Dream Victorian Find! at a Bottle Dump - "Birds Of A Feather Flock Together"

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[Music] okay the top of a hairpiece that would make a good crown for a doll it's very fragile they how that would work take it those prissy everyone's made out of that it's possibly the end of an old wooden pipe but bad way though we have plans for bits of old newspaper [Music] what says mm-hmm that might be quite cool there's so many things look it's another I fight to my wage things to get it make a good top that'll be good for craft like a body part oh my goodness it's not a body part it is it's a swan that's not good good base yeah body part or sure oh my god okay I got it wrong again okay there's a theme No immediately after finding this one was up like this my birds just get a bit of birthdays before I was little despairing then that I wasn't really finding anything but then I have just found this which is Wow guess what it's a tiny arm Katie [Music] is it I know it's the up tiny arm for your doll you do know it's gonna be difficult you really do that's her other arm isn't it okay away this must be the location for these I did she's a different one you can make a soft body weight finding limbs enough back here then what of a wheel on something we could see you know what don't keep saying the word okay I've already seen this thing and yeah this is Wow can you see it look at her she's got a woolly hat on okay that's it that's good that's good Wow another head for the collection I [Music] knows what I said don't go back where I got the arms and the head I know what that is do you know what that is I don't know what that is I suspect you know what it is it's all the autumn a craft to do with combs but that's just a bit gross you don't know we'll take it and see I see gross that's a pretty Oh a spoon I love new holes see what can find and there's no hole look at it going to take this jar I've run out of room it's tea cup for my birdbath what does Wow hmm my kind of bottle [Music] oh you're not chopped [Music] very big piece of pie t know what Oh as a whole little port I might better do something with that [Music] uh-huh a little Dutch man a woman it's a nice shot [Music] how about two [Music] read dentist or dental and London oh it is all it was probably a greyhound we found a greyhound here before a lead one maybe someone who used this dump was a big fan of greyhounds he's cute double yes he doesn't blame our body part oh yeah they have to hand it alarm on a hand button surrounded by a lot of broken glass I'm here to be very careful so it's not one it's like bakelite or something I brought a stop but it's broken okay mum's just found that what have I just found oh I found a teapot spout no it's a teapot spout oh if you found something oh we always like to have a theme I have taken this out for our films I think this is a bird theme it's another Swan as well bird day need to find another now beautiful iridescent sheer top but so I think mom's calling me I think she's done something exciting yay I'm found Abby did you know what I was just thinking no baby to feed you bead this looks like it could be a very pretty pop aqua bottle and it's tuned up so I'll take my bottle project I live it that is almost complete link so I'm gonna take down a monk and probably rebuild it I've just picked up this cup and it says presented to mrs. a Jenner from M miss mr. W Chambers don't know how you would be searched about you but it's very very cool I might take it yeah yeah do you think the other side it's a oh I might take that for a craft I see the pot might be handy in a craft knife handle but we saw before with the toothbrush so we'll take it home and clean it and see if it says me think okay I have a specific thing in mind for this look at the beautiful green it's a straw Bree oh I love that love that and I just seen here hey I'm shaking I'm shaking okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goodness and all my gosh and said oh my gosh I hope I can get this crowd of her face I think I'll be able to oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I love her okay that's very cold for crafts that's beautiful and look more combs for my combs Kate's clinking over you found a head that oh okay this is a good day isn't it that's beautiful absolutely beautiful a button they must have found some amazing bottle will see when they were digging [Music] look out I'm here sorry there are so many bottles here with their packaging still almost intact beautiful but there's no way you can clean them without destroying it but I am picking up a lot of tiny bottles today because I have there oh I uncovered an ant's nest oh sorry umm because I have some a craft idea to do with all these bottles this he has a whole castle and trees we could definitely do something with him and there's another lid for a pot it might fit this piece of pottery is going to be quite nice yeah it's a part of a DEA's face that's a nice lens [Music] theme continues its the chicken's bum look I think I hit the jackpot of watercolor palette it's one too I don't know why I like these things how much I just think they have potential wow that's a nice shell the Cabana that doesn't indigenous that's a beautiful shell but your wife's legs [Music] damn insulator I think Hotel stop and I know what people are gonna say why don't you take all the bottles but I God my house is no big enough bit more dolls Oh very edge Germany let's button this is quite cool here [Music] please in my back