Larry Holmes vs Ray Mercer

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Such a shame we never got Old George vs Old Larry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WarDishy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mercer is such a weird dude. somebody said on here a while ago that he could beat anyone on any given night, but could also lose to anyone on any given night lol. his KO of Tim Sylvia was hilarious as well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/undertureimnothere πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never really -liked- Larry Holmes. As a fighter he was really good, but I never found myself wanting to see him win. He just always seemed too arrogant, even though that arrogance was clearly justified.

That said, I enjoyed this fight, and liked watching Holmes being successful. He's a hell of a fighter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jmchappel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I picked Mercer to knock out Holmes! This was after the Morrison so I was waiting for the knock out but Mercer just looked awful in this fight:(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jorge777 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ray Mercer also was the man. Dude started boxing SUPER LATE and became a star, earned a lot of money and had a great career. Also, knocked the fuck outta UFC ex champion in MMA fight lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TwoFaceLord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

After prime Tyson demolished him (which people give Tyson no credit for as its cool to shit on Tyson these days)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/belladoyle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

45 in the background. Does he actually enjoy boxing or did he just go to events at his own place?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LamborghiniAngels πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey champ he was and he's going to try to rekindle some of that old stuff he used to have and tonight he promises to really use that jab because this is what he's gonna have to do to keep Mercer off him counter with that right uppercut he says he's gonna knock Mercer out he told me personally with the right uppercut he's gonna lure him into a corner wait for Mercer to do something throw that right uppercut and keep his left hand up though because there's one thing he gets hit with is that overhand right happen against Tyson it could have happened here if he doesn't defend himself well and there is Larry Holmes next to him to help lead him out will be his nine-year-old son Larry jr. Larry Holmes a two-time grandfather so he's the granddaddy of all every wits as he gets ready to make his way into the ring at the Atlantic City Convention Center for tonight's edition of pride versus power [Music] at age 42 Larry Holmes trying to become the oldest heavyweight to capture the crown the Year Larry was born in 1949 Harry Truman was in the White House and Joe Lewis was on the comeback trail himself in his own effort to regain the title and there is Larry senior and junior ruled the heavyweight division from 1978 through 1985 it's been five and oh and his comeback but he's had to go the distance against the likes of Eddie Gonzalez an art card so that's where all the doubters set in and that's the beauty has as he makes it towards the ring here at the Atlantic City Convention Center it's at a fascinating career from his disparaging remarks against Rocky Marciano to running over tops of cars to go after Trevor Berbick but he's been there for years and he's back once again for perhaps the final time look at that 20 successful defenses and here he is the former heavyweight champion of the world entering the ring Larry Holmes saw a peak of Joe Frazier in the ring as well record of 53 and 3 with 37 knockouts the 3 losses to to Michael Spinks and one to Mike Tyson we thought the Tyson fourth round knockout in his career not so alright Goossens corner now for the undefeated Ray Mercer joke of course Ray Mercer we've seen her a couple times already on TV ko and he's all he's been impressive as far as his heart guts and everything else and he's got a hell of a punch what he's got to do though and this is first a Foreman he's got a pressure Larry Holmes he's got to get inside and that means getting past the jab and right hand without getting hurt and lastly he cannot look Larry Holmes tie him up on the inside like Holmes did to Tyson for three rounds he's got to keep his hands busier though and Ray Mercer getting ready to enter the arena as you know he won the Olympic heavyweight gold medal in Seoul in 1988 let's hear about his biggest moment of triumph to date [Music] maybe feel proud rippling American in the world just warn and think about us right I just warms your heart up just knows that you've done a bit that you can do is let them hit me you know the USA and it's obvious from the start that this is a Ray Mercer crowd as he winds his way towards the arena this wins against Francesco damiani and Tommy Morrison and even Bert Cooper he's won the fights but he's paid the price along the way [Music] big question tonight will be Joe Larry Holmes certainly knows what to do has it in his head but can the body do what the mind wants it to do well I've never really I mean he seemed so confident that he almost has you believing that he can do it and he's certainly in great shape he's got John Turner there in the corner with him I just I just got a feel that Larry Holmes is not going to try to kid anybody he got himself in good shape and is going to try to put on a wonderful performance tonight and here comes the undefeated Ray Mercer 18 and over 13 knockouts we saw his demolition of Tommy Morrison but remember Mercer took a lot of shots in the first three rounds from arson referee Tony Perez a bit slow and stopping that bout in the fifth round versus Hale the tape Joe is really one of the more fascinating ones in the annals of