Is Jesus God? Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful we welcome you one and all here tonight in the Kensington Civic Center we will ask EEMA father Cornelius to start the evenings proceedings for us with the recital from the Holy Quran all the him innocento Reggie Smith morpheme Yamanaka Looney general Intelli team what a mess what was he fighting gentleman to live in uh y-you are buried - I do not equally being happy not only am i highly montana t what me mazeed what was the fact agenda to come clean of why you're buried in my - I do - I do own a link we were bidden a few my - i doin any Kunia were bidden - man washing wanna be the why behind ya a beauty beanie the whole don't be shy the whole room I wanna see how i attain amazeen welcome mm you corn information do me no patience I know Uncle Phil be like the enemy my feels in a fever Lincoln I think on a local Putin was somehow my shade well I'll put the fall upon a summer yt1 love all ama by know who Murphy sympathy I am what mamas enemy while I'm going to call I'm gonna semi why do I love bomb I'll be no Murphy CTA my my my son of me [Music] so spill rider my folks me ride a my uncle you know I some fish beer haven't you don't become pollutions I mean that Lane offensive be who I either one new I mean Eleni for some beer whoever was sure dude west Emir Yoma Unadilla moon Adam in like a new party be a home I smell no soy hotter will think I am food in a noon or year I knew me to ila little machine imitation uncle Bumi normal sylvatica I should not be Nina she'll never be my opponent either you be Jabbar for the Cuban my lolly you love verily Allah has spoken the truth those people standing at the door particularly the jinns with you first of all come to the stage we don't expect the ladies to do the same could some of the jinns offer their seats to the ladies then they can come to the stage those people in the foyer please find your way inside we wouldn't like to see you standing all evening those at the door there's still some ladies standing they could some of the jeans offer the seats please ladies will you kindly take the seeds that have been vacated instead of standing outside in the for you will you please come in ladies find any gent looking straight in the eye assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu good evening ladies and gentlemen we have come tonight to the end of a series of eight lectures by mr. Ahmed Deedat and these lectures included topics such as what the Bible says about mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam crucifixion or crucifixion exile in Orsi tion whether it is fact or whether it is fiction and al-quran the visual miracle tonight the topic under discussion is is Jesus God we are indeed fortunate to have mr. Medina in our midst so soon after an extensive tour of the Arab countries where he lectured on these very topics he leaves for Durban tomorrow morning and I'm sure for many of us it will be a set for a wave farewell through the Islamic propagation centre he has brought with him free literature I think all the literature has been dished down we have to wait for more if you want any of the literature and is not available tonight you can write to the Islamic propagation centre it will be sent to you free the booklet pertaining to last night's lecture al-quran the visual miracle will be available early in main the qur'an's or which we out of stock tonight will be obtainable from Rosemead Clement for the same price as it was available here at these lectures 750 each 10 reigns for two if you cannot afford the 750 or the 10 reigns you are free to write to the Islamic propagation centre and state your reason why you should be issued with a free copy of the translation by Allah medulla Yusuf Ali and it will be seen to you the videos of the TV program which was on the program crossed questions the topic then was islam and christianity mr. Gilchrist featured a and mr. Ahmed Deedat and Maulana from Durban and another Roman Catholic minister that is available for 25 reigns you can write to the Islamic propagation centre you will get your copy if you send the 25 reigns it's also available here and a transmitted supermarket for those that you write to Devon send your 25 reigns and you'll get a video cassette once you've made all the copies you want to and once you've seen it a good couple of hundreds of times you then send it back you get your 25 reigns Bank the videos of the prison series of lectures will also be available and tonight I think I can say within about two and a half weeks time those will also be available at 25 Raines percocet and for those also you can write to Durbin make your copies and get you 25 rounds back once you send it away please don't take the tape out and put the comic strip inside we won't take much more of your time will now call upon my staff medida to deliver his talk on the subject is Jesus God I will be Lyman shaytan al rajim bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim' mal merciful new Maruyama allah rasool cut allotment a blue so what muhu sadita kana yakulani tom - variety from monroe and now you freakin Sadiq allah salla allahu al azim mr. chairman and brother people naturally become inquisitive they would like to know how does it come about that a Muslim is expounding biblical prophecies he's dealing with Islamic subjects from the Christian point of view that my that he might be able to appeal to the Christians way did he get this knowledge from I did make some indication in the beginning of my lecture tour that I was working in a country shop and across a shop from where I was there was a Christian mission Adams mission station where missionaries were being trained and these missionaries were coming to the shop where I was working selling sugar and salt handkerchief flour this was my work and me and my other there were other young X students just left school we were being hammered by the Christians they came along whatever they studied they practice it on ass so you know Islam was spread at the point of the sword in other words Muhammad fosters the religion down people's throat by threatening them of chopping of their heads says Muhammad copied his book the Quran from the Jews and the Christians you know he has so many wives and on and on we were at the receiving end of a Christian assault attack and either I felt it should leave the job and run away Oh defend yourself but you can't defend yourself if you have no knowledge and I was in desperation and Allah Barrett Allah is Musa by Balazs Bob he is the creator of opportunities I was restless one Sunday morning didn't know what to do I want some reading material there was no books to read but I was hungry to read so I go into my boss's warehouse rummaging through a pile of newspapers looking for something pleasant to read like the Farmers Weekly and things of that nature and in that pile of newspapers I come across a worm-eaten book full of mildew and the name of that book was is Hyrule hock which means the truth revealed at the end of this booklet if you have received it is the Bible God's Word there is an epilogue that how these things happen and I mentioned here that this book is how Huck changed my life my all my experiences you know this has made me actually that one book made me to come here now and you coming to listen to me because of that one book what one book can do so in that book it was written by an Arabic and this Arab gentleman was trying to arm the Indian Muslims who we're at that time at the receiving end of a Christian assault in India you see India was in the hands of the Muslims they were ruling it they ruled it almost a thousand years and the British came with the superior gun power and they snatched power Dominion rule out of our hands and they felt and they thought rightly that if at any time anybody would give them trouble it will be the Muslims because they are tasted power taste abdominal tasted rule and once you have tasted that you aspire to get it once more back again so said if we can convert these people if we can make them to turn the other cheek you know we can rule India for a thousand year so they started pouring in the missionaries like frogs in the rainy season into India and they started mastering of a language and wanting to debate with the Muslims at first the Muslims were reluctant you know these are the rulers now they have conquered us and if we debate with them you know they might put us in jail Robben Island something like that so he says men live it out but now since I started learning our language in challenging as in our mother tongue the Muslims were forced to accept the challenge and a mawlana Abdulaziz of Delhi this is I'm reading the book which made everything interesting to me which brought me here that Mawlana Abdulaziz of Delhi he was forced to accept the challenge it was a certain River and founder who was the head of that movement missionary movement and according to the appointed time in date the debate started the reverend started the debate with requesting the Mawlana Mawlana means our share for Imam in our language you see in the language of the Indian Muslim he said Maulana Sahib telling him in Urdu sir respected Mawlana get started start the ball rolling so the Mawlana said you see look you are our elder brother in other words Christianity precedes Islam by 600 years so you are 600 years senior to us so as such you have the first preference number two is the look you are our guest no doubt an unwelcome guest but a guest at that so as such again you have the first preference so the Reverend was forced to start the debate and he started with a question this is Mawlana Sahib speaking in Urdu Maulana Sahib where is your Prophet Muhammad nah so the Maulana after a pause he replied that he is in general fear those in heaven bless at heaven with God Almighty out of that answer came the second question said all right all right tell me now where was he when his grandson Hussein was martyred at Karbala so the mallanna again thought for a moment and he again replied he was still in general fear those in Blessed heaven with God Almighty out of that answer came the third question I am reading this in the book is it all right now Maulana Sahib look if you if your nammed was with his Allah as you say and while his grandson was being butchered we'll check it at Karbala didn't he ask his Allah for help he said look my grandson is being witches please no mercy only say so there was a long pause and the Reverend couldn't hold his peace started stamping sweets come on come on didn't he didn't he ask his allah for help because if somebody is bullying me and if I have a young heavyweight champion next to mr. Lippman ask a policeman you know it has helped me sell me so did he ask his Allah for help so after a long pause the mother has said yes he did he did this is what did he say you know he wasn't saved what did Allah say and there was an inaudible pause undo pause so the Reverend again started stamping his come on come on What did he say so tomorrow he said Allah cried he cried so on a lock right he said yes I couldn't save my own son Jesus how can I save your grandson and the debate was over I hope the Chairman doesn't take exception to your laughter look we are human beings we must have sense of humor since of humor is not only laughing it at the people but we can also laugh at ourselves there are times and I know you have it I will remember in the City Hall Cape Town I have made a joke against the Malays and the Malays they enjoyed it it was against them as a look they have a sense of humor they can also laugh at themselves this is greatness laughing at other people any fool can do that but can you laugh at yourself sometime the joke is on us we must be able to laugh it don't lose your temples I am reading another anecdote you see what made me to read that book he says there was an Arab sheikh Arab sheikh and a Christian missionary you know what's touching to him and they have that perseverance look we must give them that credit you know they can come night after night and you can knock them base them you know with all the arguments and still they come both back for more they have it look we have embodied it with it we haven't got the quality we can't take it they can take it while nada can't take it so this this missionary he kept on going to this Arab sheikh you know day in and day out is his preaching to him Christ crucified that you know Jesus Christ died for your sins Jesus Christ died for your sins you only accept when you be saved and he won't let go persevere perseverance was there so they are Sheikh told his secretary said when this guy comes again next time I want you to come and whisper something in my ears so according to the arrangement when the missionary started again Christ died for your sins Christ crucified so this Secretary of his comes along and whisper something in these years somebody's dead so the net in history what has happen I just got the sad news the gibreel died the Archangel Gabriel that he died so don't be a fool system angels don't die and since you fool you telling me all along that God died angels don't die but God can't die so we want to know whether he was God the subject is is Jesus God if he died did he die as a man we know he didn't die we are told woolmarket agua masala bubu they didn't kill him and did him crucified but let us accept their word for whatever they say he said now look when he died did he die as a man or did he die as a god if he died as a man useless what lie the whole theology is useless because one man can't carry the sins of the whole world one man can't he must die as a god if he dies if he is crucified he must be crucified as a God only then we can redeem mankind so they must tell us did he die as a man or did he die so God so if it has a bottom got died tell us what now this question is Jesus God can be answered very easily by asking a counter question you see to the question his Jesus God we ask a counter question did he claim to be God if we claim to be God then we start discussing further what is the implication of that statement first did he claim such a thing you see there are people today in the world like in India they say Mahatma Gandhi you heard his name I'm sure Mahatma Gandhi he was the ninth incarnation of God you see the Hindus believe in God incarnate meaning God coming down to earth again and again as a man this even the media Rises you see God Almighty he comes down to earth he delivers deliver the message and he dies somebody kills him in he dies and when the need arises again he comes again this is the Hindu theology you see in that system of incarnation they believe Rama was the seven incarnation of God Krishna was the eighth in car of God means eight times that God came into the world he came in the form of