Dawah in the USA - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] well to do that if you will greet the people before you go inshaallah meet the imam salaam alaikum a lot of us don't realize this but uh brother d that holds a lot of trust with us [Applause] [Music] is [Music] mr chairman and brethren i bring to you peace and salutations from the deepest south of africa if you look at the map of the continent of africa at the south most point you will find a country called south africa in that country live some half a million muslims and on their behalf i wish you peace and salutations [Music] my dear brothers and sisters i read to you a small segment of a verse from surah muhammad sallallahu alaihi there is a chapter in the holy quran and the title of the chapter is muhammad if you look at an index like the quran i have in my hand by abdullah yusuf ali if you have that quran if you open the index just like a dictionary and the m you'll find the word muhammad and it will tell you it is chapter number 47. and in that chapter 47 the last verse chapter verse 38 i have quoted to you the last segment of the last verse i repeat is if you turn back from the duties and responsibilities which allah has imposed on you for being the higher um the best of people see allah describes as he says you are the best of people evolved for mankind what makes you the best of people is it because some of us claim arab blood in us or some claim to be pakistanis or pathans of ghani's and some from west africa what makes us great what gives us this honor and this privilege being the high rav matin the best of people the thing that makes us allah says because you're enjoying what is right and you forbid what is wrong and you believe in allah if these are your qualities then you are the best of people if you are the best of people then this honor also puts upon us certain responsibilities there is no honor without responsibility the imam of the masjid carries with him certain responsibilities the mayor of a town carries with him certain responsibilities the manager or director of an institution carries with him certain responsibility so there is no honor without responsibility if allah puts upon us this honor of being the best of people it also carries with it certain responsibility and that responsibility is that we are to share this honor with others and in the first instance the very first people allah wants us to share this with other jews and the christians in that very verse [Music] but if the people of the book meaning the jews and the christians if they hearken to this message the message of al-quran it will be better for them in other words it will be better for you among them there are means faithful people among the jews and the christians allah says there are good people i didn't want to say that you wouldn't like to hear that this but the majority of them are perverted transgressors now we have to share this honor and this privilege with these people with the rest of mankind the whole of mankind but in the first instance the jews and the christians were prepared for this message allah sent prophets after prophet sridha we name them all these were jewish prophets all the prophets most i will give our children muslims these names musa daou suleiman ishaq all these are jewish names allah chose them in the first instance but he he he is carrying out an inexorable law of his own that once he selects you he chooses you for certain responsibilities for certain position of honor and if you do not carry out your responsibilities then he says yes he will substitute in your place another people from malaya then they won't be like you so in the religious history of mankind allah chose the jews as i named some of the jewish prophets then among the four heavenly books which we claim to believe in we say we believe in the taurat we believe in the sabur we believe in the injeel and we believe in the furqan is the holy quran among these four books 75 are jewish books given to jewish prophets taurat was given a jew zaboor was given to hazard a jew injeel was given to hazrat islam [Music] 75 of the heavenly books that we affirm we believe in are jewish books sent to the jews but allah's law allah chooses a people for a certain purpose see he chose the bani as he says so children of israel remember the special favors which i did unto you that i preferred you about all the peoples of the earth for my special favors he chose them but they didn't carry out their responsibilities they made the religion a racial religion you have to be born as you to be a jew they don't want you [Music] so a jew among the jews hazrat is salaam according to the christian record he's telling the jews he says the kingdom of god will be taken away from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof you don't fulfill your obligations you don't produce fruits then allah will take away that honor that privilege and giving give it to somebody else and whenever he does that allah when he does that when he substitute one people by another it is usually the people you look down upon he makes them to sit on your head [Applause] this is his way you see the jews were looking down upon the arabs their cousins they say that father abraham had two wives sarah and hajjar the children of sarah are the bani israel the jews and they say that the arabs are the children of hagar they say hagar they call her children hagarins now they call islam hagarism these are new new terms are inventing to hurt our feelings they call the arabs hagarins and islam the muslims as islam as hagarism this is in the christian literature people that they look down upon that these arabs are the children of hajjara who was they say a bond woman a slave woman a woman from africa actually she was a princess of egypt but the jews in their hatred for their cousins they label they have been labeling the other prophets and their progeny and they will not leave out their arab cousins so say these are the children of the born woman a slave woman and as such yesterday in new york a christian woman came for that question time and she made certain insinuations saying that hazard is a bastard for allah and she went on beyond that she said everybody is a bastard including herself of course but uh you see the hatred makes them to speak like that see they say that sarah was the legitimate wife of ibrahim alaihissalam but hydera because she was a bond woman a slave woman a marriage contract had not taken place as if you know uh three four thousand years ago they went to court like you go today or go to a church and in front of a priest you know do you accept this woman as your lawful wedded wife and you say i do and they were supposed to go through such processes which was not the case but however god almighty chose ismail salaam and his children from among his children the holy prophet muhammad to superse the jewish hierarchy of religion the people that they were looking down upon allah makes them to sit on their heads this is his law we come nearer in the middle east during