TV ko Holmes 12 years older his weight about 20 pounds more than when he fought in this crime a Ray Mercer here the heaviest he's ever fought it rise 28 and 3/4 and Larry Holmes with that five-inch reach advantage to land that but he keeps calling that hammer that Jeb and of course that jab is what really kept him the champ for so many years here we go a three fight average now and we've got Mercer and Holmes basically throwing the same amount of punches here Lamy the same amount and the percentage of connects are about the same of course that depends on who they fought or where they got this three fight average from the quality of opponents here we go let's go to the jabs three fight average of course and Holmes look at this one eight nine around those prepare to 17 for Mercer but of course land each in he's got to be a lot more accurate with his jab if he wants to keep Mercer off him tonight and the rules for the 12 round non championship fight a 10-point must system standing eight-count again and the three knockdown rule is in effect cannot be Saved by the Bell in any of the twelve rounds the doctor or the referee could stop the fight so we are ready let's go to ring announcer Michael buffer for the pre-fight intricacy and on over to versus corner giving them a little pump ladies and gentlemen mr. Bob Aaron's Top Rank incorporated in association with the undisputed undefeated king of beers Budweiser presents the featured bout of the evening this bout is sanctioned by the New Jersey State athletic Control Board boxing commissioner Larry Hazzard senior the Chairman is Jerry Gormley board members in attendance Gary Shaw and Richard Harrison deputy commissioners Lawrence Wallace and our yogi Hiltner chief medical officer dr. Frank B Doggett attending physicians dr. Earl Shaw dr. Charles Wilson and the timekeeper is roosevelt gilbert the three judges scoring this bout on a 10-point must system are John Potter a pill Newman and Eugene grant and the man in charge once the bell rings is referee Steve smoker and now ladies and gentlemen before we go to our featured fighters this evening let me introduce to you one of the all-time greats he's right here in the ring at this time the first American heavyweight to win an Olympic gold medal he went on to become the undisputed and undefeated heavyweight champion of the world ladies and gentlemen from Philadelphia Pennsylvania smoking toe raise [Applause] and now ladies and gentlemen from the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino here on the boardwalk in Atlantic City New Jersey let's get ready to run [Applause] twelve rounds of boxing in the heavyweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he weighed in at 233 pounds wearing the white trunks with red trim his professional record fifty three victories only three defeats thirty-seven Kos he ruled a heavyweight division for seven and a half years as a heavyweight champion from Easton Pennsylvania the Easton assassin and former heavyweight you know the Lowry and across the ring fighting out of the red corner his opponent wearing the white trunks with black trim and weighing 228 and 3/4 pounds he's originally from Jacksonville Florida but now Pike's out of Newark New Jersey ranked number five in the world by the IBF this 1988 Olympic gold medal champion is now 18 and O as a professional with 13 Kos and he has held the WBO world title in this division ladies and gentlemen the undefeated [Applause] but you gentlemen were giving your instructions at the way and I want you to obey my commands at all times I want you to respect the Bell and I want you to protect yourself at all times now touch him up that's rock and roll let's go Larry Holmes kept talking about scraps that he will set for Mercer Joe what do you think we'll try to do well he already told me what do you want to do he said when you see me back into a corner and dipped in my right side put my left arm out I'm gonna hit him with an uppercut knock him out all right this is the ring where we saw George Foreman acquit himself well against the van der Holyfield on the birth of TV ko we'll see what Larry Holmes can do as he accepts the jabs of Ray Mercer who goes after Holmes [Applause] through the aggressor in the opening moments [Applause] Mercer said it will not go 12 few people down is a four-to-one favorite Ray Mercer ease Holmes uses so-called hammer for the first time oh he fences there and Larry with the right hand that right hand came off nice and quick off that jab and that's what he's got to continue to do once he sets Mercer up at that jab his Holmes with the right hook as well there's a strong right hook from Holmes [Applause] you can be expected bursaries just came right back and rabbit punching hold fear and Steve smokers and home sticks his glove and Mercer's faces become a grudge match you noted earlier before it began when Holmes walked over he spoke toward Mercer and bumped him Mercer landing a nice right hand to the ribcage their homes and [Applause] where's Holmes answers back with his own right hand to the ribs [Applause] just nodding star nasty and entertaining simultaneously as Holmes just puts out the left hand on Mercer's head right to the body from homes it was a right hook that caught Mercer's attention at the one-minute mark and hauled his staggers backwards here comes Mercer after Larry Hall and with a jab and really wobbled Mary and still in full 45 seconds remaining in the first round there's those with that uppercut from the corner position you were talking about and tries another [Applause] Rissa with a look at the stain on his face [Applause] Mercer just puts his hand back on Bert on Holmes's head the way Holmes had done to him [Applause] Mercer just tried to jump in with that sneak little left uppercut the one that caught damiani on the nose and knocked them out and it just barely missing in the final seconds of the first round and entertaining rounds for sure homes already puffing a little bit but he's doing a lot of hard choices and a lot of wrestling going on to their