Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks 2

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look at the concern what he has on his face you know this reminds me of something now another road going up and I assume that baby speaks is even making his way oh that's more applause for our lady I think it's when they see Ali that he's come from a long way back he can't answer he literally cannot push his way through now you see that that is wrong police the police should have cordoned off that area but they never do it only in some foreign countries like saya and Manila did we have clear entrance into the ring and that's because paratroops lying away you know they're going to do one of these days they're going to design another fighting stadium where there's a tunnel and the fighters come on into the ring it would be good but it would rob it of some of the sense of ratio here come incredible Muhammad Ali [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you don't keep while I would I'll be waiting too long history second I want to see how I can pass in the chapel oh you hear a smile [Music] it's sort of a coming up the steps down into the rain prison heavyweight Chuck in a world beyond space reception he gets not the reception that a leader so I think it's obvious where the sentiment is going to be from this better than 70,000 in attendance here [Applause] presenting the Challenger of tonight's bout the former two-time great champion from Louisville Kentucky in white trucks weighing in at 221 Muhammad Ali the greatest and the chaplain [Music] the checking of the world from st. Louis Missouri weighing in tonight f 201 breasts in scarlet and gold the heavyweight champion of the world Leon speak Leon fee upon his toes dancing loosening up strength not up on his toes sort of flat footed gazing around to the crowd at ringside looking down now moments ago what is holding up the stone of this bike remains he hears the bell and we're underway round one the champion Spinks coming right up against a moving and dancing Muhammad Ali is already 34 chucko moving as he said he would yeah he's gonna dance for a little bit to show people he can do it but he can't he should not do that for very long because he will exhaust himself he can do that for this first run a little Ollie shuffle and the crowd loves it [Applause] no question this is already a different story but the last time when Olli the pet of a that absolutely very little the first six rounds and accustomed his title he said it's not going to be the same story and as far it isn't a former champion moving missing on a wild right hand over the top of the head of Leon Spinks he's trying he's trying to do something this first round but he's not excess prolly he's gonna set him up better oh great left hand beyond strength on the pumper champion Muhammad Ali and he got hit by streak Thanks is right there [Music] [Applause] quit smiling [Music] holding I don't know if they were playing there or what they were too close [Applause] now fix is bullying him and Ali is holy and that's his stab and grab Angelo Dundee said Holly's got a shotgun and welcome dr. ben wocken that's what's supposed to be put clothing stinks good luck and bye he's trying to do something this first round [Applause] Molly come again missing a right hand attention Sphinx on the back because this ran in his good right hand and pushes him right Ali just needed wow this is gonna be well the referee want coming up let's go fight let's cut out these common up to 25 seconds left buy a car buy a bike to the head by snakes this is a straight this is the pier 6 brawl [Applause] how is Brooke mouseling making faces six seconds to a minute and 20 seconds and Ali is missing [Music] okay he's part of the former champion back to his corner and what was certainly unpredictable for first round well you know odd is not in particular if you understand that I was trying to get him out and trying to disconcert him and trying to show a different thing this is Ali this is Ali in a street fight which he's never been in his life but fakes has been in many Street folks this is not the way Ali confided there is a replay of that first round now now watch Ali's leg one way he actually needed that is not a least our Ally's too great a fighter BAM one certainly interested in the [ __ ] else we talked about composers on great champions and you saw a farmer and still a champion in many people's minds by Harley just using some roughhouse tactics tactics and as Freddie who said the Ning Aman time okay round two Ali runs out across the ring Hanson he really wants to finish this up in the first six rounds [Applause] that's a that's a terrible mistake if he doesn't do it because rates will be there pretty good right now under the chin of our Levi Spence no cuts nobody hurt roaming around to just on the way scheduled for 15 [Applause] a little hook good about doing much Jagan become a champion one of the best weapons he ever had one of the best weapons we've ever seen in a fight game by any handy whatever and I met Jeff but Holly being thrown by the champion he's back on his toes again big hit him over a shot on the break both fighters missing on the right on the ropes of the neutral corner two minutes ago all allowed to [Applause] [Music] Ali Ali is still