Medicat USB - all in one usb bootable tool for IT Troubleshooting

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all right so today we're going to be checking out a tool called medi-cat USB which is a it tool that I think everyone should have so let's check it out [Music] now many can USB I consider that as a disaster recovery tool because it has everything that you need to clone a hard drive repair a hard drive recover files uh antivirus partitioning tools like tons of stuff that an IT professional would need to fix a computer now there is similar tools called the hiring boot CD but this is basically that on steroids now A couple of years ago I did a video on installing ventor we can load ISO images to install into PCS without having to flash a USB drive you could just pop the iso into USB well this takes that process and takes it 10 steps forward it still uses ventoy as its base but it has a lot of other tools wrapped on top of ventor to allow for all these it utilities now I did do a live stream last week basically reviewing this desktop which is Ubuntu 2304 which didn't go as planned but one of the things I did show on stream was the Medicaid USB tool and you guys were all so interested about this so I definitely had to create a video not into my desktop this is still Ubuntu and I did manage to get it to install so I'm going to go through this whole process of all the plugins I got and everything probably in a video form in the future but yeah this is the website that you could download medicat and basically you can go to downloads and download off the torrent or you can download direct link but also keep in mind you have to use the installer if you try to copy all the files over to the USB yourself you're going to run into issues so try to use the installer especially if you're going to do this try to use it on a Linux because Windows have their Windows Defender and stuff like that that will stop certain files from running because it does use Powershell but yeah there is a installer video watch it because it actually goes through all the steps on how to install this through windows and everything so yeah I'm not going to make a video on that but he does have really good video describing how to do it so we're gonna jump into booting the USB alright so if you know your Buddha prompt on any motherboard it would be delete or F9 F10 or whatever it is on Asus is f8 so I'm just gonna boot into the USB so here's the prompt that I have and care all the tools that you can actually boot into to start off we have antivirus so we have nowhere bytes and we can boot into a Windows environment that has Malwarebytes in there we have backup and Recovery I've actually used aomi if that's how you pronounce it uh backuper and their partition manager so it's actually a pretty reliable tool for this but there's a few other ones that if you are more familiar with like Norton Ghost or Symantec ghost now or rescuezilla if you are familiar with these tools you could it's in this USB already uh going back out we have boot repair so if you run into ufi or see a bios boot issues or CSM boot issues you can fix it through here or even grub two issues you know you could all fix that through there we have diagnostic tools as well so mem test pass Mark uh there's uh something called the ultimate boot CD which has all the tools collected into one that you can test your memory hard drives and stuff like that so if you are running into hardware issues you can run the diagnostic tools live operating system we're going to come back to this but I'm going to show you there are a few which is active data Studio mini Windows 10 which is the main thing we're going to be reviewing after this and then system rescue going down we have partition tools we have the aomi partition assistant part magic which I'm familiar with and Shred OS shred OS is interesting if you need to completely wipe data from a hard drive what it does it does several passes of formats and then put zeros into stuff so you can't actually recover any more files then you have a few other stuff I think I've used ease us before ease us before but I don't remember it my main tools that I've used for this recovery is aomi or parted magic Paragon is another one but I don't use that then we have password removal for Windows systems and then you have Windows recovery so if you run into Windows 10 or Windows 11 issues you could just run this Windows recovery now one thing you got to keep in mind is that if you look up on top it actually says medicat UEFI and on the top left it's green with 1.0.91 UEFI now if I go into a live operating system and say I wanted to use active data Studio and I click onto this it's actually going to give me an error because this is made for bios Boot and not UEFI so to fix this what we need to do is go back into our boot partition so I'm going to show you right now I'm going to hit f8 a couple of times and instead of selecting the ufi boot over here we would choose the second partition or the second disk like this now this will actually load into the BIOS version of the same medicad so if you could see the USB up on top says now bios and on top left is red with 1.0.91 bios and then this time I can go into live operating system go back into active and then I could actually load into this operating system because now we're in running in Bios mode now active is a pretty interesting software I don't use this particularly a lot but it has all the tools that you really need to get a system up and running from disaster failure so you could actually go into here programs and there's a lot of stuff like partition manager partition recovery undelete file recovery like there's a ton of stuff in here that you could actually use uh to you know recover our PC now if you're not familiar with their applications you can always go into documentation and kind of just read their PDFs on how to use the software now I don't particularly use active I know it's in here but I stick to the ones I know which is recuva or aomi or stuff like that so we're going to jump into the Windows operating system and then I'm going to show you all the tools that are in there again I'm going to be booting into UEFI partition so we can just boot right into the Windows 10 mini a mini windows 10. and here we go live USB and make sure it's UEFI you don't have to you could actually