Muhammed pbuh In The Bible In Response To Swaggart Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] and sustainer of the world's most gracious most merciful master of the day of judgment thou do we worship and I hate we seek show us the straight way the way the way of those on whom thou have bestowed thy grace those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray this was the opening the opening scripture and the Quran on behalf of the Muslim Student Association at LSU and the Islamic center of Baton Rouge I would like to welcome you to our lecture tonight the we feel that as students here at LSU that tonight tonight's lecture on which will be entitled in response to brother Swaggart Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible this will be the topic of tonight tonight's lecture we appreciate your presence here and before we go ahead and start our event tonight I'd like to briefly describe some things about our speaker tonight he is a scholar and comparative religion as well as the director of the Islamic propagation centre in Durban South Africa he has been involved in with the Muslim community for a long time he is also the author of several publications among which are Christ in Islam as the Bible God's Word what the Bible says about Muhammad peace be upon him Islam's answer to the racial problem and al-quran the ultimate miracle so please welcome brother ahmed deedat for our lecture our speaker for tonight's lecture I was able initiate a new regime bismillah r-rahman r-rahim all our item in kana mean in the la vaca fartin be washa Hadassah I do mean bani israel alamos Li for our monastic Burton in la la laaaa del alma Solomon sadaqa sadaqa Lama regime mr. chairman and my dear brothers and sisters the subject for this evening is in response to brother Swaggart in response to brother Swaggart muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible in response to weather so I got last night at question time somebody posed the question to him where he was asked whether there was any mention of mohammed salah salem in the christian bible in brother sweetheart according to his understanding knowledge he said most ever religion tries to find the bible and somewhere in their teachings and their beliefs and so does the quran it tries to say that it is mentioned in the Bible or Muhammad is meant the Bible but Muhammad is not mentioned in the Old Testament he said no there is nothing in the Bible about Muhammad now before Matt as it was if you were there last night was that questions we put to one speaker at a time one to do that one too so I got one to D that one to swagat and they had to respond to those questions it was not there at question time a debate between swagat and did that can you see so I couldn't say excuse me you know it says look there is something there and start debating with him on the point that was not the occasion however I am now responding to that question to brother Swaggart statement that there is nothing in the Bible about Muhammad now if I had the opportunity then of course the audience you know greater audience and tonight but since this is being recorded I'm sure you to reach brothers by God I have met brother from his ministry from his college and I hope and pray that he will take my message to him I love and admire brother Swaggart and his wife Francis I met this couple before the actual you know meeting actual debate and I enjoyed that company and they seem to enjoyed mine marvelous people in a charming people and I was telling somebody this morning that if charm can convert Chomp Chomp I said I would be a Christian I would have been converted but you see the charm is there but I say the theology is not right you know as understanding concept of God is not right but charming people I pay tribute to brother Swaggart and his wife now I have dealt with this topic before and initially when I started talking about this subject of what the Bible says about mohammed sallu I've seldom I didn't know at the beginning and for a very long time I didn't know that the holy prophet mohammed sallu are seldom was mentioned by name in the Bible mentioned by me learnin many say look we're brother Swaggart has been through the Bible as he says countless number of times certain verses his minions books he is ready countless number of times I have read the Bible through many many many times and others such as I have read it many more times much more educated than I could ever be understanding both Hebrew and Greek and with this countless number of reading the man doesn't see it how can that be I said you see what has happened is this first that Muhammad is mentioned by name in the original scriptures the Old Testament according to Christian authorities was preserved in the Hebrew language and the New Testament in Greek scriptures Greek language in the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16 in the Hebrew language it reads ensure that the Swaggart would appreciate because I thought I heard him say that he knows Hebrew and he knows Greek in the Hebrew language it says hiko mimetic in-vehicle Judy with her II by natural Shalom Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16 the word Muhammad him is Muhammad in him I am him in is a plural of respect in Hebrew you see the first verse of the Bible book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the word God in Hebrew there is Elohim in Hebrew ll stands for God Ella stands for God L o M is a plural form to say with all respect and reverence plural of respect in all Eastern languages including Arabic and Hebrew there are two types of plurals in my own mother tongue we have puerile of respect as well as of numbers in urdu plural of respect as well as numbers you see in the Quran also we find the very same thing like the verse Allah says in na na hoona solid vikre ye na la hoola Hafiz room that it is for us to send down the revelation and it is for as to protect it who is this as ask any Muslim who sees us is Allah Gabriel and Muhammad like Father Son and Holy Ghost no no but his ass who is us when we are told in the Holy Quran who Allah who I had say he is Allah the one and only he is talking about us no Arab question has ever asked the Muslim I said the Arab Christian has ever asked the Muslim who is this us because he knows in his language there are two types of pluralist rule of numbers approval of respect this as is like in royal proclamations you have plural of respect we have decreed says the Queen we lose this we not she and her husband and her son no no no it's standing for herself out of respect pool so L Oh M is a plural of respecting L is God Allah is God L of M is more than one of respect but our Christian brethren you see when they want to prove the Holy Trinity that God Almighty is to be found in three persons three personalities in a Trinity so they said this as stands for Father Son and Holy Ghost because it is in the plural say admittedly it is in the plural but if it stands for gods that's a correct translation but there is not a Bible on earth with the dozens of different versions there's not a single Bible on earth where it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth I said why are you so dishonest if it is plural why don't you put pure in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth why do you say God if it's plural say so that they were gods Father Son and Holy Ghost and these three put together they created the heavens and the earth no ask any Jew this is his book asking what is this in is a look in my language this is the plural of respect what is one but out of respect we speak like that he says Mohammed M Muhammad in plural of respect the word is there in the Hebrew language in the original what they call original is there but they have translated that in English as altogether lovely so this beloved of mine is altogether lovely says Solomon when you read altogether lovely you can associate with the word Mohammed you read it a thousand times altogether lovely altogether lovely unless say in another language the priest won the placement Mohammed means a praise one but he said the priest won the placement you can think that is talking about Mohammed though Mohammed means the praised one you have no right to translate names of people anybody your name should be retained mr. black is mr. black though he's white he's a European Caucasian but you can say mr. mr. Abu as what you can say in areas is mr. as what he is mr. black as I said we'll do I see you mr. black hair I can't say mystic Allah you know I have no right to translate names of people you know at one time the president of South Africa was Munir swap Munir in Afrikaans means mr. swat means black linear SWAT means mr. black but I have to retain the world SWAT to tell you that he's an Afrikaner if I translated there is mr. black human is an Englishman if I translate that mystic Allah you think he's done Pakistani can you say if I translate aloo means a new Yama it means black this issue with the president of South Africa you have no right to translate names of people but they have been doing that Mohammed him they translated as altogether lovely but the word Mohammed is there in the Hebrew language in the original thank you now we say when we analyze but to give you further proof that this sickness has been very common among the translators of the Bible more specially in Christendom you see they have been translating names like for example Messiah Messiah Jesus was the Messiah Hebrew word Messiah in Arabic massif translated Christ how does that come about how do we call in Christ I said you see the Hebrew word Messiah or masih means to anoint to rub over you know when we Muslims when we go for salat prayer we make wudu ablution and in the part of our evolution besides washing the hands brushing the teeth washing the face washing the feet the arms up to the elbows we wet our hands and we rubbed on over this way every Muslim does that if he's particularly this prays five times a day he does that every time we make wudu he after washing everything he wets his hands and he rubs all over like this like that and like that what we call that masa sieve is a masa masa comes from the Hebrew word same word basa masa masa ha in Arabic and Hebrew means to rub to massage to anoint and the person who is so then we called him Messiah mercy on whom this was been priests and Kings were anointed means rubbed over with holy oil or holy water so from today you are a priest our Imam or from today you become our ruler see you say like the coronation ceremony you have the counting ceremony now you have the and no ending ceremony that's what it means annoying Ted so messiah in greek translating the gate is Christos Christos means anointed and they take off the us Christos is a bit lengthy so you get left with Christ Christ means The Anointed One the one who is anointed priests and Kings were anointed so this is the title of Jesus hazardous Alice Allah Jesus again was not his name his name was classically her sure he saw ISA that was his name in the Hebrew language when he was born his mother didn't give him the name Jesus because there's no such word as Jesus in Hebrew J the J is not de is ISA ISA ISA Yeshua classically her schwa but they haven't a habit the Western he has a sickness for Eddy in JS where there are no James they have what is called a J sickness so Yousef there's a Joseph yeah who does a charcoal see Johanna this is John where there is no Jade April page a Latin Ising the letter words as if it sounds like Western this is a sickness all subject people have but no particularly the Christians had it the ad J's says yahuwah so the jehovah's witness was Jehovah they put a J with this mu J wherever this is I say in religion they do jaywalking in my country you can be charged with jaywalking jaywalking means you know you cross the street you know where there's not pedestrian crossing they're supposed to be certain pedestrian crossing in our main roads and if you cross anywhere else in the police and the other side he can catch you and he can give you a ticket for what is called jaywalking the Christians have J walked into people's names and everywhere [Music] so love Jesus Christ in the second coming maybe that is coming again what for we are told in the gospel of st. Matthew's wife is gonna come again he says on that day many will say to me on that day when his comes second time say Lord Lord did we not prophesy in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name do many mighty works then did all these things in your name we build hospitals colleges universities we looked after the poor didn't we do all these things in one and we cast out devils we heal the sick and the blind and the lepers didn't we do it in