Muhammed The Greatest - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] miss Mendoza Manila distinguished guests brothers and sisters on behalf of the National Youth Council let me welcome brother Ahmed Dida and brother Abdullah Dida today here again the discussion today is Mohammed the greatest as I mentioned yesterday brother of Madiba is the president of the international propagation center in Durban South Africa and he will be talking on the topic Mohammed the greatest after his lecture it will be question time brothers and sisters those of you who wish to question may walk up to the microphones here and ask the question and brother DDOT will answer you so without delay I present to you brother Hamid Dida I will be lying shaytan al rajim bismillah r-rahman r-rahim when a colada Palach in aussie so that allah said that alone Iran is he mr. chairman and brother on the subject Muhammad the greatest solve our salaam you see it is very easy for anyone to praise his hero to adulate his benefactor and boost him to the skies very easy and we always have a tendency to do that our own heroes but if tribute testimony if it comes from the outsider from the opposition then it is tribute indeed Allah parrot Allah he praises his prophets Allah Allah our hoodie pocket in the verse that I quoted you from the Holy Quran it says when akka Lala fallopian zine say move certainly thou o Muhammad SAW Allah standest on the highest pinnacle of behavior I don't know whether you know where to find this in the Quran I am quoting you the Quran I'm sure you sense that that it is the Quran way you see this ayah occurs in Chapter al-alam there is a surah chapter in the Quran called al column verse iron number three when the caller Allah felucca no see now in a volume of this size in the Quran where do you find it you see it is a very good practice whenever anybody coats you the Quran and he gives your reference if you have a Quran at home please go and check it out not that you distrust the speaker but for your own benefit because once you see it again with your own eyes and you read it it will become your permanent property in other words you will know exactly and you will be able also to reproduce it to others explain to others so this is in surah al column will be fine a column I take it that every Muslim has a Quran at home most probably the Arabic Quran and in the Arabic Quran the Mushaf it's very difficult for us to find because we are not so conversant with Shiraz but if you have a translation let this one that I have in my hand here it is by a certain Abdullah Yusuf Ali this particular arm you see the most beautiful production that has come out so far this translation so far it has an ayah ayah translation verse-by-verse like our Hari he read it from surah what what surah alpha alpha that means opening now if you don't know where to find step was the easiest you are a define you know where as soon as you open the Quran begins with bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen is easy to find easy to find surah fatiha but if you didn't know or if you told a non-muslim that this is in surah fatiha where will you find fatiha so in this translation there is an index at the back just like a dictionary and the F look for fatiha and we'll tell you chapter number one easy to find he looks for fatiha it will tell you number one surah one chapter one as a surah al Paula look and the cue color it will tell you 68 and 68 is easy to find because every page is membered verse surah what so every page is numbered so once you find 68 ayah number 3 easy to find that is one way of getting at what I gave you reference Surah Al Kalam verse number 3 there is another way of getting at this ayah and that is that Allah is telling us that our Nebbia Karim Lala Salama he stands on the highest pinnacle of behavior so there is in the index look for Muhammad and you will tell you Muhammad different different things about Muhammad and will tell you the highest pattern of conduct best behavior and you looked at retail you chapter 68 verse number 3 so easy to find once you have a translation like this everything is on your fingertips whatever you want to know you want to know about marriage look up em and the em you find marriage it tells you whom you can marry whom you can't marry and so many other aspects of marriage in Islam you will know about divorce will define divorce look and that D will tell you divorce you see the surah taha Surat Allah will tell you chapter so-and-so what do you want to know everything on your fingertips I don't know whether you have this bronze available here I was trying to help some people here said look man I want to have some Quran sent here but so far I haven't come across people enthusiastic enough to discuss this matter who and what what you're going to do and how but inshallah I hope to be able to arrange something that you can also have access to this translation if you already have invited here in the country so allah pada tarik testifies in the quran that his messenger muhammad he is on the highest pinnacle of behavior but I said real tribute comes from the enemy the outsider and to kill the references to what the outsider has to say I now refer you to a certain Michael H Hart American this American just recently published a book called the hundred the 100 or the greatest hundred in history the most influential hundred men in history from father Adam eraser are up to current times who is the most influential person and this man American Michael h-heart described as an astronomer mathematician and historian he makes a research of the most influential men in history and he gives us this list of 100 great names and then he puts them in the order of seniority greatness and this American he puts a wannabe occurring salary salaam number one Muhammad service number one Mohammed were very happy at a Christian in America publishes a book 572 pages costing sometimes over $15 each and he's telling his customers the Americans Christians and Jews 200 million Christian and 6 million Jews he is telling them all that Muhammad the prophet of his opposition he is number one and the own hero his own hero his own God and Savior Jesus Christ is number three that is amazing Mohammed is number one mmm his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is number three so we can well ask why would an American in America go and do a silly thing like that provoking his customers yes you see my people in South Africa we have businesspeople most of us we have businesspeople and the businessman knows that the customer is always right you don't argue with your customers if you want to do business for a successful businessman you don't argue with your customers this man is provoking his customers telling them what they don't want to hear what they don't want to listen Muhammad is number one and their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ number three I say account for that we ask the skeptic Christian it is agnostic account for that and there are people you know skeptical people they can always tell you says you see this man must have been bribed by some errand you see the Arabs are very good they're spending a lot of money so we here I don't know how much the money they spend here on using the multi violence I don't know whether they know that you exist I don't know the great-grandfather's you know understand from North Africa somebody came along alhamdulillah a few centuries back and he introduced his lamb to you people from the LA and you are Muslims but since then it looks like they must have lost contact with you altogether they don't know that you exist but the Arabs they say are very good at spending money you see one of our dear brothers a drone over should name him Aden and hasook G at the man horshack G he has a South African wife and they had a breakup now of marriage but every time that this wife was mentioned in the newspapers other man's wife the South African woman every time her name as when she mentioned it was also mentioned that she's got a illegitimate daughter in Johannesburg you know Xena daughter of Cinna first so other name goes and marries this woman and she is travelling in the Mediterranean Sea with her boyfriend lava rudolph churchill the grandson of wilson churchill she is traveling in the mediterranean on aden on hostages yacht not the small thing that you have nice you're may be worth a few million dollars and she wanted to see color TV on the yacht she couldn't see color TV she can see black and white but it wasn't good enough for her she wanted to have this color TV beamed directly for her by satellite and that was costing our brother that t thousand dollars an hour for his dear wife to see color TV and enjoy with her boyfriend on the yacht so if a guy can do that why can't he give $10,000 to michael h heart say look just ten thousand for you say a few good words about my mohammed why can he do that i say it's possible but it's not probable to enter the mind of our brothers to do a thing like that another of our brother from the middle east he goes to the australian waters