Are Allah and the God of Christianity the Same? Nabeel Qureshi Answers

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hey guys it's Nabeel Qureshi I get a lot of questions about Islam and Christianity and I'm hoping to answer a few the most common ones today one of the most common questions I get is whether Allah and the god of Christianity are the same it's an interesting question because we believe as monotheists that there is only one God and so the one God who exists who created all people is listening to all people when they pray he knows who they are by name he designed them and so when people pray no matter to whom they're praying there is one God who is listening but is that one God the Islamic conception or the Christian conception now here's the point that I want to make the way islam teaches god's character his being is very different from that of christianity of course the Christian God is triune the Christian God is a father an absolutely perfectly loving father the Christian God is willing to enter into this world and suffer alongside his creation the Christian God is willing to forgive us of all our sins by paying the penalty himself in all of these ways he is very different from the Muslim God the Muslim God is transcendent in fact unknowable chapter five of the Quran says that he remains behind a veil as if it were and it's not meat for him to enter into this world or to be made known so the Christian God and the Muslim God have very different characteristics they do different things and they offer different paths the Christian God says believe in him follow him and he will take arsons upon himself the Muslim God gives us rules to follow and laws to complete in order for us to have a chance at earning His grace and mercy these are two very different gods in the way they are taught but thankfully there is only one God and so when a Muslim or a Christian cries out for God to reveal himself God is gracious and he answers as he answered me
Channel: zondervan
Views: 1,051,420
Rating: 4.213129 out of 5
Keywords: Nabeel Qureshi, No God but One, Allah, God, Christianity, same, Seeking Allah Finding Jesus, Book
Id: m0jDTFyHluw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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