your name Jesus says then will I profess unto them these guys these people who say we did all these things in your name Lord Lord we did it in your name Jesus says then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity kept away out of my sight what sack get away your rubbish I don't even know you I am asking the Christians he said look why should he tell you food said that's a our local term that means get away why would he tell you get out of my sight when you did all these things in his name he is not gonna tell him booze get away for sack he's not real Muslims get away foot sack he's not gonna tell the Jews get away foot set but he's gonna tell you the Christian those who say Lord Lord I say I want to know why why would he tell you for Seth answer that and once a that why would he tell you not the Jews not the Hindus not the Muslims but you his followers and who have done this miracles miracles and he's gonna tell you get out so I said he's coming to do a certain job of work but in his second coming let's say we recognize him that this is Jesus in the second coming and you shout you cry out Jesus Christ Jesus Christ as a he won't even turn and look at you Bosley never heard their word Jesus and he never heard the word Christ in his life because these are new words we have concocted he says resaw inertia you say Jesus he doesn't know this is that who you shouting for so they translated the word Messiah into Christ Christ he never heard Peter Peter his leading disciple you see before the party this is Peter feed my feed my floor feed my land feed my sheep meaning look after the others you are you know the elder most you are the most mature the best qualified to look after the others Peter his name was Simon Simon Peter heard the name Peter commonly among the Christians I said you know Peter never heard the word Peter in his life did you know that you see his name was Simon and Jesus at one stage you know because of his stubbornness he was a very stubborn you know militant like the Irishman the Irishman there fighting people spirited people so he was one of that type among his disciples the most militant so Jesus describes that quality is assignment now at chiefess and on this rock I will build my church now at chiefess key first in Hebrew means a rock you are like a rock now at chiefess keifa's means rock or stone so the Christians translated that into Petros Petros and Greeks mean rock or stone from which you get the word Peter Peter never heard the word Peter in his life Millard me you got to I want people to come for instead no I'm wrong I want people to come and correct me learn men come and talk to me I say Peter never heard the word Peter in his life he was Simon he was you translated Kieffer's into Petros keifa's means rock or stone Petros means rock or stone from me you know derive the word beaten see what's happening this is a type of sickness all subject people have to try and match the sound of your name to match that of the ruling race inferiority complex as we also offer my own people in South Africa we suffer from the sickness as well I don't know about you here you are expect race you are all new yet but I don't know in a subtle community that settle community how they behave as they get along we have Youssef will call them Joe because them Joe we have Fatima will call them tema sounds like like the Western tema he says Fatima you know is the daughter of Muhammad Khadijah is Aditya libera he is Abraham Abraham no this is his inferiority complex we all suffer from and the Christians will not exempt from that sickness and that created problems you translate the names of people saw translated to Paul see some soul if your child you didn't live as a Christian you name him Saul people think you're a Jew but if you change that poor soul to Paul Paul sound quick or Roman see Yeshua sounds Jewish 100% but Jesus you did nationalize him is did nationalized Christ is do nationalize Messiah is still Jewish Massey is still Arabic this is so we said you have lost the name Jesus Christ according to the holy quran says why is Allah Elizabeth Mariana since behold Jesus the Son of Mary said you have an Israeli or children of Israel in me Rasulullah helical Somu certainly I am The Messenger of God sent to your Masada Panama benedetta German authority confirming the revelation which came before me vamos Athena Masada Colima when I am in authority from mubashir embarrassin lil yachty mim ba'di smooth matte and giving you glad tidings of a messenger to come after me whose name shall be ahmed which is another name for mohammed mohammed and ahmed are synonymous terms for this mighty messenger of god half mad that is what the quran tells us but christian solution is not in my book it's not yeah there's no asthma then there's no mohammed so you are left with no alternative but to analyze what is there you see they have a verses in the Bible in the Gospel of st. John chapter 16 where it says nevertheless I tell you the truth Jesus says it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I go I will send him and when he is come he will convict the world in respect of sin and of righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not in me and on and on he says if I don't go the comforter will not come unto you we say that converter is mohammed salah salem this is not Jesus did say Mohammed he said comforter we are asked did Jesus speak English did he say comforter he says no he spoke Hebrew this is not a time then say what did he say we haven't got it in other languages in the Arabic language nearest to Hebrew the same verse reads like a knee a koala Kumal haka in new Harlem in Antalya the allah-allah metalic la Atacama mozzie why lacking in Suharto or silver lake oh he used the word more I said did you speak Arabic it says no I said what did he say in Afrikaans the word there is truest I said did you speak Afrikaans he says no what did he say in Zulu you talk as easy as the did you speak Zulu just Jesus he says no I said what did he say in two thousand different languages you can buy the Bible today mm and in two thousand different languages there are two thousand different names What did he say did he say what did he say comforter did he say through a step did he say toga zc What did he say the Koran says he said Ahmed which is another name for Mohammed but since you have lost the term the name is lost no sense in me pushing down the throat is a look it was a mad another name for Mohammed no now what we have to do is to reason we have to deduce reason with them our Christian brothers and sisters reason it's a look you say it is the comforter who is the converter is that could the comforter is the Holy Ghost they say the comforter is the Holy Ghost so they'll ask you is normal the ghost he says no so it can be Muhammad I says now what is the Greek word for ghosts in your language you require this numa numa mean spirit wherever suits you you translate that word PNE you ma Numa a spirit when it suits you you translated a ghost when you talk about spirit you can have it fitting Mohammed but when you say ghost like a stomach it's very difficult to say Mohammed is a spook normal was no spook you know he was the most solid character in history this is the difficulty I will explain what they have done to that word but they say Holy Ghost Muhammad is not the Holy Ghost but there is no such word as ghosts in Greek so Jesus makes it a condition that if I don't go he won't come but if I go I will send him so if it is the Holy Ghost we are suggesting that look the Holy Ghost was long before Jesus was with the people according to your Bible in the Gospel of st. Luke chapter 1 we are told that Elizabeth had the Holy Ghost what it means I don't know but she had it before Jesus was born with the Holy Ghost was there he tells us again the Zechariah had the Holy Ghost what that means I don't know it also says that John the Baptist here he is Allah they call him John Yehia we say Ya Ya Ya Ya Allah Salam he had the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb before he was born the Holy Ghost was with him in his mother's womb inside what he was doing inside there I don't know but it was they look look this is what the Bible says Jesus when he was preaching and healing he said I by the Spirit of God do this these things about the finger of God cast out Devils Spirit of God is that Holy Ghost did the Holy Ghost help him in his ministry said yes helped him to perform miracles say yes did the Holy Ghost help his disciples said yes when they went out on the mission of preaching and healing with whose help with the preaching and healing if not with the help of the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost was with Elizabeth was with Zachariah with John the Baptist from his mother's womb was with Jesus was with the disciples so it makes no sense to say that if I don't go he won't condition but if I go I will send him is something other than the Holy Ghost and it is simple base how can muhammad we can say that this mom let's see the same chapter verse 7 it says it says I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now you haven't got that capacity how it when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth Spirit of Truth who is the Spirit of Truth as the Christian is the Holy Ghost how bit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak from himself but what in so shall he hear that shall he speak and he shall declare unto you the things that have become he shall glorify me so who is the spirit of truth they said the Holy Ghost said alright if this is the Holy Ghost tell us now what new things has he given you in the past 2000 years he said jesus said I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now but before we expand this aspect let me read to you this verse with a little emphasis on the pronouns he says I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now how big when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak from himself but what things we shall he hear that shall he speak and he shall declare unto you the things that have become he shall glorify me a masculine pronouns in one verse I say it'll be fits a ghost you agree that is a man man amen amen eight times there is not another verse in the whole Bible with eight masculine pronouns or eight feminine gender or eight mutagenesis there isn't this is a unique verse for a unique personality Mahana man man man not a ghost not a spook but we are told is the spirit is Muhammad espírita see yes that's what your Bible says you see every time the word spirit is used in your Bible I'm telling the Christian it doesn't stand for the Holy Ghost because in the book of Revelation the last book of the Bible we are told that 7 spirits of God went out into the world I see you believe in seven holy ghosts he says no this only one Holy Ghost I said is the seven spirits I mean should be several holy ghost no spirit doesn't stand for Holy Ghost everytime then in the Saint John the same John in the First Epistle of John chapter 5 verse 4 he says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God for many false prophets have gone out into the world so false spirit is a false false prophet is a fall spirit true prophet is the true spirit the same John is using spirit for a profit don't believe every spirit means don't believe in every prophet the spirit that says that confesseth that Jesus is the Christ is of God Musa prophet that says that Jesus is the Christ is the Messiah the Messiah is from Allah that's what John says as well find out whether this spirit this Prophet Muhammad they say that Jesus is the Christ open surah al-imran chapter 3 verse 45 it says he's called til Malaika to Yama Yama to behold the angel said o Mary inna llaha ya'muru ki be Kalamata mean who that Allah gives you play tidings of a word from him he'll mercy his name will be the Messiah translated Christ Muhammad is the Christ yes that's what every Muslim believes on the testa fication of the Holy Prophet Muhammad one thousand million Muslims of the world they believe that Jesus is the Christ he says the spirit that confesseth the Prophet that says that Jesus is the crisis of God why don't you apply this to Muhammad and says st. John in the gospel st. John he says says he that is born of spirit is spirit and he that is born of the flesh is flesh said new spirits widget grew the cohabit he says no then how can you be born of spirit know what it means it is that who is spiritually inclined a spiritual whose materialistically incline is flesh what brought you here tonight some kind of gift that we expecting from d-dad you know he's going to give you some sweet meat what some chocolates is that what brought you here if that was the case and suppose