Mediterranean waters to catch what is called blue marlin it's a fish i don't know whether you have around here blue marlin it's a fighting fish if you hook it we just don't pull it in you don't reel it in it gives you a good fight and at times it comes out of the water as it is like a bird flying out of the water is very fighting fish blew my lid so he went to catch blue marlin and he didn't catch anything but the people who were helping him to bait the hook he gave Don two thousand dollars each tip tip tip you know tip one saliva sheesh but she fool thousand dollars each if our brothers can do that why can't they give $10,000 to my college heart say man feels 10,000 say a few good words about my Mohammed I say again it's possible but it's not probable then in The Times magazine July 15 1974 American magazine they were a series of essays under the heading who are history's great leaders indifferent people sociologists psychologists military men philosophers they all gave their heroes who whom they esteemed to be the greatest leaders of mankind leaders this first one was from the point of view of influence the most influential men in history Muhammad was number one the most influential look at it today a thousand million Muslims are influenced by these teachings we as a people as a whole we don't touch alcohol we have some drunkards among us yes whether among the Arabs or among as in South Africa we have we have we have a black ship like any other community but as a people as a whole house and million people don't touch that abominable stuff how the million influence see we pray five times a day in my country say we are the most hygienic people in the country so don't don't look at this go look at my beard that I didn't shave for so many days don't look at that but personal hygiene there is not another community in my country that can say that we are cleaner than you you are the most hygienic people the Muslims where did it come from sulfur's influence influence so here now leadership so different people give the heroes each according to his light some say Hitler today great greatness of leadership they are not talking about good or bad that you know he was a good man no no no they said greatness of leadership at his behest ninety million Germans were prepared to go on the march warpath bit destruction or destiny they went to destruction but ninety million Germans were ready to march at his variance whatever he says goes when said March into Russia they march in pure Asia attacked Russia two thousand kilometers non-stop slaughter slaughter spots water two thousand kilometers non-stop eventually you know when the war stopped by that time they had killed twenty million Russians say that I was great leader good or bad we are talking about good or bad some say Mussolini some sense Mahatma Gandhi sons of Confucius each according to his knowledge about his Bureau see I came across a Portuguese you had very little contact with them I came across a Portuguese you see in South Africa tourists they come along and I conduct visitors to the mosque the must yield and he happened to be Patchett Portuguese chatting chatting and he tells me that dr. Salazar was that is the greatest man that ever lived dr. Salazar have you heard of him yes well I might people did at that time also I didn't know never heard the name Salazar but to him Salazar is the greatest man that ever lived well that's his experience like a frog in the pond you only knows they are the frogs he doesn't know what's happening in the ocean that they might be whales in the ocean or he only knows this one frog knows they are the frogs so each according to his knowledge his giving his here said hitless I'm say Mussolini some say Mahatma Gandhi some say Moses some say Jesus sunset Mohammed among all these contributors there is one by the name of Jews massaman Jules Masterman he's described as a United States psychoanalyst you know psychoanalyst people who analyze people's mind psychologists if you are mentally you know you're being not behaving rightly they take you to the psychoanalyst just a little beyond too clever with little beyond this has to be taken to a lunatic asylum I don't know whether you have any asylums here you need them know as you do because islands here we need them you know in the westernized civilized countries advanced countries we need asylums to put people were too clever so the psychoanalyst his job is to find lunacy in a genius so he is presented with Muhammad and his looking for lunacy in the man but he comes to other conclusions but before he comes to his conclusions he says that when we are looking for greatness you must know what we are looking for I said Mohammed the greatest as a subject now we are not comparing Mohamed Salah Larry selling with Allah stuff Allah his man to man we are comparing with the Muhammad Ali heard of Muhammad Ali the boxer the greatest right we mean in boxing in boxing somebody else a Gary played in my country a golfer greatest golfer we have produced maybe you didn't hear about it but as a golfer somebody else greatest philosopher greatest historian greatest this and greatest that depending upon what you are looking for so this Mike miju's muscle man he's a Jew he is a psychoanalyst of the Chicago University page seven of the American government he is doing this research on his own and he says when we are looking for greatness of leadership in man we must try and look for three main points number one that that person whoever he is number one that that person is interested in the welfare of the lead he is interested in your welfare not in milking cows for himself so what I can I can get out of you as a leader not what I what he can get out of the people but what he can do her welfare how can i benefit them number one number two that that person must provide for unity of belief and number three he must be able to create a social organization in which people feel relatively secure these three things unity of belief welfare of the people unity of belief and a social organization in which people feel relatively secure with these three standards he searches history and he analyzes Lewis posture Lewis past shows a man who discovered the microbe the germ first meant to find out what the germ is creating so many sicknesses is the benefactor to mankind leader in medicine Jewish pastor Salk who discovered the NT TB vaccine and he analyzes Mahatma Gandhi and Confucius and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad sallallaahu and he comes to the conclusion that perhaps the greatest leader of all time was Muhammad sallallaahu son and to a lesser degree whatever Muhammad did he said Moses did the same Moses is his hero that Christian is his Mohammed number one and his hero number three this man is Mohammed number one and his hero number two why would he do that but now number one catering for the welfare of the led his leading this is not people like Reverend Jim Jones I don't know you heard Reverend Jim Jones in Jonestown Gann this man had a following he created a church a Christian Church see they have in my country over 1,000 different churches and denominations among the Christians and 3,000 among the blacks blacks means Africans Christians in Christians colored Christians white Christian I'm sorry leave the whites out black the whites have a thousand different churches and denominations are fighting like cats and dogs among themselves he's saying that you are going to go to hell you haven't by the right path they have the Jehovah's Witnesses they've gone look at other Christians doors hey what is the name of God what is his name so the other guy says God is that God he's not a name what's his name his name is Jehovah another guy comes knocks at the door he said what is the Sabbath the day Sabbath the day because the Christians they go to church on Sundays and Sunday is not the Sabbath Sabbath means seven and according to the Jewish calculation the seventh day is Saturday your most sub is Saturday not Sunday so there is a group called the seventh day adventists among the Christians so they cannot get people's doors this is come on come on what is the Sabbath the day the guys puzzle say well Saturday man but you could change on Sunday you fools you don't know when the Sabbath is that the guy says you fool you don't know what the name of God is another fellow comes along he says you baptism are you baptized so some of them they sprinkle water for baptism this is no you fool you must be immersed and be taken out they are fighting like cats and dogs they're looking for converse through their own churches there's no peace among them but they are united or when it comes to Islam how to not help into the Muslims that they know but among themselves they fight like cats and dogs so this guy the Reverend Jim Jones he created Church of his own and he was milking these people exploiting these people and he was being put out by the American government and before he could be quite an exposed he found that the best way out of his difficulty is to make his followers everybody to commit suicide and he succeeded