Ice Water Mukbang | Amberlynn Reid chooses iphones over Healthcare???

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oh my god is this thing on receiving your content of love to be received love to be received what up everyone it's been a while I don't even know if I'm gonna like remember how to like do this right now it's been so damn long mmm I'd still have a runny nose it's been three weeks and I still have over any nose I'm so for it what up everyone how's it going it's been a while what up Sarah sweet tea I love that name Sarah sweet tea what up Rebecca would have burger cheese oh my god that reminds me of Vanderpump rules and Jax and Brittany's failed attempt at beer cheese business or whatever I missed you dude it's been so long let me got the water here see I almost feel like I shouldn't even be doing this anymore but whatever trendsetter I'm just gonna go about trendsetter drink all the water drink all of it you actually caught the beginning of a live I know it's a Wednesday at 3 o'clock I literally I don't have my phone oh it's three o'clock probably better that I don't have my phone it's Wednesday I can actually like go on at a decent time I'm not like in a computer lab or whatever a science lab until I can that o'clock at night Chantelle stole your stick I mean I don't it's she didn't necessarily steal it like let's be real like I did invent invent like ice water mukbang Zoar whatever but I do find it a tad bit hilarious I like she's gonna start live streaming ice water like it's a bit it's a bit ironic like girl bye it's a bit ironic girl I've been going through it also in the interest in the spirit of Chantelle what monks mad in this period of Chantelle what kind of what's your theme for this month what's your you knew you I don't even know I likes em I watched that video I don't really know what the [ __ ] she was talking about my theme for 2019 is get [ __ ] done I don't know if that's your guys's I don't know if your theme is balloons for the month of January I don't [ __ ] know yeah I'm gonna react to a couple amber live videos a lot of people been like oh we want you to react to this way back to that I'm gonna react to the doctor's appointment video today I'll probably react to I don't know the grocery haul I want to react to one of the theme is survive fifth year of uni I feel you on that I feel you completely on that in this lamb lamb lamb ass at all lamisil my nose is so I had the flu like three weeks ago and my nose is still running like I don't even understand like you can still I can still hear it in my voice my famous do work son I like that theme I like themes where that are like real last names the real you know real ass adult [ __ ] doing real ass [ __ ] I don't know if if I ever come on here at 30 years old and I'm like I'm doing things for this like girl why like I can't I [ __ ] can't react it yeah I'm gonna react to the 2019 but I also want to find I was looking for one of her old um January cuz she's done a lot of these new year new me he's [ __ ] so I wanted to react to like a new one New Year who dis yeah we can do this one that was literally a year ago she's literally if you type in amber gonna read a new year like five videos pop up but that she's done for the New Year's so will react to one of those as well you caught me live you sure did no procrastination 2019 I feel bad I feel like I feel like I've been like aloof or not aloof elusive if loops not the right bird I have this other thing on my head that I've been like I've been aloof about it but I feel like kind of like bad about like being so I don't know like non consistent and I guess is the right word sapphire Jackson left for channel thank you so much for this super chat clever channel you're my favorite it's my birthday woo happy birthday I'm so glad you're here it's been like I don't know so like a lot of you guys know like I live a like an older grandparent like she's 80 she's I think she's over 80 no I don't really ask her her age cuz that's rude she I want to like divulge too much whatever like I got the flu and I feel really bad because she in turn got the flu because we don't live in like a giant house or anything and I still have to like take care of dogs and cat litter and all you know do all that like normal [ __ ] like I have to clean and everything even though I'm sick that makes me like kind of sympathize with like kind of like what a a parent must do when they're sick like I have no idea like how parents do cuz like honest to god like I was just I don't know like when I'm sick like I can barely handle doing things for myself so it's like it's I could not imagine what like a mom or dad has to do like when it comes to like you know like it was hard for me like I didn't go to work I didn't go to work with that Friday because I was like um I'm about to go here and get everyone sick before Christmas so like I cannot imagine like hey Chevy oh my god girl hey so I got the flu I ended up giving her the flu and as a lot of people know like the flu is extremely dangerous with older people and she already deals with like congestive heart failure and like all this other stuff so it was like it was a very it was very stressful and it was very much like trying to get someone to like I don't know it was like a very yeah I don't want to like divulge like too much but it was like it was very stressful and my anxiety is like at all all-time high right now because of it and I just I don't know that's just like where I've been putting my focus is that in school so or that and work that's cool no score right now so sorry for being like so gone or whatever I'm gonna try to make some more videos but it's just life I you know this is to me as a hobby or whatever I write like on hobbies like come in here like talking [ __ ] about like people like you know it just it is it's like I don't plan on this being like my career I know like a lot of people go into this being like oh this could be a career for me like I personally don't want to be beholden to the YouTube viewers or whatever like that's just like not my Jewish like I'd much rather like work a normal and of job with normal but benefits Lukas Kuhn thank you so much for the $2 super chat one of my favorite respond I caught you live Nicki sure I'm gonna say that not wrong to wrong love you love you too I love you so yeah that's like where I've kind of like it's just like where my headspace is I guess lately you know and when school's out I work more because I can't work as much when I'm at school so I go back to 3500 weeks for like the little bit I can so that way I can keep my I mean I save I'm a I'm a nickel and dimed er that's like one thing I ever linen I have like very different like we're very different in that aspect like when I buy things I make sure I have the money for it like I don't like just like see the numbers in my bank account and I'm like let's find it like that's very not me and that's not how like I was raised my grandma grew up with her dad be going to like Vietnam War and like all this stuff and like she remembers like having no like live at home alone with like her brother and her mom and like how they didn't have a lot of money and like that you know like she so she kind of instilled a lot of that in me so like we're big about like saving a lot of our money like like a lot of you know like I have like like I have my truck or whatever like we I pay for that like it was like done like Michael what's your job job I'm not going to tell because I don't really want people to like start harassing me at work I don't know I've gotten some like annoying Instagram dm's and stuff lately about people like trying to say that they're gonna do something to me or try to get me like kicked out of stuff and kicked out of work and fired and edited us so I'm not about to like divulge too much about that unfortunately when I worked I'll just split this way I'm essentially like a very glorified assistant like I I'm like I work as like an assistant pretty much like I just like do a lot of filing a lot of answering emails a lot of answering phone calls a lot of like cleaning like that's just like what I I work like in an office so like it's like an office job it's like the office but like not as incompetent or funny if that makes sense so yeah that's just like kind of like I love my job like I love the women I work with I like I love they're hilarious they treat me like their little grandson and like they they you know like me whole like that it like they talked to me all crazy they like to talk [ __ ] about me in Spanish a lot too and I can kind of pick up on what they're saying just because I've taken a lot of Spanish in high school and stuff like I can't speak Spanish like God like I can't well I don't I can't speak Spanish but like my Spanish is very broken it's not like fluent but I can like get by if I need to so when they say some things I'm like [ __ ] just call me Gordo like you call me ugly like you know like I heard that but I know it's all with love and [ __ ] so it's like whatever you know it's cold it's I'm I'm a desert rat and it's been so do they pinch your cheeks sometimes especially when they're it got the Christmas party and stuff when they're like [ __ ] faded it's like nothing better than like a bunch of like 50 year old like Latina women like coming up to you and being like Oh Victoria and donated 14 $4 $14.48 Happy New Year Michael I love your videos and and and you send me lots of finger hearts a finger hearts kpop fingers I know like some people have like a little bit of like a issue with my finger hearts but I love my finger hurts and you know what I'm gonna continue use them and when I see black pink and Coachella I'm going to use them then too [ __ ] okay so that's like I guess an announcement or whatever I made the decision I have not been to Coachella Festival 2010 I went when jay-z do gorillas and Tiesto were headlining I believe that was 2010 so it's been nine years since I've gone to Coachella festered ever I saw ariana grande I saw black pink I was like I have to go so I ended up buying a ticket I don't know if I'm gonna go for sure or not like I want to go but my anxiety I don't know how my anxiety is going to handle it I think I'm gonna have to wait and see like a week or two prior how I'm feeling about how I'm feeling about it so but the plan right now is to go like because I can do on my ground I looked online and I looked online and that was 2010 right medium Eddie said that was 2000 then I looked online and like you can bring medication in there if you want to isn't the owner of Coachella homophobic lobbyists probably I'm sure there's I mean a girl like um if I like lived a life of not doing things because like someone was like in who was in charge of it was a piece of [ __ ] like I would not be able to do anything like that's just like a fact like I understand that like you know pay with your dollar blah blah blah but like I look at it this way like I'm from here that festival has done so much for my hometown like it's literally the city of in like people don't realize this but a lot of people think that coach LFS happens in Coachella it doesn't it happens in Indio California which is like where I'm from that festival alone has brought so much money in so many jobs to the people that live around here so I'm not gonna like sit here and be like don't go like don't support my community [ __ ] come support my community come spend these dollars okay because like yes people spend money to go to Coachella festival people spend a hell of a lot more money on the surrounding area and and the in the people that live and that's a city that needs the money they needed the money and it has uplifted and like drastically changed that city that city was very poor I mean it's not like the most like bomb city in the world or whatever right now but that said that that festival alone has uplifted so many lives and changed so many different lives and so many businesses so it's like I'm I understand like I've read some of the articles about him or whatever yeah he sounds like a true piece of [ __ ] it is what it is though like I don't know like I'm I'm gonna go I need to see I will have no other opportunity to see ariana grande and black speak the same time okay so that's just like where I'm gonna go of it's like it is what it is like and it it does a lot more good than I think bad and like yeah he probably does some ah [ __ ] like it is what it is I love like spend my dollars differently or whatever I there are certain things I don't do or whatever but it's just it is what it is you know Victoria and during the 2000s no it's supposed to be 2019 out for the new year hopefully it works thank you so much law I love that so yeah but yeah I'm going to be going to Coachella fusses here I don't know if I'm gonna vlog it per se because I kind of I'm one of those people that wants to live in the moment so I don't like to like that's one thing that's really hard about vlogging is constantly playing at your camera and like another thing I apparently is hard about vlogging is pulling out your camera apparently it's too hard to hold this you want to know something funny okay Meredith please do the video about Ryland and Morgan being mooches girl I don't honestly I mean sugar daddy sugar babies sugar whatever like I think in general especially on the platform like YouTube there's gonna be people who mooch like I I mean you could say I'm a mooch like I sit on here and I talk about people that have like a bigger audience than I do and I know that their names bring in views for my channel I just the thing that gets me is like I don't I hate Holub but I the thing that really gets me is like how materialistic they are ever like if they just seem like they love they let its not even so much that they like love I mean I know they probably love shame but like it's they love the like the lifestyle more and like that gets to me like the whole like oh my god look at our g-wagen oh my god like we're doing a [ __ ] Gucci haul like oh my god blah blah blah did she wouldn't have done all that [ __ ] before Shane Dawson so I don't you know I don't know but I was going to say like one of the parts that's hardest about vlogging is you know is taking your camera out flipping the