I give it out to you you are materialistically inclined material things brought you here so you are a materialist in the language of the Bible you are fleshy you are of the flesh materialist if it was spiritual consideration motivation that brought you here then you are spiritual you are a spirit though you are not a spirit your solid flesh and bones but you are spiritually inclined you have spiritual this the gospel language say he that is born means the thing that motivates you that brings you up into being if it is preached spiritually then you are a spirit and if you are fleshly you have flesh material you are flesh it doesn't mean a Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit every time the word spirit is you so Jesus says I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now so this spirit this Holy Ghost if is the Holy Ghost every Church in denomination claims it everybody seems to be in touch and I had to have back and call you press the button and is there Vyasa jehovah's witnesses say yes we have it as the Roman Catholics they cut it ask brother Jimmy Swaggart you see his product everybody has it all those cults that he mentions in his books among these thirty books there's one on cults you read them he says look the every cult test says he's got spirit who the holy ghost everybody's got it and they're all going in different directions so one spirit taking you all into opposite directions from God no that's brother Swaggart said yesterday either we are both right oh yeah we can both bureau you both can be right so you have a thousand sects and denominations among the whites of South Africa among the whites but and 3,000 among the blacks in America I was given to understand that you got 14 different Baptist churches each and every one has got the Holy Ghost the spirit and they're all going in different directions visit from God can it be from God all going in different directions all say they are Baptist and everyone has got the Holy Ghost so I said you see this you haven't got this solution to the problems answer Jesus I have yet many things are same to you many many in English is more than one at least we understand that English we had many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now how we when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth all is also more than one I am asking like Christian burden for the past 40 years I don't want many solutions give me one that the Holy Ghost gave you in 2,000 years one something that Jesus Christ had not already told you in so many different words one any Church any denomination any cult bring me one new thing that the Holy Ghost gave you and it's not forthcoming one I don't want many Jesus says he cannot bear them now the reason why he didn't give is not because in Arabic he had the solution to the problems of mankind till doomsday God gave it three but that people were not fit to receive them that's what he's saying he's pleading this he cannot bear them now means you haven't got the capacity and the truth of that statement is writ large in the Bible again and again Jesus Christ he tells his disciples of little faith you could know any man you have no fake little faith if whatever you have is a little tiny little faith ye of little faith how many times I tell him again and he explains to them spiritual truths as it is explaining to little children and they can't understand what he's talking about so he says I even yet without understanding yet and when his group further he says o faithless and perverse generation this is what he's calling his disciples not the Jews the generality of Jersey called the new generation of white passive whited sepulchers you wicked and adulterous generation and on and on but no now he's describing his disciples his own disciples his chosen ones he said o faithless and perverse generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I be with you I said if Jesus was a Japanese instead of a Jew he would have committed that honorable hakim Susan but as a Jew he can afford to do that you know he loved life dearly loved life dear so he says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you both I said that spirit of through this Muhammad Muhammad is the Prophet you say esada privado I mean the Prophet was faithful truthful prophet sudoku word Allah me the truthful the faithful he is the prophet of truth Spirit of Truth is the prophet of truth Muhammad and he guided mankind into all truth all our problems bring them bring them bring them brother Swaggart you know oh he writes beautiful books homosexuality sodom and gomorrah pornography alcohol beautiful works I recommend empty these books not all but these books especially I recommend that you read well but there are no solutions you see alcohol I dealt with it last night acting by the way he says in this book alcohol he says 11 million drunkards in America 11 million drunkards he says these at his terms in my country they don't call them drunkards especially the whites we can't call them drunkards they'll punch on the jaw you have to call them alcoholics you know that's it people say when you say drunkard it's very very pungent strong it is a drunkard but Jenny say is alcoholic the Batman is person sick you need something 11 million these are words of brother Swaggart drunkards in America and 44 million heavy drinkers and he says to make no difference between the two to me they are the same whether you call them drunk are do you call them heavy drinkers to me they are the same as a mashallah mashallah praise be to God we have such a brother who speaks like a Muslim the only thing is acid going one step further to solve your problem you have to go a step further I said include your social drinkers as well in that list of yours because the Holy Prophet Muhammad made no distinction between these three groups that you are thinking of you know you've got the drunkards you were the heavy drinkers and you were social drinkers mm-hmm the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah is Allah and said whatever intoxication greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity no excuse for a retort finish out he said strong words he said cursed is he who grows grapes were brewing growing of fruit trees in Islam is an act of virtue listen Allah will reward you whether you plant fruit trees for selling the fruit or for eating Allah will bless you everyone you he said on one occasion he said you see if you get sure knowledge the tomorrow 12 o'clock at noon the earth will be doomed finished it's coming to an end Germans p.m. I will set in twelve o'clock tomorrow and you were supposed to plant a fruit tree today so what must you do it'll take seven years for it to be a fruit seven years is his plan the tree Allah will reward you that mighty Messenger of God he said that if you plant grapes for the purpose of brewing not for eating or selling but for the purpose of break like my place in the Cape in South Africa we have what is called the Mediterranean climate and grapes grows beautifully there there's a best wine growing country in that area and you inherit 100 vectors of land 200 acres of land so what am I gonna do said plant grapes the fine person who's gonna buy it don't worry there's a wine every day there's a brewery there unlimited amount they are prepared to buy from you survive if you did that the Prophet of Islam says cursed is he who grows grapes were brewing cursed is he who crushes it cursed is he who bottles it cursed is he who sells it and cursed is he who drinks it oh no you have nothing no luck with that side this is Islam and the solutions the problem is this total abstinence said the Prophet of Islam on instruction from Allah revelation of God in the Holy Quran yeah you holida Naaman so you believe in mammal some rule most certainly in toxicants while mysuru and gambling in his book one of the books eases the American public is spending fifty four billion dollars a year on gambling scoundrel fifty four billion and gambling well and sub in fortune-telling well as Lama and I will worship minimally Shaitaan or an abomination of Satan's had the work first any boohoo elephant of the whole session such abomination that you may prosper and wine barrels were emptied in the streets of Medina never to be refilled this this one worse has created the biggest hefty totals in the world people who don't imbibe alcohol bigger society in the world one world one expression but the swagger is talking about he says you got to threaten the Muslims choppa phenol chopping off his head the chopping of his hands therefore if they don't drink the person does not drink because he fears his land will be cut off or his tolls or his nose or whatever is that the reason I want to know you in America the Muslims I know we have black sheep amongst us like any community as we all have you can see we are all angels but how many what percent of percentage of Muslims stay in Bible Bowl in India Pakistan South Africa my community I am boasting in my country perhaps it applies everywhere with the Muslims live I said we Muslims have the lowest alcoholic consumption in the country we have the lowest gambling rate in the country we have the lowest prison rate in the country we have the lowest divorce rate in the country we have the lowest suicide rate in the country and we have the highest charity rate in the country that's what Islam has done for us what likes Islam nobody has written me all my life that I shouldn't smoke my father used to smoke cigarettes I don't touch it my children don't smoke it I didn't tell them one day in my life my one of the Sun as the Sun is here with me the other elder son is himself I never told them one day moon smoke I never told a big apartment the out of my six brothers one or two they do smoke they do smoke but my family no smoke in my life I haven't touched the stuff nobody threatened me my father didn't tell me I mustn't smoke I don't smoke I don't get I don't date I don't caught I don't dance nobody needs to look if you do that you go to jail if you do that will chop off your head nobody told me that I don't know if anybody told you that you must have drink otherwise you chop off your head anybody tells you here that anybody controlling you know what is it I said you see in America you Christian nation mighty nation the mightiest nation on earth America you introduced prohibition in the twenties who did it they were your leaders people you voted into power in your Congress or Parliament in your Congress they passed law prohibition run the country dry you saw the carnage that they have up that this stuff was creating in the nation the harm the losses so the brain power of the nation people you voted into power they voted on your behalf passed a law trying to run the country dry no Arab government ever threatened them no Muslims ever threatened them as look if you don't stop drinking v1 supply your oil because there was no I they did have it the Arabs they had no oil to threaten over this look if you don't stop drinking no I'll for you anymore no it was your nation your brain power and you passed the law and you failed you failed miserably the mightiest nation on earth you the backing of the government the brain of the nation your propaganda machinery put on your police was put together to try to implement prohibition and you failed this mighty Messenger of God in a desert country among a barbaric people he makes the pronouncement and wine barrels were emptied never to be referred miracles what miracles are you talking about yeah with all the miracles you can do nothing your problems will increase you have your handful these are hints you know you say born-again you know it says now we got the spirit in us and we don't touch it anymore as great I take off my head to you great and everyone who testifies everyone without exception we will tell you that I was a drunkard I suspect marriage and smoked marijuana because it da ganja I used to take drugs I used to do this I was promiscuous I was a as gay I was a sodomite but now I mean I don't do those things anymore I say congratulations team congratulations but I said you see something took you out of the mire out of the dirt out of the food congratulations to you but I said but the system that stops you from falling into the Maya is a better system anyway prevention is always better than cure and you are not able to cure those 45 55 million drunk cats with all your good ghosts and all your lecturing and moving people you know to queue up by the thousands you will not be able to solve the problem the answer is total excellence and the only religion on the face of the earth which has don't touch that stuff is Islam brother Swaggart has written many books but there is one book is