Krishna Buddha was the ninth incarnation of God Cal encounter was the tenth and Mahatma Gandhi was the eleventh I'm sorry I said a night he was the eleven according to certain Hindu theologians now we have to ask of a Hindu cousins did Mahatma Gandhi say that he says no is it don't waste time look simple easy if 600 million Hindus say not my Gandhi is the eleventh God incarnate we asked them did Mahatma Gandhi say that this is not there's a look to it to the world wasting time don't we spend don't waste your breath no more ninety million Germans they go once more on the warpath this time they say Hitler was the second God incarnate Jesus Cass was first Hitler is number two we asked the Germans did Hitler say that they said no is a gone face don't waste our time this is hotel you know something's gone wrong with you the same thing Rama Sri Rama is the seventh did Rama say that this is known through it to the world if somebody said the Holy Prophet Muhammed was body incarnated as that fool did Muhammad say that he says no for check simple easy first thing the man makes the claim now we analyze that claim but if the man didn't make the claim this loosens in wasting your breath so to the question is Jesus God we pose a counter question did he claim to be God and on the first night of my this series of talks there was one of our Christian brother and he came forward and it had no connection with the lecture he had to make a statement that Jesus Christ is God he had to come and make that statement in other words in his mind heart and mind he below the message of the Muslims now you all will go to hell if you don't accept him he's done his duty so I responded I said look man there is not a single and equivocal statement anywhere in the Bible where Jesus says I am God or where he says worship me meaning a single statement straightforward saying the truth I am God no doubt about that humans is I'm God or he says worship me as I show me in your book 73 books of the Roman Catholics or 66 of the Protestants anyway in any version and they have a thousand versions now day by day they're coming out in us like mushrooms this sprouting I went to the Bible House this afternoon and I was busy with the amount of Bibles their versions that they have I had to buy one because one of our Christian interrogators you know questioners when I asked him what Bible have you got he does not answer he wasn't know what Quran have you bought so say it is Abdullah Yusuf Ali s as a word Bible family God so he says ni be never heard in my life before I am supposed to be in the know boy maybe I have a thing he must have said NIV but it sounded like ni be nip-slip ni be what Bible is that this is the New International Version I said oh so I had to go and buy one I bought one today so now he can come forward and I can speak to him about the NIV you see now this is how knowledge increases the guy puts a problem to you he comes about is something new said that's going to see this new thing now where did these guys get their information from haven't the guys to come forward I'll ask me now about the NIV and I'll tell them something about the NI B then you want to know where as you know about an IBS look these guys are my friends you see everybody who comes to question you anything difficult he is your best friend though you don't like it for the moment we don't like it philosopher he said if you want a man to hate you make him think make him think if because we don't like to think whenever build is smoking cigarette please put it off doesn't befit our meeting please put off your cigarette in 1840 Thomas Carlyle one of the greatest thinkers of the past century he was delivering a series of talks and in that series of talks you spoke about our an idea curry masala louder Salaam as the hero prophet and his introduction to his lecture he starts he says in the history of the world they will not again be any man ever so great whom his fellowmen will call a God never again another was mankind has reached that stage of intellectual development that he will not accept another human being as God anymore this is what he said this is what he thought but he was wrong you see we have reached a stage for example not me me look at me if I can fly like a bird in this hall and come back I understand here again you know it's impossible nothing there no no gears or anything like them no jets for pollution nothing can you see me I can fly like a bird I can read your mind I can tell you what you've got in your pocket will you accept me as a god will you know why not I said look your father can't do that I can give life to the dead I can fly like a bird I can walk on the water believe that I am God it's a look man what we are looking at you we can see so many things you are about 66 years old over 60 any case and you will be here for another 60 definite right says you know each one of us can strangle you quite easily if you are a nice weekend life you so we can see men how do you do these things I don't know if you don't understand and tell how you do it but I know you're not by God because before 66 you are not here and this universe is here for billions of years you know you didn't make your father you didn't make your grandfather did you know it's the left do you not God simple easy no matter what I do you say man you I'm terrified of you if you can do these things I know you made it how we might kill me but this is you're not my god I can see that you know you eating food and if you don't get food in time you're gonna die if you don't have water you'll be hydrate I know that so you not my god simple easy then how did it happen he's posing the question from a scholar how did it happen that people have conferred divinity upon other human beings he says may we may rationally ask did any set of human beings ever really think that the man they saw they standing beside them a God the maker of this universe ask yourself the question that the contemporaries of Rama did they think Rama was a God because LaVon the king of Ceylon he abducted his wife dzt was updating his God's wife now if you thought he was God never abduct his wife he stole his wife and kept over 12 years God's wife beautiful woman an Aryan woman and this guy was a Davidian at that scheme follow he loved this woman and he played the trick and he abducted her he was not abducting the wife of his God simple logic Krishna the pan was were having it out with him again and again we were thinking they were fighting a god the answer is no if they thought Krishna was a God that never ever gone into battle against him sure is it Jesus Christ you know the Bible says in the Gospel of st. Luke I think chapter 2 verse 23 and other Christians are very fun it might be 3:23 you see cell come along and seventh point of order correction mister B that doesn't know it is chapter 2 and not chapter 3 I said look I'm not infallible and I'm also old you know I can't remember all the figures so well however chapter 2 verse 23 it says when he was eight days old he was circumcised I'm only reading what's written there when he was eight days old he was circumcised and named Jesus by the angel when he was in his mother's womb so asking who was in his mother's womb this is Jesus so who is Jesus is God and the son of God veritable son of God so how did he come out from there so just like you and me I am asking please explain in soon as a class a cousin make it easy for me ha ha please explain and you watch his face how can you explain and he was circumcised the baba it was about this job they were no surgeons those days to circumcise children the barber did the child see this was the privilege so a Baba comes along to the stable after eight days and you know how circumcision takes place I remember because I was 8 years old when I was circumcised so I know very vividly how things happen see when children I eight days well they know nothing what's going on but I says I know how it works imagine God being circumcised you can imagine somebody coming and holding God and think this my god and circumcising him no did the barber think he was a god no did his teacher when he went to school did he think he was teaching a god no when the Roman soldier punched him in the stomach he says come on prophesy who hit you did he thing he was punching his god no when this soldier launched him on the side to the spiriting was dancing his god no look synthesis the contemporaries of the personal concern the dating the man was a god the answer is no then how did it happen we are brainwashed program Jeffrey hunter you know he acted in Phil called King of Kings and in that film he had to play the part of going on Mount Zion outside Jerusalem he had to crime and why he was planning his sweating he's spending for bread you know for the filming he had to go up there were no helicopters to take him then you see so he had to go up so he says Christian one Christian he said for the first time in my life I realized how human Jesus was he must have gone through the same process he knows sweating anything for bread but we imagined today the Christian imagines that he was like a spirit moving one minute here one minute they're like look our brother said I was in the Middle East and I tell you yes if I tell you in five countries in so many days and then I was in Durban I mean John in Cape Town I didn't find me internals but I'm going to Botswana I'm going to Sudan and what but you know I have to work hard to keep these places I'm not floating like a spirit you see I have to go and catch the plane I have to wake up in time it's difficult it's all difficult but now when people tell you you know he was there and I saw him there and then when I went to Cape Town I saw him there lecturing there so you think he was a ghost do you that was a ghost but you know do that is no ghost now Allah Barret Allah absorbs for the Teasle Islam from any type of Association that he claimed to be God on the day of judgment Allah Barret Allah will question according to surah maidah chapter 5 verse hundred nineteen and 120 it reads it says and behold Allah will say oh Jesus son of Mary this is now say unto men worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God you will say Jesus you say glory be to thee never could I say what I had no right to say had I said such a thing that would indeed have known it thou knowest what is in my heart though I know not what in nine how North in full all that is hidden justification that Hatice Alice Salaam never claimed to be God because of that I am able to offer to our Christian brethren you show me one place in any version of no Bible where Jesus says I am God I am prepared to accept it you show me anywhere in the Bible Jesus says worship me as I am prepared to worship Him I say I don't talk for my brother I don't know for you I talk for myself I put my neck on the guilty chop it off as you like surely why can I make such an plain such an offer because I know there is no such thing if there was any doubt look I love my life we all do so I know there isn't just show me one place in your book any version of any Bible where Jesus says I am God or where it says worship Me I said I am prepared to do that there isn't such a thing there's some notes here let me read it so I would like those standing to come to the stage could we have a short pause thank you very much those are for brethren please you know do come in allows our brother outside to take your place come right in take from the Spade I know yes ladies find any gentleman sitting at the back tap him on the shoulder you know you know what you want you need his seat those in the doorway you may like to stand there all night but there are other people in the foyer would like to come inside so would you please come up to the stage it is the last time we are going to break to give people the chance to come up to the stage you need not be afraid you won't have to answer any of the questions last request please come to the stage those gentlemen who are sitting please offer your seats to the older folk and to the ladies can even sit in the aisles if you do not want wish to come to the stage if that is all then we will be compelled to continue thank you for the break sir mr. chairman in brethren leave out claiming divinity the man Jesus Christ was so humble he did not want people even to call him good leave are being called God he didn't want people to call him good master in the Gospel of st. Matthew chapter 19 verse 16 I am reading and behold one came and said unto Him to Jesus good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life his asking question what must I do to get jannah heaven verse 17 and he said unto him why callest thou me good what you calling me good for there is none good except one that is God he is the only one who deserves to be called good don't call me even good but if thou wilt enter into life means if you want life eternal if you wanna keep the commandments keep the commandments means whatever was taught to you thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's five thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill so whatever you were told we do keep the commandments I'm asking like Christian brethren that if I was their Jew and this is the answer I got so I say right alhamdulillah I'm trying to inshallah I will not commit adultery I will not steal I will not kill will I enter gender or not this is the master says if you will enter into life keep the commandments that's all Allah is that is all that is where like somebody you go and ask some Ali he said look what must I do to go to Jannah is it look you keep on praying five times a day if you think that he's authorized to tell you that so generalize well you keep on praying five times a day Gemini's for you Jesus is keep the commandments I said I keep the commandments there was no question of anybody dying for anybody since keep the commandments follow laws and commandments of God and don't call me good there's only one good that is God but the Christians you know they are going to the extremes you read the literature or when this confront you these born-agains they will tell you they won't O'Connor you into this which is an either they say use the word either last night or not the night before in the city where I was using the word either either this or that either this or that they give you alternative so either way you get caught so either Jesus is God or a liar this is Christian literature they will ask you look either Jesus is God or is a liar can any Muslim say he was a liar no so he must be God I am asking is the word liar is it an opposite of the word God is that an enter name of God in any language the opposite word for God is it a liar no but now see they put it trillion upon us and are you Azzam we as Muslims we come to say he was a true Messenger of God