Movie Bob's Books are Worse than Onision's

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wait Diabeto wrote a book?

Why did you curse me with such knowledge

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/TheSilverHat 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Well, good news for aspiring writers.

The bar is low. Really, really, really, low.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/THE_L0NE_WANDERER 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Bob’s inferiority complex vis-a-vis “geek culture” comes off like he believes Revenge of the Nerds is real life. I wouldn’t want to believe that’s the case, but this is a guy who legitimately wants to murder 70% of humanity. So I’m not providing benefit of the doubt.

Beyond that, Bob’s writings as presented here are anti-historical. He sounds like a fan of punk rock, for instance, angry at the normies and “posers” invading his territory. But Bob was born in 1981. That’s after Superman became a blockbuster. So comic books weren’t some fringe thing. Also after Star Wars, so at least some sci-if/fantasy was mainstream.

I don’t want to downplay the importance of Nintendo, but the big breakthroughs for video games as a mainstay in popular culture were Pong and then Atari. Nintendo expanded a going thing.

Which is all to say here we have Bob hacking off a piece of corporate product available to the general public and saying, “This is mine” in a superior tone. He’s not learning Ancient Greek or studying architecture of Renaissance Italy. He’s not even going the the local music scene, hanging out with members of a movement, and following unknown bands. He’s buying things anyone could buy, enjoying them passively.

That’s his “geek culture.” His preferred means of entertainment consumption. Which lends him pride because...well, I’m not sure. His good taste? Whatever the cause, he doesn’t appreciate it when people who aren’t him also enjoy things.

According to his calculation, this Great De-Geeking of geekdom started during his lifetime. But as I’ve laid out, in areas he likes to write about (comic books, video games, movies), it was definitely happening in the 70s.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/darmodyjimguy 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Going into this video with a smile like that gif of Andy from parks and rec

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/trakazor132 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 đź—«︎ replies
and just like that both of the world's eight levels had fallen my head was the last fortress whose very image appearing in my tiny window of visibility conjures potent childhood feelings hurled controllers gritted teeth and bellowed curse words i'll save it for next time tuesday june 22nd 2012. was in a car accident this evening whiplash is a neck injury due to sudden forceful back and forth movement of the neck [Music] welcome back to wish for death island population me and uh today we're going to be talking about movie bob again this isn't the first time because there's another video that i have like last year that i talk about him and his boring politics and how crazy he is but specifically we're talking about his literature this time finally got my hands on some of his works somehow we're going to be going through some of his worst takes not really focusing on the politics but more just focusing on how bad of a writer he is he either uses a thesaurus or has an overly massive iq the second book is basically just an interspersed written let's play that has diary entries uh mainly focusing on his grandma who got sick died and he may or may not have left a funeral to play more mario and we're breaking in the face cam with the devil horns once again because if we're in hell we might as well dress for the occasion also when it comes to doing book reviews i kind of have to rely a bit more on more visual things so this is just how it's going to go so i have them on my phone but i'm going to be using various books for visual aid and also to do my best knock off crimson rogue bootleg impression i'm also going to ask if you can keep a copy of this video just in case bob decides that he wants to delete everything because that's just kind of what bob does he doesn't really care that much about fair use i know the title isn't just for haha funnies i am actually trying to make a case for why i think bob is the worst person as a from a reader's perspective anyway more than onision because believe me onision's bad we all know onision bad but i think that when it comes to the writing it's a bit easier to follow along with him even though he doesn't have any grammar or anything at least he's trying to construct a narrative whereas movie bob just like forgets to do that or just doesn't give a [ __ ] and it's it's more like a book version of click bait with him of course they're going to look a little different because bob doesn't really care about formatting his books or anything and the first one is just a glorified blog post [ __ ] on kindle that he expected you to pay four dollars for even though they're available or they were available i should say so for a quick note on real life i think that bob's ideas are worse overall but i think that onision is a worse person because his ideas are more easy to do in real life so onision allegedly wants to have like a harem of underage girls and he had a cult and all that stuff and that sounds terrible to the average person because it is but it's a bit easier to execute he has tried doing this before and he has become kind of successful depending on how you look at it because even now he has a patreon that has a bunch of weird women that support him on there some of them sound pretty young and he has had a lot of relationships with underage girls in comparison even though onision is terrible to the average person anyway movie bob i would say theoretically is more terrible because he does want to genocide everyone and he wants to have this iq test based purely on his own ideals and if you pass the test you get to vote and have human rights but if not you die or you get cast out either way it's not good movie bob is worse just because it's on a global scale even though both of them are terrible but movie bob in practice i think i don't think genocide's gonna be really easy for him to do considering it looks like he can't really walk upstairs cause he's too fat i mean if you look at a theoretically world cult is a bigger deal than small cults but they're both terrible i think that the parallels between them are numerous i actually kind of tried to list them as bob and greg have creepy relationships with women both of them kind of orbit women and you know like try to get women to notice them using really strange ways with bob defending any woman he can and replying to them excessively on twitter he does the whole white knight thing to a whole new level they're both stuck in 2008 both with their video quality and their sense of humor with onision it's more of the sense of humor thing and with bob it's more of the fact that he just can't seem to get out of editing like a 2008 blog you don't really need to get rid of belly fat at all you just need to not be a [ __ ] i'd plow me a pleasant fat girl over a nasty rude skinny [ __ ] anyway anyway these are so small you probably can't and they're both incredibly bitter about the fact that the internet was first coming up and they were popular back then but once people started getting more options people started watching other people and these guys refused to evolve with the times they're kind of like nostalgia critic except even nostalgia critic has an audience and these guys just don't not to mention the fact that bob has recently defended that pedophile movie cutie is the one that netflix refused to take down the one that actually had children dancing almost naked but it doesn't make it any better but he thinks the movie is great memeology 101 made a video just showing the tweet and bob decided that he wanted to tell his followers to strike down the video which i'm pretty sure is against tos on like every single site but bob gets away with it because bob has the right politics if you want to know more i'll link to my old breakdown and a bunch of other people's breakdowns on the subject just because i mean bob is kind of like a rabbit hole kind of thing you just you get stuck on the stupid and it keeps going this first book is entitled geek streak and there are many many books but most of them seem like blog posts that he made so this one is a collection of worst blog posts from 2010. he thinks that it's the best but we know with bob everything is kind of in bizarro land but yeah that that's the entire book he put a bunch of essays together he calls them essays their blog posts and he expects people to pay four dollars for them and i think there was a physical copy which would have been a lot more these are automatically terrible because it's bob but also because he's a postmodernist and on this channel we don't really like postmodernism too much no you don't like it because you don't have high iq no i just don't