kind of bounce around a little bit but Sphinx is determined he just keeps coming I don't know if Ali can keep this up for 50 miles but he is sure well he probably moved already more two rounds in a given 15 the last time we faced thus far the former champion as a man of his word because he was moving and circling and trying to stay out the reigns of the shop punching Leon Spinks the chaplain [Applause] just a rough texture that's Charlie it's just a roughhouse that they aren't so he smiles throws up as lucky to say well what do you want to do nothing bothers me I'm spitting he's trying to jab him now he's trying to jab him across for the right hand but he's not landing solidly and Leon in the meantime is still right in his face where he's supposed to be [Applause] now he certainly is missing mrs. Morty's hidden Leon is doing with many told him get down low and roll back and go him get down roll flowing rollin after Ali throws you throw in front of his body and he's doing just what Georgie's been told and that is what's causing the chant the former champion I leave him this and he's missing down there and he can't get him 30 seconds remaining of an - hola mrs. that was how to tie it up again the son of the rain in the belfry slaps him apart [Applause] Ali slap Sphinx in the head with a left jab there in Ali's corner now fix wants to fight and Alan's gravel that's the way he's got a good if he's gonna survive [Applause] down to about to come to an end okay we're in the corner of the champion Leon Spinks he looks like he's having a good diamond flaxen hair sort of a difficult fight to score after two rounds with nobody Billy's landing on the solid blows they both slashed a little bit at one another jason has a turban Muhammad Allah will stop gone to the calming that can travel here Solomon Sam Solomon talking are we go [Music] [Applause] was George Benton saying go jab em and throw your left hook to the body the left hook through the body that one should plan all along now get down under and do it round 300 scheduled for 15 minutes for the heavyweight championship of the world 10 the former champion Muhammad Ali do it he's moving he's dancing he's been doing it for 6 now going on 7 minutes [Applause] well he is carrying his final three rounds of dancing so far [Applause] to viola put a good right hand from byali but he got tagged right back by a right hand by the Chuck instincts Harley holding put the left hand around the neck estates [Applause] good jab misses a right while [Applause] Holly's corner changed stick buxom stick unboxing two minutes to go in round three [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right hand by Ali did not seem to bother Spinks however let's just go right there [Applause] we're halfway through round three 1:30 remaining it's a close one flurry by station stinks is now starting to take clothes into the range [Applause] and it cuts thanks for to go [Applause] now they sticking up from under the chin sphynx as the boys cook in this way [Applause] couple of heavyweights hoodie moving around like a couple of lightweights yes indeed set a 20-foot ring and they've used it all Ali is trying his best to land his one good punch in there we've landed somebody missing an awful luck good cab hitman spits off-balance another pick [Applause] I was screaming for him to stay off him and now he's still on his coat fell on his coat what will this do to him and he ghost around 8 9 and 10 well he's a makeup miracles he certainly is that Hallows punches not landing and as always mrs. that is the end of round three [Applause] I have to say this fight is pretty even [Music] and a good luck at the pond the champion up to this point at least [Applause] resting about breathing early too [Applause] this was a big round for Ali and the context of that one run in the context of the whole fight that's objective-c but if you want to compare the referee is warning him not to choke them not to put his fingers in his face Louisiana State Road and the boxing commission is here in this state they said it the Roseman the other day except the discretion the referee he can penalize a fighter he can take around he warned him and Angelo said go warn the other guy he's doing the same thing Holly do a little shuffle in his corner as it comes out to face the check-in specs around for [Applause] matt'll truck Leon Spinks is [Applause] maybe realize about his got to pick it up a little bit started out strong all he had a good man through we're just on the way around cord [Applause] all that bouncing is all of that bouncing is good at it accomplishes something they're just bouncing for the sake of bouncing is not impressing anybody's getting tired and spikes in the meantime he's very economical in its motion [Applause] two minutes ago around 4:00 nobody has been gone it's kind of a 15 no but it's cut Ali put in to stiff Jeff tried to cross the right hand and just missed it would have been a good punch fakes left will lead with the right hand and went right into [Applause] before any serious fighting no talking no rope-a-dope no smiling just buy on the business before my champion [Applause] 130 remaining for Ali took a tough right hand of the nose good left to the face pigs [Music] those topping thank you determination coming right up but [Applause] we're