viewfinder and hitting the power button look how hard that was guys look how hard that was I don't know how people do it I don't know how people blog it's so hard I don't know like we literally have the same camera as she was like talking about like how bulky it is this thing is tiny this thing is lighter than an iPhone we literally we also have the same iPhone so like this thing is tiny it is tiny it is not big it is not heavy I don't understand when you have a hundred and five thousand subscribers or whatever it's time to step your [ __ ] up like that's all I that's all I can think about is like this is all this is what it is for you like it's time to step the [ __ ] up it's time to invest in a real ring light it's time you know all of that good that good [ __ ] that makes your channel but it is I mean I understand that like she's growing at an exponential rate but it's like no one's gonna take you seriously if you refuse to like I don't know it's just annoying I don't get it I don't understand I feel like that's like a big slap in the face there sister her view your viewer base or her fans if she has any let's get into a react I want to react to the doctor thing is I have a lot of things to say I know Zak's done this already [Music] that's funny when you type an ambulatory like my video pops I feel so bad not really I feel kind of an a part of me is like you have a heart and then a part of he's like do you though it's awful oh that's the wrong the wrong video oops today is Friday Oh loud a real streamer would have figured this out a long time or fix this a long time ago what's the button the button I just go over to the right let's go over the right okay the 21st of December and I just wanted to start a vlog and let you guys know that today is actually my appointment my appointments in 32 minutes from now and it's pretty close to where I love how like the live so I love how like she was supposed to go to that doctor's appointment like a week or two before that but she was like I didn't have a ride it's like uh we're all your friends where's Becky where's Ricky where's uber where's if it's right I don't know that was crazy I have to leave quite yet but I'm probably gonna leave in like 10 minutes or so but yeah it's my appointment for my leg as you guys know my whole like issue has been going on and today is actually the first day where it's felt pretty good like it doesn't hurt his probably got up and moved around about as usual which is really crazy to me but I think it's because I have been moving more the last few days I've been just doing a little bit more walking I'm a little bit more walking than I usually do so that makes me feel like it is a pulled muscle I don't know spoiler alert amberlynn believes it is a pulled muscle I watched six and T's live stream the other day and it is in fact a pulled muscle because amberlynn is a doctor and she can just she can diagnose herself at this point so yeah I'm going to the doctor she'll be able to tell me what it is hopefully I'm just hoping that she doesn't have any like feelings of it being a blood clot because then I'm gonna have to get an ultrasound I remember people being like it could be a blood clot it could be a blood clot I don't think it was a buck I didn't I never thought it was a blood clot from the jump because honestly like I haven't I know people that have had blood clots they're intense they're not you're not like you're not like I may have a block it's not bad dude like literally your entire leg is beat-ass red it's swollen it's uh it's hot to the touch like that you know like it is giant it hurts any little bit of pressure on it like I'm around my friend saying like he couldn't even put like shorts on it was so bad so I mean I never personally thought it was a blood clot I thought that it was just she has like lymphedema and like she's probably not walking around or whatever so I don't know and I've had ultrasounds and my legs before or on my legs before not in my legs but all my legs before and it hurts really bad because they have to press like really hard so cuz there's a lot of fluid and like fat so like they in order for them to see the veins and the muscle they have to push really deep and ultrasounds are not like so NARS in submarines like it's they don't they're not made for people that like have that amount of fat around their legs or their bodies I'm hoping that doesn't happen I'm hoping I could just tell her my symptoms and she can take a look at it and do whatever she has to do and just tell me good news that's just what I'm hoping for so yeah jesu I think she went in there with up like the pre the oh my god what's the word with the pre oh my god I can't either word she went in there like she manifested what she wanted so I think that like when she initially went in there she was like well I want to go there and I want to receive good news and even if I received bad news I'm gonna receive good news ma'am I'm nervous but I don't know I think the biggest thing for me is yeah I don't want to be able to clot but just the fact that nurses and doctors have to look at my leg today makes me feel uncomfortable because if someone was to ask me like what's something that I'm like least happy about I don't think I nurse or a doctor is gonna go in there and ask you what's something that you're least happy about your body like I just don't see that I don't really see a nurse or a doctor I don't think that they would ever say that I don't think it'd be like so what are you least happy about with your body like when you're with your body image like a predisposition that's that's the word a predisposition I don't see a doctor or nurse going there and being like so what do you not what do you not like about yourself like that what is this this one like no one is going to like ever say that to you like they're gonna ask you like what is like what health problems are you having like kind of issues or health related issues already having but like that's something more that I feel like a therapist would ask to be real like it's if they were you know like what do you what is what's bothering you like what if there's something you could change about your body what would it be like even then I don't think a therapist would say that she has this very inch sheet you know what it is is I think that she has received a lot of real talk from doctors in the past from when she's gone to the ER and that's the thing too is when you come into the ER as someone who is fat and has been a lot fatter when you go into the ER as I could really a big patient and you're in there for essentially non-emergency issues it's not that the doctors and nurses like to take offense to it they are just like they can become kind of annoyed because you're essentially like taking up space and time for someone that could like but that needs there to be there that is an emergency case or whatever like you went in there for heartburn like there's no reason for you to be in here right so and I also think that like when a doctor sees you they have very limited time with you so I think that she's received you know it reminds me of like a people like the body positivity movements or whatever that are like doctors are fat phobic I like doctors are dead at it and it's like doctors aren't fat phobic they're just like telling you what it is and like if beyou being morbidly obese is unhealthy and dangerous they could it's their job to tell you that it's not their job to sit there and like lie to you and be like oh yeah you're fine like so I think that she's encountered that and like I said the only time she has seen a doctor has been this person and then in the ER or like in I mean when she's gone to Urgent Care because I didn't think amberlynn knows what Urgent Care is so I think that I think that that's what she's encountered and so that's where she gets her like her like her p decision to like what a doctor's going to do or say she thinks that that's like what like that's how every doctor is and typically a general practitioner doctor whatever will handle you a little bit more gentler than like an emergency physician because like an emergency physician is like no [ __ ] cuts to the chase but I remember one time I went in there like I had this really horrible leg pain oh my god I'm gonna talk about it's so ridiculous it's so long ago let's keep playing Bonnie or like what our most self-conscious about it would definitely be my legs 100% legs so I'm not looking forward to that and I kind of feel ashamed because my weight gain and stuff like that so we'll just see what my doctor has to say for me and I will keep you guys updated and let you know everything that's said but no bothers me a little bit about her is Brooke be 82 thank you so much for the super chat thanks grow things her teeth and her skin car the same right now I'm pretty freaking nervous like I know that I am like I kind of have a cheat sheet because like I am tan or whatever so like my skin colors naturally like darker and then like the white person's but like there's contrast like it bothers me that there's no contrast between our teeth in her skin like they're all the same color and it bothers me this actually has like flesh teeth and like it I don't like that's being kind of a long day but here we are back home it is night time I'm really trying to work on my sleeping I said night time I [ __ ] I was hoping for a dark time I like dark time roll so it's almost gonna be 10:00 so I really wanted to film this and get to bed at a decent hour so I'm really really really trying to work I have to hear this woman complain about how she needs to go to bed at a normal hour like literally you do nothing so like for you to sit here and like lie about having insomnia the girl does not even that's one thing that gets me too I suffer from insomnia I sleep maybe four hours a day like I just don't sleep well even when I take an ativan or trazadone like I just don't sleep well I don't know what it is I've had tons and tons I haven't had tons have a to sleep studies done I don't have like sleep apnea or anything like that I didn't have sleep apnea when I was at my highest either I just don't sleep well I don't know what it is I've tried numerous numerous sleeping medications I've tried lunesta I tried ambien I hated it like I hated it so I don't take so like I've just gotten into the routine of like well I'm only gonna sleep four hours a day like that just is what it is and I think what it is too is I'll sleep four hours and then I go to work doing my [ __ ] and then I come home and I'll take like an hour and a half nap so um so I guess I sleep five and a half hours a day six hours but like I she doesn't suffer from when she good when she comes in here she's like oh I went to bed at at noon and I woke up at eight you slept for eight hours which I would love to sleep for a solid straight hours you know like I would kill to like be able to sit there and like sleep for a solid eight hours that's not insomnia that's just you having no routine no any kind of schedule like so when you're not beholden to like other people you can sleep all afternoon you know what I'm saying like because if if you're if your definition of insomnia is because you're sleeping through the day and not the night what about everyone that works graveyard you know like what about every single person that has to work at graveyard shift what about the truckers the nurses the doctors the security guards the police officers what about the firefight all of those people that you know the people that work in Walmart like all the people that have to stay up all night and work and then sleep when they get home during the day like am I like my mom's boyfriend or whatever like he had to he worked for the water district and he was a swing shift so he worked from like 12:00 to 8:00 in the afternoon was it 12 day it was like 2:00 to 10:00 I think actually 2:00 to 10:00 and then he would come home at like 11:00 and then he would be up until like 4:00 in the morning and then he would sleep from flight 4:00 in the morning to noon like does that mean he had and something is not sleeping when other people do like no it's just like he has a different sleep schedule 'center I'm so glad I caught you life thank you so much for the super chat brach Bravo petty king and truth-teller best commentary by far thank you thank you so much for the super chat so yeah her a definition of what insomnia is is not what insomnia is she's just lazy it has something to do all day come at because that's important for me so I'm going to explain everything that happened at the doctor's today and oh and when I talk about body positivity this woman right here nothing about this thing is this person is body positive just for the record and I will like argue any body positive person till the cows come home about you like this last time I went to the doctor and I shared what happened there were a lot of people who called me a liar so just to get that out right now there is no lying in this video know if someone has to start their video off with there's no lying in this video I'm not lying in this video they're gonna probably lie like if you're a disclaimer before you even start your video is like I don't I'm not gonna lie in this video you're probably gonna lie and also I feel like that like speaks to the pattern of behavior with her when it comes to her her lying like you know like I think that a normal individual like I don't think I've ever had to like I'm like I've watched a lot of YouTube and I've watched a lot of other youtubers I don't think that I've ever encountered another youtuber being like by the way I'm not gonna lie in this video like I think it's implied that like what you're telling is the truth right like so for her to like be like I'm not lying in this video like you're clearly about to lie to us so whatever exaggerating this is my true story of what happened today and there are some things this is my true story of what happened a key word being story not really wanting to share or wanting to admit or anything like that but I know I'm gonna get a lot of questions if I just upload a video that says hey I went to the doctor and that was that so I feel like it's important that I just let it all out now I'm not a