Make UEFI Bootable USB Windows 10 Rufus Method - UEFI Only Boot

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hi welcome to hometech adventure i hope you're here to make uefi bootable usb windows 10 rufus method i think everybody just started stuffing all the terms they wanted into the search bar and google eventually recognized it as a common search term and then just started as suggesting it for everybody so i used it as a title but what we're talking about is making a usb stick something like this one right here and we're going to install the windows 10 installer on it and we're going to install it for uefi systems now you can do uefi and legacy on the same usb i'm going to do uefi only and i'm going to do 64-bit only for modern computers because if you're building a modern computer you're buying it now really you want to install uefi and on a 64-bit system so we're going to do it that way along the way i'm going to show you some tips and tricks and hopefully that will allow you to be successful because sometimes people aren't successful on this and some of those tips and tricks i have not seen on the web so stay tuned for that [Music] the first thing we need to do is to download the windows iso now i'm have a link in the description and i'm going to paste that link in right now and then hit enter and you'll see it'll go to the us microsoft download site it will probably go to the site for your specific region or country and it'll probably go in the language that's common in your area if it doesn't all you need to do is go down to the bottom here on my case it says english united states but in your case it might say something different but you click that and it will let you choose whatever you want depending on what type of install you want to do or where you are so make sure you get the correct download page for your region or your country and then just click this windows 10. now if you are on another system a mac system or a linux system or even an old version of windows or a windows 10 version that is not does not have a product registration key or a pirated version of windows you might not see the page that i'm seeing it like here you might only be allowed to download the windows iso so if you do just download the windows iso i'll show you how to finish it because we want the iso but in this case i can only download the windows 10 installation media creation tool okay so that in my case that's all i can do but we'll download the iso from that so let's download the tool let me click this and we're going to save the file and that will download now i have a pretty fast internet connection it completed it right away let's go to our downloads folder and take a look and you can see there's the media creation tool i'm going to double click that media creation tool and i'm clicking yes you didn't see that but because it blanks out the screen but i clicked yes and this will take a couple of minutes to know chew on things and do what it needs to do so let's wait for that all right now that it's back let's choose accept and we'll wait again all right now on this screen we don't want to upgrade this pc this pc has the latest version of windows on it anyways what we're going to do is create installation media and we're going to click next and here you can choose the specifics of the windows version that you need now it's all grayed out because this option is checked if i uncheck this i can choose any language that i want i only can choose windows 10 and i can choose 64-bit 32-bit or both like i said for modern computers if you're building a new computer or even anything within the last 10 years probably can run 64-bit operating system so just choose 64-bit in my case i can just use the recommended things and click next now we can just directly burn a usb flash drive and i have done that it does work fine but it installs pretty much everything on their legacy and uefi boot and it takes forever to do it so i'm gonna download the iso file we're gonna use rufus because that's what you're here to see right so this is how you download the iso file from the windows 10 media creation tool if you didn't download it on that first scene that i showed you back there so let's click next it'll download the iso file and this will take a while if you have a we'll click save here if you have a slow internet connection this can take a long time this is a big file so we'll let this progress bar run i'll be back when it's back to a hundred percent now that the iso has been downloaded let's just click finish and it cleans up and you can see in our downloads folder we have the iso now let's get rufus downloaded and install uh or work with rufus so let me go here again and i have rufus website up please download only from the official website oh that goes for windows too don't download pirated copies of these things uh the rufus website is i have a link in the description and we want to download the latest version so if you take a look down here where it says download rufus 3.11 so let's click that you can download the portable version if you want there's not much difference you can read about that but i want just the regular one so i'm just going to download rufus and just click save file and because i have a very fast interconnect connection and rufus is actually teeny tiny it downloaded almost instantly so we have rufus.exe now you can run rufus.exe from here i like to put it in the programs folder so let's get a new folder up here and uh go to the computer let's see that's not on there so i have to get my view and i got to show the navigation pane and then i can go to this pc and go to the local disk and program files and then it let me lets me put it in there so let's uh cut this ctrl x and that'll get rid of it there and go con on the program files let's go ctrl v and uh yeah i already had it in there so um replace it and you need to provide permission and of course i give it permission to put that in that folder so it puts it in there and that's the latest rufus now you can just double click it it's not an installer it's an actual program if you want you can right click and choose send to desktop and create a shortcut so you got a shortcut on your desktop and you don't forget about it you can do that or you can you know make a shortcut and put it someplace else but anyway we'll run rufus right from here so let me close the downloads folder so we get less mess let's open the rufus and click yes okay now there's rufus