Oh. My. God. Time to read the juicy stories we have! Today, we are going to FMyLife.com. I didn't know about this website until now. - What a great name.
- Don't know if you guys know about it. We're going to be reading the worst musician nightmares - that you can ever think about.
- Oh, god. - Man, we've had a lot of F my life moments.
- Oh, so many! Happens every day. Brett and I used to have a joke, if one day we ever wrote like, an autobiography, it'd be titled "We F'ed Up." Yeahh! - Yeah that's true, that's true, yeah.
- Do you remember that? - 'Cause the number of F my life moments.
- We have done... Yeah, yeah. Okay, here we go! First one. Oh, my god. Dude... How do you... - That is very lamentable.
- How do you miss a concert? Did you...? What happened to setting an alarm? So the alarm rang for 20 minutes? I've heard of a story of, um... Someone in the orchestra that wanted take a quick nap, 'cause it was ballet performance. She was the harpist, and the harpist in the Tchaikovsky ballet is... - ...essential. You need it.
- Yeah. And she fell asleep backstage, and nobody could find where she fell asleep. So then everyone panicked, they had to like, get an electric keyboard, make harp sounds. - Wow!
- Yeah. That's horrible. I mean, I get it. - There's just so much going on.
- Yeah. Catch up on some sleep, don't overexert yourself. Yes. I need sleep. Oh-oh! How do you mess that one up?! Bro, it's your daughter! Well, maybe he had multiple daughters. - Dude, that's pretty dumb though.
- That's dark, that's dark. It's like, a whole solo happening, and the dad's just filming someone else that doesn't have a solo. The thing is like, it's not even about missing the solo. It's like, "My dad doesn't love me." - That's really what it's saying!
- I know. "My dad doesn't recognize me." Dude, imagine your mom was like, "I filmed you!" And then the entire time, it's some random other Asian kid with glasses. That was pretty bad. Lamentable. And sacrilegious! - He was both.
- That was a very sacrilegious dad. Not even everyone heard, the people beside you smelt it. And they knew where it came from. Can you imagine just like, Sibelius, the end? That is pretty funny. - Oh, my god, that's embarrassing though.
- Especially if it's like, really dramatic moments building up, - and then like, a sudden pause.
- Yes. Before like a... - ...or something.
- Yeah. But we got like, funny stories that we've heard as well. Friends that we know of that, um... Tried to let one out, and ended up pooing themselves onstage. Oh, yeah! I know two dudes that have done that. Two! - That have pooed on stage.
- I remember one of them. What's the second one? He was standing as a soloist. And the poo was dripping down his... Dude! What the hell?! - And then *beep*, right?
- Yeah! Apparently, the chair is permanently stained. What would you do if we did in our concert? I would just walk offstage. I don't care! Yeah, I would walk offstage. I'd be like, "Eddy, emergency. Take over the concert, I'm out." And you'd be like, "What?" - And I'd just leave.
- Yeah. Do you remember we did a concert in Canada? I was feeling so under the weather. - 'Cause we were flying city to city every second day.
- Oh, no. I just remember I was lying on the sofa the entire time. I didn't even warm up. I was just like... - But then I still went onstage, and I killed it, so.
- Yeah. - I think we over-extended. We went,
- Yeah. - we did like, 50 concerts in 2, 3 months. Nonstop.
- Yeah, it was stupid. And also, - 'cause we are also organizing our own concerts,
- Yeah. every logistical detail. - Yes. And also, we're filming at the same time.
- Yes. Wow, crazy days! Alright, guys. Thanks so much for the support again. Oh, no. Oh, no...! - They didn't do 40 hours, that's why.
- Like... - Yeah, you just need 10 more.
- You needed 10 more hours, and you could've said, "I did no practice." And the teacher would be like, "Wow." That is very lamentable. We are very sorry for you, anonymous person, but... - I hope you're still making music.
- Yes. Please. Whoa, your brother needs to - chill!
- Chill out. I mean, how old is the brother? - Yeah. Like a two-year-old?
- I guess if he's like, young, it makes sense. Needs a bit more whipping and training. - Needs Ling Ling's mother!