the time of harun al-rashid mahmud rashid they made it a veritable fairyland the muslims it was a veritable fairy land scenes that existed then you can't reproduce them anymore except on films on films you can do anything hollywood can do anything but in real life no more no no no on the borders of our muslim empire where the mongols mongols you know barbarians jahangis khan kohan barbarians and the muslims watching them on the border says these barbarians what can they understand about islam what can they know they were not interested in propagating the faith so allah as this commanding them is gone put them into the dust and they attack the muslim empire and down into the dust ruin the shocks the shocks that the muslim world received at the hands of the mongols we have not come out of out of the shops yet he has stopped the moon i will substitute in your place another people from malaya then they won't be like you the muslims rule spain for 800 years there again they had a wonderful evening a jolly good time 800 years no christian nation has ever ruled muslims for that period of time in the history of mankind the longest that the christians rule muslims is in mozambique mozambique you know mashal he has just met with an accident in hiday mashal samura michel mozambique old portuguese territory see about 500 years ago the portuguese with the superior gunpowder conquered that territory the ruler at that time was musa been baked and arab who was in charge of that settlement musa been baked the portuguese couldn't say musa been baked so there's a mozambique muslim territory even after 500 years of watching his rule 60 percent of mozambique is muslim so the longest their rule ever ruled was at that place mozambique we ruled spain for 800 years and we didn't do our job we didn't do the job the muslims they were looking down upon the people in spain that these pig eaters wine biebers what can they understand about islam they couldn't he says no they can't your forefathers could your forefathers the arabs forefathers i'm talking about drunkards adulterers gamblers they married their stepmothers they buried their daughters alive they could be transformed by this but the spanish people know 800 years you know of enjoyment allah describes the scene so how many were the gardens in the fountains they left behind was kareem and corn fields and monumental buildings and wealth and the amenities of life in which they took so much delight [Music] this is when the power was ringed out of their hands neither the heavens nor the earth shared a tear for them no was respite given to them anymore finished just after 800 years of muslim rule there was not one man left in that country to give the assad these very big eaters and wine viewers wiped out the muslims one [Music] thoroughly not one guy was left in the country to give the assad imagine after 800 years of rule not one man left behind to give the assad allah's he was substituted in your place another people and i see a lesson in that for us here only this afternoon while listening to brother muhammad i sense something that my brethren the afro-americans or call them blacks i call myself black whatever you like to call them that they have been here for 300 years and what the christians did to them in these 300 years the enslavement they they destroyed their language they destroyed their culture they destroyed the religion everything gone they couldn't even remember their past their motherland unless a man like haley he goes and alex haley he goes and makes a research and tries to discover your roots that they happen to be in the muslim land in west africa your forefathers and sisters were muslims but they made you to lose everything your language your names your names were changed surnames owning their slave masters names same thing they did to our people there in south africa same thing happened there 300 years ago identical period of time when the dutch conquered indonesia the people who are fighting for the freedom they were captured as prisoners of war and shipped to the cape of good hope and sold to the white men as slaves when the british conquered malaysia those people were fighting for their freedom they were captured as prisons as a war and they were shipped to the cape of good hope good hope for the white man and sold to the white men as slaves and they were hammered for 300 years to pervert them into christianity but after 300 years the christians managed to change the language of the people they speak afrikaans the language of the ruling race in south africa they change the surnames you meet a muslim so what's your name hendrix [Laughter] you see says what's your name it says ismael fenta so what is fenta this is abdullah what is fisa and you have the smiths there among them and the fontanas and everything among the muslims of the cape same situation that the bearing the slave master's name they lost their language they lost the culture they lost their names but they reached in islam after 300 years of hammering they turned out to be one of the most militant muslim communities in the world and i was boasting wherever i went i said my people not immediately my people we are about half the muslims there are from the indo-pakistan subcontinent the other half from the far east i'm talking about my brother and from the far east they were hammered we were relatively safe but they were hammered for 300 years and after 300 years i'm boasting that the most militant muslim community in the world is the malay of south africa muslim malay or south africa but after coming in 1977 to your great country and being in the mosque in chicago i came across the brothers there and then i realized that we were coming second best so i said the most militant muslim community in the world is the black muslims of america and and we are not ashamed to say we come out close second but now this is the destiny allah has in store for any people you we look at this scene two after two thousand years of christianity what the christians had done to my people my brothers and my sisters and if allah wants to effect a change who will use not a superpower like russia suppose she invaded the country and made everybody communist so what wonderful thing have they done you know since one atomic power against another one nation against another wipes out half the nation and conquers the other half and perverts them into their way of thinking make them communist make them atheist or whatsoever what great thing have they done nothing but if a people who are counted as nothing as rubbish treated as rubbish for these past 300 years if that nation can conquer [Music] allah has done something this is allah's word because from all human explanation possibilities we know it's an impossible thing for the muslims the black muslims of america to change 200 million americans into islam it's an impossible task to our minds but allah can do the job this is his law he says he'll substitute in your place and other people from malaya then they won't be like you and i see in this verse a