Tesla Model 3 and Y Modular Motors

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Cool, I really enjoyed his teardown of the Model S motors and learned a few things. I will definitely enjoy watching this new video.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 23 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FitzwilliamTDarcy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Very cool video, thx for sharing.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/tsm106 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

thanks for the video, I love watching how things work out. This is a departure from the same Sandy Munro video

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dallatorretdu šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is Sandy not the gold standard? Does somebody who knows a lot about transmissions know much or anything about electric motors?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/tesrella šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is this also for the SR+ rear motor?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Split_Seconds šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
Hello, I'm Professor John Kelly, andĀ  this is the WeberAuto YouTube channel. Today we're going to look at the TeslaĀ  Model 3, rear and front motors, and the equivalents that go in the TeslaĀ  Model Y, also, but let's begin with the rear motor for the Tesla Model 3.Ā  Now, as I've been exploring these different motors and drive units, onĀ  the Model 3 and reading about the Model Y motors, I've found some interestingĀ  things that I think you'll get a kick out of. So let's, let's take a look at these.Ā  First, the rear motor for the Tesla Model 3. As you may have seen in someĀ  other videos, used as a permanent magnet-based rotor, you know, in otherĀ  words, there are magnets inside of this, it's called an internal permanent magnetĀ  rotor. And this rotor has a shaft that goes all the way through. This has someĀ  splines right here, that hook to an input shaft that is going to drive someĀ  other gears to make the vehicle move down the road. We've got some nice SKFĀ  bearings right here. And bearing on the other side. I'm going to put this rotorĀ  and input shaft into a mock-up that me and my shop assistant built. AndĀ  let's take a look at how this thing is connected together. And then we'll talkĀ  about what's common between all of these motors. So let me get thisĀ  motor put in place first.Ā Ā  Okay, as you can see, I've got it placed in some v blocks here.Ā  And we can just spin the rotor in the V blocks on its magnets. These, theseĀ  bearings that it's spinning on are not ceramic bearings. These are some highĀ  quality, SKF bearings made for high RPM because this motor also spins at aĀ  very high RPM, close to 19,000 RPM at its maximum vehicle speed on the performanceĀ  version of the Model 3. But let's take a look at the other gears andĀ  components involved here. So this gear that we have right here, that's on the inputĀ  shaft has 31 teeth, and it is going to drive another gear here on thisĀ  countershaft that has 81 teeth. So if we run that over here put it right down in itsĀ  v-block. Get the gears lined up, we have 31 teeth driving 81 teeth, and that givesĀ  us a gear ratio between those two of 2.6129. And the countershaft has anotherĀ  gear a smaller gear that has 24 teeth on it, and it is going to drive ourĀ  great big ring gear right here. This ring gear is the same diameter as the Model SĀ  ring gear that we looked at in previous videos 213 millimeters, it's a littleĀ  bit wider than the front ring gear that used to be 40 millimeters on the ModelĀ  S This one is 46. The rear one was 50 I believe. So it's the same diameter justĀ  a little bit narrower than the gear on the rear of the Model S and it uses theseĀ  same gigantic bearings that the Model S used to handle all of the torque thatĀ  is supplied to this differential case, the ring gear is held on with 16 boltsĀ  just like the other Model S's. This has an open differential style differentialĀ  and so now we are going to set this differential case with ring gear withĀ  its 83 teeth down into the V blocks right there. So now we have the 24 teeth of the counterĀ  gear driving the 83 teeth of the ring gear and that gives it a gear ratio ofĀ  3.4583 to one between the countershaft and the ring gear. And then if we do anĀ  overall gear ratio between the electric motor shaft the input shaft, the counterĀ  gear, the small gear on the counter gear and the ring gear on the differentialĀ  there, we end up with an overall gear ratio of nine Point 036321. NowĀ  I noticed in the owner's manual and on Tesla's website for the Model 3, andĀ  the Model Y, they just list this as a nine to one gear ratio. But it's notĀ  nine to one that would be a hunting gear set, we want a non-hunting gear set,Ā  we don't want the same teeth coming in contact every nine revolutions. So weĀ  have a gear ratio of 9.0363 to one. So now, that means that I have to rotateĀ  this permanent magnet rotor 9.0363 rotations to get one revolution of ourĀ  ring gear. Now the ring gear has side gears that connect to it. And thatĀ  is where our axle CV shafts or half shafts come in. Okay, the way I have thisĀ  facing, this would be the rear of the car, this would be the front of the car.