like listening to people who sniff their own thoughts and don't really have evidence the second book is something that you'd know more about it's the one with the sick grandma so this one is a the blub has a a very fluff piece type of way of describing this book as some sort of like scholarly game book for the modern age and it's like a retrospective or something it makes bob sound like a scholar but with my description having read the damn thing it's bob talking about himself for half the book and then then he does a written let's play between diary entries about sick relatives apartment hunting working at blockbuster and then has the goal to say its retrospective review using frame by frame movie analysis techniques the great film critics of the aeg so let's start with the geek streak cringe highlights there are a lot of essays most of them are boring we're gonna stick to certain paragraphs that i think are the funniest now the thing about bob is that kind of encompasses his entire career he has things that are just really really cringy but most of the time it's just him talking and saying very little to the point where it's just incredibly boring and you'd rather skip it so that's kind of what happened with both of these books deadwing dork has a stream that's like a year old as well and he goes into a bunch of these in more detail more patience than i could have had and i really don't want to read more more of this shitty stuff in the second section of this video i already go through the really really bad mario book in more detail than i should before the essays is this incredibly lengthy intro that does nothing but establish that bob loves himself and must shove his politics into everything to show how much of a good boy he is he brings up geek as if that's the only word that can define himself he does it almost to an unhealthy degree and i think this is because he used to be bullied in high school for this now i'm not making fun of his experiences being bullied i can't really relate to that luckily because i i never really went through that but what i am talking about is the kind of unhealthy nature that he hangs on to it as if he is still in high school and i think he's approaching his 40s if he's not already in his 40s now even after all of this it's like he defines himself as a geek tm he keeps getting abused by the jocks tm and he needs to save all the women and he has nothing else going on and then he has the goal to make fun of other people for like he brings up gamergate and then he's like uh haha imagine being like a toxic gamer who's like too obsessed with game culture and it's like have you seen the [ __ ] that you write for like the past 10 years it's the same thing even in his first essay he uses twilight as an excuse to bring up the fact that women oppressed and high school and like stupid [ __ ] like that and it's like it's twilight what are you talking about it's a nauseating writing style that i can only describe as like proto-tds i'm not even like talking about politics i don't care but it's just annoying when you're trying to have a conversation about anything else in the world and these people have to have to bring up this as almost as if they're like compelled to it's either gamergate or trump they just can't it's like i'm talking about vietnamese food why are you bringing that up all of a sudden can i just enjoy the things that i enjoy without everything being political oh no wait i'm talking to a guy who likes post-modernism make no mistake i'm glad to be living in the geek age of popular culture it's colorful it's fun there are lots of lovely things to buy and watch and consume good times if there was ever any sense among anyone serious that the world was going to improve on some fundamental substantial level just because one time nerds were now in charge of the culture i can only understand they wound up severely disappointed by watching fans of this or that property react to pop culture dominance by trying to shut the door behind them which we sadly saw with sad events like gamergate and the outrage that greeted the ghostbusters remake or marvel's comics diversifying their character lineup he said it he said it still it's been a fascinating moment to watch unfold luckily for me and hopefully for you i am writing regular columns and blogs for a lot of it but a record of what it was like on the ground to watch the world turn well geeky why does it keep bringing up gamergate can't you find anything more interesting to talk about it's been like what seven years or something since this happened i think even at the time of this book it was almost on the way out like it was becoming irrelevant then he has these like buzzfeed quiz tier titles like something about george lucas because obviously he's talking about george lucas this takes like three and a half pages just to say this is a list of my shitty blog posts from 2010 that i didn't bother cleaning up he uses the word geek even more after this and then says something like first person nerdery which i think is just a thesaurus way of saying geek he also has political [ __ ] because he was always like this one in particular that i think sounds uh choice is batman versus versus obama avengers and he also has something called on geek privilege but bob how can geeks have privilege when gamers are oppressed this is like an italicized paragraph before the table of contents at best or on the inside cover on the back cover at best the first essay is called twilight of the she geeks which is where he tries to work out why twilight is popular if you ask any normal person they'll just talk about wish fulfillment because that's kind of something that everybody knows they're gonna tell you the obvious fact that teen girls want to read this weird [ __ ] about a bunch of attractive boys and the audience stand-in female character meeting with said boys and like some sort of paranormal element to it because that's usually like the possessive side of wish fulfillment it's just it's like this weird stupid thing that they like this is just like a romance type of thing it's the way that men and women kind of differentiate because women tend to like imagining the scenario a bit more there was like a seinfeld episode on this and i think dad said talks about it but men are just like they're kind of okay with like straight up porn but women you have to kind of like skirt around it a bit by having like the story because the backstory is important and that sounds kind of pathetic kind of is like i'm like that nothing that i said was new here you get the same thing from those like uh what are they called harlequin romance novels you know the ones that you know funnily enough if you've never looked at those some of them have rape so like there's a stupid narrative that men are the ones that put rape in all of their stories when if you look at these books a lot of them have rape that are really creepy i'm of the opinion that like rape is like a cheap excuse to have drama in in a story so like i'm not acting like it's a good way to establish anything in a story unless it's very particular at least in the other examples that people typically use yeah it's a cheap excuse for drama but they're not treating it as if it's a good thing they're just treating it as if it's like a bad thing that they didn't want to think of another thing to put in there to like make drama for the protagonist to go get revenge on the bad guy right in these books some of these men are like the heroes who rape the main character and she's okay with it because he has like a bad backstory and they end up falling in love and she forgives him for it which makes it seem a lot creepier but these are written by karen's for karen's so the next time that they complain about something in an action movie you should tell them that but even when it comes to this other category of like shitty cheesy romance novels like even i have these they're not good like this is the mercy thompson series i have like what there's like 11 of these books out right now and i have all of them they're terrible i will never defend them but for some reason they're good to read it's just like the generic girl power with some sense of agency but there's like werewolves and everything and i think that the people who write these books some of them are delusional but some of them just don't care if it's not good they just think it serves an ultimate purpose that isn't to be super good so it's like whatever it's not sexism or misogyny or whatever everybody does it it's just different types of things and with women it's books like this with guys it's like action movies or something if you like a video game that has an attractive female in it i don't think that that makes you misogynist yes there is a problem when these books are written terribly for example the 50 shades of grey author she she doesn't even research the weird kink that she's going for like go go don't get me wrong i'm pretty boring i wouldn't know anything about that because it kind of creeps me out anyway but i know that there's a big misrepresentation going on that does glorify abuse and in an other