you know he would never lie that's why I say if he said he is God then he must be God I'm prepared to accept it show me where the Quran says he didn't such a claim and the Bible says the same he never made any such claim either another either Jesus is God or a lunatic as a Wayne is lunacy lunatic and opposite of God so I must him can you say Jesus was a lunatic No so you are caught so you must say his God or another either Jesus is God or an impostor do you this either this or that why should they be they say this man here is either black or white but between black and white there are endless shades of gray we know that among English shades you know we are why must it be he must be black or he must be white this head I'm wearing is either white or black couldn't I be wearing a grey one or a red one or a pink one why must it be this or that but this is the type of sickness you say they have developed a sickness so Allah says look at careless in a hollow in a llaha whole massive know maryam whosoever says that Jesus Christ the Son of Mary is God they are making Kufa is an act of pass for me it's a treason against Allah Harlen messy but Christ said you have an Israel Oh children of Israel Oh Jews labuda law worship Allah that be what a become with my Lord and your Lord in the whom you should be la whoever will associate anyone with Allah but at the haram al aliyyil Jenna Allah will make Janet Haram for them no heaven for them maja and the fire of hell will be the dwelling place what is Allah mean I mean Ansar and for the wrong Jews will be no one to help surah maidah chapter 5 verse 75 now you come across these people in the flesh lunar people and I give you an experience of mine we had a reverend dr. Morris the head of the Presbyterian Church in Canada he was brought over by the Department of Information you say our government is bringing VIPs the very important people from all over the world and they at their expense common expense and they look after them they feed them and they take them around show them your Belleville University is it look at this what we have done for the colored people have you got one like this in your country for the blacks he says no take them to Durban West will it's a monumental building so do you see this this is what we have done for the Indians look at it have you got one like that in your country this is not it takes him to the University of Siouxland masterpieces universities are not masterpieces of construction museums they spend our government show them around is a look at Soweto 1 million people we have host:we mall is not perfect look we are not perfect Rome was not built in a day give us a little break you know things will come right now when these guys when they go back they will go back tell us tell people's a look South Africa is not as bad as what people make it out to be and if a person can say that our government is happy just that is not as bad as people say so Reverend Morris comes along Department of information they give me a ring he was a man of religion so he was to be brought to the Masjid the Juma mustard Durbin it's also an landmark in Durban it's a largest mosque south of the Equator on Fridays we got 4,000 a congregation of 4,000 Musel is 4,000 on Fridays it's right in the center of the city the architecture is normal architecture so there phone miss look we have Reverend dr. Morris and he's coming on a certain day will you be afraid to take him around and explain to him what goes on is a privilege for us so I Reverend dr. Morris his wife and the lady from the department of information they came on Juma day and I explained to them what happens and then since it was lunchtime I said look if you don't mind you know I can take you all for lunch so he was looking at the lady of the Department of Information says we have no lunch appointment she says no sir come so I take them to the golden peak is in durban not in Iran yeah in the golden teapot so I order for biryani s you know what biryani is that's one of our most delicious dishes and they sit down and start chatting about God and about religion and mrs. Morris is staring at me and this is what is this you too you know carry on so I said madam what do you expect us to do you see when two hairdressers meet they talk about hairstyles when the shoemakers meet they talk about shoes when men of religion meet they talk about God naturally but to the Reverend I'm suggesting he messes you know we Muslims we believe that Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God we know we believe that he was the Messiah we believe in his miraculous birth we believe that he gave life to the dead by God's permission and He healed those born blind and the lepers by God's permission is that we are going together I said the only real point of difference between us is the dress is not God and is not his son not the begotten Son of God metaphorically we are all his children the good and the bad but physically God does not beget so our only point of real difference between the Muslim and the question is that we say Jesus is not God and you say he is God and I said for that you have no authority there is nowhere in the Bible with Jesus's I'm God or where he says worship me the same sex I said there is move it in the Bible with he says that I and God Almighty I one and the same thing so when I said that the last phrase that I Jesus and God Almighty are one and the same thing it tickled his memory this is a human behavior this have memory skeptical you know some word is used which you already have something like that in your mind and this word because the other one so when I said no way very says him and God Almighty are one and the same thing so he had been reading the Bible he is a lever and the doctor of divinity so he said now there is as a what is Jesus day say I and my father are one I said yes yes he did say that that I does Jesus and father means God are one so I'm asking him what is the context so he's staring at me I say you know what you quoted is the text John chapter 10 verse 30 that is the text I would like you to give me the context that text that goes with it before or after so staring at me the biryani is waiting so he's asking me you know usually it happens I it's happening the City Hall Cape Town you know when I asked what is the context a preacher of the DRC he had the Bible on his own he start over I say put that Bible away you quoting a verse surely you know what you're talking about in what sense it was used what are you opening the book for him do claiming you've got the spirit in you so before it was out with you knives in you I said let the spirit speak now no the spirit desserts them without the book I tell you helpless by God I tell you you saw last night something they must they prepared at home make notes they bring somebody's magazine that is all that they ask you has a look one and a half hour what were you listening not one question what homework they did at home they bring that here the night before saying in the City Hall same they bring what they write at home they bring it I said one and a half hour you listening what are you listening wait is this Holy Ghost why is it deserting you people come out with it and doesn't move it goes to help you to think or to remember nothing hold on and you watch as soon as I say put the book away I want you to talk to me and you see finished you punctured him you puncture the guy as put the book down and talk you are a professional this is your job why can't you top and tell me what you have to offer top I don't want him to start reading things to me encyclopedias so he said do you know the context I said of course I know the context so what is the context he's asking me he is a DD I will do that so I said start John chapter 10 verse 23 it reads I'm reading from memory even though we don't claim it it looks like we have got the Holy Ghost and Jesus walked in Solomon's porch meaning in the Temple of Jerusalem the man is alone you know he has been condemning these Jews according to the Scriptures using vitriolic language you generation of vipers you white at separate us you hypocrites you wicked and adulterous generation when you talk like that somebody's got it in for you and the Jews are not the people who'll forgive you in a hurry so he's alone so this man is walking alone so they go up to him then came the Jews round about him in surrounded him and said how long does that make us to doubt if thou be the Christ tell us plainly you know brandishing a finger in his face look you know wanting to start a fight this is not asking a question actually they wanna pick up a fight isn't he he has been condemning movies talking about that is about now we give a good bashing he's alone fix him up slot on give it to him he said if thou be the Christ tell us plainly man that means you're talking ambiguous lis Warren you put your claim clear enough that you are the Messiah were waiting for verse 25 so jesus answered them he said I told you I told you and he believed not the works that I do in my father's name they be witness of me verse 26 but ye believe not ye are not of my sheep means my followers you not my followers as I said unto you 27 my sheep hear my voice when my followers they listen to me and I know them and they follow me was 28 and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand neither shall any man once a man people have accepted faith I will see to it that the man remains in faith neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand was been denied my father which gave me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand was 28 nobody will pluck them out of my hand verse 29 neither shall any man pluck them out of the the father's hand what an i and my father I want in this to see that once the man has accepted faith God C Street that the man remains in faith and I as a prophet of God see to it that he remains in faith we are one in this to see the man remains in faith he's not talking about his omnipotence his own missions that you know what God can do I can do he said I can of my own self do nothing that's what he said about himself this is his talking about in purpose they are one God Almighty what he wants to do Jesus Christ he's on that same wavelength he vibrates whatever God tells him to do he does both see to it that the man is kept in Iman faith as a way does he say that he is equal to God He is God or his greater the same substance same nature same omnipotence same power where but the Jews are looking for trouble so they picked up stones again to stone him that's what the Bible says because they were looking for trouble and when you're looking for trouble they say you get it round the corner you don't have to go very far so jesus answered them see they picked up stones again to stone him so he said many good works have I showed you from My Father for which of those works really stone me so they say for a good work we stone thee not but for blasphemy Kofa because that thou being a man makest thyself a god you had a human being we know and you say you are a god now this is a second delegation the first allegation was that his problem ambiguously not clear enough so why don't you tell us plainly that you are our Messiah that's one charge is it true or false so the Christmas is false because it is not Jesus did make his claim it's all right so he was talking this is the false charge against Jesus that is talking ambiguously not plainly he says a false charge now they make a second charge you are claiming to be God now the Jew said the man is claim to be God the Christian said that he was entitled to be for God because he was God we want to know what does Jesus say see the charge is made against him let him answer so he says is it not written in your law the Hebrew word for law is power in the Old Testament in the Old Testament the first five books attributed to Moses he says is it not written in your law he's sarcastic it's also his law but because now they are prodding him he sarcastically telling her say is it not written in your law like you know in my Quran I know it says vallata Kulu selasa don't say Trinity then you a Muslim you arguing with me but you know it could be you know some way we can justify it I say is it not written in your Quran well at acuña selasa oh this my Corrado's I'm charging you because it means the Quran that you have at home unless you have a different one to the one that we are using can you see so said is it not written in your law I said it is quoting ER cause he is quoting from the 82nd Psalm in the Old Testament in the Bible he's quoting verse number 6 where it says I have said God Almighty spoken supposed to be he said I have said he are God since all of you are gods all of you the Jews all you jews are god's this is there in every Bible the NIP Bible or the big Bible of the Rif Bible any Bible is there what I'm quoting he says is it not written in your law I said Ye are gods if he lets God Almighty call them gods and to whom the Word of God came in the prophets are called gods in our language man and you find no fault with that this is a genius of our language like you have a genius in your language the Afrikaners here you know the first time when I went to somewhere around adela Street I want to go to the toilet so I go to the toilet it says there Dharma Dharma and here so now this wood here I was learning Afrikaans verses from the Bible in Afrikaans this ik ik is the hero and that is Cle inhalant baton many he said ech ech is devera from the book of ice I am coding heck that I am God and there is no Savior besides me ech ech is the hearer h ER e and that is thin hail and baton many God they have toilets for God's in Capetown I do [Music] no you see this is the genius of your language you can use it for God here a kiss tiara and then you also use it for gentlemen that's the genius of your language so Jesus is telling them is it not written in your law that this word God is used for profits and reference in the Old Testament the Lord said unto Moses exodus' Exodus chapter 7 verse 1 so see I have made thee a god to Pharaoh telling her that Musa al-salaam that I have made you a god to Pharaoh and out on thy brother shall be that prophet so this is the genius of the Jewish language they didn't mean that moosa aleihsalaam is God no Jew said that he was born but the Bible says God made him a god he is a God to Pharaoh what it means is this that you are going to Pharaoh instead of me so when he says food sack to you is telling food sack to me this is what it means you are my representative you are like a god when it denies you is denying me when it disrespects you is disrespecting me like an ordinary policeman comes along it's a mr. D that you are wanted some karate in my time you know but you know what it implies a puny little fellow I know I can