not what coming on surplus women look here's a stupendous problem in America stupendous problem on mere figures alone statistics tells you I don't find in common County of men and women here you tell me that there are seven point eight million more women than men if every man in America got married there still be seven point eight million women who can't get husbands yeah problem why don't you touch it they're hungry in New York just next door to you New York this is there are 1 million more women than men if every man in you have got married there still be a million woman in the city alone who can get husbands what's the answer buddy the holy was tell you I want you to tell them what the Holy Ghost says some de sublimates your passions is that what you do don't you need a wife and you've had a beautiful wife mr. Lucas is yesterday jokingly he said he said I told him jokingly I said look you know Islam allows me up to four I said up to four do I have only one but Aslam allows me up to four so he said you see I am allowed Christianity that allows me only one and you know I have chosen the best active of my head congratulations he was teasing my wife and I just before we came on and said Islam allows for wives he's just corrected me said up to four i said well mr. d dot christianity only allows us one so i had to get the best on the first shot but you have solved one woman's problem there are seven point eight million not only 7.8 if every month men got married but you're you're gay population of New York one-third against sodomites one-third out of the met if it was every man could get married you still miss 1 million women in New York alone but one-third of your new la population is gay sodomites all my loot you see your culture your civilization has created beautiful words with prostituted beautiful words for filthy dirty things these sodomites catamites and sodomites you call them gay the first time when I started you know reading this in the newspapers gay I was getting confused what is gay my god look I'm not pretending acting I am NOT a very learned man like most of you you see it passed through that elementary stage of education I've been talking talking so I thought myself into this position of talking that's all academically most of you you know you're far beyond me but I knew this word gay from childhood from school they taught me a poetry at school my teachers poetry this is gentle lords and ladies gay on the mountain Don's the day rhyming that we should call people he's happy and gay he's happy and gay no no that is this is a very trivial person with a men or women she's happy in gay man is happy and gay I start nothing but not about gay so what is gay Vanessa seem something suspicious about the way things they're writing about gay gay now I know that for sodomites you use such a beautiful world trade away now if I told our chairman is happy he might want to punch me on the jaw so much what do you take me for here did you get that I said huh when I used to go to school you look beautiful Oh what is that look no more then god almighty punishes them with AIDS what a beautiful world aids for acquired immune deficiency syndrome nice then they reduce it to a filthy dirty disease god almighty is you know punishing you for it but not you see you haven't got the answers Islam's gives the answer to your problem is as many women of your choice by twos and threes and fours but if you cannot do justice between them marry only one and there is a type of man who doesn't mind taking on extra responsibilities and there is a type of woman who doesn't mind sharing a husband but your law won't allow that they don't mind you'll be getting it doesn't illegitimate children every year that they don't mind you are a stud then you are a stack they call you a stud but if you lawfully said look I'll look after both this women and the children offspring I am prepared to be respond as an or you go to jail you can plant your Wild Oats as you like but don't marry sodomy legalized lesbianism legalized but when it comes to lawful marriage natural polygons is natural you say over my dead body go to jail and I said this is an answer to your problem you won't listen then you simmer in your supras you see soon after the war the Second World War I read a news item in my local paper Dateline from London say we are in close contact with Britain because we are english-speaking people it was South Africa was a colony of Britain so we are in close contact almost so many news we get from there they clan from Germany or from there but mostly from London and I'm reading a small headline very small it said five thousand misfits to be shipped to America and you know the human mind is so imaginative that what I'm reading that it conjures up a mental picture that these misfits must be cripples or people with her lip and clubfoot that you know the British people they haven't they're not so advanced in my mind as as as the broom at the American in the field of medicine so they must be sending them for treatment you know your hair lips and your clubfoot sending them for treatment that's the immediate picture of 5,000 misfits to be shipped to America but when I read further it says that these 5,000 misfits with the offsprings at that time the set of Negro soldiers stationed England during the war they said Negro soldiers I mean more insult to my afro-american brothers or my black brothers but that was written then 5,000 days I offsprings of Negro soldiers stationed in England during the war so I'm asking the question this wasn't the west coast of England I said how many black soldiers were there compared to the white Australian the white New Zealander the white South African the white Canadian the white American the white Free French the white poles and your own British soldiers compared to all that how many blacks were there negligible then soldiers before they go their training their toll to use prophylactics you know birth control they must not avoid getting infected with VD with gonorrhea right and then we also know that every arrow doesn't hit the mark nor is every prayer granted what amount of mischief was done in Christian England who produces 5000 Misfits during the period of the war what about can you imagine they have these children of our Negro brethren were too bad to be absorbed into English society you see if you had your sister bringing such a brat in the house and the child girl or boy screwing with the crinkly hair and with a little skunky nose and you know a little high bone this is everybody coming along service this is my sister Mary's Jack who's this so my sister Mary's child how do you feel your sister Mary's child so how does it come about you know we are white see okay see ya no father no mother is white no father is white everybody's why don't we did you get this they said you know some Negro for my system must have gone out with him you know and reduces Oh stinking she said look let us send them to America to be absorbed into Negro society so they shipped them to America I don't know take names you know many of our some of our leading men in America might be one of those 5000 we don't know but can you see the answer I said you have a surplus 4 million more women in England than men 4 million more women than men on the east purse alone this is 1.6 million more women than men on the east coast of England what do you know at that because them send them to Tibet they're running shot of women send them there why I says no there is a type of man who does not mind taking on extra responsibilities I saw it on your program here I was in Canada and from across the border from Buffalo or somewhere there was a program being beamed in all direction also to Canada in the hotel I switched it on and I see a program about polygamy and there was a man they said I got eight wives he was a ex-mormon he was excommunicated the Mormons at one time they allowed polygamy unlimited polygamy Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had many wives so now because of the force pressures from the other groups a few more work how many wives have you got you normal I'm sure they threw away no more but this more one and he was telling they give a figures fact linphea about now is that 20,000 Mormons have been excommunicated for having more than one wife they have them you can't register them but they have more than one wife 20,000 more miles this man is a tiger eight wives and they all happy with none of them were married before none of them they were not virgins but there were none married before then in the from the audience live audience you see one nice lumpy middle-aged woman she stands up what about me it's a YouTube give you address Alpha contact yeah you see you ask those women who got new husbands there will be about 20 million who are in the marriage market 20 million in the marriage market at least who are hungry for husbands and they are hunting for men in New York they're hunting for men and the midnight becoming Shayan becoming case era before coming here I started I left home I think on the 16th of November October October Pakistan Dubai Abu Dhabi Sharjah Allen and here and I had been telling my people there I said you people don't be fools men running to Bombay running to baby running to London wait for that's a good New York try and help them to solve the problem drink as a photo at a time you know you must be four at a time your country is sparsely populated there's no population vast stretch of lands and no people Saudi Arabia with that vast expensive land there's only about six to eight billion people access get them for four at a time and multiply the OMA and Allah will bless you you know you'll be happy you solve the Americans problem and you solve your own problems it is Dhamma if you can propagate procreate [Music] now I would like to see brother Swaggart write a book those brother and wife here from his Globus a look here is a problem very serious problem your sisters and daughters my sisters and daughters they are all mine I love them too and I says I feel for them by God I feel for them they are literally going to the dogs literally going to the dogs you read dr. Kinsey's the life of the american female here in your country the life of the american female by dr. Kunze the life of the american female is the same as the british female the french females the German female say that literally going to the dogs as it not Islam supplies the answer you will not happen to it I said then you simmer in your soup you are in hell you are in hell and you'll remain in hell with your drunk ass with your sodomites with a surplus women there is no way out for you but to accept Islam Islam offers you a solution Jesus Christ says for he will guide you into all all all your problems bring them Islam says the answers to all your problems you haven't got them then you'll never have them you prescribe a remedy for alcohol but the Swaggart he says I never drank in my life I believe he never touched beer he never smoked he never drank alcohol I take off my head time in this environment I said man you are an angel in this environment you didn't touch cigarettes you didn't touch beer you didn't touch any type of alcohol I said you are an angel but the solution for your problem you haven't got it you see your preachers your evangelist your born-again Christians history unionism the preacher is they the preachers you know alcohol at a meeting of the evangelists the preachers the hot Gospels the Bible compass they were asked somebody suggested look you people you know those of you who are prepared to speak out against the drinking of alcohol imbibing of alcohol please stand up nobody student they all want to dream you know why I'm the reason and Jimmy where the Jimmy says in his book that they reason reason is is that our Lord Jesus Christ turned water into wine if it was good enough for him and his disciples is good enough for us watching is very good and they tell you that this wne wine brother Jimmy believes it was pure grape juice as his brother you are not reading properly you see at the end of the feast towards the end when Ryan had run out Jesus was asked by his mother I said look help these people you know solve the problem she knew and he had certain mysterious powers so he says woman he's telling his mother woman whatever you do with D my time is not yet I says this how we call your mother same word woman use of the prostitute it says woman we're a tiny excuses for a prostitute he uses the word woman for his mother he calls a woman not mother he never called a mother in his life according to the scriptures he never called her mother woman woman says woman I don't believe it but that's the scripture says woman what have I to do with