future for the muslims of america now what is required is the right weapons i'm not talking about guns and bombs you know with that you can't go very far and even if you had it suppose somebody sends you this laser guns he said look man go along in america threaten the people that if you don't accept islam will brought you out of the cur of out of existence allah will not allow you to do that this is like deen there is no compulsion in religion it's out discounted but we are still to do the job allah says he says he's given you a deen that is to master overcome and supersede he said never mind how much the unbeliever might not like it this is the destiny of his deen allah islam he repeats the same formula another place in the quran and he ends by saying well kari al-mushrikun he said now man how the mushriks might not like it this is that destiny of his deen to master them all overcome them all supersede them all bulldoze them all the mushriks the associators the pagans might not like it those associated gods with god might not like it this is the destiny of his deen and he repeats the same formula again the third time in the quran he says he it is who has sent his messenger with guidance and with the religion of truth to use that it may prevail overcome and supersede every other deen whether it be hinduism buddhism christianism communism judaism every ism islam is destined to master them all bulldoze them all and enough is allah is a witness to this fact that is going to make his deen to prevail with you or without you versus an honor and a privilege he's giving us rubbish that we are everybody's football that's what we are everybody is football everybody is footballing us everybody is dormant they millions into dormant they're making this in our heads but allah this is not the destiny he has for us the destinies as he says we use a hero it is for us to wake up and go to town allah has given us that intelligence that knowledge that truth which can bulldoze all falsehood now to do that my dear brothers you see in your environment in the american environment you will have to give battle to the book you see the battle actually is between two books the quran in the bible you see the christian says that the bible is god's word we say that the quran is god's word that's the battle the christian is not prepared to give a hearing to this book because at the back of the mind they are prejudiced they are brainwashed from childhood with so many prejudices against muhammad sallam and islam so when he comes to us or when we talk to him he's always coming out with the bible you see my bible says this my bible says that my bible says this my bible says that [Music] so we are forced into a situation where you will have to deal with the bible there is no other way you have to grapple with it what is the bible and believe me the bulk of the muslims of the world i am sure not so here in america but the bulk of the muslims in the world in the middle east in the far east you know in my country the muslims know nothing about the bible they know nothing about the bible they i i start um at times i've gone to the middle east and i've delivered talks on subjects like what the bible says about muhammad what the bible says about muhammad and the translator a doctor a very learned man a professor of arabic he's translating for me and he's telling the people what the taurat says about muhammad in arabic i can understand when he's translating what he's saying what the torah says about muhammad i say i didn't say taurat so he changes he said what the injeel says about muhammad as i didn't say injeel i said what the bible says about muhammad he doesn't he can't find a word you see i said the word bible comes from the greek word biblos which means a book [Music] bible means a book so holy bible means holy book translate it so don't say taurat don't say zaboor don't say injeel because i didn't say torah saburo in jail he's at a lost portion but i'm sure you my brothers and sisters are better informed than that now you know that the bible is not the word of god i will be proving tomorrow in baton rouge you know to my audience inshallah and if we can by allah's help you know subdue this big shaytan no no we must give credit look we must give credit where credit is you he is really big shaytan you know i went to see him and i showed him this poster and when he saw the picture he told me these words these are his words this is a big shaytan i said how do you know you people in the middle east what do you know about this big shaytan he says no i was in america and i was fiddling with my tv and this guy came on and he says i was spellbound you know this guy said even if you're swearing your mother you can't switch him more if you're swearing your mother you feel like breaking the screen you feel like breaking the tv set but you can't switch him off allah gave him such powers you know that karishma he mesmerizes people he hypnotizes people he can make people eat out of his hands like a puppy you have to go to him and lap it out of his hand if you were a christian it's a guy's a master orator fantastic in my life i haven't come across somebody more potent than him you know more spellbinding than him i haven't i've watched his tv on video i've got his books i'm reading his books you got to see if you're going to battle you don't go with your eyes closed you must know what you're bargaining for you must know your opponents how strong they are you just don't go in and say now anyhow you know allah is with you you know allah was with us in 1948 and you got a good beating in the middle east from the jews he was still with us in 56 and we got another beating he was still with us in 67 and we got another meeting and in 73 again we got another beating look allah is with us all the time but you've got a meeting four times reason because we go into battle with our eyes closed so we have to go with our eyes open and in this i have done some little research he has written numerous books numerous i purchased 30 of his books all these these are part of all your publication [Music] i purchased 30 of his books and i read them all you know like i made it for obligatory you have to you have to make it obligate you know if you're going going into battle you must know exactly what your opponent is carrying and allah i tell you he's given me so much armament so much that the original understanding that the format of the debate was an hour each first speaker speaks for 50 minutes second one 60 and the first man again for 10 and he opted to speak first first 50 then me 60 and then he 10 again there are advantages and disadvantages of such a format but this is the fairest format one can think of is the fairest now he's going back on the original contract i left my country i'm here now tomorrow the debate taking place and he's talking about speaking for 20 minutes in other words gagged me for 20. imagine a man coming from 10 000 miles to speak for 20 minutes and a thing concerning 1 200 million christians who believe that this book is the