The Last of My Patience 2

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there they get sandwiches whoa what [Music] you know there comes a time in every franchise where it has to die when a franchise is good after it set its peace it ends but the ones that go on end up dying and they don't die in a pretty way at all i've seen a lot of good [ __ ] i like die mass effect died and we witnessed the zombie that was andromeda walking around star trek has been dead for a long time don't get me started on the other space wizards franchise hell even my favorite series of all time monkey island has some shitty things every game after three doesn't [ __ ] exist okay there's a special kind of lethargy i feel when it comes to stuff that never really needed a sequel in the first place leaving the bittersweet ending where it was seemed like a great thing to me but then a cockman named jackman decided that shilling for his ideology and trying to squeeze all the dollars out of this thing was more important than the little dignity he might have allegedly had maybe not and so we have this how the [ __ ] let me be clear about it too yes the politics is annoying but i am just as annoyed by the writing in general i think that someone that focuses entirely on politics as an excuse to [ __ ] on a piece of media is doing it wrong and also doing it a disservice by not looking at the other element so i'm not entirely going to focus on that but it is there it's like with batwoman the bad politics is shoved in there but you barely really mention it after a while because it's surrounded by bad writing in general it wouldn't matter if the politics reflected mine exactly i would still be mad that there was politics in there in the first place because it doesn't belong and yes i have been invigorated by a want for more batwoman reviews after this last one finally got done so expect more in a week or two we're doing it regularly again okay let's go you know something is really bad when i start stalling and talking about [ __ ] cake cocaine instead the screen that marks the beginning of the end is grey with foggy water stretching into an endless cold sky that melts with the ground and makes everything spiral into a pointless endless soupy mess while a boat bops lonely in the water fitting isn't it i mean when it opens with a jewel it looks nice and i would have a slight bit of hope if i didn't know what was coming but now every scene with him just feels insulting and honestly it's easy for a game or movie to look nice these days it's just something that's par for the course because we're advanced enough in technology to do that kind of thing but if the writing is [ __ ] it's going to make me bored instead so i just don't even care anymore i'll take it to the grave if i have to yeah you'd think they let you do that oh no it's the biggest sandwiches man the sky is just dumb in general i'm so sick of media trying to make a point by getting an old white guy to say something stupid and superficial because white man bad like the easiest thing you can do is go oh we want this diverse character to feel like a real character and not a stand-in so we want her to go through struggles let's not treat her like a real human being who has flaws in relationships and make some kind of more intimate issue possibly made worse by her own actions and naivety as she tries to develop herself and makes mistakes like any human would no no just have some old white guy come in with no other personality other than bigot and then she can get mad and be a strong woman because that's the only thing that matters this is the only thing he's really there for as well just making a bigot sandwich who the [ __ ] wrote that line did cockman write it but she doesn't want to eat the food that comes from bigots yet she gives it to the asian man friend because she's fine if her friends eat from the bigots i guess this is jesse by the way no one really cares honestly and then we catch up with dina who is love interest they get hit by a snowball but both of them start [ __ ] screeching like they just got shot or something calm the [ __ ] down it's not like you got dragged down from a four-story building across the street and fell into a concrete fountain without your bones being crushed a bit i'm still mad about that so this is our intro to the people who we knew before we switch to the next section i'll get to the topics as we see them in the story but we know that the romance scenes are awkward in this game i want to highlight something the fans who are wondering what a second game would look like would probably have liked to see ellie trying to navigate romance in this terrible world especially if it was with someone like dina who she knows well and they go with it slowly as the story progresses into something cute and wholesome there's a good story buried under everything bad in this game i really believe that and the remnants of the first game are trying to get out under the retcons of this [ __ ] pile but we don't get any of it we can only wonder and our crime for wanting something better is to be called a bigot about a dude bro by smooth brains who never leave twitter i like the idea of dina and ellie in theory i can see something really endearing with them happening and we don't get that you know how i always go off on how woke people mismanage gay characters so i'll save that for later but why did they do them like this the girls deserve better then we get introduced to this person and no before you start screeching i'm not saying that because of the way she looks it's everything else that bugs me more she sucks but if we're really going to get into the way she looks how the [ __ ] did she manage this in the apocalypse i think everyone will look a little bit like this like in the tiniest tiniest way because of the circumstance so making someone overly feminine and soft and then having them in the battlefield doesn't make sense either i i get