*MUST WATCH* Tesla Model 3/Y Tips, Tricks & Settings.

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[Music] [Music] you get my in today's video we're going to talk about the top tips and tricks for your model 3 and model y hopefully you these are some you haven't seen before so sit back relax and enjoy all right first let's talk about protecting your car we'll start on the outside so tesla's paint is notoriously not great stone chips scratching and everything it's very very thin so what you want to do what i did was get your car ceramic coating ceramic coating is basically another layer of clear coat that goes on top of your paint it's very easy to install it's not very expensive it is great against very light surface scratches and it's also hydrophobic so water just flies off it making cleaning the car very very easy things like bird poo and sap don't stain the paint and it's much easier to get off if you want to go the next step up you can go with ppf or paint protection film it's basically just a clear vinyl wrap that goes over the car some people do the entire car most people just do the hood and the front bumper that's going to protect you against scratches stone chips and that type of thing ceramic coating on the other hand will not protect against stone chips or real decent scratches all right so moving on to the interior you should know that your seats have been treated by the factory that makes the material if you're anything like me i have an anxiety attack anytime my kids eat in the car so what you can do is very easily just take a nice wipe and wipe down if you get denim stains or if they do get juice or anything else it will wipe quite easily don't use anything too harsh it will remove the special protective coating that has been applied to the seats you can also ceramic coat your seats i haven't done it it seems a little overkill to me but if it's anything like what it does to the outside of the car it could work really well and lastly in the interior you want to protect that beautiful screen i went with a nice doll screen protector the reason why was i found that the sun was blinding me a lot and i didn't love the reflection and the glare coming off of it also the dull ones seemed to not show fingerprints at all i've been really really happy with the one i got i'll put a link in description for it they're very easy to install they're cheap and they're highly highly recommended and last but not least the last thing you want to protect is that beautiful center console i know that piano finish looks great but honestly it's a scratch magnet just running your finger across that will leave awful surface scratches so first thing you should do either before you get your car or once you get your car is just get a nice cheap vinyl wrap wrap it it looks fantastic it's super easy to install and honestly for under 20 bucks it's the best thing you can do the 19 and 20 inch rims that come on our cars are beautiful however they are quite a low profile tire low profile tire means you have a very very thin sidewall if you're not used to driving a car with a low profile it's very easy to get flat tires and also bend your rims if you hit potholes so what you want to do is obviously keep your eyes on the road in front of you so you avoid potholes but you could also go to a smaller rim size with a thicker sidewall then you don't have to worry nearly as much so the 18 inch rim option that comes with tesla or you can always get an aftermarket room all right let's get into tips and settings so instead of actually having to open the music app you can actually just push your finger over the music icon swipe it up and stop wherever you want to go you can also just tap it to close but i found it just sort of easy to just slide your finger up and slide it all the way back down teslas are incredibly intuitive however there was one thing i didn't know how to do which was put on the air in the back of the car it wasn't the easiest icon to find so just tapping that little picture in the corner will put air in the back seat for your passengers the other things you can do is you can leave your air conditioning on when you leave the car that will turn off when the battery hits 20 percent you have dog mode which will again leave the car on it will also leave an icon on the screen and then there's camp mode which will again stay on until the battery hits 20 percent you can also just turn the climate off when you leave the car the other thing to remember is that the recirculating air icon right there so if you want fresh air to come in you want to turn that off but what tesla recommends doing especially if you want to take advantage of the high quality air filters that they use is leave that on because then the air is actually much cleaner and purified through the air filter so for the parents out there here are a couple things i like to do within the lock menu so i like to leave door and window notifications on so the car will tell you if you've left a door open or a window open i also like to do the lock confirmation sound and close the windows online because nothing says fun like when your two-year-old opens the window a little bit and it starts raining the next day so the few different options when it comes to your side mirrors so go into quick controls click on your mirrors adjustment and what you can do from there is i like to select your mirror auto tilt what that does is angle your mirrors down so you can make sure you're not too close to the curve that combined with your side cameras makes life really really easy so you don't smack up your rims the next thing to do is your mirror auto fold that's great for when you're parking and when you get out of the car it just automatically puts your mirrors in which is great because it protects you against maybe a cyclist hitting into your mirror or maybe another car so this next little tip is actually really helpful to find out what is going on with your car so if you get any weird notifications that pop up and you want to look into what they are here's how you do it so pull up your menu button go into software click on notifications and you'll see all the notifications you've gotten that have popped up so any error messages if you click on it it will actually take you directly to the owner's manual and pop up potentially what it is and what it means to help you understand what's going on so credit actually goes to my wife for finding this shortcut because she hates my music and constantly turns it down so what you can do is instead of using the scroll wheel if your passenger for example because it's closer to them wants to turn the music down they can just slide