thee my time is not yet and when he's persuaded he says alright fill up the wax with water and he turned water into wine since then wine has flowed like water in Christendom and that wine the in Bibles who had been drinking whole life they say why have you kept the best wine for the last what in other words it must have been a very strong potent drink if you have been imbibing any drunkard will tell you if you're imbibing whole night your senses they get dulled you need a stronger and stronger drink more and more alcohol to make you feel that you're drinking something if that person after drinking heavily for the whole night you give him pure grape juice is like mud water so when the man says why have you kept the best for the last means it must have been something very strong and potent it is the same WI any wine reasons the preacher in Greek as WI any wine that not to drank and prohibited with his daughter's same WI any wine increase what rod drank same WI any wine the Jesus turned water into wine this is an excuse the only religion we says don't touch it is Islam you listen to this Alaska man solution is there you don't listen you clever your cleverness knives coming in you have preachers he says about the Christian brother Jim is my god he says he went to the bank it was good very often but he goes to a certain bank bank manager and he says you know who are the worst players asking Jim he says no this is preachers painters and prostitutes three-piece PPP the banker says and Jimmy says I said I agree I again say I don't know about painters and prostitutes but I dunno I dunno about preachers this is his testimony I said look these has a bomb again those who have the spirit in them this is the Spirit permeates in them when you speak to them is that the spirit is telling me this is the Spirit is telling and is direct communication with God God speaks to him son the lord I believe spoke to my heart and said you tell this distinguished gentleman this when you speak to them that the Spirit is telling me this in the spirit is telling and is direct communication with God God speaks to his son son which he didn't speak to his own son you know that was Jesus as he never addressed him as son he speaks in the third-person about his own son in inverted commas his own son but when it comes to anybody everybody all of these people who said God speaks to them you know if I had the chance as to what language what language was he talking to you English whatever he bleep and he called your son in this one instance son again Anderson again is a look in certain problems look I cannot tell you God truly I cannot tell you as a raccoon I couldn t tell you did you know the answer or you will not fit white Clannad cannot he tell you ask me a question either I'm ignorant I don't know but I said no I can't tell you not now I'll tell you on the way out we might um let be a reason he said you tell mr. de dah if it was God that spoke to me but when it comes to anybody everybody all of these people is that God speaks to them you know if I had the chance I said what language what language was he talking to you English what language he be and you called your son in this one instance son again Anderson again is a look in certain problems a look I cannot tell you God told you I cannot tell you as a white corner why couldn't you tell you did you know the answer or you will not fit like planet cannot he tell you ask me a question either I'm ignorant I don't know or I said no I can't tell you not now I'll tell you on the way out we might I might be a reason but the relationship born again there are 75 million born-again Christians in America according to Billy Graham in his book how to be born again 75 million means one-third of America are angelic they've got the Spirit of God in the one-third besides the preachers one-third and Jesus says a little leaven leaveneth the whole you need a little yeast to ferment the whole loaf if you have one-third yeast in your bread one third and if it doesn't famine the loaf I said there's something wrong wrong with you East jeez this what you're talking about the bible does speak about holy prophet of islam i have written a book expounding the horse I started with who Lara a tomb in kahneman in the la rocca far to me Basha Hadassah hidden women Israel ah la miss Li you get that book the title of the book is what the Bible says of our mohammed salah salem fully detailed on this verse i give 15 different reasons to prove the third prophecy and putting in the Bible from the Bible does not refer to Jesus but to Mohammed now what you have to do you acquiesce get the book read it memorize the verse you don't do that you are here for entertainment I know you'd like to be entertained everything's entertaining you so you come along to see this new entertainer you owe it to yourself in this environment look you can change the people what Allah and I tell you is the destiny of Islam to change this country you have it Allah has given it to us he's telling us in the Quran is giving you a deal he said Lee you say whoever who all have been a is to master overcome and supersede every other day every other way of life whether it be Judaism Hinduism Buddhism christianism communism every ISM this time is destined to master them oh so well ok al-kafi rule no matter how much the unbeliever might not like it and he repeats the same formula in the Quran again and he ends by saying well ok he'll must be cool no man might not like it this is the destiny of his deep and you repeat the same formula again in the Quran three times the who Allah see our Solaris you know who bill who da he it is were sent His Messenger with guidance but in heart and with the religion of truth we use hero who Aladeen cool that it will prevail over command supersede every other Dean bulldoze them all what a fabulous Ikeda and enough is Allah as a witness to this fact that is gonna make his Deen to prevail with you about you but we human rubbish I said all of you you and me Allah is giving us that opportunity to serve his D do a prophets God and earn a Prophet's reward Allah has given you the answers solution to the problems help them and by helping than you help yourself change them and you change the world we have a tradition towards the end of time the Sun will rise from the West the Sun will rise from the West but how do you understand it the Sun we know the Sun does not write it rise in the east and he doesn't set in the West it's an illusion that's been created we know that the earth is rotating on its axis and while it's rotating is in the impression that the Sun is rising and the Sun is setting the Sun doesn't rise and the Sun doesn't set this illusion has been created by the rotation of the earth on its axis so if the Sun is to rise from the West the way we see it then the earth must come to a standstill and going to reverse gear that's only we can rise from the West standing still is moving at a thousand miles an hour at the moment that you know and it's going to come to a standstill apply brakes and then turn the other way you won't be here to see the sights you won't see them but Allah everything will be washed away into the oceans once Allah applies the brakes the oceans will flow over and there won't be anything the highest peak will be all washed away so it is the fun of the Sun rising in the West I said no it's the Sun of Islam the knowledge of Islam the knowledge of God will rise from the West and this nation is hungry they go for anything anything goes here they worship Sun Myung Moon they worship guru Maharaj Swami Prabhupada they worship the Maharishi they worship father divine they used to worship is dead now father divine they are we had the Satan worshipping can't hear anything everything the nation is hungry is frustrated he doesn't know what to do this year on the fool around them they don't know what to do anything chuckles they grab what's wrong with you I said there's something wrong with you you Muslims two million here Oh like emasculated people wallah that such inferiority complexes my only reservation in this country here the most advanced country on earth civilize with all this technology you as like spineless people what los Piratas Muslims more species I'm talking about those who have come from the east whether you are an Arab or a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi or Indonesian all spineless people what you have done to me when I came here in 77 what you doing to me now I can see spineless people emasculated people past painted people you've got no spirit no women no energy no militant seeing you I come in 77 and I'll let you tour and I phone from New York to a station for the West Muslim fabrication population I said I am coming this is what will you lecture on subject I says what the Bible says about Mohammed is a very good starter very easy to get started about comparative religion that book that subject it's a night according to the appointed time and data arrived what he'll be advertised they give me a pamphlet not like this but small leaflet but you call it flyer it says there a prophet in the Bible Hamid II that will speak on a prophet in the Bible I said you understand English University students you monkeys a prophet I said what is a prophet you know what a means you don't know means any prophet a means and is indefinite article means any prophet in the Bible there are some 75 mentioned here any one of those are you interested in any prophet in the Bible is the Christian interested in any prophet in the Bible is the Jew interested in any prophet in the Bible no joy in fidelity complex I say what the Bible you too terrified to even write those words another group as a muhammad the greatest when i go there they advertise muhammad the great he's creating my profit with alfred the great the guy who burned the cake or alexander the great the pagan what shall we do sick people emasculator said the whole lot of i can see I don't know but Allah in His mercy he says he says do not despair that not to Mira but Allah do not despair of the mercy of Allah I would not be Muslim like if I did despair but I said there's something wrong with you people you better wake up voila is an opportunity unless giving you in this in this time innate in this age of technology and I sent you here for reasons best known to you why you are here but what an opportunity the asking is making the Christians mouth water when they see you look tonight the people giving you literature is making them out water you expatriate you come here this is man this is good stuff easy stuff easy meat you are easy meat they don't have to go to Malaysia Indonesia Bangladesh to preach they can preach from their Oh home base they can sleep with the wife and children and they can come and preach to language they don't have to learn your language we have learned their language culturally you are westernized the same so five chairs but he has same dining-room table and chairs which yes there they're not sitting down on the mat in the god with the smoke coming from the kitchen smarting arise not from every point of view they feel that you are God sent to them I said yes you are God said to do a job offer also change them people who can worship anything everything why won't they will not accept Alaba rotala why won't they the reason is you don't open your mouth you know why you don't open your mouth you too terrified you are suffering from a host of inferiority complexes get them out of you open the Quran read the Quran a letter last fifty years Allah will beat for you allow his book to touch the heart and in child law allow a love to talk to you hey nice talking to you in the Koran he's talking to you and me into every passerby in the street let him talk to you and you will not be able to sit on your backside doing nothing waiting for other people to come and miss make a mess of you to use you as a punching bag we use you as a doormat to want to make miss in your head is that the wrong Allah says no we use a hero who a lot the equally walk afar bellari shahida and interfaith Allah is a witness to this fact that his roommate is Dean to prevail it's a privilege Allah is giving you dated waffled are 100 hand reliable enemy [Music] Thank You mr. Deedat or giving a lecture the first question is Western society after refers to the inferiority of Muslim women and their separation where is the true position of a Muslim woman according to Islam the position of the Muslim woman is in Islam that men have their rights and women have their rights and the Quran says our Ruggiano communal Misa says man is a degree about women because he is the breadwinner see if there is extra responsibility put upon an individual naturally he has extra powers in other words in