manhandle him I can do that but if I did that you know who I'm fighting the whole government and if I can defeat this your police force here then the army the Navy the Air Force the whole country will be after me not so missus God sends them hand you deny him you're denying God this is you are like a god like a god but the genius of the Jewish language they didn't say like the word like if you look like me I said you are me and I'm you I didn't say you are like me and I am like you didn't use that that is the genius of the language since that is it not written in your law I said yeah gods and here Moses is called a God so I says you know what you have done what you have done you have playing fast and loose with this book what you are doing now when this word God is used for Moses they put a small G me or my any pronoun they put a small M small H him or his when they refer to Jesus capital H his capital H he capital M my if he was described as a God they would have put a capital G say this is they play fast and lose you know wherever it suits them the other night the young man that another born again came along he says you know an angel told Mary as a right what is the Greek word there is a jealous jealous messenger but the disciples of John came to see Jesus when they came to see Jesus the word day in Greek is edgy laws but you don't try and translate that as angels you say disciples why do you do that when the disciple of Jesus when he's seen you say angel because his richness is Greek is actually awesome okay what about the disciples of John yeah al-salam his disciples are also described in Greek as edgy laws why do you translate that as disciples so it is a game that is being played I said look wait as he say I'm God oh wait is this a worship me so he said you know in the Gospel of st. John chapter 1 verse 1 so what does it say he says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so say you know Greek he said yes I said in the beginning was though it was the word and the Word was with God I said what is the Greek word for with God they say silent he said he did five years Greek before he became a DD so what is the Greek word there for God is silent I said the Greek word is Hojo's who tossed it literally means God for which you Western nations you have a system of translation that when it is a proper noun you put a capital letter when is a common noun you put a small letter so you have put a capital G for God right that's your system and the Word was God as is what is the Greek word therefore God is silent I said the word that is Pantheon's honchos means a God why did you put another capital G there a God should have a small G no hey God the godly person that's what he's trying to say it's a godly word why did you give her put a capital G there he said I didn't do that I said I know you didn't do that but the vested interest that you represent what are you doing then I said in 2 Corinthians 4:4 it says the devil is the god of this world Shaitaan he is the God mean he's the ruler Shaitaan is ruling the life of people is that the devil is the god of this world the Greek word is both yours why do you give him a small chip why didn't you give him a capital G because it's the God for Moses why don't you give him a capital G why do you give him a small G because in Greek there is no such thing as the capital G no such thing as a small G in Hebrew no such thing as the capital G no such thing as a small G in Arabic no such thing as a capital gym and no such thing as a small gym say this is the king the guys are playing what makes him God he said no he is born without a father he had no father so he must have a father you must give a father so his father is God sunglasses in masala Lisa in the LA he come as a Lee Adama this is most certainly the similitude the example of Jesus in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam Adam and Islam Allah to whom in Korriban he created him from dust from Matala latin and he said be and he was this is it Jesus had no father it that makes God his father and he becomes a veritable son of God as God because they say he is the begotten Son of God so the begotten son must be like the father if the father's an Indian the son is a minion the father is a Greek son is the Greek the father is a Chinese the son is a Chinese natural so if the father is God and the son is God begotten son this is so in the Bible he's got sons by the tunz tunz you know terms you can put them in the scale tons tons of songs sounds exaggeration but I give it to you references look look in the New Testament chapter 3 verse 38 in the same I think since not the same verse they know says Adam which was the son of God he certainly Adam which was the son of God Luke chapter 3 verse 38 is it not the son of God you ask them in the Bible that nib Bible he says the one and only Son Jesus I said look this one and only Son you're talking about Luke says and Adam the Son of God say New Testament how can you have one and only and you have add in the son of God they had the word be gotten there before Jesus the only begotten Son and we took exception to mrs. B getting is an animal act it belongs to the lower animal functions are sex how can you attribute such a quality to God that God begot a son how can God be yet you can create by sector will but he doesn't beget he doesn't take his seed and planted into other people's wives and daughters by artificial insemination or any other way this is not this is not his way he creates my sector will so had him the son of God it's not all Genesis the very first book of the Bible chapter six was two and four he said that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them to wife all that they chose and when the sons of God seems fun hot when they came in unto the daughters of men and brought children to them they became great men of old men of renown how many sons did here son seems plural he had them by the tons I'm telling you Exodus second book of the Bible chapter four was to was pindy 20 sorry Israel is my son God says this is the Jewish language you see Israelis yaqoob alehsalaam Israel is my son even my first one he's even my first one the same God in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 9 he said for I God am a father to Israel to the Jews and if frame is my son my firstborn and the frame is my firstborn as I how can you have to firstborns Israel is his firstborn Ephraim is his firstborn in the Book of Psalms God speaks to David according to their book according to the Bible God says to doubt Allah Salam I will declare a decree into thee that thou art my son this day have I begotten thee approached him to being today this day have I brought me thou art my son how many sons has he got he's got them by the tanks in your book but yet they have the audacity to say one and only Son Jesus so what are you reading this book how do you account I don't know how you can talk to people like that how can you talk to people like that you know that book is a simple basic plan when you speak I said look you say one in any other sense is not as who's this Adam is the Son of God Israel is the son of God Ephraim is the son of God that David is the son of God and further in the New Testament we are told as many as a led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God means every Tom Dick and Harry if you follow the will and plan of God you are a godly person in the language of the Jew you are a son of God it meant nothing more than that it was a metaphorical statement see but they say no he was begotten see Adam was made by God Jesus was begotten as as Paul gives a knockout to all this for the thirteenth self-appointed apostle of Jesus he appointed himself in the book of Hebrews he wrote he wrote the book of Hebrews chapter 7 verses 1 and 3 it says for this Melchisedec Mallick Sadek Saleh Melchizedek decides King of Salaam Salaam king of Salaam peace king of Salem priest of the Most High God Melchisedec without father is without father without mother greater than Jesus Jesus I heard a mother he says without father all right the Jesus had no father this one also got no father without mother Jesus had a mother so he is superior to Jesus all logic your own reasoning we are not producing anything from the Quran producing from your own book that this man Melchizedek is greater than Jesus according to your standards you are false standards is greater without father without mother without descent Jesus had a descent to set next and they given 66 fathers and grandfathers in pujan genealogies descent this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of Abraham the son of David and Abraham begat Isaac two genealogies they give him descent how he came down from where 66 fathers and grandfathers they give him a man with no father dream 66 fathers together fathers you know this man met to see that no descent no genealogy having neither the beginning of day is not the end of life no bit in love days no end of life Jesus Adam had a beginning and he had an end he sally sallam he had a beginning in the stable and he had according to the Christians an apparent end he died on the cross he gave up the coast that's what he says is the true said yes sir right he had an end already came back for a second evening that's different but the first thing he was knocked out this man Melchizedek no beginning no end I'm asking please man who is greater Jesus imagine sitting good ad on one side live for other one side he had enough trouble Oh his miracles making God I said look man this poor man is telling you he's telling you Matthew chapter 28 verse 18 he says all power is given unto me is given to me is not mine chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 verse 28 he said I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God it God's help I'm doing this casting out Devils then the kingdom of God is come unto you John chapter 5 verse 30 he says I can of my own self do nothing I can do of myself God can do everything of himself he doesn't need anybody he says I can do nothing of myself he said as I hear I judge whatever God tells me to do to say I say as I hear I judge and my judgment is righteous because I seek not my own will but the will of him that sent me where does he say it is his own power is doing things Luke chapter 11 verse 20 sir I with the finger of God cast out Devils means with Allah's help I'm casting out Devils where does he say he is doing the works know the greatest miracle that Jesus performed was according to the Scriptures giving life back to the dead one of his disciples called Lazarus he had died and Jesus wasn't there to help him out in his sacker at remote death banks he wasn't there and when Jesus reaches there's four days late the man is dead and buried not very put in a Sepulchre in a room big room in his chamber Sepulcher not grave so Jesus comes and Martha the sister of Lazarus is crying welding John chapter 11 verse 40 this is been studying from 33 so when Jesus therefore saw her weeping Martha and the Jews also weeping which came with her he groaned in the spirit he groomed he was groaning you cried out to God you know you speak you speak words but those words are not audible enough for the neighbor to hear since the guys grew knee is not grown easy upon whatever you talking so he says he groaned in the spirit and was troubled 34 and said where have you laid him they said unto Him Lord come and see 35 verse 35 jesus wept you can remember this the shortest sentence in the Bible in the whole Bible encyclopedia the shortest sentence somebody asks you you can read a price one day shut the sentence in the Bible is Jesus wept towards shorter sentence remember that you win a prize one day verse 36 then said the Jews behold how he loved him verse 37 and some of them said could not this man which opened the eyes of the blind have caused that even this man should not have died Jesus therefore again groaning in himself groaning what's groaning he's praying to God is offering up a silent prayer so my lord my friend is go home you know bring him back to life but now the words are not audible to the people's this is talking about his groaning this is groaning he's not groaning come up to the grave it was a cave cave not a hollow and a stone lay upon it jesus said take away the stone Martha the sister of him that was dead said unto Him Lord by this time he stinketh he must be stinking for he had been dead for days jesus said unto her said I not unto thee that if thou woods believes you have a man if you have faith how should see the glory of God not my glory alas glory if you have faith Iman you can still see a las l'oréal oz power what he can do then they took away the spoon from the place where the Dead was laid and Jesus lifted up his eyes towards heaven and said father now he's talking loudly all the while he was groaning means he was silent prayer communing with God now he wants a people to hear it says father I thank thee that thou has heard me what that groaning he was offering a prayer so now I know I thank you you heard my prayer means now he gets the assurance and let us go ahead ask what you want I'll give it to you it's a matter between the beloved and the Masters of course that's what you want you get it says that I was hurtin and I know and I know it says and I knew was 42 and I knew that thou hearest will always means whatever I'm asking you giving me healing the blind the lepers quickening the dead whatever I'm asking you always you hear me doesn't mean that he's deaf at any time no means you're answering my prayers every time whatever I ask you give me I know that you hears me always but because of the people that stood by these people superstitious credulous people they might think I did it I'm a god giving life to the dead for that I'm putting about performance I know that and I know that here's me always but because of these people this superstitious lot creditors people they might think I did it I want them to know I'm not doing it it's you who's doing the works they may believe that thou has sent me that they may believe that thou has sent that you sent you that I'm saying by you I'm a true Messenger of God that's why that's why I'm putting up an act all the while the groaning he is doing silent prayer when he gives the assurance he says Lazarus Lazarus come out and let us came out why because God did I showed him go ahead and ask what you want you get it he gave you a blank check he's got his it was given to him he called he used it and he got it and Peter the greatest of the disciples of Jesus according to Jesus he said I give you the keys of heaven it says on this rock Kieffer's on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it this Peter he testifies in the book of Acts in the Bible chapter 2 verse 22 he said ye men of Israel o Jews hear these words listen to