and I know there's a lot of paste jars a lot of bottles [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm it's whole but it's quite heavy and it's quite a chip might leave it for the next people that come along it's quite funny help yourself team help help yourself to mustard Oh mums Oh mum would know what that is called we have lots of whole stuff of that I think I'm going to take that it's very cute I think that's a little like lead dog's house like lead dish lid Oh a little handle Oh [Music] okay so I was just fat you thinking or I'd quite like to like find another dolls bit and then I see it's another giant photo China body doe I'm like the one mum found that typically I think it's them think it's the same I think it's the right down as well gosh how many how many dole bits must be under all these piles look how beautiful they're liable Timothy white cash chemist limited oh that would have been beautiful but I won't be taking this there you go willow pattern the little men running across the bridge the birds purgolders that'll be good for mum's project with cops oh no I think it's led that is very heavy that metal Leonard can't tell what that is but I like it fat pig home again home again jiggety-jig to market to market to buy a fat hole crime again home again jiggety-jog says pigs well I thought of an eye or something the craft no just head mom just found this and then we don't sew up the camera ran out child halfway through when she was until being told but she just found this look how cute her head I always got laid bird in it too you have to be take get off Lady Bird go Lady Bird go that's nuts Oh babies it's home underneath he could be rebuilt really well you can he can have somebody riding him oh my gosh oh my gosh I mean best of all broken doll ring but then oh gosh I can only assume they didn't take it because of this chip that is my first-ever whole book Oh wobbly not to be taken and in it oh my gosh oh thank you bottles they go who didn't take this [Music] no I've seen they didn't take it because of this like dink oh my good hey that's the sign right next to it was a broken doll him okay I just came back to base to show him on the photo and put this in here and I turn to walk away and what do I see but a giant ball okay cool that's another I'd like I'm gonna go ticked off for this trip mum's just cool okay very sitting on the movie how I think it is so you can turn her head you can make her into a mermaid pretty easily look into something very cool with her and then it's just this is quite cute but I don't know to take it or not magnesium tablets that oh look what's it got on it so it went struggling oh my gosh has it got a little people on it it's got little people on it oh my gosh that's amazing oh I can't wait to go home and clean that up oh this looks like a dangerous big hole I don't think I'm going to go in there because I'm not sure I could get out but I'll look around the edges there is that shoe bottom in the hole though but I won't to get it I won't be going in I will not be able to get out exactly I see anything I can see look how cute oh we can definitely fix and rebuild that that is beautiful and tiny so I have no problem with taking it home like an almost hole slightly only slightly broken its punch my bolt oh no it's half of one oh that would have been so beautiful but it's incredibly heavy it is a beautiful bottle stop looking a second this is the bottle stop mom was talking about and it's pink and it's Hollow it's amazing it's beautiful it's pink and Hollow mum you undersold it a lot another tiny little top bottle with the packaging though not when you clean the bottom okay what is that what is that oh my gosh oh my gosh that is beautiful I don't know what it is it's like a faceted what oh my gosh is beautiful space won't be there oh wait oh she's quite big why has she not gotten it re is that a penny lick Oh probably it's broken but my gosh it's heavy I mean I'm sure they've all seen it in the northern spill but all sci-fi and film we're a little late to the party but we'll do something with it differently this a giant button on my foot that's huge because I'm at the way trying to sell weed out well you see the pink person I don't know if it's a man or a woman I think probably a woman okay I thought so but wait what's this dead here what's that what does I don't but it's a pig okay we were just about to leave I just wanted these Oh what have you just got screws very recent missing [Music] almost one of everything that you can't find right yeah it was ridiculous oh you found a leg to do did you want leg you've got a broken leg yeah I trying to break your leg too I found two arms ahead you found a hobby oh so we will have to be back again oh it's ridiculous so I'm gonna wash it all you've got quite touching huh so this isn't this is not round up this is a we've just got home and we're putting all this to be just checking what we've got before we clean it and the roundup will be filmed in these creeks but we were taking it all out and mums told me that she didn't even film this cuz she just thought it was a random piece of metal for crafting but look it's a little arm and a hand holding a sword so I thought I'd just show you because mum said she didn't even film it and Sony's as always just just checking out where we got when it's still nice and smelly [Music] [Music] honey [Music] okay we went back to our dump and every time I go it yeah so many things there you all you give out before the things give out if you see what I mean