person that when I sit down to film like a story type deal and I want to explain something I really want to just like explain everything girl like you're you are such a fibber like you lie all the time you lie by omission all the time there are so many things there's so many examples of like you see she's she's not even a really good liar to be real cuz like she um she she can't she can't keep up with her lives a lot of the time but the thing that like kind of gets me to with her is her like her need or her want of just like wanting to always think that she has like she's smarter than and so she's she thinks it like we're not gonna catch on to like a lot of this [ __ ] like but she don't tell the truth a lot like went the whole Rafe and your cat situation went down like we know for a fact you weren't telling the truth like when destiny broke up with you we knew for a fact that like that had happened weeks prior and that you were like forcing her to sleep in your bed like we knew all this [ __ ] because we're not idiots it's not hard to like follow the bouncing ball so so we're gonna start with the fact that when I got into the doctor's office there was nowhere for me to say because my ass is too big to fit in the chairs Zachary and I were talking about this and he actually brought this point up this is like a really good point she's claimed that she's gone to this doctor's office before so she should have known that she wasn't gonna fit right like that only makes the most sense she should have known that because she's been there and she's been there recently this wasn't like she was there two years ago 200 pounds ago she knew that she has that those she knew that those chairs don't fit she doesn't fit in those chairs so ride away I mean I remember watching that and I was like kind of coming at conclusion - but like Zach like really reinforced that for me he was saying like look like what are you talking about like that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense like you've been here before right so has she been to that doctor before is this a new doctor is a doctor's office new I don't know it just reinforces that like belief that a lot of us have that she's just lying again so it is what it is and also let's just keep on so I had a walk from the car into the doctor's why so hard for you like if if I mean girl a 28 year old woman a 28 year old woman is sitting here talking about how she had to walk from the car inside like she should have been like carried in like Jabba the Hutt or something like that is ridiculous like that is such a crate like there are many people who can't walk would love to be able to like say that sentence out loud I can't Stacey Bennington thank you so much for the super shot rebel the girl in the chat said if you look up a lot in the dictionary there's a picture of arrow next to it but it was too funny to not be noticed if you look up laughs but um it's like there's so many people out there that can't walk that would love to be able to say like oh I walk from the car to the doctor's office er ever like she talks like it's like some feet like that she's done it like she made it you guys she did it she walked from the car to the doctor [ __ ] that's given like you should be able to do that like you don't have any kind of debilitating like handicap or something you're no you're not like you're not physically enable of like walking you should be able to walk like I don't understand why that I mean if that doesn't prove how like kind of gone she is then I don't know what does you know which for me is already hard enough and then dragon said she wouldn't survive working in actual physical job she had one of those jobs and she quit it because she said sitting was too hard literally all we've seen this [ __ ] to do I was gonna try to not call her a [ __ ] in this video a lot of people have been getting on me about seeing the same that be were a lot it's so hard to like get that out of my vernacular cuz everyone's a B but um she has had a job in the past and she quit it after like two three weeks cuz she couldn't handle sitting all day when all we've literally seen her and do for the past two years is sit every vlog is her sitting sitting in a car sitting in a restaurant sitting in the dining room sitting in her bed and her complaint was that she couldn't sit at her job for eight hours she's like oh when I'm at home I get like [ __ ] getting up and going to the bathroom every like two hours isn't getting up and moving around like it's annoying every single one of the chairs had those arms on it but they were definitely tiny trust me I mean for the average person I'm sure I mean I'm a big boy I have a big old donk I have a big ass I have my mom's ass I will admit like even an even since I've lost weight I live in a world not meant for tall ask people for any much or whatever so my knees hit like the ends of things that's just what it is um jazz amber lymphedema someone make the channel oh my god I have encountered chairs or whatever that are snug on the chair on the arms or whatever but the way that I hack that is I cross my legs because it kind of like makes sure like your hips narrow or whatever and she could cross her legs she'd probably be fine but she can't so I don't think I don't think ever like across her legs I don't think I'm like it's like crisscross applesauce I don't think Emily could get up off of the floor there's a lot of things I don't think anyone could do dandy but for someone like me I wasn't able to sit down so then I had to stand I understand for about 15 minutes and I'm not used to that I don't stand on the regular basis I don't stand that long on the regular basis the longest I stand is daily in the shower I try to take the fastest showers we know I mean we can tell by the hair grease and the [ __ ] around your arms and all this that we know that you don't like to be in like in standing and in the shower we know girl we know that there's been shards of us I am 6 6 it's I guarantee you if she came to that doctor's office and it was a struggle for her to stay in there for that long waiting for her appointment if Becky or if amber came to her came to one of the staff at the at the at the doctor's office and said look she can't stand for very long periods of time she doesn't fit in the chair they would have found a way to accommodate her I guarantee you they would have found a way to accommodate her and to if it meant putting her in a pit in a patient room quicker so she could be on one of those big table chair thingies or bringing her stool of some kind they would have found a way to accommodate her so I either she's too lazy or she's too ashamed or whatever do I go up and like like I went after I had my surgery the chairs in the surgeon's office were really like one issue that I have is a lot of chairs are super like low to the ground for me like they're very like so might like my knees are like does this make sense like my ass is down here and my knees are above like my ass so they're like it's like I'm in like stirrups it feels like I'm in stirrups like when a woman goes to the gynecologist and they're like their needs are up in the stirrups or whatever it feels like that when I'm sitting down in a lot of chairs because the chairs are so low so after you have like abdominal surgery your muscles are like essentially dead like they like don't work right and I remember I went to the doctor's office and I looked at the chairs and I was like there ain't no way I'm able to sit in that chair and get up without like screaming in pain and they're like okay so they went brought me a stool so it's like I guarantee you I guarantee you if she had asked they would have accommodated her for life because it is a shocker for me these things are are becoming a struggle and are a stroke which they been a struggle how it is now they been a struggle you guys know when you go to hospitals or you go to like doctors go down this hallway go down that one turn that way she's such a storyteller like a girl first of all you were probably at a doctor's office at a strip mall so let's not even pretend that you're like at some County Hospital or something getting was done Brock Bravo thank you so much for the super chat her skin looks like silly putty got sick it's just concerning yeah I agree with that she's acting as if like a Gris when you go to a hospital like when we go to big Hospital down here there's a lot of always and so if there's a lot of walking involved but like girl you were probably at your doctor's office at a strip mall let's not pretend that like it's like the most giant practice that has ever existed right it's not like you were at a girl comics a girl a haven aw - hey how's it going um let's not pretend like your doctor has like the biggest practice known to man and as like 20 patient rooms and they're all full like that's not the case we know for a fact that like it's not even that it's not even girl you're just exaggerating and maybe to you it felt like you had to walk down a bajillion hallways but I guarantee you probably took three left's and you were there like it is it's her way or take her coping mechanism of making herself like feel better about being like so winded about walking around go down this way go down that hallway and then that one it's just like you're going down all these ways and then finally when it's time to leave you're like lost what only an idiot is lost I'm sorry I don't really got a hospital I really use them I need to move more I don't know what a Fitbit has to do with moving you can move without your Fitbit you don't need a SmartWatch forever to like get up and walk around and exercise obviously because this was so embarrassing hmm I was walking and walking and walking and walking into you she did this walking she is triggered by this walking this walking is incredibly hurtful for her this is bringing up a lot of negative memories for her she is triggered as [ __ ] by the amount of walking she had to do the room that I was going to be seeing the doctor in and I was like breathing exactly like this sweet and savory podcast savory shoutout from Dana and Mandy hashtag phantom leg thank you so much for the suit I kind of liked that name for a podcast sweet and savory I'll look that up [ __ ] I kind of into that is this a podcast oh I can't do it on here all right I'll have to remember someone D someone messaged me than that name so I can look it up later because if I do it on here it's gonna [ __ ] everything up it's gonna [ __ ] everything up all right let's go boy like it was so embarrassing because the nurse who called my name while I was in the waiting room was the one who me first and I couldn't catch my breath and oh it was just really embarrassing it so that was the first thing that happened and I was trying to like crack jokes I was like oh sorry I have asthma or is it the wait you don't have asthma it is your way stuff like that the joke is that you would even make that joke like girl what are you in for it's true she breeds like that all the time like she's constantly like struggling to breathe there's never her asthma is very connect she's had to do something it seems like like it's usually what you do I was just like you know I have some calf pain I showed her where on my leg it's been hurting and that's pretty much the gist of it so as soon as my doctor came in which I love my doctor absolutely incredible doctor but when my doctor came in and she said so I heard you've been having some leg pain because obviously the nurse corresponds with the doctor before you know I'm seen and she said you know I'm worried it's a blood clot and then she asked me you know what are your symptoms talk more about it let me see it ooh I knew she was gonna look at my leg right like she's a doctor she can't like see through things she's not Superman she's gonna have to like look at it with her eyeballs get real I'm there for leg pain of course they're gonna look at my leg once she finally looked at my leg and she listened to my symptoms she was like this is not a blood oh yeah and he goes one audio and I was like oh thank good but I was like what made you think it was you know initially and she said that usually when people come in for leg pain certain leg pain or calf pain that it's worrisome that could be a blood clot but once she heard my symptoms right it's more than just being in pain like people need to like realize that like having a blood clot it's more than just like having pain in your leg it would be red it would be like extremely swollen it there'd be a deem like there's a lot of things that like would require to come to like that realization that it could be a blood clot I know people don't I people don't [ __ ] around whether it comes to that [ __ ] because like a blood clot is extremely scary and I underst like having pain like that like you would be like oh my god am i I mean I've had pain like that too before but it's like it's not it's usually there's a lot of more things that require that are needed to like come of the conclusion that is a blood clot so like I didn't think it was a blood clot by the way she was talking about it cuz I think it would be way more painful like I said it and from what I've heard from friends it's way more painful then just be like it kind of Hank sometimes it's worse than that it's like the worst pain you'll ever experience ashley Sebastiano your videos make my day thanks for making me laugh thank you so much for the super chat looked at my leg I had no symptoms of a blood clot so it turns out that I am losing a lot of circulation in that leg all right I mean she has lymphedema so like lymphedema is essentially a lack of circulation especially with your lymphatic system to your legs like you've lost a lot of your lymph your lymph nodes and your lymphatic system and are not able to like properly circulate the water and all the stuff in your body so that way so it deposits in like really weird areas and really weird in tissue and really weird so like duh you have poor circulation in your brain or your brain I mean that's true too but like you have poor circulation to your legs so like therefore you have lymphedema and we can all see that like if you if you look at lymphedema or whatever it you and you look