Muhammed pbuh The Natural Successor To Christ - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] vanilla guava Posada to assalamo a Gamal Nana ba bada hola me llamo Factiva nabob we are acceptable as Bob where'd a little fire in local trolley Caleb Bradham e ro forbidden in la la in Navajo human body I will be like nishitani regime bismillah r-rahman r-rahim what is apology sub nu Mariana ya bani israel in near a saloon lie lake oh no certainly ma baina the german authority vom Bashir embarrass you deity member this movement from job will be naughty God has affirmed Mubeen sadaqa bra Sadako Lamar as if mr. chairman and brethren I think the emcee forgot to tell you the subject of this evening stalk the subject is muhammad sallallaahu salaam the natural successor to christ may peace be upon him such sessions are of many times one is a succession by inheritance the father or the king he passes away and his son takes his position a position a president the Prime Minister is elected or selected by election a manager of an institution is appointed and on and on but when it comes to prophethood movie work mukarat is not something that one inherits or people can buy show hands vote a person to become an I be a prophet prophethood is bestowed upon in the individual by Allah but Allah himself and he uses his own standards of appointing his messengers his representatives his mouthpieces mankind would have so many reasons to complain like for example al-hadith Allah chose hazrat musa alehsalaam to be his mouthpiece to the bani israel but hazard Musa al-salaam had a certain defect in speech he is to start Allah chose it why did he choose the most eloquent person of the time no that's his business Allah knows why he chooses of Musa - la ilaha illaallah in time chose hazardous Ali Saleh the person who couldn't point to his father said look this is my father for that reason the Jews made certain allegations against Maryam Allah sallam and hazardous Alesana that's his choice Allah chose has an easily Salaam without a human father that he can point to JJ Mira baka Allah Bharat Allah chose I wanna be a crimson loves Allah and move me a person who can read oh right the child who was W often by the time you were six new political party or royalty to back him up and he picks this human being Amy elevates him to become as Allah says when knock Allah Allah felucca Nazim says most certainly thou Muhammad stand this on the highest pinnacle of behavior this is a large works Allah is being but this evening I will be dealing with the subject of Hanavi occur in salmonella being a successor to hazard easily Salaam the Christians call him Jesus Christ I have been reading some complaints from Christian missionaries I had one a red one from a Christian in La Mirada in the newspaper called Muslim this Christian started to complain this look Dida at this is why doesn't he leave us alone let him talk about Islam you know that you must pray 5 times a day we Muslims are not praying 5 times a day you know we don't do this and we don't do that we don't keep viewers and on and on talk to the Muslims tell them about Islam why do you want to talk about us leave us alone and in this morning's Jung there is some Reverend Wilson or some Christian Association he is also making a similar complaint leave as alone talk to your own people they are not perfect and that we are not better talk to them you see I don't know somehow they escaped the point that we are so closely related to the previous two religions the religion has given birth through as a Mousa Lisa Ron and that religion given by through a Heather is a lisanna we are so close we are the closest in history to Christianity or the teaching of other icily Sarah closest and one-third of the Quran one-third of the Quran speaks about the al-kitab one-third if we analyze the Quran separated into different types of verses one-third is dedicated directed towards the Jews and the Christians but unfortunately we Muslims somehow for almost a thousand years have utterly neglected that one-third we do read the Quran we recite the Quran we do have Quran we do Torabi and in which the Quran the whole Quran is recited but as far as the implementing of the message of that 1/3 we seem to have utterly neglected that so the Christians now feel that D that is the first guy coming along is as if some somewhere from thin air is pulling things and he's creating controversies unnecessary controversies but I want to assure them then I want to show you that what I'm talking is Islam I quoted to you a verse from the Holy Quran from surah saff s a f-f in English stuff chapter 61 verse I on number six in a way to you those who understand Arabic would have known that I'm talking to you about Heather is a listener Allah says what is at all Ali Sabbah Maria behold Issa the Christian say Jesus the Son of Mary he said ya bani israel ax o children of Israel Jews but in Israel came at Joe acaba assalam o Allah Japanese Varela in me rasoolallah would say most certainly I am The Messenger of God sale to you or moussaka tolima Benedetta yemen Authority confirming the revelation the wahi that came before me in the Torah Banu Bashir embarrassedly yachty mim ba'di smooth matte and giving black tidings of a messenger to come after me an apostle to come after me whose name shall be Ahmed Mohamed Jordan will be naughty but when he came with clear-cut evidence Kasasa for mobile they said this is sorcery magic this is tricky now this is an ayah of the quran which I am going to explain I will be giving you my commentary but why I am giving you this commentary according to my background and experience to the Christians he said look man why are you touching my book references from my book it can be helped there is a relationship there is a connection between insulae salam who foretold about the coming of our and I be so I must try and prove it to you way because it's very easy to make a claim you look at the Musa al-salaam made Bashara prophecy about our Holy Prophet SAW Jerusalem has an ISA ISA limeade Bashara prophecy about our when I became president very easy to make such bold statements generalizations but the Christian will ask as is a way way so you can help it you have to prove it to him from his own book look at this look at that and we prove our case so actually this top of mine is a commentary is the tough sear on this ayah that I read to you from surah saff now if you have a translation like this particular one I have this is the Abdullah Yusuf Ali this was first published around 1935 in Lahore vishesh Mohammed Ashraf Asher publications and in this translation it has so many advantages this I I quoted you I read to you there are three different ways of getting at it finding it in this book at home in the Quran that you might have at home it will be difficult especially for us known Arabs as a surah saff well you can find surah saff in an encyclopedia besides wait in this particular one it has an index at the back just like a dictionary you open that index and under s you look for such s a FF sub it will tell you sixty one surah number 61 chapter 61 so 61 would be easy to find because every pages number surah number 456 t61 easy to find I said worst number 6 ayah number 6 once you found 61 6 is also easy to find that's one way of checking up what I'm telling you that I'm reading the Quran to you and I'm giving you my tough seal on that verse number 2 if you want to find that verse again there is a subject Jesus in the index Jesus hazard easily Salaam open je and you find Jesus and one of those subject matters and the Jesus will find foretold the coming of Ahmed Ahmed which is another name for the holy prophet Mohamed Salah Salim Ahmed foretold Ahmed and you say 61 verse 6 chapter 61 verse 6 then again if you want to find that verse and their aim muhammad saw Absalom and a.m. you find Muhammad so many headings what does the Quran say become mad and you say foretold by Moses chapter social zone foretold by Jesus chapter 61 verse 6 three different ways you can find this ayah in the Quran and you owe it to yourself to find it check it out learn it and use it as it for almost a thousand years we are not touching these verses one third of the Quran we are not using it we really don't write but we are not implementing any part of that message therefore the Christians say that this D that follow is bringing something new in Pakistan new Muslim was talking about these things and where does this guy come from is he's not trying to create a controversy in the country we don't want any controversies we are only delivering the message so Allah says what is called he sub no Maria ma behold behold Jesus the Son of Mary said yapanese rajala you children of Israel in me Rasulullah he alaykum most certainly I am The Messenger of God sent to you the Jews he was sent to the Jews now we have to prove it this is what the Quran says but the Christian says Jesus came for the whole of mankind he came for the whole world [Music] Allah says that he was sent for the Jews so what we have to do now to prove our case what we are telling that the Quran is correct 100% in what it says we have to take his book his gohan he's proved the Bible this is the Bible you can't help if he says weird so you have to show him proof from his own book so you read in the so-called New Testament you see this Bible is divided into two parts Bible means a book Khatami this book is divided in two parts Old Testament and New Testament old is everything before Jesus and new is everything after Jesus in the New