his leadership I think is the greatest I think it beats everybody along a man live in 910 of his followers on that June Jones stop 903 he made 100% to commit suicide you know 100% blue if I throw this look it is night outside I can't make you believe it now man what miracles I perform if I tell you look this is not what this is lemonade you know 102 I can't Bluff you said this is lemonade I'm drinking very sweet but you know I'm bluffing you that guy succeeded 910 of his followers 100% the drink lemonade it was lemonade laced with cyanide cyanide was put inside and he made everybody to drink and they all drank 910 and with him 911 hundred percent dip everybody and it was found out that in the mean time this man Reverend Jim Jones had salted away in the banks of the world fifteen million dollars in his own account so all these followers with his milking cows he was exploiting them so no whoever the leader is number one he is interested in your welfare unity of belief look at it we have our little petty differences al from the Lila you know you are a unique community among the Muslims of the world you are all Muslims hamdulillah you are all Chafee's and from the Lila you are all one language group and from the Lila amazing this is a unique situation say otherwise there are all these problems racial problems where you come from you have all types of blood mixed in you when you accept it we are very deviance we are Muslims finish the other guy says I am a surgeon I am in have run I am a patron and what and what and what not I'm a Hanafi this is the Shafi this is a Malachy this is the humbly we have a little petty differences there's no doubt about that but thousand million Muslims as a whole we believe in the one and only allah wa taala shari we all recite the kalima this ashhadu an la ilaha illaallah wash as one muhammad of assume we all believe hundred-percent that there is but one allah and muhammad is his last and final messenger unity of belief and a social organization in which people feel a relatively secure this is the type of community of Creed's relatively you are secure you don't need dogs to guide your houses look we haven't got dogs I haven't ever tossed because you've got no thieves no Rose robbed a spoon no can break your housetop why have any other dogs they're good animals faithful animals for keeping the burglar away but you have no burglars you don't need dogs you don't drink you don't brawl in the streets because you don't drink can you see a social I am safe I will say walking around whether it's midnight I haven't had opportunity of walking around admit that because too many pools of water but otherwise I might have taken walks at random and I know I am safe well I see that there's no drunks there they say there is this guy going no but peace peace peace a social organization in which people feel a relatively secure Wiggins a hundred percent no reason represent but relatively secure these are the three standards by which Jews Masterman he said oh and maybe a cream seller Salim Mohammed Mustafa is the greatest leader of all times so how does it come about account for it so again the skeptic might say somebody bribed him also is a look man he's 10,000 for you say if you could worry about Mohammed and he did it I say again it's possible but is not probable these things are possible but it's not probable to enter the mind of the Muslim to do a thing like that but going back in history in 1854 a French man by the name of Lamartine he wrote a book called the history of the Turks and in this history of the Turks the truth as you know incidentally they happen to be Muslims so while talking about the Turks he happened to mention about a wannabe Maha mussel mussel and he makes him mention about him this llama tea in 1854 and he gives us this is the great mythology the ingenious nosov the Western he's looking for qualities which we didn't think of influence leadership that other man social organization unity of belief welfare of the LED all these are different standards of looking at the man a greatness in a man this Lamartine kisses if greatness of purpose smallness of means and outstanding results are the three criteria of human greatness who could bear to compare any great man in modern history with Mohammed I hope you don't mind it is a bit warm where and you don't mind me rolling my sleeves is that if greatness of purpose smallness of means and outstanding results are the three criteria of human greatness who could bear to compare any great man in modern history with Mohammed he is Barry he's daring his people the Westerner bring your candidates anybody to compare with this man but these are the three standards ejs greatness of purpose what the man is out to do what is Mohammed out to do a reclamation of the whole of mankind vamos a la ilaha il-allah mean a la pista Faiz in the quran that we have not sent you O Muhammad except as a mercy al-amin to the whole of creation we have not sent you but for this that you are a mercy to the whole of creation al-amin Allah means the world and al-amin means the world's that's his uh his mission greatness of purpose smallness of me so how does he start before his bone is father dives by the time is six his mother dies his grandfather Abdul Muttalib is looking after the child very soon he dies then he's looking after his uncle Abu Talib spoke once at the age of 12 he went with his uncle to Syria on a trip journey a twelve-year-old boy lad no education no royalty to back him up no political party to back him up smallness of means and outstanding results one thousand million Muslims today outstanding results are the three criteria standards of judging of human greatness so who could bear to compare any treatment in modern history with Mohammed he do is produce your candidates and he in this beautiful tribute by saying philosopher orator a possible legislator warrior conqueror of ideas the restorer of rational beliefs of a cult without images the founder of 2010's tell empires and a one spiritual empire that is Muhammad with regards all standards all standards whereby human greatness may be measured we may well ask is there any man greater than here is there any man greater than B and the answer is reposed in the question meaning no man greater than Muhammad the greatest man that ever lived was I'm asking who bribed him 18:54 the whole Muslim war was in the cutters whole Muslim world except for three or four nominally independent Muslim states every Muslim nation was under subjugation India my own country was under the British Hill munitia was under the Dutch and look all around the French and the Portuguese everywhere they had conquered Muslim lands know some big the Muslim territory like yours was it was just fall in the same way that was a big had fallen Mozambique today 60% of the people of Muslim bigger still Muslims after 500 years of Portuguese rule Muslim beat was a Muslim country it wasn't the Muslim governor of the place when the Portuguese with the superior can power not Hills into him and camp captured the part of the world his name was moose I've been break news have been baked was a governor but the Portuguese couldn't say this is the land of Musa bean makes those say Mozambique the sub Mozambique became Mozambique like Java Tariq W is a mountain of Tariq Tariq was the first Muslim LuPone I will cross from Africa into Spain so they can say travel with Perry this is Gibraltar same a manila manila in the Philippines the Muslim traders were there there was an outpost there Muslim outpost Muhammad Allah with the help of Allah they read the distance Muhammad is the mummy Allah so I said now at the time in 1854 when the whole Muslim world was under under the Christian domination who bribed Lamartine tell him today yes possible not probable but possible who bribe him no answer but must be great then fourteen years before Lamartine for the first time in the Western world there was one man who had the temerity or the foolishness to give credit or in a be one man Western the first man 1840 the fellow by the name of Thomas Carlisle he's described as one of the greatest thinkers of the past century he delivered a series of lectures in 1840 in London to his Anglican audience Anglican Christian audience under the headings heroes and hero worship and he chose however an idea carrying cell allowed a solemn as his hero prophet in his team of lectures his hero prophet was Muhammad not Moses not David not Solomon not Jesus Muhammad was his hero professor loser and he gives a lame excuse to his audience as to why he's going to do some justice to this man Muhammad why because he says he's telling them assuring them don't be afraid he said you see as there is no fear he says of any of us him and his other Anglican Christians any of us ever becoming Mohammedans that's the term they use for us we are Muslims but they call as muhammadans thinking that we are worshippers of Muhammad which we are not see this is the worst earnest sickness he is a Christian because he is the worshipper of Christ the worshipers of Christ are Christians the worshipers of Buddha are