Everybody Hates the Violin :'(

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Have you ever wondered what your friends really think about you? (Both) Hmm... Well, we decided to put this to the test. We asked a few of our friends that all play different musical instruments, and we wanted to know what they truly thought about violinists. Oh. Eddy: You know, 'cause... As violinists, we often tend to think that we are the absolute music sheet. Mm... So, we asked everyone to answer the question. Eddy: Alright. The first up, we have Tetsuya. You know, he appeared in our Eddy: "Pro Trumpet vs Beginner Trumpet" video, and he said, Ooh. Well, I mean it's not our fault that, uh, brass players are alcoholics. - Just kidding, just kidding. No, look. - Brett: Yeah. I mean... - I mean- You guys are just... - Brass players are just too cool for us to be honest. Yeah, you guys always, like, hanging out and have all these- You guys have great gatherings. Yeah. I think for violinists, we just go home. No, brass players are definitely, like, the chill, cool, like, - homie vibes, bro vibes, or something. - Brett: Yes, hundred percent. I don't know. I just feel like we're not cool enough, I guess. But we'll make an effort, or next time we'll um... grab a drink after the concert. So, Lloyd, you guys have seen in, Brett: "Pro vs Beginner Clarinet." - Fantastic clarinet player. - Eddy: Yeah. This is what he said- Actually he has two. He's like, "One was not enough." - Yeah, he had to throw two in there. - He had two. Brett: "There always seems to be so..." - That's kind of true, actually. I will... - Brett: It's true, it's true. admit, like... Sometimes in orchestra sections, everyone's just like "No, but this bowing is better." "And this bowing is better." It's just like... No, just play... - better. - Brett: Yeah. I can only imagine from his perspective. He's a great clarineter... clarinetist. And he sits, - you know, when he's sitting there, - Yeah. you can just see a bunch of string players standing up, - looking at each other's bows. - Yeah, yeah. They always stand up to, like... It's so like... And then passing the information back, they're like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." - "Down bow?" Yeah! - And then disrupting the whole rehearsal. It's like, "Down bow? Oh, down bow." I mean, bowings do make a difference. Yeah, come on. But I can also see it can be pretty obnoxious. - Alright, his second one is really good. Here we go, let's see. - Eddy: Okay. I love also, he... He had to [go], "I also." - I think he's got a whole list and he just doesn't want to tell us. - Yeah. It's funny 'cause I do it too. - You do do it! - Yeah, like... - Oh, no, no. (mimics violin) Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Eddy: Do I do it? Nah, I don't do it because I just play out of tune anyway. Alright, guys, we got our violins to show you an example. We like... - As if that had anything to do with my - Eddy: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. playing on the E string. Oh, that's good. That's a good one. Brett: Yeah. Hyung. I'm sure you guys know Hyung. Eddy: Cello. Brett: The cello player. Uh, he's a great cellist. I played with him back in Sydney Symphony Orchestra too. Yeah. And he made a few videos with us, - so you've probably seen him before. - Yep. Oh, he's slightly nicer. Oh, thank you. I love cellists, too. Wait, what? That makes no sense. "Even though I love you," - "I just don't like you." - Brett: "I just don't like you in general." But Mozart preferred the violins. You guys can take Haydn, like... - Yeah. - Yeah, take Haydn. - Yeah, just settle with Haydn concertos. - We don't need Haydn. Spoken like a true principal cellist. - Yeah, he is a principal cellist. - Yeah. - "I want to be the concertmaster!" - Brett: Yeah. That was a pretty... that wasn't too bad. That wasn't... Well, that was... I mean... - He's being really nice. - Eddy: Yeah. - Eddy: Alright. - Brett: Alright, let's get someone else. French horn. Eddy: Also went to our uni. He's also appeared in our "Pro vs Beginner Horn." Very, very good French horn player. He says, "Bugbear." I've never heard that before. I get it from both sides where, like, if you're performing a solo wind part, and imagine, in front of you, thirty people just turn around - and stare at you. It's not a good feeling. - Yeah, hell no. Yeah, it's like, can you guys not, or like... But, at the same time, sometimes we just can't help but want to, like, admire. Yeah, actually no, most of the time looks are admiring. - Yeah. - Okay, if... you suck I wouldn't look at you. If you're good, like, I kind of just want to see like - Exactly. - how you look, how you're performing, and it's like, "Wow, where's this magical sound coming from?" That's true. But, dude, like seriously, when we look, or when I look, I don't know, you guys are playing awesome stuff. - Yeah. - But fair enough. That's fair enough. Emma. Eddy: Emma also came up with two. Oh. That's messed up. - "While the bow..." - What kind of violinist does that? Dude, that's disgusting. What, like that? Like... - Brett: Well, I imagine... - That's nasty. - That's disgusting. You don't do that to yourself and the bow. - Eddy: That's messed up. Yeah. I don't