and you look up like ambulant like I know she wears those black tights or whatever but like it's gotten so bad that like even in her like holy tights or whatever you can see just how disfigured her legs have become like they don't look like normal legs anymore that's lymphedema so I don't know she's I think any like person with like any kind of brain would like come to that deduction that like yeah you have lost a lot of circulation in your legs it's it how I sleep just how I do things and she explained or a lack of doing things and or when I walk that's why I don't feel pain in you right because you're you're manually helping that the the blood and the water and all the lymph lat Vladek the lymphatic fluid like move around because you are at a state where like you cannot you've gotten to a point where you can't like your sister your body cannot keep up with like the load that it's bearing anymore so like it's starting to give up or which i've explains you guys before that when i standard when i walk or when my legs are straight and not you know bent in any sort of way that's what I no longer feel pain because my blood by air the oxygen and just everything all the human body little circulation tidbits are able to circulate easier when I'm up later straight you know things like that exercise your body I was worried Becky was worried Becky's family was worried Eric and that's about the only people we know me and it's been a wild wild last two months because that's how long it's crazy then like you would allow this to continue for so long like that's the thing that like that gets me kind of like well like if I don't feel well or whatever and I think it warrants a trip to the doctor's office I don't wait two months to make an appointment and also when I make that appointment because of something I'm super concerned about I don't skip it like I go to it you know like there'd be no point like when I have horrible migraines or whatever like I go and I make an appointment to see the neurologist and like I figure it the [ __ ] out like I don't wait until you know and I don't skip I don't I mean I also live in an area where there's tons of [ __ ] people and typically it takes like for a specialist it can take up to a month to see someone sweet-and-savory podcast Zachary said he'd cast with us you Zack Mandy and me sounds like a four-way I'm [ __ ] down I love being upon guys I was on survive sleep slays podcast mom spaghetti check it out by the way if you haven't checked it out I did an episode with her it was a [ __ ] hoot it was a holler so if you all want me on progress I'm down to talk I [ __ ] love talking I love hearing myself talk it is all of those things but yeah I just don't see the point and I don't see the point in if you're really terrified about these things and you should just go and check it out like go and do it like it's it doesn't make sense to cancel all the time I'm just so glad that that's not what's wrong with me but I do have some bad news some bad news is I do have some bad news I like this weekís collar in the background let's just continue on let's just be grateful that I don't have a blood clot and we're just gonna move forward and prevent blood clots at all cost so I have lied to my doctor clots Alicia we're gonna fix that Claudia if I use all these pillows you know and I always say that I don't because I really don't um I use about three pillows and I don't I don't want to like really because this is something that recently started it actually started in 2018 so it has started this it started before that it started I distinctly remember her talking about having to sleep sitting up like a long time ago when I sleep and I know that that is worrisome because yeah normal people don't have to sleep sitting at I sleep completely [ __ ] flat like I have a bunch of pillows on my bed Cristina Lopez I finally got you live and I've been bringing binging on all your videos love you so much thank you so much for the super check Kristina Lopez hey I have a bunch of pillows that I use when I'm like watching TV and stuff but when I sleep I like just use my tempur-pedic oh that's the only pill I use and I sleep like pretty much prone like it's flat as you can be most people will sleep like that like most people don't need to sleep like up like unless you have like some some people have like deviated septums or have some kind of like breathing issues typically have to sleep more elevated or whatever but not completely up like not completely upright most people don't sleep completely upright usually there's something going on but completely upright all the time like that's not a good the something is very wrong so it's not when they sleep this is probably one of the reasons why I didn't why do I feel better sleeping sitting up and because you can't breathe when you're I know I wouldn't use that against me so it's not really something they didn't use it against you they were stating facts facts like you can't breathe so yeah they're just bringing that to your attention that's different I don't know why I'm doing this now I'm stopping oh my god when I wanted to like hey everyone I don't wanna sleep whoa let's make a rap about it let's no one has ever done videos about it yeah let's do some go yes sleep apnea that's all people been saying you got sleep apnea because no there's really if you think that like girl you celebrate your weight more than we do like I hate that I hate that sheet its acts as if like she's played no part in this like she acts as if like she doesn't come on here and make a mockery of her size every time she makes a [ __ ] video I mean we could go to her thumbnails right now we could go to her thumbnails right look at this but it's everyone else right it's everyone else who's making a mockery of her size everything everyone else is making a mockery of her [ __ ] size girl it's you look at there's like three mukbangs in a row there's four month bangs on this row like it's free so [ __ ] why should anyone give you more consideration than you give yourself like I don't understand that that doesn't make any kind of [ __ ] sense I just said eyes first a lot kid me so sleep apnea and still no CPAP machine right because she spent $3,000 on iPhones that she doesn't need okay I love technology a lot of you guys know this I built my why didn't I build my computer and my friend pretty much did it for me or whatever but like I was there for it I helped him as much as I could not my hands are too big to do like a lot of computer things I love technology I love everything about it and I and I save for it and like I enjoy it a lot why amberlynn needs a new iPhone is beyond me when she clearly needs a CPAP machine and she's not on health insurance so CPAP machines are expensive I mean I know for a fact like just the cleaning stuff that you need for it because you have to clean them out a lot I believe because it's your breath is going into them and it's pumping oxygen into your into your lungs it's forcibly pumping oxygen into your lungs so you don't stop breathing in your sleep though that is expensive especially when you do not have health insurance so for her to like spend the three thousand dollars on new iPhones like for no reason it's [ __ ] crazy to me like also people have been telling her for I don't know how long four years that she needs to get health insurance and yes they got rid of the individual mandate so like you don't have to pay the tax anymore if you don't have health insurance in America thank thank you GOP for that um girl if I sort of got if my health insurance gets [ __ ] [ __ ] with I'm gonna be so pissed that's another tangent I don't even go there open moments over so you're done if you didn't if you did not apply for health insurance between the months of October and just and I think December 21st like she recorded this on the 21st of December it's done you can't apply for health insurance anymore that $3,000 or whatever she spent on those iPhones that could have been a good six months of premiums for her health insurance easy easy so I just I don't understand like I don't know I don't know why I don't know why you would be that big and healthy and not your health insurance they're not allowed to discriminate against pre-existing condition so her weight her size or age well actually they can discriminate against you for your age that's the one thing I learned when I was signing up with through the the California covered California is the way that they they bat they they the way that they determine how much money you're going to like be charged per month is your age so the younger you are typically either cheaper your premiums are supposed to be because they assume that you're gonna be healthier so but they're not allowed to taking the fact that you smoke that you drink that you do all of it they can't look at any of that stuff they're not allowed to do that anymore so why she doesn't take advantage of that is beyond me because in a not like before all that before Obamacare if she never get oh there's I'd never yell there's perfectly normally healthy people without your health insurance because they don't want to they don't want to pay to like have heard insurance companies never want to pay for you to like go and get [ __ ] done so that's why I typically you have to have like a full-time job with benefits in order to have health insurance in America but like I don't know why you wouldn't take advantage of the fact that like you can get health insurance now even if you have pre-existing conditions and she makes enough money to pay for it I know there are a lot of people out there that don't have the money to pay for health insurance cuz it is very expensive she's not one of those people so I don't understand why she wouldn't do that why she would not take full advantage of that she could pay for she could get the [ __ ] Escalade the Cadillac the Bentley of health insurance plans because you if you're willing to pay for it they'll give it to you now like if you want to pay for the 700 or whatever dollar a month we're like you literally could like go to the president's doctor if you wanted to and get health insurance and like get like the Cadillac care you could pay for it they'll let you pay but they don't give a [ __ ] they're like you want to pay $900 a month sure here you go like so I don't know why she wouldn't do that I don't know it doesn't make sense to me I talked to my doctor about that and what type you know me my dad awkward self I was like yeah I sleep when I'm sit up and it's probably sleep apnea because I mean look at me you know I was just making stupid jokes I'm just like why do I do that when I'm nervous and like Trent just be done like I'm just so dumb like I can't and she's like yeah that is sleep apnea like she was just then she's like it is it's kind of scary to me that I didn't even need to do a sleep test on hey babe don't get the Novation fast lately our girls spent thousands of dollars on new phones but not in health care 2019 starting it out right there just straight tell me that and that's one thing huh I want to get emotional I got emotional at the doctor's okay Roland that's one thing that I never wanted to be told was that I had sleep apnea what terrifies me it terrifies me what is it you know it's weird to me is her she doesn't wanna be told that she has sleep apnea what about like she doesn't want to cause sleep back you know what I'm saying like what about being like you know what one thing I never want to do is like be immobile but like that doesn't scare you like so we're essentially what she's saying is that like she's more scared of being told that she has sleep apnea but like causing it herself isn't scary I don't know like girl get it together like I'd be scared that like you're gonna eat yourself into that bed like and that's gonna be it for you but like you're more afraid of being told you have sleep apnea oh just the thought of it because people can die from that in their sleep and Connor Christ don't you I thank you so much hey Michael I love the stream and the first time see a hint hint see you live anyways I run about 10 miles a day prepping for a hundred mile run in a year and was running how to overcome serene SS besides rest girl you're asking the wrong this [ __ ] don't run like I go on the elliptical like three days a week this boy don't run I don't like to run I have really bad knees so I honestly that would be a question to not me maybe there's a running subreddit that you can go to and like maybe they'd answer that question for you I'm the wrong person for that question I don't know I don't run I if I could not run I would not run if I didn't need to do some kind of cardio I would not get on elliptical I would probably use a bike but like I can't so I don't know that's not a good question for me but thank you so much for the super chat that's the reality of it that is currently what I'm going through so so my bad news doesn't really end there this is when I began to cry like never a mess and I was emotional because presents so I now feel all my emotions and I cry every day first of all that's such a misconception that like if you take antidepressants you're like numb to the world that's not the case a lot of people take antidepressants and they're perfectly happy and privately sad they just don't have a manic depressive episodes anymore they're not just like so in the deeps all that they're they live a more normal life on a more normal spectrum or like have healthy feelings when it comes it is healthy to be sad sometimes it is healthy to be happy sometimes it is healthy to not to be just normal sometimes you know like it's all of that thing is held all that stuff is encompassing of like a mentally healthy person just because you take antidepressants doesn't mean you don't feel anything because I'm pretty sure that when she was taking antidepressants she felt happy about getting orange chicken she felt like she you still felt things it just wasn't so that it just wasn't so varying in degrees so for her to be like all like oh when you take like that's the thing that gets me them uh that's the thing that really gets me the most chop-suey about her blood type is o plus orange chicken law that's the thing that like really gets me thank