Testament we are told that has an easterly salaam tells his disciples is Hawaii eun-hee sahabas he says in the Gospel of st. Matthews he said go ye not into the way of the Gentiles Gentiles means don't Jews GUI not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go ye rather unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel when Israel go only to those who are lost among the Bani Israel it is he's directing his people leave the non-jews alone then he says he says do not throw that which is holy unto dogs do not throw pearls before swine these are the words of other feasts at aleihsalaam as recorded in this holy book the occasion is that a Greek woman she comes to him with her daughter she had an incurable sickness and she had her about the reputation of this mighty Messenger of God has officially Salaam that he was a miracle worker performing miracles mo jiza so she she comes to Heather P Sally Salam and once her daughter to be healed so he turns his face away so she goes to the other side he turns his face away away from the woman so the disciples of Jesus they said look take this woman she won't let us go you see after all her daughter is sick serious and drowning man clutches blesses at straws and drowning women do the same that now she has some hope in you please do her a favor so he says I am NOT sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel sit bani israel he he meow when they persuade him further he says do not throw the bread of the children to the gods but joka kana bruty kotaku model oh i am asking who had the dogs because he's not talking about material bread made of flour he's talking about spiritual blessings that is the bread is talking about she wants that blessing not food this is what is supposed to be written this is said in the Christian holy scriptures do not throw the bread of the children to the dogs now the woman in desperation she says to Jesus according to the Bible this is Lord even the dogs have crumbs from the master's table so Jesus is give her the crumbs crumbs and the child is healed so in his lifetime he himself never pitched to a single non Jew not a single known Jew was ever converted to his fate not one this is the role record the first person who out of the Gentiles who became a Christian was a fellow by the name of Cornelius and it was decades after Jesus passed this way in his lifetime among the 12 disciples not one was non-jew not one and in his lifetime not a single non Jew was converted that is the report so the Quran says this is Allah sent him to the Bani Israel hundred percent correct telling with what the Bible says what they interpret now that he came for the whole world mankind think as you like say what you like but this is your written report the operon tells us that he only came for the Jews confirming the revelation which came before me alley Ben Ayodhya minute karate Torah in Hebrew Torah means law Torah Torah in Hebrew para ha answer taurat in Arabic Torah in Hebrew Torah Torah in Hebrew his law so it is confirming the law I'm reading from the English Bible the word law in Hebrew is para that came before me again we go to the book whether that is so that he came to confirm the law which came before him so he says so ever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments or shall teach men so shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall teach and do shall we call change he's confirming again this Quranic statement that he came to confirm the Torah he brought nothing new so he says and now we come to the main part of that verse which we are going to expound Rama Bashir embarrassin in yachty MIM bodies Muhammed and giving glad tidings good news of a messenger to come after me whose name shall be Ahmed which is another name for mohammed sallu asana so we said look this was a prophecy Bashara me by Hatice Ali Salaam in his lifetime and the Christian will tell you there is nothing like that in a book so now you are forced to unless you put you people man you put it out of thin air you concoct things and you create something and you thumb suck it you know very nice since there is there there is nothing like that in my book so elaborate Allah had given us instructions in the Quran which we have not been following unless says anything the other man playings tell him : tell him say how to Veronica produce your evidence in kuntum Saudi King if you are speaking the truth let us have a look at your proof that he is asking you for proof we are supposed to be asking him with regards to any claim he makes since we haven't done the job for a thousand years we stop asking them for any proof so now he's asking you with kaha head so we are forced to go to the book despite the fact that they have not preserved it the teachings of Islam are not reserved the New Testament is not the injeel but there are certain words and expression sayings and brings which are recorded in there so we go to it and in the Gospel of st. John there is a book called John st. John in the New Testament chapter 16 verse 7 we are dealing with that to show that has an easterly salam did speak about our ana be a cream seller salam and he did foretell that there is one coming after me and he did say this Mugu ahmed so we go to John chapter 16 verse 7 and it reads in English nevertheless I tell you the truth is telling his disciples nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you it is better for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I go I will send him to me this is the nearest to mean by the is northmet so I said you see this has the ISA eraser on is talking about a mod which is another name for Muhammad he says the comforter will not come unto you but if I go I will send it he will come after I'm born so he says no there is no I am Abed there is no Mohammed there the word day in the English Bible is comforter the latest Bible say help okay comfort help counselor anything but the word is comforter so how does it fit Mohammed's a lesson that he said you said you said Ahmed you said Mohammed this is comforter so I am asking the Christian which you can do the same this Bible I we are reading is in English you said yes the word comforter is an English word is it yes I am asking the Jesus speak English they said no and so what did he say look tell me what did he say this is English word comforter because in the Africans Bible the people are ruling in my country Africana is a type of low dutch they speak all Afrikaans in the Africans Bible the word is through a step I am asking did you speak Afrikaans they say no so what did he say in the pseudo Bible if it was easy as it did he speak Zulu your Jesus did is big Zulu he says no that says What did he say in the Greek he says para Kelly cause as a dude you speak Greek he says no I said What did he say look so easy What did he say because this is the Bible today this Bible is available in two thousand different languages of the world two thousand different languages and in the two thousand different languages they are true though 2,000 different words two thousand different words in the Arabic Bible it says locking me up like Omaha in New Haven lock in an talika la ilaha illa malik lieth akuma mozzie were lacking him Suharto or silver alaikum he says mozzie in arabic bible i said did you speak arabic he says goon who a did you say mister you see Allah it is nice in it's such a joyful occupation pastime hobby you know you can play marbles with them they are playing marbles with us the making rings around us is about time that we turn the tables ISM come come now top men talk what did he say so the word is not there Hamid is not the Muhammad is not work but he can't give you what did Jesus say so I said you see the Christians the early Christians they had a sickness the Kissin TB marriage even gender the sickness was that they were translating names of people translating names which we have no right to do no man has a right to translate names have a brother from the father above a chairman you know this is a Chapra Chapra in my language means roof roof of the house so so this is odd that's how I remember some time do you think what's your name so in association in my mind I'm associating with this because look I have a tendency to forget we are getting old now so I had to think of the roof and then I found the word in my language as a mr. Chopra but instead of mr. Chopra said mr. roof you know who I'm talking about mr. roof no you have no right mr. Chopra removes Chopra mr. Khurana means mr. cara cara and kata kala we have in among my people who are her surname cara cara but an English man who is white his surname is black mr. black you can say Katara you can't say mr. suave you know you can you have no right to translate means of people mr. black must be black though his white you can see is mr. white he's black but he's light none of this the Christians had the sickness of translating names now this is not just I'm telling you goof proof proof you must speak with proof don't make a fool of yourself I said you see you say Jesus Christ that is the name of your Lord God salience idiots Jesus Christ as as you know Jesus Christ never heard the word Jesus Christ in his life it's an amazing situation the name Jesus Christ was unheard by Jesus Christ you never heard it in his life if in his second coming if he comes to Karachi and if you recognize him the Christian shout Jesus Christ Jesus Christ as a look he won't even turn back to look at you wallah because he never had the word in his life when he was born his mother gave