boot it into both either bios or ufi but I just prefer ufi because the operating system that I'm dealing with is UEFI so that kind of Works hand in hand that's just my thought about it I think it will work both ways now booting into Windows mini Windows 10 will take Maybe three to five minutes depending on the speed of your USB now it's going to boot up and it's going to do its thing you literally just got to sit here and wait until a particular menu pops up or else you're just gonna screw up the whole loading process I'll make it even slower than it already is because right now it's scrubbing through your entire USB so as you can see it just loaded in the the display to change it's loading in all the stuff there's still icons that are missing in the desktop that it's going to load up in a second but what we're looking for is that menu on the bottom right which is the portable apps menu alright so now that portable app's finally loaded I'm not going to open every single applications but I am going to go through this list and it's a huge list for this mini Windows 10 so let's go through it now we do have accessibility where we have the on-screen keyboard stuff like that we have bios utility so if you do need to flash a bios or something's wrong with the BIOS you could also take care of that as well now scrolling down to this tools uh we have CC cleaner if you have familiar with that this defrag which I don't think we do anymore with ssds um I don't yeah only for spindles I would say then we have FAT32 formatter a bunch of other tools you could even do crystal disc Mark just to test your hard drives NTFS tools recover I actually use this tool for data recovery SD card formatter is another one I use on my desktop just to format SD cards and then a bunch of other stuff now what I do like is that they actually have this thing called vht to disk and also disc to vhd so if you guys are actually converting a computer into an image so you can run as a virtual machine you can run these actually to convert it or convert it back which is pretty cool I've used that tool before and does work you have winders that so you could see where all the Bing files are on your hard drives like there's a bunch of tools and this is just the hard drive section I'm not even done going down the list we have drivers if you have um driver issues I guess a display driver uninstaller I'm not too familiar with this because I don't really do these driver things but I'm pretty sure it will come in handy if you guys are dealing with driver issues um also loaded in with some games which is evidently probably interesting because I wouldn't play any of these games while I'm trying to do data recovery well maybe I will I don't know um graphic and pictures we have some little viewers here with intraview PNG Optimizer hardware tools we have benchmarking tools which is Ada 64 Hardware info Prime 95 okay that's pretty interesting we actually have other tools in the main menu as well just for benchmarking Imaging tools you guys are familiar with etcher because we use a lot for Raspberry Pi then we have power ISO Ultra ISO Rufus that's another one I do like this part of it where installing Windows we do have the media creation tool built into this so if you needed to create a Windows 10 USB device you can on Windows 11. we also have winter hard drive or window ISO downloader so there's a bunch of things that you could do on this uh we have some internet stuff as well uh any desk which is basically a team viewer uh Discord Kitty uh putty so you get SSH win SCP so you can transfer files tour launcher interesting stuff office um our standard you know word notepad plus plus now this is the interesting bit because I actually use this a lot which is ransomware decryption if you guys remember back in the day where you would get a crypto locked files where they would encrypt the files you have to pay them x amount of crypto and then they will unlock the file for you basically these are what you would use to decrypt it I don't depending on which Crypt you got you have to go down the list on what you need to use but I've done this quite a few times with this utility before so it's really interesting that it's all baked into this USB then we have registry tools which I'm not familiar with because I mainly just use reg edit from Windows but I'm guessing these would optimize or fix Registries if you have issues with them and then you have your security tools which is um malware Hunter TDS killer hijacked this all right going down to the utilities we have our standard 7-Zip Auto runs error lookup which is very useful if you don't know what the blue screen is uh dot net inspector command prompt uh defrag process Explorer is very interesting but it's not really useful for our use case because we're using not the actual operating system to see what the process is but yeah there's a bunch of stuff over here that you can use I think that's about it as far as going down the list of stuff we have but there is a lot mainly everything that you see in this Windows 10 mini is going to be in this uh little portable apps again I'm just going through maybe 80 of all the software that we just talked about but there is a lot of stuff that you are probably more interested in so you can narrow it down and take a look at that instead but this is just a Windows 10 mini anyway that is it guys that is the most useful it tool or USB that you can have to fix almost any computer so again all the links will be down in the description below or if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below or on my Discord and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and then I say my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 1,188,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, usb bootable tool, medicat, medicat usb, usb, IT troubleshooting, diagnostics, portable, bootable USB, recovery tools, antivirus, malware removal, utilities, system administrators, advanced users, computer issues, hard drive failures, malware infections, software errors, user-friendly, features, powerful, reliable, IT toolkit, all-in-one solution, troubleshooting, system recovery, virus removal, hard drive repair, software installation, disk imaging, data backup
Id: Af8Y-weJnVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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