The Anti-Virus Tier List

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let's go over the best antivirus you see these all over let's make an actual tier list now I'm going to do this a little different because most security channels obsess over hey detection rates and this percentage and a lot of marketing materials I've done it for about 20 years about a 100 or so different businesses especially earlier on past 10 years not that many different to businesses so I'll kind of touch on what used to be good what is good now or what I've had good luck with and some other little variants of that there's two themes here that I want to kind of go over or actually let's go ahead and do three themes here the first one is you should not really trust any tier list or top 10 list you see on the internet all of its affiliate sales from your favorite YouTuber down to any Google results you get affiliate sales is very prominent in this industry and anytime you see what's the best antivirus they're going to try and shill you into it because the rips on these things are huge we get massive commissions anytime you click a link therefore there will be no links in the description for any of these antiviruses go pick out whichever one it is I don't care so don't trust any security channels or this with affiliate sales because it is a dirty industry so having said that number two don't do free antivirus I kind of touch on that a little bit as we go through some of these because some of them are free free and premium and I want to kind of showcase the difference there but for the most part that's true a lot of free antivirus going out and downloading that usually not worth the time there's a couple uh things that don't hold true there but for the most part downloading free antivirus really shouldn't be done very much today and the third final thing that I want to touch on before we jump into each company don't ever get an Internet Security Suite you're a sucker if you do and if you are paying for one right nowe please cancel that subscription just get an antivirus Internet Security Suites only slow down your system really don't offer much in ways of security uh you know so having said that I'll have a couple final thoughts after we get through the antiviruses here now we'll start off with let's go like a a Vira we'll go down the middle this used to be pretty good back when free antivirus was kind of needed but with Windows Defender being in the pretty good category I would say this is no longer really needed there's no point in downloading a lot of free antivirus when Windows Defender pretty much takes care of everything for you uh so when we look at these there's a couple different things and and many people don't know this but AVG used to be good same with the vas they're actually the same company they got I think a big conglomerate owns both of them now and they've had so many security leaks they have a a huge amount of annoyance when you install these free antivir viruses so there's popups everywhere and frankly their detection rates are really not any different from Windows Defender so why why would you use these anymore I I don't see a point in either one of these so that's that's kind of it now to touch on the worst antiviruses in this list which I'd say hey you're better off actually getting infected with a virus than having these installed because I treat them worse than a virus I think we have to put in maffy and Norton you might be thinking wait a second Titus maffy and Norton they're like some of the oldest names in the entire Market they're on all these new computers but you're paying through the nose also you have a lot of lock in or vendor lock in with these guys because they offer a suite of products don't ever bundle in like a a password manager with your antivirus I really really highly caution against that and these things are just so heavy and they make your computer run a lot slower slower than any virus would make your computer run so I treat them almost like a virus these days and they are the by far the worst they're honestly the only one that are going to make this tier moving on the rest of these have their time in place so I kind of go over them now that we kind of set up the worthless ones the okay hey everyone uses this let's go with like I think this is FSE secure here it's okay but I wouldn't really buy it kind of thing um I I also had some experiences back in 2016 I worked on a a b big business actually had a a Viper contract and we had to deal with their business suite and I think it was just a ton of Licensing I found them to be okay I guess but their detection rates were really poor back then and overall not something I'd recommend honestly I think window's Defender probably would be even better than them uh so that's kind of my thought process there uh going on to Bit Defender I would put it in the pretty good pretty good category they have a free model a free an virus again it's right on par with Defender I wouldn't call it better or worse I kind of like throw it down uh down the middle and I while I like Bit Defender I don't have anything bad to say about him but I don't really have a whole lot of great things to say about him either so I'm just going to put him in the a category EET has been a market leader otherwise not as nod 32 back in the day I think they were established in the late 80s still a very good antivirus I did see them getting a little bit heavier but I do think their detection rates are a little bit better than Defender but I don't know I kind of go back and forth like would I pay money for it over Defender I don't know I I honestly for me Defender kind of good enough uh when comparison to EET kasperski their detection rates are actually s tier they have a great detection but it's super noisy and it being a rush based company I don't know I I kind of just leave it in the pretty good category it does have a good free cloud-based antivirus that actually is a little bit lighter weight than Defender most these other ones I've listed so far have been heavier than Defender meaning you use more system resources installing them uh kasperski Cloud free not really one of them it was actually a little bit lighter than Defender because it disables Defender and you only have KAS kasperski Cloud free so not too bad malware bites you know a lot of people that have removed a lot of viruses in the day have used malware bites extensively I don't recommend you continually run it with a monitoring of malware bit bites in the background I don't find that to be very good however malware bites is still very good at detection so when I'm cleaning a system malare bites still get used quite often same goes for SOS I never really bought sofos and I really don't like their antivirus uh but they're scan is probably one of the most in-depth scans on the net and I really love mixing in them when scanning for viruses and they have a great free scanner out on the market so sofos really gets a good vote for me uh webout you know I've talked about it in the past I really like web root their detection rates are actually less than a lot of these a tier ones but they're secure anywhere business Suite I've actually used for you know probably five or six years in some client sites very minimal very good but I only use the antivirus and I also disable many of its Advanced features such as an exploit that came out with web root gear anywhere where uh I think some people were exploiting the scripting aspect of it so be cautious with this if you go that route but I do love its Central Management console very lightweight very easy to manage and honestly has really good detection rates in the same realm Tren micro used to be really good you know 10 15 years ago I used them all the time but SL slowly they kind of just have fallen into hey probably used to be good don't use much now anymore I used to use like their house call and some other stuff but these days Tren micro just kind of ends in the dumpster bin for me and that's kind of like the big antiviruses and kind of how I do my tier list over just my experiences having said that I'm going to get skewed I already know a lot of these people don't like web because of you know they have been exploited like I I said and they have had bad experiences where I have had very good experiences and I really kind of want to finish this video out with just Windows antivirus if if you're just going to stay with the free model honestly just stick with Windows and if you're a home user what you get with Windows is pretty darn good I say stick with that if you're a business user you're going to want a central Management console I really like Webroot but honestly uh Bit Defender I think has a pretty good business plan as well well but uh those are just kind of my experiences from this having said all of that I will tell you no antivirus is going to protect you the problem is you the user if you're constantly getting infected yeah the problem is not in the computer it's not the fact you don't have the right software it's a problem between the chair and the keyboard so that is my honest opinion of any viruses the current market state uh I don't really recommend buying much these days and that's kind of where I leave my tier list let me know your thoughts down in the comments
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 827,188
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Keywords: chris titus tech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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