How To Screen Print For Your Streetwear Brand

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yo what is up youtube welcome back to my channel uh my name is brema and in today's episode i'll be walking you guys through how i make how i screen print personally and uh in this video specifically i'll be going through the design getting the transparency ready uh coding the screen burning the screen preparing the screen and printing uh actual t-shirts so this this is like a couple day process uh we filmed from like various days uh for you guys if you know screen printing it does take a couple days sometime when you cook the screens you have to leave them overnight to dry and then the next day you gotta burn them wash them and it just it's just very tedious for time uh but yeah this is the whole process of how i screen print t-shirt for my [Music] brands okay we're getting somewhere you should talk through i think it'll be cool yeah so so it's screen printing uh basically working with layers each each color will be its own screen and basically the way it works is i'll come here and just i'll select the same same fill color and when i'm printing i just i just basically match these two to create this and the more color you you know that's just just a quick example it's not quite all the way matched but that's how it would look with two different screen the first one is the lighter layer the second one is the dark layer uh saving the file as a pdf here on my little flash drive save pdf the reason i'm i'm saving it as a pdf because when when you go to the print shop it doesn't scale so it stays the same size all right so all the files are in here we're about to hit the screenshot i'll bring my laptop just in case anything goes wrong but everything is here but just got the transparencies i decided to go here because it's uh it's closest to a studio but you could go anywhere from uh either your local uh shop for printing fedex is a great place too as well but this is the closest yeah so right now since uh since a print shop only prints 11 by 11 by 17 and these graphics are way bigger than that i've decided to get it printed on two separate sheets and then i'm just taping everything together so you can see the bigger [Applause] oh this is gonna be nice it's gonna be nice [Music] so here's the first graphic it's like a two color an outline and a and a fill so i'm just gonna go in and i'll burn these on the 156 mesh account screen so i'm gonna go line them up in the dark room [Music] [Music] all right here all the four different screens so that's the first one [Music] and then the fourth so all these screens are gonna make up one design so four different colors yeah and now i'm just gonna go burn it and then we'll just wash all of them all right so right now this is my burning unit it's 25 by 36 which it's big enough for me to fit most of my screens but there's a lot of different ways you could burn a screen i know like one that a lot of people talk about it's like you could literally expose it right outside with the sun but this one just makes things easier for me and if you don't you can you could buy even like a small light kit from like your local art store blick is recommended but uh and my timer doesn't change so i leave the same timer it works for all my graphics all right so the all right so i just got done burning this one so i'll take it off and then and then i'll go wash it off but quick quick uh quick tip when you're burning the screen you want your design to be opposite i actually made the mistake recently and printed like burned everything uh inverted so you just want to make sure like the back of it that's you can read it backward because then when it goes right on here it will be it will be straight so you can kind of see it from the inside and then a lot of times i'll i'll know the design burnt wall if there's like a like a i don't know like an outline of it right on the screen so this one should wash out really easy and this is this is how i do it like any of the techniques i'm showing you guys it's not like oh you have to do this or you're going to mess up this is just over the years of me screen printing i found that this works for me so i'll i'll just scrub the with my hand with water just like right on the back and then i'll do the inside that way it just breaks down the emotion and then i'll just wash it off really easy so now you can already see like the designs coming to life [Music] so [Music] and then for the final step i just use this hose i got from home depot uh and then i'll put the setting to flat and then just right on it [Music] sometimes some of the some of the emulsion won't wash all the way so i'll just put it over a light source to see the whole design and this one looks great i'll just fan it real quick and i'll be good to go all right one thing uh so earlier on i remember like my first time doing screen like screen printing i burnt the screen washed it off and left it sitting like this and all the emotions just like dripped down so you don't want to do that you just want to always make sure you put it on a flat surface a lot of times you could buy like a drying unit online with a fan or you could also build your own but right now since our studio have like industrial fan i'll just fan it right over this so i'll put it right over here and it will dry it and that works for me and a lot of these techniques that i'm