that but that doesn't mean that it'll be okay to make someone who looks like they're chugging the supplements that alex jones sells on his show just because you don't want princess peach doesn't mean you can give me a thwomp she looks like she makes milo on the stove okay i'm sorry i made a stupid joke in the chairs video and it isn't even funny but i keep doing it dumbest channel meme over they present this as mysterious since it's the start of the game and we technically don't know who abby is when we play it but we all know by now who this person is she's gonna hunt down joel to kill him that's what they're up to you know what already they do that annoying thing in fiction where the character asks what is it and the other character says just follow me no how about you tell me instead so i need to know if i need to bring you something what if somebody's injured and then you're like oh just trust me we need to go see a thing and it's like i would know if i needed to bring something if you had told me then we get there then i need to see that i need to bring something we go all the way back so i can take the thing that i needed to bring i get there and then everything is shot to [ __ ] anyway because we lost that bunch of time because you wanted to be cryptic i think by now we're in a situation in the apocalypse where i die if i didn't know what was going on all the time i'm just getting triggered at this more than i should because i see it so much in fiction and i just don't like it it's stupid i wish people would find other ways to look cool or tense instead of making this [ __ ] happen in the time that it takes for you to be cryptic you could have told me i love cryptic [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] twin peaks fan but this is just unnecessary there's a fish in the pucker later but i'm gonna crap the crap she kills joel as soon as she gets the chance in like 10 minutes so honestly at this point everything that we get from her is nothing burger we know nothing about her or her motives besides like the most mysterious like foreshadowing everything that we get after this is kind of stained by the fact that she killed him so it's so cheap and exploitative that no one will give her backstory a chance anyway even if it was well written which it isn't and from that i have to ask why did they put this death scene before all of her backstory why wasn't joel's death a consequence or a climax after some well-earned story and conflict at some point why why does he just get eated right away if you make the decision to put a death scene like this at the front in this context anything that could come after it is immediately going to be more difficult because you're on an uphill battle you're on a steepest incline possible you have to write everything else really well to make me give a [ __ ] but obviously we don't get that everyone in the story from this point are all angels on abby's side and they keep hitting you with the fact that joel in this game is retconned to be a bad guy and everything that he did in the last one isn't bittersweet or ambiguous it's black and white they're [ __ ] on his corpse after they just killed him in front of you and this is just the beginning of that so prepare yourself meanwhile ellie and dina find some weed lining up for a good night if you ask me in this uh moldy dusty dark lab of gloom time to [ __ ] around so this is pretty much like most of the interactions with them in the entire game it's just them kind of [ __ ] around in this really empty way and acting snarky to each other and then they just like make out or something yes that's part of a relationship but the problem is that there's nothing else this game kind of presents itself as having intimate decisions and deep dives into emotions but this certainly isn't what i'm getting here this is my problem with woke media every time i see them do gay characters or trans characters or whatever they're using as an excuse for diversity or whatever to write poorly because they think that the gay community is just going to eat up everything because of sexuality the character is nothing this is what happens when you get a writer and director who thinks that check marks on twitter have a good point and are desperate to virtue signal and validate no matter who he hurts in the process i'm gonna bring up bad woman again they focus on her wanting to have sex with every single woman that she comes across when she knows nothing about them personality-wise and it's okay because she's gay so that means it automatically should be good seeing this over and over again paints the picture of lesbians and gays as people who are obsessed with sex and nothing else and their relationships are paper thin and substanceless that's really [ __ ] insulting to me we don't see the inner parts of them falling in love with quirks with one another or getting lost in stupid banter about stuff and falling into the memories that each other has that they're sharing with each other because they know each other so well now that it's an intimate thing that this special person gets to see and no one else some stuff that links back to their past as friends and showing how they evolved into being lovers we don't see as much of their vulnerabilities and when we do it's quickly cut off by sexual [ __ ] or just quips that ruin the moment this is always done in woke [ __ ] when concerning gay characters and honestly if you're a gay person who thinks that representation is important again you deserve better i keep bringing that up every single [ __ ] time i do a video on this but i'm gonna keep doing that because no one seems to get it and that's not even talking about when the straight characters are just forgotten about or like put down in order to bring the gay characters back up a whole nother thing when watching reviews like these you've probably heard of criticism along the lines of why are they rubbing it in our faces that