this Jesus of Nazareth a man a man approved of God among you a man not a God a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him which God did by him is only using him to press the button to put on the switch the power was not his it came from the power station which God did by him in the midst of you which you yourself also know he said Jesus gave life to the dead where did you like to do it did he say you gave life to the dead no this is given to me that all power is given unto me it's not his on the cross imagine a God crying he cries this is according to the Christian scriptures he said li li lama sabachthani which means my God my God why hast thou forsaken me he is God this is what the Christians say and he's crying to somebody else that you have let me down how can he is a God let himself down if he didn't want to be let down look simple logic how can is God and he's kind to somebody else who's that somebody else that somebody else is a real God and his name you know what is his name Allah he's crying to Allah there is the hope but the Christian is so program he sees it and he doesn't see his hearing and is not hearing I am asking and you can ask them these Christians this Jehovah's Witnesses they say his name is Jehovah mm-hmm he said look when Jesus said li li lama sabachthani does that sound like to you like Jehovah Jehovah lama sabachthani asked him in the most critical moment of a person's life when you cry for your mother in your mother tongue for your father or for anybody in your mother tongue he's crying - who - Jehovah no does that sound like really like Jehovah Jehovah anybody no you need some real treatment if you are here in Jehova Jehova uses Li Li the Messiah as the Jews as the other Christians li li lama sabachthani does this sound like you like Abba Abba Abba zaba Thani sound like AB AB AB AB means father in Hebrew no listen again la la la maza baktun in Hebrew Allah Allah Allah matter Acton in Arabic Allah lama sabachthani Allah Allah the metallic Thani this is some similar yes he's kind to Allah and this word Allah was in this Bible yet he's still here yeah this Bible Scofield Bible reference Bible in the book of Genesis 1st chapter chapter verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the word God is given a small number to give you further explanation and in that explanation these Reverend doctor Scofield back by 8 DD's not be dad's Hades they backed him up and they gave the explanation that god in hebrew is L or L are alternatively spelled as a la eh a la eh a la so the only exception I took that's about 15 years ago I said look you can spell it as you like but my language I want you to pronounce the way I asked you to pronounce try I know you can't make it but try me since you try and make an effort it is not la is Allah not la is Allah say Allah so when I made this I said look here it is they have come very close now from lah now they've got a lah only thing I'm saying you must pronounce it the way I asked you to pronounce Li you can spell it but say Allah not la you know what in the next Cofield Bible they took it out the word Allah is taken out you know amazing the games that they play as if they are following me wherever I'm going whatever I'm speaking look what I'm talking about this book now that Kim was at you NIV NIV Bible the Ascension of Jesus John chapters mark chapter 16 they have they took it out in the authorised the Revised Standard Version they threw it out ascension was thrown out now they put it back into that one and if the footnote they say in the most the most reliable manuscripts these verses are not their most reliable ancient manuscripts the verses about the ascensions are not there but they got it here see if most reliable haven't got it then this must be less reliable or less reliable and you passing that off as the Word of God this is our discovery today I've brought bought this from that Bible Hayes in Cape Town right so I said to the name of corn MIT is Allah not Jehovah what is Jehovah you ask him vide to get it from as these guys they come and look at your doors they say where did you get this what you however he says in the Bible so what is in the Bible Jehovah in the original you say no no no no there is the tetragrammaton so it is the Tetragrammaton was that we are good long to yard long word what is the Tetragrammaton so he said why HWH i said no no no man I want to you to tell me what the spectrogram at the mean and he doesn't know you know he's bending it around this or Tetragrammaton tetragram and these guys also a thumb sucking that job was witnesses now the NIV Bible they also talk about the tetragrammaton a14 later word tetragram to describe a folate or tetra means four increment in his letters instead of saying a four letter word they say Tetragrammaton as it was a new revelation came down from heaven he is a tantalising you mystifying you see they have some some reasons for not using the word it is tetra means four creme attention is letters for simple word Tetragrammaton but he says saying four letters is a drag Rama turn and believe me in the University of Illinois in America I'm speaking to professors and school and somehow the subject cropped up and I'm asking them is there anybody here who knows what is a tetragrammaton and believe me not a single professor not a single student in the university of illinois he knew what was a telegram attend but every Tom Dick and Harry among the jaws witness he knows it he knows it the professor's don't know you can ask anybody in I said what is the tetragrammaton go on ask your Christian friends they don't know what it is 14 letter word to describe a four letter word because when you say full at the word it conjures up in your mind you remember to the association of memories that word for which Lady Chatterley's Lover was banned in South Africa one word the full of the world so they don't have therefore they don't miss a full letter they say Tetragrammaton new ally so what is the Tetragrammaton is a yhw H as well these are consonants produce a sound you can't you have to add vowels said them as you like as you like add the vowels to produce the sound so it becomes yahuwah yahuwah anything pronounce where do you get the Chi from where did you get the chief from said Jehovah you remember I told you G sickness they've got a J sickness anything J where there's no JJ to make it sound like you know it's a European name now Jehovah in the book of Revelation chapter 19 you did there that that the disciple John supposed us in a vision and in the vision he heard the angels in heaven singing alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia and in my previous meeting in the city hall Durban you know when a Christian came along and he interjected something all the other Christian was Shh the vibrate of the whole good enthusiastic so do you know what you're shouting you know what is Alleluia see yah is evocative an exclamation in Hebrew and Arabic yahuwah means oh he because the j is an invention of the westerner jehovah i said throw it out the original is why hws you had the vows become yahuwah yeah is the vocative exclamation you are in means he in who in Hebrew means he so it is hua this is it's a la Lu yeah is yeah we begin with an exclamation the eastern people we start with an exclamation the Westerner he ends with an exclamation this is his language genius of a language we say yaffe oh my brother love me oh my mother don't you talk like that Ya Allah o Allah we start with the yah he ends with the yard exclamation say fire exclamation mark stop spop stop exclamation man that's his way we start with an exclamation he ends with an exclamation so alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia this is what you're singing the angels in heaven is singing ya love ya love ya allah o allah you are the only being who deserves a ship in place oh allah only being who deserves a ship in place look you do a little bit of study this is all you will get in this booklet of man what is his name you will get in the other booklet is the Bible God's Word you owe it to yourself to write for these books if you haven't got them get them read them study them and use them because if you just reach for entertain when you lose them what you're listening now you lose it if you don't use it now a final knockout Allah gives to this idea that any human being can ever be God a final knockout you read this in surah anaam chapter 6 verse 14 Allah says o Allah Takizawa lien-tsai tell them yeah shall we pick for ourselves anybody other than Allah as our protector la TARTA so alien fighters a Marathi will earth when he is the originator of the heavens and the earth our Lord our protector o h Elisha he is the protector he is the originator of the heavens and the earth who are you to rely on when it is he who feeds but is not fed that's his quality he feeds his creation but nobody feeds him this is God one who is not fair who doesn't eat who doesn't need food who is not dependent and move directly to Jesus in chapter five verse 78 Allah says Muhammad Sahib no Maruyama allah rasool say christ jesus the son of mary is no more than a messenger God Allah Russell many were the messengers that passed away before him human they were all motto what Moosa dica and his mother was a saintly woman his mother was a saintly woman good biased one whoo-hoo sadhika kana yakulani Tom and they both ate food what is a little dependent without food they would have died God doesn't need food he's independent of all needs kana yakulani tom and they both would know but you know molarity see how we make our signs clear to you how easy you are trying to make things easy for you to understand the person who eats food is dependent the person who eats food he has a full of nature he runs to the toilet or the bush anybody with it is Moses or the Jesus or Mohammed or Rama or Krishna anybody who eats food will have a call of nature is dependent God is independent see how we are making things simple easy for you to understand fools that we are look he's telling you soon Mansour and have another look how they have strayed away from the path loser have a look some man's or have another look I'm asking what is he talking about what is he drying your attention to what Allah is giving you weapons to fight with these guys come or I wanna make it mist in your head and you allow them to do that he's telling us one sir some man sir did he eat food yes this is he says and they gave him Jesus a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb and he took it and he had it honey 'm and for her waha yet Luke chapter 24 verse 42 the ad dependent the prophet of islam dependent you know the primitive man he has far superior to the civilized cultured man can you imagine today in the twentieth century people are worshipping men and monkeys elephants and snakes worshipping the devil worshipping Sun Myung Moon in America the white man Sun Myung Moon Hare Krishna worshipping Krishna the guru maharaji worshipping Him Swami Prabhupada worshipping him the devil they were a satan worshipping cart for shipping Shia but the primitive man you find this in my book what is his name the upper region of South Australia very primitive man in his native language he can't speak more than 1200 words the multi chat is about 700 he is the closest cousin to the monkey corner very backward but in his language he has given a name to God it is so beautiful so perfect that it has saved him from being Christianized nobody nobody can go and Christianize or you go and Hindu eyes this evolution of South Australia because he has a concept of God given to him by his primitive ancestors and that he gives God a name he calls him Aetna to Aetna - and that is his saving grace it is something that protects him from any kind of wrong concept of God you go to him and you tell him that you know Jesus Christ is God so he will ask you is he Aetna - but not to means you see when we eat we excrete the tail-end of the elementary channel is what he calls Aetna - so he will say is he at not too easy without that you say no this is no good do you say Rama is God CC is the Ahtna - you see without that you say no there's no good some silly fool might go and tell him I said look Muhammad is God you know what I did it is easy at night - he says no this is no good beautiful what'll I tell you Allah is telling the same thing say that primitive man is got no inhibitions look I am using language can you see I'm trying very hard not to use the word the affirmative man he had no inhibitions he spoke very freely so he called a spade a spade I can't call a spade a spade because you people are hyper sentences sensitive invade of the hypermarkets you our emotions are also become hypersensitive you get upset very quickly if I use the word if I use that biblical word people get upset the word from the Bible if I use your gonna say D that is a filthy dirty fellow if I read from the Bible verses you said that is beautiful reminded do that what will be mine I don't know what to do so God Almighty yes he says soon some months or it is an advice to us go to town with that fellow man go to him now - you can knock him for a sixer with that etna - because that's what Allah is telling you but he is telling in a noble sublime language is telling the same thing so we observe so munzo is telling you the same thing see man see times you see are you blind they both ate food they have the call of nature can't you understand I'm telling you this that you may understand and look how they have deviated can't you see I end this talk of mine it must come to an end with a warning with a warning from the Quran which you have to carry on Allah says chapter 4 surah nisa was 171 so ya al-kitab people of the book lot of luffa Dina come he says do not go extremes in your religion don't go to extremes the Jew and the Christians are both going to extremes the Jew says because Jesus has not got a father he is illegitimate child of Mary I won't use that other word biblical would three times it occurs in the Bible that filthy dirty word if I say you'll get shocked just now he says the juices is the illegitimate child of Mary the Christian says because it's got no human father his father is God it's a lot of goofy things go do not go to extremes in your religion well Articuno a low-lying land hop and don't see anything about allah accept the truth in malmö see most certainly the Messiah he said no Maruyama jesus the son of mary rasulullah is a Messenger of Allah what Colima to who and a word proceeding from him haha el amarillo whom in whom we she bestowed upon Mary and spirit proceeding from him phenomena billahi wa asila he so believed in Allah and His Messenger Jesus Christ that he is a man sent by God he is the true prophet of God but he's not God and is not his son he's not the begotten son of