you so much for the super chat by the way chop suey the thing that really gets me is there's so much misinformation that is spread on this channel and like channels like her like it [ __ ] it it it's everything that just suits their needs like Chantelle does the same [ __ ] too like when like why a morbidly obese girl is like talking about doing a water fast and trying to pretend that she knows what the [ __ ] she's talking about because she watched a couple of YouTube videos about it is crazy to me and I don't understand why anyone would want to like take her word for anything like it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to me and it like it [ __ ] annoys me that there's like people that like it's fine like I don't know like it's just like it's annoying there's a lot of misinformation a lot of misinformation about being fat a lot of misinformation about like what how and residents work it's like wow water fasting works how like it's stupid like whenever anyone comes to me and it's like how did you lose weight or whatever and I'm like well I had weight loss surgeon like oh like what kind of like I'm an I'm thinking about going on this side I'm thinking about starting this exercise blah blah blah my advice is always to talk to a medical professional like I've messaged that on Instagram I've mentioned that on Twitter I think you should do whatever works for you but I also think that you should talk to a doctor about it like and I'll support you and whatever you decide like I think that that's like great for you and like you should do what you think is going to like benefit you or whatever but like I think you should talk to a doctor like and that's what I do whenever I have a question or whatever and I know that not everyone has afforded that luxury of being able to talk to a doctor but I also don't [ __ ] like come on YouTube and like pretend that I know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about when it comes to like how weight loss works and how like and how I'm gonna do this diet and how like I learned all this stuff and like I talk and matter-of-fact ways like if you ever have an question then you should like you should consult like a real medical professional sweet over sweats miron so inspire Michael just started my channel to track my weight loss and I'm down to in pounds congratulations thanks so much for the motivation petty King hey girl hey Mercedes wrist I'm not gonna say your last name cuz I'm gonna probably say wrong Queen immoderation queen of misinformation I like that we should like start like giving her that moniker queen of misinformation so yeah for at least one thing but when I was taking lexapro I literally was numb to the world so I don't know we should have gone to your doctor well first of all I should have gone to a psychiatrist like the doctor wanted you to but you refused to make that appointment I don't care what anyone [ __ ] says I had a couple people that were like hey you know I've tried to get a hold of therapists I tried to get hold of and it takes a while it don't take it here okay I'll give you it might take you a month or two to get in see someone it but you know what if a real [ __ ] really cared about their life really cared about their journey really cared about their emotional mental well-being they'd figure out a way where there's a will there's a [ __ ] way so for her to sit here like you were supposed to see a psychiatrist and if you had gone and seen a psychiatrist you could have been like so here's how I feel on the meds is this normal the psychiatrist would've been like maybe no maybe that's not normal maybe this isn't the right medication for you so let's tape you down and start you want another one let's start you with a different SSRI look maybe list you use one of the old-fashioned ones like there's so many different kinds maybe we put you on pristiq maybe a blahblah there's so many different kinds of antidepressants out there and they affect people in different ways you have to find the right one and if and I always tell people like if you're gonna go on an antidepressant or whatever like just be prepared because it's a trial and everything like you're gonna feel like a lab rat unfortunately it just is what it is and it's not because they're trying to like pump you full of all the [ __ ] they're just trying to figure out what works best for you because everyone is different and everyone is unique in that way so but she refused to do that she refused to go and see the psychiatrist to see the person that would better understand how to help her feel better when taking antidepressants feeling nothing or feeling everything oh yeah this is when I started crying and I started talking about weight loss and how I just keep getting weight and I need help like I was begging for help like it was it was embarrassing and I looked over at Becky and she was getting teary-eyed and the doctor was just like looking at me with sympathy and I felt ridiculous something tells me that like when amber feels stuck in a corner she uses emotions and crying to get what she wants because it's hard to be like not critical but to be like real with someone who's sitting in front of you like throwing a bait like who's blubbering like a baby you know so like I could I kind of empathize with a doctor maybe the doctor was like god yeah this was just going to rue it like I'm not about to like sit here and like it's [ __ ] like just destroy this girl's entire psyche like obviously she's like hanging she's on the edge you know I was so ashamed and embarrassed and I literally said the words I just don't understand that I don't ashamed and embarrassed of what like you do Burger King mcbomb like ashamed of him but like have you seen your videos have you like you're not ashamed at like she's ashamed and embarrassed when it's convenient for her when she can like get something out of those feelings but for the most part she's not Conner Grice thank you so much for this for the donation going to the gym now you were the quickest person to ask who might have some insight oh I I I'm not I have a couple friends that are marathon runners and they talk about all that [ __ ] and I'm like I have no idea what you're talking about like I would I would I would if there's someone at the gym that looks like a runner maybe ask them I don't know that can be a little sketch I think there's like a lot of running subreddits that and they talk about a lot of stuff like that so you get a lot of information like I know that weight loss surgery severa it's pretty good at information I don't take anything they say it's like fact but like if you need some quick like tips real quick I they do help a lot there so I would imagine like if you wants like I'm sure if you went to running like separate it running I'm sure like there's probably and you typed in what you were looking for it would come up can you help me find a weight loss surgeon because I want weight loss surgery and I will pay for it she explained to me that I need insurance because lie you want to know how I know that's a [ __ ] lie cuz I got [ __ ] weight loss surgery and I didn't have my insurance paid for it I paid for it out of pocket so I don't I honestly don't believe that the doctor said that to her I don't believe that the doctor was like you can't have weight-loss surgery because you don't have health insurance that [ __ ] that is absolute [ __ ] I think the doctor said you can't have weight loss surgery because you're too big and I don't think another doctor is gonna be willing to do that so that's a lie I thought we weren't lying today amberlynn I thought this video was a no lying video cuz it is hard to pay just like completely out of pocket I don't know if you like all these like terms and I felt like it was going in one ear and out the other because literally I was hoping she'd just be like it is expensive to pay for it out of pocket but guess what it's doable kids your boy Danny okay he did it he's saved up for it and he did it okay so it does cost a lot of money it is not cheap but you can do it you don't have to have health insurance to have surgery they will pay if you are willing to pay for it out of pocket you're willing it I I negotiated with my hospital I negotiated my surgeon that's so bad I like bargains for my surgery I didn't bargain for it but I was like look this is what I'm willing to pay blah blah blah they give you a quote I quoted them something back and they actually like agreed to it I was like hell yeah I'm gonna shave like 3000 dollars off that hospital bill like well you know so it is what it is and I told that doctor I am not staying there for more than one night I'm in there a night and I'm gone cuz I paid for how many nights one I paid for you know night and so I'm staying here for you know day and that is what it is going to be like so that's a lie how how much was it all in all the surgery the the crazy thing is that the surgeon was that the the cheapest part my surgeon was like he cost for four or five thousand dollars the hospital bill was twelve twelve to thirteen I think all in all I paid just under 20,000 for it so you can pay for it it's expensive as [ __ ] but you can pay for out-of-pocket all right let's go get that weight-loss surgery no I know that's not possible it's a very long long process and so she thinks that I need insurance obviously of course I need insurance like it's just I haven't gotten it it's just been so much easier for me to just pay out of my pocket Bam Bam Bam because like labs few hundred dollars labs are expensive labs are extremely expensive so I don't know what the [ __ ] she's talking about when it's like Labs or whatever it's like girl why don't I get healthy and paid the 400 ollars a month or whatever and then have your labs pay for like they've literally pay for itself like I don't understand ultrasounds a few hundred dollars I ain't got no dollars to give I spent all my dollars on my weight-loss surgery like you know typical things that I've been doing has only been a few hundred dollars but if anything bad or horrible ever happens to me heart attack and I have to be hospitalized or what if I did have a blood clot and they had to do surgery on me you know these things are like thousands of dollars and yes they're not thousands of dollars there are hundreds of thousands of dollars if amberlynn had to get blood left she had a blood clot and that she went to the hospital and had to have surgery that bill would be so insane so and so look I had my appendectomy done when I was 20 years old and I had health insurance thank God the bill was so nuts it was like a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and then after the adjustments I think the insurance after the adjustments they brought it down to like 15 or 20 I don't know what they brought it down to so the health insurance company ended up paying like fifteen thousand or something and then I ended up having to pay that the like like nine hundred or thousand dollars after that girl if amber lynn went into the hospital she would never get out of that hole i don't care how much money she made on youtube if she had to spend three or four nights in a hospital it'd be done she would default on that bill so fast like there's no way she'd be able to [ __ ] pay for it there's no way there's no way there's zero way there's zero way dude I do save money but it's still better to have insurance just in case I don't know why I'm preaching to the choir like what am i doing because you guys have been preaching to me forever okay she said for now to find an insurance company you know try to get some insurance going so we can never do it a in the future talk about what she never did it and she's explaining to me that she recently lost 60 pounds it was 250,000 for my friend have her baby that is nuts I've heard that before I've heard of people that that have had two that have had like having a baby in America is like so expensive like it's so ridiculously expensive it's like what the [ __ ] like how first of all why are we not paying for these people to have baby it's like that's ridiculous that is absolutely ridiculous but I have heard that before that like having a baby is probably one the most expensive things you can do in a hospital I was like oh my god amazing job because you know me and my stupid jokes she was talking about how her and her co-workers and employees like in the office where she works in January they were starting like a weight loss thing just like within the office and she was like I want to invite you to join us in every single month you don't even have to pay she literally if you go on her ask fm someone asked her about this and she like denied it she literally didn't on the ask fm she's like what are you talking about I know you're talking about good someone was like are you still doing the weight loss competition with the doctor she's like I don't know you're talking about and the guy was like the guy the person was like you literally said like you were gonna do the weight loss surgery she's like no I didn't she did you come in every single month we can weigh you and you can be a part of this and I was like just her thinking of me and literally telling me I want you to be part of the weight loss journey and competition within my office meant so much to me I think she just noticed I need the support and I need you know the push and the kick but she didn't do it so much to me and something she said to me kind of stuck with me because I was bawling my eyes out and she was just like you're healthy like she should she had my charts in her hand she was like you're healthy but you are obese but we can you're healthy but you have poor circulation to your legs you have sleep apnea and you have high blood pressure but you healthy I see I don't know if I believe that I don't know if I believe that the doctor sat there and was like you're healthy everything's fine and I don't know if she said that to like get her to stop crying maybe that was a thing maybe the person the doctor was like I'm gonna tell her what she wants to hear so she'll stop crying get this [ __ ] out of my hot office I don't know I'm sure that doctor didn't say that but you know I've found it very hard to believe that a doctor was