this character is gay some people might mistakenly think that people just don't want gay characters in media when they say this and that's not true i'm sure that might be true for one or two people but mostly it just means what i just explained the way that the character is treated is so so stupid and they just keep erasing everything else about this character besides them being gay and doing a disservice to them that it ends up being really insulting and that's why they're rubbing it in your face so i really wanted to bring that up to just clarify that as well it feels exploitative it's like someone saying oh that's a gay character just toss them some sex scenes that's all they're worth they don't deserve anymore it's like those christian shows that kirk cameron is people criticize those shows because they're written badly there's always that one brainlet who goes wow how dare you hate my religion you're going to hell for this even though you didn't bring up anything about religion you're just talking about the writing of the movie it's not that people hate the identity or anything maybe some people even like the politics but it's just that the way that it's handled is [ __ ] if you're so offended when someone shits on your beliefs or identity why don't you get mad at the movie itself for representing you in such a bad and exploitative light in the first place why don't you just wish for better representation in media why are you getting mad at me for pointing out why it's bad ellie tells her about why she is immune and then they get mad at jessie for coming in because they were taking too long being stupid oh no there's problems happening now i wonder who's going to die so let me explain what happens here so these two tommy and joel just happen to be on patrol at the time that abby's gang is looking for them then there's a storm that happens to come in and forces them into a zombie horde that happens to be passing so that they can go to this place where abby's gang is to take shelter that's that's how joel dies that's how they treat him the funniest part is that he gives them his real name when he meets them and so does tommy in the first game tommy was ready to [ __ ] murder as soon as he saw strangers especially people who are acting so overtly sweet as if they're trying to lure them in and hiding something joel even mentions it at one point but he isn't suspicious he's more just kind of smiling about it and this is how they kill him they dumb him down as a person and let him die in a pathetic mess in pain panic and then paint him as a murderer by contradicting the the first game from this point on and then they expect you to like abby after that the game uses their retcon of him to prop themselves up this is like when in terminator damn fart they make sarah connor sexist and then use that to prop themselves up and say sexism is bad they just retcon her into being a stupid person for themselves again i'm not mad that joel died in general i think that characters should die if the plot calls for it i mean that's part of storytelling but i'm mad at how they did it because really there's no reason for the plot to call for it why do you expect me to get invested when you just did it and i've heard a bunch of people just say oh well you're just mad because joel died blah blah part six of jojo is not my favorite but it isn't like a lot of people say a lot of people really hate it for some reason i don't get why the hate is justified a lot of people do seem to just hate it because joturo is treated badly and how he ends up because he's jotaro and not much of anything else and i know that there are some big criticisms of part six like i said it's not my favorite but there's a certain like fangirl subsection that just hates it because of jolene and jolene's bad to jotaro i know that that sort of mindset exists and there's definitely a subset of people who just don't like it because they don't want joel to die like i said there's a whole bunch of other factors involved it's how they do it i want to at least give him a death that he deserved but i brought up the jojo thing just to give you a kind of comparison i kind of forgot where i was going with it though but uh jojo review is coming soon i bet all two of you who actually like my jojo's in my videos are excited about that one ellie tries to find out where they went and calls out for them she's being ridiculously loud even though there was just a big zombie thing that went past a little while ago i guess first game ellie would know this but second game ellie seems to have run into some brain complications i guess she's using dial-up connection now ellie hears screaming from behind the door and decides to open it without even doing anything else to check she immediately gets held down by the others and i can't i can't really have any sympathy for her there in the first game you'd kill and attack so many people in zombies that you needed to kind of adapt to how to sneak up on them and first game ellie retained her skills she would do it in a way that would have assessed the situation a little bit before opening the door or coming in another way so joel wouldn't have died or at least not as easily as he did this game ellie is a bootleg ellie smelly if you will she just opens the door like she's going to the [ __ ] laundry room they dump her down so much which is deliciously stupid because cuckman is trying to paint these people as strong women when ellie in the first game is plenty strong and smart and endearing yet this is a dumb sort of bootleg of her that wants to kill in these like grudgy ways and loses her head and seems weaker and way more insecure i wouldn't call this stronger i wouldn't call this an upgrade but this is another trend that i hate there's this weird mix of these two things that i just see everywhere in media these days one of them is the snarky quips every character in a universe has snarky clips every movie and it's just