the name the English Bible says Jesus I said that is not Hebrew this man is a Jew born Jew his mother is address and in the Jewish language she gave him the name Esau he so in Arabic ISA sees the Arabic version of Esau is in ISA classical Esau is the Heche wha but the Christians they did not like a Jewish name for the God say he saw sounds dude you saw Esau is dude do you they didn't wonder got to be a Jew so what they did was they latinized it by adding a jail G he became Esau didn't Jesus they latinized it there's a Latinas form of the hebrew word Esau he only heard Esau you saw whenever people in school children when he even to school day pal I saw Esau I saw Esau not Jesus Jesus there is no Jesus the westerner had a tendency the sickness of adding J's with mu J's Yousef is Hebrew Yusef also Arabic name or further to feebly Salam so they added J they make it to zap must add a J Jakub they say jacoub now where there is no J they put AJ to Latin eyes the name sounding like a European it sounds like a Greek or Roman many other J but you serve sounds Jewish or Arabic yeah poop sounds Jewish or Arabic so but the hero's you can't have Jewish names so they Latin eyes them wherever there is no J they put it jay jay jay in my country this sickness called j sickness you see this is sickness is a type of sickness in my country they can charge you for jaywalking i don't know whether you have any law here in Karachi you see when if there is a robo against you and if you just cross the street you know really nearly here just cross the street into the policeman on the other side you can charge you for what is called jaywalking these people have Jay walked into millions of people everywhere are no Jay morrow Jay Jay logout Jesus naturally says I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak from himself but what interracial he here there shall he speak and he shall declare unto you the things that I become he shall glorify me I'm telling us a look let me reread that verse with a little emphasis on the pronouns and you will see that he is not talking about a spirit a ghost is too he's speaking about a man a man a man listen he says I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now how beat what my fingers when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak from himself but what is I shall he hear that shall he speak and he shall be clear and to you the things that have become he shall glorify me 8 masculine pronouns in 1 verse 8 he he he murdered her mother mud mud I said it will be fits a ghost spirit to spook to call it he he he he now when this thing was in the early days of the British conquest when this was you know Muslims were muting this idea so the Christians in the Ordo Bible they change he he he - she she she so you can say Mohammed is a she can you know just to puncture you puncture us sure so this is you see is talking about a man not a ghost but a spook reliving again I have yet many things to say unto you I said many in English more than one means more than one and they agree many in English means more than one I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now how be when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth I say all in English also means more than one many is more than one all means more than one that's basic English so I said look man you say that this spirit of truth was the Holy Ghost he said yes where is it he said every Church Plains has got it the Roman Catholic chest said we got the Holy Ghost who will cut only sat here the seventh-day adventists said they got the Holy Ghost jaha's witnesses they got the Holy Ghost the method he said they were the Holy Ghost Presbyterian there are 1000 different sects and denominations among the whites of South Africa they all claim to have the Holy Ghost 3,000 among the blacks of South Africa they all claim they got the Holy Ghost I say consider you have it I said look you got the Holy Ghost for 2,000 years and Jesus said he's gonna guide you into all truth and he said many things to say I don't want two or three or four I want only one new truth one new fact which Jesus didn't give you in so many different words gave me one with the Holy Ghost gave any Church in two thousand years one for more than the past forty years I have not come across a single Christian who can produce one new thing or not one asks your Christians in Pakistan whether they have it maybe you know the people in Pakistan or in the East they seem to be geniuses they have some type of special connection call them let's have one we don't want many we don't want too many Jesus I have yet many things to say and old truth we say that spirit of truth is Muhammad he guided mankind into all truth all Throop means solution to all your problems so you see hazard easily Salam had given the news that this one who's coming after me he will guide you into all truth meaning solve all your problems and there are so many problems abounding in my country number one the worst problem is the problem of race racism each and everyone feels that is better than the his race is better than the other race racial problem then in America you see I was there in America last October I was debating with this Christian missionary Jimmy Swaggart and this Jimmy Swaggart he had published a number of books on alcohol and on gambling on homosexuality and on and on he has printed more than 30 different D clicks on different aspects problems problems problems and he speaks about the greatest problem in America he says is the problem of alcohol drunk and mess and he gives a figure in his book he says there are 11 million drunkards in America 11 million drunkards picked a globe and he says there are 44 million heavy drinkers and like a good Muslim he says I make no difference between the drunkard and the heavy drinker to me they are the same as it will be the same to the Muslim whether you drink too much or you bring a little less you are still breaking Alaska mosh pit tactic so there are 55 million drunkards in America according to Jimmy Swaggart what is the answer he says in his book the preacher that at a church conference of all the evangelist preachers they were trying to get the support from the preachers to say people who are prepared to speak out against alcohol and he says in a few hundred preachers that were there only a couple were opting for preaching against alcohol the rest they reasoned they said you see our Lord Jesus he turned water into wine at the marriage feast at Cana if it was good enough for our God he good for us good logic if it's good for your God is good for you so as Santa said look we can't talk against it because Jesus turned water into wine and a reason that that Ryan was not pure grape juice because because he says well at that marriage feast when people were drinking and drinking almost late into the night and when they ran shot so the mother of Jesus comes to hazardous Addison according to the Bible and the son looked these people you know they haven't sort of wine do something help them out of the problem buy some milk some Medusa she's expecting her son to turn do something magical to solve the problem so Jesus tells his mother says women that's what the Bible says woman or whatever to do with you what have I to do with thee my time is not yet every Meera time what Nayyar and when she put sweets in further he turned water into wine and since then wine has flowed like water in Christendom this is a start what is the answer they have no answer they have no answer there are good people among them who do not touch alcohol at all there are good people among them who don't see you and smoke cigarettes yes again and again some of them they put us to shame they come to our houses and you find the Muslim follow he can't resist him he must as soon as it comes out of the massive he must pull it out and put it into his mouth nicotine he can't do without nicotine but Christians you know those who say they are born again they is in the gunmen who hustle where they don't touch alcohol they don't dance they don't go to the cinemas they don't smoke at least they show that spirit of sacrifice so Christendom has no answer to alcohol because the Holy Ghost didn't tell them in two thousand years don't touch alcohol to hazhar brassware not one church was told don't - alcohol the answer Allah gives us in the Holy Quran for evils cut to the root with one ayah smile later of manual him Yasin Amin so you who believed in my mother yeah you hella cinnamon enamel from rule most certainly intoxicants any intoxicant well my C rule M gambling while an Sabu and fortune-telling well as LOM when idol worship resumed minimally Shaitaan are an abomination of Satan's handiwork fatty Thani boo-hooed are lookin to flee from session such abomination that he may prosper and wine barrels were emptied in the streets of Medina never to be referred we can boast we Muslims can boast that we aware is the biggest society of teetotalers in the world people who don't imbibe alcohol we have our drunkards we have we have a fair share of the good and the bad to be found in every other religious group but as a people as a whole we are a people least consumption of alcohol in the world Muslims as a people as a whole they haven't got an answer they have a problem of surplus women there are seven point eight million more women in America than men and total number of woman unmarried women in America 20 million woman without husbands but if every man in America got married which will never happen every man every male gets married