like you're healthy but you're like 600 pounds you have poor circulation in your legs yes sleep apnea and high blood pressure you got it you got the trio like it's like bingo Yahtzee like I don't understand I don't see it I just don't see it dude I don't see it I just don't see eye dude someone who wastes considerably less since she doesn't ever like when I go to the doctor I get hounded about my weight to this day still like I don't believe that like I don't believe that one second for one second exFAT and in that moment I was just like [ __ ] and I'm like it's just so real you guys it was crazy to me because she made me realize like this is reversible and before uh crazy happens to me we need to reverse this we need to fix this and I feel like literally everyone has been telling her this for four years everyone has been telling her this for I don't know since I've been watching her like I people have been saying like you can fix this you can turn this all around like it's not too late like but she doesn't listen like I don't know god she never went she never went to the [ __ ] weight-loss thing cuz in her mind it didn't happen now and her mind that never happened I don't understand it emma blue 22 no doctor would tell her she's healthy I don't think she actually went I think she went I don't know if this part in particular happen I mean she's lied about a lot of things already in the video so I don't know if this I think she went to the doctor I don't think we'll ever really get personally okay a part of me feels real but like I would never go into a doctor at ever I don't know if I would necessarily come on here and like talk about it because it's not anyone's business really like what like it's it's between me and my doctor right but she has decided to like live her life where like all of this stuff is like fair game and then she's not truthful about it so then people it's like people it's like the people like the gabbie show like that are like they want to come on here and they talk about the like intricacies and the intimate details of like their mental health and like what they talk about with their doctor and blah blah blah and then what happens is now people are then afforded to have an opinion they're allowed to have an opinion right because you're talking about it if you don't want people to have an opinion on it you don't talk about it there's plenty of things in my life that I don't talk about because I don't really think that it's like do I want it to be fodder for everyone else not really like it's so it's like I don't talk about it like I'm talking about my love life too much I don't talk you know blah blah blah blah blah so but it's annoying when someone comes on here and is like I'm gonna talk about X Y & Z but you can't have an opinion on it like it's like that's not how this works like everyone's allowed to have an opinion opinions are like [ __ ] everyone has one but they're everyone's allowed to have an [ __ ] opinion that just is what it is like so if you want to come on here and you want to like talk about the like intimate details of your mental health or your doctor's appointments and bla bla bla be prepared for people to criticize you like and especially if you're not being open and truthfully honest about it or if you're an [ __ ] like because people are getting you know and Gaby show Gaby Hannah is an [ __ ] so I mean that's proof that's been proven in the past couple of mile I've known for a while she's an [ __ ] anyone that comes on here and like likes to blast every ex that they've had is an [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] what you're I don't give a [ __ ] okay like it's ridiculous everyone's been wronged in some way or fair but she absolves herself of any kind of wrongdoing if if you listen to any this is a gabby show at or whatever if you listen to any of her recounts of her life stories or whatever you want to know what one one common theme of all of her videos are she never does anything wrong that is the commonality in all of them is that all of it was done to her that's very much like amberlynn everything was done to amber lynn she played no part in it she played no role in it she had took she takes no fault so max mom 2004 says I believe in always well that al are repeatedly stating over and over again I'm we're related East I'm a binge eater III I'm depressed soda is she is just it's just a justifier way if she she lost weight no one would watch her 100,000 watching her die thank you so much for the super track I think people like watching the train wreck and I'm not gonna like fault I mean I'm sitting here doing it too so like I don't fault a lot of people been like why are so many people subscribing blah blah blah why do people watch my section of my life why do you watch intervention and like why do people watch flora bama show like people love to watch a train wreck and it just it's just part of what it's it's a part of humanity that like it doesn't make people inhuman or like is it big people like is it dark no I don't think it's dark I just think it's people have a curiosity and it is what it is romance screams thank you so much for a suit can we get him a petitioner for Michael to rewrite the Community Guidelines I mean my Community Guidelines would be like do whatever the [ __ ] you want like do whatever you want just don't try to like kill people like let's just draw the line I like killing people and like sex prep like sex abuse like other than that go for it do your thing it'd be like the wild wild west of YouTube Amber's she said can you tell me what video she says this is so wrong guys [ __ ] um I don't know the name of the video I do know that she says it [ __ ] what video was it oh it was in everything I've lied about video I believe it's in the everything I've lied about video correct me if I'm wrong but I'm like I'm going back into my catalogue I'm going back into my photographic memory that I don't have and for some reason that outfit is like popping into my head that background with a cat litter box without a cover in the corner with all the [ __ ] in it like that's where I'm being transported back to right now so in the bow in the hair with the cardigan I mean she's always wearing a cardigan but like that's where I mean transported back to so that might be the video so everything I've lied about video I believe that that video Kristin says a common building practice is to charge more if insurance is paying and charge less if the patient is paying I see it every day my own practice that is very correct Kristin typically typically if you also if you want if I know it sounds weird or whatever like to bargain with the hospital or whatever but like if you talk to like the billing eight the billing people for doctors or the hospital or whatever if you get a giant bill from the hospital you can usually like set up a payment plan and then like also get the bill lowered like if you are like you were like look like I'll be able to give because the doctor the possible want to get paid okay the husband want to get paid because hospitals running the red alot they rarely run in the black so they want to get paid so they're willing to like lower the price they know that you're gonna pay something they'd rather get paid something than like it'd be such a big number that you're just not gonna pay anything cuz a lot of times what happens is people get a large doctor bill and they don't even like recognize it because they're like I'm never gonna pay this off so what's the point like I'll just go intubate I'll just be go bankrupt like whatever I'm Sophie says oh [ __ ] Sophie says she can vlog at the Cheesecake Factory and Walmart but not prove that she actually went to see a doctor I mean I wouldn't expect her thank you so much for the super track I wouldn't expect her to like take her camera in there with her and vlog her doctor's appointment I mean I know I did but like that was just because I wanted to show people what it was like to get Botox for migraines cuz a lot of people have like this misconception that like you only get Botox if you're like trying to like not get wrinkles and [ __ ] like that like no you get Botox when you have a lot of things I know people that get Botox because I sweat too much I think there's people that get Botox when they have like tremors too I've heard of people getting them when they have like weird tremors yeah Meredith I find it odd that Becky goes in with her like her mom thank you so much for the super shy I find that extremely odd too I don't know I would I've heard of a lot of doctors or especially when you're an adult like they don't like to have other adults in the room because it can like muddle the conversation a lot because they want to talk directly to the patient granted if you're if it's someone who is like whose mental faculties are not completely there it ever like obviously then you're going to need to have someone in there to help like decipher or like communicate like extra things that are going on if they're not able to but for it's from my understanding that like like there have been times especially when I was younger or whatever like I remember cuz my my grandmom was like a tiger if she's not a tiger mom but like she was like very like like hands off like and the doctor like I remember like sixteen years old or seventeen years old and like the doctor would come into the room and she'd be like okay Michael like what's going on blah blah blah and before I could even say a word the other doctor the my gran would be like oh well this is my boy and then the I remember my doctor had to be like you need to let him talk like he's 16 years old he's a big boy he needs to be able to communicate what's wrong with him because I need to hear it come out of his mouth and he did not hear it come out of your mouth I need you to come out of his mouth so from what I understand is like when you're adult typically they only want you to come back there because they they kiss they the other person can like confuse or they can make the appointment more confusing that needs to be the doctrines are here from the amount of like this is what is happening so and from the personal traveling to because there are people my size people smarter than me people who are at a healthy weight who are unhealthy and who have this it this is like a whole other like body positivity argument or whatever it's like I'm fat but like why is it that like a skinny person has high blood pressure and someone okay no one has ever stated that like when you are fat you are going to have everything under the Sun wrong with you right and no one has ever stated that if you're at a healthy weight you are perfectly healthy clearly people have [ __ ] diseases and stuff that are not related to them being fat and yes you can be at a healthy weight and have it be unhealthy no one has ever argued that but I hate that that is like the argument that body positivity people have like started to push and I was like oh well I may be fat but at least I don't have high blood pressure ever it's like well you don't have a blue shirt yet so like let's not even pretend but like let's also not pretend I'm like just because you're fat you're not gonna get cancer one day or like you know like it's stupid like yes a skinny person can be unhealthy but when you are overweight or extremely overweight or morbidly obese your chances are a lot higher like and that's what people are saying like yes could a skinny have a heart attack I know I mean I go on kpop sub right or whatever there's two women recently that died at eight extremely young age or heart attacks extremely young age and they were otherwise healthy they're at a normal BMI but all of that stuff but they were at a look that that that is a rare case so like it their chances of having like if they had been severely overweight they may have died or sooner or like if you are extremely overweight you're just upping your chances it's like rolling dice like so you know would you rather roll like ten dice and like hope that like you don't get it or roll or would you rather have like a 1 in 20 chance of having heart attack or a 1 in 5 like that's the difference right horrible problems and I'm just like grateful that my body is trying to fight as hard as possible so this is like her body it's like an like its own entity like she's not in control of her body like her body is like it's [ __ ] crazy it's the binge monster's body it's not her body bad news which with the sleep apnea and then what I'm about to tell you guys probably doesn't seem like I'm healthy but it could be worse that is something that everyone should focus on they should always be grateful for the health that they do have but I've always always always had a little bit of an elevated high blood pressure it's never been super high that's something I've never experienced besides when I was on a weight-loss pill called phentermine mmm that's the only time my blood pressure has been stroke level but I've always had elevated blood pressure and again today I I used to be on blood pressure medication and I'm not anymore losing weight today Wow and it was most I guess I can't really say that that's technically bad news because it's always been like that it's always been just the teensy tiniest elevated but every time I've gone to like a doctor or I've gone to the ER or whatever reason I've gotten my blood pressure taken I've never been diagnosed medicine they've always told me you know what's fine it's fine it's fine and hey I was diagnosed a high blood pressure medicine you're prescribed you were prescribed a high blood pressure medicine not diagnosed was pretty eye-opening it just made me realize that this doctor cares this doctor is there for me my blood pressure wasn't any higher than it normally has been just that like just Michael did you know a few people have said that her weight was recorded at 607 pounds on her Fitbit and she deleted it and then uploaded a weigh-in video telling us she's fine about 560 Plus did not know that if that's true then that's scary honestly she gets so pissed on people like I be I think you're 600 pounds it's not that it's girls you've pretty much proven everyone right when they've said things like that so it's like I don't really