book of god he's going to deal with it 20 minutes reason you might you might be able to guess is the guy is terrified you see because now 20 minutes he can make an oration you know tend to last do some little dancing and you know create the impression that he won the day and we won't have the chance to grapple with what he has spoken but inshallah pray that things come out right that at least we have an hour each house even if it's 20 minutes we'll do the job inshallah in 20 minutes but we'd prefer to have an hour now in his books you know he's written some beautiful books very important books he is the strongest in his condemnation of alcohol he is the strongest among the christian evangelist preachers in his condemnation of pornography he is the strongest in his condemnation of incest he is the strongest in his condemnation of homosexuality these books you know he is the closest to the muslims in his morality his standard of morality he falls a little short and his theology is of the target is of the mark his theology understanding of god but otherwise the man you would say he's the closest to the muslims in his condemnation of all these evils in his book on incest which i might if i have a chance to use i will use to prove that the bible is not the word of god incest he says incest in america has become of epidemic proportions incest i wonder if you all know what incest is you do know i don't have to explain to you in the middle east i had to see i asked the people how many of you don't know the word incest and you know about half of them they used to put up their hands they never heard the word incest it's not in our common usage so i had to explain what incest is but i stated that the american people are better informed than people in the middle east or in india pakistan you see in his book he gives us 10 cases of incense from the holy bible that in this bible there are 10 cases 10 different couplings of incest in this holy book the bible so it does shock a person what is it is this a textbook or an incest that if you want to know how what what can you do to commit incest like it tells you in the first book in the first book of the bible called genesis i knew about four cases of incest in his book he gives me the fifth one so he's my teacher he educated me one more incest than what i knew father and daughters getting together night after night and the father made the daughters pregnant and both of them gave birth to a son each one was named muab and the other one was named amon from whom we get the names ammonites and the moabites in the bible children of lu talay salaam prohibiting with his daughters then genesis chapter 35 verse 22 it speaks about reuben one of the sons of yakuba islam he go and cohabits with his mother on the roof and this is israel was told that your son with his mother and he didn't even say oh he didn't even say he didn't even say imagine the man is told that your son did this to you to your wife your son did it to your wife his mother and he didn't even say he said nothing then he speaks about ibrahimali they say that he prohibited with his sister sarah was his sister they say [Music] genesis chapter 38 it speaks about judah the father of the jewish race from whom you get the word judaism we get the word judea huda yahudah yahood judah that judah is going to timnah to share his sheep and he sees his daughter-in-law sitting by the wayside and he comes up to her and says allow me to come in unto thee this is biblical language the king james version jimmy swaggart loves this version king james so i'm quoting from the king james version he says allow me to come in unto thee i'm only quoting the holy bible so she said what will that give me you say what in other words so he says i will give you a kid from the flock a baby goat so she'll say what guarantee that i will give it suppose you're enjoying you go away and i don't see you again what will you what guarantee is this what guarantee do you want so it says your signet means your ring and your bracelet means i had a bangle in his hand and a staff the danda you know rod of moses assa so the old man gave it to her and he cohabited with his daughter-in-law by the roadside and made her pregnant and she bought twins fares and sarah there's a long detail about it long story very spicy reading i didn't know at one time that all these things were in the holy bible i was looking for the other books you know called the arabian nights the unexpected edition by fitzgerald and i got it and i read it you know but i didn't know that for two and six 25 cents i could have got the bible and i could get something more spicy than in the arabian nights i didn't know that you must know you see so 10 cases of incest in the book of god book of god for for what purpose is god telling you all this that father and daughters father-in-law and daughter-in-law brother and sister son and mother for what reason why is he telling you all this now the type of stories that you read naturally decrease the type of mentality that you have this is a foregone thing if you eat junky foods you become a junkie if you read filthy dirty stuff your mind becomes filthy and dirty and he says that who jimmy swaggart he's written a book on pornography and is telling us that this acts like a drug pornography acts like a drug he says you get addicted to it just like a drug like alcohol like drug marijuana you also get addicted to pornography addiction takes place then escalation takes place then desensitization these are all his terms i didn't know he's made research desensitization takes place and then number four he said you want to act out the role what you are saying reading you act it out that is how pornography works so in this holy book there is a beautiful chapter the highest form of pornography that you can think of in my country my government banned extracts from the bible it's a very strong government very christian of course you know it has this unjust policy apartheid but religiously it's one of the most religious communities of the christians in the world you know some of the things that i can buy here your playboy magazine and something else like that from heathrow or from kennedy airport or from chicago i land in south africa and i go to jail for two years that's how strict my government is very christian in his morality it's ethics now somebody had published a pamphlet with the nine extracts from the holy bible without adding without deleting anything nine extracts from the holy bible and this was sent somebody sent it to the publications board and the publication board declared this undesirable means banned and there were two priests on the board when they banned this but these poor priests they didn't know that it was from their own holy book they didn't know it can you imagine verses from the bible nine extracts banned my country for one word a one four letter word they had banned a book called lady chattel is lover one word one offensive word for 20 years the book was on the banned list they have re-banned it now they've grown up