Cassius Clay vs Henry Cooper 18.6.1963

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where they held the way in he picked up a golden cardboard crown left over from some pantomim stuck it on his head and proclaimed I am the king that night in the open air of Wembley Stadium Henry Cooper and cassus Clay faced each other for a fight which was so remarkable people still joyfully discuss it today shake hands win the buildings come out boxing and make the best man win brief instructions from Tommy little three so here we go the fight of the year clay from the right hand corner against Cooper of Britain and cler said I'll beat him in five we'll see a lot of people think that Cooper's big chances to go in early with his left hook and try and nail [Applause] [Music] clay 6'2 and A2 Cooper 61 and A2 really is a fine figure of the muscle [Music] Cooper quick to pick up the left hook and he's going in and he's hurt clay clay is hanging on and he's blinking and frowning in the first 30 seconds the left hook of Cooper scores [Applause] quickly holding [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Clay's nose is bleeding in the first minute from the left hook of Cooper first Blood to Cooper and Cooper has certainly not come out apprehensively tonight the man who started so many fights too quietly Cooper Has Come Out full of fight and now Clay is arguing to the referee that Cooper's trying to hold him and he's getting angry and at one stage there I thought he even poked his arm out at Mr Tommy Little the referee well this is a sensational start to this fight play has gone fighting [Applause] [Music] mad K sh is not holding inside there's blood on kooper's left shoulder and that comes from Clay's nose that left hand of coopas is right into Clay's face and he's scoring heavely with it and he's hurting the American a sensational start to this fight and Cooper right on top with half a minute to go in the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first Cal in the first and that first round has done wonders for British professional boxing people are on their feet at the ringside now cheering Cooper a fantastic start by the British champion completely overthrown all his old nervousness at the start and come out there a fighting man Cooper hurt clay in the first minute with the left hook and has done well since left Hooks and Jabs he's drawn blood from Clay's nose he's hurt clay and Clay has been forced to complain because he was very troubled indeed this is quite the most extraordinary fight night I've ever experienced in Britain the first 3 minutes have been extraordinary second go round two there's Cooper can he beat clay and put British professional boxing right on top of the heavyweight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] world [Applause] [Music] one slightly disturbing f after that first round Cooper hit him hard with the left hook several times but he didn't go down or even show a sign of going down play he can take a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] punch CL trying to open up his own left jab and hook not much right hand punching so [Music] [Applause] far play now working on Cooper's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] face this is H against the left jab of clay and there's no telling at this stage which punch is going to come out on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] top [Music] [Applause] right's right hand the first time he's shown [Music] [Applause] it half a minute to go in the [Applause] [Music] second and our Cooper seems to be cut slightly underneath the left [Music] eye it's nothing [Music] [Applause] serious that left jab of plays beginning to get very accur it and steady into Cooper's face and Cooper is cut or rather grazed underneath his left eye it's a battle of left hands between these two and as the bell ends the second so Cooper's cut underneath his left eye has worsen slightly after a couple of left Jabs on it from clay so Cooper after 6 minutes boxing is cut underneath the left eye one of the things that uh was feared he always cuts easily Cooper but it's underneath the eye and not over which means that it's not nearly as serious as it might be the 1960 Olympic light heavyweight champion the man who's been promised to fight with the winner of Liston and Patterson if he comes through this tonight the handsome casus clay coming out for round three after the shock of his life in the first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] round the reain has stopped the excitement has really started among the crowd here who've seen Cooper take the fight to Clay and these 40 or 50,000 people in Wembley are all on Henry Cooper's [Music] side's left ey patched up now slly hooked with that left hand and now he's cut over the left eye Henry Cooper is cut over the left eye and it looks to me like a very bad cut indeed this is tragedy for Cooper in the third round with only 40 seconds gone and Cooper is very badly cut over the left [Applause] eye this is what we always feared about Cooper round three he's going to have a job to get through with that eye Tommy Li's having a look at it kuar fighting desperately because he knows that his time may be short there you can see apprehensively feeling for it with