Buddhists so they think the worshipers of Muhammad must be Mohammedans good logic now the logic is good is right if we are worshippers of Muhammad then they will be confidence but there is nobody wishes Muhammad Adler in the Maldives if we do that no nobody we have a thousand million Muslims and we have a lot of lunatic fringe is among us a lot of people with analytic ideas rah yes you haven't seen the world say there are lunatics also a man as you know funny funny ideas they have but there is not a single lunatic who pushes Mohammed amazing we have lot of other lunacies but not the worshippers of Mohammed that lunacy is not there five times a day every day of the year the Muslim is reminded in the as an eye shadow on Mohammad Rasool Allah said I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ashhadu anna muhammadan rasulullah said I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah he is not God is not his son don't make a mistake like the others have done they made the prophets into God they made the heroes into gods don't you do that we all want 5 times a day and that one has gone home no muslim ever says Muhammad is God anything else yes we'll fight over little things yes but not this from mud is a Messenger of Allah so he says as there is no fear of any of us ever becoming muhammadans I mean to say all the good things about him that I just Lee can because there's no fear if you fear that anybody will be converted she will be no justice because people in his time were trained to hate the man Muhammad and his religion they were trained like dogs are trained in South Africa to hate black people dogs are trained dogs are colorblind of course you won't know no dog dogs are colorblind they can only see black and white and shades of grey so you can train the dog to do many thing many tricks but you can't make them to recognize fellows because between green and blue means the same aim red is the same like in black-and-white TV so the trained dogs in my country to hate black people you want me to tell you how but of course you will need it you have no dogs here but you want to know how they trained dogs to hate black people they trained them so the white man the Christian in the West was trained to hate the man Muhammad Allah's religion trained he gives us example in his lecture about a certain great writer of his time historian by the name of pop coffee pop coffee full of top cop cop pop coffee was his name this pop cocky wrote a book in which he writes about I wanna be a cream seller sell and the Holy Prophet Mohammed and he says in his book in this book that Muhammad had trained pigeons pigeons to pick up peas from his ears peas from his ears and this Muhammad gave out saying that this is the Holy Ghost algebra coming and talking to him giving him bringing washing the revelation to Quran in his ears speaking of peace so he was asked this pot party was asked did you get this this idea that Muhammad had trained pigeons of course he brought it from the Bible you see in the Bible they read them when Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist the Holy Ghost came from heaven in the shape of a dog in a pigeon alighted and the voice was heard this is my son in whom I am well pleased so he says not that idea of the Holy Ghost coming like a dove Bridgette so they said well Muhammad must have' he did also he trained pigeons to pick up peace when his ears and I put a pea in the year and the pigeon is trained to pick it up so it comes around trying to get it out it keeps it out his happiness goes away so Mohammed says you see Allah has sent a jibrail to me and he told me to tell the people al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen rahmanir rahim Maliki remedy that's what he was giving up what the pigeon was he was should eat himself from ting with himself but now that's what he says the Holy Ghost Jubilees of debris so he was asked it's not no way but surely man you must have some Authority for making statements like I just felt like writing he's just like you know amazing sickness you just feel like writing anything you write anything because it's Mohammed they have written a lot share some facts here 60,000 books against Islam since 1800 and 1900 citizens 60,000 books against Islam this is the pass band this is the pleasure professor Edward saved professor Edward said he's an Orientalist he is not a Muslim a Palestinian Christian he writes in The Times Magazine that 60,000 books have been written by Christians against Islam do muslims do that have you got time for that what do you think to do then nothing else to do 60,000 books have been written and when we talk anything sir the Muslim is very hard she's attacking us when you push in them they say you are attacking us we are only asking because they are telling us that we are going to go to hell and we don't want to go to hell who wants to go to hell who wants to go to hell not even the Hindu you know not even this origin he wishes fire but either look inside nobody ones were going to the fire but now they want to send us to hell we don't go to hell they will to save us but not look what are you offering us how you gonna save us we want to know so when you start questioning this is you attacking they can say what they like about the Prophet of Islam about Islam they say what they like and they get away with murder you got you do not question them the most intolerant people they are the most empowering people witness and listen to all types of rubbish from everybody and we can smile it off a recent norm and you have a but it all wrong but the most important of people are the westerns they are the most intolerant they want to give you no peace they want to promote you they are terrified of you you know that in a small nation but you see in the ultimate there were people who rule this world according to Allah's law will be the righteous the god-fearing see all the civilizations in the world that have gone down the Roman civilization the Islamic civilization the every civilization you can think of that went down it didn't go down for lap of guns or weapons morality morality was the downfall the Roman Empire morality Muslims morality you leave more as you go down there is a law of God morality not the lap of guns or atomic weapons you see what goes down what takes them down is the morality what's going on now is not the lack of guns Russia is in conquerable America is incomparable militarily you can't run with these nations back what will bring them into the dust is morality and they move that well the nation when you study history every nation has gone down within left swords and spears morality took them into the gutter despite them and they can see the Muslim world as bad as we are as backward as we are we are the most moral people and we are destined to rule the world according to that law of God so how to pervert you how to make the one of the wrong they are rotten to the core they are rotten to the core Allah if you study them you don't have to study them you don't have to you kept their books the Christians let them let them tell you about themselves let them tell you you won't have to go and put your nose into every fruit and dirt every nook and corner to find out what is smelling you don't have to do that you ask them say look let us tell us about yourself so the greatest evangelist of the modern age a fellow by the name of Jimmy Swaggart in America his daily budget is 1 million dollars a day I don't think your your Julie budget is 1 million dollars I don't know I'm just guessing maybe more alhamdulillah but 1 million dollars a day this man's budget the guy with whom I debated so I got 1 million dollars a day you listen to the tape and you'll hear me telling him on his face this is now in your December 1985 issue of the eventual SEO magazine you say you now you need 1 million dollars a day million dollars how many rupees you complete 10 million rupees a day 9 million rupees a day that man has written many books about the shortcomings in his own country here is one incest he has written this incest you know it's incest do you people not all of you know incest those who don't know what is incest please put up your hand you don't know what's incest now there's nothing nothing to be ashamed of Allah nothing to be ashamed of a lot of simple words sometimes people don't know this is a technical word you know it's hardly used you see when you go along with somebody else's wife or daughter you zina adultery that's called adultery somebody else's wife or daughter art of marriage you go along with other people's wives and daughters that's adultery that's sinner you know Xena yes but if you go with your own mother and sleep with her your mother you use your mother as your wife you call that incest now you understand what is incest you go and prohibit with your own sister that is incest with your own daughter that's incest with your sister is incest with your daughter-in-law is incest now you know what's incest she says you know incest this is the dot stain on our society on American societies 13% won 13 out of every 100 white people