now moment they said no i think the people are mature enough to read it that one word here are nine extracts which are undesirable we say on the same basis you should ban the holy bible but of course you know they they live by they take an oath by it so it's very very difficult but they have done the job they've given it to us that this is undesirable pornography of the highest order george bernard shaw a british playwright he says he says the most dangerous book on earth is the keep it under lock-in key your children must not have access to it the plane truth magazine you know the armstrong family here american american they are printing eight million and eighty thousand a month for free distribution the armstrong family plain truth they in one of the magazines they say that many a censor will give this bible an x rating cross mania sensor book of god is it a book of god i dare any christian has to come come forward and read it to your audience to your congregation read it no decent man can read it to his mother his sister his daughter or even to his fiance if she is a good woman you can't really if god almighty was not ashamed to reveal such filth and dirt i am asking why should you be ashamed are you holier than god can you ever be holier than the almighty can you be that's what it means if god spoke those things wrote those things dictated those things which i dare not read it to you because i know you will never forget even in a thousand years you'll remember says uncle didat was a filthy dirty fellow that old man came here and what what words he uttered not not realizing that oh i was only reading from the holy book of the christians it's not my word but you will not forgive me i know you can't forgive me because you'll make an indelible impression on your mind his uncle did that lips you heard the words book of god book of god that you are ashamed to attack to your congregation he says no so there are cases and cases you know from his own writings which we can prove that look this is not the book of god he speaks about alcoholism on alcohol in that he says that there are 11 million american drunkards 11 million drunk cars in america and 44 million heavy drinkers and he says and i agree with him he said i see no difference between the two between the drunkards and the heavy drinkers which means 55 million drunkards according to jimmy swaggart i say brother swagar you must also add this your social drinkers because islam says teachers that whatever intoxicates in greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity that's what the holy prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi said so there is no excuse for a nip or a tot so if you add those you also your social drinkers 800 million drunkards you haven't got the answer because you're preachers he's complaining himself that the preachers the evangelist the bible compass the hot gospelers he said they are not you know taking sides on this problem he said at a church at the conference of the preachers these evangelists bible thumpers like himself he said the conference is somebody suggested that let us all those who are opposed to the community the congregation imbibing alcohol please stand up and he says nobody is to them nobody stood up which means they were all opting for drink and they reason he said if our lord jesus christ if we turn water into wine at the marriage feast that cannot what is wrong with us drinking if what is good for our god is good for us and it's good logic don't you agree if it is good for your god it's good for you listen no no our friend swaggart says he said look that was not alcohol that was pure juice you know pure grape juice but the other brothers of his the general the bulk of them what knew what they say he said you see this is the same w i any wine in greek which lord drank and prohibited with his daughter same w i nui so the christians now they have no answer to the problem of alcoholism simply because it is not in the book the only book on the face of the earth which says don't touch that devilish stuff is islam islam has a solution to all the problems to all the problems we have it we must try and save these people from the the mire in which they are last june or the june before 300 000 sodomites call me luth they gathered in san francisco in a pilgrimage led by 50 lesbians and motorcycles that nation is harassing the world harassing our people at the present moment out of the world 70 000 missionaries crusaders 60 are americans i worked about 42 000 americans are raising the dust throughout the world while in their own motherland in their own homeland they are deep in the maya with the sodomites with the surplus women in in new york next door i am told by your statisticians they say there are one million more women than men if every man in new york got married there will still be a million women who can't get husbands and now the manpower you have there one third of gays sodomites call me luth can you imagine the mess you are in there are 7.8 million more women in america than men that is if every man got married which will never happen you know men get cold feet for so many different reasons then your prison population 98 percent are men then something happens at the weaker sex you know you find more videos than videos you know men seem to die more there's something amazing taking place at childbirth as if nature is trying to take revenge on man for his cleverness he's too damn clever this is right allah says i'll fix you at childbirth i'm told that the average ratio of male is to female is 50 to 50 50 each equal but in child mortality more males die than females do you know that the stronger sex the boys the boys they die more than girls why i don't know nobody can explain we say we have the stronger sex who the male more males dying in child mortality anyway everywhere in the world more males die than females disparity wars more men die than women look the proportion is going out and out of proportion the only religion now which gives an answer to the problem is islam but they laugh at you they make a mockery of you so you're muslim how many wives have you got how many wives you got i say you're full this is the solution to your problem you don't listen to us don't listen to allah then you simmer in your soup and the simmering in your own soup so it is it is i'm suggesting to you my brothers and sisters that you acquaint yourself with the weapon that the opposition is carrying once you know what he has then you won't fall foul to his imaginations you see you know what he's trying to sell it to you he comes into your house the jehovah's witness the seventh-day adventist the christians the mormon whoever they are when they come to your house what have they got their bible under the arm they want you to change the quran for his bible am i right what else that is what is he coming to your house for to teach you ethics to teach you morality to teach you hospitality nothing of the kind teach you hygiene i say we are the most hygienic people we are the most hospitable