there still be 7.8 million women left with and get husbands in the city of New York alone there are 1 million more women than men in one city city of New York 1 million the mid-and of the manpower they have there in the city one-third of gays gays it's a beautiful world gay you know what I mean Oh me loot homie loot Allah be spread them for the unnatural lust Allah despite them they call them gays homosexuals they call them gays they give a beautiful name beautiful world they prostituted beautiful world you see when I was at school in high school days we were learning poetry English poetry and in which our soups rhyming gentle lords and ladies gay on the mountain downs the day lords and ladies gay push me - push me today joyous and happy and gay we are always very happy and gay he's happy and gay but today if we said that that my chairman is happy and gay [Applause] so Allah Allah gives them a back he gives them what is called acquired immune deficiency syndrome sickness that Allah Allah Tala will you do that Allah punishes you he punishes you with a sickness that makes the body without resistance anything comes any sickness the body can't fight elaborate Allah has made in this mechanism every human being that any outside germ influenced by a microbe that gets into the body the body fights and put things right sometimes is a fever means in fight is heavy there's a fever and there's a fever in other words the battle is going on until the body overcomes the sickness and the fever goes this is how Allah made each and every human being but you indulge in that sin of pollute these sodomites catamites Allah strikes them with aids a beautiful word again prostituted a have Muslim aid you know you have it yes some of the very few people there are some 72 Christian agencies working among them Mujahideen Christian agencies in the guise of medic medication Social Welfare and help they are trying to Christianize our brother and seventy two agencies are at work and only nine most Muslim bodies nine and one of them is called Muslim aid you know and as soon as the outside world in Muslim aid the word convenient takes you off onto that other field Kabaddi what is the solution twenty million women can't get husbands one third of the people in New York are gay sodomites homey lookk and the prison population ninety eight percent of the people in prison are males and man gets cold feet for so many different reasons you know he wants to marry young men submit a cat what's wrong come on I'll take you you still do that killer he bought a chicken I come in sure thank you yes yes you marry and you take in there and something happens before long Wilson he gets cold feet with burning fossil data how many of our young men sitting here not married why somehow they think they can't make the grade so human beings although it's the same you think you might not make the grade but a woman for anything says even she doesn't spread she wants a husband somebody to give a protection but man gets cold feet again and again the problem is getting worse what is the answer Allah Bharat Allah gives the answer in this last and final messenger of God in the Holy Quran he says marry women of your choice by twos and threes or fours but if you cannot do justice between them marry only one the only religious book on the face of the earth which has the expression marry only one is the Quran polygamy was prevalent in the of Jesus he never spoke a word against it slavery was prevalent in the time of Jesus he didn't speak one word against it he left it to somebody else and that somebody is the holy prophet Mohamed Salah Salim he says I have yet said I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot be with them now how beat when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth we are claiming that Allah Barrett Allah has given us solution to all your problems bring them and in the teachings in the direct teachings of the Quran or the sayings of the prophet salaallah Salam you will have an answer to your problem it might not go down well you know you used to certain ways of life certain standards it might not go down well but I said if you do not accept the solutions given here then you simmer in your soup you see the Westerner is always ready to laugh at us when you meet a westerner is the how many wives have you got the back of the mind is a man you had a harem harem you know so many women in the house how many in my case I said look I would only one I married for more than 40 years now and I'm quite happy I'm satisfied I have only one but this is always a standing joke how many wives you got they are how many wives you got the poor for some time might not have even one that is how many there is a big joke because Islam allows polygons limited polygons up to four I said you know is an answer to a problem you don't listen to what Allah is telling you then you do all the unnatural things you have your lesbians last June last June 300,000 sodomites owe me loot they call them gays they gathered in San Francisco teen Lac in San Francisco a pilgrimage Hajj currently in the clutch in in San Francisco led by 50 lesbians on motorcycles but that nation is worried about you and me he says you're gonna go to hell they were the save us from Hellfire so they're sending the missionaries at the moment out of the world seventy thousand full-time Crusaders new types of Christianity 60 percent of Americans work it out forty-two thousand Americans are raising the dust throughout the world one thing to save you from Hellfire they are in Hell themselves with 55 million drunkards 20 million women who can get husbands absolute help I am Telling my Arab brothers joking you know when I'm there I keep on telling them jokingly but sometimes many a serious thing they say I said in jest hasta has to come see this bull today so I tell the Arabs as a look man you know you people keep on running to Bombay running to Beirut now running to Bangkok as a look go to America [Applause] [Music] as it helped the poor Americans look in New York and from the East Coast New York but 1 million more women than men they can't get husbands I salute you all bring four for each shot Charlie Bella and your country is sparsely populated hardly any people in the country desert country no people as a man if you can't propagate islam procreate but say Pythagoras but nobody's following my advice you see my dear brothers in the teachings of hazzard Musa al-salaam icily Salam and the teaching of Islam there is a gradual evolution and in that evolution of the teachings of religion Islam is the culminating point the final point perfection has been reached in Islam as Allah says a glioma Akmal to luck indeed come since this day I have perfected for you your religion well at mum to awaken Amity and have completed my favour unto you or Adi - la commune Islam Idina and they willed that Islam should be your religion perfection let me do an example I said you see in the time of hadith Musel Islam according to the scriptures the Jews had a law of divorce a man can be was his wife for so many reasons what he had to do was like we Muslims are doing now you know he said talaq talaq talaq they did is a look I divorce you in the language the mrs. italic go so the poor woman she goes back to her parents home and the man changes his mind that woman used to work like a donkey you know I can't get another worker so cheap so he goes back to his father-in-law's goes to his father-in-law's houses come on dear back home so what for so what do you mean what for she says you divorced me see now I told you to go have a little holiday at your father's house and now you want to get another husband she catches her by the hair and brings her back he's going back on his word so hazard Musel is a spiritual physician among the Jews prophet of God Allah guides him to give them his tighten them so he gives them a law he says whosoever puts away his wife let him give her a bill of divorcement talak nama likert indeed oh now to straitjacket the man you just can't say to Allah and then his eye didn't settle on put it down in writing the Jews are cousins very ingenious people so they say right right right you see the law says whosoever puts away his wife let him give her a bill of divorcement liquor deny that's all that's the difference necessary primary requisite is that you give it in writings right so the woman is what happened as intruder now she's not the same anymore soft and flabby he once again something nice and crisp sis's look has it musa alehsalaam said give her a bill of divorcement Wikipedia ja so then he gets another one then he gets her into trouble and he will get rid of her what does he do he said the law says put it down into writing so he puts it down into writing he's within the law the law says liquor go to liquor they think so has an e Sally Salam another spiritual physician a prophet of God among the Jews he sees this abuse so he wants to tighten them so he says it has been said by them of old time Quran a German ma agua que Haga here that whosoever puts away his wife let him give her a bill of divorcement but i say unto you whosoever puts away his wife except for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whoever marries her that is divorced committeth adultery nudee was whatsoever and you can't marry a divorced woman if you marry a divorced woman your children are illegitimate according to a jesus said now he was only prescribing for the sickness of his people this was not a panacea cure-all for eternity because he said I have