it's getting boring it ruins good emotional scenes of tension it makes everyone sound the exact same i like characters like that i mean hell i think that i am like that in real life i love that style of humor sometimes seeing it in every single character is so annoying after a while and especially you see it quite a lot in stuff where they're supposed to be these guy friends that are like trying to escape from things and they use humor as a coping mechanism but the people who write it only write one style of humor where it's just like you know snarky tumblr humor and it just it it just pops up in the weirdest places but in female characters which is the other thing that i hate here they're all incredibly vapid in the most weird substitute for a personality they're all super strong and gruff and don't seem to have any flaws the flaws that they do have are revealed to be someone else's fault the entire time so they learn nothing i have an entire rant about this that i could do in another video but i feel like i just it's kind of slipping out here because i hate the state of how fake and dumb these female characters are but i'm gonna i'm gonna save that for another time because i feel like i'd spend like an hour talking about it ellie says outright to abby that she's going to hunt them all down and they leave ellie alive abby knows that she's putting all of her friends in danger by having ellie alive even though the whole purpose for abby's revenge is for the fact that her loved ones died so this makes no sense because ellie would come after her kill her friends and that she'd have to go after ellie again to have more revenge things happen but they just let her go anyway i guess she doesn't give that much of a [ __ ] ellie's friends find her and tommy is somehow left alive as well i don't know why he was but ellie is being difficult because she's grieving and everyone is immediately wanting to turn off the game so to recap joel's death was because they wanted to bring back the choice that he made at the end of the game to haunt him by bringing it up with abby someone who became joe rogan's size because she decided to get revenge ellie is left alive after she could have saved joel but didn't because she's [ __ ] [ __ ] in this game and leaving her alive enables the entire plot to let happen then you wander around joel's house because they need you to feel sad and exploit your feelings for joel to hammer home how sad it is that he's gone they really do the full manipulation thing it's even worse because they're doing that thing that [ __ ] what's his name david cage does where they're pretending that you have choices when you don't you're making a game about consequences but nothing that i want to do actually happens you're just pretending that i have choices and then you're saying that i have consequences for my actions but i feel so disconnected because there's no choices that i'm making here you spend the entire time in his house moping and they even have the gall to present you with the watch and the gun and his clothes and the picture from the first game because they need you to feel sad they can only use the objects of the first game to key jangle in front of your face and none of it is worth anything you're supposed to enjoy it though just just shut up and enjoy it but now it's a tale of revenge that was for something that could have been prevented tommy has already left by himself to go ahead and i wish that we were playing as him ellie and dina meanwhile go together despite the fact that there are multiple people who they have to kill and for all they know an entire army back at abby's base but they don't really prepare for that they just have a gun when they stop at this church dina talks about some jewish stuff and i just don't really give a [ __ ] but like i said there's something nice buried underneath everything in this game i think that stopping in a beautiful church with plants coming through the stained glass and this sunlight pouring down onto the podium and having a character talk about their faith is quite beautiful if you have it in the right setting i think that it would be a really intimate moment between the two of them and something that would have strengthened their relationship but in this context it's just kind of boring especially if you had joel's death first like you did here having faith and stuff being talked about here is a great way to explore grief in the wake of what was happening and even a way to kind of question the revenge or something ellie finds a guitar and dina looks extremely confused as ellie sings again this frustrates me because this guitar section in a good game would have been really cute i want to like them i want to stand them but i can't because there's nothing there and it makes me feel [ __ ] i mean part of it's the bad writing i guess part of it's just me being a hopeless romantic but you know i'm angry on the way out the horse has had enough and checks out of the game as we get some spicy air dina falls off the side so one guy goes after her but the other one just kind of sidles around and waits for ellie to get up before grabbing the gun and doing what he should have done at the beginning they want to question her on how many other people are coming but if you guys have monopoly on this narrow pass anyway why didn't you just camp out there and start shooting all of them what's with the theatrics you basically have them like fish in a barrel so why are you going through all of this effort dina decides to walk on the glass so she falls over because dina is [ __ ] stupid no one is killing ellie in the entire game even though she should die like hundreds of times and all of her friends are so stupid with how they try to save her that they should all be dead too but the game just lets them live which makes it even shittier that they punish joel they're saying that joel should die because of consequences but everything that ellie