American Christians they commit incest with their own watches they sleep with their own daughters and using them as Mike's their own daughters there is no backward nation on earth who does that he's saying he's right and in this book in this book he's giving us that in the Holy Bible there are 10 cases of incest in this holy book as if this is the textbook on incest if you want to know what what type of incest you can do get this book will tell you 10 different cases of incest sound father competing with his daughters is here son with his mother is here father Oliver this daughter-in-law is here brothers and sisters I hear in this video but they want to push this down your throat he said you can put me help with this / I say you haven't got it you must put this book away and take this time you teach you 10 different types of incest teach you this Quran one lifetime there is not a single case of instance in this book to tell you you know you will do this and that and that and that there's nothing yet get rid of this book get this it will take you to heaven I will take you to hell here and both jungnam both ways here you'll be in hell 8% of the whites of South Africa they commit incest we don't office 8% that's what the literalist maybe more but they tell is 8 percent of the white people in South Africa Christians they're committing incest with their own daughters Americans 13 percent the commit incest with their own quarters and that nation is worried about you going to take you to heaven they are in Hell now and they will take you to heaven homosexuality homosexual homosexuality there's another one from Sodom and Gomorrah you know too thoroughly Salaam his people saw them in Kamara was destroyed he says here at the end of one of these two books he says America is America says God will judge you this is what swag absence is master master of speech the way that's it beautiful so the America says God will judge you if he does not judge he means destroy you if it doesn't destroy you say he might have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah for what yet done to them we read about when we lose a lot is read you know there was a lotta strengthen for this and natural last for that Allah destroyed them what doesn't destroy you apologize I'm very sorry treated you too hardly God will have to apologize make tawba to Sodom and Gomorrah that's what he says in other words you have gone to such lengths three hundred thousand sodomites oh my boot they get into San Francisco on a pilgrimage led by fifty lesbians and motorcycles and they will sell you know they want to corrupt you they want you to be like them then they know you have no chance of ever ruling then the Muslim world this has got no chance if do you behave like them you will go the same way that they will go otherwise you are destined to rule the world Allah is telling us in the Quran is he's given you a Dean easily use a hero who LSD in a cool lady Dean that is to master overcome and supersede them all cool it whether it be Hinduism Buddhism christianism communism every ISM each time is destined to master them all Sobotka five Elijah he dodged and enough is Eliza witness to the sack that is going to make his need to prevail without you but this is the tested how to undo that distance very easy sermon corrupt you even the teacher you people don't know to dance huh see look at every Christian nation in Africa they shake the pumps just like the white man say verse striptease they do striptease you know the Christian nations they want you to do the same what is this floating living you know this Africa oh you must be lightly dripped see in South Africa they wearing skins now they don't wear skills anyway bikinis the stanga's I think you see some of them here you know Tyga's g-strings just the g-string is enough for them that's right Mississippi you know for your time it look the humidity I had to take off my jacket yeah they want to destroy so this guy thomas carlyle thesis is doing justice to the Prophet Mohammed and he did some justice because there was no fear and he says the wood of such a man is to the Arab nation to the Arab nation it was as a bird from darkness into light this book of God this Quran this rahi this revelation this message that Muhammad brought it is a birth from darkness into light his Arabia first became alive by means of it a poor Shepherd people a poor Shepherd people roaming and notice in his desert since the creation of the world nobody gave them a second look those barbarians the errors nobody gave them a second look Alexander the Great if you read history he passed him by radish will die with this are obsessed rubbish nobody's interested in them the Persians passed them by the Romans passed them by every nation just passing them by rubbish human rubbish liability anybody will pick them up will be a liability this is a poor shape with people roaming and notice in his desert since the creation of the world see the unnoticed becomes world notable the small has grown we'll do it within one century afterwards Arabia is at Granada on this hand a billy on that glancing in valor and splendor and the light of genius Arabia shines away great section of the world belief is great Billy EEMA lateen is great life giving the history of a nation becomes fruitful Sol elevating great so soon as it believes is it is it not as if a spark had fallen one spark and a what seemed black and noticeable sand but no the sand proves exclusive powder brings us heaven hi from Delhi to Granada this is what Mohammed's teaching game I'm asking who played color no testimony greatness really lies in coming from the mouth of the enemy but the enemy has to say we can say good things about our hero great things exaggerations we can everybody can but when it comes from the opposition is the opposition the opposition what he is telling you confirming what Allah says but in Palala for Lukey Nazim say most certainly thou Muhammad spend this on the highest pinnacle behavior let us send peace and salutations upon the Prophet in Allah how am I like a three a saloon alehna be yeah you will as in Amman salut le you seldom with as Lima Allah seldom says from a divine person mr. chairman and my dear brothers and sisters we can tell you on endlessly but I would like to give you the opportunity maybe you have some little taste yesterday and maybe now today URL with bolder than yesterday he said now you have so many questions and you'd like to ask me questions I'd like to give you that privilege of answering your questions and for that we don't want to do like what you have been doing just today keep on shouting come on man come forward come forward please those of you who have questions boys and girls men and women please if you queue up from here or this also will know what amount of time to give you all so please so we will not waste time every minute is precious everybody's minutes are precious let us make the maximum use of the time that I'm here so mr. chairman with your permission please come out those of you have questions and one by one ask the question go and sit down and you'll get the answer ask your question go and sit down and you'll get the answer please let's get started just happen Quran is the greatest miracle given by Allah to Muhammad and it and it and it will not be canceled or altered and it will be it will be remained forever can you take it will be remain forever then other books can you tell me why this is so right the question is that the Quran is the greatest miracle and Allah has preserved it and it will remain so forever he would like to know why should it be so this is a La Scala is a last and final revelation of a la varita our nightly occurrence Allah Allah Sultan Allah says his heart may be he is the last of the prophets the Prophet is the one who is in direct communication with God with God Almighty Allah WA Rita and if that combination communication is finished then there is no move for the guidance therefore now the guidance that is given must be perfect for all times to shoot all our needs answer all our problems and at the same time that book of instruction must be preserved and Allah Bharat Allah guarantees that in the Quran see the book guarantees itself it says guarantees Allah says in surah Baqarah what in Allah Allah Hafiz room that it is for us to send down the revelation and it is for us to protect it and we have seen history testifies to this that this is the Quran that Muhammad left not this printed in Durban South Africa but the contains inside is the same Quran word-for-word whatever was left by Muhammad's Allah loves Ellen this is the book and in 1400 years from the time of our not be up to today nobody can bring an iota of evidence one god of evidence to say that this verse was taken out or this verse was inserted 1400 years friends and foe alike the enemies and friends they all testify that this is the book that Muhammad left there is not another coupon which can boast such preservation that for 1400 years we have not nobody has been able to touch it to add or to delete on earth like the Bible the Holy Bible