yet many things to say unto you but you can't bear it now there's somebody coming after me who will guide you into all truth everything that you want to know but he is now prescribing for the sickness of his people his people according to what they say they said no there's no divorce he was just not allowed but he was by the millions he was by the millions millions the number of illegitimate children sicknesses by the millions South Africa my country is boasting the second highest divorce rate in the world among the whites of the world the gallon beans the Danish people the Norwegians they were beating the South Africans now the Americans are beating South Africa but the second highest divorce rate in the world is South Africa today and yet his book says no divorce and if any diverse person gets married he says his committing adultery you can't marry a quality woman so I said kumano how many of you how many of you somewhere along the line because the Bible says you see that once you are illegitimate the Bible language in the book of Deuteronomy God is supposed to be saying that the bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord even into the 10th generation look this word bastard is in the Bible in the King James Version and I'm not using futility language this is the Holy Bible says the bastard shall not enter the congregation of the harem za de Musset min-hee I got this this generation that's what the Bible says so I am asking that means once you are a bastard your 10th generation are bastards according to that so could they single I want to know if there is a single Christian who doesn't have that title one one look back your twin generation according to what it says I don't know how true that thing is but the Bible says that once you are a bastard you are bastard for 10 generations tomorrow all up this is a generation that you remain a basket so who is legitimate I wouldn't know who the reason is or whether mrs. Thatcher is who is legitimate no you see there's something wrong somewhere something wrong somewhere this teaching was a beautiful teaching has a diesel Islam gave for a particular sickness he's giving and he's telling you that look this is for you for you the Jews this is not for mankind for you there's somebody else coming for the whole of mankind who will guide you into all truth and you can carry on yours about the laws of retribution has the musa alehsalaam he said so who service strikes you he said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth beautiful law a beautiful law for the nomadic people moving from Oasis to Oasis in the desert there was no time for lengthy litigations of putting a man in prison an adulterer and the adulteress the Bible says stone them to death that's what the Bible says stone them to death there was no time for putting them out of the way said look you stay in the desert to die of hunger and thirst it was more merciful to kill them more merciful and they become an object lesson father's don't you do that see what happens you do spoil somebody else's property see what happens murder but first about Martha Madhava Shh not for me everybody's once you see that horrible death is not for me is an object lesson beautiful law so Jesus Christ you see it he says it has been said thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her had committed adultery with her already his heart or her encore Bella just by Dookie so we still have long leg contests beauty contests striptease contest in Christendom and they think nothing of it is nothing of it they read this beautiful sermons but reason the reason is because Jesus said you see he said beautiful things but he didn't have the time to explain there's no time that poor man according to the scriptures whenever he open his mouth the Jews were after his blood stone I want to kill him stony and he's running he's running he's hiding a man in such a situation is got no time to tell you the whole truth so he says I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now how big when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak from himself but what things I shall he hear that shall he speak as a lotta wannabe is made to say what my antique one in Hawai he does not speak from his own desire in Hawaii lava you ha it is no less than inspiration sent unto Him Alamosa did Oprah was taught by one mighty power then he will testify of me the Spirit of Truth he will he will bear witness of me he will testify of me talking about me who did that in the history of the jesus who testified bore testimony that Jesus Christ was a true Messenger of God that he was the Messiah he was born miraculously his mother was a virtuous woman she was a saintly woman he gave life to the dead by God's permission he hugo's born blind and the lepers Baba's permission who said that he saw an aviator in this spirit of truth this prophet of truth he testified and because of him there are a thousand million Muslims today without any kind of convincing we accept that hazard easily Salaam was the mercy of Allah his Rasulullah he is who who LA he is the word of Allah kala kala and Kalambo is the word of Allah and so on and so on we accept and he is the greatest benefactor of Jesus this comforter is given comfort to his mother comfort to Jesus because there is no besides in the holy quran it is something that we should check up we study memorize and show it to our Christian fellow countrymen that people who are working with you people are working for you call them the people that come along from the outside you know the European happy him he says you know we believe in Jesus of course at first hand they're suspicious they think now maybe you want something from them you want a curry favor with them maybe you want a cigarette maybe you want some chocolates from that what do you want why do you say you believe in Jesus this is you know what my book says he says and if you have taken a little trouble to check up in the Quran like surah al-e-imran the birth of Jesus in this book in this encyclopedia the one I'm talking about Abdullah Yusuf Ali in the index you see Jesus and you see their first reference the righteous prophet a la cosecha Nabi chapter 6 verse 85 number two second reference his birth Path is kebaya chapter three verses 42 onwards chapter 19 verses 23 onwards take a little trouble check up these verses memorize them like for example was 42 so why is called tilma like a - yeah Maryam so behold the angel said o Mary in Allah hasta aqui but the Haraki was tofurkey Allah is Allah Labine that God Almighty has chosen thee purified thee chosen the above the women of all nations nations tell them this is what my book says and when I'm talking if this is Islam Islam is making me to say that this is not Christianity I'm not talking Christianity this is Islam that he gave life to the dead unless permission is from the Quran that he is the world which Allah bestowed upon Mary is in the Quran this is my book I am talking about my book I'm talking about my deal but when I'm giving reference listen look at this man where did this man get it he says Maryam Allah sallam was a woman chosen above the women of Nations I am asking why would an Arab go out of his way to tell other Arabs that address the mother of Jesus she was chosen above the women of all nations why would provoke innocent people when the Jews were looking down upon the errors for 3,000 years they made the insinuations that you know is smellin Islam and his children are illegitimate they said that the brenell Islam had a wife Sarah was his legitimate life and then he took to himself a bond woman a slave woman alone be bibi hajra she was actually a princess of Egypt but the Christians and the Jews say that she was a born woman learned it alone deep and as such her children are worthless rubbish illegitimate they call them means the Jews and the Christians called the Bonnie smile harbour wings and the pole Islam have arisen the religion followed by the children of Hager has a BB Hodja this is a Hager and they are still looking down upon the Arab brothers the cousins who the Jews and yet this Arab is made to say that Maryam Allah Salaam the mother of Jesus she was chosen about the women of all nation a second for that account for that was he mad this is know he was a mighty genius there are people in people from different ends of this and Mohammed was the greatest man that ever lived the most influential man in history says Michael is heart the greatest leader of all times since Jews Masterman and on and on you see what the enemies have to say Lamartine he said the greatest man that ever lived is Mohammed and this this man is making a thousand million Muslims today to accept Jesus Christ as one of the mightiest messengers of God if he is not the comforter [Applause] what is difficult for you to accept about this man what is it this bad book of his this book of authority this good hands the Christian bruja the Bible it gives them a test in the First Epistle of John chapter 4 verse 1 to find out whether the man is a man of God or not they have the test in their own book first epistle of John chapter 4 verse 1 it says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God for many false prophets have gone out into the world a false prophet is a false spirit the true prophet is a true spirit that is the language of the Bible how do we know the true from the false this is the spirit that confesseth that Jesus is the Christ is of God Jordan Abeka higaki hadith easily salam is machine he's from God since the Bible