13 Important Settings to Change in Your New Model Y

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this is a brand new 2024 Tesla Model Y and I'm going to show you how to set it up from the factory also this is one of the new colors it's called stealth gray they also came out with a new red honestly the stealth gray I mean it looks good but it's not that much of a difference it's just darker the first thing you want to do when setting up your model Y and this is before you even take it home if you have a garage or an area with a cover you're parking it in you can see the trunk actually goes up pretty high so what I want you to do is make make sure you set the height so when you go into your garage the first time you open it up you can actually stop this kind of wherever and you can hold this button in and you'll hear a sound so once you hear that sound this is now the new stop height for the trunk and that is how you set it so next time you open the car up I'll show you stops right there so that's something that's very useful a lot of people I've seen have gone home they open it up like has 100 miles on the car and they scratch it off the top of their garage door so that's something just to be aware of at first now the rest of the setup is going to be within the software this is all going to be very quick tips and then you can customize it but these are important features that will give you a better experience when driving the car all right so the first thing you're going want to do is click this button right here that's going to bring up this menu here if you want to adjust your mirrors that's this button right here and then your steering wheel as well and that is all right here to set up Sentry mode now Sentry mode is the security system built into the car it will monitor what's going on around it when it senses motion but you need to put in a USB drive so it can actually record and save the footage so it's useful to you so I'll have the USB drive that you can get from Amazon Linked In the description but that's how you get sensory mode set up now into pedals and steering you have chill and standard acceleration in standard acceleration in this long range model you're at 4.8 seconds to 60 in chill you're over 7 Seconds to 60 but you will get a little bit more efficiency in chill mode just with acceleration and everything it just really Smooths out the torque curve which gives you longer lasting tires and just more uh range out of your vehicle also your steering mode Comfort mode is going to be the least amount of resistance when going back and forth on the steering wheel sport is going to give you the heaviest feeling I actually like to put it in sport mode on long road trips it just feels more solid as you're driving on longer road trips but overall this will be up to you apply brakes when regenerative braking is limited so regenerative braking so we'll go ahead and start the car here or put it into a drive mode so as you can see right here there's a couple dots at the beginning and that's because we're actually charged up to 88% so it reduces regenerative braking I personally don't use that because it just wears the brakes but honestly it's going to be pretty rare when you would have to engage that so I just leave that off this really isn't important for right now charging is important so it recommends to keep it charged to 80% for daily driving which is going to be plenty for your daily commute so I recommend 80% just as they do if you're going on a road trip you can charge it up to 100% that's not going to kill it but 80% for daily driving that should be totally fine now before we get too deep into the software here I want to tell you about another software from a company called delete me which will help remove your personal information that data Brokers sell from the internet I've been using this since December and I can only remember getting one Robo call since delete me has scanned 8,644 listings and found 77 data Brokers with my information so I'm already seeing results delete me starts by having you fill out a profile of your name common spellings your phone number address or previous addresses you've lived at to find your information that data Brokers are selling these data Brokers aggregate data cleanse it analyze it and then licens it to sell to other data Brokers or other organizations interested in that data from here delete me will generate your first report and it can take a few days all the way up to a month to get your information removed from the internet and the best part is they keep removing your information every 3 months when it pops up on websites their privacy advisers even handle custom requests to remove your data if you find it somewhere random on the internet so right now what they're doing for my viewers is giving them 20% off for delete me US consumer plans if you go to join delet me.com js20 and use promo code jibs 20 at checkout I also have a link for international plans again that's join delet me.com gs20 and js20 at checkout to save 20% off of your subscription also the first accessory I recommend this is what I sell the most of on this channel and people are most happy with this are the floor mats these are what comes with the car they're just kind of flimsy and really wear down over time but I've been partnered with 3D mats for over 3 years now they are excellent also if you're looking for a Tesla Supercharger the best way to do that is Click here superchargers and when you say that it brings up all local superchargers as well as their rates so if I click on this one here it'll actually show me the rates at the supercharger in the time that those rates are in effect for and the charging speed as well so this is very helpful very useful information for some reason if you say Tesla superchargers it doesn't come up correctly so I just recommend saying superchargers and then that will accurately get you to where you wanted to go this is where things get a little more interesting and that is under autopilot so a car comes with traffic wear cruise control that just means Dynamic cruise control meaning it will adjust its speed and everything based on the car in front of you you then have Auto steer beta which I that's what I have my car in so you want to go yes there and basically this is autopilot so this will drive and steer your car on highways and B roads and everything and this is a really useful feature in every Tesla comes with this this says full self-driving beta I don't know if that's going to sign this person up for a subscription so I'm just not going to mess with that but make sure you set auto steer beta you want to do that for autopilot activation it says single and double pool that just means this right here you single tap or you double tap it to activate that I do double pull I personally like that a little bit better okay I was wondering about this because it's showing a bunch of full self-driving features and it does have full self-driving capability cuz this is a brand new vehicle a lot of the new model wi's n3s and all Teslas will come with a trial of full self-driving also if you guys want to use my referral code I have it linked in the description you should definitely use a referral code when buying a Tesla I don't care if you use mine or not use a friend's but basically it's going to give you either free supercharger miles or it gives you 10,000 points that you're able to redeem for free charging or merchandise