does is stupid but she doesn't face any of the consequences for it because it's okay when she does it never fear because jesse has showed up i guess this game also has a set of flashbacks for joel just to rub it in that he's gone now it also brings up this kind of flanderization of the characters where everything is good and happy and then everything is grim dark and bad like it's black and white in some instances but when it comes to abby it's like you think that she's a bad person for killing joel everything is complicated and it's like but you're treating everything else like a black and white the morality in this game is written by people who think that they could never be the bad guys it shows luckily the group of friends finds polaroids that are all labeled with the exact names of all of the bad guys so they can hunt them down ellie also has a little fight with this lady i can't remember what her name is i'm gonna call her sklunt she still swings out as if she can do anything while ellie is holding her like what did you think was going to happen obviously ellie is going to stab you why didn't you just like wait until it plays out a little bit more so that you can get away from her you pretty much walked into this death hashtag just scrunch things hashtag stove milo hashtag jacob kane did nothing wrong yeah so from there they find this person i think their name is scrunch2 who sees a gun pointed at her and decides that the best course of action is to say yeah he got what's coming to him that joel even though she knows that ellie is here to kill her ellie tries to hit her with a gun and is defeated by a tray as scrunch 2 goes off to find help do these people want to die why do they make the dumbest decision this is like the cw school of trying to script write where you want to make a quip because making a smart decision is not as important as feelings but afterwards there's an incredibly drawn out series of scenes where she's chasing her and then we get to the red light scary room that i mean honestly it's cliche but it looks like a dolken music video i think that's kind of cute dream warriors so there's another stupid minifights and skeleto is like oh my god you're the immunity girl and ellie gets info out of her sort of she starts to get some info out of her about the fireflies but then scrunch doesn't want to give up any info about where abby went so ellie hits her and instead of stopping and going okay now do you want to tell me she just keeps hitting her so i mean that that happens so concerning the fireflies there's no more of them so i guess that's joel's fault as well in this scene dina cleans up ellie and again it would have been really cool we got to talking about what was happening and we'd had some really good relationship stuff beforehand but i i don't see any of that here the lore of the first games makes the firefly sound like crazy people and you can't use vaccines on a fungus anyway so i think that it was kind of contradicted in this game isn't it joel didn't know that anyway but this was more about joel's reaction and even then it doesn't make him a bad guy but if we look at the lore of the game it's not like oh joel is actually terrible he just didn't know it it's like no no you got your own game all wrong go and replay the first one again these guys are crazy and there was a part in the first one i think where it mentions that if ellie is immune one of the best ways that she can fight back is breeding because if she has a child and then that child has a child all of them will be immune there could have been some interesting stuff where someone in her group could have tried to force her to become like some sort of breeder or something and she has to make a decision about how she feels and you know there could be some interesting conflict there about people who are still crazy about finding a cure versus people who are more nihilistic but no the worst thing is actually the next scene joel two years earlier is forced to tell ellie about what he did because she finds audio explaining stuff about a cure and he has to come clean she makes this frog face and starts crying and overreacting as if she had no clue what was happening and again she's super dumbed down from before the previous ellie had an inkling of what was happening and both of them knew but and they knew that the other one knew but they didn't want to make it something that they would speak about because they knew how much pain it would bring both of them and instead of trying to give her more context joel just kind of says something that makes him sound like the worst possible person ever and just doesn't bother saying anything else and just let her walk away feeling like [ __ ] joel from the first game would never have done this he would have wanted anything but that but i guess erasing the point of the ending is all the rage now it's like if an old boy instead of the beautifully painful ending of the tongueless odysseu facing his daughter and being unable to say that he loves her after his horrible revenge story has come to an end and the ambiguity of whether his memories were actually erased or not because he really had to choose between the horrible truth or a lie to save his love after he had come so far and transformed himself into a monster he just has another ending in a sequel where she has access to the secret recordings of the villain and is like oh no i found everything out how could you and then a mexican soap opera theme plays so so imagine that the last of us too is the old boy 2013 remake so back home they recoup and dina is pregnant oh my god preggers jesse is the dead you've been busy she has to stay behind but jesse and ellie go off to be [ __ ] up by abby's gang again the info that squirt two gave them is that abby's gang is going to be at this aquarium place so they want to go there to hopefully meet up with tommy when he eventually gets around to ending his killing spree and coming