merciless yeah as he heads back to the corner [Applause] go back here and we're going to take a look at at that jab whether Holmes is either off-balance or it really did stagger them only this replay hotel we're going to go back to in a second here it comes here's Mercer he steps in boom right on the side of the chin and that hurt him absolutely Larry Holmes is dazed right there but a good stiff jab can act just like a straight right hand if you get hit properly with it and it sneaks up on you like that one did right on the side of the chin and almost knocked his mouthpiece out but there goes Mercer noted for his while attacks there stayed a little bit calmer and take your attack to the body there he might have scored a few more punches almost looked like Holmes twisted his ankle there at the same time or something because he almost went and limping back those order after the round sorry in the second round grandfather certainly seen winded after the first through close to his allotment of jabs Pirani through 24 in landed 44 almost a 60% connect compared to 29% former sir Mercer continues to be the one moving forward we talked about the hammer all week from Larry Holmes when he was hammered by a jab for Mercer in that first round I was connecting with one strong right hook in that first immerser got the better of him aside from that right hand followed by the elbow for mercy welcome traded right hands they're in homes did connect but here versus just seems to shrug off everything he gets hit with which has got to be discouraging for homes [Applause] I think that's the position that homes are talking about that he he wanted to be in leaning down to his right and coming back that uppercut of course that worm landed but not on the chin every time Holm's puts that straight left hand up there to hold off Mercer he's got to go Mercer he's got to go right down with that right hand underneath the heart of Larry Holmes and a good counter right hand by Holmes right this is the one who landed on that sequence [Music] the immerser should be going to the body here right now against Holmes very cagey protects himself very well almost the one who landed the left of the body a good right hand guess it's a jab moving out right from homes and alms again to the left so as Tommy Morrison did this is able to last some strong punches in the otherwise look at Mercer just I mean it almost looks like he's just walking through the stuff comes right back and but of course those if those keeps but those punches keep coming like they are they will accumulate and they will slow down Ray Mercer and helped during this fight that's for sure Mercer with the strong chin and heart and that's a tremendous combination for a heavyweight final 20 seconds of the second round this is what Holmes was talking about right in there when he put that arm up leans to his right say he wants him again he said come on [Applause] and uppercuts and Mercia just stands in there and takes the commercial talkin says come on yeah he's talking to it's exactly what he did to Tommy Morrison when he got hit with the best shots in that fight [Applause] close Larry Holmes applied straight Mercer when he asked him to come up he's got hit with three more good right hands if Holmes keeps this type of pace of if he's capable of doing it while this this could be the flattery of the whole night that was a good round for holes that is a good round half-step every time you thought of Japanese counting your time you're walking left we talked about this more all right let's go back to early in the round here Paul misses that right hand but look he looks a couple over and one under ties up Mercer a little bit let's take a look at the end of the round and that was the beginning like I said and here's the end of the round where Holmes really lands the majority of the punches look one two he missed with that landed that one high off the temple of Mercer got through the gloves there those punches with the weight of Larry Holmes and the accuracy is punching they hurt even when they're deflected always with the punches and the connections around to of course the question you're asking yourself is can Holmes keep this up for 12 rounds [Applause] as we start the third that question would be answered for Ray Mercer if Ray Mercer was going to the body a little bit more you'd probably say well if he keeps getting hit like this he won't be able to go 12 but he's not getting hit to the body homestead he'd put his hands down like this and he did for several seconds what she said I hope he does well he did it now Holmes lands another jab Holmes with his hands down those so-called traps if they exchange right hands right he was leaning back like we saw James Tony and Mike McCallum doing all night waiting for someone to throw their right hand so you can come back with your own Mercer sticking his hand up [Applause] well here we go again homes in that corner where he says he wants to be he's he feels he can knock out Ray Mercer in this corner but right now Mercer is Holmes wants to come with the right uppercut that's right and and Mercer is expending a lot of energy missing those punches [Applause] really mollified most of those right hands except with the exception of those two little watch at home he's really feeling his oats tonight coming on strong the fur Mercer continues to stand there and take his lumps works the body now well we know Mercer could get other ways and take it first of the ones say goodbye turned into vaudeville the steve smoker the referee is just sitting back kind of watching us and enjoying himself because these two are doing all the work right now and they're certainly putting on a show inside of a minute to go in the third round see the big swing and miss ADIZ laughs about it homes last the body than the right cross looking at adoring fans here yelling over excited me he looks over to him and the lands a few more punches let's assume with the left this is real school boy stuff that homes with accommodation Mercer plaster Mercer the left to