this is holy by being change daily daily see this is what is called the Revised Standard Version of the Bible see this one here happens to be the King James version of the Bible King James Version so what's the difference the bulk of Christians I don't know what's the difference I said look there are chunks and chunks have been taken out of this and thrown away they produce this one chunks and chunks of it you seem at the generally ordinary Christian doesn't know who produced this Christian not produced by Muslims or Jews or Hindus this is produced by Christians themselves and they tell you there's so many thing that is in here there are so many mistakes errors and shortcomings that you know they have to revise it and this system of revising is a continuous process they haven't come to a settlement yet what is in one they take out from the other words in the other they take off from the other and is a continuous process because they have not yet finalized that this is the word of God Allah claims that this is my book the Bible doesn't claim that Bible is my book God doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that the Bible is my book there is not another but there is not another book which claims for itself its name this one claims the title Quran for itself since Oh well pal amigo - Tarun my aunt ability Radhika of well Quran Almighty this is by the Quran a full of majesty Quran the Quran named Quran itself the word Bible in this vast volume the word Bible is not there the word Bible is not is on the cover yes hoo-hoo the color God Moses who wrote it nobody this day wrote it they put the Holy Bible that they wrote that in the whole vast volume inside the word Bible is not in the Bible still is amazing amazing you see it's an amazing situation that I had a Christians the ads of the time they when they were still receiving this message they were not happy with the Quran the mushriks and he was challenging them we should have produce something sell with Mohammed you say people who allow I had allow some at Lamia it will amulet there they could and 1400 years Christian missionaries there are books on Arabic we learned from the Christians frighten the Christian Europe books lanes lexicon this is the best lexicon means like a dictionary of Arabic written by by Christian somebody in our library you know a concordance of the Koran by Reverend Ahmad Shah Reverend Christian he did the concordance of the Quran right the agreement then it means follows Christian Arabs but we haven't brought an IR yet to challenge to confirm this book is a look here is something that we can also produce so there are evidences after evidence I never says this tell us what is this man talking much unlike the Bible and the Bible or any other religious book this book is addressing your problems mankind guidance teachings this is not fairytales you see like I gave you an example ten cases of incest what do you do with that you will commit incest do what you can do is that is that what is said to teach you what what you can do then you are doing it no there it is this proof any manner sense reason he can see that this is not the book of man this is not the book of Mohammed and he looked at man he didn't know how to read or write he would never have produced this book and answering all your problems the problems of mankind what are your problems come your drunkenness your surplus women come on what problems we have problems our racism every problem this book deals with it if it has no solution then we have look for another book we'll have to wait for another prophet I have three questions I beg you pardon I have three questions three questions no what you do you ask one and you go right at the back to be fair then when your turn comes again you ask another question and you go to the back give everybody a chance to be fit because if you ask three by the time last three I have forgotten the truth then what happens say this guy you read the questions so that as well as to be fair to the others one time this asked one question and go to the back according to my priority I am starting from question number two and I will go back that's quite all right okay my question number two is Islam permeat for whites at a time in certain societies men might take advantage of it men might take advantage of it advantage of advantage of it in fact they do consequently divorce rate goes high and the women are subjected to untold midgets in such societies can the marriage laws be suitably amended to ensure women's right and honor thank you you can yes take it the question was that Islam allows up to four wives and there are people who take advantage of this this permission and also they take unfair advantage forward our our daughters I know about a man I heard I was a shocked that has been through 24 ready he had married 24 women here here one of your one of your multi rights you know he married 24 women and he was one and then he married another Ranieri was her and he married another 24 he has gone through already and he's got a license it looks like you know your country and your nation gives them the license and your people I don't know what has happened to your brains how can you give your daughter as a 25th how can you give your sister as the 26 there's something time it all wrong with you and this guy is not the hen semester fellow you know if you look like me to be different he's not the richest of men is not the handsomest of fellow and he's been through 24 already now I said look it's not the fault of of the women is you meant your fathers and their brothers there's something wrong with you I don't know how you can be bought off so easily Islam allows Allah tells us marry women of your choice by twos and threes and fours but if you cannot do justice between them marry only one the only religious book on the face of the earth which has this statement marry only one is the Quran there is no which says marry only one so justice is required can you do justice if you can't you tempting problems then the law has got to come into effect if there is a halia of the time the woman has a right to one complaint is a look at this guy here she married as three or two and now look his can even feed in the children he doesn't work he's sitting in the muscle building the first be wasting tired starving the children this is how the Omer would have done it right he did it there was a man Sahaba Muslim good man he's sitting in the mosque every time he goes to the machine he finds this man sitting the Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah that's me what you polish that's me yes that's big fish Salah toss me just he goes again to the most - the guy sitting there sir father - mother comes to me say what do you do I'm making so handle ha don't you have your wife in shirt and you say yes by the scruff of the neck and threw him out of the mistake he's gone man your wife and children have a right over you your neighbors have a right to you the community has a right you what you bring in the Masjid so if there is a Hanif out of the jar I'm sure you have a coffee you go to the kadhi and says look this guy here this one is doing to me you have right to make demands whatever Islam gives you you have a right pass if you don't get it the guy should be put in jail listen yes but this is a solution to certain problems there are times in the this condition of different nations like in America there are 80 million woman who can't get husband's even if every American got married every man 8 million women can't get husbands so what'd you do with them so these women are breaking other women's homes they become prostitutes what else they also human so Islam gives the answer to these problems if you don't want to listen to these solutions then they simmer they were there during the lesson isn't that so no eyes this is the answer that they're giving what's your preference I would prefer my daughter my sister to share a husband with another woman then to become a prostitute is left to you now what you choose for your sister your daughter I would prefer my daughter my sister to share if it comes to that that there are so many women and there are not enough men I said what I rather prefer my daughter to share with another woman a husband or with three other women a husband sure then you become a prostitute common property of every Tom Dick and Harry that passes by done so his plan gives an answer to a problem but if people are taking unfair advantage of it he should be brought to book and given a whipping the public place right yes my son the current to Sharia if a person dies before his father then his children do not have inheritance right over the property of their grandfather on which the deceased would have inherited inheritance right thus subjecting the orphans on the mercy of their grandfather in poorer societies it creates a lot of problems to the orphans how do we test if age I think if I got it right the question is about the laws of inheritance about the grandchildren whether they can inherit from the grandfather's state is that what it is yes and you