around into that direction and ellie is just kind of going after them anyway because feelings even though she acts like she thinks that joel is wrong the thousands of npcs that are killed in this game also have backstories in some way but i guess they're not as important remember how an old boy when the guy who got [ __ ] up by odessu came back and enacted his own sick revenge for his teeth and joining the bad guy was the only way to get it even though we thought that he was just some random thug before you have to do it very carefully because otherwise you get the last of us too and what happens as a consequence of that is that i'm wondering why every other npc isn't as important as these guys because what's the point this is like alice all over again why does she get the excuses every other villain has some sub story why is hers the one that's important ellie happens upon these two idiots and she demands they point out the information to her on the map so she can continue on her journey then she gets a little too trigger-happy and shoots the guy and the pregnant lady goes down too oh no this lady who's wearing baggy clothes is pregnant and we only saw this after she dies so ellie is the bad guy and she decided to wear really packy clothes so no one could identify that she's pregnant if she's pregnant then why is she out here also how many people have you killed that have had families at home like just because this one has a baby how many dads have you killed that you didn't give a [ __ ] about but oh no this one's pregnant now you give a [ __ ] and yeah newsflash people with families can have bad intentions you don't exactly have a good choice here pregnant people can have bad intentions too have you ever seen a mom that's just smoking and drinking when she's pregnant in a place that i used to live years ago i walked down the street once and i saw this one pregnant lady who was just slamming [ __ ] beers at midday and she had a [ __ ] cigarette in her other hand she didn't give a single [ __ ] she looked heavily pregnant too she'd probably been doing that for the whole pregnancy and [ __ ] didn't give a [ __ ] ellie doesn't have a big think about any of the other people she's killed it's just this one but she just has a big shock because of the cartoonishly good woman who dies but you know whatever at least tommy's here now tommy save me please they decided that after all of this horror it's time to give up even if abby isn't dead because there's been enough destruction for one day they all know that abby is all about the revenge anyway so couldn't she just come after them as well because they've already killed all of her friends wouldn't you just take her out for the safety of it but there's a disturbance and jessie eckernid dies okay bye at least we established that dina was pregnant beforehand so now it's extra sad when he dies but then tommy's life is in danger so ellie has to hold up her hands in a flashback abby's dad shows up and shows how good of a person he is he fixes a zebra and he is a good man and he is a literal angel with the best of intentions this mean joel man is mean and evil and horrible and abby is a good person who we should all care about but since i'm like i mentioned before the original has strong implications that the fireflies were completely insane so even if the dad was good here he would have gone completely insane and this point and the ending of the first game if anything this would have been interesting but they're presenting him bizarrey was always a good guy but then they make this really forced parallel between abby and her dad and joel and ellie right before the first game's ending is done from her perspective and then abby finds her dad and cries and then we have to sit through abby's killing of joel a second time for good measure because [ __ ] you we also have to sit through this big thing about all of the other characters that ellie has killed because they're all super good too and you should feel really really sad for killing all these innocent people they're all good and cool and ellie is trash and look at how cool we are these are such cool people with kids and paintings on the wall why is this pregnant lady going with you leave her leave her at home they immediately get attacked as soon as they leave the base why did you let the pregnant lady go abby then gets strung up and [ __ ] with she escapes after almost dying because abby has thighs of steel she carried the kid that was also there because she's a good person and thankfully despite being heated by the hammer into tiny little pieces they manage to set the kid's wound so they'll be fine bones don't shatter then they get back and owen is like revenge is bad in clay but they [ __ ] so it's fine cockman has stated that he wanted to desexualize sex in this scene and that's why it's so awkward this is literally something out of 1984 i know it's cliche to bring that up but at this point we're dealing with people in this world who really do believe that two plus two can equal five so i think that pointing this out when it's something that is literally mentioned in a scene in the book is important sex can be seen as something non-sexy because of the mood yes but it's not that sex in itself is inherently non-sexy it's that the characters are going through something so [ __ ] up that they just don't see it anymore and it's a great way to show how depressed they are but what this guy is trying to do is show sex as a concept is not sexy and that is really creepy to me it's especially weird because with dina and ellie so much of their relationship is about how they wanna [ __ ] like i explained it's overly sexual so why is it that happy's relationship is different and not played up for romance or sex it's just unsexy and apparently awkward on purpose i don't get what the distinction is these people have been doing this for a really long time as well a couple years ago i remember there was this