people our brother was explaining just houses among the black citizens by nature you are muslims by nature your behavior your muslim life in your compassion for people in your feeling for welfare of your people you are by nature you are muslims what can you teach you nothing the only thing he can tell you is that you know christ died for your sin that's the only sales point believe in the blood of the lord jesus and you are saved not your good works so god says that all your good works are like filthy rags rubbish that won't take you to heaven and he's telling the other christians also he says look good works if you depend upon it it says no salvation is not that meant for that jesus christ paid the full price and you want to go beyond that you are ungrateful nima karam in gratitude yeah if the man has paid the fine penalty then he said look i also want to fast i'm going to pray i'm going to straight jacket my life he said what's wrong he's already paid for it man you're a fool this theology is wrong but the spirit is right the spirit is there so as far as he's concerned inshallah you have nothing to worry about but for you my brothers and sisters you must get this book of mine is the bible god's word you master that book and i assure you there isn't a christian born who can stand before you including jimmy swaggart preaching yes he can beat his hands down you know his actings he can beat us all hands down but when it comes to thinking logic reasoning inshallah you'll find that he's got nothing he's got nothing he's not hasn't got a leg to stand upon so with these words my dear brothers and sisters i'll now leave the meeting open to questions if you have any questions regarding what i have spoken or anything else on the matter of comparative religion where i can be of any assistance to you it will be my privilege to do so yes brother yes come forward i think if you can't come there here this aisle here that maybe the cameraman might also be able to shoot you without killing you this way this one just at the entrance this is the empress yeah every question that should be the microphone over here yes i understand that the muslim students association in louisiana university they will be video taping ntsc and i have brought my own camera team from south africa to videotape it on pal system because our system is pal and if i take this along there's too much juggling to be done so i brought my own team from south africa will be taping for south africa and the rest of the world and the people will be also taping for america yes stand there brother stand there soon they they that shine on one of your one of the videos uh that i was able to see one of your videos in one of the elections that you gave uh muhammad peace be upon him natural successor to christ during the question and answer period one of the uh christian members in the audience asked a question concerning the dead sea scrolls and your reply was do you believe in the dead sea scrolls and i would like for you if you would to expound on whether there was some doubt about the authenticity of the dead sea scrolls or not uh you see my dear brother the question alex i'll answer i'll i'll explain the question is that at one of my meetings in south africa on the subject of muhammad the natural successor to christ a questioner posed a question regarding the dead sea scrolls and i must have asked him as the brother suggests that do you believe in the dead sea scrolls something like that but now the dead sea scrolls i read it many years ago quite some valuable information there which goes to show that jesus christ a man like him existed before jesus was born they call him a prophet of righteousness but however you see as soon as you enter into that type of material you are actually wasting your time and the christians time you see allah tells us in the holy quran that whenever the christians and the jews make a claim like for example they say they say you muslims will never never enter jannah there is no heaven for you unless you become a jew or unless you become a christian so allah says in answer to that this is the wishful thinking vain desires hallucination no bakwas blah blah blah bleeding don't get frightened with that school tell them how to hanukkah produce your evidence in kuntum swat again if you are speaking the truth let us have a look at your proof so they produce a proof the bible in 2000 different languages 2 000 different languages the bible he says my bible says this my bible says that he's not talking about the dicks who scrolls he doesn't say the gospel of barnabas says this you see my bible says this my bible says that allah says so they produce the burhan so deal with this he accepts this not bannabas he doesn't accept that she scrolls then why are you wasting time with dead scrolls and barnabas this is what he holds in under his arm deal with that he's more profitable better returns wasting time what are you referring to what now brush them aside is that you you believe in the racist prose he says no what the hell you're wasting my time and your time you believe in this book so let's talk about this right is that a fair way of dealing with it but okay that's the question some of the texts from the book suppose we take it from the uh dsc scrolls right this is why let it be dead man let me remain in the dead sea why waste time please forget it if you say i'm sure you're tripping yourself like the other other guys you know with the taurat and the cebu where there's no torah and no zaboor you're getting tripped yourself why do you want to deal with barnabas and with these dead sea scrolls when the bible that is in his hands you can deal with that if you can't deal with this then there's something wrong with you get my book and you know become an expert on this i understand everything you say give somebody else a chance now [Music] you see take this is your book there is a book called crucifixion or crucifixion have you seen it no you say now you go along and pay ten dollars for a christian book enemy book when i'm giving you one book free of charge you haven't got it yet this is the trouble you buy crucifixion or crucifixion that deals with the matter that lays the ghost the christian ghost get the book crucifixion of crucifixion absolutely free but now you'll be able to get it from brother um brother brother ahmed ghazali from lawrence but please think please think of sending some postage money because look the book books i sent free from south africa but it's killing the man you know putting writing for you putting endless putting the stamp at least if you can consider that it'll be very good but the book is free that one i'm sure you must have paid more than five dollars for it yes earlier in your lecture you twice referred to muslim human america of african ancestry as black muslim you explain would you clarify no that is what you see i didn't know what to call my brothers i didn't know there was a time when i had no connection with my brothers here i used to call them negroes you know talking about the negros