the body mostly all of that he's holding on the ropes with your right hand and steep smokers letting them do it [Applause] Mercer's got homes in a headlock here Steve smoger cannot really fry these to a park is bones has got his hands wrapped around the top rope not letting Mercer get off anybody ever can opener [Applause] Larry just rests up against that ring post to it and he heads back to his corner well you know take the truth they're both having a great time in there and our guest judge for our main event tonight is Jackie Cowan who is the manager of the IBF middleweight champion James Toney who's fighting tomorrow against Dave Highbury so Jackie how do you have it a heavyweight fight anything can happen but so far I think I would give the slight edge to Larry Holmes he's been a little busier he's been more accurate I think that Mercer's punches have been hurting him more but I think Mary's pushed off a lot of that and he's been very busy well for what it's worth I scored it the same as you through the first three Larry Holmes there the 87 percent connect percentage in the third round less punches blown but a lot more connect my research looks worn out against crown when he heads back to his corner Larry's still sitting while ray is stalking his pointers right you do all that work for three minutes that's why you take advantage that one-minute rest get it all back together and go back to work and here he goes Larry probably set a record for time spent in one corner for an entire that was during around I'm not talking about the Twitter they say what is the state of boxing come to when the people like George Foreman and Larry Holmes are the big drawers but you can see what it's come to it's come to entertainment mass it's what we're seeing through this fight thus far it's missing not just entertainment you're seeing a real good fighter in there Larry Holmes is 42 years old may have lost some of his speed but I'll tell you what he hasn't lost any of the experience and he's a smart fighter and he's still effective even at 42 where the level of Mercer's with shakes a sale a good one and the liar didn't feel it commercial ice glass Holmes the corner in a home tries to come out of there and Mercer holds on all that I was really doing a good job though well I'll tell you Mercer is a warning from Steve slaughter he would have Mercer with the sarcastic bow towards Holmes well of course you know Mercer isn't exactly the most technical guy in the world he's tough he's a hard hitter and he's got a make up for his maybe his lack of real technicality with being rough like that in mauling and leaning on you and pushing you and it's an effective it's an effective strategy for him this is where Mercer should be getting off straight into the belly though instead of standing up [Music] but commercial - good right hands for Mercer let's see the thing is that phones have slowed down a little bit this round he's not quite as active Azeem the previous couple rounds well he couldn't keep up that pitch well the thing is sometimes you have to settle into a fighter gets in such great condition he depends on a second wind coming right hand brake right hand and that may come in the next round or two and Mercer again just waves it off [Applause] how's tremendous right hand from Larry Holmes [Music] inside of 30 seconds remaining in the port and he thought it would not go this long [Applause] set that shop for the uppercut yeah it looked like he should have pulled the trigger there but didn't for some reason held back I don't know if he's a little fatigued right now but so that was a good opportunity for him to throw it [Applause] now a third of the distance has been completed four rounds done oh let him rest we let him rest you - because that's the causes that nimrat over okay go ahead what about him you get him out of it move the hand get that down what are you you go it's a party told you they were having fun drunk look at this that's interesting 100 punches landed out 140 71 Connect four synagogues eat Aaron line this was the round where Mercer disposed of Marcin last October in Atlantic City he's capable of disposing almost anybody at any given time Mercer Wow and when he does hurt you he's explosive and accurate of his punches and he said I'm like then Holmes fought out Lee and motion for the referee to help stop the fight Mercer since I don't do that kind of stuff I would need to do it to Holmes he was one of my idols and who saw that that's what Mercer did to Tommy Morrison 14 straight punches and once again and this is his familiar position over here on the right this corner on top of us holding him off with two left hook by Ray Mercer in there but Holmes seems to be in such good shape despite he's taken a lot of there's the write-up good right-hander than the left from home and there's the jam it comes Mercer Oh the dance person will the rid of everything goes far and no knocked out well if you doing something like he just did he's got to have a lot of confidence in himself and in his conditioning right now be able to clown around midway through the 5th Mercer with the glancing right hook Mercer breathing a bit heavily now as well Holmes goes to the body and that's one of the reasons why you get a hit there that really takes a lot of air out of you inside of a minute remaining in the fifth round you know we're chastising about waiting so much and he is waiting a lot and that's dude two homes is really as great movement in his slickness on the inside he's got Mercer off-guard right now some good movement and agilities you saw him slip the punches there as Foreman did there's lying the age right now Steve smoker just warning homes not the whole lot of the Rope of his right-handed jab with his left he's you get extra leverage there that's illegal almost giving as good as he's getting so he's breathing hard Holmes's combinations [Applause] remarkable performance thus far through five rounds from sure way to do your own Larry hole really has some brilliant wonderful action here I mean between