think they're necessarily flailing around as well. I get it when we're playing. Yes. But I don't walk around the street being like... - Just gonna stab your eye. - Brett: Yeah, yeah. I'm just walking, I'm like... Distance. - Yeah. - It's like social distancing. But fair enough. I have, um, I do understand that fear. I do also know, like, what it's like sitting too close to a violinist and it's just like... - Yeah, that's true. - Whoa. The second one. Ha. Brett: Aw. - Oh. - Did you hear that? It's not always about playing fast or loud. It's funny though. I think I've done it a few times. - Really? - Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't do it to show everyone else. I just play 'cause I've just been in panic mode. - Oh, yeah. - So I'm playing in front of them like, oh my god. To be honest, I probably wasn't fully prepared, so I just... You know, like, Mozart. You got that part like, Yeah. - I kept playing that. - Oh, yeah. I was like, oh my god! Oh, I'm good. I'm good. - Yeah. - But, I can see. And sometimes you just... - You got a concert coming and you just want to practice for it - Brett: Yeah, yeah. when you can. Brett: Yeah. - But, yeah, it's not good etiquette. - Brett: Oh, no. M'kay. Alright, so, next we have Tijana. Eddy: She's a harpist. I think she was in our... - "What Do Musicians Really Think?" And a few other videos. - Brett: Yes, yeah, yeah. Eddy: Also went to uni. Good friend. She had two. First one is, The violin- She said hickey, but she's talking about the violin hickey right, so, I mean, yeah, it is kind of a love life. You and your violin, you spend so much time together. - Yeah, I mean... - Look, like, we make so much sound like - I love you. - Eddy: Yeah. Saranghae. My only love. Saranghae. I spend all my days in the practice room. - Saranghae. - You're the love of my life. I've got one here. Eddy: Yeah. Do I have one? Brett: No. I don't even have a love life. - I can't even create the illusion of a love life. - Yeah. It's like, hmmm... The second one. Actually, it's seventy-two centimeters. - Is it? - Yes. - Actually? Actually? - Seventy-three, seventy-two. Roughly. Yeah. - I never measured my bow. - Brett: Yeah. - Brett: Actually, let me double-check, but I'm pretty sure... - I've also never measured my instrument. Yeah, seventy-four. Seventy-three, yeah. I guess it's even more compensation there. Yeah, you didn't know, hey? Shaun. Eddy: He's the one that helped us with the lo-fi. He's a music tech guy. Producer. Producer Shaun. Alright, so his... statement was, (Why are we still here?) Shaun, thank you! You spared me. Nice one, Shaun. - Got us there. - Got us. - You got me. You got me, there. - Yeah. Well, I mean... - Alright, Todd. Yeah. - Is this the last one? Todd? - Brett: Okay. Todd had a few. - Eddy: Yeah. Okay. Okay? Okay, is that meant to be a roast or a compliment? Yeah. Okay. - But we are. - Yeah. - How do I put this to you... - Yeah. You play the bassoon. Number four. Whoa. Whoa, he went there. Todd, oh, okay. That was savage. Yeah, I mean... The last one was savage. I can't even get back at him 'cause he's such a great bassoonist. Yeah, like, he is very musical. Like, fun fact, he's one of the youngest bassoonists in the world to get like a principal job. Oh, yeah. And rightly so, like his playing is off the charts, so. Look, I'll take that one. Yeah. Got us there. - Yeah. - Yeah, like, yeah. Jason. - Eddy: I'm sure you guys all know Jason as well. Viola player. - Brett: Yeah. From the Among Us video. Eddy: "By the time you will know..." Ooh... What, like, in a parallel universe? I respect that dream, um, I mean, everyone needs something to hope for, right? Yeah, I mean, I can see why Dvořák also wrote the, uh... You know? Yeah. Hm... (Both) Respect. Keep it up, guys. Alright, last one. Alex is a piano player. Eddy: I'm sure you all know him as well. Okay. Oh! That is true. That is true. I'll admit, as a violinist, sometimes I don't know where I'm meant to stand. Because it's really awkward. You're on stage, the pianist is there. If you stand too far ahead, you can't see the pianist. If you stand too far behind, the pianist can't see you. But if you stand completely parallel, the audience can't see the pianist. Yep and especially if it's like a sonata, - the music stand is there as well. It's all in the way. - Eddy: Yeah. There you go, at least don't stand too close to the piano. - That's an interesting one, I never - That's interesting. - paid attention. I hope I'm not too guilty of that. - I don't know pianists like didn't want like... - Yeah, l didn't know as well. - "Move away, why are you so close?" Maybe it's the bow like what Emma said. Yeah. It's just in your face, could poke you out. Alright, there you go. We found out today that everyone basically thinks violinists are arrogant, - Yes. - and, uh, obnoxious. - I love this one. - Tune to open strings. - Everyone hates the bow, basically. - Brett: Yeah. Hope you guys learned something. I learned that the bow is seventy-four centimeters. - Yep. - And remember, as always, to subito mezzo-forte. Subscribe.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 543,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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