Ā  And there. Once again, as I spin the electric motor rotor, the permanent magnetĀ  rotor 9.0363 times our CV half shafts turn our hub and bearing assembliesĀ  and our tire and wheel assemblies, one revolution. So this motor spins a littleĀ  over nine times faster than your tires. Okay, these are all the moving partsĀ  that are inside of the Tesla Model 3 rear drive unit, the rear electric motor.Ā  This is as I mentioned, a permanent magnet rotor. So I have a permanent magnetĀ  right here, a neodymium magnet from a Toyota hybrid electric rotor. And I justĀ  want to show you, I'm not holding it here in my hand, that if I bring thatĀ  magnet anywhere near this rotor for the Tesla, I can make the Tesla rotor rotate,Ā  just moving the magnet back and forth. These are very strong magnets. also kindĀ  of an interesting demonstration here. If we, if you watch thisĀ  magnet in my hand, right here,Ā Ā  if I turn changed directions, then it goes the otherĀ  direction. That's because of all the different sets of magnetic poles thatĀ  are in here. This is not an induction motor, like they use in the front ofĀ  the Model 3 and Model wide vehicles. So this is a permanent magnet-based electricĀ  motor. And there's some really cool videos on how the design of this worksĀ  and, and how the permanent magnets are aligned with other pieces of theĀ  rotor itself. But that, which is very impressive, but check this out. What IĀ  think is really cool about the overall design of the front and rear driveĀ  units for the Tesla Model 3 and Model S is that they are actually modular,Ā  meaning we can you can change just a few pieces that make it a different motor.Ā  So if I take out this permanent magnet rotor right now, so I'm just going toĀ  lift it out. It's pretty heavy. I'm going to take off the input shaft, andĀ  I'm just going to set this rotor very carefully off to the side over here. AndĀ  now we're going to change this entire unit to the front drive unit. So to changeĀ  this to the front drive unit, I need to bring in a different rotor. This is aĀ  copper core, induction motor rotor, and we're going to take that exact sameĀ  input shaft that slid onto the end of our permanent magnet rotor over here forĀ  the rear drive unit. And we'll slide it right on to the induction motor forĀ  the front drive unit. And watch this. Set that right up in there. Align theĀ  bearings and now we have the front electric motor, the front drive unit,Ā  all the other parts are the same. How cool is that? The exact same part number so I'veĀ  checked them all out. I've got both a front and a rear drive unit apart on theĀ  benches. Over here behind the camera, and they have the exact same parts inside of them. So for manufacturing and costs that'sĀ  a really cool idea because it uses all these common components, you don't have to produce all these other componentsĀ  for different designs of axles, we have the exact same gear ratio on the frontĀ  exact same number of gear teeth, exact same bearings, it's all the same internalĀ  pieces, we have the same oil pump the same oil filter the same oil cooler.Ā  The only thing that has to be different with the change in the rotor is a changeĀ  in the inverter and the stator, this the part the big three-phase stator thatĀ  the rotor slides into. So, there are different power ratings for differentĀ  electric motors on the Model 3, you can get a rear-wheel-drive only, whichĀ  is the permanent magnet one, you can get a standard all-wheel drive, which isĀ  the permanent magnet in the rear and the induction motor in the front, you can getĀ  a performance all-wheel drive that has the permanent magnet in the rear andĀ  the induction motor in the front. But at higher power, the internal guts areĀ  the same, but the inverter and the stator, either give it more power orĀ  not the inverter in this state are a matched set. By the way, I'll bringĀ  in the permanent magnet again from the rotor of a Toyota Prius and notice thatĀ  it has no effect whatsoever on this rotor for the induction rotor forĀ  the front motor on the Model 3 and the Model Y. And then what's reallyĀ  cool is I was watching a video from Sandy Monroe several months ago aboutĀ  the Tesla Model Y front motor. And he pointed out that even a different rotorĀ  for the Model Y that did not have a copper core, it had an aluminum core.Ā  And so there are at least three different rotors for this same gear combinationĀ  here, which I suspect the aluminum rotor aluminum is not as good of a conductorĀ  as copper is. So that's probably the standard nonperformance version, frontĀ  rotor, and possibly the copper one is for the performance one only, I don't knowĀ  for sure. But I that's what I that's what I suspect. So that's pretty cool.