Kali Linux USB Live Boot with Persistence (in 5 minutes)

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In this video I'm going to show you how to  boot Kali Linux off a USB flash drive this is   a Windows laptop but I've booted it from the USB  flash drive but not only that I'm going to show   you how to enable persistency in other words set  up this USB flash drive with persistence so that   changes that you make survive reboots. This is a  Windows 11 laptop in previous videos I've shown   you how to boot between Windows and Kali in  other words enable dual booting of Kali and   Windows but you may not want to do that you may  want to run Kali off a USB flash drive so that   no changes are made to the hard drive as an  example on your laptop. Okay without further   ado let me show you how to boot Kali off a USB  flash drive but also enable persistence [Music]   I'll insert the flash drive into my computer and  to install Kali you need two pieces of software   you need to download Kali which you can get from  kali.org we are not going to download installer   images or virtual machine and the other options  what we're going to download here is the live   boot image we don't want to install Kali on the  laptop I showed you how to do that once again in a   previous video we are going to download the live  image it's about 3.8 gig in size the next piece of   software you need is something to write that image  to the USB drive there are multiple options to do   this but in this example what I'll do is download  Rufus so you can get the software from rufus.ie   I'll scroll down and download the exe file to  about 1.4 meg in size okay so it's a fairly simple   process you need to download those two pieces of  software I'm going to run Rufus the first thing   you need to do is select your USB drive so I've  got 128 gig USB flash drive here so I've selected   that next thing I need to do is select the ISO  image make sure that you choose the right image   and this is the important part you want to set  your persistent partition size you could set   it up to a bigger amount but just for this example  I'll set it to let's say 65 gig so half of the USB   flash drive or approximately half of the USB flash  drive you can give the volume a name I'm just   going to leave it at the defaults Kali live so  again choose your USB flash drive secondly specify   the image to install so the live image and then  you can click Start to start your installation   we're told that all data will be removed so that's  okay I'm going to click OK notice the USB flash   drive is being formatted and then the installation  will start now previously when I did this it took   about 18 minutes to install this so now's a great  time to go and get a coffee or do something else   it's going to take a while for this to install  through the power of editing we'll speed this   process up basically you just need to wait for the  installation to take place. foreign Okay there you   go it's completed it took about 25 minutes and  what we can do now is click close and reboot the   computer now you've got two options really what  I'm going to do here is restart the computer   while holding the shift button down I'm going to  click restart you don't have to do that what you   could do instead of holding the shift button down  while it reboots is just press the special key to   reboot the computer into BIOS okay so there you  go I can go to troubleshoot Advanced options   UEFI firmware settings click restart to reboot  the laptop into its BIOS now this is an Asus   laptop so I could have used F2 as an example to  boot it into BIOS that will really depend on your   laptop but there you go I am in the BIOS utility  now there's two important things that we want to   do here the first thing is I want to move the boot  priority to the USB thumb drive or USB drive and   then Windows and the second thing I want to do  is I want to go to Advanced mode here and go to   security and turn off secure boot now the BIOS  on computers is different you'll just have to   go through the various settings to find those two  options you want to disable secure Boot and you   want to set the boot priority to the USB flash  drive first and then Windows so I'll click exit   and I'm going to save my changes and exit out of  the BIOS so click OK and what that should do now   is boot off the USB flash drive and allow me to  boot into Kali Linux. I'm going to press the down   arrow the option I'm looking for is a live system  with USB persistence so I'm going to select that   and press enter we want to have persistence  once again so that settings are maintained   for instance the Wi-Fi settings or a file that  I add or other changes that I make to the system and there you go it's booted into Kali  Linux I can see various applications here   so it just looks like a standard Kali Linux  installation but let's do something here what   I'm going to do is open up the text editor  and I'll just create a file called test so   I'll save that to the desktop as an example and  give the file a name called test and click save   so this file now has been created on the  desktop now what I could do is connect to   a Wi-Fi network but I won't do that here I'll  be able to prove persistency by rebooting the   laptop and making sure that that test file  still exists so what I'll do is restart the   computer and hopefully now it'll boot back into  Kali and I'll have my test file on the desktop. Okay so I'm going to go back to persistence  so live system with USB persistence laptop is booting into Kali  off the USB flash drive and there you go the test file with test in  it is persistent in other words it survived   the reboot now if I want to boot into Windows  I can simply restart the laptop and then pull   out the USB flash drive so I'll do that  and hopefully it'll just boot into Windows   now you could obviously press the right key to  boot into BIOS and then boot into Windows that   way but I've simply removed the flash drive  from the computer and there you go I'm able   to now Boot back into Windows if I want to boot  back into Kali all I need to do is plug the USB   drive back in and then say restart and then what  I'll do is press F2 to get it to boot back into   the USB drive so what I'll do in BIOS is simply  move the boot priority to boot off the USB flash   drive and then I'll save and exit and there you  go I can select persistent USB drive once again and I've once again successfully booted back into  Kali Linux okay I hope you've enjoyed this video   I hope you found it useful very nice that you  can boot Kali off a USB flash drive or dual   booted whole bunch of options available with  Kali Linux if you enjoyed this video please   consider subscribing to my YouTube channel  liking this video and clicking on the bell   to get notifications I'm David Bombal and I  want to wish you all the very best [Music]
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 617,893
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Keywords: kali linux, kali linux usb, kali linux usb live boot, kali linux install, kali linux for beginners, kali linux download, kali, kali linux usb bootable, kali linux usb persistent, kali linux usb install, kali linux tutorial, kali linux hacking tutorials, kali linux tutorial for beginners, how to use kali linux, ethical hacking, kali linux hacking, kali linux tools, linux, how to install kali linux, what is kali linux, kali linux basics, linux tutorial, ethical hacking tutorial
Id: FYYU9qZ0Pps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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