what does he say what does have an idea Karim's he's made to say again chapter 3 verse number 45 so he's called tilma like a to Yama Yama so behold the angel said o Mary innallaha you basher ookie be Kalamata mean who that Allah gives you black tidings of a word from him his mercy his name will be the Messiah mercy translated Christ is mobile mercy poor Lisa Marie AMA Jesus the Son of Mary was Jehan subdue now Allah Farah held in honor in this world and in the hereafter when Al Mukalla being another company of those mirrors to God when you call him on NASA and he will speak with the people he'll must Eva : in childhood and in maturity / - Holly Haines and it shall be of the company of the righteous justification ISA is machine he is the word with Allah gave up on Mary this is his flower I'm talking presence I'm not talking Christianity this is Islam but this part of Islam for a thousand years we don't touch it we read it arrived but we don't expand it look at this come call them show them give them our teas some sass but yes some coloring book or scuba tank and a vodka if you can read it off from your head open the book you have a translation open the book chapter 3 what's 42 tomorrow read it but if you can read it in Arabic and if you can give the translation there are good people among them sincere people you find tears well up in their eyes and Allah describes them as people who are faith even among the Jews and the Christian there are people good people Allah says mean human you know inky and their mommy look her mommy among the Jews and the Christians what sorrow whom will face a but the majority of them are perverted transgressors fascicle okay but there are good people among them so what we do we have to approach them show them we assume that each and every one is good if he is a rebellious transgressor if he wants to put up a fight then there are other means of dealing with him and for that a booklet has been given to you all the booklet is the Bible God's Word now that deals with the fasiq people how to deal with them other one the good man yes you everyone is good open the book give them your tea some massage your Korean rice one lie it can do the job your Korean rice him to Pakistani Conahan you know everybody gets enslaved to it a longing smoke weed Allah helps Canada so we have acquired it I know in my country the African loves it the colour the mixture between black and white they love it the other Indians the madrassas then love it and the white man he hugs it he can't resist he eats like a oh this is it man I said you can enslave people with food sure give you compassion your hospitality follow them talk to them and inshallah if they're not converted at least a resistance the enmity will go but we have to start using this one third of the Quran which we are not using up till now for a thousand years we haven't done it in Egypt for 1400 years there are millions of cops Coptic Christians the Muslims lived with a job in the Lebanon for 1,400 years the Christian are they read into the job in other media there are 100,000 or more Christians in Karachi more than 100,000 in Bhutan more than hundred thousand in Lahore more than 200,000 Sialkot talk to them show them share with them what Allah has given us with these words I say my dear brothers and sisters you see when I be a cream seller Salaam is the natural successor to hustle a salaam in the fulfillment of prophecies and the fulfillment of his teachings just ask Allah for the wonderful occasion I will now request brother d-doc to come and kindly answer the questions and it has let them to alcoholism and incest and all the rubbish things i what you say about them they say we must be a little more charitable p:p will not say the devil this human beings you can work yourself into any psychological attitude hallucinations do take place people they get possessed with certain ideas and they're going to frenzies but we have been discussing that this was supposed to be a prophecy and if the word was apparently toss or Parakletos Jesus Christ didn't speak Greek so we have to go back what was the original word and we reason and we have been proving to our listeners if there are Christians that that person comforter or Parakletos or whatever you say is Muhammad Allah Allah my name is karima Kadri mr. leader I would like to ask me a little peculiar question and there is that as you said Daniel just mr. speech Solomon Salazar foretold the appearance of Muhammad peace be upon us I had happened to have gone through some of the trips of Buddha who taught Buddhism and some also Hindu so in their literature also there are few things given for the emergence of Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him and in Buddhism they also I mean the Buddha has himself maybe or maybe even there are so many prophecies prophecies Bashara we are told that system and the Buddhist scripture is there and the hindu scripture is there in the Jewish scripture is there in the Christian scripture is there but instead of making generalizations what we were trying to do was we were restricting ourselves it's a look pick up a verse and expound that verse it is far more profitable then say look man you know Buddha script at my hand I give you a few words here and a few from the Hindu scripture and three few whom the words of Moses and a few from the words of Jesus what will you remember therefore I singled out one thing at a time anything if you want to prove your case get one point and prove that instead of making sweeping generalization there are and there are people with his meat be if you have Buddhists in your surroundings master the Buddhist scripture if there are Hindus this is the unfortunate part is that the Hindus they know nothing about their own scriptures see in my country especially where I come from the majority of the people are Hindus of the people from the indo-pakistan subcontinent the majority I Hindus and if you ask any Hindu whether it is in the Ramayana he hasn't has he seen the bhagavad-gita hasn't has in the Vedas he hasn't now there's no sense in you telling him that in the Vedas the Rig Veda and open ecr's Yalie kya bol iike as in wasting time goes straight to the point with these people on a different level something that the guy can understand instead of giving references about which he knows nothing dadima send them me there is also a microphone provided the ladies enclosure ladies if they wish to have any question they are welcome after the question down here the ladies may come and take the mic on Christians believe that has my name is Nasir Amal Nasir am a survivor Christians believe that MC is still alive and it's staying on spying and Muslims have also the same bleep is it true according to Quran because Christians give it a point that of his priority upon other prophets and his gardeners they say it's very very easy to deal with the Christian point-by-point whatever he claims you can give him proof from his own book that this does not make Jesus superior to other prophets with regards to the idea that is a mercy we can show him what mercy means is not what he's thinking mercy doesn't mean God then with regard to the idea that he's in heaven and is coming back so why it is coming back so if that makes him superior to the other prophets including our own then he says you see Elijah Elijah in the Old Testament it tells us that without dying he was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven whirlwind into heaven without dying and is there for some four thousand years so a person without dying if he is in heaven for 4000 years he's superior to a person who's there for 2,000 years who were supposed to have died and he came back to life according to the Christian belief that he died and he came back to life this man without dying Allah took him up and is coming back Elijah is in the Holy Bible so that means now if this is the standard of judging then Elijah is far superior to Jesus and you ladies have a direct question wait I want you to ask you about the the concept risk there's a concept in Islam that asylum salam is going to come back again not in the form of her as a prophet so bill is wondering if you could also I mean what what is your comment about him because this thing has resulted in a great division and there's a new sect which has emerged which is MDF whatever that MBS is I don't know but however you see how that ISIL is Salaam when he comes back he was a prophet you can't take the title away from him he was the mercy you can take the title away from him but he is not coming as a prophet is like a person thus a person is ruling this country the king that King abdicates and there is another King now ruling instead when that King returns to this kingdom what is he coming as a king or as a subject of the ruler he is a subject so similarly if hazardous al-islam when he comes he is not coming as a prophet to give directives to people because that directive is already completed in the Holy Quran so he will come as a follower of the teachings of our wanna be a crimson learner self-weight this a big question here from the ladies I am asked to read it out and answer it it says here is there any hukum in Bible for a la kitab that they have to observe partha please read for me rakia shaquille with regards to pardha as what do you understand by pada you see Jesus Christ what he said was that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her had committed adultery with her already in his heart that means in his Sharia creep we're not supposed to look at