in the final minute around 4:00 [Applause] we've just missed this right hand again that right if it lands would be interesting to see what happens to Leon Oh Donna 30 seconds 30 seconds in here and still coming out [Applause] who Sanna the final two circuits in life or comes up with a right hand raise this is top of the head in the Chuck in Spence feel that Jeff trying to follow in the writer to check them but we missing [Music] I think Pearlie this is gone not what we expected I didn't think our late could dance well it has he hasn't stopped before I hadn't expected winner Georgie said he's going to come up for everything again he took grounds then Georgie was right excellent hook by Ally right to the side of the head of Rihanna and he's just doesn't stop well he's going to just stay on top of them though with success that's what did it for the champion the last time that's what he hopes he's gonna do it for him here tonight in the Superdome and 70,000 are watching it here live millions more around the world Alley is trying to shoot message as you've done for 15 years of accurate crunchy where his punches are missing by just a fraction if he can get that fraction out when he gets warmed up real good while fakes may be incredible but at this point stinks of chasing him with great determination [Applause] that has been a lot of blows landed pretty but nothing really telling nothing hard made anybody blink Ali's waiting for that right hand [Applause] [Music] few minutes ago up on his toes for the first time in this round a little bit but beyond Emmet changes Halle doing a good job Purdy of tying him up in there limiting his punching the power you can hit him Olly is shown over four rounds that and almost fired nine if I can't hit him I'm going to tie him up he's not going to hit me another good right to the Charles face but the champion fights back goes to the body comes up humpback waiting funky Valley heard had him going there for a moment and he came back between his head for me I'm straight - straight gas calories here the right hand a lot to be said for Spencer's courage he is a champion and he's fighting back against one of the greatest champions of all time but without +1 gogo is the final minute as you said best punches of the fight goes for coming here around 5:00 with a minute to go by Olly flesh on the nose expunged but then spent disease coming back in between its glow [Applause] couldn't back him up a foot brake right hand by Ali every one another good right hand side and walk into it pretty yes I always got to be more I mean think has got to be more cautious but he has no caution this keeps coming coming up on 20 seconds to Round five a big round for the former champion [Applause] he's happy well these looks like he's got a good rhythm going through he's got a one tool is common functions and the chant goes up for our Yali as one fire is about to come to an end [Applause] in order to get back and he sat down a little heavily there's a champion spanks the tenth second one and goes up we're about to move into that six of what is probably for the most part been a pretty close fight without question up to this point okay they meet in the center of the ring and round six is underway a lease cuts it off with a roundhouse hook that hits the close of the champion [Music] [Applause] champion missing on all of those but still moving still up on his toes go dancing holding to his left beautiful uppercut by Ali [Applause] no question about a look at the old Ollie photo young Charlie [Applause] [Music] for the first six rounds except for the fact that he doesn't have a precision in his punching he certainly has been bouncing and looking great [Applause] the two-minute mark today that's scheduled for 15 has been a fabulous far [Applause] this treatment if cloudy hid in the background speechless Conor Sam Sullivan yelling mistreat him [Applause] underneath Havanese says something keep whining underneath of course means they wanted to get to his body pick some of that wind out of me and old 36 year old legs engine activity but nice uppercut by Ali good luck by Allah but this man this is champion this keeps coming and coming and coming Ali is like a young man he's like a young Panther right on him one minute to go better upper cut scores by the former champion [Applause] [Applause] they're slowing down by the champion it's the line of the 30 seconds dabbing foolishly and moving nicely good luck coach those folks trying to get out physicals thank you just treating them he's mauling him and he's doing what he has to do to get him tired he's trying out muscle because he's getting beat when he crashed out think [Applause] five seconds remaining in round six for the heavyweight championship of the world [Music] their specs goes back to let's go back to round six oh look at that uppercut beautiful elephant that used to knock free blood landed flush on folks who didn't seem to bother mr. thanks too much but a lot of those wills let's look at it again and you can see when the thing of beauty it is goes right between the gloves come away from under that should take it off suburban street hear everything that should take your head off but it did [Applause] tomorrow night's game his head above is here in the corner he looks out get away he winked at