How to make a MultiBoot USB for all OS

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what's up guys it's me Tori pro welcome to our video today what I'm going share with you guys is how you can make a single USB stick multi bootable so when we say multi bootable will have several operating system inside this disc and we can select which one to boot from if you're a tech guy or a DIY guy you might have already experienced installing different versions of operating systems so you might have a dedicated USB stick on each different flavors of operating systems like for me before I have a dedicated USB stick for Windows 10 for Linux for Android for other operating systems so when a run out of a dedicated USB stick for a certain operating system I need to write that operating system into this disc so what if we can make a single USB stick into a multi bootable device and have all those operating systems that we use inside this disc and every time there's a new operating system we can just copy and paste it inside this USB stick and boot from it yes we can do it and I'm going short with you right now so the software I was talking about guys is van toy and I have that link on the description below you can go ahead and check that one out now before we download the software go ahead and check the tested is Oh once you're here you scroll down and check the operating system you're going to copy and paste into the USB stick after we make it as a multi boot USB stick so Windows seven up to Server 2019 is tested in working with van toy Linux you can see the list are a lot here and others so let's go back here in download Vento check this one out guys this is Windows that is Linux so we go ahead in Windows because what we're using right now is windows scroll down here better one we have this is better we aren't going to download that I'll just go ahead for Venturi release and then you will have it here Windows zip download that and you'll have it here it's a small file three point seven megabytes so it's going to take us like one minute to download this now it's done you go ahead and open this folder you can extract since I am on downloads vent oi I'll just go ahead and extract that there Drago Pro downloads folder okay so if there here you go Vento is already extracted I'll just open this one up and you'll have this vent iDisk just go ahead and open this software yes make sure that you have already plug your USB stick for me 32 gigabytes and disk is already plugged and yeah basically we are just going to click install the disk will be formatted and all the data will be lost yes we're ready for that the disk will be formatted in all data will be lost yeah yes double check so 5% this will take just a bit ok 52 percent 70 80 90 100 so congratulations Vento has been successfully installed to the device ok I'll close this and I'll go to my PC and vente is here we open this we get to paste all the operating system that we want to use here so I'm just going to go to my downloads folder and I have the operating system here I have 4 so I'll just go ahead and copy this these are the operating system that is available to me right now I'll just copy that I'll go to the USB stick van toy and then paste this one right click and then paste alright so what I'm going to do guys I'm going to post here I'm going to show it to you after the operating systems are copied to my USB stick so that we're not going to eat up your time so we have 15 seconds remaining we're almost done copying this operating system to our USB multi bootable disk now as you can see it here we have already for operating system and we should expect this one if you are going to boot it to a computer before operating system should be there now if you want more operating system you can just go ahead and copy it to this directory now it's time that we are going to try it to our computer so let's do it alright guys so this is the computer we're going to use to boot from this USB stick we just made as a bootable device ok so I'm just going to go ahead and plug this one and power this one on starting on and we should be able to boot from the USB stick and there you go just put this camera down bad we should go for it go for f9 yeah so we're going to go to our Sun disk Sun disk this is the 32 gig we made as a bootable device enter then we should be able to get into van toy so this is the page that we got into we have the Ubuntu that we copied we have Windows 10 Pro and then we have Zorin OS we are missing one operating system that is the bliss OS I did not check if bliss OS was supported with van toy however with the for operating system that we have copied or USB stick we have three of them we can go ahead and let's say try on Ubuntu you can select which one you want here let's go ahead and try a boon to once we get into the setup we can go ahead in console it's working I'll just go ahead and control-alt-delete these I want to restart again and go ahead on f9 and tried Windows 10 if it's working go ahead and boot that one from that go for f9 and go for Sun disk again enter let's try Windows 10 go ahead and go for Windows 10 it should be able to boot up press any key to boot from CD or DVD we should be able to go through it so there you have it it's starting to load the Windows 10 operating system for installation and there you go yeah it's working I need to go in try Sauron we have already tried to parading systems now take note guys like what we have here the Bliss OS is not working better check the operating systems you're going to copy on Vento is website if they are tested to be working now if you have learned something in my video guys don't forget to hit the subscribe button help me make a dream of 100000 subscribers just drop your comments down below let me know what you think about the event oi software and see you on my next video guys once again this my target bro goodbye
Channel: Torogi Pro
Views: 974,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multiboot usb, multiboot, multiboot usb uefi legacy all in one, multiboot usb flash drive, multiboot pendrive, how to create a multiboot usb flash drive, all os in single usb, multiboot usb installer, multiboot usb windows, make multiboot usb flash drive, bootable usb, create multiboot usb flash drive windows, legacy, multiboot usb linux, multiboot uefi, how to make usb multi bootable, how to make usb multi bootable windows, how to make usb multiboot
Id: ng8emZvia_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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