know what can happen and what not I see not this this is the question pertaining to the Jews of Islam you know people who do this justice who do Sharia chika I am an expert in comparative religion I haven't been to entire hulu I didn't go to a college or university nothing you see I have been talking talking experience brought me to this position my experience has been with Jews against Jews Christians Hindus 8th is agnostic now when you have problems of that nature is a look the H said this the Christians say why don't you take but anything like that you come to me that this is what the question said this is what the Hindu says against Islam what is the answer most probably I will have it for you but when you ask about Rica I haven't been to the al-azhar you know our share our chef have a sultan braava president he's been and I saw him on on video that there were a group of people questioning him firing needeth question and I can assure you that he'll be able to do a better job not against Iraq but in answering your question he'll do a better job than what I can do so wait for the next opportunity when there is such a meeting that you are President Mahmoud Abdul Kalam you know when he is allowing people to question him you be there and you fire him yes with the question the question fighting with the question and if you refuse to answer you write to me then I'll write back to him all right yes some of us have heard that you have met the Pope could you please give us a break of your meeting with the Pope I think the question is our brother seems to have misunderstood I met the Pope and he wants me to give an explanation of what happened when I met his holiness His Holiness the Pope in opava in Rome you see his Holiness the Pope there was some relationship between me and him but it is all by correspondence personally I haven't met him yet you see his Holiness the Pope the Arabs forum bhava the Pauline Baba when he went to 30 he made a pronouncement and I'm quoting him he said we must have a dialogue with the Muslims when he went to Kenya he said we must have a dialogue with the Muslims when he went to Nigeria he said we must have a dialogue with the Muslims what is the dialogue a dialogue is a two-way process we have certain problems and we discuss you make your contribution I make mine and we come to a solution answer to the problem that is the dialogue is that what he's telling the people no actually he is playing a game he is a master psychologist this pill this present Pope is the most popular Pope they had in a thousand years he is the most psychological Pope in a thousand years this Polish Pope wherever he goes I give example he goes and kisses the ground and who makes a Muslim happy he makes the Hindu happy he makes the Christian happy master psychologist when he says about dialogue he is actually telling his people boon with the Muslims but he doesn't use the word convert because if you use the word convert the Muslim going to react because when his priest will come along with his dog koala you know the caller turn upside down he says good morning good morning you know straight away he's come to steal your children want to come back over to your children so you say get rid of him somehow some excuse get him out of the house but if he talks about dialogue you can say no because Allah tells us to have a dialogue with him in the Quran Allah says Poltava ya al-kitab to people of the book who choose in Christian style how come he like a limit in Sabah banana obey nakum that we come to common terms as between as a new let us get on platform and platform let's come to some agreement about what Allah with Allah that we worship none but Allah well are Lucia Rica be he/she and and that we associate no partners with him while I am talking about to Nevada Narbonne to LA and that we do not take from among ourselves lords and patrons other than Allah find our love Papa wish her to be a Muslim moon but if they turn back tell them that we are Muslims we have submitted our wills to the will of Allah this is a lifestyle in a cabin either with him and he must have a dialogue with you we can't say no but he doesn't mean that I knew the game that he was playing so I wrote to him I said your holiness his holiness respectfully you are talking about dialogue dialogue dialogue I said look I am prepared to come along and have a dialogue with you in st. Peter's in Rome in your own home in your own third eye beam they see once before I passed through Rome I went to the Vatican and I've been to the st. Peter's in Rome huge huge is unimaginable in size unimaginable and a huge square in front of that st. Peter's I said man that's a right place you tell me where I am prepared to come down you talk about a dialogue we want to have a dialogue with you because the Quran tells us also have a dialogue with you we would have a dialogue no reply so I send him another letter no reply I send my telegram no replies look when you start something you don't let go others being spat so comes a reply he's prepared to receive me in the Secretariat Nene in private I said look this is not a matter between Ahmadi that and the Pope this is a matter between Islam and Christianity I met the president this morning let's private you see we sat down as friends and we chatted there's something different this guy's Park is a thousand million Muslims on one side are involved 1,200 million Christians are involved on the other side everybody wants to know what you're talking what did you discuss everybody wants to know he wants in fact so I asked him as a how he gives you Secretariat you won't have to Secretariat how big is it because three plane loads of young men from South Africa want to come so the dialogue three plane loads over the childhood special planes my people are enthusiastic very enthusiastic there was a rumble in the jungle in save it you know that Muhammad Ali and Foreman they had a boxing match you people didn't even know in the world what is say but who welcome to Hamid Ali and Foreman high weight championship role in the jungle rumble in the jungle so everybody came to know you know boxing match inside others they won't of a series like the Manila teams leaves because of my little brother you know they have this conference here that enabled me to come here and I'm telling everybody items yes you say if you say so three plane loads of young men want to go how big is the secretary no reply I send him another letter no replies and a telegram have you received my correspondence no reply but through the post I get this picture this picture of His Holiness the Pope playing hide and seek is passing on but you know please will only just pass it on they can just have a good look we were going to kiss him kiss him but pass it on and let the people just pass it through you know just have a good look there Omaha his holiness is playing hide and seek who do they say are two mutually Kaling immaturely kill nd a little to play hide and seek he's playing hide and seek so actually see it's a game a game he was playing with a Muslim and I the I sense that I didn't approve it I meet dr. Abdullah I see of the rabbit I'm in Jeddah I meet him in Birmingham at the luncheon somebody had given us lunch and we'll be sitting together so Abdullah Nassif is asking me we are on first-name relationships are much what happened about that dialogue of yours so I explained I said that fellow was playing the fools with the Muslims man you know he was making a fool of us and I caught him out because I put him that what he was trying to do is playing fools with us he says you know he did it to me so what he said he did the same thing to me so what did he do dr. Abdullah and I see how the revita he said he did it to me what did he do you see Palmer a dialogue and I went we say Paula Paula miss Alma you know simple we are all like simpletons you know simpleton simpleton in English what you mean tons of simplicity simpleton means bloody idiot simple doesn't mean full of simplicity see mr. D that is such a simple fellow you know he fell also he took off the jacket and you know just for my like any one of us simple is something insignificant is another we Muslims are treated like simpletons idiots so he went and he said they he I was received well you see in the waiting room I sat down for ten minutes waiting to see his Holiness the Pope then they took me to another waiting room a higher grade i sat there waiting for the Pope this holiness then they took me to another waiting room great great way as if you gonna meet a loved one or that they're going to carve la you know he said the vision of God this Pope now you suspense is being created one level another level another left and in comes the Pope charming Sam I don't know whether they embraced him kissed him I don't know but he said he from Egypt villainesses and I'm from Saudi Arabia so maybe they were fishing for some Egyptians he was fishing for some Egyptians maybe there were some Egyptians also on the line in a queue waiting somewhere since in why I'm from Saudi Arabia so the Pope says you know you don't allow us to build