Who's More Likely to Perform Naked?

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Paganini La Campanella

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Pianoman69xd šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 21 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
Oh, what the f***!? - REALLY!? - Yeah! Why me!? Hey, how's it going? Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Eddy: Look! Two... Set... Violin! How are y'all doing, TwoSetters? Just want to check up on you. Have you been practicing? "Yes!" Okay, I can hear that. - Okay, great, good. Nice, nice! - Awesome, awesome. Okay, cool, cool. To celebrate the fact that we all practice, we're gonna get together and play a game of... Our friend has prepared a list of questions. With every question we raise... Eddy or Brett. Ta-dah! It's a game to test how well we know each other. Whether telepathy is a thing or not, we're gonna find out. First question. - Who prepared these questions again? - Yeah. - What? Why? - Okay, okay, okay. 3, 2, 1... I wonder if you're thinking the same reason as I am. The reason is... - I always lose the dare. - Yeah! I always ****ing lose! We're always like, "Wait, let's scissors, paper, rock." "Loser has to do this." And like every time, Brett wins. - I don't know why that happens. - Yeah, I don't know how that happens. It's just pretty funny. - I'm cursed. I always lose the dares. - Yeah, it's pretty funny. Next question. Can I vote neither? I feel like we're equally unlikely to do that. - I think we're both just as stubborn enough not to do it. - Yeah. But "who's more likely..." Ugh, I don't know! I mean, I guess we have to vote. All right. - All right, 3, 2, 1. - 3, 2, 1. - Oh, really? - Myself. I thought I'd be like... 0.1% more. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. But... - It's very unlikely, so I can't even imagine that, like, who's... - Yeah. Like, I imagine myself getting naked, doing a recital than doing that. - Wait, concerto entry like, a solo concerto or just...? - Yeah. All right, are you ready? 3, 2, 1. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah... I already know. I'd just be like, "Huh... Oh! I missed my part!" Have you ever though? - Actually missed a concerto entry? - Nah. I came in wrong pitch. - With your Mozart, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, but I mean that happens. - But- But definitely came in wrong not on a concerto entry, but like, on a sonata entry. Ooh, you have! But not in a concert setting. - Probably like, rehearsal or something. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, I never came in wrong in a concert. - Yeah. No way. I mean, maybe one day. Who knows? - Oh... - That's easy. Oh nah... Has that happened? I've been late to a performance before. But I don't think I missed a recital for most... "Own recital, oversleeping." Nah, I haven't missed. Yet! Brett: Yeah. Touch wood. Imagine I missed the world tour concert 'cause I overslept. Oh my god. It would be tragic. Okay, next one. Oh, I don't know! - All right, 3, 2, 1. - 3, 2, 1. Why do you think me? Why do you think me? I don't know. I just thought I was more extroverted. - You definitely are more extroverted. - I'm way more likely to... - interact with a bit more people, which might result in that. - Yeah, yeah. But you're just less probable. Yeah, I can see that. I mean, if you think about it... We all die alone. - Yeah, that's true. - Right? If you die with a spouse, then your spouse dies alone anyway. And you can't always count on the children to be there, like- - They might be there, but they might not. - Yeah, they might be busy doing their thing. - You know, we could be overseas... yeah... - They might be overseas in COVID lockdown. We all come into this world alone, and we die alone. - That's so sad. - And we have to be at peace with that. Music is all about love. Enjoy while you can... - So depressing! - ...while we're here. - Hopefully, I don't die alone. - Yeah, yeah. - "Who's more likely-" - Hopefully, I don't. Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Not to say I wouldn't cry, but... - Nah, you just don't cry. - Yeah, I mean, I cry. I just... Did you cry at HUNTERxHUNTER? - The- - I cried on the inside. Yeah, see? Like, I actually cried when I saw that ending. I felt it. I was like, "Oh..." "Damn, that hit the feels." Ooh! - This one is actually hard. - Yeah. - I think equally unlikely and equally likely. - Yeah! I can imagine a scenario where... I break it, too. And you break it, too. We gotta pick one. 3, 2, 1. Actually, you're more likely to lose the violin. - I'm more likely to lose the violin, but I don't think I'd break it. - Yeah, okay. - I have never broken a violin. - You haven't. But I feel like, I've seen you, like, - accidentally knock your violin - Oh, Yeah. - a little bit more than I do. - A bit more careless. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Oh, I know this one. Ooh... - Assuming there was a significant other, but I mean- - Right, okay. I'm gonna die alone, so... - Well, but skip- - Assuming I had a significant other, and you had a significant other. Why would you skip rehearsal for it though? I don't know. It's your honeymoon. And your bae is like... "What's more important?" "Your ***king Tchaikovsky or us?!!" Oh, if she says that, I'm gonna- I'm scared. I'm going to rehearsal! Excuse me?! Tchaikovsky?! You're freaking saying it, dude! 3, 2, 1. Really? To be honest, I didn't know. - Yeah? - Yeah. I don't see you doing that ever. - Yeah, I probably wouldn't. - Like, the only reason I would see you do that is if you already didn't want to go to rehearsal. Actually no, you're right. 'Cause I was thinking... If I decide I don't want to go to rehearsal, I won't go to rehearsal. Yeah, you'll use any excuse to skip. But I don't see you as someone that would ever... - Yeah, nah. Yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. - ...compromise work for that, right? - Like, you take your stuff pretty seriously. - Yeah. Especially with a concerto. - **** yeah, man, I'm going to my rehearsal. - Yeah. - What the f*** is that question?! - That's pretty funny! Why me?! You'll just leave it. You're like, "F*** it! I'm out!" Run away! Nah...! Dude, you would do the same. Yeah, I would do the same, too. - That's a rigged question. - Nah, I'm just- I'm gonna- - I'm gonna vote you just to f***ing get back at you. - All right, balance. - All right. - Yeah. - All the dumb sh** you buy. - Yeah! I'd buy it and Eddy's like... "The **** is that?!" "What? Are you serious?" "Well, yeah." "WHAT? Are you serious?" "Yeah." Oh...! Oh...! Ooh... - I don't know. - I don't know actually. This is hard. This is a very tricky one. But also, I feel like with the internet, they just cancel sometimes. I mean, okay, sure, people do bad things. But I also feel like... Once there's like a tipping point of haters, and they come after you. It's just like... Ling Ling Insurance! - Ling Ling Insurance! - Yeah, Ling Ling Insurance! Please. We just practice our violin. Please leave us alone. I'm gonna vote you. - 'Cause I don't wanna get cancelled. - Yeah, I'll vote myself. Cancel me. If you cancel me, all I'm gonna do is end up in a practice room practice. I'm dying alone anyway, so... I think neither of us, but probably... - All right. - All right, 3, 2, 1. - Yeah, probably me. - Yeah. - I very rarely get angry. - Yeah. - But when I do get angry, I do get angry. - Yeah. But it doesn't happen much. What a joke! We'll never sell our YouTube channel for 10 million. You guys are so important to us. - You can buy a Strad with that money. - Oh! No, but TwoSetters are worth a lot more than $10,000,000. Buy 10 Vuillaumes. Okay, no, no, okay! We sell the YouTube channel with $10,000,000. Can we just... start a new YouTube channel? I mean, yeah, you could. Okay, I'm out. Yeah. The question is just "would you sell it for 10 million?" It's kind of weird to picture selling- 'Cause who the **** would buy our YouTube channel? - No one. - But I guess a different way to phrase that question would be... - Ahh... Okay. - That's a better way to frame it. If someone comes to you and be like, "I'll give you 10 million if you stop making YouTube... TwoSet." It's not even a question if it's enough or not. - Just "who would be more likely to." - Yeah. 10 million is a lot of money, man. That's like, never ending bubble tea and violin strings, and bow rehairs. But then again, I don't do YouTube for money. I mean, if you want money, just be a doctor. - I'll be an investment person, right? - Yeah, I'll do something that makes a lot more money. - I'm just trying to imagine... - I think neither... ...someone comes up to me with $10,000,000 cash... "Would you take it?" Nah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't, straight up. If someone today told me... "Hey, 10 mil, stop doing TwoSet." - I'd be like, "**** off." - Nah, nah, nah... - Yeah, I think both of us wouldn't do that. - Yeah, no way. Hell no! Oh, what the ****?! - Why? - I don't know! I just feel like you're gonna be tired one day, like... Yeah, okay, maybe. - 'Cause I do get tired. - Yeah, yeah. Like you haven't crashed the car like... ...crashed the car, but