it's this is very difficult terrain yeah it's quite hot works and also carrying all this to what was my favorite find well ahead obviously I headed towards a winner that's a beautiful head it's very very beautiful head I think ok well still the understand wait quite like this quite so much these are my combs I'm going to do something which my husband thinks is just not very nice I don't know what I'm gonna do with him yet but I found this mug and look what it says on the other side to market to market to buy a fat pig home again home again jiggety-jig to market to market to buy a fat hog home again home again jiggety jog and then it would have had like little pigs Ryan down there and then this is the man obviously with his pigs it's like a real shame it's broken because that's nothing that would have been beautiful really really beautiful Victorian child's nursery one but I'm gonna craft it for myself I'm gonna glue him in on a gold leaf this age but it won't be for sale is for me but I think that yeah that's my favorite fine because I'm going to make that and Katy's favorite find you can yes I know what your favorite find is no oh she found her first complete poison bottle and it's tiny it's so tiny and it says not to take him and it's got the ridges and it's cobalt blue and if you've been watching us for a while you will remember that I had a incident a couple of months ago trying to get a call by blue screw-top milk of magnesia metal because I was soaked because I saw I didn't realize it was screwed up when I saw it but it was a whole cobalt blue bottle so long story short I got stuck in some very treacherous mud trying to get it and now I have found my very own cobalt blue and it's tiny you know how much I love tiny bottles so all of it yeah it's just a shame about that dink isn't it well it's not a dink it's like a sort of like shattered but broken Simon sighs yeah but it's solid on the outside just insiders look I walkie the neck is just like you so that was Katie's favorite vine inted very happy that she found I think you there's a close second isn't that sort of oh yes which is yes another frozen Charlotte but the top half her head is still attached this time she's lost her legs she's fond it's got more a thorn than they normally have bill the gang tape gank Duncan came off a face in it she has one round left I think she's beautiful absolutely love her quarry to bleed tiny baby but she's very incredibly tiny on [Music] we found lots of birds the title of this film I don't know if you realized we quite like to make a title look player words and this time was all about the birds Kate started it with this one it'll be amazing for craft I don't you found this bird we did beautiful and I love it then I found this one this one I've got a chicken problem leaving my nose you keeping eggs in the old boot that's a crafting so cute and so on the theme of the bother this this man's very jolly is it Andy and he really is down dick is he very pink I think that would be quite a funny rebuild this little we thought it was a fairy I think is a big risk gay she don't between cleavage go in on wings you know I think she's just doing some nineteen twenties in mind you know um um legs dog's head greyhound at someone on Instagram the other day said they found the bottom part with this figure and so alone dole arms do Nev Abdallah is that dollar job - dolls arms there before three of them and they're but they're hard body dolls says put in 1909 and 20s and then this is a little bit winner a tiny one for Kate stole what she will make I think she may struggle with it so tiny and this amazing oh it's not a bird well this bird this again was going to be an amazing with a human head on it so that's another there's a lot of crafting to be done with this is elephant elephant listen elephant riding him to know what was riding and there's this man and his windmill or shed thing not really to what it is many Spade quite know how about it build him up it's gonna be a bit more difficult but like a challenge this weed gloom up sorry this weird green thing another wrong a crazy amount of buttons crazy amount of buttons and a bag seal can't make it out Stephanie back soon mmm-hmm one beat one tiny blue bead there's a big little bead got the pig the tongue kid few pipes 202 pipes a big big piper I wouldn't fight it would have had a bakelite yeah and breaker might end there's not much left of that a couple of dolls house pieces that are adorable and this we didn't well we thought we were filming it but we don't weren't filming it and well here it is I found this think it's pewter maybe here maybe for coal scuttle yeah for a doll's house and then this is dogs made of something I've been like a serving platter like this one this is beautiful too this would have been like a I probably should have got out my doll's house I could shown you yeah like a pewter dish that they would eat you know but not witty cuz it's for a doll's house hmm and then this terracotta mug so it's got a little man holding a jug and then and then a woman his head is missing and then possibly like a ship or buildings yeah I think so yeah I think that's what it is anybody knows marbles two marbles a lead ball don't know what that's from this really nice cabochon it's really nice three water color palettes I will do something like that one day a couple of ledge things um again I didn't well we show this the end who is that but I'm holding a sword that's very cool I mean how why I picked that up I have no idea led wheel and the front