novel the mr or whatever it's called she downright downplays human trafficking and uses it as an excuse for sex which is one of the creepiest things ever it's terrible and there is a problem with twilight because edward is a very creepy person and bella has no agency she has no personality it's a very terrible thing to look at for young women and it does deserve to be torn apart but not because of political means it's just because it's universally terrible and you shouldn't have to bring up politics or sexism or anything when you talk about this stuff i mean hell the fifty shades of grey author is a woman she's just a terrible woman being terrible and having bad writing isn't a political thing it shouldn't be owned by a political side it's just a thing that's bad then everyone should be able to talk about it bob doesn't understand this though because bob is an intellectual bob says that the only reason he even read twilight and did it for his review is because he saw pictures of half naked teen boys no no this isn't a good time to bring up the cutie screenshot stop bringing up the cutie screenshot that's not a good idea a few months back summit entertainment's publicity machine made a big deal out of its first group shots of new moon werewolves any other film genre this would mean a money shot either of cgi creations or actors and expensive makeup appearances in twilight however this means a handful of young male actors uniformly run-skinned twilights werewolves are all native americans and model buffs standing around aloof and shirtless just as uniform as their look was the reaction of male movie geeks including yours truly hey this looks like gay porn pulling it so hard i ripped the skin now for those of you who don't speak guy fluently looks like gay porn is sexually insecure straight male 4 i immediately recognize this as a depiction of a masculine figure intended to be arousing and said recognition makes me uncomfortable so he thinks that whenever there's like some sort of meant to be attractive man on screen men don't like it then he says a sentence that i don't really understand and he says is this what women have been trying to tell me all this time let me explain there's no getting around the fact that these visions of twilight werewolves are or patently ridiculous even more so when you consider the pretzel logic behind their existence in twilight the twilight engine runs on heterosexual female lust and having it work this way allows author stephanie myers and in plot excuse to send a whole team of talented toned boys galloping near naked through the woods its fetishism and objectification nothing more nothing less in other words the entire thing that the rest of genre fiction read science fiction fantasy horror etc has been doing to its female characters since the first pro magnon stepped back from his cave painting oh jesus christ stop and then he talks about black people because bob also for those of you who don't speak guy fluently am i reading a 30 year old male's essay or am i reading a handbook for mortals fan fiction post okay so this is why bob's world view is [ __ ] somehow he gets even more stupid than the lefty check marks on twitter and once you go lefty checkmark on twitter and beyond that there's a problem so according to bob it's not just the explanation that i gave where everybody has wish fulfillment and it's just whatever and it's fine even though there are some bad pieces that glorify certain things that you need to talk about it's mainly just people having fun but to bob as a postmodernist you can't just have fun fun is bad twilight is a revenge of the female geeks because they hate how men always sexualize them and got revenge by making naked teen boys in fiction feel how women feel because women are oppressed in geek culture so we outright admits that there is a market for men and women to have this stuff done because men and women like looking at attractive men and women that's just the way it is but he kind of glosses over and keeps going face it the vast majority of sci-fi and fantasy fare i mean books movies and video games comics and so forth are written by and for men and boys that doesn't mean that they don't have female fans far from it but do take note that it's a one-way street the modern geek culture is littered with fellow travellers of the fairer sex who have found something to relate to in an ostensibly testosterone dripping realm of x-men star wars and its instantly erect laser swords and near helpless slave girl princesses incarnations of quintessential boy and his his toys hero doctor who certainly have their lady admirers wait by men four men the the person who invented doctor who is a woman does bob just is he laughing as a geek does he not actually enjoy this content and he's just writing about it for clicks suddenly have their lady admirers but how often do you really hear about a female targeted franchise crossing over with men and no buffy doesn't count hot high school chicks wrestling with monsters was aimed at guys to start with that joss whedon is a good enough writer that his geek fetish dull heroines were genuinely relatable to women doesn't change the what is wrong with your brain bob seems to be operating under the assumption that women just don't like any form of sex appeal that has a woman in it which is really stupid thing to look at like look i i have issues with the way that i look i think that everyone does over the years i've just gotten more indifferent instead of outright hating the way that i look because i just don't really care anymore but i have never then looked at another woman who's attractive on in media and then just gone wow i hate you because i'm jealous and you're the reason that i don't like the way that i look it's just it's one of those things like you're going to waste your life and your energy being jealous of someone else like that instead of working on yourself and i get that that some people feel that it just it's stupid how it's always pushed on men as if men are the ones orchestrating this when a lot of the time one of the biggest obstacles or drama things is caused by other women towards other women that's just the way that it is women are catty in some cases and people tend to ignore that i have a specific niche of sci-fi that i love specifically in book form that goes from the i think about the 60s to the 90s but i also do like the star trek original series and stuff like that i haven't really watched a whole lot of the other ones just yet i'm stopping short of the one that's before enterprise and i'm not watching discovery of any of the movies that come afterwards because i just don't care but there is a specific reason for why i'm retreating more into fiction and games that come from the older era because i'm just sick of all this pandering [ __ ] that comes out recently i know that it's not everywhere and not everyone is doing it but it seems like a whole lot of the mainstream people are doing it and i'm just so sick of seeing woman oppressed a white man bad especially when it's like oh this movie is made for you because it has a non-white female protagonist you'll love it and then the non-white female protagonist that i'm apparently supposed to love just because they look like me is a mouthpiece for the white man bad rhetoric and i just i don't want to hear it i lose all sense of relatability to them because their personality is garbage one of the more recent types of sci-fi that i like is the expanse book series one of my favorite characters if not my favorite character from the entire series is miller an old white guy because i like his personality and his philosophy i feel like i can relate to a little bit of his worries to some degree and he's an interesting man to follow i know that this isn't gonna prove anything to people who have already ideologically made their minds up but it's just a thing where no matter what a character looks like if they speak or think a certain way i'm gonna try and relate to them especially because what's coming out now is just a very embarrassing mischaracterization of what a strong female character should be these women aren't strong they just they're overpowered and they don't actually go through any strife because they're too overpowered so why should i care about them they don't have any actual opportunity to show strength of character and even when they do it's very insecure because they can't handle the fact that a man even approaches them and says something that they don't like which shows a very very weak sense of mind to me the last jedi is awful captain marvel is somehow worse than that discovery is hell and cancer and i'm not even gonna go near i did last os 2 review and i'm still regretting the fact that i even acknowledge that the game exists i have another video planned someday probably next year about how terrible modern strong female characters are and how they're not actually strong they're insecure and overpowered and aggressive and it's a lot of you know toxic femininity to like bend a certain phrase but for now we're gonna focus more on bob's dumbassery he also brings up princess leia as