MUST KNOW Before T Shirt Printing | DTG VS Screen Printing

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what's going on guys welcome to part number two of starting a clothing line from scratch in the first video we did a collaborative work with a man mark Mendo but we actually dived into everything in regards to the designing and the branding of your clothing line and in this video we're gonna dive into everything associated with actually making your products that means the printing process of this and more importantly we're gonna dive into the differences between DTG and screen printing so in this video you guys are going to learn all of that if you're a new visitor to this channel hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification bells for the latest videos associated with building your brand and business from the ground up alright let's head aside and let's jump into everything that you're gonna need to know in order to build and print and make your products from the ground up let's do it so today we're actually coming into inks apparel with the man Julian who's a manager of this location they do a variety of different printing what up dude thanks for coming out thanks for having us out here for sure it's so like I sent a couple files over to you a few days ago in regards to the printing what we're gonna need and I just wanted to go over that stuff with you guys and kind of share your knowledge and your your insight into the printing process and what people may need to know before they start a production run right yeah we did receive the files and if you come back and show your samples going so this is the follow you guys site Sydney which is actually a great great quality file as a EPS file which it's a vector makes things a whole lot easier but get a lot of people in here they're bringing these files that are JPEGs and pictures and they want us to come in and do magic what I mean you know it's just it's not possible it's impossible to you know get a quality print right out of a father-son correct all right so like what's the difference between having like a like like a JPEG and having an EPS or a vector file well outlines picture a JPEG or something like that so it's an actual picture so the more you stretch it the quality's just not gonna be United it's gonna look bad so it'll look like our myspace profile pictures from like backing back I don't know if you guys have myspace or not but those uh those photos look pretty bad if you try to log in I think they just deleted all of them what what are some of the things that you guys look for an artwork for printing wise like is obviously you want it to be in vector but is there like a certain color scheme or PMS codes I should be associated or anything like that when it comes to the colors absolutely you do want us to hit a certain color we would require you to bring the PMS colors or put them in the file we can take it from there got it so then how do you guys like going about actually making those those mixes in the back is it like a certain table that's like Universal so whether you're working with you guys we're working with somebody else those PMS colors are universal to everybody they are they are they it's a it's a Pantone mix everybody falls the same formula it's - all done by weight so so we got we got good working files so then from here we literally what's what's the next stage after they send you the working art files well after this prints of film after we get the film print it out we put them on the screens and burn the screens oh cool let's let's go check out that process and so we got the screen alright guys so we just burned this screen for you fresh off the exposure unit that's the process that you do after you get your artwork set up you get your colors separated then you go to your computer you print out a film and you burn it in the exposure unit what's going on right here the process of this is you have a blank screen and it's gonna be the color of the of the silk right here you have to spread your emulsion it you take your film you tape it up and the film is pretty much just going to be a clear film with black ink once you burn it it burns that image right into the screen you take a pressure washer and you wash it and this part is gonna start falling off and then you get your nice image that you see here for the purpose of this video we wanted to make sure that we just jumped right into the action of it so you guys can see the screens are already ready for us to use and she's gonna show us how to this how this stuff actually loads up in the t-shirt printer and design you want to make sure you get center as possible the first screen is gonna be the easiest to do its lining up the colors after it that's the tricky part you got to register it and make sure all your colors line up or it'll look like a mess so for this machine all you do here once you load it in just set the clamps and you're ready to rock and roll oh so then is that the reason why that you guys like when it comes to screen printing there's so many minimum order quantities is because of the setup takes quite a bit uh it's not as easy as you know I just made it look a single color jobs will be that easy but it gets a little more complicated once you have multiple colors we put these little registration marks here to make it easy when you lift the the platen up through the screen you can make sure all the colors are lining up but even still that's a little hard that's why you have your micro adjustments here so you can just kind of you know inch in front back side to side whatever you need to do alright so when it comes to screen printing you gotta have multiple screens if you're doing multiple colors exactly you have to have it's one color per screen essentially so if it's a full color job you know we'll have all these uh heads filled up here all for one design so that's that's the key part of t-shirt printing is that if the more colors that you want to have in your design the more screens you gotta have a little bit more cost right for each screen that you guys are creating because if that burning process is associated with each step of the design right exactly got it so then you guys used to have a DTG printer here too right yes actually started out with DTG and we had just sold our machine it's a bit of a finicky process the whole pretreatment and holding up in the wash and uh but I mean each each method has its place in the market this is good for volume for sure you can you know bang out hundreds of shirts an hour the DTG realistically you could do about ten full size images in hours so you can see where that would be a bit of a problem if you have more you know high-volume business but uh you know we do get people walking in that just want one offs or small orders or you know something full-color and they don't want to pay you know the $25 per screen set up for you so it has its place but you know this is a little bit better for our sleeve here because you guys this business is primarily more large revolving business right guys so the t-shirt printing is a really easy add-on to your services that make sounds cool so then so what happens after the screen is set how