everyone should be doing that I think that's awesome that they have that referral program so okay that makes sense as to why some of these things like traffic light and stop sign control beta because normally if you don't renew that your car will not stop at traffic lights and things like that now the other thing is when you set your cruise control you can set it to be when you double tap to get autopilot engaged it will go automatically to 2 mph over the speed limit or whatever you set it to you do have a blind spot camera that's good to have in place blind spot Collision warning chime that'll give you a chime when a collision is detected it's a good safety feature speed limit warning I turn this off now maybe you want to use this as you have a brand new car but this getss annoying you get up to speed pretty quick but if you go basically when you hit the speed limit you get a chime and it's just kind becomes kind of annoying but that's up to you I personally turn it off now still an autopilot you want to make sure all of these are on these are all great features especially green light traffic chime basically when you're sitting at a red light I love that I say basically like there's much depth to this when you're sitting at a red light and it turns green you'll hear a chime so you can stop texting and accelerate your vehicle walkway door lock you want to have that set you could also do it for exclude home that way you if you go into your garage you need to get in the car it's not locked every time so that's something to be aware of driver door unlock mode I always keep that off I find that annoying and you definitely want to have lock confirmation sound on because then as you're walking away you can audibly hear okay the car is locked and this is up to you if you want to have your windows locked some people have dogs might cut their head off if you uh turn that on the other thing here is appearance leave it in Auto but have reduced blue light on so that will automatically adjust to warmer colors if you're doing a lot of night driving that way your eyes don't get as exhausted I think that's a cool feature that they have put into here screen clean mode so again we're under display right now screen clean mode this is important if you need to clean your screen you click that and then you can go ahead and clean with a microfiber towel or whatever and it gives you directions on what to use and what not to use then to exit this mode little countdown and we're out so that's all good now scroll wheel function this is is good so you can program what this wheel does and there's a bunch of different settings here I have mine set to save dash cam so I hold this down and it records whatever just happened and for the last 10 minutes so it's nice to have that enabled for all the weird things that happen on the road if you're getting older and we don't judge here we do not judge for getting older you need that text size to be bigger boom you can change the text size to large here so that's good there's just a lot of really useful features in here your trips that's how you reset your trips your navigation now this is another thing make sure that trip planner is activated unless you're a professional and you're you know which superchargers to go to and everything you want to have ADD supercharger stops if necessary activated that way you're not going to get stranded anywhere but that you absolutely want to have that activated and you can adjust your uh reroute settings there if you want to save more than 15 minutes It'll reroute or if you have it all the way down to 5 minutes we'll just leave it at 10 but that's how you change that as well well and you can avoid tolls and fairies so just another good option now once you put your USB drive in the car for Sentry mode you're going to want to go ahead and format the USB drive to just reduce the chance of getting corrupt files or anything like that so that's good now also dash cam you can have on honk again I already programmed it to have it when I click this so on Honk is another thing that you can do you go ahead and tap the horn and it will go ahead and beep and then it'll save whatever just happened in front of you cabin overheat protection now now this will eat a lot of battery especially I'm out in Phoenix what I do is no AC and then it doesn't use as as much battery and it keeps it fairly cool inside the car cuz you can see here when we go to on you can change how hot you want to let it get in the car before this kicks on I just think no no AC is the way to go the other thing is remotely through the Tesla app you're able to cool your car down or you can leave the car in keep mode while you run into a grocery store or do something quick to keep the temperature where it's at I'd say no a AC is the best way to go with that that way keeping air moving in here keeping it somewhat cool but being able to go into the Tesla app and remotely have the car cool down whether you're on the golf course or you went to the gym or something like that if you give it just 5 minutes you get in it's a perfect temperature and I think that's an amazing feature something that really spoils you over time the other thing within uh safety here you can see it says power off that just cuts all the power off to the car if you need to make an adjustment and then You' go into service mode here service mode is useful for or if you go to wiper service mode if I click this wipers pop up so you're able to adjust them or clean under them so click that and then uh Car Wash mode here that just sets the car so all the windows and doors locked that way there's no Chimes or anything like that if you're running it through a car wash or hand washing it on your own that's a good thing to do you can do headlight Wheel and Tire adjustment you can pick which Wheel and Tire setup you have so if you take your wheel covers off you go right there boom it will reflect in the system well I don't want to re reboot the car but it shows these wheels on your actual car sitting here so I just appreciate them going into that detail for you the other thing in Wheel and Tire it says tires and you can select if you have winter or allseason or summer Tires so we have all season tires we can go ahead and exit there now one of the final things here is upgrades now this is where you're able to buy various subscriptions for the car earlier I said you know if you want to use my referral code it's in the description or you can user friends I don't really care you can see the premium connectivity you get a trial of this but even just with one referral you'll be able to get that for free for a year so that's again why it's worth it the other thing is you cannot get the acceleration boost anymore so I was able to get an acceleration boost and take my acceleration from 4.8 seconds to 4.2 seconds so that is another difference with this new 24 model y so now that you've got your car all set up and you're good to go you're going to want to know what accessories to get for it and that's why you're going to want to watch this video right here it's going to be very helpful to you all highgrade accessories and in the description of this video I have a bunch of discount codes and links
Channel: Gjeebs
Views: 81,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla model y set up, stealth grey model y
Id: ehEE6PyWivA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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