a helpless slave girl which shows that he probably didn't watch the movie again to try and figure that out if he's watched it at all i don't know his reaction to the last jedi was pretty bad i don't think he watched that movie either she was anything but helpless again there's a stupid correlation between someone getting into trouble because of drama as them being a sexist representation i don't understand this obviously if you want to show how terrible your villain or the problem is you're going to have it overcome the protagonist at certain points and then they have to overcome it that's where they show their strength but you're gonna have to show them in a low point of not having any agency at some point because that's just how terrifying the situation they're in is leia was in a bad situation and she managed to with the help of her friends get herself out of it just because she was in a low point doesn't mean that she is a sexist representation it's just i i don't understand like the levels of stupid that's going on here like if you don't allow anything to happen to your female characters then they're just boring and i don't know why i should watch them so bob does go into it being shitty and i do agree that it's shitty but he thinks it's shitty and comes to the conclusion for the wrong reasons and interestingly enough he does say ah badass is just badass but this is 2009 essay but we all know that nowadays that he would rather say that everything is subjective and he doesn't want to say that it's bad because it's all about the themes except if you like a movie that he doesn't like like joker then it is bad magically i don't know how that works just keep in mind how hard it is out there for women in the geekdom please bob i don't need you to save me the next essay is called a decade of the nerd every single essay is like this can you get a new hobby and stop bringing up gamergate please like learn to knit or something it's pretty fun but he describes this as the shameful co-opting of nerd spaces by the right wing yeah because it's totally not just people who would bully people for being nerds suddenly becoming them because of the money factor that they could have like any twitch thought ever and then demanding that those spaces be changed even though they don't even want to be in those spaces in the first place it's just about a power trip then those spaces are changed and the people who used to occupy them out of passion are kicked out and demonized just because they wanted it to not change like the i'm a nerd gamer girl please look up to me and give me money shtick is still working and it's spawned the whole simp thing because people are only now just realizing how [ __ ] stupid it is and how fake these people are i don't think it's misogynistic to point out that someone is faking liking something just to seem cool this isn't embarrassing whatsoever my name is bob chipman and i've been a nerd for 28 years write that on my tombstone boys why does that sound like it's in an aaa meeting for anybody's math at the end of the last millennium it was a horrible time for anyone to be a nerd or a geek or a dweeb or whatever name by which intellectually advanced socially awkward misfits are referred to in the current palance sure we'd always been picked on abused and marginalized marginalized waning days of the wretched 90s it took a turn for the worst we were feared hated to the culture at large we were the horsemen of armageddon corrupters of the culture enemies of the good when it comes to stuff like bullying a lot of people do develop stuff like depression and they don't want to think about it but the problem with depression is when you're up in the early hours or even in a conversation with someone something could just go through your mind that you don't want to remember and the depression comes and you're trying to get it out the whole point is that you don't want to remember those things but i feel like with bob it's almost the opposite and he does want to remember these because he gets his whole identity and sense of victimhood that he relishes in by remembering them and it's just so incredibly unhealthy to watch i can't remember which video this was in i think it was in the video on akilah obviously but short fat otaku brought this up once regarding bullying or it might have been one of the retrospectives on like millennials or something well he was talking about how he used to have this thing about thinking about them that way and he still has a couple issues about that but he's mainly just moved on and he doesn't want to see what's going on in these people's lives that used to bully him he doesn't care about that stuff anymore because it's part of just moving on as a healthy individual bob really wants to have the sense of being right with this type of thing and like being a voice full of these people to get some sense of vindication i guess of being a victim but all he does is just make himself sound like he isn't adjusted and he when he's trying to speak for all these other people who have been bullied or they're geeks or whatever putting them in bad light because i'm sure all of these other people are just well-adjusted individuals where bob himself is giving them a bad name bob being bob he also brings up and that was when everything started to go right and immediately brings up 911. bob also has this issue with prose where he talks really fast in his videos and his biggest obstacle is having time to breathe like a human but the thing is when he's writing he doesn't have to worry about that so he makes it even worse i never thought that i would read something as pointless and overly wordy as tristrum shandy reviews on goodreads but here we are so this book is going to take a lot to get through i suggest you pause the video and go get a refreshing drink or something like that in the meantime i'll be here waiting for you because i have nothing better to do it's worse than the essays and somehow even more pretentious whiplash is a neck injury due to sudden forceful back and forth movement it's divided into sections already but i'm going to divide it into my own section the first section is going to be up to page 66 the second section is going to go from there to page 89 and then from 89 to the rest of the book and that sounds really odd but i'll explain why when i go through them it's called brick by brick and the blurb is a very pretentious way of selling this book is like you know one of those film textbooks that you get if you go to like film school or something i even i took one class as an elective and they had like a bunch of printed out pages of the textbook i didn't have to buy one thankfully but it's okay but i prefer when people make videos on the subject rather than books because i think the books were written at a time when the videos weren't necessarily an option i think with a visual medium it's just better to not have it in written form but even so those books were okay because they were written by people who knew what they were doing to some degree when it comes to people like bob he wants that kind of acclaim but he doesn't want to actually do any of the work so it just comes across as like a really really bad attempt anyway let's get to actually reading the thing so the intro begins with why write a book about super mario 3. i'm going to assume somebody is asking that question i am and i'm the one writing the damn thing yes it's more of the same [ __ ] from the introduction of the first book and it goes on for four pages yet amidst all that i felt like there was something missing an empty niche maybe not a large niche but a niche all the same in my primary career i'm a film critic so i get to see how criticism differs in the two mediums and yet you suck at both of them and while i won't let this turn into some missive about what game journalism can learn from film i'm inclined to note that one type of critical attention gaming appears to be the most though not wholly deficient of an is-analysis in particular deep analysis specifically in film writing there is such a thing as the shot by shot analysis which is exactly what it sounds like then he goes on to define kind of what it is but not entirely like sets out the structure for the book why didn't this exist for video games as if he's going to go through the same thing of the same caliber but he doesn't set up how he's going to achieve that in this introduction which is what i thought the introduction was for but he just goes off about him being an uh reviewer and intellectual sort of defines it but he doesn't set up what you're supposed to set up in an introduction the introduction could have been one page and it could have could have just been him briefly explaining how he was going to go about this in a bit of an overview but he doesn't stick to it and besides bob is like one of those people like patrick williams who thinks that plot holes don't matter because themes they just have a complete disregard for everything that people would like about movies and why and it's it's it's tiring so then he goes on to define strategy guides and whole books called strategy