do you guys choose what type of inks somebody should use oh not now what type of inks boy what type of printing method whether it's plaster saw maybe water-based or discharge like how do you guys decide on that so we actually currently only do a plastic off we haven't gotten into the water-based yet although I want to because it's more environmentally friendly but it's a lot more difficult of a process and we just didn't want to get into that yeah so we only do plasma and plasma cells real straightforward and that's what we're doing today right and it's long lasting - I think it's gonna last you like got it got it got it so yes guys there's those three major ones is obviously plastics off water-based and you have discharge as well but a lot of shops I would say really focus plastisol yeah and it's very straightforward and it's a really good quality garment so when it comes to like what would you say is something that compares with the quality of DTG when it comes to screen printing would you say that the plastic saw can also mimic the DTG or oh yeah commitment get for sure justice it really just lies in the difference between those is the wash ability and how long it's going to hold up got it cool so let's uh let's dive into some of this printing what was next alright so next pretty much we just gotta load the squeegee up we got a slap thank God and we can get rolling here oh we're just gonna do a little sample run here have an old shirt to use so we don't really have to line it up or anything but you guys usually do a sample run every design you guys bring in we have boxes of shirts called thirds that we got some Sun apparel that are like damaged shirt oh yeah holes in there how much how much do these want to run you guys like like when it comes to the seconds like this for the entire box like how many pennies or how many cents a shirt I mean you get like 80 something shirts for 17 dollars oh she was a way to do it really they sell felt pads and stuff you could do but those are not using found this out we're like way to go okay so we're gonna run this over here you've got to make sure this bottom part is lined up with that little bracket there table whistle it's up it's gonna be a bad thing at this I'm lined up at least a little bit so this is printed one so I'm gonna come here I'm gonna flip on printer one we're gonna send a sample print really quick now this here we're just doing this to get the color register so right now our white screen setup and then there's gonna be orange in the design so once we do the white we tend to be two coats so let's send that right now then we're gonna go out try the white once it's dried we're gonna send it on over to the orange screen and we're gonna raise the sail up so the Pala is right against the screen you're gonna be able to see the registration mark and on the orange screen you're gonna try to line it up as best as you can so now I'm gonna send the flash that's really cool you guys have it right here you don't have to move it or anything let's go totally dry those light bulbs are so freakin hot all right I was really cool the first products now we do two passes there usually it looks like that but it's fine once you go to lay the orange on top it'll be all right over here to the orange screen our master registration man Julian's gonna line this up for us so right now we have the white lay down on the shirt so we're gonna go ahead and lift our table and now we can see where we're at here so we come in and align the screen but once this is set once you guys set it for the first one it's good for all the others who just run it through but even when they came to like DTG printing you guys still had a lot of adjustments to make for each design right like when it came to using btg you guys had to do a lot of like adjustments to the actual design sometimes for this we're all done in the computer know those are adjustments you make pride in the file when in the ripping state a stage of the process right I suppose - these are all manual adjustments here what were some of the challenges you guys had with running at btg like the learning curves or like some of the challenges you guys had was running a director gamma printer learning curve is huge I spent about six months doing nothing but that and I finally just kind of gave up on it uh it's really uh you have to be testing on your garments before you send them out or a little crack they'll peel they'll fade weird things will happen in it I mean I kept pages and pages of notes and you just get to a point where you want to deal with more volume and this stuff is kind of just like the DTG it's kind of like yeah it's it's it's too much I can't focus on other things if I'm doing this and let's you our experience and you know what you're doing so I that was a huge challenge I personally wanted to keep the Machine because I see the place for it but we wanted to always downgrade to save on cost what's been a learning curve with screen printing so far you have to be able to look at a design and know what colors you want to print first that was kind of a learning curve for us in the beginning we used to use the heat press and for like certain brands of inks if you put too much pressure it's just gonna spread the ink I mean it's it's just when you think you got it another thing happens so then that's what much of DCG for sure we're already kind of like rock and roll in the ditch but still learning and that way it looks a little dull because you know when you first get going well everybody does is they'll heat up the platen under that flash because the white is so thick that no one we're gonna have it look like that until it's a little more humid see even when you know you messed around with this for a while and you think okay I got it I walked by that little yeah so now that we've got the screen set up and the ink is ready to go we're ready to start the production with the designs and the styles that we brought from Val canvas so the reason that we want with Bella is the different styles that they have for the fast fashion collection as well as a consistency in print as long as you get it from a reputable supplier you'll know that you'll be able to get good ink and good print on the designs that you're going with so now that we got this thing started let's get it so now that everything is set up what's next all right we got this shirt loaded on the eyelet here and we're gonna get ready to uh sure but it was like I'd go anywhere and I got all my environment set up I'm gonna double-check so we went from testing a couple shirts to now running the production of it and this should be pretty straightforward because you guys can see it's literally taking all the measurements everything that was set for the for the test run is now being applied to the actual run and these things will just shift and complete the design so the setup is what takes a little bit longer when it comes to t-shirt printing but your cost is gonna be lower due to the volume and you guys are doing a great job making it making it come out the way that we designed it so while we're waiting for the printers to complete the shirts Julien what are the services as entrepreneurs or apparel brand owners