- Yeah. "Fit into society!" "Your sister practicing!" Oh, right, like practice schedule. You know, funnily, as a musician, I immediately knew. - Oh, they were asking about practice.
- 'Cause they wanted you to stop. Yeah. We've heard so many stories. Dude, I've had neighbors call my mom. To be fair, I was practicing at like, midnight. - And they were like, "Stop."
- Okay, yeah. At least it's not like... ...brass player. - Yeah, I know!
- Brass players would be so loud. At least you're not living next to YouTubers who scream! pLeASe sUbsCriBe! Dude, that's... I hope you got your ears sorted, 'cause that's very unlucky. First concert... Dude, I know how that feels. I had a concert once, and my ears got clogged up. Couldn't really hear my intonation. It was like, playing without hearing. - Ohh... If you can't hear intonation while you play,
- It was the weirdest feeling. it's really hard. - You have to kind of just gauge based on
- It's very... - muscle memory and the vibrations.
- Yes. - Oh but god, it's so annoying. It's not, yeah.
- But it's not the full picture, you know? - Dude!
- What? So then he just, lay unconscious? No, that's stupid! If someone passes out... - Dude, I'd stop.
- I would stop, I'd be like, "Dude, someone get help." - Like, someone passed out!
- Yeah. Dude, imagine it wasn't just passing out, but that person had like, a... - heart attack or something.
- Ohh, that's not funny. Like... Like, what orchestra was that? - They need to like, get the protocol sorted.
- Yeah! If someone passes out, help them! Don't worry about the... I know, right? The worst thing is like, it's an orchestra. - It's not like, four people, and
- Exactly! - one person stop, the music stops.
- Yeah. But in orchestra, - you can keep going!
- Yeah. Second violins, violas, what are you guys doing?! - Go help out the person! Yeah.
- Back desk seconds! That's pretty bad. Wow, that was lamentable. Dude. What type of girlfriend is that? How do you forget to go?? - You deserve better.
- Yes. I hope many other girls came to listen to your composition. I hope you like, recompose that to be like, "For my ex." - And then just add in six sharps.
- Ahh, yeah! - Six sharps and six flats at the same time.
- Yeah. Transpose for viola. - Nice.
- Ooh, noice! Congrats. Oh my god! Is your mom Asian? It sounded like your mom just like, "No, you be doctor!" Dude, that actually sucks so much! Especially with these type of things, - even if you called up later,
- It's so rare. - they probably already offered it to the next person.
- Yeah. It sucks. Not everyone gets this opportunity, to play with a prominent orchestra. - Very lamentable.
- Yeah... Sacrilegious! Last one. - Okay. Wait, during the concert?
- Yeah, okay. I'm out! That, that, that tops it all. Oh, no... Oh, no! Here's for you. But why are you even talking in a concert?? - You shouldn't be talking in a concert.
- Yeah! Jesus. Uh, it's funny. We have this protocol in our shows, 'cause we had this skit where our pianist would go on first, and then we'd be backstage. - But we'd have to be mic'ed up, right?
- Oh, I remember. Yeah. Even though we told the tech person - that the mic does not go on until we go onstage,
- Yeah. - just in case, we would never say anything backstage.
- Yeah. And lo and behold, this one concert in Boston, the tech person forgot to switch our mics off. Didn't you go to the bathroom? - That was pretty funny.
- But apparently it was like, kind of choppy, - so they couldn't hear everything. Yeah.
- Yeah, 'cause the reception was still offstage. - But...
- But that's just so annoying. And I'm just glad we didn't say anything... ...stupid. Like, stupid. All right! Did you guys enjoy this episode? Accent the like button. Also! Please submit your own crazy anonymous confessions. Anything crazy, scandalous. - But music-related, please.
- Related gossip. We would love to read it. It will be, obviously, anonymous. - Instructions will be in the link below.
- Yeah. Thank you guys! Please accent like button. See you guys next time! - Eddy: Oh my god, do you know I actually practice
- Brett: Oh my - negative 40 hours a day? Eddy: OHH! The microphone's still on! - Eddy: *screaming*
- Brett: What?! No! *gibberish* Brett: Oh, I need to practice. Eddy: *laughter* Eddy: I actually like licking toes. - Eddy: *laughter*
- Brett: Dude, that's disgusting!