think that it's like that far-fetched for people to be like you might be 600 pounds like little elevated and she still wants to help me and that makes me she like has to minimize like her high blood pressure that's another thing that I've noticed that like a lot of like bigger people are like body-positive you'll do too it's like I kind of have a little bit I know but you have I booked my first for pressure like that's just this what it is feel happy because I don't feel like just another client she wants me there for the weight loss competition and she said message me whenever you LS thank you so much for this super track woot woot good job getting off blood pressure meds dude I hated taking about pressure meds they made me feel like [ __ ] but I'm so glad I'm not on them anymore and a lot of people are confused about this because I do talk about the health portal which if you guys have a doctor y'all need to get the health portal talk to your doctor's office about it it's honestly amazing why sheep see this as father's mushy like preaches this [ __ ] like she does it herself [ __ ] you don't like your annoying you can literally email your doctor and it's just almost 2019 I know that sounds crazy to email your doctor like what cuz I know as a child you couldn't email your doctor at least I don't think you could but now there's an app which I'm pretty sure you can go on from like alright is this like a health portal thing like you know I don't know if you're annoying I'm over it all right so what did we learn in the doctor's wife didn't go as she had planned yeah she's a full as she's dude she's crazy should we do this one let's do this one real quick I watched I started playin vlog I feel like this is where I've been sort of my vlogs that just sitting on the bed wearing my attire that I slept in cuz that's just you know how I roll I guess Becky told me do that I don't know so yeah oh and I was wearing Akari don't you dare come for daily grace like that no I'm just kidding I'm not a really big fan of Daily Grace anymore but yeah so I took that off because your girl what so all these big girls come in for people's brands okay I'm just kidding hot I am obsessed with this pillow pillow is [ __ ] bad Eric and Ricky got me for Christmas I love it so much and it's just like it's one of those pillows that are like kind of hard it's it's pretty it's a decorative pillow yes oh my god I miss this I miss the days of her filming herself on you now with her phone these are like I'm currently vlogging you guys so um do you see yourselves its way in I'm not entirely sure right now but there will definitely be a weigh-in I promise did you ever get new makeup yes a lot of it it's still got a sty let's see you go away my goal weight is 170 pounds oh my gosh I feel like that's never gonna happen but we got all hope I just got to try putting fat fat fat fat I'm [ __ ] dead I mean let your cat in get up and let your cabinet or for him oh my gosh so rude hi baby I think the first time we've seen her cats in so long enough to put all our Christmas stuff down in the basement it is a mess but when she says we she means Ricky go to spa in the town the house the house off right now Becky and I are playing Mario Kart I'm cat peach and I'm in first place how do you feel about them apples babe well considering that I was first the other day why are you breathing hard Oh your sickness has affected your video game playing girl I can't I'm [ __ ] dead you smoke like this you never know if someone is just burning our trash or if there's like a fire going on that's great I'm so glad people are just burning their trash that's awesome Oh someone's bring their trash that's so great awesome love that love that for us love that for humans okay I want to know does she really listen to this music or not because I swear to God that like she whenever they're in the car whatever we never hear or listen to any of this music like is she one of those people that like wears a Ramones shirt and doesn't even know what the Ramones is like that's like a thing like we're like I've there's been so many people that have like that disco and we're like Nirvana sure it's a remote like I don't wear it because I don't really listen to it like but and they always are like they don't even know that it's a band like they don't even realize it it's a band like I almost feel like it's that Oh from 2014 yeah she got this at the mall today oh there's Ricky doing chores we saw we saw the house off someone needs to know I'm not gonna say I like that like the lime-green yellowish color has it has Ricky been presented with clothes yet someone I wonder if he's actually been presented with clothes oh my god but my soul okay so part of me I was talking to some friends about or whatever a part of me thinks that it's the reason why she got the new iPhone is cuz she is she could be she could be [ __ ] to like have to download her [ __ ] her her uh her oh my god what's the word her videos from her camera onto her Mac and then edit it from there on an iPhone she just like she wants to go back to just doing it all strictly on the iPhone which is so lazy hey it's K thank you much for the super shot it's always makes me laugh on AOL is on you now cherry picking the hell out of these comments and anything remotely positive what dedicate I know dude that would feel like real hard like a very if I came on here and everyone was just like [ __ ] die like I would be like maybe I'm just not gonna go on there like maybe it's not worth it it's not worth it for my emotional well-being to like come on here and be like torn apart all the time oh my god let's keep going hi guys so this is a way in highly requested it's not a live way in because I already weighed myself before this was highly requested but my next weigh-in will be live but uh posting this I'm ashamed nervous but I'm also very hopeful January 2019 560 pounds I'm doing a front shot both sides and a back what is that I want to use this to motivate me to motivate others and I am very embarrassed posting this well you're not girl because you know it's gonna make you hella money back let's be real and see changes I will be posting them monthly I want to wear the same exact outfit so I can get a better reading and I also walk forward it has like this giant mass right here like it's if you noticed like this one isn't as big like they're these that's not good when you have like masses like that on your abdomen like that's not good and I walk backwards just to get an idea of where I'm at this year so there it is 560 very very with myself because that is the highest I've ever weighed I will talk in a different video about what I'm doing to lose weight because that's a very common question that I'm also getting and we split up the videos for that Adsense I don't want to do everything overwhelm people you are out of breath because she's so out of breath because y'all like my uploads I love uploading so anyways now I'm rambling so I'm gonna end this vlog I know it's a short one my videos have been very short the last few that I've uploaded hey it's very sweet because you can like hear her editing out the only thing you make that's okay I don't want to just like talk and create a long all right let's do okay amber win read New Year's alright this was one year ago this was one year you guys to wear makeup damn she looks so ask if you guys have been enjoying she has eyebrows eyebrows in this video for saying so thank you very much I know not everyone has Twitter but I also have a prefer me to upload my videos I said like around 12 around 3 she actually sounds sick in this video but she sounds like she can breathe better in this video which is ironic right her own sticks are around 9 and I feel like currently the poll is like majority of people around 6:00 Eastern time so that's the time I have my videos going up anyway so I have not even put away all my Christmas presents or just the rate of things that I bought for myself what happened to the Nutri ninja [Music] [Applause] [Music] she couldn't even do this well I don't want to listen to music for us to eat I like to use shells and she's gonna be using regular like spaghetti pasta so if you guys remember for my box of pasta yesterday I bought four of these by Drance and a cans I've had both of these before but Becky wanted to try them so she got these so I think I'm gonna try one I didn't she get these and like hate them Bolivia black cherry I think she hated them didn't she I get it really nervous to try new things I know and look how much smaller thank you looked it tastes good oh my god Becky do you wanna try it yes look at how much smaller Becky looks so into it daddy that's oh can I speak to your manager haircut there's a life in her there's so much life in her eyes that was pure sugar that's why you like that one more can we clean those cab Jesus Christ can we get a [ __ ] wash rag and like clean the cabinet my god so got dirt it was like with that mouse droppings right there like Jesus Christ I wasn't kidding I literally only kept corn and green beans yesterday from the store I got those a basil pesto stuff to add I missed a huge update my kitties love my cat loves his cat tower too so here last night and rarity was sleeping up on here and wasabi was sleeping up on there so we decided to go to the movies we're gonna see downsizing and we just got here or about 20 minutes early so we're gonna go in get our tickets I might get a drink or something you excited to see the movie very could you imagine kids low honest first of all she looks smaller in this video which is crazy but she's still biggest [ __ ] this could you imagine being like hey babe we're gonna do full body shots so here grab the camera and follow me and record me walking through the parking lot of this public place like I would die yeah I would die gotta get the diet cokes in oh so we weren't trying it apparently we weren't trying oh my god her Pioneer Woman phase those look like urns look like urns cute little get ups here this is literally the type of plate I need when I'm on a diet let's be real pretty it looks fake it looks like fake rustic [ __ ] I wouldn't I'd hate that I don't want any of that recipes because we know you follow recipes by a girl oh the video dude I went to the DVD bin when I was doing my giveaway stuff so we're a moment we're actually about to check out but I wanted to do like a little mini haul all these things well most of these things we needed some of them we might have just wanted so I got some brown rice I'm just starting my grocery shopping a little bit early I got two of these tricolor quinoa I am getting a ton that clue all this in Maui onion and then I'm getting all these and sea salt these are a great snack to have I also got how would you know of this veggie pasta Becky is very upset that we're buying gorilla but you know we're getting a box of has a lot of sugar oh it's not a protein bar isn't that on that phone Elizabethtown I mean I love me some Keanu Reeves counter use could get it I [ __ ] love Keanu Reeves counter Yves this so fine like he is I think he's hotter than Brad Pitt Brad Pitt you gotta fight me said might we could drop a pin we could fight I do not care to the storm and we're the Millers so I'm getting these clear containers this one's for the brown rice this one's for the veggie pasta and that one's for the quinoa and this over here is actually gonna be for the quest bars I saw someone else on you do that I was like this is a good idea I must get this charger it's a USB cables just to make my charger longer I [ __ ] with quest bars really hard if you all know me the strawberry cheesecake quest bar is I eat one every day I love them blueberry muffin and the chocolate brownie we're also getting the white white chocolate raspberry kind and the cookies and cream and then you think anyone that aren't that good few years I got this black table cover we're going with a black people team obviously you have time can you back to Chantal vis no I don't want to actually on tell sorry I'll talk about her but I did not react to her so I'm actually gonna be getting gold paper plates - I totally forgot them but we're doing gold paper plates gold napkins gold silverware I got this pack of New Year celebration party kit and it's golden black I love these are I love the vlogs where it's just Amber's hand touching tons of [ __ ] like it it's suck nostalgic like it's it's quality it's quality content and I love it there's party hats printed tiaras Hawaiian leis and horns and then we're getting the game Clue so was this like not the New Year's No oh god Becky looks so much smaller I mean so it's big here but she looks so much smaller than like what she looked like in the last video I watched she's done a 2014 hey guys so first video of the year can we believe this its 2017 it's weird seeing her with eyebrows seventeen like who what when where how like seventeen years ago it was mm I feel like it was just yesterday that it was mm I don't know that's just me a part of me like with the iPhone vlogging too is like she doesn't realize like we have like this pretty much have the same camera that camera does a lot of like wonders like it does a lot of like it makes you look really good and like the iPhone is not as flattering like the vlogging camera I like the front-facing camera it's not as it's not as a flattering as like the that camera is like so we're gonna get a lot more of like really bad skin shots I think so everything just feels so different already in 2017 like the trees look different the breeze feels different the music is more better okay oh yeah I actually enjoy this amber like she's full of [ __ ] but like I but we're gonna change that this year so I'm gonna be cliche AF yes mom some resolutions for you guys I'll be my first one is a weight loss one duh it's not an ambulance and without a weight loss your name put it in the air whatever I speak power to truth or truth to power if I do that would be a hundred pounds down overall that would be we went the opposite way I feel like that's just me pushing it but I really would like to reach 300s in general so if it was like 399 398 I'd be awesome too but the bar so low she was 495 I want to be more was she 495 during this 485 girl yes 85 I want to