me she's amazing the referee is still arguing [Music] that's a lot of arguments going on free right now because of that of alleys homie last seven [Applause] and if it was to stop light I would put the arleigh it could be digital 15 it with the alley cranks does we have the formula for initially now that's the pig in that's what all the intrigue and all with game work that all that guess it has been about can he dance plenty move penny forget the rope-a-dope and he be what he once was but he be the legend a man who was made box enter made himself an international hero coming to this point he has been the ole alley [Applause] [Music] byxis losing the old steam shovels not coming after him like he was well he's still bouncing but it doesn't seem to be it always addressing them as as he was before a little bit earlier than the earlier rounds if I be a little frustrated she's very frustrated he's getting him up [Applause] probably asking I'm sorry is this man really 36 and he's also playing on sunny he's gonna get dire deficit well here's he's passionate 7 searching the final minute without seven [Applause] the fragrance until birth judging this fight around system [Applause] lianna's getting the end a good uppercut that didn't land on anything but gloves but it was broke one minutes to go on the Leroy's Bentley makes is going to have to get a little bit more violence than his good good combination only a slight return by fakes with lightning rally [Applause] [Applause] thirty Seconds panning around seven a champion still on his toes still moving still bothering still thinner and still tying up the tongue he is luring him into these traps and as soon as he steps in alleys luring the boom when the right hand they haven't landed that good but they're building up all those points [Applause] closer great reaction from the crowd [Applause] and if you continue to do this you for the first time in the history of boxing there will be a boxer that became the heavyweight champion for the third five close up the Leon Spinks may be a little perplexed at this point maybe what they thought that his trailer and saying I thought you said he couldn't go more than six at his pace what is gone 7 which is 21 minutes now he shows no signs of slowing down [Applause] okay the round the middle to Ronnie and he opens it with two good hooks right off him fakes his jaw and they must've told Spinks hey wake up you were going to sleep and losing the fight [Applause] Alley has been conning and kidding stretches into left fighting and he's got to do what he just started out to do right now I gotta go chase him again whether speech is lettin Ally get tired enough will soon see that might have been a bad mistake that he spent may have broke up a lead [Applause] get up attack on the side of the face is fixed holly-jolly a great right hand by the pharma champion at the two-minute Maharani it stinks doesn't - he comes dark swinging with both arms [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] makes us to a cadenza but when any Ally comes in the mcswiggen fighting couldn't do that well figures when he relaxed alleys get the best up now he's ahead [Applause] he's still moving upon the champion and I love it here and he's winning another round beautiful body shot and maybe the first body shot he's grown since 1960 may have stunned the champion a little bit because he's like he's going right after him less than a minute here Matty and he definitely stunning thankfully 70mm over it was a picture punch very right smack in the solar plexus they slow you down I mean your legs go where that goes now he is unmarked not even puffins not even breathing hard [Applause] coming up on 20 seconds they drowned out and I'll lay on his way perhaps thirty two winning another round well on his way to winning this room [Applause] [Music] let me get tied up his round 8 is about to come to an end [Applause] and now he had once more shocked animation is up on his feet Ali seconds run intimidate Leon Spinks and he says ah the pet do it le again starting off the line with a good left if Spinks come on my back with getting on top alone but are they tying about pheasant icebergs folks nice shoving his blog and all those face chemistry get away let me hit you I'm gonna hit [Applause] a good right hand now the father checked in I don't know maybe that body punch took something out of this junk there's all those right hands Ali's been landing good something item okay Ali you can popping a jammer crossing the right on this guy and he's like go to sleep we're all these guys and Shake Rattle return he's giving them unboxing wasn't lately no question about it Ali is showing him what it's like to be in with the real Ali and the boxing lesson was totally confusing the champion he's got a Missy he's tying him up he's doing all the great things showed him what the art of defense is like well besides that I'm showing him why he was the greatest fighter in the Worland way even if this ages please 1:30 remaining in bamm-bamm who'd have believed it up to this point Obama Chacon patrolling of fight dancing Mugen no ropa though you know the work the van one Molly said gonna work and that's exactly what the farmer champion is doing he's working [Applause] one minute to go on my own and Ferdie Pacheco he's the established