Multiboot USB UEFI & Legacy All In One

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so today we're creating the ultimate boot USB Drive this is gonna be a multi boot system so we can put multiple OSS on it it also is gonna be capable of doing UEFI and legacy boots so it'll be compatible with pretty much any system on the market it doesn't matter what it is and I think this is a really nice utility just to kind of have in your back pocket so with all that said let's get on the desktop start formatting our our USB Drive and loading a bunch of different distributions and operating systems on it to create the ultimate all-in-one utility alright it's that time to make the ultimate thumb drive this is gonna be a lot of fun as I'm used to using Yummie but for Windows users you just run the executable it works but there is no Linux option however it does work in wine so i'm on a linux box right now and i'm just gonna go ahead and use this if you're a Windows user just know you won't need to format it you can just run the executable if you're a Linux user you can easily follow along for the first thirty Seconds to a minute and then it'll be formatted and will launch into Yummie and then everything's pretty much the same from that point but less talking more installing of a bunch of different Linux distributions and windows all on one thumb drive alright the thumb drive is in first thing we need to do will format it because we're in linux windows should auto format it but if not you can easily just wipe it out so we'll find our thumb drive down here at the end SDF I think I had recalc so we're just gonna wipe all these out and we're just gonna create a new primary partition that's gonna be fat32 and that's gonna be it and we're just gonna call this yummy and and we're just go make that and apply it let it refresh if we go view device information one thing to note just to make sure that this doesn't mess up a partition table needs to be ms-dos it cannot be GPT as you'll run into problems just a side note if you do run into problems with that you can easily change the partition tables by going create partition table and then say ms-dos if it is under GPT just change it to ms-dos hit apply it will wipe out everything on the device so I use this with caution but I at least wanted to say you know if you go into device you can create a new partition table before formatting to fat32 and you'll be just fine let's run yummy next cutable and see what we get I'm gonna go ahead and just manually do this and see what we do now I'm doing the UEFI version so we're just gonna go wine yummy if I launch into this see what we get we'll go ahead and hit agree show all drives and that 117 looks to be it so let's pick out what we want to put on here I think we'll throw a bun to on here and for this I might just actually go into my home directory and see what we have I think I have one in yeah and my images let's see if we can go all the way into my network images here let's grab a bun - OH let's throw 19:04 desktop on here go ahead and hit next and that should be enough let's create it see what we get says hey it's gonna do this gonna create an MBR it's gonna create the label on e and it's gonna install the bun - so you're you absolutely positive drive e as your USB device definitely double check this as I already did now I did see a little bit of an error there just to see if it did have a cyst Linux oh I think it gave me a syslinux error so let's go ahead and do a couple of drives on this just to see what happens alright it looks like it's additive bun - we'll go ahead and say yes we'll add more before we go too crazy here though I'm gonna actually just pull up my file browser as I want to see this this actually yummy drive and kind of show you how it does things it adds this efi folder because it can do UEFI boot and then it actually has regular boot as well so if we go into each one of these this is actually the grub boot which is interesting and then efi and then the cool thing is i think it puts the iso and actually multi boot here so this is kind of like how it actually puts everything on there let's go back in and select another distro and throw it on here let's pick a utility this time I think I have some parted magic we could toss on here under system tools parted magic let's browse and grab P magic and see how that does all right process is complete we're not gonna add more distres and just say thank you yummy for creating the drive let's uh take a look at our files just to see what else is on here well go ahead refresh this you'll see P magic is on here now and Ubuntu so we should have two things to choose from let's go ahead reboot now UEFI yummy is still kind of in the test stage it's not at a 1.0 release yet so this may not work I really hope it does but if not we can do it a different method as well okay so we have our disk here I'm gonna go ahead and try and boot UEFI as I'm interested to see if we can get that to work so we'll click that select our UEFI partition right here and we this would be doing legacy boot this is UEFI boot so let's see what we get Hey look at that even though we got the sis sis errors it seems to still be working so we have Linux distributions which is a bun - and system tools which is pee magic so kind of cool so let's let's try and boot into a bun too and see if we maybe we can do a live boot from here this would be kind of cool and then we can just keep adding distributions on this alright that did work I actually have two two screens one into my capture card one right here usually it's mirrored but in this instance it just decided not to mirror it uh that's really neat let me see if I can't change my screen settings so you can kind of see what I see ah there we go perfect so now we've mirrored displays I'm in a live environment obviously have an installed Ubuntu we're good let's reboot again and let's take another roll at part of magic and see we can't use this multi boot and we're back alright so back in here we'll go back into our boot menu and go down into UEFI again this time we're gonna try and boot parted magic from our UEFI so we go system tools P magic and let's try and run this one 64-bit from Ram all right and part of magic came right up as well so really awesome I'm glad when a plan comes together and just works out one more thing to test is basic legacy boot as that's one thing I wanted to test because technically if it's booted into UEFI a lot of you Fei installation media can do both legacy and UEFI so this would be like the ultimate USB disk so I want to make sure that the legacy portion of this is also working and this time we're gonna just choose SanDisk not UEFI version and there we go we got it again so perfect so now this would be emulating a legacy boot obviously the resolution should be pretty much downsized so you don't have a high resolution on legacy boot as it's actually emulated right here and right into the Installer we go Wow pretty amazing I I can't believe this actually worked in Linux using just a Windows utility like Yummie well there we go we have the ultimate USB Drive created I'm gonna keep adding and adding stuff to it the whole purpose of me doing this is on live streams I'm constantly wiping out like my studio PC or another PC here and the here in the studio and I always need to create a USB Drive and I'm like man it'd be so much easier if I do had like 20 distros and 20 different operating systems all just loaded on my thumb drive so that's what I did I created this and I was like oh you know this be great video I'm sure you would like it so with that said let me know your thoughts down in the comment section and with that I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 280,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, multiboot usb, multiboot, multiboot usb uefi legacy all in one, usb, multiboot usb flash drive, multiboot pendrive, uefi, how to create a multiboot usb flash drive, all os in single usb, multiboot usb installer, multiboot usb windows, make multiboot usb flash drive, bootable usb, create multiboot usb flash drive windows, legacy, multiboot usb linux, multiboot uefi
Id: mZB8gwkBtvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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