woman with lustful intent in Islam Allah Baretta returns in holy quran that when you see a woman you cast down your looks to the man 7news woman when you see the man you cast down your looks in other words you don't feast upon men or upon women this is the teaching of Islam Jesus said you must not last look the last Islam says when you see you cast down your lives I hope that answers your question yes myself he was the name my question is regarding the topic that you discussed a bit earlier in this country when you're living in the subcontinent Omiya we are dealing with the people which are usually of the Hindu origin right we don't really talk a lot of Christians around so I mean so much further it is they don't even believe in anything but what about the pantheist you know they do believe in the gods right but how can you confirm on them that there is something like a prophet first of all and that all the religions if you love and look upon them you can one thing they consider one thing that they are generated around one personality just like leadership's and their governments and all that so if all the religions are to be surrounded around one person how is it that that that person has not created the religion instead of being conferred by the God upon it can you answer this question of mine you see you remember so much that I don't know now what is actually you want from me yes if you can put forth forward a straightforward just question without rambling I might be able to grasp what you want and I'll give it you yes my question is that how do we know that the Prophet is a real Messenger of God instead of a self created image before the people the self created image before the people what are you referring to just like you know all the prophets that you see you know I mean there was nothing to prove that they were right except for that what they said that they were right right no not right you see that's not right we believe that God Almighty opens upon his messengers right and in that system of appointing prophets we have so many names given to us in the Bible as well as in the Quran we believe that has a Musa al-salaam Moses was appointed by God right now le salaam by God Suleiman alehsalaam by God isa al salam by god the holy prophet mohammed salah salem by god so they were appointed by god they didn't make themselves into prophets that he said now look I think I'm qualified now I've been to a university or a loom and now today I can claim to be a prophet that wasn't so see that is not the system the system is God appoints his messengers so in that system every nation has had a prophet says the holy quran when in Manhattan in la jolla Feehan a seal and there never was a people without a Warner having been sent amongst them well a cool dissolving heart and to every nation a guide a guide Warner has been sent to all peoples but now when this messenger of God comes one certificate he has is that he's got no selfishness he is not doing things is not teaching things so he can benefit from them in any way materially he is interested in the welfare but mankind has a tendency to create legends around these personalities and had it not been for the holy quran testifying and verifying that some of these personalities mentioned in the christian bible when we accept as the messengers of God like has a doubter listen the holy prophet David has the Suleiman Alesana the holy prophet Solomon when we look at these prophets and loot Elise Allah the prophet lot we accept them as God's messengers and we as Muslims we believe that they were sinless they were sin bless all the prophets wherever they came because if god almighty chooses his representative if I choose my representative in my material welfare in my businesses I look for a perfect person that I can get honest person upright person hardworking person if God Almighty chooses he's going to choose the most moral of people so that is the principle the Muslim accepts that every nation has it has had a prophet and every prophet was sinless now when we read the stories woven around the prophets if it was not for the quraían testifying about the veracity we Muslims would never accept them like for example luteal is Allah the prophet lot according to the Jewish record the Bible the Christian Bible lot committed incest with his daughter's night after night you know that do you know that no but suppose now people tell you that mutilate Salam was a Messenger of God Allah saved him you know from the destruction but what he destroyed his people Sodom and Gomorrah but this man who was saved from that destruction he goes in coherence with his daughter's night after night would you accept him as a prophet no no can you see Allah but because the Quran says there are sinless we said these stories concocted around the messengers of God has a towel Islam the holy prophet baby according to the Bible he sees about the Sheba somebody else's wife you know from the from his palace roof he sees somewhere on another roof lower down a woman bathing naked and she was very beautiful to look at so she's enamored by her so he sends his secretary his ministers ago putting that certain woman and he finds that that she was menstruating he said look with you when you clean yourself then he Cohibas with her and after some time she comes and reports her look I'm carrying a baby in the meantime the husband of this woman is in Apple with the Palestinians the Philistines so has a doubt allah sallam has that man called according to the bible this is all what i'm reading from the Bible he has that men called Judea by name that's also in the Bible yuria he calls him and you know says look man he makes him drunken feeds him thinking that this guy after all that and night of you know eating and drinking he will go back to his house and probably he will sleep with his life so it'll be made known that look this child that this woman is carrying is from her husband but this area this officer was so good he has said he was so conscientious the soldier of Israel that he wouldn't go home he said my companions are out in the field they are dying and me I'm gonna enjoy with my wife is an ever so he stayed behind at the palace he wouldn't go to his own house so now what to do because sooner or later they're gonna discover that area is away for a long time and his wife is now carrying a baby the rumor will go out that this child is an illegitimate child and then with a wanton whoo-hoo-hoo and a finger might be pointed to David this is David is responsible for her condition so according to the Bible has a dowser lists around he writes a letter seals it and gives it to area said give it to your commander higher higher and in the letter he wrote put this guy in the thickest of battle that he can't come out alive and so he does and the man dies is killed so has a daughter Lisa ran according to the Bible was an adulterer fornicator Haram Eureka Nevada and a murderer now such a man will you accept him as a prophet of God which is no but you see because the quran testifies that all the prophets are sinless we said look these are the stories of the jews against their own people Suleiman al-assad he had 1000 wives and concubines in his old age he made a temple for the worship of idols will he accept such a man as a prophet no jamesina had that easily sallam he insulted his mother he insulted the elders of his people will he accept him as a man of God and the Bible says he says this is his a described is a gluttonous eater and a wine-bibber tiptop the bible says that will he accept him as a prophet of God says no nice you know so he said look these are the legends created around people similar thing could have happened to the Hindu Piero's it could have happened they were good people but the legends that have grown we will reject them reject them so we accept those that I mentioned in the Quran as prophets and cylinders but the principle we accept that every nation has had a prophet and these prophets before I want to be I wanna be is fatima nabiyeen is the last of the prophets there shall be no prophet after him dr. mother I want to state the three propagation of other religions is allowed or not whether the free propagates is the practice of religion heal Islam set up sera sera the practice of religion Islam gives you freedom to practice your religion everybody is freedom Allah tells in the holy quran is a like or a 15 there is no compulsion in religion we have no right to force Islam down anybody's throat so in other words with the guy is a Buddhist you can practices Buddhism Hinduism whatever ISM you can practice but it is our duty to guide them to call them unless telling us to follow them all to the way of your lord so odoru allah sabili rugby qabil hike McKee invite all all whether they be Hindus Jews Christians atheists agnostics Buddhist whatever invite all to the ways of the Lord with wisdom well Mao is a till Hassan attend with beautiful preaching which are dil humble at the asan and reason with them in the ways that are best and most gracious this is our duty freedom of religion allowed but we can't force our religion down people's throats there is a question here it says here what was the actual word uttered by Jesus for comforter by mr. Holly Nia's is asking this question see the actual word the Quran says min bada is mu who f MA a messenger coming after me whose name shall be Ahmed but in the Christian scriptures in the tradition they have lost it utterly so there were two thousand different names so only thing left for us to do is now