sharing it's just like based off of like personal experience i'm not trying to be like i know it all or anything like that i'm just sharing like kind of what works for me all right so here are some of the screens that i'm gonna be using to print today uh we've already used these screens over the past couple of days for our uh open studio uh so this is like a four color design this is the first color which is gray and then the black goes right over it and then we have the text here the unfinished uh inside and then this is the outline so it's a full color design i'll go to the screen printing setup and set it up and do a quick test print before i run uh like an actual uh print so let's go to this the screen printer so a lot of times i'll start with the first color the first layer which is usually like the lighter lighter layer place that here just roughly and then i'll place the rest of them and then i'll just line everything up before i run before i start printing all right for me since most of my designs are in that super complex it makes it easier for me to like align everything uh so i'll usually like print the first layer and then kind of eye everything uh so i kind of i know the center and this is after years of doing it like i get i have an idea of like this where the center is and like what i kind of need to do to get like the lining easy as i said like most of my designs are in that complex and for color isn't too bad uh so the first layer as you could see it's kind of like in the middle um and then i'll match the second color print that and then the third color which goes right around it um it's just a bunch of like layering [Music] yeah so right now i'm just aligning the second color to the to the first color that i did like the under underbase um and it looks like i have to pull the other one forward just a little bit so i'll just print this one and then lift it up it's not matched completely but i'm pretty close i'll see as you can see it's a little offset so that mean i i just got to pull this one just a little bit higher and shift it just a little bit but also sometimes like for my personal style i like i don't like everything to be perfect that's just my own aesthetic so i i would even like consider just running with this but for the purpose of this video i'll make sure everything matches because this is not what everyone is looking uh to do with their designs i guess all right so here's here's just a quick test print so i did i printed on the back of the shirt and then also the first test print was this one it's kind of blotchy because i i didn't match it completely the first time so the second one much cleaner uh everything matched perfectly all right so now i'm ready to just go do a whole run so i'll go ahead and print this one this t-shirt right here i'll do right front and a lot of times like so most much graphic will fall four fingers so four fingers from the the collar um so i use this as like reference a lot of times again this is the first layer uh so the first the the first couple layers this is just like flash drawing it uh so i could so when i do the second layer it doesn't stick uh and the ink is dry so just couple seconds and like you could kind of the more you do with the kind of you get a better idea of like how long you need uh and then this is the second layer the black as you can see came out really good so i'll flash dry this one and then ready for the third layer so okay and then this is the last color here i didn't match this one quite yet but i'll just i'll just do that right now because it's a little easier to mask the last red color [Music] i'll just run it i think the most stressful thing about screen printing is like when you you're doing work for clients it gets really really like tricky because everything has to be perfect that's why i i personally don't take any client work because i find it to be more stressful because i put a lot of pressure on myself to make sure everything is right whereas in like with my own personal projects i will i'll just kind of you know free flow it and if i mess up like i there's room like i allow room for mistakes whereas in like if i'm doing like a paid gig like you can't mess up everything has to be perfect and a lot of time that's really gets really stressful and it takes the fun away from it [Music] oh perfect um as you can see everything matched the only thing is i'll probably just clean this the back of the screen so i don't get that red stain right there but so far everything looks good i'll just do a final drawing i don't have a like a belt dry i'm using my flash dryer to uh fully dry the thing i have this heat gun that tells me the temperature so i'll just make sure all the corners are at 320 degrees all right there you go [Music] all right so thank you for watching this video and if you have any questions or any specific things that i should go in depth with just leave it down in the comments below and now we'll take a look at it and try to make a video and if you have any questions too just feel free to reach out on instagram and connect there again i'll tag everyone below the videographer my brand music so make sure to check everybody out again feel free to subscribe like this video peace
Channel: Brema
Views: 307,780
Rating: 4.9867067 out of 5
Id: zCrcBEedRsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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