Mudlarking at night in the river of buttons!! And making a decoration from our finds!

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[Music] [Music] hello so we're here at workington at a fame famous no our favorite our favorite stream oh and it runs out into the harbour yeah but being winter it's dark early but we have no choice so we're here with lights yeah because the tide is out now so we have to early in the day the tide was in so we couldn't come here we have to come when the tides are out and it's locked down tomorrow in england so we wouldn't be able to come back so yeah that's our last chance let's do it so we can find something so it's a bit tricky filming in the dark but i think i found my first thing there that little thing i don't know what it is what is it no it just looks like some kind of little oh no yeah okay you can see i i think you can see on the camera there's lots of bits of pottery lying around so that's encouraging oh just found a metal thing down here hiding i think it is some kind of picture hook not a medieval book clasp but there's some sort of part of something under here look oh it's sort of rounded in the bottom you see that oh that's interesting i don't know if it's black or it's just because it's dark it's some sort of dark glass i think oh i like that okay i've just seen something down here i don't know if you can spot it it looks like a coin oh it's not it's got two lines on it is it some sort of token oh that's interesting marmalade jar i hope we'll find some buttons because we found loads of buttons here last time oh there's a piece of button a button button fragment oh there i think i've found my first button here first button of the night looks like a little bakelite button i think what's that i don't know it's very round oh and here vulcanite i see vulcanized rubber oh it's just blank a vulcanized rubber stopple buffer oh it's a little bottle is it a hole oh it's got a bit of a chip out of it but it is mainly whole though it's not terribly old okay so i've seen something down here and it looks like a bottle stop oh i guess my trout yeah it's an old swing bottle top i don't think it's got anything on it i have to say this water is jolly cold did i see something else down here no oh wait what's this it's a little marbley thing clay clay marble oh what's this i can see can you see it it looks like it's a bit of a cog oh cool not sure what this is oh it's one of those eyes of a canvas or something something down here it looks like that's a little pot it's got a big chip off the bottom that's a shame mom and i must look like such a pair of weirdos right now his mum over there camouflaged against the river luckily i've got quite a bright light attached on my camera so i can see it really well in the water surprisingly brass and a button there's another button look looks like a bone button think it's a little bone button two buttons so far oh this feels rather whole tears a whole pickle jar i think vintage pickle jar is that a bead no it's just a little ceramic pellet it's a bit odd see what might be a coin down here or a button oh i don't know if i'm gonna get it out though i haven't got scrapey thing with me oh good job i've got long fingernails there oh oh no it's only 5p now well bottle oh it has embossing on it i can't see it it's too maybe parkinson's p parkinson's i can't read it very well with the reflection well i'll definitely take that because it's whole and it's got words on it it is a screw top though there's a jaw sheep sheep jaw oh there's loads of shapes strange shapes i can't tell what a lot of these things are here's another little bottle actually that's quite cute oh look look at either side of you there well [Music] here there's a button a little button and a little bottle this looks like another button yeah tiny button okay so here is another button we found so many buttons here last time alex has just found a couple here's a stubble buffer glass stopper popper it's cartons i think and look i found this embossed oh that's nice yeah seven 729. nine what does that mean very old um oh look can see it really well now that's very old lettering um it's a really old slate what do you think that's off heaven knows any ideas what this bit of slate might be from it's definitely slate you can see where it's been cut on the edge there [Applause] okay i've just spotted something here i don't know how i'm spotting anything in the dark but it looks like a little paint pan that was so cute look at that i really like these what's what oh i don't know what it is either oh it might have been some kind of stud in leather or something or cloth it's interesting though yeah i'll keep it i see a copper rivet no oh love a copper rivet and i found this i don't know what it is it's i don't know what is that some brass thing looks like a spoon or fork handle but but the ends really weird there's a worm hello um look at it just minding his business i'll leave it to do its thing we definitely look like a pair of creeps scavenging around in the dark by the side of this hidden gully [Music] there's a whole window pane and bricks clifton and i disturbed the insect sorry two bottles here and a bottle here sauce bottle oh what's that look oh it's like logo is it lego oh it is pants you just found one oh look it's got