anybody he was created by a miracle take this message deliberate there was a la will questions in the day of judgment have you delivered your message that's even question you you won't ask you about Jesus you know what he was eating who was trimming his beard that's not your business this is not a part of our curriculum but he will ask you did you deliver the message and if we can say a very solid to the best of my ability which might be very little he won't ask you why didn't you talk like did I owe Mawlana Razak or shaking a jar did you deliver the message see how I returned to the best of my ability he said my gen that is open for you what Allah that's all to the best of my ability you do according to your ability you don't have to be like Jesus you don't have to wish like Sheikh Nazim Sheikh majority beggar you don't have to be like anybody you be yourself what little you know pass it on well I heard that one and it's unduly light Abellana me thank you very much mr. Hamid Edith brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen you will agree with me that it isn't easy to speak for one and a half hours and this has been the pace at which brother Ahmed has been going for eight nights missing only Sunday night I'm sure that all of us sitting here even those of us who perhaps don't agree with anything he says because there are some people who come to the meeting prepared to disagree even those of us who don't agree with some of the things he said he says we must accept that the man is well versed in the subject which he undertakes to speak about we come to the close of our evening of lecturing and I am Phatak I am emphatic with it we come to the close of our evening of lecturing we know asked that if there are any people who would like to put a question I repeat anybody who would like to put a question then you are free to come up to the microphone in front here and because we are a working community and it is in during the week we would like to be as brief as possible if there is more than one person to put the question we ask you all to come up to the microphone and please stand in the line let us not wait anybody therefore who is not in the line at the microphone you must forgive me if I stop you from coming up afterwards when you put your questions I would like you to ask one question at a time and if you have put your question you should expect an answer quiet please you should expect an answer please then go just hold it please then go to the back of the line to wait your turn in case you have another question we will not and I can assure you I will not entertain any debate I will not entertain any lecture from the front and John with all due respects to you but if you can tell me how one asks a question with the chart I would like to know but just hold it you are free to ask a question so those people who come up now and who are coming up you are then accepting the fact that you are coming to ask a question and if you don't ask a question I'm going to stop you and if you ask a question which does not pertain to the lecture that was said tonight or is done tonight we will also stop you but I ask everybody that when question time is over please remain behind just for the close of the evening John over to you this is just in point of corrects all Oh John please I said put a question if I haven't got a question please go to the back of the line right okay I'll put my question my staff my did that last week has told me that if I can prove to him about the Trinity you give me the chance Tuesday so here I have the thing for him if you would like to give me the chance as previous possible must have mati that I don't to deliver a lecture judgment suit yes John please I said you had even a Sunday morning with Mustapha Madeira yeah two hours in fairness to those people who may have a question which is more pertinent which pertains to tonight I think in fairness then please let somebody else take over would you go to the back please the home staff would mr. chairman mr. Deedat ladies and gentlemen may I appeal that humbly that you would change your rules a little bit firstly that one can house the full question look we have listened for one and a half hours and I think it would only be fair if you could give us at least two and a half minutes to fully bring forward the question sir may I be let me yes I hope you don't misquote me or misunderstand me Ryan yes if you are capable of coming to put the question and I'm trying even to change my expression if you are capable of coming to put the question it means that you should have listened I trust you didn't spend the time D by preparing whatever you wish to know I'm going to be in very emphatic and if you quote me as being on fear that I say I accept the blame I asked please put the question I'm going to insist if the man who said something and you want clarity for yourself or for the people here if you have the ability to change the statement into a question to change anything I think any person who knows a little bit of the language you can't put the state when you to a forum for questions certainly I want to do that my question is only can I speak more than six sentences because he interrupted me yesterday night after the sixth sentence so you can't understand the question and this unless you listen to the whole and it might take a minute question the whole position 4.11 correction please for you my Accord last night and on the night before or some evening you said I cannot see how all the Muslims can such though without asking a question without doubt in other words your thinking for them now you're under now you give the impression that mr. Deedat will not understand you if you cannot put a text please I've let now three minutes could you put the question see if he knows the text okay if you give me three minutes mr. Haddad said that if Jesus would have claimed to be God he would immediately bow down even he cut off his head now for me the crucial question is not whether somebody claims to be God but whether God appoints him and authorizes him to be God may I read to you what God says could of Jesus Christ please ladies the question and I would like to ask what mr. Deedat thinks to that God says about Jesus Christ about the son he says that is in Hebrew chapter 1 verse 8 if you want to read your throne O God will last forever and ever and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore God your God has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy he also says in the beginning Oh Lord you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands they will perish but you remain they will all wear out like a garment you will roll them up like a rope like a garment or it will be changed but they will remain the same and your ears and will never end now my question is this is clearly stated about Jesus Christ about the Sun right now how can mr. Deedat claim that now before Jesus was not authorized as if all the others come up let me say you know out of Tolerance I didn't wish anybody here even my brethren who would cut me off people they feel that I've cut you up but I say if a lecture is given and we state what the conditions are I ask you please to accept and I said those people who are coming up now are then accepting those terms we have allowed it with you in case you think I'm being unfeeling would the others please formulate a question if you don't mind sorry that was a question yes but I my question is mr. Deedat hawk and this statement say anything else then the cheese is his God I think that is hype say mr. chairman our brother doesn't understand English or my English at that I said there is not a single and active ocol statement where Jesus says I am God or where he says worship me you coated a lengthy text and there's not one word about Jesus Jesus being that the Jesus speak that God speaks about Jesus that is more authoritative look who told you that God spoke that it's all in Scripture look this is in scripture Hebrew was written by Paul I am asking what did you Lord Jesus say he says I cannot my own self do nothing that's not the point he says what God says about you he says you say he says my father is greater than I he says my father is greater than all right where does he say I am equal to the father could I know what I am the father father where did I say look we are going we don't have the news Cristiano please I think you've had your chance but it was not answered I'm sorry I do not know well that is your opinion you entitled to it I yeah study that I read my question to you the question is can Jesus been ordering a man or prophet if he is stated to be faultless and without sin we believe that all the prophets are faultless and all the prophets are sinless that is our belief including Jesus so that doesn't make him any fear God see we see person G is Jesus God if the man is faultless man is faultless man Peter says he says ye men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God not a God approved of God he is a man we say he's a mighty messenger of God he is a prophet of God he's a messiah he's a great miracle worker but it's not God and he is saying that himself he said I can of my own self do nothing God can do everything of himself whatever God wants to do we can do but Jesus is limited he can he said of that day knoweth no man no not the angels nor the son but the father in heaven in his knees knowledge is not like God and his power is not like God he's crying some to somebody has God for help he's falling on his face in his praying he's crying on the cross Li Li is himself he's a lie you see god himself is crying to himself he seems like a drama they breathe in films I said Jesus is not film acting he's crying to God and the one is crying to the Father in heaven he is the real God not Jesus he told us come I'll teach you how to pray say pray like this o our Father which art in heaven yours and mine including Judas Judas was in the group is the father of all where did he say God is his exclusive father that he begot him where no these are all our it is the teaching of the church Jesus Christ never said on the contrary is proving that there is but one God and he is subservient to God he said all power is given to me it's not mine why call us help me good there is none good but except one that is God where does he say he is that God that is what I was asking show me and I am prepared to accept follow your church next question please thank you sir may I have more than one question if I go back yes yes thank you mr. D dad if you quote acts 2:22 where Peter says that Jesus did by the by God's power the miracles which is right then why would you not accept what Peter says in later in the book of Acts particularly for verse 12 about under no other name is anyone saved except by Jesus you're not trying to prove by that that Jesus is God I hope no I'm trying to prove that it is take one source then why not you know I would be prepared to accept that Kosilek he is talking to the Jews ye men of Israel you Jews because Jesus came for the Jews and in his Jesus's time there was no other way it was identical to in the time of Moses in the time of Moses we say Moses was the way to God the children of Israel they thought it through the golden calf God didn't like it it's look this is what I want you have to go through Moses whatever Moses tells you about God you have to accept in the time of David David was the way to God in the time of Solomon Solomon was the weight of God in the time of Jesus Jesus was the way to God in the time of Muhammad he is the way to God and for mankind for eternity so in every dispensation the man of God is the first born of God he is a representative of God and as such you must listen to him that's what it means so I accept that that the people the Jews they had no other way because there was no Mohammed there if they wanted to follow Jesus they must listen to now Peter he's represented Peter says look this is what Jesus wanted you to believe that he is your Messiah follow him follow him salvation is lost I must admit that you know the Scriptures very well but you don't understand him mister I don't proclaim to have to answer your questions but I would like you to explain to question I'd like you to explain two issues you know to me and that is the first one when Peter walked on the water to Jesus then he is sunk into the water Jesus do plan to help him and then when they both got into the bath according to the Bible it says that I worshiped him in categorical English you own previous lectures recently said and explained it away that Thomas exclaimed I'm Marlo Rema God in a way of getting a fright but in a case like that I'm sure that Jesus would have flipped um now in the law of the commandments don't like the name of your God in vain because that would be clearly taking God's name in vain would you corny just explain it to me there was nothing about Peter Peter worshiping Jesus you see this worship this word worship you open your new Bible now live Bible you'll find a different word for worship you'll open the RSV you find a different word for worship you see all right but what are the alternative what are the synonyms used for worship and everyone is worship right now laughter the Jew if the Jew worshiped Jesus you see that means all the disciples were worshiping him his Peter worshiped him than all the other disciples likewise must be worshiping him because Peter was the leader of the disciples but we find no where the disciples ever prostrating before Jesus at any time the eleven other twelve worshiping hymns worshiping means that you are our God you see this word worship you ask the Roman Catholic look they have a good knowledge of the scriptures you know they claim an unbroken chain of popes from first Peter to today now you ask them how many types of worships are they and they will tell you there are three different types of worship but you say about your sweetheart your fiance's I worship her but when you say you worship her you mean you love her extremely you know beyond measure but you're not taking her for a goddess look this is an expression we use commonly since you worshiping the guy you this is money my god woman my guy it says the Frenchman we say you are worshiping money you're worshiping women but you don't say money is my god you don't say woman is my god but do you use the word worship worship is an extreme form of love he must have been very much humiliated and you know in lovingness he must have embraced a man which according to your King James Version has used the word worship but now if he was worshipped as God that would be some he's our God then he must say so then he said look they were all worshipping him but at no time do we hear that they ever worshipped him as a people instead of worshipping God he's telling you come