Ex-Muslim: Why I chose Christianity and what Jesus told me

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i remember as a child with you just you're born and raised into havoc there's war all the time there's uncertainty within the country and i remember as a child going through places with my parents and you always heard it in the background hearing the war sirens and just we'd go to parks we'd go to picnics we'd have family functions and weddings and the fun stuff but the trauma of being terrified or like sitting in my grandmother's house watching tv and also the house starts to shake and all the cousins and the kids are running into the doorways or under the stairs to hide that overshadowed the joy you know it overshadowed life in itself and it's what you became accustomed to know that that is what life was so you just accepted it because we that's all we knew there wasn't anything different and so your family flees you're at one point you're in torino and this amazing story of how god kind of answered your father's prayer absolutely yeah tell me about this well it was christmas eve and i love how god just works and he's like i know how this is going to end out even though you don't know and my dad found himself in the streets winter christmas eve wandering crying knew that our money was you know low and we didn't have much left to you know go to the next country or however long it took to come to canada but we needed a visa and we didn't have the visa and every day he would go to the embassy to get the visa and every day he was denied so he walked in the streets found this huge church sees this huge statue of jesus and he walked up to it and he just said i know you're not my god i know that you we don't do anything to worship you but you're god of these people and you're god of this land and i'm asking you to help me my family out and because i know you will to honor you i'm going to light a candle each year on the eve of your birth he lit the candles completely overwhelmed with emotions left and the very next day he went back to the embassy and without even a blink of an eye we had our visa so you enter into canada's brand new country but start struggling with identity issues to the point where you want to take your life i did it was hard i felt like a black sheep growing up i felt like i didn't belong within my own family and it wasn't because it was i didn't feel loved or i wasn't loved but i was different i i always tell people i was more canadianized you know my sister my brother wanted to hold on to our traditional roots to be persian to practice our faith which was fine but for me all my friends like they went to persian school i never did i wanted to stay in you know the playground or go out with my friends and have fun i liked my new life you know the old was gone i didn't have to worry about the war and being afraid to play in a park and so i struggled with how come everybody wants me to be this way but i don't feel like i belong i feel like i don't even belong in my family i feel like i was meant to be somewhere different or live a different life and none of it was bringing me any type of satisfaction none of it was bringing me any type of wholeness because i was completely empty inside you know i didn't have that life that the holy spirit gives us and i just set out for a quest to learn and through wrongful teachings and wrong friends coming into my life i contemplated committing suicide numerous times and every time i came so close to it i just i couldn't there was this deep heartache within me that was like no you can't you can't you just need to wait for me you can't and i'm so thankful that i never did i'm so thankful i never went as far as i did and i just stayed true to waiting for the lord until he showed himself to me one day you meet a young man by the name of scott and he starts to talk to you about jesus he did yeah we were 15 in high school and i remember the first time i saw him there was so much light exuding from him and i just thought who was this kid like i got to get to know him and it wasn't anything like having a crush but there was this i was drawn to this light that i'd never seen on anyone before and so lucky enough for us every class that we had that first year we were in the exact same class together except our homeroom and we be we had a friendship we based it on a really good solid friendship getting to know each other talking and he started telling me about jesus and i got really excited until my muslim friends found out and they just put the lid on it they shut it down and they reassured me how awful it was for any muslim to convert that there's no hope for you that you're not allowed it's a huge sin against god and so i talked to i said listen i love i love our friendship but you need to respect me i'm a muslim you're a christian and i we just need to keep it at that and so he stopped and it wasn't until a year and a half after that i finally realized hey i'm missing something scott hasn't talked to him about his jesus for a long time and it scared me and what scared you about it it scared me because i knew he was full of so much life and all of a sudden that life kind of stopped that i was receiving every time he spoke about jesus to me it kept me going there was this excitement inside until i noticed hey it's gone and so i started talking to him more about it i started talking to my muslim friends about our faith and literally eventually one day my muslim friends said if you convert you're going to burn in hell and i had a really honest heartbreaking conversation with god as i walked home from high school weeping and he revealed himself to me and i went home and i wept and i cried and i woke up and before i slept i took a nap um i cried out to the one true god i said i just want to know the one true god whoever you are i just want to know you i'm tired of feeling dead inside like my prayers aren't being heard that i'm just praying to the wall and i fell asleep and i woke up and it was like this jolt of electricity that went through my body and i heard his voice and he said it's now or never you need to make the decision it's now or never and i called scott and we had a quick conversation he thought i was pranking him because we loved playing practical jokes on each other but i convinced him like no this is serious i really want to do this i've made up my mind and the very next day at school we walked into a forested area and i gave my life to christ then and it was the most incredible day of my life it really was and you knew that this would be at a huge cost that your family would not be happy tell us about dinner time and what would happen once your family knew that you were a christian yeah well it it became really difficult and back then i didn't realize how much it would hurt my parents being a parent now i can understand as i'm in their shoes but they would have dinner together my parents with my siblings and i wasn't allowed to sit with them so i would wait till they were finished having dinner and when they were done eating dinner and the table was cleared i go in the kitchen and whatever leftovers there were the leftovers the leftovers yeah i'd sit there and i eat it and it wasn't because they were mean i understand that part they were just so broken they were so hurt they thought i had completely gone behind their back which i had um my dad had said i wish you would talk to me about this i would have helped you i would have taken you to classes and taught you about the koran and what islam really is about but my mind was already made up and i'd fallen in love with this new jesus and i couldn't turn my back on him anymore but it was really difficult but at the same time now being a parent i could see their pain and i could see it wasn't intentional they just didn't know how to deal now with a child who has completely turned their back on a faith that they followed for hundreds of years through past generations you're now married to said scott yes almost 14 years now yeah and what was it about that jesus what is it about that jesus that you decided that yeah i'd have to give up a family i'd have to give up all of those things in order to follow him you know it's he made me feel whole he made me feel like i finally belonged i belonged to this family now my whole life i was black sheep trying to find my place and he showed me my place he showed me that i have a place with him right in his heart right on his lap to sit with him to laugh with him to cry with him that he really is my best friend you know even in my darkest moments i could sit and cry and it's as if you and i are sitting here talking to each other he's that tangible to me and i can't i can't turn that back for anything i can't give it up you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 418,782
Rating: 4.3194213 out of 5
Keywords: 100huntley, crossroads, 100 huntley street, ex muslim, ex-muslim, ex muslim christian, ex muslim interview, christianity, christian, jesus christ, leaving islam, apostasy, christian testimony video, exmuslim, why i left islam, christian testimony, apologetics, former muslim, christian testimonies 2020, salvation testimony, jesus testimony, muslim, ex-muslims, christian true story, why left islam, christian videos, christian testimony videos, abdu murray, rzim, christian testimonies, IRAN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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