Ventoy: Multi-boot USB Drive Tool

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining this time and by popular request we're going to check out ventoy this is an open- Source tool for making a bootable USB drive to which you can copy multiple ISO or other image files and you can then boot from your ventoy drive and select a particular operating system image from a menu and if this sounds very useful indeed it is so let's go and take a closer look right shall we download and install ventoy I've got a corter USB drive waiting to have it installed on it and do do note that installing ventoy will delete everything from the USB drive and as you can probably see we're currently working in Windows but I will show a Linux install later in the video but for now let's go to the ventoy website here we are and I do like the ventoy website it's very very clear works very very well I wish more websites were as clear as this and as you can see if you want to support the project they have a donate link but for now we'll go to down downloads you probably have guessed that and you can download files directly from the site but I'm going to use the source Forge link we have down here to save their bandwidth that seems a reasonable idea and if we just go down here we can see latest version is there and we want to find the windows version which is going to be here ventory currently 1.0.9 6 Windows zip so let's download that file it'll get on with it here in Source Forge 5 4 3 2 1 Thunderbirds I'll go and all of that yes there we are we will save a ventoy window zip file like that and there we are we can now close down our browser and hopefully I've got all here we are the file we just downloaded so let's click on that file right click and extract all cuz it's a a zip file like that there we go and if we just open it up now we will find somewhere here a file called ventoy to disk there it is so let's run that up do we want to do it Windows yes we do and there we are it's automatically picked up the Corsair USB drive but obviously here we can pick another drive if we wish to and all we now have to do is to click on install and do we want to do it do we want to lose all the data on the drive we do so we'll click on yes and uh yes again and there we are ventoy has been installed that was nice and fast we can close that down and what ventoy will have done is to create two partitions on our USB drive one with ventory on it and also an empty partition to which we can copy across ISO or other image files specifically we can work with files in either ISO whim IMG or vhd virtual hard drive format and if we go down here we should hopefully find there we are there's a ventoy drive there it is all empty and up here I've got various ISO files so let's just take a few of these across we'll take say Linux Mint we'll take Ubuntu and maybe that Windows 11 file we'll copy those files like that and paste them across like this and if you're wondering how I've got the paste and copy commands on my windows rightclick menu it's because I've done a hack for that as I've shown in a previous video and there we are it's finished we've now got three ISO files on our ventoy drive and what ventoy will do when we boot from it is to scan this partition and any sub folders in it for operating system images and present present them to us alphabetically in the menu so let's test that out let's close everything down here be nice and neat and we will close down Windows and test out ventoy and here we are coming up again I've got the computer set to boot directly from USB drive exactly how you do that will depend on your bios but uh as we can see here we have booted directly to ventoy and it has given us a menu of the three possible ISO files we could boot from Let's uh let's try booting to for example Boon 2 2204 let's press enter on that boot in normal mode I think will be fine and try and install Ubuntu we now getting the options we would see if we created a live BTU install media from its ISO file using a program such as belena Eder and as we can see it's clearly worked let's uh let's prove it's really worked let's uh try Ubuntu running from the avento drive is this going to work looks encouraging we will just speed on through we don't need to speed on through here we are it is working perfectly well we could open up Rhythm box and things like that so this this clearly works so let's try a restarting let's do a a power off and a restart which will boot again from the the ventoy drive and it's asking us to remove the installation media and press enter we will do that I've not removed anything oh I'm being wild today but we should now Boot again from our vento drive cross your fingers it should be okay and yes we have we could now for example go to Linux Mint like that and again we'll boot in normal mode it's very exciting this isn't it I hope you're sitting down because uh you weren't warned it was going to be this exciting and uh here we are arriving in the N mint also working perfectly well running a live Edition Jolly handy we could go into Liber office Cal if we wanted to couldn't we running from our ventoy drive and uh it works oh that's marvelous I didn't know whatever that was very exciting anyway Let's uh come out again let's uh restart for a third time see if we can get into our Windows 11 ISO again we won't remove our media we'll just press enter and let things reboot here we are we'll now select our Windows 11 ISO and normal mode we wanted to install Windows we won't get a live version of Windows of course we will just take it to the windows installer and I don't actually want to install Windows so we will cancel the Windows installation and once more our machine will reboot and we're back to ventoy where again we could pick an operating system image greetings here we are booting up again because I want to show you something else that's very exciting in inventory yes there is more and as you can see we boot it from a drive with the ISO files on it we've had previously Windows 11 Ubuntu and Linux Mint but what if we wanted to boot from an ISO file that isn't on the vento drive well we can actually do that and we do this by pressing the browse feature here we just have to press f2 like that and this now gives us a listing of all the drives connected to the computer and there's quite a few because this is my test rig it's got a drive with Windows on a drive with Linux on and both of those drives have got partitions but I do know here that ssda is the C drive in my windows install so let's select that and we can then go down to download effectively C download and down here we've got the directory the folder with the iso images in we've been using and so far we've been copying across Linux Mint and Ubuntu and Windows 11 but we haven't for example taken across say Windows 10 so let's try booting from this Windows 10 ISO on this local drive so enter on that and boot in normal mode don't know quite why we do this because I don't want to install Windows 10 on this machine but this will take us in theory into the Windows 10 installer this is just a test is it going to work I'm guessing it is there we are so we've proved that ventoy can run up an ISO image even when it isn't on the ventoy USB drive right just before we close I promise we'd look at installing ventoy on a Linux system so here we are in Linux Mint so let's go back to the ventoy website here we are and there are various different ways of installing ventoy on a Linux system all of which are very nicely documented here on the ventoy website and we're going to take a look at this one using the Linux graphical user interface so once again let's go to downloads like that and once again we'll get the files from Source Forge to save their bandwidth accept that this time we're going to go for the Linux tar file here we go so we'll save that like that and there we are it's completed not a large file and if we now find that file in the folder there it is and again we'll extracted as we did in Windows there we are and so we can see all the files there but execute it we need to open up a terminal so let's just go down here and open up that terminal here it is why is it so big I don't know that'll be good enough for us and if we do an LS a list to see where we are there we are in the rout let's do CD to downloads like that and uh list again what's happening in download we want to go to ventoy CD vent toy like that what are we doing now that's looking okay we can see we want to go to our extracted directory so CD change directory to to vent toy if we can hopefully tab the rest we can and enter and finally if we list there we can see the available files and the particular file we want to run up is the vento GUI doxx 664 so let's just do that a DOT and a forward class then toy GUI do x86 surely it'll auto complete with that it will just pressing tab there for autocomplete and enter and as usual on liux system we have to now enter our system password almost told you what it was but I didn't and there we are we're now running the ventor installer here in Linux Mint and I've got plugged in as previously our Corsair drive on which we already got ventor installed we can see it's installed because ventoy in package vento and devic is the same but I just wanted to show you how we could install ventoy here in Linux as we've just seen if you regularly work with lots of different operating system image files for example doing lots of operating system installs then ventoy is a very useful tool indeed but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] n
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 123,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ventoy, ventoy multiboot, ventoy multi-boot, Ventoy tutorial, how to use Ventoy, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, multiple ISOs on USB drive, USB boot tool, ISO selection tool, multiple operating systems on USB drive, multi-boot USB, multiboot USB, USB multi-boot, USB multiboot
Id: -7APoZzNPyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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