George Foreman vs Muhammad Ali - Oct. 30, 1974 - Entire fight - Rounds 1 - 8 & Interview
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Channel: Levi Johansen
Views: 54,135,745
Rating: 4.4383664 out of 5
Keywords: heavyweight, george, foreman, vs, versus, muhammad, ali, title, WBC, WBA, america, american, part, entire, fight, rounds, championship, prime, fighting, boxing, wrestling, defense, first
Id: 55AasOJZzDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
One of the greatest wins of any boxer ever
I feel like people underestimate how strong Ali was. He could manhandle you in the clinch with ease and him manhandling the manhandler is one of the highest feats of his strength.
Edit: grammar fix
Unbelievable match. It still sends a shock up my spine. And the look on Aliβs face. That was the look of someone who didnβt care if the world didnβt think he had a chance, his mental strength was incredibleβhe would convince everyone with his own hands. Complete control and confidence against an opponent that could not be controlled. And when it was time, he opened he flood gates and finished it. RIP.
Best thing to happen in college dorms. If Ali didn't knock Foreman out, we would never have had the Lean Mean Grillin' Machine!
For those who haven't seen it, try to watch When We Were Kings. Great documentary about this fight.
Very few instances in the history of sports come down to something as great as this.
I'd recommend anyone to read 'The Fight' by Norman Mailer, which is all about his experiences covering the whole event. It really hammers home how nobody but Ali himself thought he could win.