no society Western society that I know that if a man deserts his wife he is apprehended and is made to pay maintenance but if the case is in Reverse they don't catch the woman and make her to pay maintenance for the family so this is natural because the man is the breadwinner he's made responsible so he is a degree above women there is no such thing as absolute equality men and women but women actually rule the home you know like the Frenchman says that women can do anything because they govern those who govern everything and it's a fact whether in a Western home or in an oriental home Muslim home is the woman if she knows how you know Shakespeare says she Stoops to conquer if she humbles herself it says dear what do you say and the husband will attend say look man whatever you say in a way you will to go San Francisco or New York whatever you say he's prepared to give him so in other words not it's left to the woman what she she want to compete with man you see the competition going on and is creating all the problems you do the same thing your problems will be the same so in Islam the position is that the both have their rights men have the rights and women have the rights but they are not absolutely equal in the sight of God they are all equal but in social for social purposes there is like for example you know divorce there is for example men can have four wives and a woman can have four husbands you an equality that the woman also can have four husbands well you try it and see what happens [Music] mr. Deedat you have talked a bit about blacks and the problem of racism would you please present the Islamic solution of this problem the problem of racism [Music] see the elaborate electors in holy quran johannes o mankind the whole of mankind is addressed not only muslims johannes in Naha nikumans Zachary Monza so mu certainly Allah has created you all from a male and a female Virgil Hawkins Ruvalcaba Allah and it is he who has made you into nations and tribes lita Arafah that you may recognize one another not that you may discriminate and exploit one another little are in academic oon in the logit carcass is the most certainly the noblest in the sight of God is he who is the best in conduct this is the standard later by elaborate Allah or judging not race language color or riches but your behavior and not only as a theories Islam has certain practical ways of bringing this about everybody speaks about the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man the Christian will tell you that the Jew will tell you that the Muslim tells you that that there is but one Lord and we are all his creation we his creatures yes Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man but how did you implement that Brotherhood no system Islam has a system five times a day it brings people together rubbing shoulders the black and the white the rich and the poor the African and the Indian the Arab and the Malay everybody rubbing shoulders using the same tabs using the same towels standing shoulder to shoulder no gaps left between one individual and another in our form of prayer Salah so that the devil might not get in between you and your brother that devil is not the one we see in the ad galleries you know with hones sharp ears tilled with a bob hook ready complexion no it's not that devil when I wanna be a curry masala Salim he said that we must not leave gaps between one devotee and another so that the devil might get in between you and your brother the devil he was talking about was your race I am white he's black I am rich he's poor that devil must not be allowed to take to get in between you and him because if you did is if I stand at a distance guys Negro I'm an Indian so I'm an Arab he's gonna jump no there's no opportunity so stand shoulder to shoulder no gaps left you know there was a practical system then if one can afford once in a lifetime for a pilgrimage on a bigger scale in your social around environment Fridays the Masjid the cathedral mosque the juma mosque and higher this thing Ivica on Eid occasions get out and get people from all over the place into one common place and in a universal level go on a pilgrimage then you go and you get surprise of your life this is what meant from Tamil Nadu he's a Muslim because in my country all the terminals are Hindus he is camera then is a Muslim this meant here pitch back like coal from utopia Muslim my brother and this guy here is blond hair and blue eyes like German or a Norwegian Muslim from Turkey no it eliminates racism it's a system not only talking but a system that keeps on bringing about five times a day when you mix a lot and you end the Salah this assalamu alaikum warahmatu law so peace and blessings of allah to everybody to the right of me and i see here here's a man from utopia assalamu alaikum warahmatu law i see here is a man from Africa assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah next time I see a man from China assalamu alaikum warahmatu law I said see a man from Timbuktu so what he does is a system of eliminating racism talking is not alone it is a system laid out by the all-mighty the all-wise how to and I come laughs we Muslims we are the least racist of any group of people on earth we still have it the lyrics from the past like in my own case you see my ancestors were Hindus in India we had a caste system we divided mankind into four different groups in South Africa they divide you into four different groups racial groups in my country in to pass four different castes I am a Muslim but the environment is telling me again and again that this guy is a Brahmin his top and this is an untouchable he slowed down 5,000 years of Hindu blood has been flowing in my veins so if there is still some leave something lingering on you can understand people can understand but as the people as a whole we are the least racist of any other community on earth what does it it is Islam so Islam not only talks about it but it shows you how to solve it yesterday you proved that the Bible was not the Word of God how could you now code the Bible to predict the coming of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam please explain yesterday was a debate their format had been laid out originally it was 50 minutes 60 minutes and 10 both side had 60 60 but the format was whoever speaks first has 10 minutes at the end because every advantage has a disadvantage so both speakers speak 60 minutes each now with that format you have no time to explain each and every position so what is the Bible so what do we consider the Bible tree as a whole passer we said this is not the book of God and I proved it control reasoning according to the book itself the internal evidence that Moses didn't like the books attributed to him to Mark Luke and John didn't like the books attributed to them not only is not the book of God but it's not even the book of Matthew Mark Luke or John you're talking about 24,000 manuscripts I challenge that there's no two are identical so you have 24,000 different Gospels which one you just pick to the pick that suited you you accepted it who authorized you council of music they said we take this we take that we take that all the Gospels that are not accepted we are not accepted at one time it's now pick and choose what suits you you accept it that's what you have done and you say nice the Word of God but now the Word of God is in it in the book the Word of God is in the book the word of the Prophet is in the book the word of the historian is in the book and pornography is in the book now I hope to explain all that I said you see I'll give you examples about the Word of God like in the book of Deuteronomy you see the verse I quoted in Arabic the same thing is in the Bible almost an identical idea is they it reads I will raise them up a profit I will raise them up a profit from among the Brethren like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him so who is this I God speaking to have a musalla Sarah that I will raise them up a prophet from among their brother from among the Bani smari Bani Israel are being addressed is that from among your brother like unto thee like you like Musa and he will and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command so says this I is God you don't have to be a theologian or a DD or an evangelist anybody will tell you on the plain reading of it that these are not the words of Moses these are the words of God another quotation from the book of Isaiah as if God is speaking and God is speaking remember the former things of old I am God and there is none else I am God and there is none like me who's that Isaiah no no juices that Isaiah came divinity they would have killed him if he did no he's speaking on behalf of God God is speaking through him like a mouthpiece this is the job of a prophet of God he is a mouthpiece of God he hears the worst words of God any convince them to you so I I am God and there is none else I am God and there is no Savior besides me who God God is talking this is the word of God you don't have to be a professor of theology to see that there is another type of evidence in the Bible see now if it was a lecture I would have been done all this last night but this is the debate so whatever the man is throwing it you can start grappling with everything the caravan is moving and the dogs start barking you don't start the caravan moving back to chase the dogs you got to move on you got to do your job and get on with it and finish your job there was no occasion for explaining all these things to you you see then there is the tough wood of the prophet of God example Jesus says it has been said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her yet committed adultery with her already in his heart who is this I Jesus Jesus is talking the word of a prophet of life again Jesus says it has been said madam of all time that whosoever puts away his wife let him give her a bill of divorcement but I say unto you who says I Jesus who was of a prophet of God again Jesus says it has been said by them of old time and I for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I say unto you who's this I Jesus the words of a prophet of God then there is another type of evidence in the Bible first was as if God speaking second was as if a prophet was speaking third what does the historian how does he speak he says in the Gospel of st. mark so while he talking about Jesus in bracket I put Jesus while he was going forth into the way he Jesus saw a victory in the distance with leaves happily he came up to it wanting to find fix thereon but when he Jesus came there was nothing but leaves for the season was not yet who's writing and I witness or a witness not God and not Jesus say see another type of evidence hood of God word of the Prophet word of the historian and there was that other type of thing I was suggesting and I lost $100 do you remember if you were there I had lost $100 I wondered brother Swaggart you know to read a certain chapter from the book from the Bible and he ignored it at first maybe he had no time and somebody from the audience prodded him again he says you know look what about that chapter as a keel and there was $100 also involved so he read it but he read it the 60 60 miles an hour so one of your university students while I'm sitting there he comes to me he looks he read but I didn't know so what was a joke I said look one thing is you are at a disadvantage you are an Arab from Arab country you don't do English - well number one number two that the English that he was using were at hours archaic old fashioned from the King James Version you see we had given him that pamphlet which was in from the New International Version modern language will you call a spade a spade but he was reading from that archaic Bible I can't blame you for that because he uses that King James he read it and you don't know English - well that's also a disadvantage and he was reading at that speed I told you just now so these are all the facts and what you do you go and read it you know in that pamphlet and you see what he was reading so he read it you know bulk of the people I'm sure they could didn't catch the joke no that's peds pronunciation he was not as emphatic when he course other biblical verses you know he makes every word and phrase to go down your throat or down your ears but here was something if 60 miles an hour so there is that type of thing which I said no decent man can read it his mother sister daughter or even his fiancee if she is a good woman now what you have to do is you have to go and read it yourself to know what was read you didn't like the joke is no fault of mine you see you don't understand English too well and then you know the speed uptake language all these things