two big heavyweights one of them being 42 years old and really looking like a top rated fighter right now here we go here is one of Holmes's punches lain back in the corner right hand left hook and of course Mercer looks and says all right let's try that again really a lot of Holmes's punches aren't really stunning or staggering Mercer but they're definitely piling up and that effect can cause you a lot of problems later on in the fight I just find it interesting that here after the fifth round the thirty year old is breathing more heavily than the 42 year old well part of the part of the game here is learning how to relax and at 42 you've learned all there is to learn about seeing and one of the key things to be able to go those distances and growth alarm punches is being able to relax and Larry Holmes this is relaxed as you could get almost uses every second on the stool mercy up earlier sixth round one day jeweled fruits well excuse me land what thing that's come up on the coffeeboxx distances Mercer's really started to land a few more punches his average is up to 61% connect where Holmes is still hanging around seventy seven percent which is very high to Metro sorry and Larry is answering Mercer's supporters versus supporters are yelling out through this inverse and Holmes is only Bala that's what you want course that's Akbar Muhammad the ex-vice president of top ranked boxing yelling the Ray Mercer as young Protege to throw the right hand left hook and palms hearing it and knowing who it is and answered the fight well he's got tremendous concentration in it you see the way he's really sees all the punches coming and a fighter this sharp is gonna see and hear everything unlike Foreman bones taking a fight like this much I was taking some punches from Mercer home says he will retire by the end of this year one way or another by the time he's 44 years old and Obama Mercer keeps landing punches like I said we're Michiel a bit sooner and ice rinks I really paid off his he threw the right hand left hook and it land [Applause] Holmes is talking our counter Marvy he says I'm not Tommy Morrison carrying out his own commentary so stop talking Joe well so anything wish it on my combs tonight let's see he's giving Mercer a little taste of his own medicine though that's a psychological warfare and it can you don't make you think twice about gee with what I'm doing has no effect on my opponent and Mercer was talking to them talking to Holmes when they were close in the clinch a moment ago so we near the one-minute mark hit the sixth round [Applause] Merson just takes it while Larry Holmes is putting everything behind those shots he's going to which has got to take a lot of steam out of him but look here again he rolls with those two right hands and comes back to his own up with do you think if we told Larry to get back in the corner over here and he'd he wrestlin and obliges Hollywood to finally speak into the microphone over here that one two left hook I mean that's the most basic of combinations of boxing but it's really working against Ray Mercer most of smiles after promotion took a pounding into the ninth round before he broke Francisco Damiani snares I mean Mercer's been through Wars has taken everything with a broken jaw against prevalent in beautifully kick off these punches throw his hands up stop with a punch and come back with some short little body shots against Mercer the fight is halfway through [Applause] and once again we will check in with our guest judge Jackie Kallen James Toni's manager Jackie you know it's really a great fight a lot better than I expected and you know what I think Larry Holmes is so experienced and he's like an automatic pilot it's like he knows what to do he's just going through the fight like any other fight I still would give him a slight edge because I think he's been very active and he's a lot of touches haven't really heard him the way you might think they have and I think if you keep it up and not get tired he's liable to walk away [Music] [Applause] there we go on a little replay here and the action in the corner and that's been rounded and round out and now the crud on his feet as we start the seventh round the question will be at once again can Holmes do it for 12 hours he's done it for six then the uppercut some homes Holmes with his familiar Hall mate Steve smoker should have seen that Ray Mercer just through a blatant elbow right to the side of the face of Larry Holmes but of course he was Holmes [Applause] a Mercer with the left hook of his own [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] cornered dance right now with a minute Dominus seven finally Steve smoker separates Mercer starting the top of the way he chopped away here with little short punches he's landing a few Oh forgot they're out for homes at night and that's got Mercer's mouth bleeding pretty good right now and the crowd chanting a lot we're here in the seventh he's really knocking the tar out of Raymer furrows what he's doing with that right hand right up and Mercer I think is really round by round starting to lose his grip on this fight and he's really got to do something to turn this fight around got here with a great right hand there [Applause] so with the left hand Oh [Applause] bought a Larry Holmes took a right hand and two left hooks and came back with his own right hand which shows you what great shape is a neat to those who squirrel the chin but if Mercer gets into this type of mode where he starts landing you know more more more frequently Zulu one lower lip Gramercy many people follow the type of opponent that Holmes had it was a joke he's come back well hasn't been thus far through nearly seven rounds complete and Mercer puts his hashtag well what does that tell you that that's got to tell you that he's buzzed right now for that right hand [Applause] the moment Larry Holmes is winning this fight [Applause] oh he's definitely landed the more solid accurate punches and he's like I said these type of punches is in the seventh round I mean these