but we need a device we need a usb drive to do this so let me hide rufus for a minute just minimize it there and we'll minimize these program things so i have my usb drive and my usb drive is a minimal usb drive or a 32 gigabyte usb drive you need at a minimum eight gigabytes for your drive so make sure you have a big enough drive it has to be at least eight gigabytes i really highly recommend using the usb 3 type drives honestly if you get a usb 2 drive it'll take more than 10 times as long generally it'll be there for you'll be there forever so you use a usb drive but we want to clean this usb drive now that it's in the computer let's clean it what we're going to do is we're going to go to the command prompt and you can just usually type cmd and it comes up with the command prompt and we're going to run as administrator just to make sure click yes and that was in the background i know you didn't see that but you got to click yes and then we want to go into disk part so type disk part oh i spelt it wrong didn't i disc part okay so there's disk part and then type list disk because we want to make sure that we have the right disk it's very important when you clean the disk gets rid of everything and if you do that on your startup just not going to work very well okay so disc one is what we want it's a 29 gigabyte like i said it's a 32 gigabyte but with format it's 29 gigabyte and it is actually a gpt disk it might not be a gpt disk on yours and that doesn't matter honestly when we clean it it it won't matter first we have to select it select disk 1 just as you see it there hit enter list disk again to make sure you have the right one selected because when we clean like i said it's going to get rid of everything so let's type clean and there we go it succeeded in cleaning the disk we can even do list disk again and it it shows it there now we could change it to mbr format to make the point that it doesn't matter what format it's in for this process but i'm not going to do that we're just going to get out of here so exit and exit yeah i could click the close box up in the top and done the same thing but i kind of like doing it with the command line sometimes okay so now that we have that disk installed let's go back to rufus and see what rufus says take a look at that rufus recognize that we have a blank usb now and we are set to go okay we do have to select our iso image so let's click select and we'll select the in the downloads folder you'll have to navigate there maybe and we'll select the windows iso that we had before and we do want gpt that you can select it but we want gt gpt and we want the uefi non-csm by the way to get this off you have to go to mbr and then you can choose either one but we're going to do the gpt because we want the uefi only disk or installer and default is fat32 i'm going to be bold and i'm going to choose ntfs and you're like oh no you can't boot from ntfs rufus knows that rufus has a little trick up its sleeve it installs a bootloader on a small fat32 partition on the drive and called an efi partition and that bootloader launches the ntfs uh stuff the installer on the ntfs partition the advantage to having the ntfs partition is that it allows uh files greater than four so four megabytes four gigabytes four gigabytes um no four megabytes okay well anyway individual file more than four megabytes uh and you can't use fat32 uh but when you use ntfs it'll work fine and windows occasionally on some of their their installers includes files that are more than four gigabytes in size now i don't know why they do that i think they just don't even notice and they just do it but uh you want ntfs here and trust me it does work and i'm going to show you that it actually does work so we're going to start and i have a pretty fast system so in a pretty fast usb drive oh yeah it'll destroy all that stuff that's okay you can destroy the drive okay so i have a pretty fast system and this will take probably about three minutes uh on a slower usb drive it's going to take longer or slower system and especially if you have like i said if you're using a usb 2 stick it will literally take 10 times as long because it's so much slower so please use a usb 3 drive for this all right i'll be right back all right we're all done now you look at this little note here it says that it's got the uefi ntfs bootloader that's in the fat32 partition and you must disable secure boot i'll show you how to do that don't worry you can disable it for the installer and then re-enable it after windows has been installed so if you need that secure boot you can re-enable it let's click close here and click close here now that we have our usb installer drive created with rufus let's check it because we will need to know something about it so i'm going to go into disk management and that's this one right here create and format partitions and what we're looking for is where is where is our drive this is our drive and you can see it is a gpt partition if i choose properties and volumes you can see it's a guide partition table but what we want to see is the volumes that are on it the d and the e so and they are in order on this one i believe um it is alphabetical order but i think they are in order on this uh the e is the second one this d is the first one and the e is the one we want the uefi ntfs bootloader is on that one so when we boot up we need to boot into the second second partition i'm going to show you next how to set up the bios to get a successful install with the uefi stick that we just created so let me switch to the bios is here i'm going to show you three different bios and on the third one we're actually going to install it to show you how it works the first bios i have for you is an msi bios on most biases you can hold down the delete key to enter the bios but this will vary by computer by motherboard manufacturer so check out the manual or the documentation on your computer to see which key you have to press to get into the bios or uefi is actually the more proper term for it okay so i'm going to hit the power button on that and i'm going to hold down the delete key and hopefully it will boot into the bios and hopefully you'll be able to see the the screen and everything so let's see that there we go it did boot and we should see the screen for the bios in just a second there we are this is not my favorite bio setup but it does work so i'm in the more advanced one by the way there is an easy mode here and if