what are the things should they be on the lookout in order to brand and market their business and what type of things do you guys have available in-house well absolutely you're going to eat lots of marketing to promote your brand and here we offer so this machine does what full-color color so then like you guys are able to print the entire entire floor that's awesome so this machine does it all inside how does the components of this thing look like it's like a big-ass DTG printer for for everything for colors plus white clean you know that's crazy and look at the belt on that thing I think so just like slides through this thing is just sliding through printing on something that's legit that's awesome so then you guys also have business card printing right direct mailings Flyers postcards anything marketing related that you are going to me so one of the things that that we're looking at right here is the actual cutter for the business card itself right correct so you just put this big stack of printed materials that you guys made on a different machine and now it's just cutting it automatically once you get done printing if you print on full-sized sheet mm-hmm and then you come down and finish it and cut it down into the finished product size all right you guys so now that we got the printing completed I want to jump into the reasons and the details as to why I chose screen printing versus DTG but before we get into that I just want to highlight some of the pros to screen printing now look this design that we had all the designs that we had we're essentially just a two color design we had an orange and a white which is the designs that Mendo created so they came out super clean in a screen printing design and what I want to do right now is actually just put one of these on so let me just grab this one right here and as you guys can see super important for you to have very crisp artwork in order for the designs to come out on the shirt I'm very happy with how bright the whites came up against the black and the darker shirts which is a pro too actually doing screen printing versus the DTG even though you can get really bright colors with DTG as well it never comes out as super bright as maybe a an actual screen printed design would now another pro to actually using screen printing versus vtg is the fact that your cost and your price points are significantly lower than they would be if you're printing with a direct-to-garment printer now the reason for that guys as we discussed is the fact that even though you have a higher upfront cost when you're going to screen printing like your setup fees that are involved you guys saw the process of making screens the adjustments of actually getting that order ready everything takes a little bit of time and you're essentially ordering in bulk which is the reason that it gives you a significant discount versus going to a direct to garment printer and having to print one by one now the setup to direct-to-garment printing is a lot more straightforward a lot of it has to do with setting it up on the computer side of things and just kind of doing the pretreatment and as long as the printer knows what they're doing you're gonna get a good quality print but if you're still if you're considering I'm like doing it yourself with a direct to garment printer there's always gonna be a learning curve to making sure that that pretreatment and everything that you do is going to work out so that is a pro to t-shirt printing with screen printing is the fact that you could essentially just use a plastisol ink burn some of the screens and there's a minimal learning curve and you can get up and running and get a bunch of designs printed out of way lower cost and you would with direct-to-garment printing now the reason for that of course is the volume and that's something that you have to consider if you're gonna be doing screen printing is you need to know that you got to order at least fifty to a hundred shirts of a single color or maybe a two color design in order for you guys to get those price breaks so the reason that I chose screen printing with these designs is because I already knew where these designs and where these shirts that we ordered we're gonna go I know that they're gonna go to the ground up community the people that subscribe to from the ground up Academy and I knew that we were gonna have a market where we can use ship them to so for us and made a lot more sense to reduce our cost by ordering in bulk and versus going to a direct to garment printing and paying a higher upfront costs for each individual product now when it comes to creating your screens everything's already made so you already have that you already have that one-time cost that you can continue to reuse as you reorder your designs as long as the designs stay consistent you don't get charged a whole new fee and each time you go back to the printer all right so if you're gonna order in volume just make sure that you already have a distribution method meaning a way for the shirts to get out if you're testing ideas and you just kind of want to know like okay is this design gonna do good then definitely consider direct-to-garment printing director garment printing allows you to print full-color and it's not a crazy design and a crazy length of time and they're not gonna require that you order you know hundred shirts of that design in order for them to print em for you so that is the reason why I chose screen printing for these designs and I really appreciate you guys for watching this video this is a part of the series we're starting a clothing line from scratch so if you guys have any recommendations on where we should go with this video leave them in the comments down below I want to expand on this topic but we really need to hear some of your questions your comments and your concerns in order for us to take the next video in the direction that you guys see fit right and more importantly huge shoutouts to my inked apparel - I am Mendo from endo creative and - Bella canvas for making this video possible and to continue helping us build this community and build the resources that we continue to share with you guys so if you guys have any questions comments concerns leave a comment and if you're new to this video subscribe to the channel and more importantly make sure you check out the free resources PDFs and guides that we have available in order to continue helping you guys build your branded business from the ground up see you guys on the next video bye from the ground up
Channel: John Santos
Views: 252,788
Rating: 4.8997622 out of 5
Keywords: why I chose screen printing VS dtg | must know before t shirt printing, why I chose screen printing vs dtg, screen printing, must know before screen printing, how to screen print, what’s better screen printing or dtg, direct to garment printing, screen print vs direct to garment printing, pros and cons, screen printing vs dtg, from the ground up, screen print vs dtg, johnxsantos, how to, dtg vs screen printing, must know, must know before t shirt printing, t shirt printing
Id: 7Face357-WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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