be more motivated to do things I want to be motivated to clean to go out to film videos she was so energetic back why did this music [ __ ] did she's so energetic back really want to be just more motivated in general about everything cuz I feel like my motivation has dwindled lately and that's like no girl if you only knew what you had in store for you I can't I have my list down here so that's why I keep looking down I want to move more like whether it's just walking up and down the stairs an extra few times a day or whether it's walking Twinkie for this is after destiny because that's what we do I walk her three times a day for ten minutes it's literally nothing and I feel like or even if it's just like if I'm sitting in bed watching youtube videos which I do do a lot I am a youtuber so I do like to watch fellow oh god no I hate it I hate it when she makes use me like girl I want to think positive yeah for whatever reason just move I mean I guess you have to pretend like you fake it till you make it right this is gonna pretend to be positive is positive mentally in just all aspects of life I feel like I put myself in the back burner a lot girl your life literally revolves around you like everyone ever out in your orbit is like sucked into your black hole like everything has to do with you everything is about you like but to sit here pretend that you constantly put put yourself behind to do for others is such a [ __ ] lie like everything is revolving around your schedule your needs your wants like I hate it when she does that like everyone is like selfish to some extent but amber lynn is like all amber lynn is about amberlynn all the time like come on for everyone I try to put everyone first I put my pets first I put my friends first I put destiny first and I thought that I want to be selfish because death oh this is for destroy Who I am I'm definitely not a selfish person at all like if you know me you know that I've seen all of us thank you so much to put myself first just a few times I want to do things for me and take care of myself and I don't know I feel like that's really important for everybody to you know be like that sometimes in their life but don't get so close right now another one is this one isn't really up it's weird seeing her with eyebrows like I don't know why I'm like so fast never I didn't get my my unibrow is so strong right now that's not right if you're in control do you know what I'm saying I'm not in control of this one but I would love to reach 50,000 subscribers on you that's crazy she's had a hundred in like five now but I drill if you only knew if you only knew that doing that gaining a hundred pounds and doing Burger King mukbang every week was gonna get you a hundred thousand if you only knew what you had in store for you girl about subscribers that's crazy she's at 29,000 it's crazy to me that she put her life so in jeopardy and put her life in her health and she just essentially traded that in for like being YouTube's infamous and I'm not gonna say you too famous cuz she's not YouTube famous she's YouTube's infamous Wow thank you guys so much love you guys I love you guys so much that I'm gonna do a fake giveaway I don't really know I really don't that's something that I think about and I mean if I don't reach 50,000 like I miss this style like I don't like the new [ __ ] I don't like the new toured [ __ ] at all like at all I'm not a big fan of like the stuff that she's getting from Toria because she doesn't wear them right like I think that would be if she wore them correctly like if she wore them front like there's the fret and the fret in the back in the back I think I would like it more but it just looks weird on her body because she wants to wear all her [ __ ] backwards I don't know I don't it to me that's something like a five-year-old would do like a five girl to be like no dad I want to wear it this way like it's so weird that she refuses to wear her [ __ ] correctly like I don't get it that's okay but it's something that I kind of have a dream about like 50,000 subscribers okay but again let's not see like I mean at this point I was already kind of like over ambulant or whatever but like there seems to be like the teensy bit of humility in this video like there's a the teensiest bit or at least she's faking it well enough like I don't that doesn't exist anymore like it's done now I wanna drink more water and one of her latest you you now chat Ella said she thinks the person who received the gift card lied about it well I know that's not true we know for a fact that he never received it and she never sent it because when we sent him the gift card he got it and posted pictures of him getting it so she's full of [ __ ] I don't mean I want to cut out diet soda completely because that's never probably ever gonna happen I am a diet soda Fein like I loved I had told us so much the bad part is I've been drinking some regular soda lately girl no I need to stop put the brakes and stop I haven't had regular soda so I haven't had soda into an app yes I can't drink carbonated things but I will drink I'm I want to try drinking water just whenever I'm thirsty but if I'm craving diet that's okay but yeah I already like she always gives herself permission she always gives herself permission to like not do what she's gonna do right like everything even when she was talking about like her New Year stuff or whatever she's like I'm gonna try or I'm gonna attempt I mean it don't just do it speak truth to power and just say you're gonna do it and just follow through with it and do it don't say you're gonna like do it but then you every once in a while you might do this no you're already like giving yourself permission to fail like that doesn't that doesn't help so amazing for you it just so many amazing things reven it's waters free okay not really I do pay a water bill boo but water you know it's just there remember when she made Becky get her a glass our thing of water from Starbucks all the time chillin wait for you to drink it bathe in it all that type of stuff so why not use it um I want to make healthier choices and food um a perfect example is because I am probably sort of kind of possibly maybe could be counting calories because that is really that's something that's been the so that's been the constant the absolute constant in am Berlin's YouTube career is she's always counting calories always and it never works it never [ __ ] works so like I don't know why you would set yourself up to be like I'm gonna do 2,000 times I'm gonna do three thoughts I mean she couldn't even do 3,000 calories so remember she's trying to do 3,000 calories she couldn't even do 3,000 calories I don't know why she chooses to like continue I think it's cuz she wants to fail Hey to lose weight is count calories and a lot of people disagree with this that's okay everyone has different opinions but um I don't think anyone's ever like I think I think a lot of people tell her not to count calories because it doesn't work for her counting how it works for a lot of people but counting calories doesn't work for her lose weight is to eat less calories than you normally do so what I mean by health care choices and food is let's say I have 300 calories left for the night and my options can be 300 calories of potato chips 300 calories of example she's never telling throws up in her mouth it's like three colors in a blue like apples that I think that's the one thing that people always were criticizing her about is when she talks about her counting calories thing is because she never ever leaves end the night with a surplus of calorie right she always will make sure that she will hit that calorie goal and then she always ends up going over it so I think that that's like one of the reasons why people have ways been like girl bye instead of choosing the chips I want to try choosing the Apple we'll see like I just want to try you know making those little changes she was on lexapro during this Jenna seen a doctor in years mental health care choices like if I want to film a video that I know is gonna get me a lot of hey if you will I want to sit with myself and be like am I willing to accept the hate is this gonna be healthy for my mindset girl if she could put that it's just she she she can speak that truth to power that would be amazing like where is that kind of like thought process happening right now like I don't feel like any of that happens with anything she posed as she doesn't give a [ __ ] what its gonna do or what ripple effect its gonna have I'm not even in the camera she doesn't even care what kind of ripple effect its gonna have as long as it makes her some kind of money she's gonna do it I know hate comes no matter what it like that's just how it is on YouTube people are gonna have something to say no matter what is right for me is the chips right for me is this video right for me it is abnormal the amount of hate she gets though like but that's all her own doing and like I get people that don't like me say [ __ ] all the time but like most of these things but this one I am preaching to you guys to do just be more positive be a more positive person you can wake up and be more positive I promise you that like they remind me of like those really bad pastors like her and Chantel like they preach they preach what they do they practice what they don't practice what they preach they like those pastors that like that talk about monogamy and like all that and then are like having affairs on their wives like they talk about like not you know who was that one pastor from Texas who was like always so anti-gay and then it turned out that he was like smoking meth and like having tons of sex with gay prostitute it's like it's it reminds me of that like it's such a hit it's a hypocrisy it's like a level of hypocrisy that like just gets so under my skin because it's like you don't practice what you preach so like sit on here until like your audience to like do this do that and then you don't do it yourself like how about you just like leave through your actions and not through your words like how about that like how about you just [ __ ] do what you say you're gonna do and don't even say it just do it and then bye and that through that accord the people that you want to affect some change in will just naturally do it because they're seeing you do it but they don't think it that way they think that like getting on here and making a twenty minute video of them rambling about how they like looked up some pseudoscience on YouTube is so Ted Haggard I loved his last name is Haggard they think that like going on here and like preaching to like their audience about like what they should do and how this changed their life like no [ __ ] how about you just changed your life like focus on in your life just be like no [ __ ] no I'm gonna be positive let's do this let's kick it into high gear we can do this I feel like positivity is something that you can choose it's not really something that's just there I feel like you choose to be positive and there's something positive and all this is before so for me I'm already a pretty positive person I try my hardest to look at things with like two sides that's just what I do with everything but I just feel like I want to just purposely be even more positive than our knuckles are lighter in this video and I feel like being more positive in life leads to a happier life and just better vibes and like when people are around you they're gonna want to be around you versus not too sure if I want to spend time with Amber Lee today like you just don't want that for yourself so be positive and I'm sure you'll feel so much better because I know first hand if I wake up and I'm like today's gonna be a horrible day I just know it thank you so much for the super shot you're an awesome ring man you make me smile buddy boy yes I have a baby we're watching thank you so much for the super develo Rose I'm glad you are enjoying she's a positive person guys positivity spread sunshine rain sunshine sunshine and rainbows I'm good I'm gonna make it better than bad this I'm over this sermon honestly if I wanted this [ __ ] sermon like this I'd go to church like I'm over something I want to redeem myself from the people who really think I'm a certain way when I'm not that didn't happen that sure as hell didn't happen again that's not entirely up to me that's entirely up to other people no that is not other people's job for you to like regain their confidence like you lost people's respect because of the actions you took it's not other people's job to like make you feel better like you be a better person and people will gradually treat you better but you didn't do that you've doubled out on your 2017 2016 has been cry cry little did she know Jesus that's crazy that was a roller coaster ride that was a roller coaster ride a roller coaster ride it's it's crazy to see the difference that was 2017 so we didn't see that well I thought that was a 2018 one but I guess it wasn't so she must I don't know there must be a different video with her oh that's right she got sick so like it wasn't really her new year's 100 oh wow all right well I've been on here for two hours in five minutes it's a bit a long ass [ __ ] time I'm glad I'm back I'm glad that I'm able to chat with all of y'all once again thank you everyone who came and tonight and thank you everyone that likes set me super chats greatly appreciate it I'm gonna have I'm gonna try to film a video this weekend it all depends on [ __ ] I have like I have to take her to to doctors appointments on Friday so it's just all gonna depend on like what happens but um thank you all so much for tuning in think y'all for sticking by me thank y'all for subscribing and until next time toodles
Channel: MichaelBePetty
Views: 444,912
Rating: 4.7141433 out of 5
Keywords: Amberlynn Reid, Chantal Marie, Foodie Beauty, MichaelBePetty, Michael Lawrence, New Years, Resolutions, TheGabbieShow, Gabbie Hanna, LGBTQIA, LGBT, Gay, Lesbian, Man, WOman, Weight Loss, Weightloss journey, health, Healthcare, Doctors, Drama
Id: Bph-p7gBqFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 13sec (7633 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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