Ā  The common components of the rear motor, the front motor for the TeslaĀ  Model 3 and the Model Y, the part numbers for all of these motors in theĀ  Model 3 and the Model Y are identical for the rear motors, I can't find theĀ  part number of the front motor for the Model Y the drive unit. But I suspectĀ  from looking at the outside of the case that it's the same as what we'veĀ  got here just has that different aluminum rotor. Okay, let's take a lookĀ  at the rest of the common components that you'll see in the Model 3 andĀ  Y rear and front motors. Okay, let's continue with what else is modular, whatĀ  can what is almost interchangeable from one drive unit to the next on these onĀ  this modular design of these Tesla Model three and Model Y drive units. So I haveĀ  an empty drive unit housing right here. And this drive unit. I've taken the gearsĀ  out of I showed you those in the first part of this video. But what I want youĀ  to see is that on this side of the drive unit, there's a big opening for theĀ  inverter and the inverter is the electronics that takes power on these two wiresĀ  from our high voltage battery DC power changes it to AC power sends it out onĀ  these three terminals to these three cables. So in the drive unit, this boltsĀ  up right there. And this drive unit inverter bolts onto the side of the driveĀ  unit housing and it has a Part number on it this drive unit inverterĀ  1120970-00-D and if you notice, right Here on this stator assembly, itĀ  has the exact same Part number on it. So that means I believe that the inverterĀ  and the stator assembly are a matched set to deliver one of three different powerĀ  and torque ratings available on the Model 3 in the Model Y, we have theĀ  rear-wheel-drive only version, we have the standard forward or all-wheel-driveĀ  version. And then we have the performance all-wheel-drive version.Ā  So there are three different sets of inverters. And stator assemblies isĀ  my theory. I've been able to find photographs on eBay of parts for saleĀ  from those different models. And there are a whole bunch of different variationsĀ  of these over the year since 2017, when the Model 3 first came out. So the inverter bolts up here on theĀ  one side, let me take that back off. But let me also go get the front inverterĀ  and bring it over. So here's the inverter for the front motor of the Tesla ModelĀ  3. And if you look at it, it looks just like the one that we just took offĀ  and set right over here for the rear motor. But this rear motor is a permanentĀ  magnet rotor, the front motor has an induction motor. So the circuit board is a little bitĀ  different. Possibly the transistors are different that are used there. But I wantĀ  you to see that this also bolts up to the exact same bolt pattern on theĀ  rear motor. So I'm not saying that you can swap parts around I'm just saying forĀ  Tesla, for the design to just have one size of casting one size of circuit board.Ā  It's and make it all interchangeable. If you want to. Maybe if you wanted toĀ  switch from a standard range to a higher power version, you could swap out theĀ  inverter and the status assembly and make n rotor and make that happen and leaveĀ  all of the internal gears as we saw there are the same for Model the Model. Alright,Ā  if we turn this drive unit housing around, we have this big round openingĀ  here. That round opening here is for our stator assembly, we have our three-phaseĀ  cables right here. They are going to go into these three holes right here. ThisĀ  bolt pattern lines right up. There's a gasket or aluminum gasket that goes onĀ  there and bolts this and these three phase cables to the three copper terminalsĀ  on the inverter. There's the access plug right here, this orange plug on theĀ  side, that is the bolts that connects the three-phase cables to the inverter.Ā  So if you ever took an inverter off or a rotor or a stator off, you'd have toĀ  first take this cover off and take the bolts out so that we can separate theĀ  separate the two. Alright, the stator is oil-cooled. This takes a special ATFĀ  nine it's kind of a purple-colored transmission fluid. There is no coolantĀ  running through this transmission. It's all oil-cooled, and then it has a heatĀ  exchanger right here that this is the exact same part number heat exchangerĀ  that's on the front drive unit. This is the rear drive unit. But we have theĀ  transmission fluid pumped through the bottom here. We have coolant coming inĀ  the top here and an exchange exchanges heat to cool or warm the transmissionĀ  fluid. Down here at the bottom of the housing we have a place for a variableĀ  speed electric oil pump that fits in here. What's nice about the variable speedĀ  oil pump is that we're not reliant on a gear driven oil pump like we were onĀ  the Model S versions on the Model S the rotor bearings and all the input shaftĀ  bearings had to be kept cool and well lubricated especially at the higher RPMsĀ  at the higher vehicle speeds and that didn't happen until the vehicle speedĀ  was higher to drive that oil pump faster. Well on the Model 3, we have a variableĀ  speed electric oil pump that can pump coolant, or the transmissionĀ  fluid, which is the coolant in this case through the bearings and not only thatĀ  through the state or to cook to help cool the stator because it's, it's theĀ  transmission fluid that cools the state or assembly here. And so that is a hugeĀ  advantage over a just a gear driven oil pump. And then we also have an oilĀ  filter an external filter that screws