worship God the Father in heaven he is the only God he's the real God no time did he say I am God worship me really at any time if he said look I am God yes yes I'm a yes we can answer that if he said no no if he said I am God this is the claim I made I think no good no good you see I made a claim very simple straightforward if you can show me in your Bible any version with Jesus says I am God or where he says we should mean simple English a man speak where he says I am God I said I'm ready to accept him as God if he says worship me and prepare to assure him he must say not Peter not James not Paul he must say I am God he must say worship me because if he is God my salvation depends upon that and I don't want to go to hell I want to follow him now that is just am I going to check today that's the very point of issue then now you are describing mannerisms of worshiping with a Bible doesn't and elaborate on it all Jesus but the fact that he minds is the the disciples worshiped him in the boat and you allowed Jesus Jesus showed you how to wish him in the Garden of Gethsemane if you remember he said he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed to God Lindsay I said you take some respect you are reading and words into the Bible you find that was in Matthews and he went a little further so how did the Jews worship look if you want to know the Muslims have they worship you go to the mosque go to the mosque and see how they worship you see Salah Akbar can they reach chapters and verses they go into some event position they get up they go down to the ground touching the forehead onto the earth this is how the Muslims worship right so if I said look this chairman or the people worship do that meaning that they men they loved him with the exceeding love right then but now you say worship now the if the people have a wrong idea they said look what did they do did they make ablution then come and did they fall down prostrate before mr. Deedat he says no so what do you mean they worshiped him he said no no oh man you know they were gone mad after him that's quite a different thing they say now you are using a word and you are explaining something else figuratively no I'm not doing that Jesus Christ and all the prophets they had a form of worship the Jews which you are not following you don't know look and Abraham fell on his face and prayed to God and Moses and Aaron fell on the faces and prayed to God and Joshua fell on his face and prayed to God and Jesus fell on his face and prayed to God look everybody falling on the faces and praying what is this this is the way you worship God fall on your face and pray the Pope wherever he goes he kisses the ground it makes the prospection as the Muslim does see he's maybe he'd have to know his communing with the soil or what I don't know but he's doing exactly as a Muslim does he then you might say he's worship in the ground he go to Nigeria and he worships the ground there he goes to put any worship the ground there no he's not watching because he's showing some kind of humility respect maybe but now Moses this is how he did it Jesus did it Abraham did it Joshua did it but you don't do it so you have your own idea about worship could we I was running out of time brothers could we have as we are standing here now as we are standing here now could you put a question I will include you sir could we Indy a question per person right could you speak into the microphone otherwise they can't hear you I believe that mr. Jarrod is well schooled like the previous gentleman say and understand that he has a great intellect rather is that the question no not yet oh well I would have said yes I admire him for his courage as well as his knowledge but there is one thing I am quite disappointed about mr. data could you could you put him a question yeah it boils down to let me explain this one might solve the other people's problem some people even of the Muslims feel that I'm on favor I stopped you but let me put it to you this way if you want to have a lecture to the people call them together and say this man is called the people we asked could you ask a point which is ticklish let him regal order button explain to the audience or get caught but please do not give another lecture I'm not giving a lecture I'm this this is leading up to the lecture and I didn't prepare myself to write to get the main down a search all right my question is that I want to know how mr. Deedat interpret understands and interpolate all kind of context of the Bible for instance Jesus in the book of John says the father and I or I and the father are one how does he explain that because if I am mr. Jonathan Ayers and I can't be my father and I cannot make a statement claiming to be that my father is mr. Jonathan if it is your name could I say you must have listened attentively because you are interest but so was I I'm open to correction but I think mr. Deedat explained it the very truth he will assist me and my father are one am i right brothers they did not explain that mr. or DD mr. chairman no no answer that's the question Dean thank you very much yes just allow me to you see like this gentleman that was here before me mr. Deedat was interpolating things like for instance even something know that you've asked a question you can answer you also understand the question like thank you thank you I did explain I think that this oneness that Jesus was talking about was in its context versus twenty eight twenty nine thirty that is the context that no man can pluck them out of my hand twenty eight no man can pluck them out of my father's hand was 29 I am a Padawan that is the context and I feel that any reasonable person could see that but since the Christian has an idea that this oneness implies you know getting into a sausage like one sausage one piece like a God Almighty told Adam and Eve that the dream shall be one flesh like a sausage they were not they were still two separate persons now this same John the one that we have quoted John chapter 10 verse 30 in John chapter 17 was 22 22 he explains what oneness is he says that they all may be one or anyone or may be one as thou father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us who the disciples among them the traitor Judas among them Peter who cursed abused ins for him among them the ten who left him in the lurch when he was most in need all these the father the son and all these twelve may be one that they all may be also may be one in as I in them and how in me and that they may be made perfect in one I'm only quoting the same John so in other words all the twelve disciples and Jesus and God made in the one sausage is that what that oneness implies all will be put into a mincer him taking them out as a one sausage what is this oneness it is the oneness in purpose you see the same one as the Jesus explained in John 10:30 same oneness Peter and Judas and the doubting Thomas everybody or we one with God one person's eye in you and you and me and then ask what is this sausage so if you understand it like a sausage then I know I have no answer but that says no this is not that one sausage business is talking about is talking about they all are one in purpose to do the will and plan of God that oneness it is no other oneness he's one with God meaning whatever what one seem to do he's doing he's vibrating on the same wavelength as power that is oneness not he becomes God or God becomes man Jesus thank you a next question please mr. Deedat I would like to ask you this I think is mistaken into into that come closer to the microphone okay I would like you have given us a definition of Allah and John chapter 1 the word God the three Devils width I would like to ask you the questions tonight is that all can you separate deity from deity when Obama says that in the beginning God which means you never means in this world tonight he means an ally you mention Allah you mentioned the Greek words for God in the Greek word but you never mentioned yellow him when it is in a plural form with a masculine ending can you just explain to me how do you divorce deity from duty thank you the problem is that the Westerner is reading an Eastern book the Bible is an Eastern book full of metaphors and similes and the very first people who came in touch with this book with the Greeks and the Romans now the Greeks and the Romans they had their man gods beyond counting you know them Jupiter the God of heaven Pluto the god of hell Vulcan the god of fire Neptune the god of the sea Mars the God of War and sheis was the father of all these gods with his many wives and many children this was Greek mythology but among such a people goes a new religion new idea about the new son of God born in Palestine Jesus Christ so what was metaphorical to the Jew became literal to the Greek and they became the pioneers of that message to your forefathers to the Westerner as well as to you you know Indians coloreds Africans all the white man he inherited from the Greeks and the Romans and in turn he gave that theology to you now in my Elohim if I went on to explain L means God in Hebrew Allah means God in Hebrew Elohim also means God in Hebrew and you say it's plural and that's very correct it is very correct that it is in the plural but you see the Hebrews as well as the Arabs both are Semites Semitic languages and they both have two types of plurals in the language there is a plural of respect and there's a pool of numbers in every Eastern language including my own we have two types of plurals plural of numbers and plural of respect so this in me you asked the Jew is his book he says when you say hello him are you think of Jehovah Moses and who else is only God but so who is this in yesterday's approval of respect come to the Quran say in the Quran we read in na na season la Sakura when allah allah hafiz room that it is for us as to send down the revelation and it is for us to protect it now who is this as as the muslims mohammed holy ghost Jibril and Allah he said who is this as is Allah but as a wise this as he said this is approval of respect and no Arab Christian has ever asked a Muslim in this 1,400 years who is this as in the Quran when the Quran says Allahu Ahad say he's got the one and only and yet he says in our in we have created the heavens and the earth and we done this and we who is this way is a no this we is a rule of respect in our language this is a pool of respect in Hebrew John next question please stahma D dad my question did I want to put you I have noticed that you so faith to the Hebrews to the Jews actually and the truth is just as ignorant as mr. Ahmadi that this is my scripture for unto us listen mister medida so what you say to this for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace now this prophet Isaiah you know the prophet Isaiah and this one did he talk about his Jesus now why did he use the word and his shall be called the Almighty God thank you and he shall be called the Almighty God I want to know who called him the Almighty God you have 27 books in the New Testament in the 27 books who called him Jesus the Almighty God they left left Johnny Isaiah the prophet machination he shall be called yeah this was written 600 years before Jesus was born yeah so when you say he shall be called then somebody must call him so 27 books in the table 27 books of the New Testament there is no where is called the Almighty God there is movie riskily manual you see Emmanuel means God with us now this is a quality of a person and that quality of a person when he displays like Li L I means my god euros I talk about authors yes yes I'm talking about Old Testament Li in the Old Testament in the first book of Genesis 60 times the word Li is used here li means my god you say li means my god is the name of a priest li is a nearly shot Li Li Li all right thank you I you see now you pronouncing like a European yeah I am pronouncing like a Jew because because I'm nearer to the Jew I'm nearer to the Jew in my language Arabic and Hebrew a sister languages so I say Li you say le I said okay that's why I say to you just as ignorant as a Hebrew but next question please [Music] right next question mr. Deedat in your booklet that was distributed tonight the solid please sorry that is relevant to the to the lake to the league yes oh yes very much so that was written for the very reason as you can see in the introduction to know that cheese is not God am I not right now you stay there that Jesus can it cannot be called God because he's a racial God he was a tribal Jew did not say that in this lecture I insist I'm sorry that is wrong I'm sorry to you I'm also Bobby's topic now I asked about this lecture please can I Canadian that in this lecture tonight can I appeal that you can you can see that separately ostomy did he mention that in this lecture tonight did he look mysterion's unit in this lecture to mr. d that prepare his lecture before tonight or not no I said did he mention it in this lecture tonight he did not discretionary did he prepare is no I'm sorry no iess next question please you did not obey I'm not going to give you a question I'm saying into the lecture what do you say tonight thank you the next question please join I'm not gonna long another question I'm sorry I thought to a zone next question please I'm sorry next question please sorry can can I please appeal to it to mr. Deedat no I will tell mr. Deedat also to sister because I'm in the chair here the next question please because you seem to want to work up the emotions concerning Jesus being called the son of God and the scriptures that you went to this evening tons of sons in mark chapter 14 and verse 60 and I appreciate you knowing our scripture verse 60 and following they that's Jesus standing before the council in his judgment they asked him if he was the son of God and he said you say that I am and they asked him further and he says in essence in the in his language yes I am then the high priest began to tear his clothing and accuse him of blasphemy and say what further witness do we need so didn't he take his claim at that point to be the son of God as something more than just saying I'm one like everybody else because of the react of the high-priest if you remember that trial the midnight trial you're referring to before the trial this chairman of the same Hedren he had already passed a verdict and the verdict was it is expedient that one man died for the nation so they may intend by hook or by crook to do away with the man because this man was a danger you see just about 24 hours before he had marched on to Jerusalem he had upset the money changers tables he had ripped the people in the temple now this young man if things go out of hand they would be a danger so he said it is expedient not it is right or wrong it is good or bad it is expedient that this one man should