you're in easy mode you can just click up here or you can hit the the uh key the f7 key to go into the advanced mode you do want the advanced mode for this click settings you just hit enter now generally in bios you use the arrow keys to navigate and enter and escape enter will select the thing that you want and go another level deeper escape will back you out and go the other way the arrow case will navigate up and down i'm using the arrow keys right there so we want to go into settings and we want to look for the boot options and we want the boot mode select and i already have it here uefi you can choose either ufi or legacy and uefi on this one you want uefi only okay we want uefi only boot and then we need to i'm going to hit escape here and go back to the previous menu we need to disable the secure boot remember it said that on the rufus thing so i look in here trusted computing that's not what we're looking for chassis intrusion has nothing to do with it hit escape and go back by the way you can navigate with the mouse on most of these more modern bios's but i still find it easier to navigate with the arrows the escape key and the enter key on the keyboard so it's not there so where is it well let's go into the advanced and let's look at windows os configuration honestly you might have to check the manual on where these things are now you don't see anything here but if we enable this windows support oh wait i disabled it again let's enable it then you will see that it has a secure boot and the secure boot is disabled but we don't want windows 10 support on this computer enabled so we will re-disable it and we will leave it like that so that's it for this computer those are the settings that you need to do now to save i'm going to hit escape again hit escape again go back to this main menu here that we started with and then choose save and exit and you can save changes and reboot or you can discard changes and exit and because i'm using this computer for something else we're just going to discard changes and exit and let's go to the next computer the second computer i have for you isn't a full computer it's actually just a motherboard processor and some memory sitting on the desktop here and it doesn't even have a storage drive in it but you don't need that to get into the bio so i'm going to hit the power button and hold down the delete key and let's get into the bios actually on this one i wouldn't have to hold down the delete key because there's nothing there for it to boot into except for the uh for the biles and it actually says no bootable device is detected and that's okay we'll just click ok i'm using the mouse here to click this and we get into this gigabyte bios this is an older gigabyte motherboard if you see system information you can see it's a b85 motherboard up here so it's an older motherboard but anyway let's go and find the same types of things that we found before so we need to put it in uefi only mode and disable secure boot if we can find it if we have it now boot mode selection is uefi only in this case they don't call it they call it legacy and you have uefi and legacy but we want uefi only so we already have it set up correctly on this system um so that's the boot features uh now what about the uh secure boot does it even have superior secure boot on this system i don't think it does um super i o let's see power management well that has nothing to do with it uh so peripherals and we got nothing here and i think we don't i'm using the arrow keys we go down we got nothing here and go down do we have anything more oh we do and oh there's secure boot it's disabled now honestly i think you need to uh do some other things like uh maybe enable the windows 8 features i have a other os by the way other os works great for windows 10 long as you're not on windows 8 you can enable these maybe if we let's try it let's see if we enable these if the the secure boot thing is now enabled yeah it is so then we can disable the secure boot so if you have that windows 8 features enabled you can disable a secure boot but i'm going to choose other os and honestly i think the install worked great with other os you can try it the other way too and disable secure boots so that looks real similar to the previous one remember to save and exit here and so we'll save and exit setup and click yes and we'll go to the next computer all right let's get into this third computer i'm going to hold down the delete key it works on this one too and press the power button and we will boot into the bios for this particular computer and then we're going to install windows i'll show you that it does work and we are going to install the proper thing now i am in the basic mode again it tells you how to get to advanced mode you can click that or you can press the f6 button which is what i'm going to do this is an asrock desk mini it's an h110 motherboard i'm going to be building a new asrock computer the desk mini computer in my next video so watch for that now if i go over here to advanced uh let's see here no tool will boot that's what we want okay so we want to do the uh compatibility support module actually calls it the compatibility support module instead of legacy in this one so we go in there and it makes sure it is disabled and it is disabled so we are good this is one of my favorite bios is by the way it's it's well arranged okay now how about secure boot where is secure boot um fast boot that doesn't do anything uh let's go security do we have secure boot we do and there you can disable the secure boot under the security so sometimes you have to hunt around for these things but looks like we are all set now because we're going to install what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to start from scratch we're going to load the defaults because this is how you're going to see it and then we're going to go in and do those boot things again so let's go csm you see when you do the defaults it enables everything because it wants to be the most compatible it wants to give you the best chance for success on that and then the tool um oh wait we got to uh security there we go okay secure boot is disabled still so that's okay all right but when you do the uh when you initially get the computer um you will have all those other things so we will save changes and exit and then we will boot to the installer now to boot to the installer what you're going to do is you're going to put the usb stick in and you're going