guides have been written with the purpose of guiding one through a game step by step so why not go the extra mile and give the reader the background or an aesthetic observation of whatever level or boss you're helping them conquer and i couldn't find such a book why not write it myself bob had the necessary means to make videos at this time he was making videos this sounds like a review this sounds like a walk through guide and yet he's trying to make it worded to sound like something intellectual and something that's like a breakthrough thing when all he's really doing is writing a let's play walkthrough and a review i guess a lot of these have been done way better in video form and this is around the time when it started to really pick up in video form these like long form reviews of games that go through all of this stuff like ohio was making that sort of stuff at that time as well if you're dealing with a visual medium you have to be very careful about doing it in a written form a lot of people end up having textbooks with screenshots in them and i think that it's just way better if you try to work with the medium that's going to work best for you it's it's kind of like the way that some games cannot make good movies they just can't because the differences in the medium just don't carry the same idea across and it doesn't work that's why people have been making more documentaries and stuff on games and movies more of like a visual thing rather than writing books on them unless they absolutely can and i prefer this and i think that bob misses the mark in both categories because he refuses to look at why people watch those things looking at bob's social media the only thing that i can really identify for why he'd want to write this way is so that he could have the acclaim of someone who's in the proper critic field because people like him and patrick willems are the types of people who find books and find scholars and think that the really old school type of film critic is the only way forward and it's like really pretentious so they fill their reviews for like random communist manifesto quotes and stuff even though it has nothing to do with the topic anyway he ends this introduction and i've got to showcase this paragraph because it is really that bad it's culmination of everything wrong with movie bob it should have a certain degree of variety if for no other reason than to keep me constantly engaged so that the bottom doesn't inappropriately color the analysis even though i won't be primarily playing for fun i'd have to endeavor to maintain the enjoyment that regular game playing is supposed to engender so i use this website called the hemingway editor it's one of those ai based websites so like obviously it's gonna be kind of inaccurate so i'm not saying that people should use it as a substitute for actual editing or feedback but one of the things that i like about it is it highlights certain things that it picks up on which allows me to notice things that i might not have noticed it's like getting feedback from someone and even if the feedback is the opposite of what you need that feedback then gives you a jumping off point to find what the opposite is that you wouldn't have found otherwise it's still like a good prompt for feedback what i do when i'm right when i'm doing like creative writing or working on my novel or something i'll just run it certain paragraphs through there and then see what i can find to help me with editing i believe it gives me a better standing point for when i give my novel for like human feedback from someone so i decided to run through one of bob's sentences in the hemingway editor and would you look at that but let's get into the actual book itself part 1 the history of mario by now the legend of mario's creation is old hat to fans but for those who didn't grow up marinating in the game cultures do would likely be surprised at utilitarian simplicity of his origins so he knows that his target audience are people who already enjoy games and he knows that they already know the basis of these games the only thing that you would have to really hook these people in with a history lesson is for stuff that they have never heard about regarding that subject but bob decides to go on a 66 page wikipedia summary about all of the most boring aspects that he could have possibly picked up on it sounds like five minutes of research that he extended to 66 pages like ohio does recaps and definitions but they're necessary and he does them in an entertaining way so that you don't mind going through with them they're more of like a a refresher there's a very concise and he does so much research that he just comes up with these amazing points that you didn't know anyway and those are the main focus of the video like with polybius everyone knows what polybius is but the way that he disguised all of this information in a narrative format that still made sense and showed what he was trying to communicate it made everything just really good bob is writing a textbook and pretending he's writing a memoir i'm a firm believer that textbooks aren't that good particularly as someone who's interested in linguistics from like a layman's perspective and like watching videos on them online and trying to learn a second language and stuff like that it's it's just really really hard to do it from a textbook mainly because my stupid adhd brain doesn't understand it so when it comes to something like games i don't think that you can do that with a textbook i think that you have to do that with a practical example and videos and stuff like that and like someone actually explaining it to you in a human way it's like trying to use a textbook to learn a guitar pop just decides that he's gonna go for it i don't even know if he's doing the textbook thing intentionally i think he's just copying pasting and rephrasing things to such a degree that it sounds so not personal that he sounds like a robot and he thinks that he's being smart he also then brings up politics once again and claims that japan makes muscle characters because they're trying to conform to the evil west particularly are video game personalities who must often bear the weight of cross-cultural expectations japanese games frequently see their androgenous heroes transformed into hyper-masculine forms to appeal to western tastes and navigate the minefields in socio-political symbology just what is the proper length of skirt between sexually empowered and pandering male fantasy savior bob never fear give bob the coochie and he will defend you from all the misogynisms ladies and gentlemen we got him i found what makes bob worse than onision in this facet is that you can at least identify them as fiction they're bad attempts at fiction but at least with something like empress teresa or reaper's cree if you haven't seen anything about them you can still tell that they're really bad attempts at fiction you can still identify that there's fiction going on fiction occurring you can still identify that there's a bad character there are bad characters there are bad events that are being described really badly and don't make sense but it's operating as if it's a story they know the bare bones things here and they have in mind some sort of target audi in norman's case the target audience is everyone because he thinks that the book is perfect for everyone but in onision's case he knows that he's pandering to his like 15 year old emo girl fanbase with bob it seems like there's no place for this bob has no identity so he tries to like artificially enforce some sense of identity in but the way that he writes is so focused on intellectual [ __ ] that it ends up just sounding like text to speech it's this textbook prose let's play that has no place in any genre it's just there there's no purpose to it unlike the other ones as bad as those other ones may be and i think that's what the lack of direction really makes this worse than those because it kind of gives me this idea that bob doesn't even want to say anything he just wants to speak over someone else because he wants the excuse to silence that person with his own voice even though in the other books there are spelling errors you can picture the events in your mind no matter how bad they may be with a bob it's there's no such luxury it's just this this even with something like onision's works you can still feel like you're being sucked into picturing what's happening with bob you're just painfully aware that you're reading really bad sentences so he goes on a full page history of who miyamoto is it's very very basic it's like those videos like that buzzfeed makes that pretend to be facts about gaming but they're just like this character is in the series and it's like yeah i can see that i know i can see them right there they're on the box art like is he gonna bring up mario 2 being doki doki panic and act like he's like the first one to discover this oh oh wait he does he actually does bring up doki doki panic 10 out of 10 mario history so we're up to page 18 in this book and he starts talking about the console wars it gets all dramatic and does this like