churches in your country so doctor will have massive said if you allow us to be mosque in the Vatican you allow you to do that I don't know kind Medina but in the rest of the country it's a look we allow you people freedom of religion for you people to have your services but you have been using each and every place of worship as a center for Christianizing the Buddhism from sins from Ceylon from Korea and people from the Philippines from the Hindus and all you're trying to Christianize them all you're using them as centers of Christianity in our countries is that what Allah want you to have a dialogue about no Allah says Allah would I love law that is what you will talk about not about you know your fishes are too expensive you know can't you reduce the price of fish or the price of oil or the price of onions in your country is that what you talk about no Allah tells you what to talk about I go to Malaysia I meet to observe a small the old president Prime Minister of Malaysia so he also came to know around that time SEC Ahmad what happened about your dialogue with the Pope I can't bring the young man from asking the same question everybody what happened so I told him what had happened since you know the guy did it to me so what I do to you he says you see call me for a dialogue and he says I went in sketching everybody out is making fools out of everybody the most of the missionaries this Catholics were for drugs smuggled drug II and the penalty is the penalty there for drugs in Sabha say sell the country intercede on our behalf to the Saba government whatever people go is that when Allah wants you to have a dialogue about no they have been making fools out of us left right and center and if you allow that guy to come into your country well love you would have started an opening of a lot cancer cancer in the country I don't know who made the decision to keep the follow out I said keep them out keep them out they want to pollute you for work if they want to have a TARDIS look man that D that is there you send him over Algrim do the talking for you ship him out you know any Americans look you go ahead in the meeting in the Madison Square Garden and you said uncle get out there you talk with him there in your country inshallah we the Muslims believe there everything was created and programmed by God Allah Allah and we also heard that life history of a human being is written and programmed before his birth if it is so what is our fault for committing a scene I think what the young man is his once to know is that Allah created man with his life history written like that deal mystic beam is all written down that you will be a rapist you will be a murderer you will be a you will be a cutthroat you will be a cheat everything was written down Thanks see and then now if that is so Allah wrote these things down for me a MIDI dog you know what a horrible fellow will be Hitler is going to kill six million Jews incinerate them how can God make him to account for it it's very fair question if God wrote that hit llamas incinerate six million Jews how can God asked him el why we do in separate six million Jews was a lot it was great if Allah wrote that you know mama spank somebody innocently on the job and I got to do it then you'll know nobody can catch me said a lot said kidding right what did I do no you see what it actually means this is that Allah knows Allah knows everything about everybody but he didn't write it he didn't make you to do it say that's quite a different thing from knowing knowledge is one thing and making you to do is another thing see we have certain knowledge we have certain knowledge like the false idol you don't know about false walk and no data you see I own a false walk and beetle motor oh you know about boots you see and in the boat it's you buy a new boat I buy a new boat I'm a stranger as I got a lot of money as I wanna buy a boat and I'm going to go one of your islands that for this island that you're in your country I'm going to visit the place so I get a pilot see and I was the boat as a fuel up Patrol so if he was up the tank so write code no he says you see this thing this amount of petrol we need spare drums of pitfalls repent money in my pocket so look money is no good what you need is petrol I'm stubborn so no man is a brand-new boat and the tank is full of petrol you take me to my destination it's a Saab you know it won't go beyond that certain Island he's telling me sir you're in that certain Island you know you see on the map that beyond this way it won't go I said man is a brand-new boat full of petrol boom so bad bus said I told you you move so he goes and around the island he was telling me the finishing na am I going to blame the pilot I said damn food while you get it stuck hey sir I told you Howard made into chocolate is he god I know from experience he knows that this amount of petrol can only take you halfway so that is to experience knowledge our knowledge is acquired knowledge we can predict so many things you behave like this my son you will go very far sooner or later somebody is going to break your job you know the way you are behaving looking for a fight looking for trouble everywhere I look you won't go very far before you put on the corner somebody will bash you what makes me to say that I know from experience that you can behave like that and get away because I did so from experience I'm telling you from experience a pilot is telling me our knowledge is dependent upon experience knowledge allows knowledge is self-knowledge to him everything is now here past present future is an open book so it is in his knowledge but he hadn't written you do this and you do that if you had written then there is no accounting but there is no richer say this is the people talk like that is written it's not written it is in his knowledge next one I think this is only 2 minutes more last question this will be I'm very very sorry my brother with the three questions we're not going to stay there but we appreciate yes this is the last question it's everything has an end you agree and I'm an old man too old machine I am sweating too it said that everybody is born to the to this world as a as an innocent and clean baby now say when he when his parents when he is bringing up he is converted to Christian and he was this baby was died before he was too young to know what is right and what is wrong so who is who will be punished for this every individual will have to account for himself according to his knowledge according to his opportunities all these factors are taken into account before Allah passes judgment he is not unjust if you never heard them may God Allah in your life in a pyramid of suicide let's say this multi violence nobody heard the name God nobody heard the name Allah and they live like animals according to the own you know primitive standards Allah will not ask you why didn't you believe in my Jesus why didn't you believe in my Muhammad why didn't you fast why didn't you make Hajj no no questions each will be asked according to his experience knowledge know-how capacity so if the child born to Muslim parents but somehow the Christians you know this missionaries they take over the child and Christianize a child and the child in his life or in her life never comes across any other knowledge except what was brainwashing paid challah will be more merciful that person then to the guy to whom knowledge instructions Corrections had been delivered so everybody will be given an opportunity according to his knowledge background and experience opportunity new opportunity can be held a lie will be merciful but we will be questioned suppose we had an opportunity like in my country the Muslim is in big trouble in my country because we have non Muslim women working for us non Muslim men working for us and we are too busy to deliver the message you true if there are people working with you who are Christians or working for you who are Christians and if you don't deliver the message you are in trouble because Allah will ask you on the day of judgment didn't you deliver the message to that person that he was going off the fact he said nobody thought I say why not I was too busy sir you're too busy doing what looking video did that video that's going to be grace you would do that videos you are in trouble so everybody according to his opportunity and capacity he will be judged [Applause] brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen that concludes the session on Mohammed the greatest now mr. Dida will believe in us tomorrow that's leaving Maldives so on behalf of all the audience and all the youth center we thank you very much mr. Lee that for spending this yesterday and today with us we indeed have benefited much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 12,961
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: ahmed deedat, muhammed the greatest, prophet muhammed, أحمد ديدات
Id: ZhpnMqtcMFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 37sec (5497 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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