are gonna start catching up the Mercer if they haven't already somewhere right now George Foreman is watching totally a mile yes and maybe even be thinking of having a fight against Larry Holmes [Applause] the words after the seventh round and Mercy's slow back to his corner well they they Kate it they came in fooling Larry Holmes and now their Torino why Hanna relativity what do not do not imaginable this is your you wanna rest get closer laughing again the pressure up early homes continues to sit we saw his neck percentage through fewer punches the landed a much higher percentage number and here we go with round number 840 punches landed for Mercer in that last round compared to 17 for Ray Mercer this goes back to the hammer the jab versus mouth opening a little bit more some about Ray Mercer even though he's behind in this fight tells you that at any given moment this guy could turn the fight around this was one good barrage of punches and this is what calms folks in the up let him do by using all of his smarts and not getting hit with that shot that starts it off [Applause] jab from Holmes and Mercer came back with two great body shots and a left hook to the head unless he did first bi-fold was pulling down on the back of ray Mercer's neck makes him struggle to get his head up and of course wins you a little bit that's a ploy that Muhammad Ali used for so many years so successfully home still has dance in his legs moving okay here in the eighth midway through now also continues to stall come as he has throughout the Bell you got a wonder if Larry Holmes right now is wishing this was only a ten round fight if we're correct in our assumption that he's ahead on points right now you'd only have two more rounds to go instead of four those originally scheduled for 12 is a WBO championship five to end the WBO withdrew saying they wanted Mercer to fight Michael Moore but a state of twelve rounds and of course Michael Moore sitting three rows back keeping his eye on this because I'm sure he wouldn't mind getting a crack at the winner of this fight is a great left camp former center wobble homes for benefit he's getting warmed up he took it he's moving away trying to collect his senses that's helling blow the earlier one was just a simple jab real early in the fight for Mercer that left hook was tremendous tell you Long's is doing well here boxing at the except for that left hook but he was doing extremely well I thought in the corners or when he was really using his experience to out slick Ray Mercer in the corners [Applause] just move his arms around slowly pulling out all the stops caught oh right handsome merci not one of Holt's is strong around now and you got to get that one to Mercer Larry looks a little bit more vulnerable from the outside than it really does on the inside [Applause] Holmes laughing the right and that does it for eight rounds tell the truth who thought it would go to 9 [Applause] you got that hair working guitar you are saying you got the Luna all right let's look back at that left hook boom see Mercer our homes leaned in with the jab and got caught pulling out here let's see it again he steps in bingo has that right hand down and it did catch him clean look he does a little stutter step there his legs were a little unsteady but he composed himself and got back together straight right hand from Mercer of course it landed but Holmes holds kind of rolled with that one it didn't have as much effect as I think that left hooked it though one year ago Francesco damiani had Mercer behind and Damiani was ahead and Mercer with a left uppercut broke Damiani 's nose and that was it that's right that was the ninth round the year ago this is the ninth round this final home starts with a right of course to answer your question at the end of that roundabout did anybody think it would go nine Larry Holmes and Ray Mercer certainly thought that this fight was going to go some rounds that's why they both prepared so hard and I had a feeling two of Holmes was in shape he could make this a distance fight and I certainly didn't think he was gonna hold this well for Larry Holmes in this money up to this point that's I don't know if Holmes just taking a breather in the eighth or if he's just slowed because from the F into the beginning of the ninth year he certainly hasn't done what he's done he's cut down on the talking to the crowd into a Mercer as well well this is the serious part of the fight not is not to say that the first part isn't but this is where you're a little fatigued you know your your guard is down a little bit and you've got to really be on your toes and all your concentration on your opponent especially a dangerous want my great mercy now he's talking yeah midway through the ninth round was just the corner taking some shots of Marshall here he took that right hand to the body right came back with his own right there and that's what he needs to do he's got to keep that jab working even if he's backing up one of his best beautiful right hands set up by that double jab and he's got Ray Mercer thinking right now and a little hurt [Applause] I'm starting to come forward for the first time now he backs up well what happened was he overshot that right hand and Mercer countered him with the short right hand [Applause] also lunging in that [Applause] this looks like Ray Mercer is going to need another miracle knockout after being behind on points if he's going to win this Holmes guess the janitor moans looks fresh again for more jabs from the ex-champion [Applause] [Applause] after taking a breather in that last round certainly came on landed some beautiful jabs and some great right hands and won that round and Holmes as 3/4 of the way home this crowd is just starting to realize that right now that Larry Holmes may win this fight [Applause] was he a four-to-one underdog going to this young man 4 2 1 [Applause] alright Jackie Kallen how do you have it through nine well I'll tell you something Larry Holmes is looking very impressive he's looking very refreshed looks like