big gay op as if it was a real war but the war had taken its toll in the realm of public perception sega hadn't moved or supplanted their rival but they successfully lodged the image of nintendo and mario as the face of all things old-fashioned unhip and childish in the industry though nintendo hadn't helped their case by maintaining a puritan policy against extreme violent or sexual content in an era where more explicit titles like mosul combat and doom were the talk of the industry in the real world bob lops as if he's someone of importance but i'm glad to see that in the book world he's also larping as if he's someone of importance then he mentions the mario movie and trails off as if it's a cliffhanger like mario dies or he's getting a divorce or something in the next chapter a live action super mario brothers movie made by an american film studio was an unmitigated disaster upon release haunted stories of a trouble-plagued production opening to tepid box office and horrible reviews at the height of mario's popularity it was an early sign that things were not as comfortable as they appeared the next section is called and you think that since he trailed off mentioning the movie he's gonna be talking about the movie but no he then goes on to directly just start talking about the n64 and how weird of a console he thought it was the movie is not mentioned at all and then he ends it with another cliffhanger if nothing else it seems that the mario bros with endure even as the company and the consoles he always called home seem to be slipping away from under him there's a next section called the rebirth then he talked about the ds being a normie console and his biggest concern was his mario obsession i do actually think that it's an obsession at this point then the section ends with bob introducing his own experiences into mario the console that will officially kick off the next generation of home gaming will have its first big show piece a mario game executed in the classic mario style after all these years he still looms at large impressive considering how humbly he began incredible considering how humbly i came to meet him like i said bob latches onto something with identity with a very creepy type of determination and obsession in this mario book all he does is convince me that he's creepy and has an obsession so the way this book is formatted is so strange as well it skips two pages to go to the next title page and those two pages are completely blank so we go to the section on page 26 but it ended on page 22. the book itself starts on page 9 and there's four wasted pages of nothing and he does this for every single section as well it's really as though he was just trying to because he could format this on his own as a pdf will go through as many blank pages as possible to pad that 208 page count because he was just suffering with trying to fill as much as he possibly could into it all of what we went through is filler information and it's still going so now we go to part two which is bob's life in the mushroom kingdom and is mainly about himself the first one had mentions of himself but now we're going directly into talking about himself we don't have any grandma diary mentions yet but in this section he does bring up comparing major war crimes and terrible events in history directly to him playing mario so that's the thing so this begins with mario and i were born in the same year 1981 i'm about five and a half months older and as such i don't really remember a world without him he goes further about being born and then he says that he had his first encounter on where he and mario met but i remember exactly where i was when i first connected with the ness and because it was also the moment i first discovered mario for science i swear he was just discovering mario for science and connecting with him there will be more suspicious quotations you'll see but he does go on to describe his first experience with mario which is okay it's like it's a visualization and i expected this retrospective to have visualizations in it that in itself is fine if he had kept it being professional and just doing visualizations for this kind of thing the 66 page section that was still on would have been like 15 pages mac but he just keeps filling it with a random [ __ ] that no one cares about like reviews on movies sometimes spend half of the video talking about the movie that's the first one in the trilogy and then talks about the second one which is what the video is actually about but it needs to talk about the first one because it needs to set everything up before it shoots them down with the sequel like yms's descent reviews mainly talking about how terrible the second one is but he needed to talk about how good the first one was it's just there is a way to give good information without it seeming like you're padding the word count mainly because the information is necessary so then he uses more awkward phrasing when he talks about his parents not buying him in any yet my parents on the other hand would take further convincing my brother and i were not exactly hurting for playthings a game console was quite an investment and i can only assume that they remembered the last time a toy like this had become a big deal and hadn't lasted for very long in addition while i was not the easiest child in the world to be raising at the time i was bad at school mainly i acted out in class sassed my teachers zoned out into daydreams turned in a lot of poor work i wasn't good at much of anything other than drawing and creative writing well you don't really work on either of those so i haven't seen your drawings but i know from writing you're not as good as you think you are i love how he puts good and bad in quotes like he doesn't want to admit it you can feel the resentment oozing through the pages this is a book about frame by frame academic analysis of mario that sounds ridiculous even to me given the subject of the book and the detail with which i recall everything else granted i was five but still nobody is more surprised that i don't remember exactly where i got it christmas birthday good report card unlikely even my family didn't recall the exact details one day i didn't even have one the next day i did the nes and the mario were the first toy that i ever loved enough stop using suspicious quotes he even uses it in the next section where he talks about the research that he did i read every scrap of information about mario i could find especially it was during this research that i came to know he was a plumber did you know then he brings up doki doki panic 2 as if he didn't bring it up before in the other section and then he spends a lot of time talking about smb2 alright the next section beyond borders let's get talking about mario 3. looking back at it objectively the super mario bros super show was one of the most ridiculous things i ever devoted time to watching as a kid whiplash is a neck injury so he goes on to compare to pewee's playhouse bizarrely but i don't really see the resemblance i think that on the surface there might be kind of the same but i think they're quite different but anyway he starts bringing up his more sophisticated geek culture [ __ ] when talking about him as a kid it's really weirdly worded like a drug addict type of thing and then he has this page about how he was a loser in high school and he went to catholic school and religion people bad and the therapist was going to fix him and then brings up more about his geek fascination and the whole thing is incredibly creepy to listen to again i'm not like giving him [ __ ] for going through things as a kid it's just the way that he connects to them as an adult so we're on page 31 and we have finally mentioned mario 3 again maybe he's going to start talking about it nope no he's not so he brings up the movie the wizard and then talks about that some more and then brings up that it has mario 3 fact that he got gameplay look at the game as finally talking about the game itself but then we get this the cinematic reveal of the smb3 was burned no seared into my memory the way jfk's assassination was for my parents generation or the way 911 would be for minus can't 12 years from now this is the second time in bob's writing that he's brought up 911 and also there are three instances in this book where he compares terrible terrible war crimes and terrible terrible things that happened in this world to good things that happened to him for some reason i don't really know how that works [Music] it reminds me of when kobe bryant tragically passed and dsp mentioned this on stream in the same breath that he mentioned that he was upset that his save file was corrupted today's is the bad day kobe bryant passes away in a tragic helicopter crash my slaves get corrupted and deleted from freaking nights what else could happen i hope nothing else i hope that's it seriously that's gotta be it man we gotta cheer up we gotta have a good day this is not good we gotta have better than this dude but at least esp was using this as a comparison for a bad thing even if the bad thing was like really out of proportion bob