Jesus Appears to Jewish Woman, "His eyes were just love!"

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tell me about april 19th 2013 what happened that was a day i was told that my life might be cut short and also that is the day that my life got awarded to me by the lord so how did that work what were the you went to go to the doctor i did and what were they telling you yes so it was actually a second appointment to confirm the first appointment because i received the diagnosis of breast cancer except that it was a very not a very typical breast cancer it was called squamous cell carcinoma of the breast and at that time i was told it was extremely rare and so the oncologist i was in vancouver bc at the time i lived there said you know what i'd like a second opinion can you come back on the 19th of april to speak with another oncologist and the doctor came in the room i just remember three words she said it's cancer it's cancer it's cancer three times and it wasn't just cancer it was a very aggressive form of cancer that's right very dangerous it was it was actually very rare and stage three already i understand it was considered more of a skin cancer in the breast um they had to do a case conference it was something that is um unusual very unusual so you're young and you're thinking to yourself you must be thinking like how is this how is this my life going to be moving forward could this be fatal were you asking those big questions i think at the moment i was in some sort of a phase or a fog really all i heard is it's cancer and then some you know mumbling words about chemo surgery i was given a choice uh in that appointment you know you can it was a friday you can decide to start chemotherapy on a monday or a mastectomy on a monday which one would you want i honestly didn't even comprehend those words i was living far away from my family i mean when the doctor left the room that's when i made the best decision of my life which is to give my life to yeshua to jesus yeah so now use the issue you come from a jewish background so crying to jesus would kind of be the last thing right you know that somebody from your background would do that would be a very radical thing to do so why why yeshua yes so uh that's true i grew up in israel i moved to canada when i was about 19 years old we speak hebrew at home with my parents my brothers i was always a very spiritual kid you know i always had these philosophical questions like are we alone in the world or who is god and living in israel what i saw from a child's perspective is either you are orthodox and behave in a way that i didn't seem that would fit me very limited constructive constructed or you're secular and so we were actually secular except we celebrated jewish holidays but growing up and moving to bc being surrounded by nature my spiritual thirst was just so deep and i knew that i did not want what i thought the world defined god so i went into new age i went into all kinds of different healing modalities i've had many students that i unfortunately misled because i didn't know better taught workshops etc on on spirituality but all along i was looking for something to fill a hole in my heart and that something is god so and so some of the things different religions different ways of connecting to your spiritual life that you tried you didn't go to any of those in that moment when you thought your life might be in danger no i really at the time did not feel that my traditional jewish upbringing or religion would satisfy what i needed but i knew there was a god i just didn't know him thankfully he knew me and you had a dream about jesus tell me about that i actually had a vision um two years prior to the diagnosis well what happened is being in new age i was starting to communicate you know god who are you oh jesus i've heard the word jesus and christ and but thought no i'm not i'm not supposed to look into it i'm jewish but i was just so curious about something that i wasn't supposed to know about and i remember saying out loud you know god if if this jesus is real you know show me and what happened is actually in 2011 it was march 2011 i was in my bedroom not sleeping and i saw him i had an open eye vision of of the jewish jesus i mean he looked very jewish to me he appeared to me he was jewish correct he is the jewish messiah she is the savior of the world but but you know the god in his brilliant way of doing things appeared to me in a way that i would not find threatening so he appeared with a with a talit with a prayer shawl and those traditional sandals that we read about and i remember he opened his arms like that and i could see the the talit the prayer shawl going in and he had said come to me and his eyes were just love um it must have been a split second but it felt like eternity wow that was two years before the diagnosis okay we're going to continue this conversation we're going to find out what happened when she cried out to jesus as a jew and also her treatments were so radical prescribed by the doctors what happened with her cancer in just a moment as a child fears the dark we often fear what we can't see the bible reminds us 365 times not to fear because god wants us to put our trust in him if you would like to see your way out of the dark call our 24 7 prayer lines at 1-866-273-4444 or visit 7 prayer anytime anywhere we're here for you 100 huntley street presents first people's voices compelling stories of faith and resiliency from indigenous communities across canada thursdays at 8 on yes tv we are back with shiri joshua whose aggressive breast cancer diagnosis changed the course of her life now we left you in a cancer clinic just being told you had stage three aggressive breast cancer you fell to your knees and you cried out to jesus which was very unusual for you with your background what happened when you did that uh well as soon as the doctor left the room and gave me the two choices for the following 48 hours i literally yes i fell to to my knees on the on the floor of the bc cancer clinic and i just said lord i'm tired of fighting you if if i have to die i die but i want to come to you but if you allow me to live i will give my life to you and even though i was in a bit of a daze as to what's happening or what i was just being told uh a wave of peace came upon me i think it was just the non-fighting because i wanted him so much but i was too afraid being jewish to accept somebody by the name jesus but really his name is yeshua it's okay to believe in him you know so you had this incredible peace come over you you've given up fighting this anymore yes um but you have to walk some tough some tough roads ahead that's right some very aggressive treatment talk to me about how this like baby new faith walked you through some of those tough moments yes well thankfully somebody came to the house that night a friend insisted of bringing up a pastor didn't know anything he led me through the prayer of accepting the lord i moved back to toronto to be with my family to start treatment literally within a week excuse me i was in surgery i did a mastectomy i went to sunnybrook hospital they did say there's no time to even think we're doing the surgery and then you're up for chemo so i did the mastectomy and then six rounds of chemotherapy took six months um yeah and so how like how are you how are you relying on your faith at this point or how is it impacting these hard circumstances it was interesting because i moved into my parents house as an adult and i was the only believer i was a secret believer i didn't want to offend my parents with my new faith but all i had is is him all i had is is yeshua is the lord and just i just said god whatever happens happens this life is yours um you know is there anybody else like me and then he gave me a congregation full of people like me and you know my mom was my nurse my my angel my she took care of me like a baby and eventually i did share with my parents my faith and they have been very happy for me and i'm alive to tell we have 30 seconds left but i'm thinking of somebody watching right now who may be facing an unexpected diagnosis maybe not knowing how to rely on faith or how to find god can you talk do you have some encouragement for them yes well grab a scripture and stand on it the lord has given me a number of scriptures i did not die but live to declare the work of the lord this morning i read isaiah 43 7 those of us who are called by his name he had made for his glory so if god made us for his glory he did not plan for us to have cancer this is not god's plan so cancer you're out in jesus name and this is seven years later and you are cancer-free amen i am i'm cured so thank you so much for coming today to share your story thank you very much
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 742,047
Rating: 4.8842316 out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Crossroads, Christian, Christians, Christ, Jesus, jew finds peace in jesus, jews, messianic, judaism, christianity, yeshua, convert to christianity, conversion, religious conversion, christian conversion, how to convert to christianity, change religions, convert, jews for jesus, messianic judaism, messianic jews, one for israel, jesus in the old testament, yeshua hamashiach, messianic congregation, christian jew, jesus for jews, jewish messiah, Vision of Jesus, Jesus appears
Id: q5YCHLly88U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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