How to Witness to a Muslim

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[Music] this is Sammy he's a Muslim as you'll see and he's trusting in his own works righteousness its own repentance to save him all the gospel is good news for Muslims we're not their enemy we want to tell them how they can find everlasting life that is a free gift of God we want to show them they can't trust and their repentance to save them or their good works or their prayers it's a free gift of God and you can see in the middle of this Sammy is quite frustrated but he comes through in the end he said he's going to think about this and when the camera was turned off he said you made some good points so I hope this is helpful now do you think there's an afterlife I believe so yes I'm personally Muslim so you know a big part of that is going to heaven like paradise or how you know I'm gonna make it there I hope so I try to be good I you know I all I do is one one to help out people and stuff like that I try to be generous that would earn your way to heaven that's the smallest portion of that you do have to pray to God you know you have to be loyal you gotta do a number of things yeah it's not just one thing where like you know it's not just you being a good human it's you being showing God showing God love and you know and loyalty and you don't know until Judgment Day if you're going to make it to heaven or hell you can assume on your character I believe but let's have a test and it's a law that you believe in it's the law of Moses how many lies have you told in your life all it depends nothing major you know I definitely do tell lies but it's nothing to like like get away from something it's supposed to not want to hurt somebody you know or not want to hurt yourself someone said that's what makes rivers and men crooked taking the easiest path which is what a river does and that's what we do when we get ourselves into trouble let me just give you a little scenario if you're standing in front of a judge and you've broken the law a very serious crime okay and you say to the judge yeah I robbed a bank shot the guard but I want to tell you I'm really sorry and I'll never do it again when the judge let you go personally I don't believe he should of course he shouldn't so saying you're sorry and I won't do it again which is what there's a definition of repentance won't exonerate you from men's court so let's get back to the moral law the Ten Commandments law of Moses you ever stolen anything in your life even if it's small and God's your judge oh no I have never you say that before God you've never taken anything that belongs something download of music off the internet that's not your bat okay yeah that's theft okay have you ever used God's name in vain I don't believe I have OMG okay I guess that so we're not doing too good at the moment are we now the Prophet Jesus who you take as a prophet said whoever looks at a woman and lasts for her has committed adultery already whether in his heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust I think that's like especially in like this culture it's kind of like unavoidable but I try to differentiate between lust and love and like when I see my friends like going after lust I tell them like oh like we should like you know think about it like don't jump into conclusions or like don't make it all about lust you know you have to know like you have to understand a person to love them have you ever looked at a woman with lust I mean yeah that's I was saying it's culture Sammy I'm not judging you you've just told me you're a lying thief a blasphemer and an adulterer at heart so if God judges you by the ten commandments which he will on the day of judgment do you think you'll be innocent or guilty well it all comes down to if you repent or not do you pray and do you say like remember the analogy I gave you on man's court if you commit a serious crime and you say judge I'm sorry I'll never do it again the judge won't let you go because you should be sorry and of course you shouldn't do it again so repentance cannot save you in man's court and it can't save you on Judgment Day you need something else now you're also leaning towards doing good things to try and exonerate you from God's justice on Judgment Day but that's like saying to the judge judge I shot the guard as I robbed the bank but I want to tell you I do good things I give money the Red Cross I help other people I'm kind he's gonna self so what he's not going to judge you by your good works he's gonna judge you by the crime committed and it's exactly the same with God he's not gonna judge you by your good works I've got nothing to do with your crime they count and wash away crime man's court and they won't wash away crime in God's court so do you know what you need you can be saved but you need something special do you know what you need Romans 3 verse 19 says the law was given to stop every mouth and leave the whole world guilty before God watch now and see how the law has stopped his mouth left him without justification and guilty before God I think I don't know personally I think it's a culture I need like isolation you know I would have to like for myself like not like complete isolation like you know but I would have to be alone so like I'm not influenced by all by what's going on in the world you know like yeah become a monk but that's like saying to the judge in a court of law I know I robbed a bank shot the guy but I need to be alone and the judge can say you were gonna be alone I'm putting you in jail for a serious crime and if you die in your sins you've got God's promise you'll end up in hell because he's just and holy in it so let me tell you what you need the video will continue in a few seconds but I wanted to remind you to please subscribe to our Channel and click on the notifications bell and don't forget to like comment and share thank you you need a Savior someone who can wash away your sins someone who stepped into the courtroom and paid the fine for you so the judge could extend your mercy so if you're a guilty before a judge you've committed a serious crime and he says look there's a hundred thousand dollar fine and you've got no money but someone pays your fine on your behalf the judge will let you go it can be just and merciful someone paid Sam his fine is out of here 2,000 years ago the Creator provided a Savior Jesus Christ he became a human being suffered and died on the cross to take the for the sin of the world do you ever what he said just before he died he said it is finished in other words the debt has been paid Sammy you don't have to earn everlasting life you can comes as a free gift from God because God is rich in mercy it's called Amazing Grace we broke the law the Ten Commandments Jesus paid the fine it is finished the Dead has been paid that means God can freely dismiss your case like a judge can freely dismiss the case of a guilty criminal because someone paid his fine you can be freely forgiven and granted the everlasting life as a free gift because of son of god who suffered and died on the cross rose again on the third day what you have to do is repent yes it's partly it but you must trust in Jesus transfer your trust from yourself to the Savior at the moment I say this respectfully you're like a man ten thousand feet up on a plane he's gonna jump and he's gonna try and save himself by flapping his arms and I'd say to that man no no don't do that trust the parachute and you're trying to save yourself by being a good person that's not going to work on Judgment Day transfer your trust from yourself to the Savior the god-given Savior and the Bible says God will grant you everlasting life as a free gift now I know this is making you feel a little uncomfortable is that right but I say these things because I love you I care about you and I just want you to think about it what do you think about this I understand your viewpoint yeah yeah you're up the river Niagara without a paddle you've gone over the falls death could seize upon you and God will give you justice for your sins but God offers you one rope thrown from the shore and it's Jesus Christ the only Savior given among me in so please please think about this because you don't know when you're gonna die could be you'll be snatched under eternity today so Sammy thank you for listening to me I really appreciate it do you want do you wanna have a closing thought personally I think I am a good person what I do is lying thieving blasphemous a daughter at heart you know it's the dictionary has 40 different definitions the word good number one is moral excellence that's what it is in God's eyes moral excellence is good and there's none good I'm not you're not good there's not a good person on the face of the earth not in God's book you're not morally excellent I'm not morally excellent yeah of course y'all thing we're good people you ask anyone you ask a thief a liar a blasphemer if they make a good person yeah yeah but Hitler thought he was a good person cleaning up Germany bringing in full employment getting rid of the scum off the earth everyone thinks that good because they don't measure themselves by God's standard of righteousness out of perfection so I want to leave you with that thought please think about you got nothing to lose by thinking about it I'm not on your shoulder yelling at you just think about it okay all right what do you think about it um yeah of course [Music]
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 230,930
Rating: 4.9297457 out of 5
Keywords: muslim, islam, muslims, moslem, moslems, evangelism, ray comfort, how to witness, witness to muslim, christian, christianity, living waters, way of the master, witnessing
Id: bRwbcxNOuFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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