is using these terrible things as a comparison for all the good things in his life there's also a section where he talks about the goombas in this movie and it's strange because the grammar has been fine so far but then he randomly intersperses it with something that looks like how i text friends of mine when i'm half asleep in the middle of the night on the weekend and then it goes back to normal book speak and i don't he never acknowledges the change since the subsequent bulk of this book is dedicated to in part my memories of playing through the game i'll avoid preemptively repeating myself here no you've been doing that old book bob instead i'll try to convey as best i can what every other part of my world gaming or otherwise has been outside of the game honestly it sounds like there's no outside of the game for you all you do is [ __ ] about [ __ ] on the internet need too many donuts so it goes on to describe how mario was actually making gaming mainstream and nerds like him seem to predated the other nerds means that he has like his own sense of ownership and nostalgia for that but he acts as if it's like a fashion label for him all in all it felt a little bit like at least some of the differences between me and the rest of the world might have just been a matter of me being ahead of the curve now everything else was catching up this i thought was the beginning of a new and better world it was actually the beginning of the end this is video games bob not 911. like i get things being popular flooding the fan base with terrible crap i think i probably contributed to said terrible crap being a jojo fan and like referencing it every other video for some reason but there's no need to act like this especially since we've gone off topic again and this isn't even about mario 3 anymore marketing especially youth marketing in the 90s was all about dividing and conquering establishing an identity for your product encouraging a less attractive identity for the rival products and getting consumers to flock to you and claim that good identity for themselves i'd prefer that type of hype than nowadays when you have to buy this product otherwise you're a racist sexist nazi or like a car ad who talks about feminist [ __ ] instead of selling you the damn car i don't want to endorse a political party i just want to buy my cheap no-name headphones from a random store but yes he is very excited that he is now ahead of the fashion curve in the dark scene and this is all he's still going on about it bob chipman formally bob the joke who's way into his dorky video games was now bob the guy who knows everything about the hottest new past time now he's bob the genocide propaganda has been and then he finishes his section by doing another one of these dramatic cliffhangers this is like that nc i guess ad break where the freeze frame goes into black and white and then it comes back later games even mario wasn't ready for the big leagues and eventually i had to admit it it was a harbinger things were changing and not in a good way he begins the next section talking about how he lived in a weird area which had like catholics and stuff and then he goes on about his living situation for a while then we get the last installment in our trilogy of bad comparisons until the grandma section which i excluded in my memories the great console was dragged on like my own private vietnam and it didn't help that i was still constantly in trouble at school and in and out of therapy at the time for anger attention and authority issues any veterans watching how do you feel about this inquiring minds want to know to be a geek or about anything usually requires a level of investment that originates most often in childhood meaning that geek culture is largely a culture of people holding on to vestigial pieces of their own childhoods i still played video games because i still love them oh look it's our favorite word once again because bob cannot let go of high school and he spends the next few pages on high school bringing up an apparent social life even though he kept going on about how he didn't have one before and then we get two pages of him talking about the mario movie and how it told him that mario and luigi were from brooklyn but the game said that they were from the mushroom kingdom and he is so mind blown by this that he does not shut up about it as if this is some major thing for like a cult vision that he was having during initiation this seems to actually affect him in real life too it's really weird and then he talks about his tangent of the history of cds and gaming cases and pcs for no reason which aren't very relevant to mario but hey at least he isn't talking about himself oh no wait we're back he spent some time talking about his internet interests and joining forums and talking about movies but he keeps going on and on when he could have just said he wanted to talk about other things for a year and then came back and that would have been like a sentence or two but it turns into like three pages and then he brings up blockbuster for a bunch of times as if he was weirdly fixated on the fact that he got a job in retail like everyone else does when they first get started to the point where it sounds like that one dude that was like hell yeah i walked a bob dylan up on stage and couldn't let it go and the school of visual arts in the academy of our university san francisco so then he gets a job with this guy who made film reviews on a local access or whatever and this guy was a conservative and bob talks about passion of the christ but the conservative was so offended that he made bob stop working for them and the film review thing immediately tanked without bob being there so he was like essential or something then he goes back to work at his retail place again and never hears from the guy again and then he brings up mario after all of this fanfare like he's a crazy ex that keeps coming back we're officially a third of the way through this book and we have not actually talked about mario 3 yet in the way he said he would or much at all besides a name drop then he starts talking about himself making videos online and how cool it was at first which would be interesting to me if it was someone other than bob and if it was relevant to the subject he also mentioned sitting in his car for hours to play the ds alone after work on the section called revolution he brings up a dvd and blu-ray war and then he starts talking about how the the we boggled his mind i think all of his reactions to these things are so unhealthy and how extreme they are and this isn't someone playing it up for entertainment like we've all done he's just being completely honest here and it's really strange he keeps ending all of his chapters with or was i and it keeps getting annoying because it doesn't add to anything it's kind of like when onision ended that one chapter of his book saying the dude he knew in high school died and it's not a cliffhanger the guy just dies and he doesn't come back rosalina an enigmatic figure who behaves very much like a kind of goddess and serves as a mother to extraterrestrial beings who grew up to become stars and planets the observation ultimately became the second episode of the game overthinker which i'll speak of momentarily then we get two full pages of him plugging his videos and bringing up how oppressed women are in gaming and gamergate bad and then he talks about himself as an e-celeb because people watch my videos on the internet and i save women no wait that's like three pages he's still going so then smash comes out and saw a religious experience for him and he gets a little self-aware about the fact that he's embarrassing himself oh no he's still talking about his youtube videos and then we finally get to the end of the chapter i am the man i am for many reasons because of my parents my grandparents my friends and family but also because of mario whose adventures filled my lonelier hours fueled my dreams and gave me a not inconsequential sense of stability i'd like to imagine that someday somewhere a copy of this book will be picked up by a young mario fan who's never considered that their hobby could hold deeper truths or be looked at as an object of art and meaning and that it will let them appreciate it all the more please get a new hobby so we're on page 66 of this 228 page book that started on page 9 and we finally got to the actual game but no this is where he goes through a few paragraphs repeating himself and then goes on to summarizing everything in the game manual including the characters and explaining who mario is even though he already did that in the beginning and this goes on until page 89 of page 208. he also admits that this is a let's play as a book he did say that in the market for this book is game enthusiasts yet he explains the basic game terminology like sprite and pixel and enemy but he just went through all of those words in the book beforehand and did not define them until now so if you were confused [ __ ] you i guess and then we get full descriptions of all of the enemies items backgrounds and level layouts for like 20 full pages all