on right here. And if there was ever aĀ  failure of any type, you can flush it out and change the filter. So we have theĀ  exact same part number for the oil pump and the oil filter and the heat exchangerĀ  for the rear motor as we do the front motor, the front drive unit. So a lotĀ  of common parts, the modular components that make up the differences or makeupĀ  commonality between these now the differences are the cases themselves,Ā  these housings here are different. And the main reason for that is in the back ofĀ  the car, the oil pump always sits at the lowest spot that have horizontal so thatĀ  the fluid, the transmission fluid will go into the pump and then be pumpedĀ  around. And the housing is pretty much parallel with the ground on theĀ  rear drive unit but on the front, it's tilted. It's kind of tilted like this.Ā  And so as you'll see when we get over there, the oil pump is movedĀ  over to a different location. And so these housings are notĀ  interchangeable, but the bolt pattern for the inverter and the motor are the same,Ā  the bolt pattern for the heat exchanger is the same and the oil filter and theĀ  oil pump. Alright, let's look at the front drive unit next. Okay, on our frontĀ  drive unit, you can see the oil pump housing with the transmission houseĀ  transmission housing mounted about like this pointing down in the vehicle.Ā  The oil pump is now towards the bottom with our oil spin-on oil filter next toĀ  it. So that's different than the rear, but it's still the exact same partĀ  numbers. These axle seals are the same part number. Here's our heat exchangerĀ  for the transmission fluid going through to get cooled. And then if we comeĀ  over here and look at the rotor, or the stator. Notice this stator isĀ  considerably shorter than the rear one and that's because the rotor isn't as longĀ  as the permanent magnet rotor on the rear motor either but this is an inductionĀ  motor or stator assembly right here. And then here is our inverter for theĀ  front motor. The inverter is also liquid cooled has coolant with a coolantĀ  inlet and outlet over here is a coolant passage that goes through to cool eitherĀ  the MOSFET or the IGBT transistors in there that run the current throughĀ  the state or assembly here. This sorry, this front stator will not boltĀ  up to the rear housing. Even though the bolt pattern is the same, the clockingĀ  the position of these three-phase cables is different on the front than itĀ  is on the rear and so they are not interchangeable. And the reason for thatĀ  is the placement of the stator and the cooling drain and feed versus the inverterĀ  with the transmission housing tilted has to be different than on the frontĀ  one. But I want you to see that the part number here for this stator orĀ  this stator. Yeah, is 1120960-00-F and then it has its matching part numberĀ  right here. It's upside down, but on the stator or the inverter assembly.Ā  So once again, these are a matched set these bolts Gather just like this.Ā Ā  And it's my theory that the different levels of power and torque come from differentĀ  combinations of inverters and stators. Or maybe just the inverter is what'sĀ  different and the stators are the same, I just don't know. But I, I wanted to showĀ  you what I thought was really cool in these drive units for the Model 3 andĀ  Y front and rear in that they have so many identical parts, which I thinkĀ  is a really cool design. Now I know I did not go through and deep deep detail onĀ  how these drive units are, how they work and how the oil flows through them andĀ  all that and I'll do a different video a little bit later showing you the internalĀ  pieces and the and the cooling and oil passages through the transmission, housingĀ  and so on. But this is just a quick semi quick video for my videos. Mine areĀ  usually long on the common components on these modular transmissions. So IĀ  hope you have enjoyed this video. We do offer through this website here at theĀ  bottom of the screen and in the video description. Additional hybrid and electricĀ  vehicle training we have some online classes and a five-day boot camp thatĀ  we run four or five times a year. So if you're interested in additional educationĀ  on hybrid and electric vehicles, you can sign up for that. Also, if you feelĀ  like you have benefited from this video or my other videos, please consider aĀ  donation to the automotive department here at Weber State University. There'sĀ  a link at the bottom of the video description where you can donate directlyĀ  to our department to help us obtain more components and cool things toĀ  show you in additional videos in the future. Thank you for watching.
Channel: WeberAuto
Views: 456,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WSU, Weber State Automotive, Weber State University, John D. Kelly, Guy in Wheelchair, Professor Kelly, EV Boot Camp, Utah, Layton, WSU Davis, Weber State University Davis Campus, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model Y, Tesla motor, Tesla, Tesla Drive Unit, Tesla Performance, Modular, Drive Unit, ATF-9, Weber Auto
Id: SRUrB7ruh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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