to reason to deduce which we have been doing all along the word there is not to be found there is no word at Jesus which is recorded the lady is asking him yes well I wanted to ask you a question about concerning the Holy Trinity I know we don't believe in it now but the Christian argues why is so difficult for us to believe in it like everything has three diamonds left side of the person right side of the person in the front there are three different aspects of the same thing I know it's wrong what do I say what's the answer to this so this three different aspects of the same thing right let us see now what they say you see I had a phone call this afternoon a mrs. Fernandes mrs. Fernandes she says last night she saw that TV program of mine and whole night she couldn't sleep so I'm asking what did I say that you take exception to so she said you said I can't remember but she said I'm not denying it she said I said that the Christians are worshiping Jesus as God that's what I had said supposed to have said I can't remember what I said but she said and I prepared agree that I could have said that that the Christians are worshiping Jesus as God that he is their God so she says no he is not God he is only a prophet of God like Muhammad so I said look this no problem then between you and me there is no problem because we also believed that Jesus was a mighty Messenger of God not just a prophet with a great prophet like Muhammad's Allah Allah but I said what church do you belong to so she said she is a Roman Catholic so look if you are a Roman Catholic then you believe in the Holy Trinity so she said yes see without knowing that you can't argue with people she says you are attributed to Christian that we say Jesus is God and he says Jesus is not God that means I said look what church she said Roman Catholic as if you are a Roman Catholic I said that means you believe in the Holy Trinity she said yes so I said in your catechism in your book of instructions it says that the father is God the Son is God and the Holy Ghost is God but they are not three gods were one God say is that right she said yes I said your book continues your catechism it says the father is Almighty the son is almighty and the Holy Ghost is Almighty but they are not three Almighty is but one Almighty is that what he says it she says yes I said it continues the father is a person the son is a person and the Holy Ghost is a person but they had not three percent but one person does it say that she said yes so that is what I'm telling you that look this is this is the most nonsensical thing you are saying person person person but not three percent but one person what language is that that's not English can you see it's very easy just to say bamboozle people listen we get bamboozled you know we got Bluff the person is speaking English and she's speaking meticulous English this lady she's speaking beautiful English you know she's got control over the language but now when I'm asking a simple basic question person person person but you say not three persons but one person does it make sense does it make sense no it doesn't so do you say you believe that the father is there the son is there and the Holy Ghost is there they believe that at the beginning which had no beginning you know at the very beginning when Allah before he created anything the father was there the son was there and the Holy Ghost was there is the Harmony way there now your mind what does it mind say you say the father was there the son was there and the Holy Ghost was there they are co-equal and coeternal say once you know what they are talking about they say they are co-equal means there's no superiority of one over the other and their Co eternal at the beginning which had no beginning they were all day as a how many wait da three can you see that three so I said you believe in three courses oh no I believe in one God so the thing is this now with we can just talk you know said now somehow another Christian analogy was given he says you see you have three cups of water three cups of water and you put them into one bigger cup so it's all one water so they water down the Trinity the watered it down but as look the father the father when they say in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost this is the formula this is the formula of faith in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost when you say that when you repeat that how many pictures you see in your head say master this Christian was talking to you say look when you say in the name of the Father how you think of the Sun and Venus and the Sun are you think of the Holy Ghost now unless the mind is twisted it's diseased you can yeah you see the same when you say the father you think of the Sun and we said the sending of the Holy Ghost when you say the Holy Ghost even of the Father when you say your husband you think of the Sun I mean what's wrong with you look the thing is that when words when you use a father father looks different in your mind son looks different in your mind the Holy Ghost looks different in your mind and they can you can never superimpose these three mental pictures and create one they'll ever be three in your mind so this is a fallacy and Allah tells us very simple language he says vallarta kuru selasa don't say Trinity Interlaken this is pop it will be better for you in Nam Allah Allah WA head for your Allah is one Allah is not three in one is not one in three and this dream is nowhere in the Bible is nowhere in his Bible with a Roman Catholic or Protestant the word Trinity you will never find in any Bible in the world the word Trinity this is the foundation of Christianity that word you'll never find in any Bible in the world amazing so they said we believe what we want to believe so you have the predetermine privilege that's your privilege you can deny God if you like I like Jews with that privilege there's one thing he will not control is your mind he gives you freedom think as you like you want to abuse him swearing go ahead he gives you that freedom but he's the most nonsensical idea Father Son and Holy Ghost put together are not three but one yes to elaborate the question put by dr. Anwar if I'm still not sure youth of musa alehsalaam ended with missile islam came and Sharia thomas alva salam ended and all Jarius ended when prophet mohammed salah also was declared as a prophet as per the statement given by you through the bible and i would have been able to understand all these creatures from the stated by the bible are bastards so i would like to put this question to you doctor a mazhab that should a islamic state like pakistan permit bastard to create baskets and baskets should there you confirm we have to create vascular budget took that missionary should not be closed down altogether because of the Muslim we are supposed to I mean give sermons for doing good things and we are supposed to stop it by hand Iman as we say has got three stages stop it by hand if not by mouth if not feeling in your heart that is wrong we as a Muslim state and one of the Moses Tremont my biggest one of the Muslim state and that we have got so much of religion in our Islam India and Pakistan be Pakistan being a Muslim state should put a ban on creating bastards in this country yes my son good my name is masala here in your previous lecture you were answering to someone from the ladies and you said I don't remember your exact words but you said something that there are things that even God can't do and an example that you said for example he cannot create another God and he cannot keep me out of his kingdom well if this is the case then how will you interpret this verse from the Holy Quran where Allah bodies Allah is telling us that in the lauhala kulli shayyin qadir I don't know the translation in English but in order it means bisher hakoda her g-spot father hair so you know if I am talking to a Christian that look there are certain things that even God cannot do and I give your examples he might ask me the question are you contradicting your own Holy Quran look your Holy One is saying that in allahu ala kulli shayyin qadir but you are saying that your God can't do certain things so how would I answer him you answer him by asking him came your God create another God can your God his God the God he believes in he is the uncreated he said yes the father is uncreated he is the father they talk about the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the father is uncreated can he create another uncreated that's the answer Michael my question is about the principle given by slum concerning the marriage of girls as in our society mostly it happens that the parents choose such a such person for their daughter and pressurize her to marry him because they think he can provide her with all the worldly things and she being under pressure keeps quiet even if she does not want to marry him either out of obedience or love for her parents is this pressure by the parents right or is this mootness of daughter right when you please enlighten me on this thank you know this is an Islamic no man has a right to force another human being his daughter or his sister into marriage with somebody else that she is not happy about no man has a right [Applause]
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 41,680
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: ahmed deedat, muhammed, prophet, succesor to christ
Id: gjk8nTF1kGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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