really shitty kickstarter about someone who wanted to make feminist lingerie which desexualizes lingerie i think you mean underwear i think you just invented underwear that's underwear lingerie is specifically supposed to be sexualized versions of that for people like why don't you just make some underwear why do you have to shame people for finding sex enjoyable do you know how human beings work do you need a firmware update prague's lady calls abby a piece of [ __ ] and i completely agree and wish that the pregnant lady didn't die because she's my favorite character now but while abby is going to get medicine for her friend tommy catches up with them and they overwhelm him and take the boat to escape so this next part has like a thread of something interesting that could have been in a better game but i'm kind of confused because of how it was presented see there's skirmishes between these two groups and abby on one team ends up with this person on another team and she realizes with her companion that it's more complicated now both sides see each other as evil and want to kill each other even though abby now knows that that's not entirely the case she tries to sneak in to get the meds and she knows that with her companion now members of her team might see her as an enemy as well because of who she's fraternizing with even though she just sees it as helping out another human being i think that that can be some interesting conflict but presenting this in this game where apparently some choices matter and some choices don't and now inconsistent everything about morality is it just feels like i have more questions like all of these people who confront her on her own team are about to kill her and then they all die as well did all of them help zebras and keep puppies and have babies and things why don't they matter they just kind of die how many of them were dads who have families are gonna come after you now she leaves the island being burnt to the ground good job she finds pregas lady dead and has a moment then she discovers that ellie left her map behind by accident so now abby knows that it was ellie that killed him and that ellie is coming after her as well so if ellie hadn't been in naps and left the map behind like a [ __ ] the game wouldn't have been able to continue because abby wouldn't have known where to go afterwards but now abby knows where to go and knows everything that's going to happen next so the game can have some couple hours to go then tommy dies we have to play as abby for all of this next stuff as well including beating the [ __ ] out of ellie which i i don't know why they thought that anyone would enjoy this so after the fact that all of abby's friends are dead and she knows that ellie is going to keep coming after her she still leaves ellie alive again we switch back to ellie's perspective and mope around at the farmhouse because everything is depressing and she has a very explosive ptsd sequence as joel screams for your help but you can't do anything about it so i actually thought that this was a continuation of the stream sequence and we would have more ptsd because i thought that tommy had died he was shot in the head so i thought that he couldn't survive that but in the next scene when we see him he is actually there he's actually alive he got abdulled anyway he can't come with you because he has injuries now so you have to make the decision to let revenge consuming going your way we get an extended flashback to the stupid bigot man and he even calls her a dyke for good measure ellie lashes out of joel for trying to help and he leaves like a sad puppy dina in the present times has had enough of ellie's crap and decides to leave and i would have found this endearing but i don't care about this relationship now we're back to abby and child but after some [ __ ] she gets taken by some people seeking revenge and fat geralt comes into view we switch to ellie who's on her own now and sets off on revenge for the last time then ellie falls into a trap and gets stabbed by a tree and fat girl decides to be evil she apparently has more blood than a [ __ ] jojo character because she just patches herself up breathes a little bit and she's fine finds a bunch of prisoners after tracking down where abby has gone thanks to fat geralt's answers and goes to that death camp thing that they're all strung up on i remember distinctly after witnessing this game for myself i went to watch internet historian stream it and he forgot which character was abby i know it was one of the funniest things in the world but i can't blame him like just sort of elaborating on kind of incidental stuff she's thinking about joel my new favorite character what have they done to you then she cuts them down and they go escape on the boat instead of ellie just killing it like she should have she waits until abby is putting the child into the boat before they start fighting when abby is weakened ellie forces her to fight by threatening the child's life they fight for a million years until abby gets her fingers bitten off and then she lets abby go by just having a shitty flashback of joel again because [ __ ] you and it makes her rethink her position after all this time she goes back to her home and has nothing and everything is depressing ellie in another flashback before the ending is mad at joel because her life would have mattered and joel is a bad person for wanting to protect her i hate this voice novelli whatever she can't play guitar anymore so she puts it down it ends that's it that's all you get [ __ ] you and your dreams go play four guys instead [Music] who's been drawing dicks
Channel: ProcrastiTara
Views: 131,733
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: last of us 2, last of us 2 cringe, last of us 2 review, worst of last of us 2, commentary, ProcrastiTara
Id: 1qcUlem1e94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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