Purpose flour, what I have is cake flour." Then use cake flour, sure. You shake it and then you dip it on to the eggs. "Chef, I have a lot of egg whites, can I just dip that on egg whites?" It can also be, sure. And then on to the bread crumbs, and using your dry and clean hand.. You just coat it properly. And then on to the plate. This one, you can prepare this ahead of time and then you put it in the refrigerator because actually, if you are to bread it in morning and you are just gonna do it at night, the breading would hold better, it's nicer to cook with. It can actually be a day in advance. There it is, right? So that it would still remain very fresh when you cook it the other day for Valentine's Day. There it is, right? So you made this already the day before or simply if you want to have it as business. You bread it already ahead of time and then just keep it inside the fridge. "Can we put it in the freezer?" It can also be but the quality of breading changes for a bit when it's freeze. It's better if it's just in the refrigerator. And then of course, this recipe is not only for pasta dishes, it can also be put on to the gravy. Put gravy rather. You may also have this as viand on rice, right? So I'm going to continue breading all of the chicken. I will bread it to you all and then next, I will show you how- So the other one have fallen already. On how it is cooked. And then of course, after breading because I'm working with chicken in here, I need to sanitize my hands and the working table with alcohol or bleach or soap to make sure that there would be no cross-contamination that will happen. Okay now, let's cook the Chicken Parmigiana. The chicken first. So we're going to pan-fry it, so I have here a pan that I'm heating up already. I'm going to put olive oil and good butter. There's a person who commented on the comment section: "If there's good butter, is there a bad butter too?" There is. There is, okay? And I'll just zip my mouth as long as it is good butter and then olive oil. Because it wouldn't be if it's just butter only, right? Butter is really delicious, your chicken will become buttery, nutty, and fragrant. Your chicken. The problem if you use pure butter, what will happen there because butter is not 100% fat. It's approximately 80% to 82% fat and then the rest are milk solids. The milk solids will get burned so what will happen there is what you're frying will get brown and burnt quickly. So you need to combine it with oil, right? So I'm going to pan fry it. So there, our pan is already hot. Put it there. Don't overcrowd. So there, that quantity is already enough. And then while you're pan frying that, let's make our tomato sauce for the pasta. So for the tomato sauce, you need oil. You are just to saute garlic and onions. Garlic and onions. You season it with some salt, a bit of salt. Okay. And this is crushed tomatoes, the one we can buy on can. You may also use tomato sauce if you don't like your sauce to have solid tomatoes. The ordinary tomato sauce is fine but me, I want to have chunks of tomatoes so I have something that I can bite so that it would really feel authentic Italian experience. While the others really want to use fresh tomatoes, it can also be. You make tomato sauce from scratch. Okay. I'm just estimating the fire because I don't want this to burn. Okay. So this one, you saute it and then I'm going to put dried basil. You can also use the fresh one. Remember that if you are to use fresh, x2 of the quantity. You may also use oregano if you want. And then you just put your crushed tomatoes. You have your homemade tomato sauce, very quick. For pasta. What you are to put at last is grated Parmesan Cheese. "I don't have Parmesan cheese" Then you may not put some. But of course, it adds flavor, it adds creaminess and umami. Let's check. So there, you want it nicely golden brown. This one still lacks for a bit, this one is nice already. Let's check the other one. So when your sauce have turned red already, just season it with some salt and pepper. Pepper. And then some salt. This is ready. Now, I will just continue to pan fry here. When it's cooked already, I will put here in my cooling rack so that the excess oil drips. Right? Because it wouldn't be if you put it in your colander, the deep cooling rack because if it is pile up, it would produce steam. Your breading will get damaged so you want to put it on flat surface. If you don't have this one, you can just put it in your pan. You just put a bit of paper towel or you may recycle brown paper, so the oil would flow there. So I'm going to continue pan-frying this, I will finish it all and then I'm going to show you next how to set up this Chicken Parmigiana Pasta. So I'm almost finished pan frying my chicken as you can see. So when you finished pan-frying a batch, you will notice that your pan would turn like this. Before you fry another batch, you need to clean it. You will not wash it anymore, you just get some paper towel and then using the paper towel, you remove those toasted bread crumbs. Okay. Because if you won't clean it and you fry the next batch, what will happen is that the last batch would turn too dark already. Okay. So that's how you clean your pan before frying or pan-frying another batch. And then I have here Spaghetti that I've cooked until Al dente. And then this is how you are gonna plate it. So you will get a bit of sauce, you pour it on top of your pasta. Okay. And then you get chicken. You just put it over there, it really looks so special, right? I have here quick melt cheese, you put it on top of your chicken. You can also use Mozzarella cheese or any cheese that is quick to melt and then Parmesan cheese. Parmesan cheese. What I'm going to do here is I will put it inside the oven. I will broil it until the cheese would melt. "We don't have oven, we don't have broiler." You may put it inside the oven toaster or you microwave it for a bit until the cheese melts, okay? So I will put it inside the broiler for a bit and then I will show you when the cheese have melted already. So now, I will already remove our Chicken Parmigiana pasta that I have broil. So there, the cheese just slide down for a bit but this one is nice, so there, see. The effect is very nice, right? "And I really don't have oven, our oven toaster is a bit small, the pan wouldn't fit." I have one here that I set up on the microwave. It is also beautiful, the cheese still melted. You may heat it up further. But the important is the cheese have melted, you want that effect. You don't really like pasta? Then you may pair it with rice. Just like before: the chicken, the tomato sauce, the cheese. You boil or microwave it until the cheese have melted. "You don't have Parmesan cheese, You don't like Parmesan cheese." Then you use quick melt cheese, right? You call it Chicken quick melt, right? And then I'm going to try. I will get here in the microwaved one because when I tested the recipe- You will see how nicely melted the cheese is, right? The effect is still really there. When I tested the recipe, it is really like this. So that's what I have tried back then. While this one is the microwaved one. The pasta, you really keep it just plain that it's just tomato sauce. It doesn't need to be very flavorful because what you want from this is the marriage of the chicken, the pasta, and the cheese. It shouldn't be overpower, there should be no strong flavor. When you eat it together, the harmony is there, right? The texture is there. The chicken still have that crunch. The cheese. And of course, the pasta and the flavor is so good. I have candle here. I have wine. What do we still lack? The thing that seems only lacking is a date, right? So prepare this dish. Make any day, everyday extra special and make someone feel extra special. Cheers :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 286,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zw6a4RrY8s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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