it's like... - Have you crashed your car before? - No. Brett is a pretty safe driver though. I'm pretty aware of the street, like... Like, even when I'm driving, every lane change, Brett's like... - Like, looking for me. - I can't help it. I'm like, "Bro, chill. Just trust me." I don't know. It's just an instinctive reaction. I'm like, "I need to look." That's a bit of a mean question. Basically asking "who do you think is better looking?" I'm not answering that! - We model ourselves! - Yeah! TwoSet Apparel! Ooh...! 3, 2, 1. Oh! I wouldn't mind going back in just for the experience of being able to play the great symphonies anyway. - Yup, same. - 'Cause I do miss that. - Yup. - Yeah. I feel like we're equally likely. - Yeah, I could see both scenarios play out. - Yeah. Like, I've had moments where I did leave stuff last minute. - Same, same. - ...to be honest. It's hard to say, man. It's also like, how busy are you. Yeah, I remember once doing like ballets, like eight concerts in a week, and a string quartet in between, like- - Dude, there's no time! - Yeah. I was just freaking out. And I forgot my mute on stage, too. But you have actually forgot, - so I'm just gonna vote you. - Okay, fine. I've done like, videos. Like, us recording videos. - On the day, I'd be like, "Oh, what are we filming again today?" - Yeah. - "Oh sh**! I need to practice this!" - Gotta practice. - You know, so... - Yeah. - That, I've done. - Okay. - But not so much a concert. - I've done a concert once. Sightread. Oh wow. I think we're both too pussy for that. - But I would love to. - Yeah... But those rockets need at least like 20 years of like... Proven and tested 20 million times. - Yeah. - Maybe I'll jump on the bandwagon and play. - You know what? I'm gonna vote Brett. - 3, 2, 1. I'll vote myself, okay. Dude, I get so motion sick. You don't understand. Oh yeah, you... I'll vomit on a jet ski. The instructor was like, "You're the first person I've seen vomit on a jet ski." So yeah, I get pretty motion sick. I just don't know how I would take the G-forces. Dude, you'd be like... Just pass out. I don't even know what it's like. It's just like... Okay, I know this one. Oh...! 3, 2, 1. Yeah. Yeah. Not that I would get a tattoo. But I just don't think you would ever get one. - Nah. Yeah. - Like, knowing you. I mean, I don't... not like that. I think I can admire them, but I just wouldn't get one. I think I wouldn't want to, - but I'd be more open to the idea of getting one. - Yes. Yeah. Would you get a tattoo on your forehead? No. - Okay- - Just like a little ****ing penis. If someone offered you $10,000,000 to have a tattoo on your forehead... No. - Money isn't the only thing in the world that matters. - Okay. The ONE life you have on this planet. You're gonna spend the rest of your life with a penis on your forehead? Okay, imagine you're immune to all viruses - for the rest of your life. - Okay. But you gotta tattoo yourself... "PE...NIS." I'll just get a vaccine. I'm good. Okay. It just depends on who gets into - the right circumstance in life first. - Yeah. Yeah, I don't think you can really plan that. It could go either way. It could go either way. Nice. There you go. Wait, but didn't our friends say that they can never picture you getting married? Yeah, that's true. And then they're like, they would picture me getting married. - But this one's have kids, so it's different. - That's true. Imagine having to take your kids to school at ****ing 7 a.m, bro! Oh my god! - Easy. - Yeah. I hate horror movies! Who inv- Who- Why- Why would you enjoy watching horror movies, dude? Like- And not even that. The people that watch it, they don't even get scared by it. They're like, "I just watch it." I'm like, "Why? It's just unnecessary stress." - Our life is stressful enough. - Yeah. - I don't need more stress in my life. - I don't need more cortisol pumped into my body. I'm like, "No, thank you." Okay, 3, 2, 1. Eddy: Yeah. Well, I'm a bit older so. - I'm already losing hair. Yeah. - I want to check that. Just kidding! Damn, man. 'Cause I can't incriminate myself. Yeah, same, Iā€˜m pra... What are you talking about, guys? That's it. We're both gonna go practice. - Exactly. - Because the video just ended. - And we have to prove this right. - Yes. All right, guys. Did you play along? Accent the like button, legato the subscribe button. T. S. V. See you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 646,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: 3ynNCpt3Q08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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