from the manual and all are necessary finally we get to the gameplay and so here we are the main event of this book my complete comprehensive level by level brick by brick playthrough of super mario bros 3 conducted and chronicled over a period of three months primarily in the evening between april and june of 2012 given that video games are above all else an interactive medium both of the date and whereworthy of mention brief details of my circumstances and your mindset while playing have been included and should rightly be considered part of the chronicling evaluating process of this particular critique this is a nice way of saying that he wrote a diary inside a let's play so the entire thing works like this he describes every single aspect of the world the game and the decisions and the buttons he presses all factually like a log and writes it out like a textbook or let's play that in itself is terrible and boring and no one cares to even read a bit of it but you can pause and see it now if you want to i'm going to be ignoring this but keep in mind that while we talk about the other interesting parts of this book that this is all going on for like 100 and something pages in the background so the first thing is the random diary entries in this book it's as though he thought it was a good artistic decision or something and thought it would add to the experience these are in grey boxes and the first one is about him prepping for the game experience before playing and drinking heavily before bed you'd think they were all like this but you'll see they're not we're going to focus on those instead and also there are these other boxes with names like this and extra info remember how i said this was a textbook this is a textbook tuesday april 24th 2012. it's 4 am i should be asleep the better to wake up at a reasonable hour and get day work out of the way i did a 3 000 calorie routine at the gym today thanks to the welcome distraction of a dvd full of old transformers cartoons and it felt good enough i'd like to repeat the process today if more vital commitments can be dispensed in a timely fashion but it felt like i'd be getting off on the wrong foot for there'd also be a day-long gap in this product right off the bat wednesday april 25th another late night another long day volvo my grandmother on my father's side was hospitalized again yesterday and ongoing i assumed not at this point serious problem that has almost become routine though not enough to keep me from feeling uncertain it's not lost on me that i'm currently coping with this and other uneasy aspects of my present day life in precisely the same way i did as a child playing a video game playing this video game sunday april 29 2012 things have calmed at home leading to a more productive than usual saturday prep work for the episode you want monday done editing done gym workout 1700 calcadio solid then he goes on about movies then he takes a break to rants on mario being a working-class symbolism and brings up politics again in the middle of his let's play then he talks about his brother then he talks about how he saw avengers like five times he also clearly has a tanooki suit info box at the start of this but he has another one here for no reason it's like he mentioned it before but forgot that friends is how fun hard works racing the clock has left me winded as one can get from playing an old video game calling it a night since the tower awaits ahead then he brings up sherlock holmes why whiplash and then we've got him taking more than one day off from this game and then he talked about memorial day in this like multiple paragraph diary entry tuesday may 28 2012 technically it's more like a bedtime monday night for me but the facts are the facts it's about 3am or so or tuesday morning and i'm winding down after a somewhat draining memorial day my grandmother is back at home after another worrying trip to the hospital now under more or less constant oversight by family and nurses i woke up to a phone message from my mother informing me that she appeared to be in a fading state and that people were advised to stop by and say well you get the idea i went over but couldn't bring myself to stay long she was with her nurse at the time and indeed not entirely an ambulance and my presence didn't seem to be helping either of us i'm terrible at this stuff morality and other facts of life that are wholly out of my control but i set my peace and left in a good state as i could manage and on arriving home i learned that the earlier worries were a touch premature her condition had improved greatly later in that day small relief by relief nonetheless still since playing classic games as a psychological bomb has become the theme of caller today may as well polish off some world six again not making fun of his grandma being sick i hope she rests in peace but how wow you suck this is a let's play my guy wow this is my favorite mario level mario hunting for apartments in massachusetts saturday june 16 2012. this is not a good day tonight sometime after midnight evangeline chipman my grandmother passed away after her long illness this isn't a place to dwell on the details or burden you with my own sadness but suffice it to say that despite the impression that the rest of this book may have given you i do have many happy childhood memories that don't involve video games and many of them were spent with her i will miss her terribly and have several days hell the next year that will likely be trying for the whole family all i'm sure now is that for the first time since i started this project maybe for the first time ever i don't feel much like playing super mario 3. things are as you can probably imagine more than a little downbeat here the funeral won't be on the end of the week with the wake and various other unpleasant duties to attend to before that i hate the western death pageantry and the whole funeral scene i just want to deal with it get through it and grieve in my own way and get back to living complicating things so then there's this big thing about the funeral the next passage and then he goes on about the air conditioner in his house and oh boy i'm gonna set up a new air conditioner i'm grieving and then he goes on to that car accident one that i started the video with oh but we're finally here performing for you the ending paragraph of the entire book other boxes yielded more treasures the nes the nintendo 64 a dreamcast the controllers and hookups for all of them and yes my original copy of super mario bros 3 after some refurbishing with rubbing alcohol and careful dusting i hooked them up to my new tv and powered them up after a few tense moments and some good old-fashioned cartridge wiggling it worked the machine still works the game in every sense of the world still works i am at last home holy [ __ ] movie bob is an enigma he's like those legends of the internet where you don't know if it really happened or not it's like when he finally retires and making content and will tell stories of bob in the same way people tell stories about the icy heart stunters and hello my future girlfriend especially with the added benefits of him being a political clown in the process and never getting over high school jesus [ __ ] christ i don't think that my brain will ever recover from this but since we went through a terrible book and some very tumultuous times are ahead of us especially since this year itself was very tumultuous i figured that i would give you a recommendations from the books that you've seen me holding up today the giant book of best new horror is a really good series that's like 80s and set 90s type of horror like i said 80s and 90s books are pretty cool as well as like 60s to 90s sci-fi horror is my favorite genre and sci-fi is my second favorite but there's something about these books they have very stupid stories in some cases like in the book that i had that you saw me holding up the first story is called pin and it's just like two pages of this guy sticking a pin into his eye and there's like no purpose but the other one afterwards is good there's a story called no sharks in the med that's pretty good as well then junji ito is always a good one murakami i have a lot of him you should read him house of leaves can be very pretentious for some people but i think it's really [ __ ] good even though i acknowledge how pretentious it is and then we have the hannibal series or the red dragon series depending on where you look at it yeah there's a good series uh on that but i think that the books just aren't surpassed by any of that i'm gonna go clean my [ __ ] brain and i don't know how to end videos so whiplash is a neck injury due to sudden forceful back and forth movement of the neck [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ProcrastiTara
Views: 100,954
Rating: 4.8772535 out of 5
Keywords: movie bob, movie bob cringe, movie bob book review, bad book review, ProcrastiTara, commentary, review
Id: jvEyVBEQh84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 1sec (3781 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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