in fact you have been in his corner for more than 15 years when is the last time you've ever seen you'd have to go back to Manila and when he was really in the condition of Vigo pleasure to see him this shop in this joke really turn back the clock today he's giving him a boxing lesson and frank says it over to the right on a box over 200 rounds little money for this fight settle worked hard his weights show that it was that a tutorial on from 224 but he just took a pretty good right right though he's better struck to take something it's a knife brownie I've been hit me okay [Applause] he's building up such a lead that's big to play got shots and another good left hook Leon came back but he missed Wiley have a big round put up on the check-in and that's it for me continue well you may be looking right there into the corner of the holy man and put the on the brake at least solution one of those miracles of his does the favorite but that was question probably the sentimental favorite people that isn't pushing with their heart instead of their heads he's done it before and he may do it again here's a look at that round thanks Ryan little close you see how to chant the former champion with a left and a good right there ducking under the punch of making Leone this head straighten him up binghams up back coming back up another left of misses on the right and then tying him up shocking him and mocking him that's his big plan okay that 4 on 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh continues to dominate Thanks and thank you to our consumers if you have nothing better to do huh who hasn't heard of verdicts that's obvious they know knockdowns yet we're in round 10 first pin of the last ah he is waiting the last five rounds committee of Darryl well it could be the same air that cost Muhammad Ali the titles I believe shows every reverse look at our lake downstage an appealing little shuffle on the neutral corner by the former champion to show the Fabio lollies gelareh little mischievous sense of humor and a little bit show hey I'm still here I'm still great [Applause] jabbing and moving very effective given the choppy enough nobody gets into votes like that time that was Angelo's plan coming Rock'em not a good right hand [Applause] and it all smiling Angelo Dundee I just head up so home free hold free and you can see the confidence coming out of it before attending as you can see that he's enjoying a lesson he's enjoying giving a lesson this upstart kiddies if excited [Applause] my attempt treasuring the cat doubt this man then expect the unexpected finale if he says he can do it as mine is so powerful that he can do it he's got a colossal willpower never seen anybody that can do that I'll tell you this Freddie where lows he's put on such a tremendous showing in such a 5 to 10 rounds but it's just almost too much to understand that he will do this I'm in the expert the so-called expert said this couldn't happen Jeremy Benton says we can't dance but for more than 30 seconds every other round been able to fill lasted us for years [Applause] nothing the granpa but huge points fakes can overcome this Alli's on a tremendous role another round I would say funny [Applause] that's some about the port this line on it's been all Arlene yes madam invited a tough one to be seen what they can tell us what they can tell me on fake to do to stop this street because Leon has chuckling I've got an okay we're getting into the 11th round it's underway and this is where they're going to start to separate the youngsters from the old man they've been boxing for 33 30 minutes going on 31 the champion is the farmer champion still moving still frustrating the champion Leon Spinks bouncing wavy [Applause] points clear your hits catching Leon coming in thinks he's back in February when he could come in and nobody was gonna punch him he doesn't realize he's fan of ice to come in he's fighting the real man when I leave [Applause] davin staff Chaka Menachem that's what he's fighting he grabs him in the halls and cosa those punches listen no way no way to beat that and look at how he's still bounce look good always down as a look at him now his jab has become more effective and is it like then it was in the opening three or four round because pictures become very very frustrated slower than willing to take those deaths inside of getting close which is a bad mistake there's a bunch of alley with a bunch of alley jabs Adam to maka wanted us to win a lot of fights with that left hand I'm not Jack many years and putting fight to judge [Applause] Oh [Applause] and distinct and he grimaced when he went into the clinch he grimaces and he looks like well he really stunning really stung but I gotta hand it to the footage at BHS [Applause] in his face he's not gonna be able to take much more of this and valleys and continuum and Lavinia colouring Baco tree right here now right on target a left jab in the right hand corner is aesthetic these corner is hysterical because they [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yelling and the crowd of more than 70,000 here anticipating maybe the champion that he always was despite we put up on the father champion Muhammad Ali [Applause] [Music] Russell one of rounds he is now won seven rounds and it is impossible catching it