he took a little break it's coming back strong but I'll tell you one thing you can never count Ray Mercer out because if you run over the Fabiani fight he was the ninth round came back and anything's possible versus a very good strong fighter I think the experience is teaching him a lesson tonight here we go back to that right hand set up by that beautiful double jab Thank You Jackie and of course backed off Ray Mercer and stun him for a second here it goes again over a shot boom boy if that was a little bit lower on the tip of the chin instead of on that cheek that could have done a little bit more damage Jackie and I also think of your fighter James Toney and Davenport Iowa gets Michael Nunn the 11th well that's right all right here we go with the 10th well Holmes sticking through 71% of his punches landing compared to 44 former sir William Holmes dancing Joe this is just really this is amazing stat he's he's really out punched outbox and out slick Ray Mercer tonight [Applause] at the point where he has to go for a knockout it's a two round fight right now you know as far as Larry Holmes got a look at he's got six minutes left to really just take this round the next round and he'll pull off another shocking upset in the world of boxing which nobody I I doubt thought he could do Mercer hasn't against the whoops ago time remaining a full eight minutes in this fight just so good at tying up put the arm out there just to deflect the punch I mean up just to keep them out of it [Applause] always wiggle tonight to work the body way that sense were on looks like Mercer wants to throw that hook the Matheny was setting up the Duke got the right hand in there right at the very last punch but Holmes really nullified those two hooks he threw and clearing his nose there momentary I will make any fighter back off somebody's got to get busy here if they want to win the round right now Holmes has landed a few more punches but somebody's really got to take control it's it's six minutes left in his fight to else ever actually four minutes left in this fight and I think it's crucial both these guys to win these round good right hand [Applause] and another right hand from Holmes Joe we still have two full rounds after this forty seconds [Applause] the excitement and lost around there but the point is these rounds and late rounds are appreciative both these guys when's the last 20 seconds here might win this tenth I think my virtue that good right hand that homes land that was the best budget around he's blocking a lot of those punches not landing Mercy's punches left hook good land ownerships right as full ten rounds have elapsed now they've got two rounds left all right as he heads back to the corner maybe he thinks he won that round Goodfellas teachers to come you got to build up we've got to have who's making round [Applause] right it's about time why well here we go home 70% of his punches landed yeah and that really is a basis for him winning most of this fight by virtue of him landing that amount of punches how the judges are gonna feel who you know the Ray Mercer is an is from New Jersey ask you would they get caught up perhaps in a sentimental choice and Larry Holmes to judges well I hope they wouldn't I hope they'd go just on the basis of his performance tonight which has been excellent if anybody's going to get the sentimentality it'll probably be Ray Mercer he he's the hometown kid he'll interesting thought from our vantage point it appears the Larry Holmes is six minutes away in the handing away Mercer is first loss you heard the crowd but now Holmes came in they booed him so this is really not Larry Holmes his turf field homes gaining the respect to the older generation much as George Foreman did right in this arena back in April [Applause] well if this fight is being stored like be feel it's being won by Larry Holmes then he would be safe to just box and really pile up some points and stay out of harm's way these next two rounds because I think he's got a pretty comfortable lead right now I just find it amazing how all of us scoffed when George Tolman came back and when Larry Holmes started to come back and everyone laughed we're no laughs now that's right well and it goes to show you that men still I mean these fighters with this type of experience said Holmes is an exceptional talent the whole out of the world title for seven years so it's not beyond a man of his age to still keep on fighting a duel there sure does appear tired you wonder if he has enough for that one punch he's looking for at this point well he's shaking the emergence of shaking his head no but but palms it is landing the better punches right now and he's taking the points and no usually means yes in Boston did you know inside of a minutes ago in the 11th win punches are missing from Mercer and he does appear to be tired that's right and you know you've got to ask ease up this is the heaviest rain has been in any of his pro fights and they just chopped it up the saying why worry about the weight so much but it looks like he has slowed down didn't have the intensity here for a Morrison just remember Ray Mercer has only fought past five rounds five times in his career Larry Holmes has done it 35 times and it's really showing right now [Music] homes really doing all the work here and I mean Mercer really trying to force the pipe at home story Larry Holmes three minutes away from perhaps a stunning upset this has got to be nervous city for the handlers and managers of Ray Mercer right now because there's a lot of money going out the window that's the old time generation here these are the active X champions Larry Holmes comes in third behind the SOL man be in the joy a few months younger than George for right Hanover when you come in right there yeah what time is it fun Oh let's go we shouldn't fight you're tuning in and didn't know who was who Jackie Kallen just made a good point to us off mic who looks like the 42 year old and who looks like the 30 year old right now just by looking fo well the 30 year old