their finger all the way to one side or all the way back to turn the volume back up instead of having to just tap each side constantly to keep going up up up up they can just slide it back and forth so this next little trick is kind of a reddit urban legend however i've done it multiple times and every time i do it it seems to work so every time there's a update that's going to be coming out soon what i do is i go into my software tab and i tap the advanced button ten times and then i go between standard and advanced back and forth five times now i've read online that this actually speeds up the process i did it just yesterday and the next time i started the car i had the latest updates so try it out it's worked for me i don't know if it'll work for you but a lot of people say that it does work so give it a shot so the next tip is about supercharging so what you always want to do before you supercharge your car is always pre-plan it and put it in your navigation so what you can do is from your navigation screen you can click on the little icon there that brings up all the superchargers that are close to you then you can then select the closest one or whichever one you want to go to and it's going to navigate to that point now the reason why you should always do this is this starts the car pre-conditioning the battery precondition the battery basically means that it's getting your battery to the optimal temperature whether that's cooling it or heating it so that you can accept a supercharge give yourself 10 to 20 minutes before you get there that will get give you more than enough time to get the battery ready if the battery's not ready to accept a supercharge it's just not going to be charging as efficiently as it could be so this next supercharging tip is fantastic especially if you live in a hot climate so obviously heat and electricity don't do well together if you want to get the optimal performance out of your supercharger while you're charging take a microfiber cloth that you might keep in your car or small towel and just wet it with some water and drape it over the handle what that's going to do is it's going to prevent the supercharger from heat soaking there's been a ton of youtubers who have done studies on this and have shown that it is quite a significant change so this isn't really a tip or a trick it's just a fun little easter egg so next time you're charging either at home or supercharger just push the little button 10 times and you'll see a fun little light show it's actually really nice at night and my son loves doing it so there you go next let's talk about rebooting your tesla so just like your phone your laptop your tv or your computer sometimes software starts bugging out and a little reboot will fix 99 of problems so here's how you do it what you want to do to do a soft reboot so you're just rebooting your center computer just the main computer just hold down the two scroll wheels in for a few seconds and you'll see the computer starting to reboot so what i like to do is open the door or put the window down just in case there's a problem and you're inside the car and it needs to do a hard reboot or something happens at least you just have a way to get out or have some fresh air if it does take some time to reboot the car now if you want to do a hard reboot which is literally rebooting the entire computer so you do the exact same thing except you put your foot on the brake at the same time so you hold the brake down push in the two scroll wheels wait a few seconds and everything will turn off including your air you'll notice the entire car shuts down just wait it'll cycle through you'll see the tesla logo pop up and your car will be back up and running so this next feature is fantastic if you have a young driver in the household so what you want to do is go into safety and security and from here you can actually limit how quickly they can go so what you do is click on the speed limit button and then enter a four digit pin and that's it so the only downside of this is that you will have to deal with a teenager calling you wondering why the car will only go to 70 kilometers an hour other than that it's a fantastic feature all right so next let's hop into your autopilot settings so to get there just tap on the little car icon in the bottom left corner let's go into autopilot and from here let's start at the very bottom so first thing i like to turn off is obstacle aware acceleration this is one of the worst features they ever had in the car luckily you can now turn it off it basically would stop the car from being able to accelerate properly if it detected a car in front of you definitely turn that off next automatic emergency braking i like to keep that on blind spot collision warning chime i also like to keep on an emergency lane departure avoidance on now when it comes to lane departure avoidance i think warning is better than assist the warning basically vibrates your ceiling a little bit whereas assist actually pushes you back in the lane so again it's personal preference i just didn't love the nanny feel that the assist was doing now for forward collision warning i keep it on late i used to have it on early i tried medium as well what i found was it's it's far too sensitive so if someone sort of pulls in front of you there are actually a few times when the car just would completely slam on its brakes it was a little too scary i didn't love how it felt so i keep it on late i think late is just perfect it's it will keep you out of trouble it's worked before when people have you know suddenly stopped quickly and the car does its job so definitely keep it on but i would just change it to late but again personal preference from there up top i like to keep all the other autopilot features enabled this is if you have self-driving mode obviously if you don't you're not going to have all of these different things and if you notice that some of these features aren't there yet it just depends on what version of the software what country you're in but i'm sure you'll have them soon if you don't already have them by now i hope you guys learned something new and enjoyed the video if you did please consider subscribing liking and commenting on the video i'm happy to answer any tesla questions that i can in the comments below i look forward to seeing the next video and thanks so much see you soon bye
Channel: That Tesla Guy
Views: 43,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model3, modely, tips, tricks, performance, settings, teslamodel3, teslamodely, 2020
Id: YWZnZiDnWyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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