cannot touch him unless he knocks him out and no one has not got no brain in the world that can figure out a way to be tally when he's put them like this Angelo country his trainer telling upstairs and stay over there he is it comes out hits over 2,000 points for the right Muhammad Ali [Applause] now he's hitting him as fix whines up to punchy's getting here Ali certainly saves everything for the fighters that is he looking threading he looks good in this fight I notice now he's got not to jet not to move as much further you see that he does neat he doesn't need to all he needs to do survive is 15 and he's the next champion of the world for the third time he doesn't Betty says he wants at a time retires the first black everybody fire is underway champion of the world and that's my wildest dream if he ever did that up to be one of the happiest men in wool and I will tell you because he should go out on a high night like but I will tell you this is will go over two minutes remaining on square of the way he's working tonight it's gonna be awfully hard to convince mama how they should win this fight the highlight of any career to do this the third time at 36 where everybody takes you through is an absolutely impossible thing [Applause] he is once again Thunder impossible [Applause] halfway to round twelve spenger 4:15 and the poverty for Halloween rioting with his child better than 70-thousand and on his way to babies once again becoming the heavyweight champion of the world doing what no man has ever done but it still round 12 and still lots of time for the champion to retain his title one minute remaining around slow dance by our legs folded sticky jab and coming in with an uppercut that doesn't quite connect [Applause] are they trying enough to touch winding up with son of a bolo punch not to affect it because he got tagged with it I spun downstairs it's all ours it's all Lally Alley is dictating the pace on the bike Ali is dictating where that where he fights and when he fights voluntarily 30 seconds of that to go with a shot like that he hoped that he hooked him three times in and grabbed him he should have continued to attack because pink slips bathe bewildered and ready [Applause] by Ali and he joins is it trouble the RAB is almost over seconds to go where's the Bell tap here they have to be separated and this place is going to go wow because it is an unheard impressive anything to do by a man who's been acclaimed acquitted spider of all time as he has done for our last seven eight rounds are we coming right out establishing Authority reigning a straight chair to the Chairman Sphinx has fixed high as I'm up and pushes him up to his own corner he's laying his traps and he's laying is plots for Nathan everyone he's up on his feet around 13 and [Applause] good luck [Applause] police had a supper and is shuffling that cocky old arrogant alley this is a different guy Sonny World Heavyweight Champion the greatest fighter of all time and jinx doesn't know what to do wonderful a litter assuming he's and it looks like he's been nuts in command but he just gets now general clearing the defensive fighting if you did oh we could kind of just to hold on as he's gonna get that from this point sit anymore he just has no way no bigs has no way to beat Ali and Ali is not not let them have a way to win he is not thinking the way today's Ali's on top of me one minute and a half and we're getting closer round 13 and we're an ally territory this is where Ali has always shown 13 14 and 15 but in this fight he's been shining since round five they go to 15-foot I guarantee you entities some outstanding round on final that and it's going to be the closest thing there's ever been alright you heard it from a man who spent 15 years in Holly's corner got to Ferdie Pacheco the fighting back there with his commentary and I believe like everybody else here drinks out at the Superdome in New Orleans it's a Ollie's face it's his only to lose now further it's his only to lose and he doesn't look like he knows how to lose 15 years week man I can tell you he can think of more ways to win and anybody I know and he knows no way to lose [Music] [Applause] thirty Seconds right after keys pink slips over flicks and he is bewildered he is hurt he is stunned and he doesn't know what to do about it [Applause] right now he is on his case ten seconds remaining and 13 how he is not going to rest around he's gonna go like this for all 15 the first time out he got that set hook and he just backed off another round [Applause] in Crenshaw those are the clothes [Applause] yes picture Burt Josh come on and course fakes doesn't know what to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the pharma champion out six minutes two rounds [Applause] I have never been so so glad to be proven wrong in my life was to see what he's done tonight I would not believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes why of all people should really believe it because I have team doing possible things when I lecture I miss this massive place even a ringside they're not the only one it's done okay lab 14 and what I like about it Bob is that he is not easy he knows you guys won he's not gonna ease up he's gonna win every round he's going to show everybody he is there all the way the most shine he is