My 600-lb Life Stars Who RUINED THEIR DIETS!

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I can eat all of this by myself and it wouldn't be as detrimental to me as not eating dr. now's diet plan may be straightforward but if there's anything that we've learned from the patient's featured on my 600-pound life it's that lifelong food addiction can be pretty hard to break even if your life is on the line today we'll be going over seven people on my 600-pound life who ruined their diets before we get started though leave a comment down below who in your opinion has been the worst my 600-pound life patient to have ever been featured on the show also make sure to subscribe to the channel that way you enter in to our monthly shout out giveaway after getting some surgery and successfully losing some weight James J looks like he's on the right track he's lost about 155 pounds by month 6 and is able to move around much easier as well as being well on his way to getting excess skin removal he even goes out on a date with his new girls summer where they go out to a restaurant and eat normal food a week later however James becomes worried that his cravings are starting to come back he says he feels like it's okay to satisfy them a little bit so he ends up going through the fast-food drive-through and ordering some steak fingers he tries his best to justify it by saying that he doesn't think it'll set him back by too much but he's clearly concerned about losing control and going back to how things were things been going well with the cravings have come back I have a feeling I can give it a little bit still be okay give me a four-piece order of steak fingers you too [Applause] [Music] I don't think it's gonna stop my progress I just hope I can control it [Music] forty-two year old mother of five Cynthia Wells started at 603 pounds and was given the standard goal to lose 30 pounds over the next month well she ends up losing 24 and is very upset and discouraged that it isn't quite good enough but since she has another chance to meet the goal she basically says that she'll get over it and we'll be able to continue making progress two weeks later however she's still too discouraged and rundown to do any exercise she starts putting all the blame on dr. now saying that he doesn't understand how the weight loss program is stressing her out financially and basically uses it as an excuse to not do any work or put any effort into the weight loss at all she ends up going out for fast food with her son and probably did a lot more cheating that just wasn't filmed as by her next appointment she's gained back four pounds she starts an argument with her boyfriend in the car afterwards and it sounds like she's just about to give up on the entire thing but later she admits that she doesn't want to let the emotions get the better of her and lose this opportunity she says she's working as hard as she can and actually does lose the 57 pounds by her next weigh-in so respect to her is getting expensive to try to buy healthy options for every meal okay you are gonna get something yes I think every meal has to be the best choice I'm still committed to the diet like right now I'm not even focused on the next doctor visit I've been going to the gym we're not talking to my exercise you're talking about your eating habit with a goal to lose 40 pounds in two months Dottie says that she's been studying dr. now's meal plans and is trying to change her eating habits but she has a few mental blocks that are holding her back she tries to put the blame on her husband and son wanting to eat certain foods and also says the food itself doesn't taste great but her main problem is portion sizes apparently her solution to this is not to follow the portion sizes at all as we see her eating what looks like some decently healthy food but in huge quantities not only that but she also adds some coke and potato chips to drive up the calories even more so it's not a huge surprise that she only lost six pounds by the third month to make things worse she blatantly lies about what she's been eating claiming that the dinners are just solid and green beans when as you can see I'm sorry Dottie but that is not the case at all folks on eating healthier choices and not so much the amounts [Music] but I have cheated a little bit I usually eat like a couple of bald eggs that's it yes that's all I have Tom day for dinner ate a salad and I eat green beans any snack in between no no sighs I'm between penny from season two was notorious for refusing to even try to diet things were already pretty concerning right after her first surgery when she refused to get up and walk or even sit up in bed she also didn't lose any weight while in hospital meaning she had to be secretly cheating by sneaking food into the hospital back at home she started claiming that there wasn't really a diet given to her in the first place and quickly went back to her old diet we see her eating all types of food that she's not supposed to be eating but of course she can't function without wontons later on when doctor now calls her in for a check-up it's revealed that she's missed all of her post operation appointments and the weigh-in reveals that she's gained five pounds her husband Edgar actually sided with her that she must have been miss Wade initially which is absolutely ridiculous to me and on top of it he offered to get her some ice cream the second that doctor now left the road I can pretty much look at food and calculate exactly what the calories are I know the food I need to get something in me and I feel like I'm dropping all my sugar doctors out and it's gonna be like why she but I can eat all of this by myself and it wouldn't be as detrimental to me as not eating you're hungry let me get you some ice cream yeah [Music] after only losing 11 pounds in her first month putting her at 673 pounds Nicole gets a second chance at losing 30 but she does less dieting than she does blaming her lack of progress on everyone else Nicole claims that she has no choice but to get something unhealthy when they ordered takeout since they haven't found an apartment with a kitchen setup yet talk about a poor excuse she blames her family and her boyfriend Charlie for constantly not supporting her and also claims the stress is so bad that she didn't have time to go to her next appointment though it's more likely that she's skipping because she hasn't lost the weight that she's supposed to wanting to forget about her problems Nicole cheats harp with some cheeseburgers she claims that she's been holding out for so long but that kind of contradicts our saying she's been forced to eat unhealthy takeout over the past month because she's the one who chose to get the cheeseburger like what in any case she's only lost six pounds in the two months between her first and second follow-up putting her total at about half of what she was supposed to lose and just upon mom talk about a joke I've been trying to do better this month but until we find a place to live with a kitchen we're still mostly relying on takeout and fast food can I get a double meat cheeseburger large fruit punch right now I just can't wait to eat something that tastes so good I know this isn't the food I'm supposed to be eating but I don't think it's going to cause too much damage to cheat just a little bit when I really need it Lupe has a pretty harrowing start to her weight-loss journey arriving at her appointment in critical condition after being in a car for three days she's put in the hospital immediately unable to walk stand move or breathe properly and her heart is only functioning at 35 percent capacity she loses 69 pounds and her month-long stay in the hospital and is discharged to try and make some progress of her own at home she's supposed to lose 50 pounds over the next month but we see her going all out for her 48th birthday dinner with her husband Gilbert's family which makes sense to be honest it's her birthday but when you really think about it she must have cheated a lot more than that because by her next appointment her health has declined even further than the last time and she weighs in at a shocking 82 pounds heavier undoing all of her progress and some more I need to get my eating under control I have to get this surgery because eventually I know I'm gonna strike even into my cravings every day look at this is ridiculous that you gained more weight than you lost in just a mine I'm keeping you in the hospital to start controlled diet again you're down to your last chance we understand [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 1,092,493
Rating: 4.8535318 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: MjwCCg05NL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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