the negroes and when i came here they said no they don't like the word they like the word bilalian so i started calling bilali and bilal some say no you see we prefer to be called blacks so we are proud to be black so i said well i'm also black in south africa you see i'm also black so when i call you black i'm not insulting you because i'm also black can you see so i mean what do you want me to call you afro-american afro-american doesn't sound so good give me one word that i can call you what shall i call you to describe your community you tell me and from now on i will use that term you see right right it's quite wide you see now look you know i you see allah tells us in the holy quran in america also african ancestry who considers himself black muslim only only the negro the negro considers himself considers himself black did not muslim negro considers himself himself black but the muslim in america of african ancestry he don't consider some himself a black muslim no i didn't say black muslim i said black i didn't say black muslim you see now imam in new york he told me yesterday day before yesterday the imam tells me that imam what's his name he tells me he said look i said what shall i you know look i'm afraid to use any term i don't hurt anybody's feelings unwittingly so he says no you can call us black and there's nothing wrong with it he said we are i say you proud to be blacks i'm proud to be black and i myself am proud to be black myself you see if the people who understand urdu again you know those who understand urdu i can tell you in shia reform i'll try and translate it as well why shouldn't i be proud of my blackness you know seeing that the the house the kaaba the house of god is covered in black and the countenance of hazard was also black so why shouldn't i be proud of my blackness i am also proud of my blackness so i am not using this word as an inside case it hurts anybody's feelings so he says no he says it doesn't hurt our feelings maybe in what place is this this is atlanta maybe in atlanta you might have different standards i don't know so i'm in a quandary however i will try and solve this inshaallah later on yes ben i'm a converted muslim yes you have embraced muslims i also go to the university and i have a lot of contact with christians and they're always asking me questions now i try to use the bible because i'm you know as an old catholic yes i know a lot about the bible and they always come up with one same argument when i talk about the divinity of jesus right they always take jesus god and the holy ghost and they sort of compare it to an egg right you know the shell the white i'm sure you've heard this argument yes okay well um then they say that jesus is not necessarily god or the son of god but he's the personification of god on earth how do you deal with this personification of god on earth who says that now a lot of christians catholics you see catholic right yes now number one the question was yeah the christians you see she speaks to the christians about the trinity and they say now jesus is not some of them said he is not god but if you read swagat he says he is god almighty himself jesus christ you see and the bulk of this catholic fellow now you were a catholic you know better you see the catholics say the father in the catechism the anglicans the lutherans the presbyterians the catholics this is all the catechism says the father is god the son is god and the holy ghost is god but there are not three gods but one god it continues the father is almighty the son is almighty and the holy ghost is almighty but they are not three almighty but one almighty it continues the father is a person the son is the person and the holy ghost is the person but they are not three person or one person [Music] so i i i deal with them i said look wait a minute what did you say person person person but not three person but one person i said what language are you speaking sounds english but that's gibberish that's not english person person person i said what is a person in your language if you and your two brothers are identical triplets if one of you commit murder can we hang the other he said he says no why not you all look alike he said no he's a different person his personality is different so he's different that's all right that's what how can they be one there when you say in the name of the father you have a certain mental picture you don't think of the son are you he says no unless your mind is diseased when you say and the sun are you thinking of the holy ghost no and yes unless your mind is diseased then where did you get it where did you get this this trinity is he'll quote you first episode john chapter 5 verse 7 where it says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one that is the closest approximation to the holy trinity which is now thrown out of this bible thrown out as a fabrication in the rsv device standard version which is the most up-to-date bible today in existence going back to the most ancient manuscripts is thrown out as a forgery as an adulteration so that's how good your your dogma of the trinity is your belief is based on a fabrication jesus christ never preached it nor is it in the bible the word trinity is not even in the bible yes my brother trying to figure out what is this uh the the strategy of the j-hope witnesses because uh due to the fact that they are mostly converts but then they are more or less uh program them to where they can't read no other religion religious literature you know and they can't attend uh interfaith worship or interfaith worshipers so i'm trying to figure out what kind of strategies they use on on their followers i wish you know anything about that and uh my second question was that uh a jimmy schweigert even though you have said some good things about jimmy swagger but he he have occasionally some time in in his uh species where then he has said derogatory things about muslim and i see you see you you've seen the thing you speak real highly of him so you know i'm trying to figure out it seems like it's a contradiction in jimmy swagger because uh he he have sided with the jews against the muslims in in certain areas like in palestine you know no i didn't talk about his preaching that what he believes about israel is right what i said was that the guys was a master orator he was a great mesmerizer look i didn't say that his teachings are right what he believes is right i'm telling you i said look his theology is wrong you see his condemnation of alcohol is right his condemnation of incest is right we agree with him can you see so you can't say no because he says that you know alcohol is bad so we must say no it is good if he is condemning it we say we are with you we are with you but that doesn't mean you agree with his theology or his attack on islam or the holy prophet salallahu sallam but you must acknowledge that the guy is a great orator that is what i was trying to say not that the guy what he says is true with regards to the jehovah's witnesses you see they are today claiming