dancing round 40 that's the mass joking shocking thing one to go after the backing them up the former champion it's Poots what's internal alone the east corner is a look on their face they're screaming they know the victory is just around the corner they do five minutes now away the advances hang in there [Applause] spits meet Anaka let's face the big burden his only salvation at this point this man just doesn't get background [Music] George Foreman nor by Joe Frazier and he's certain about to get knocked up by mr. speech he is showing no signs of being fatigued foot of the fence the thing of beauty I don't remember a bike where he didn't pull around where he didn't kid with the audience where he didn't talk to the referee I don't remember a fight where he was just dead sir I hope that this means he wants to show the world if this is what I Muhammad Ali is all about and let it go right there let him remember this fight is just one thunk that it can't be better if he shut up 14 of AMA champion Muhammad Ali Oh spirit come on [Applause] and for the first time I see Ali talking to Spinks in a clinch and he's saying give it up boy there nothing else to do it we're in the final minute around 14 and this federal man and snakes comes back and hit some of the ripens shumsa left in Ali's face as he pushes him into the road Spike's has ignited a real solid bro cause since the early rounds Oh Rosie right hand could have taken the chin before the chicken outfit just raise the prices say he this new laser bomb [Applause] 30 seconds of am 14 the pharma champ filled an ad for so close now but they coming only the third the first man in history to win the titles Big Town and for the first time in the fight he's showing a little signs of weirdness in the clinch he is now showing the first times and it certainly is pardonable good tan Ali's corner sent Jamie now has three minutes to go and he is the first man to win the title three times they are fakes who knows what he faces I'm sheriff Ernie's Leon Spinks knows what he faces three minutes away [Applause] most likely no champion his corner feels it better than 70-thousand fielder is boring esto santim go out there and finish it Angelo Dundee has never been one to tell his fighter take it easy you won the fight says don't take anything then praying Lucia Joburg calls him together they touch gloves in here days but a heavyweight championship of the world Bank 15 and who would have started Bob Halloran fifteen and Ali's still bouncing nobody uppercut [Applause] because there's nothing like tomorrow this is [Applause] the Heavyweight Championship and he has no chance to win a decision good chance fire a check in a four in a row in the face of all a hit with a right hand on the left side of the phone supposed to be doing at the beginning [Applause] possibly too long for soon here's a picture falling they're starting to check Oh [Applause] right two minutes separating a former champion from once again wearing Leon Spinks may be beaten but still in there flying missin is outrageous disgraceful he steps out of the way how he has shown all the class and all the talent and all the strength and all the determination of the young Ali was Sonny Liston the mana barley was George Frazier 1:30 remaining in this fight and of the ally of Africa reformer and now here in New Orleans at the age of 36 years old he is showing a young man with boxing his all out he is showing a young Leon stick what it's like to be in with the real Muhammad Ali and what it's like is a shut up and look at Ali belt [Applause] he's going to bounce him right into the ground [Applause] one minute remaining one minute for the word Heavyweight Championship they have no markdowns in this fight neither fighter has been really hurt there no cuts great right with my son a minute bye ollie but streaks coming back going after the former chaplain [Applause] probably Owen thing [Applause] thirty Seconds to go [Applause] snake has got some superhuman effort in them yes kiss his crown goodbye good right hand by Spence the old butterfly stinging again well Bobby there it is 11 seconds that's for sure then everyone's gonna be one eight seven that is about it folks this is the world heavyweight champion for the third time and here comes the alley circles Mendes crowd of people are pushing their way in the usual riot is taking place an alley has fallen in his corner you know in a way to keep people from trampling we will not give the announcement until the ring is clear [Music] Ali is still there's the vengan action we're partying in his epistle motion Joe batts Clause 10 Maui one ear on Horace Bank [Applause] [Music] George George Holman do women do track scores eleven Ali forth good - Kojo scores town alley one even wall space the new chapter you [Applause] tell you Ferdie Pacheco you Colin who said this is going to be maybe one of the most one-sided decisions that's exactly that's what it was two judges on the referee and one of the judges cards Ali took ten rounds boss for one was even and on the other one 11 of the 15
Channel: The Grueling Truth Sports Network
Views: 1,055,878
Rating: 4.3614082 out of 5
Keywords: muhammad ali, leon spinks, boxing
Id: NybyajmD1jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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