be put away so they had that midnight trial and you read the trial they brought false witnesses against him one after another and they couldn't tell in the evidence if you remember they couldn't tell in the evidence so Jesus see is the fast that this trial walls so he says I speak openly to the world I ever thought in the temple and the synagogue with the Jews always gather and in secret have I said nothing in other words I would never say anything in secret which I was not prepared to say in public no secret doctrines with him so you can bring hundreds of witnesses to testify why is it that you are getting false witnesses and even false witnesses can tally now the I human he put forth was so potent they had no witnesses so the officer standing by slapped him in the face to shut him up the third degree you remember so Jesus says if I have spoken evil bear witness of the evil but if win why smite us down me which meeting Eve all right so you can see from the word go the whole thing is a fast cook or by crook there were no condemned the man and innocent expression like son of God Jesus is telling you in John chapter 10 is it not written in your law I said Ye are gods look this is son of God I said he's got the mother tense but people are and you in your language you're not finding fault with that in other this is the genius of our language when we talk like that we don't mean literally you see so now since they were looking for trouble he said a doubt the son of God means a righteous man remember on the cross when he cried out the Centurion What did he say he said here is the son of God the other gospel writer says what did he say is that this is the son of this is the son of God the other one says this is the righteous man so righteous man and son of God are you synonymously by two writers of the of the New Testament the same expression one says he is the son of God and this same man is supposed to have said he is the righteous man so in other words are you a righteous person all the Jews the rightful people you know the the prophets are called gods and the sons of God he are gods and all of you are the children of the Most High in that census as I am but now since that guy was looking for trouble what proof do we need more because there was no way of convicting him any other way so he starts performing but you note what he did as soon as the same people go to Pilate they change the charge at the Christ the Son of the Living God he said I am adulterer Christ he is the Christ son means the righteous person of the Living Word is the rest but the same expression Christ when they told Pilate is claiming to be Christ a king here they said is claiming Christ a God so you can see on the very face of it that this is hook or by crook they want to do away with the man because they didn't like him this is thank you for your answer I'm not sure I'm not going to say anything I was thinking about saying something naughty but I'm not going to do it thank you very much many things put our next Christmas mr. chairman as a chairman mr. DDOT I would like to express myself you know clearly that I know glad to be here tonight you know it listened to you and about what was going on he said I do agree that they are tons of sons of God and that the Bible said that all those who have received him it becomes sons of God but according to the what we are talking about is tonight that I want to ask you that the Bible said the Greg is the mystery of the God laid the God is manifest in the flesh justified in the spirits see on angels preaching on the Gentiles believe under the world and receive up into glory would like to explain me that this is our friend Paul talking I take it this is Paul look when I ask the Christian who are you following who is your master you say Jesus I said what does Jesus say look illuminate man of the Jew comes to Jesus mark chapter 12 verse 29 hiding and he says master what commandment is the first of all looks simple language they are talking what commandment is the first of all the most important thing in faith what is it and jesus answered and said unto him in the Hebrew language Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai ehad which means here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one could you remain seated please brothers we're going to end very soon please so he repeats word for word what was given by Moses 1,300 years before without the change of a dot why should a learn it man of the Jew go to Jesus he's described as a scribe means a learned man he goes with Jesus and respectfully sir rabbi in the Hebrew language is a rabbi master teacher bishop what commandment is the first of all why should a lunette man go to another lunar man and ask the simplest of question which any Jewish child would have answered 2,000 years ago it's a problem you see like you are a mathematician you go to Einstein the master mathematician and you ask him what is two plus two does it make sense no unless he has gone off somewhere fundamentally in his calculations so you're trying to draw his attention say wait a minute Einstein I respect you you're a great man but what is 2+2 sir not that he doesn't know what is 2 plus 2 so this learn had men asking Jesus what common was the first of all why did he ask him in the first place number 2 the reply that he gave this was 1300 years old why does he repeat writing this say for there are three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one that's a real answer that he should I give according to this tandem Christendom answer the of the first commandment is if I asked any Leonard Christian what is the first commandment oh you can rattle it off the first is hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one but if I asked you what is your first commandment not what is the first commandment what is yours you are puzzled anybody would be we see said what I mean is the importance that you ought to give to the first commandment what are you giving to because you win even if you are born a Christian you have baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost am i right if you are a Trinitarian Christian we are not born in the titles no no are you a Trinitarian you believe in her no I believe in one God you are closer to us I believe in one God right that's why the Bible said it's a great is the mystery of the godly that God is no mysteries no no we say there is no mystery is the look God says in the Bible we are told God is not the author of confusion right so the confusion that you have you know among the whites of South Africa there are 1,000 different sects and denominations 1,000 do you know that there are 3,000 among the blacks of South Africa 3000 different sects and denominations who is the author of them God he's God no God is not the author so we said look there is no mystery god almighty from the very beginning he said I am God the one and only God you through Moses is a shaman I heard hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one jesus says hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one Muhammad says who Allah had say he's got the one and only there is no mystery about it if the mystery is the creation of the church if you are not a Trinitarian if you don't believe that Jesus is God whether you're born again or not born again you are very close to us you see you have taken a step in the right direction towards Islam well as I said that I believe in one God and as I quote code the scripture then I say that God is manifest in the flesh now then immediately you believe in three chords you see you see when you say he manifests in the flesh meaning that God came down to earth God incarnate He is God in can you believe that that that he came into flesh that mean God to human form exactly that means he incarnated not reincarnation is a real carnation means you gonna die and your soul might going to a dog or a pig or into another human being no that is reincarnation we are not talking about that incarnate means God taking human form the Hindu says Rama to God took human form in Rama they say got to human form in Krishna the christian says got to human form in christ so if you believe that God came down to earth in the form of Jesus Christ then the voice that was heard from heaven whose watch was that was it God's because he's already come down he's taken human form he was in his mother's womb for nine months look the Bible says so when he was eight days old he was circumcised and named Jesus that the angel when he was in his mother's womb who was in his mother's womb this God incarnate God came down and he was living in his mother's womb for nine months I am asking how did he pull the strings to hand his universe from his mother strength from his mother's womb and then helpless little creature like one who you and I imagined the Almighty God is that the form he took with all the food and the mud made his mother impure for forty days is that the same God who came down to earth from heaven please my dear brother you see though you say God is one in your mind you got three I haven't got three in my mind but thank you very much miss thank you brothers and sisters in Islam please we will not belong let me say that there's an I have got to clear some of you may have taken offense at the stopping of the purpose speak or the questioner before but if you have followed the lectures then you would have found him there at least three evenings and every evening it tried to take the stage or the platform to give a lecture or a counter lecture or a sermon and my standards were quite clear and I felt very bad because I didn't want to stop him I wanted him to put a question no matter how difficult it may be that's not my department then I would like to say that I joined the firm as a salesman in 1965 I trust you can calculate and seize 19 years ago I then went to do business was a Christian friend of mine and the business of them in your age next birthday is important I'm tempted to say that he was 19 X birthday but I won't go further with it but widely I was in his sitting-room he was in the kitchen or into the bathroom and on his days he was a very thirsty man there was a book about that thick I'm speaking of nineteen years ago how to present the gospel to Muslims 19 years ago last night we had people quoting very doubtful books trying to mislead the people on the parade when I went on a Friday for Juma I had my face on walking to my car and suddenly the person preaching they saw me coming as that's why I saw and it changed this topic and he said you don't have to pray for that fast for 30 days you don't have to perform Salah five times per day you don't have to waste your money to go overseas on a travel you just gotta accept Jesus I know that's really tempting to some people so you want to know what is the onslaught and I was asked to mention something and at one stage I decided no because maybe gives undue importance but there was a question I was not here tonight and he followed us very very closely each night in every night he came to put the question and every night he had to laugh at himself but that is the very man with running a tent in missiles plane for preaching the gospel and he's got Arabic inscriptions on the tin well he's entitled to it anybody can write Arabic but you know that there are so many of our brothers and sisters who would fall just for them why I'm saying this is what is the aim of this what did we gain from the series of talks what will mr. Deedat feel when he goes back what did I achieve in no ways was at the conversion campaign the people who came here tonight with respect to them I don't think you can convert him that was not the aim I get a message I get is that we have found in mr. Deedat a person to champion our cause we were reared on minority group we've always been in this country but I want all right I would like to see in my heart that the message we got from you that we've got the courage to stand up and we no longer have to feel as we the underdogs but I think the message which comes through very loud and clear [Applause] the message which comes through very loud and clear brothers that these could arms which was so dear over the evenings they were not sold for nothing the message is that you and I as butter go and read we've got to go and prepay you don't have to read the Bible I think has been made easy by the tapes by the videos and by the booklets that your job has been done for you study it use it and see that your children can use it but the quran that you've been given you've got a study you've got to study all the phases of it and i would like to end by asking Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that these series of lectures amongst all the other good things that are being done by Muslims indicate by sink into our hearts that we can stand firm and United I will ask that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala must give mr. Deedat lots of Baraka lots of humor insha'Allah for what he has done for us and I would like to believe that we don't need him in the Cape again because I feel that he would have lived sufficient behind is most welcome at all times it's not that we have got to go out and fight people we didn't want to go and talk to everybody unduly but when people come to us that we've got the answers already we need not fight with him we need an argue we can do it in a nice manner I ask Imam to make the offering salat wa salam ala sheridan be able mousseline say you marry me allahumma to our dinner - with Anasuya allow him to go Elena tobidasu ha Yoruba to vallenato botanist ooh ha yo Beavis okanagan career you know be genuine I mean normally Shelton Allah Muhammad intervenor rahim allah has given us entirely in accord whether to sell you tied in the oven and i oh oh allah oh allah ameen Robin Antin Affinia Hassan eternal fidelity has an eternal inaudible now what is hidden agenda tomorrow yes is your farrier I mean laa ilaaha de colegio an audiology of the DMV I want more Sabine so he D never more than I'm adding rather me he was Herbie agent marine was her Island more Cedeno Andrew little island in a thirty huh a llama felucca booty Mina Mina Minard two Muslim in awhile Muslim at your father who Maduro dirty work a furor an enormous a Oh Doris lahu al hasanat whatever from Metallica embarrassment Akaya hammer redeeming in the ball hello mother you gotta who also do not enemy yeah you had lady in ermine also Veronica but I hate getting fiercer damn well I'll handle it shukran
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 134,162
Rating: 4.7834506 out of 5
Keywords: ahmed deedat, jesus, isa, god, أحمد ديدات
Id: VoqRV8n0hXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 8sec (9368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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