the left [Music] hand Cooper trying to nail him in the third if he can there's no telling now how long he's got to go Cooper with that [Music] eye a minute left in the third [Applause] play now look at him he's got his arms down he's contemptuously treating Cooper his arms are down by his hips just using his feet to keep away from Cooper this is complete cheat on the part of clay who feels that he's got it in the bag because of that [Music] eye half a minute to go in the [Music] third players taken all of Cooper's punches and stood up to [Music] [Applause] [Music] them play hardly bothering to punch in this round [Music] now he's just threatening and he's teasing Cooper he's trying to make Cooper look small in the third round and Cooper's left eye is a very sorry sight indeed it really is it's Cut Above and Below Denny Holland with the swap sticks in his mouth there is going to have to work really hard to try and staunch the flow of blood from that eye it really is a bad one Henry Cooper Under severe handicap now as he comes out for round four against Casas clay and looking set for victory because of this handicap left eye well they've worked on it Tommy Little chasing pooper seconds out round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] four sitting down at the ringside is one of play's 11 managers Bill faam and he called out to Clay in the interval cut out the funny business and get down to work so the clay people are not too happy with their man he were certainly teasing Cooper in the third this is not the way to go about things when you're a world heavyweight Contender and Cooper's eye already bleeding again in the fourth round above and below two streams of [Music] [Applause] blood and paor Cooper keeps putting his left glove up there to that ey as though he can hardly believe his bad [Applause] [Music] Lu [Applause] [Music] the fourth rounder one looks for a sign that a left hook from Cooper can really hurt this man but apart from the opening minute he hasn't seemed to hurt clay very much with his PS he's put as many left hooks in as he can get and Clay has taken them allall somewhat contemptuously and now Clay is just jabbing casually with his that [Music] time anything might [Music] happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby H baby that's it that's [Music] it over clay is over right on the Bell the Bell has sounded and he's up at about three clay that was the end of the fourth round and he hit him about 2 seconds before the end of the round with the left hook clay took one chance too many and he still doesn't know where he is he's still half out Clay they're working furiously on him in the corner Angelo dandi is trainer he really is giving him a talking to Cooper's left hook finally scores and Clay was down 2 seconds from the end of the fourth round and got up just after the bell and he doesn't know where he is looking at his corner and something extraordinary Hasen happened because referee Tommy Little has gone over to the timekeeper to ask [Applause] something Tommy Little has gone to Clay's corner now have talk to them and I think cla's got a torn [Music] glove well no it seems to be all right and out we come for round five and now round five is the round in which clay said he would beat Cooper but now this crowd at Wembley are beginning to B for a Cooper win play on the floor at the end of the fourth and now fighting to preserve his professional life here against Henry [Applause] G oh and now Cooper's left eye is really in a shocking state it really is now play's left Cooper's left eye is pouring blood gum shs flying out Henry is dripping [Applause] blood and I think Tommy Little will have to stop this because Cooper's eye is really in an absolutely appalling [Music] state it is the worst cut eye I've seen for a very very long time indeed I do not see how he can let this go much [Music] further it's round five and now he's slipping in and I think this is it the the tow has come in from Cooper's Corner and Tommy Little's looking at it and he's had to stop the fight there was no alternative he had to stop the fight Tommy Li it's all over in round five and Clay is getting bombarded with programs from Angry ringsider the man who was put down at the end of the fourth round and Cooper He's beaten on a cut ey is far from disgraced you know a legend has developed about that interval between rounds four and five that some sort of skull duggery took place in the corner over Clay's left glove Angelo Dandee Clay's trainer waited 20 years to reveal that he had aggravated a split that this Freeze Frame shows was there during the fourth round his intention was to prolong the interval the glove was not changed but it was a long interval we've timed it it's 65 seconds instead of 60 oh yes the clay prediction well not quite right he said Cooper would fall in five and he didn't it was Clay fell and the knockdown made Henry Cooper world famous he never looked back
Channel: Classic Boxing Matches
Views: 9,379,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad Ali (Boxer), Henry Cooper (Boxer), left hook, enrys ammer, 1963, commonwealth champion, KO, boxing
Id: 8hwn2mqNI1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2015
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