hull let head the horse my shell a bit of a clock again that'd be amazing for crafts it's a few unusual steps it's not beautiful it's like a deep brown I've got a green one I want a blue one on the blue one like that yes pink one it is Kurt I don't know if it's supposed to be pink eyes has just been sort of discolored by something it's like it's I don't know it's like it's like dust in there or something that's turned it pink that's quite elaborate I mean there's an internal screw glass bottle stop which I've not seen before well maybe seen one before hairpieces probably bakelite or some early form of plastic rather than torture cell and I think it would have wouldn't be quite so flimsy things Warcraft would you say this was a toothpaste these are beautiful Stefan's this I said in the film did anyone know what it was and I knew what it was I knew what it was you came home and said you know that is it's a holding stay rots um any old days they used to have carpet to help I stay well doesn't this is held it one of the pods could that be good for crafts stuff more stuff and I sometimes possibly dr. Mann spoon bits toothbrush be nice so it's good for this shattered it's shattered for this very interesting history but I don't know whether I bothered to sell it because it's probably people but I maybe um it's breakfast time you know I mean give it up no I'll just ease the history for when we actually find oh okay find one but if you are very curious than or found one the northern Matlock's found one in a recent film no I want to save talking about it until we find a hole okay pot and a button matched again thump amazing across giant lens that just keeps getting it away a face another face another thanks o abadeer's face this is what I'm trying to get to this is amazing this is really unusual what did you say it was Victoria instead spent cousins in that cup it's victorian sentiment cup yeah Victorian scent of a cup adage says presented to mrs. a Jenna from mr. W changes which is really interesting but I don't know how a mother could look at the services maybe when I first picked it up I just assumed it was like a wedding thing and then I realized it says to mrs. a Jenna mrs. Jenna from mr. W chambers so it wasn't wedding material unless it was like they were very before maybe she married already it was like from like a brother sure like his newly married sister or something I don't know I don't know I'm hoping there's gonna be more sentiment on the other side or something because that's very it does already say a lot does it well that's mainly that's not sentiment capsule what more about the cups and what the words were well yeah it was actually just it's beautiful I don't know what we can do with it I thought maybe trilliant we pin and crochet until we find someone anybody out there anyone's called a Jenna this is for you if it is Oh Oh No unless someone is called mr. W chambers yeah nose if that is the case you can have it we will post it [Laughter] there must be an agent there mustn't know if you are out there or anybody's gonna say you did English I think this was a potted meat pot a near bit and I an another e we've got plans aren't we then the next craft that we actually do is gonna be involving us more lovely combs from us all for crafting this giant bit of a job it's amazing if it doesn't fit in my jars unfortunately but that is amazing I don't I could be a good base for something do you know how incredibly expensive that would be deposit is really just chance Botox just talents and tons this I'm gonna craft into something very interesting yep that's that and there's more craft just crap this is very cool this is like a giant metal face thing this it's amazing and we think back since again and found equally maybe not as much stuff in her but I oh yes this was this was this was a bucket list fine for me I've wanted to find these I mean if you go back I mean don't please don't go back if you have seen them you know I've spoken about finding one of these many times they're sinking in the month it is alright yeah please yes we find find so then you heard on Thursday that will not be a crafted film this week this Thursday and we're sorry but but yeah we need really just a little break a week but will I see you on Sunday I think it's another ten so yes so thank you to all our Kofi donators your name is about to come up on the screen and we'll see you on Sunday [Music] get me and they found this little pot which is a motto where and it says how your soul to mostest I know lad to say it like that and it says help yourself to must help yourself there's a full day huh help yourself tell you mustard accents help yourself to mustard there you go I did that completely denied this accent it else can you say it don't read what this says there's no is this helped hurt yourself yes yes that's good that was cool okay okay thank you so I don't know I think it says where it came from because they usually said what they came from but I don't know Saint Dom does it say Donald as I say dot or does it say do they know that oh don't don't have an accent like that Devon Devon Devon gotta be Devon it's very cute anyway oh no oh no it was a do ya do de da da move to grades and then anybody knows play spaghetti with govt with an accent [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 18,539
Rating: 4.9400187 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking
Id: _ZTi9IVmwbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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