where factors well you don't catch the joke is but if you tell the joke then you know something that no decent man can read in his church or to his family right so this is there's another type of evidence so we have the Word of God in the Bible there is the word of the prophet in the Bible this is the word of the historian and eyewitness or witness in the Bible and there is that other type of risque pornography in the Bible now we also have such a thing in Islam we have the Word of God in the Quran only a la scala he doesn't tell you stories we know an incident in the life of the prophet sallallaahu lamb that a christian deputation had come from Nazareth in Medina these Arab Christians they had heard that another Arab he is claiming that he's in communication with the Almighty he's a prophet she said let's go cross examine him let us go and see what he knows so they came to Medina and they were housed in the Masjid the nebari they acted there they slept there and they had a dialogue there for three days and perhaps three nights and when sunday came I wanna be occurrence Allah loves Salam he offered the Masjid to these Christians to offer the prayers he was so broad-minded not like as some of us we are you know we think Obama's is a superior to the Masjid they never way that I wanna be had no doubt in construction yes he allowed them but gave them permission to make their prayers so during the course of this discussion the spokesman for the Christian poses the question among so many other things say alright now tell us o Muhammad what is your concept of God and I wanna be a Kareem cellular laughs and he doesn't fumble you know well you see it's like this and like that no he doesn't do that he is the God of Abraham Moses and David and Solomon you know who spoke to Abraham no he doesn't talk like that see when the question is posed what is your concept of God so the Holy Prophet Muhammad's Allah Allah Salam as if he was pressing his spiritual buttons time to contact feel of him Mahfouz the head computer so oh my god what shall I say nobody heard that there were no buttons to press I said as if I hope you people understand that then when I go away don't create a controversy he said Muhammad press buttons' you know here the computer I said as if oh my lord what shall I say comes the answer through him you say oh Allah who he is Allah the one and only a lot of summer got the eternal absolute love nearly the velum unit he does not beget in his not be gotten well am yaqula lahu one odd and there's nothing I can do him . and you see this is our concept of God now you see he's on a different level he is made to say kun say he's asking oh my lord what shall I say nobody heard him say that that comes the answer say it doesn't fit into normal speech they are asking what is your concept of God so you don't tell him say somebody asked you what is 12 times 12 what do you say 144 am i right 6 times 6 36 you don't say say 36 say 144 do you say like that no why say because the words are being put through his mouth from Fela we have Mahfouz from the preserved tablet from the head computer see he's in contact he's got that machine spiritual matters yeah merit Allah is communicating what shall I say say say who Allah God now that I say look all these things actually is not in the Quran in the Quran you open surah last chapter hundred and twelve you start bismillah al-rahman al-rahim in the name of God most gracious most merciful o allah I've had say he is Allah the one and only a lot of Samad got the eternal absolute love me a little mu lad he does not beget and it's not begotten well hello who for one I've had and there's nothing like unto him full stop that's what he was what was the occasion what how did it come about nothing so only the Word of God everything else where the details given to us later on is to look this is what happened people who are eyewitnesses your witnesses what's happening whatever may be said but happen all that put together is our knowledge you find the other details in the books of Hadees words of the Prophet separate volume a la scala separate volume hadees words of the prophets separate volume history imam hassan ii ignores anatomy tamiya great writers great separate books separate books and our arabian night also separate book yes [Music] you know the Arabian Nights you know fairy there are those filthy dirty stories we're circulating around the campfire you know the addicts also had something to pass time with you know please LA before Islam and even maybe after Islam you know I'm the Harun al-rashid mahmoud al Rasheed we don't know how the Empire developed and they were wondering the past time you know somehow lightheartedness jokes dirty stories you stole around the campfire right they written now in books Fitzgerald he translated it there will be nights the unexpurgated edition I read it and I enjoyed it very much was a young boy who I loved it you know the unexpected additions but in separate it's not in the Quran it's not in the work saying that the Prophet is not in the works of a historian separate book so we have the words of God word of the Prophet word of the historian and pornography all in separate compartments they have it all in one volume so how can we use it you say I said look we're in a case any worldly dispute if it goes to court you see the plaintiff the man who makes the complaint he goes into the box you know the witness box and he testifies he gives his testimony he at least discharged then your lawyer you are the defendant your lawyer cross-examines him about the things about which he can prove to the judge the guy's lying he's lying he's lying he imagined Rises also speaking certain truths but now in any civilized nation on earth how do you deal with this problem where he was lying you take that out he said look you said it was at that night he said yes the moon was not honest there was no streetlights no and he said you saw his car I said yes then you read the number plate he said yes he said he got such sharp eyes you know microscopic or what eyes in x-ray eyes that you can see all these things say can you see something they he said no I can't I said what this room is lighting here and you can see that curtain there what color something written there is and I can't so what is telling to the jet the guy's line is a liar is a liar is a liar once you prove your case he closes the case and he asked for absolution with cost in this case must be thrown out and I will get cost for all the trouble he's given and he'll get it now he said no but you know what about the state when I said which was true the court doesn't consider that you see you take what you can prove your case and the rest I said look man that is something it's got nothing to do with us we proved through the world we prove to you that you haven't got a leg to stand upon this is my inheritance this clause so and so this reveals to me for this reason that reason that reason closed the case the job is done this is how you reason anything in life and we do the same when it comes to religion [Applause] [Music] I was a Christian before but now I have converted to Islam and I'm at peace I I practice I practice Islam very much and try my best to be a good Muslim before I converted to Islam I was a gay now that I am a Muslim I still get feelings about other men I try my best to avoid these feelings how or what would you recommend me doing to totally avoid myself of homosexuality brother I can't give you any easy solution I can't give you a pill so look you take this pill and your problems will be over you see a lifetime of you will have it it takes great effort great sacrifice you know to control it to curve it and what you need is good company and the company of a la scala you read this book of God we'd understand if you read it with understanding you'll find that Allah but Allah God Almighty is talking to you and when you allow him to talk to you and talk to you and talk to you his words will do the job for you there is no easy way I can't say that there is some easy way that as I said at the beginning you take a pill or you take something I give you a piece of paper with something written on it put it on your neck and you will be you know solving this problem I have no such easy solution it's a battle and which we'll have to carry out to the best of your sincerity energy you carry it out and I believe and I believe that God Almighty will help you in your effort to go straight I hope so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how can you explain the fact that so many Christians believe in the Bible as it is these days although you claim that it contradicts himself and it's so obvious okay how can you explain the fact that so many Christians believe in the Bible as it is these days although you claim that it contradicts itself and it's so obvious you see brainwashing bring we all get brainwashed see last time when I came in 77 I was speaking to students and professors in the university of Berkeley San Francisco and I said you are all brainwashed so one professor stood up and corrected me is this mu programmed assess I beg your pardon program we are all getting programmed you see we are all programmed from childhood into certain beliefs certain attitudes and if nobody comes along with a better understanding knowledge to reprogram you to deprogram you you remain there because he is like a drowning man he's found something you know you say look this book can't help you it is the spirit within you that has helped you you are have been an alcoholic all your life and you are looking for a way out you want somebody to help you you know you go home and you see your wife is terrified you find that you're not terrified that they're all getting out of your way you know what's going on you know it's terrible it's horrible but what can you do what can you do you don't like it but you are helpless you are in the clutches of this devil alcohol and they cancel on a person with a little charisma and you know he says look my team can believe that Christ is there for you he's done everything for you is paid for you emotionally you are in a mood for change you are like a drowning man struggling to get out to save yourself from drowning and the straw you know that you've hit upon the straw and you were able to come out you say the straw helped me as this knew it was the struggle that you have been going on in your heart and mind the struggle you put up brought you to the shore not the straw but now when you are trying to explain that on a logical basis is the look it's the easiest struggle that self do your intention your sincerity that saved you you know he is thinking that now you trying to push him back into the Maya no we are only explaining but now people they have gone through this experience and they're terrified if the let go of the Christ Christ died for my sins they said me he says brother it is your determination your will your faith that saved us cry save me as if he's Frank he's terrified he say you under drown him again you know push him back into it which is not the case so you see now we have to give the people an alternative they haven't caught it the only book they know is this and this book they can see the bulk of the people they can see man what miss it has made it hasn't got answers to the problems so when he lets go he lets go or he can't grabs and grab anything how did Krishna movement you know the guys with the little pigtail they go around dancing with the yellow saffron clothes and with the drumming no it is the mind you know you want something grab something as I get peace yeah I get peace the so you joined the Moonies you find peace you can have a question a moment you get peace is anymore it is what you were yearning for the u.s. striving for and these are just excuses the straws the straws the straws is not the straws that are saving you so our Christian brothers and sisters they don't know anything about the Quran they know nothing about the Quran if their own book lets them down what about any Eastern book the Quran and Eastern book what did it do for you they do know this book and the trouble is with us we haven't done anything to educate them we ourselves we don't know anything about the Quran the bulk of us how do you speak to a Christian my Arab brothers you see the new knowledge you are good Muslim that hat maybe you are good Muslims you know the Quran but how are you going to explain to them what the Quran says in your heart and mind you understand when you say smell rahmani raheem in the name of allah most gracious most merciful why Scarlett alma lighter to Yama Yama why Scarlett Elma like Atiamuri amo in Allah hasta foggy but a hierarchy Bostaph a Kalani Salalah mean beautiful translated