looks like a 40 cure up he's he's taken the brunt of the punishment tonight and here's the last round Holmes's out landed Mercer in the last two rounds 52 22 Ray Mercer need a knockout right now to win this fight only the judges more still has the reflexes the song keeps coming to mind he's in my knee he's in the his home she's gonna make some money now it's a big win for him the question of the night re holds his head knew what he could do could his body follow in so far into the 12th round the answer is a resounding yes now let's just see if the judges see it our way here in control I'm still trying to live in the corner minutes left in the fight could counter uppercut by Holmes after you block four or five punches of Mercer's [Applause] Mercer supporters try to get him going his homes and those counters were the right to the body Ray Mercer underestimate in training maybe because he came in so heavy and it almost mercy with the left hook still a minute and a half to go Paul was just missed with the right and Mercer just missed with the counter home right hand could have done a lot of damage as well as that hook could have one minute from a decision [Applause] we should be content to hold on here is remarkable you never want to take anything for granted you want to finish up you got a minute left finish up strong but being smart [Applause] Oh yelling with a war chance [Applause] there goes Mercer with 30 seconds to go [Applause] fighting to the finish [Applause] Larry Holmes is remarkable we're continued after tonight our estimation the answer will be yes the W slim crowd on his feet [Applause] when I gotta read this for permits tonight while Mercer looked at homes great fighty sick [Applause] [Applause] well I think few people fought to begin with it would go 12 and even fewer thought that Holmes would have a chance to win it after 12 and now of course you know the way we saw it in the way the judges saw it we'll see if it's the same fight and the way Jackie Kallen James Tony's managers saw it let's check out her scorecard Jackie how do you have well I would have to give the fight to Larry Holmes I'm not a boxer judge but just based on the way he boxed and we the class he showed in the ring reverse is a great fighter and we will certainly be back for a lot of great fights but I think tonight was Larry Holmes though isn't that something who would have thought it I know you didn't I know I didn't well you know what I wasn't really sure going in what can happen because Larry Holmes is such a smart experienced fighter but of course if Ray Mercer hits you with that dynamite way his that's the end you know when we talk to Larry Holmes yesterday he was just so confident with such just absolute sureness but he was going to win this fight in and he kept asking yourself as them is it false bravado from the first round he was almost playing in there he was having a good time tonight that's just remarkable a Mersenne may have just suffered the first defeat the hands of 42 years [Applause] well I think we're ready for a decision as the fighters have raced one more time Michael buffer hazard smart cards Phil Newman scores about 117 to 112 Eugene grant scores the bout 117 to 111 John Potter a has it 115 to 113 for the winner by unanimous decision from Easton Pennsylvania [Applause] he's done it and we could cur good call and homes look so almost overcome by the moment [Applause] and I looked at Ray Mercer who's just suffered the first defeat of his career he goes to eighteen and one [Applause] what a story written in Atlantic City tonight Bob Arum was saying during the way the winner gets George Foreman I'm not sure that signed sealed delivered but it would be the answer to the question what's 85 years old and weighs a quarter of a ton it would be a homeless Foreman fight now let's go to Joe Goosen in the ring Joe Larry what was the overriding reason you won this fight tonight you got to tell me what's the bottom line - why you want well jump when the time requirement Joe everybody say you got to lay down and die when you get to be over 40 but you know you don't have to I've worked hard I didn't burn the camera both in I've done it because I feel that I had to do something for me and for the fans who loved me who stuck by me you know I want to say I want to thank new Monsanto for calling me wishing me the log Lou Duva and all the guys and you know I really appreciate it because people that hate me is more people that love me and I and I want to say thank God for for all of that and Ray Mercer is a hell of a fighter a good puncher and I want to thank him for that opportunity well they booed you when you came in and they gave you a standing ovation when you're left how does that make you feel I love it but you know there's always gonna be somebody they say now they'll say very much there was nothing because they don't want to give me the credit that I do truly deserve but it's okay because as many booming as many cheer for me and you know I love the people because they're the greatest that said if we went for them it wouldn't be a Larry last last question who do you want to fight next of course I want to go right into Holyfield as possible that's what I want you know my new promoter Bob Arum and I told him I'm gonna be with him until my boxing career is in it so I'm with Bob Baer and whatever you decide that's what i'ma go how about Foreman it's a possibility but you know again I'm going to take it easy go home and rest thank the judges in Atlantic City the fans forgiven with me something that I truly worked hard for all right I want to say thank the USA because they the ones had
Channel: coachstrout’s classic fights
Views: 1,152,300
Rating: 4.2868533 out of 5
Keywords: larry holmes, ray mercer, gold medal, boxing, heavyweights, boxers, knockouts, mike tyson, quyền anh, boxe, boxeo, boxen, heavyweight, classic boxing, olympic boxing, mayweather, mcgreggor, lomenchenko
Id: mh4Mfwmn_tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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