to hold down the key that boots for your system in my case on this system it's f11 i don't know if you saw that when it came up on the splash screen it usually shows when it first comes up on the screen sometimes it doesn't you might have to do a little bit of research but f11 works on this computer sometimes it's f9 sometimes it's f1 or 2 or f6 it can vary a lot let's do a little research look in your manual if you have your manual and they'll tell you how to boot to the boot menu from the bios but in this computer it's f11 so we're going to reboot and hit f11 with the usb key put into the computer and i'll show you how to install windows i'm holding down the f11 key i do have the windows installer that we created in the system and there we go we got our boot menu now i forgot to mention when you go into the boot you want to decide which which uh partition is the one that you need to boot to one of these is an ntfs partition and one is a fat32 partition that we can boot from and i happen to know it's the second partition um uh maybe i'll cut that into the video earlier and show you that but anyway let's boot from that and it should boot into the windows startup now the little artifacts you see on the screen currently uh that that's from the recording device that i'm using to record this it you won't see those artifacts probably so anyway this is our windows installer so we'll click next because you can select whatever you want here and click install now by the way did you notice you can also choose repair your computer there we're not going to do that but anyway we're going to install now activate windows and i do have a windows key let me put in the windows key and i'll be right back all right i'm back after the product key is in in place and accept the license terms and we don't want to upgrade we're going to do a custom install and since we're going to do a clean install on this computer we're going to delete all the partitions so let's start with this fourth partition and delete that okay let's go to the third partition and delete that and let's go to the second partition and delete that and go to the first partition and delete that and now it's all on allocated space windows will do the partitions the way it needs to do it to install in the system so let's click next and this is going to take a while so we'll skip ahead all right windows is finishing up and it's restarting and it should restart into windows let's take a look let's see if it does restart into the windows operating system and [Music] here we go good sign we got the little uh balls twirling around there and did we have a successful windows install let's see starting services getting devices ready [Music] and i edited out about three minutes there while windows was trying to get to this point it might take a while the first time you start a computer after install it does take a while and region you select your region click yes keyboard layout select your proper keyboard layout for your region or your country we don't want to add a second keyboard in this case i only use english in in my thing now connect to a network and we got some uh wi-fi networks that we can connect to and no we do not want to connect to a network we're just going to click i don't have internet because i don't have this connected to the internet at the moment and i don't want to put in a wi-fi password right now so let's just not connect that way continue with limited setup is what we're going to choose and hopefully we'll get going here all right let's put in a name you put your own name in here by the way i highly recommend getting a microsoft account because if you get a microsoft account um you can share things between your personal computers and it really works well i'll put in a top secret password here oh i have to hit num lock to do that there we go there we go okay and confirm password it's so top secret security questions we got to do that i will just pick whichever security question honestly it doesn't really matter oh that that was the same as my password i gave you my top secret password there i hope you uh oh just don't look at the screen okay just don't look at my my top secret password there um anyway this is just a test computer it doesn't matter we're not using this for anything special and i'll probably erase it soon now privacy settings you can read all of this i generally disable everything and the reason is if you want to enable these you can do it in the operating system and you can do it in the operating system later at and with more detail on what you can control so i usually disable everything but it's up to you you can read all those things and do it and then uh yeah that's all good um it says uh if you want timeline um yeah active history okay do more with active history i'm gonna click no right now that's if you have a microsoft account you do want to do that and i'm not going to do cortana i'm not a big fan of cortana so anyway we have our install we should get to the desktop shortly here all right so now that we're in windows let's prove to you that we are with the uefi system first let's look at the disk management and that's in this one and if you take a look at the disk here this is our our install drive is this one but let's look at this one and get the properties and if we check volumes you can see it's a guide partition table on our disk that indicates uefi and you can double check you can do sis info oops spelt that wrong there we go system information is what it's called now you go to system information if i take a look at this bios mode is uefi so we are in the uefi system i hope you enjoyed this home tech adventure and i hope you learned a few things please watch some of these other videos and as always have fun on your own home tech adventure [Music] you
Channel: Home Tech Adventure
Views: 201,008
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Keywords: make uefi bootable usb windows 10 rufus, how to create uefi bootable usb windows 10 using rufus, make uefi bootable usb, make uefi bootable usb rufus, how to make bootable usb windows 10 using rufus, how to make rufus bootable usb windows 10, how to use rufus to create bootable usb windows 10, rufus bootable usb windows 10, rufus gpt windows 10, rufus uefi only windows 10, rufus windows 10 bootable usb tutorial, rufus windows 10 gpt, uefi only windows installer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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