Muslim converts to Christianity after reading this Bible Verse.... Abdu Murray's Testimony

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so i was very very proud of being a muslim i loved being a muslim and i was able to share my faith with people of different views mostly christians because they were sort of low-hanging fruit because there were so many of them at least in name only and over time i just sort of developed this identity of being a muslim i was raised to be proud of it i was in fact proud of it and i had this wacky idea that people should believe true things and not false things so i thought islam was true and they should believe it i would often start or somewhere in the beginning of the conversation uh ask them well why are you a christian which is a great question i think everybody should ask themselves christians today should ask themselves why am i a christian and usually the answer was well i don't know i guess i uh go to the presbyterian church or whatever it is on christmas and easter which makes me a presbyterian i suppose or they'd say tradition and that was the primary reason so i'd respond then i'd say so you're telling me that you trust your eternal soul to a world view that somebody else believes and you haven't thought it through maybe you should think it through and now they thought maybe i should think it through and i said well now that you're thinking it through let me offer you some key objections as to why i'm not a christian and why i am a muslim and see where that goes oftentimes the christians had and this is not sort of insulting or things just people hadn't thought through their worldview by the way i'm finding as i travel and do this kind of ministry everywhere i find that most people whether they're christian muslim atheist hindu buddhist jew have not thought through their worldview so i knew that i took it my took advantage of that and i asked them to prove their worldview they couldn't and then i offered objections and now they'd be reeling back i would object to the authenticity of the bible i'd say that the trinity makes no sense um i'd say that god could not become a man like incarnate in jesus and that the cross was simply the biggest insult to a powerful creator there was and sadly most christians had zero idea how to respond to any of that and did they ever challenge you and ask you why you were a muslim for the most part they didn't interesting and i think the reason is is uh uh to be fair to them is that to give them a chance the minute they would say tradition was the reason they believed in what they believed in um i would jump on it and so they'd be defensive the whole time it was a conversation it wasn't an argument but they'd be defensive so they never really asked me but what's interesting was there were two guys who came to the door of my uh college apartment i remember these guys very very well two two guys one was super tall and almost stone ball the other guy had hair coming out everywhere and a shorter guy like a walking number ten that's how i break these two guys they came and they wanted to talk about jesus with me they were going door-to-door and i thought wow you guys deliver um come on in uh so they came in we had a wonderful conversations i could tell they actually loved me and they wanted me to go to heaven and i wanted them to go to god's paradise so we had this mutual affection for one another but they were hard to knock the faith out of um so i got a bible and i began to read it and i wanted to show them a contradiction you had a bible your house uh i was actually walking down the street and some gideons were handing out bibles and i grabbed the bible from the gideon and i tried to convert him to islam but it didn't work got this little bible went back to my apartment was reading some of the things that decided to find the contradictions and that's when i came across a passage in luke chapter 3 verse 7 and the following verses john the baptist is baptizing people who come to him and he says who told you to flee from the wrath to come of course god's judgment and then he says something fascinating he says do not even begin to think to yourself you have abraham as your father as if that would save them the tradition would save them for i tell you god can raise up sons of abraham from the stones now what he's saying is tradition doesn't save you i had been saying the same thing but in all those years when i've asked you people what you know why are you a christian they'd say tradition i say not good enough no one ever asked me why are you a muslim john the baptist did though and i think i i thank god for this that he has kept his scripture um transmitted down through 20 centuries and through the i think the power of the spirit born aloft by the power of the spirit to ask me that question and that began me thinking i want to believe something because it's true not because of tradition fully confident that islam would be true and christianity would be proven false i began on this journey of trying to understand objectively speaking as much as i possibly could what's right what's wrong and what was that like as you're going on this journey and again that you you know you've defended your faith for so long you're very convinced that this is what you believe and to then objectively as you said comparing both you describe you know this picture of yourself sitting at this desk with two stacks of books on either side when defending the gospel when defending uh islam well the culmination of it as i was sitting at that desk by the way is that i had all this evidence for both on both sides and playing on a computer behind me was a debate between a muslim and a christian on the resurrection of jesus literally surrounded by the evidence by this point this is now almost nine years into the search it started nine years nine years um but the answer is honestly i found them about two years into it most of the answers i needed not all the answers i'm still looking at all the answers because the gospel is so beautifully rich that we can continually search through it for years and years and never find all of it but i found the answers in two years they weren't hard to find but they were hard to accept um so i was sitting at this table and thinking i have intellectually ascended now i've honestly believed that yes the bible is the word of god that jesus in that word said he was the savior of the world who came to die for the sins of the world and that he rose from the dead as a matter of history not opinion actual history he rose from the dead to prove he was right and i had intellectually ascended to all of it but i didn't embrace it as true because the consequences would be too much you see they weren't hard to find those answers but they were hard to accept because you lose a sense of identity in in other countries in the world you can lose your life in fact i know of somebody who had to flee in the united states for example when she became a christian she had to flee because of the honor killing that might happen and the threats that were there there's a tremendous price to pay and for me among the many prices was identity who i was i was standing on the edge of a cliff and i had to jump off that cliff and sort of die to myself and funny a famous jewish guy said something about that two thousand years ago you'd have to do that i wasn't ready but it became a point where the god that i wanted to believe was true in islam islam has this phrase we've all heard it allahu akbar god is greater for the muslim god's greatness is the most important thing about god that is why they worship god because he's the greatest possible being and i began to see the truth of the gospel and i saw something god is great because god is a trinity god is great because he becomes a man and god is great because he goes to the cross and rises from the dead when you think of the greatest possible way to express love and love is the greatest ethic the greatest possible being would express the greatest possible ethic which is love in the greatest possible way and the greatest possible way we know of to to to express love is self-sacrifice if you and i can do that ought not the creator of all things be able to do that and that's when i realized something everything i would lose including my identity was nothing compared to the one i would gain and that was christ and he did this for me romans chapter 5 verse 8 lays it all out for me right there and that's when i finally said that's worth believing and that's worth embracing no matter the cost but the good news is is that it's been a blessing ever since you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 190,916
Rating: 4.7562327 out of 5
Keywords: 100huntley, crossroads, 100 huntley street testimonies, ex muslim, ex-muslim, ex muslim christian, ex muslim interview, christianity, christian, jesus christ, leaving islam, apostasy, christian testimony video, exmuslim, why i left islam, christian testimony, apologetics, former muslim, christian testimonies 2020, salvation testimony, evangelism, jesus testimony, muslim, ex-muslims, christian true story, why left islam, christian videos, christian testimony videos, abdu murray, rzim
Id: dvrDvPX_E_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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