that the second largest group of jehovah's witnesses in the world is outside the united states is the muslim country of nigeria and that's a fact they are the hardest working people the jehovah's witnesses we must also take up our hat to them you see five times every week they gather in the kingdom halls they are the fittest people to give battle to the other christians and they are the fittest christians to give battle to us why because they practice five times a week we are supposed to be practicing five times a day the quran computerized but it's like water and ducks back therefore we find ourselves in this position you see we are supposed to be reminding ourselves about duties and obligations which allah puts upon us his instructions to us five times a day that guy is doing five times a week and he's the fittest fighter we doing five times a day and there's no sign that you know we have benefited from our salah in other words we have invited the lessons we haven't so the thing is again that we have to acquaint ourselves when we are reading try and understand what we are reading so that we get programmed with that instructions that we can carry them out then we can also become fit fitter than the java witnesses what he does five times a week we are doing five times a day you should i wanted to question your uh position on polygamy uh now this uh actually this will be the last question you don't mind we still have to go to baton rouge we have to take a little bit of a break you know we have a big battle ahead of us tomorrow so please excuse me not we are trying to run away now you know because otherwise you are here this is your hometown you can go to sleep anytime you like we still have to catch a plane we are on the waiting list what do you call that standby and we don't know what happens we are in suspense please give us a little break this will be the last question in this country the the law as well the the communal law as well as various religious law places uh very great interest on not having more than one wife is illegal and our nation has taken on the understanding of quran to be that allah says if you have more than one that you should treat them equally which was the challenge because if you had more than one you you could not treat them equally and if so then how yes you see with regards to the law you know the law that he has made we have to reason with him talk to him i says you know you you americans and you british you have legalized sodomy men to men legalized lesbians legalized polygamy which is the most natural you put the man in jail if a man because it doesn't illegitimate children every year he's a stud he's a great guy but he can be get a dozen bastard children and if the state pays for it he's okay so i said there's something wrong with your thinking and every american i'm talking to he agrees with me i said there's something wrong with your thinking you've got to brainwash them you fools you allow 300 000 sodomites to gather in san francisco legal led by lesbians legal one-third of your new york gays legal and if a woman and one million women can't get husbands and if she is prepared to share a husband with another woman you want to put them in jail there's something wrong with your mentality and he agrees i saw a program when i was in canada beamed from somewhere near buffalo or chicago which i saw and i saw on that program on polygamy you know on your tv from being from america there was a mormon ex-mormon he was excommunicated because he had more than one wife but he had eight wives and they were all with him on the stage and he said they are all happy see don't register but he's got eight wives all happy he says and he said all of them not one of them was married before not one of them was married before then there was a middle-aged woman in the audience a little plumpy she says what about me he says you too madam send me your address i'll contact you look you see they are programmed that way brainwashed you got to reprogram them with regards to your suggestion that you must do must be absolutely just justice that is demanded by allah is this that you deal fairly with them if you buy a a false wahhan beetle for this one you buy one for that one if you have a flat costing 500 a month the other one also should be given something equivalent to that in the material aspects of life you are just in your affections no man can be and allah is not demanding from you something which you can't do you if you have two twin children twin they are both yours they look identical but between the two one of them you love more than the other why will allah question you about that no no but if you bought an ice cream one time's worth here and you bought one box worth here allah will question you you see that he'll question you so why did you buy for a dime here and a buck there you know a dollar a day that he will question you but this is something happens you know you feel more towards one and then the other but in the material aspect if you spend one week with this one you speak one week with the other if you spend one day with this one you spend one day with the other in that allowable question but he won't question you what was going through your heart because over that you have no control no man has control awareness if you remember if you read his life his biography you find that towards his last days you know he was he had to be carried on a stretcher you know from one one means house to another and as he is being carried when he says you know when is aisha's turn you know when will i be in aisha's house next day carry to another house so when will i be in aisha's house so the other um in the mothers of the faithful they realize that look he's got yearning for her we forgo our rights even while dying he was fulfilling his obligations that you do that allah will question you now did you he said yes i tried my best my lord good enough affection he has for aisha allah won't question why did you have that feeling for aisha and you didn't have for the other woman that much no that is not true and this is the solution to the problems and you also solve your problems i'm telling the arabs before coming i came through the arab countries and i was telling them i said look there are 7.8 million women who can't get husbands in america one million in new york alone i said you fools you running to beirut and running to bombay and running to london and to parry i say go to new york and solve the problem and solve your problem you know your countries are vast empty thank you very much for this opportunity pray for me for our success inshallah tomorrow
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 8,568
Rating: 4.9488816 out of 5
Keywords: apologetics, jesus, muhammed, comparative study, ahmed deedat, deedat, peace, messengers, noble prophets, best of deedat, comparative religion, dawah, dawah in the usa, usa, shaykh ahmed deedat, shaykh deedat
Id: CtIr9wLaH0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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