translated for your hero how do you know translated say where you see the came and what else can you do you know yourself you understood it beautifully mashallah you know what it says but now you don't know the language you don't know that terminology see you have just a new person here you know you are maybe a mathematician and electronics and all that but this language how to translate what you are reading you don't know so my brother said about you people is a look there's current are for the non-muslim American he didn't use the word non-muslim but that's what he meant America you are most of you might be warned you also American Muslim born here you're American but is enough he had in mind non Muslim America so you let them have it but that also not good enough you see you I said you are also needed believe me you need this translation in this environment at home you don't need it Allah in the sight of Allah you believe it translations you don't need but now let's talk to this in this ocean of westernization Christendom English environment you need a translation to put the correct words correct meanings of what you are reading it's dead in the mind but you can't reproduce it so now you get the translation surah al-e-imran chapter 3 verse 42 smell like rahmani raheem like the sonya the smell life of my rahim so what is called little Malaika to Yama Yama behold the angel said o Mary in Allah hasta foggy but a Hiraki was tough aculon halal I mean that God Almighty has chosen thee and purified the chosen thee above the women of all nations yah marginal utility key was duty work am i rapping so me worship has not devoutly prostrate thyself and bow down and pray with those who bow down now if you can memorize that English you know Arabic already I have experimented on groups of Arab students in the Ronnie you see I said now how many of you knew miss Carla tell Malaika - yeah Maryam ooh Rastafari what a heart how many of you and almost 80% put up their hands I said are you all half as in Quran says no this is how do you know well constant reading your language easy to retain right as a smash-up you have done the job you know it now I said now how to improve English I'm going to teach you how to improve your English you see I learn many languages I know many languages sometimes I can come to Indonesian Swahili Spanish what languages nice GG Zulu try an African zoo Arabic Hebrew what language you wanna hear tell me quickly all this I have name what language you under here ha German I didn't say German come on come on the languages I said for the Indonesian or Malaysian you know Spanish Spanish Swahili such as I mean in my pono yong-nam Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo enemy minion Michigan Indiana Warren Wagar oh I am doing honestly I know I learn languages different different languages it serves my purpose you see this one here you see Hebrew I wanted to go to Israel to talk to my cousin's delivering the message from the last will and testament of other Musa al-salaam so I said I go to them talk to them assess you see in the last will and testament of Musa al-salaam book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18 it says Navi acting like him I carry a high him camo hobby not a tea before with the bill I wanna speak to my Arab brothers I don't know Arabic so I learn I get the Arabic Bible submit Christian Arabs I said you know Arabic he said yes I had an argument with the fellow was giving me a lot of trouble in Canada at a place called Hamilton you see a lecture at the end of the lecture this man here is asking me questions and he won't let go another question and another question fortunately you haven't got the chance tonight you see this all written on paper so you've got no chance of coming back in a hurry but that meant they were will question one question I answer that another one and another one he went to live in the meetings over he still around me he won't let me go from his tongue I can make out he's an Arab and from his what is asking I know he's a Christian so I said you added he said yes he said I'm a Christian from the Lebanon and say you know Arabic serious of course this is this my mother tongue as a go-go you don't know Arabic this is intellectual judo you know judo you say no I mustn't do it like that sometimes you you have 1000 million you doing your own way go ahead I'm not interfering with you this is my way you see when I was young I did judo I did boxing I did wrestling I did weightlifting therefore you see I'm 69 I'm still standing straight so I said go go man you don't know Arabic he's a human you say you know my language better than me I says no no I'm ashamed to tell you that I'm a born Muslim but I don't know Arabic is the language of the Quran as the language language of Jannah language of my prophet but I don't know Arabic I'm ashamed of myself then so what do you mean I don't write a bit I said you see you read this book the Bible in your own mother time in Arabic I said yes and I said you are understanding the exact opposite of what you're reading not what is there if you are told in the Bible thou shalt not commit adultery you are understanding as if it is saying thou shalt commit adultery so what do you mean you take me for a swim bait I said no no no look I will prove it to you I will prove it to you so I said you remember when Jesus went to that upper room where they had the Last Supper after his alleged crucifixion I said he goes in and he wishes his disciple Shalom alaikum peace be unto you in Hebrew same as Salaam alaikum when he said peace be unto you as his disciples were terrified so why were they terrified when you meet your long-lost master you uncle your grandfather ya happy the Arab has he embraces to another kisses one another I used to feel very funny before but I'm used to it now some people in the village they kiss on the my forehead you know how it feels so funny you know but now I'm getting used to it oh the Arab or the Jew embraces one another see his master embrace instead of doing that the guys identified as iy with the clarify this is no nuke test as chapter 24 verse 36 that they were affrighted because they thought he was a spirit I said did it look like a spirit he says no then I said why should they think the man is a spirit when it didn't look like one he's puzzle such a look the reason is I gave all that then I said you know Jesus want to assure them that they are not what they're thinking they are thinking he has come from the back from the dead he's resurrected so he says Giroux Alya daya where is Allah Allah says behold my hands and my feet in me and agua that it is I myself so who Sunni ones uru is a handle me and see find no ha less allahu la maza for a spirit has no flesh and bones as you see me have and they felt him and they believed not for joy means they were overjoyed and wondered what happened man we thought the man was dead and buried so he says in the community on him you get any here anything to eat for now Alou who choose am in summer Kim Roche and min Shahada a saline for a casa Kuala Kodama and they gave a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb and he took any act in the very side asleep or what that is the coast is a spook is a spirit no to prove I'm the same for a man damn fools what are you afraid of before I bowled him over this Arab Christian that language so I do learn these snippets of from different languages I don't know Hebrew I don't know Indonesian I don't know you know Arabic but I don't know Spanish but I can give it to you how do I do it I say I have a unique way of learning unique method unique nobody I'm a unique person you know that there's not another person on earth not this is everybody's wallah everybody's unique everybody is unique see I'm not boasting but everybody's unique I have told my wife one day that I am unique she doesn't believe it but I proved it while she didn't believe it she's think I'm boasting nobody like me I say I'm unique there is really nobody like me she says no so I said you know in the family mr. so-and-so I don't take the name so she says mentally she sees the fire is there another guy like him so she sees she says no I said I was son eldest and my eldest son you brought him I said another guy like him so she scans he says no I said your brother Ibrahim her brother as is they another guy like him so she scans she says no say you see but I have a unique method it is unique I said you see I use the Bible to learn these languages any language I want to learn I'll go and get a Bible in that language because they got it in two thousand different languages and I know the Bible in English extensively by heart people think I'm half your Bible which is not the case half is in Quran is not the case but it seems at times Hospital Quran Caviezel Bible I am NOT but I know this book extensively I haven't come across a single Christian in my life who knows his Bible better than I know [Music] so because I know this so much my heart if I want to learn Arabic I get the Arabic Bible and I opened the verse which I already know very easy to learn and understand every word I want an Indonesian I went and what an Indonesian Bible so already what I know I look for it in addition I went to Zulus that's what the same so I hey I did the same that's how I learn it's a unique method and I want you to do the same in other words I'm gonna tell you all the worn by Bibles and go and learn like that I says no but what I have in English the Bible you have in Arabic the Koran I said use that you know this verse as I say yes now you get an English translation look at the words that you already know why scholar till my life after Yama Yama to behold the angel said o Mary memorize that behold the angel said o Mary in Milazzo hockey but the hockey was tough aculon is a l-'alameen so I said learn that English first by goes you know Arabic another in English now once you have done that your walkability is improving construction of sentences is improving now an opportunity for use I said here around the hon I - I'm told that there were some 10,000 Americans I said they all your customers any white man you see you ask him excuse me sir what church you belong to he gives you a name you know here's your customer it says you know we believe in Jesus said yes he's thinking maybe you want some cigarettes a chocolate from me he says you know what my book says about Jesus's no it says it smells like rahmanir rahim my scarlet ill Malaika to Yama Yama say behold the angel said o Mary in Allah hasta at the hierarchy rest of that top top top as soon as you go to Britain or America for studies you will be on a better wicket you see the biggest problem you students have I know at that conference I was told that number one problem when you come to this country though you have learned English at home your language and your problem is language number one second year problem number one language third year problem number one language fourth year may be language takes second place or third place some other problems language language language that's your problem so I said now this is how you master you do a last work you talk you read Arabic Allah give you some ops Allah Allah every letter that you read he gives 10/10 salams blessings when you say Alif LAAM Meem 10:00 10:30 survives you said you smell like rahmani raheem the 190 survives so i scarlet ill Malaika to Yama Yama I will count them but over 200 survives blessings blessing you did it Salam Arabic is making more fluent your English is improving you're getting the courage now every time you meet a man you can talk you become a talker you know if we gave you the opportunity tomorrow morning class questions from the floor not even a quarter of this will be here you know that 25 terrified I've seen it again and again as soon as it come I write flood a flood of questions why you are terrified to stand up and speak why because you're not used to this is it stand up and speak man us make a fool of yourself but as we keep on making a fool of yourself if you'll improve test your customers yeah man what an opportunity 200 million Americans everybody is prepared to listen to you in the language which you are now trying to acquire talk to him and Bowl him over talk to him improve your English talk to him and get spiritual blessings that allow very what you hear as well as in the Hereafter
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 157,049
Rating: 4.8205705 out of 5
Keywords: أحمد ديدات, swaggart, response, muhammed, bible, jimmy swaggart, ahmed deedat
Id: ua_gzH88ooM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 56sec (7496 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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