words on the back oh what does it say oh what's it reeves oh we used to use reeves paint at school they still make it oh cool oh yeah oh you you it's a oh what do you have your feet on oh you had your foot on something coin like but what's that oh it's a little cog i found a bit of a cog before look it's a tiny cog yay cogs oh oh bit button that looks like a bit of button see that there oh it reminds me of the back of the button we found last time that little red cross button and there's like some kind of ring there the ring thing i think it's part that button it's disintegrated look do you see that by the neck of something and it looks like it's very suspiciously like a stubble bopper in the neck that's cool it's got the words workington on there so we'll take that paste pot here vintage glass cosmetic paste pot we've got lots of those loads of tiles in here oh and some brass wire that'll be good for jewelry making oh look here there's an insulator a black insulator with something on the top and what's this oh brass mesh i see another button oh my gosh it's a tiny arm i found a little arm oh look i found a little arm oh my gosh i found a button but i've lost a button oh no wait here it is here it is tinty clear glass button and next is a coin can you see a coin under there i'm gonna have to put these in my bag i think i found another button there we go another button okay another button down here it's the river of buttons it is this button saurus rex buttons galore okay what's that teacup handle let's look at this coin see if it's it looks it's a t it's a 10p it's a modern ten pence oh well ew do you see it there look where did it go oh it's gone i didn't see where it went little eel what does that sound like oh oh oh look another button what's that round thing there i think there um oh i don't know what that is looks like a giant button that's got critters on it oh that bottle has embossing on it oh workington the embossing on there something workington but it's too mucky to see and i haven't got enough hands attached to my body oh my gosh that weighs a ton ah oh wow it must be a fishing weight i'll have to take that okay button we were expecting this today another button we've got loads of buttons oh is that another button no it's not another button it's just got one hole in it or maybe it's a button yeah mom just said some buttons do just have one hole okay so um we found this see this bit of iron here it looks like a bit of sword do you know what i mean i don't know what bit of a sword what what's that be the sword called hilt what kind of does it does what is it what on earth i don't know i don't know what that is oh it is at the top of like a railing it's more likely the top like a flooded lee or something that's more likely what it is than a sword but you never know i think i saw a bit of a button oh there's only a bit of button it's only half a button oh yeah and a sheep bone i think i just found another button there four holes this one ready for a button our mom has just found another button i wonder if we can beat our button finding record oh look i just found another button no it's half a button i'm not taking half but what's this oh it's a spout of a teapot okay so here is a bottle with the stoppers still in does it say anything i don't think it says anything no it's just got like dots on it so i might just leave that one for a future treasure hunter and it's another button another button looks like a stud here oh no it's the it's the cap of a toothpaste you know a vintage toothpaste tube looks like says phillips but i just found another button as i was saying that's so getting distracted by butter oh no i just found it there's another button oh another oh oh no no no and half a button so unfortunately there are some button casualties but yeah wow we're doing very well on buttons oh and another bit of broken button broken buttons sadly oh i see this vulcanite there's a stuffle bopper with embossing on it we'll show these much better in the roundup because it's very difficult to read it in the dark and there's another vulcanite stopper so i've got my hands absolutely full of buttons i'm gonna have to put them in my bag i think i think i just found the letter i fridge magnet oh i saw that i thought it was a bit of an old no it's a bit it's like an old fridge magnet it's not funny oh here's another button as well oh buttons buttons another button no and the stone with a strange dimple in it i don't know why so many buns that must have been doing some sort of the cloak drains or the clothes um industrial clothes washing oh there's another button oh my gosh [Music] here's another button [Music] another button [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] there's a stud and there's another button it's like button mageddon oh and a giant button with a critter on it so i'm gonna have to i think it's full can i actually a vulcanite button and there's a vulcanite stopper with embossing on it cws that's the co-op the cooperative society is that a bead yay it's a bead oh i'm so happy bun's undefeated and another button oh look oh look look another bead oh no it's not a bead it's got a little copper hook on the top and a cow or a horse's tooth which i like so i'm keeping it and a button stop stop stop no there's another one my back's killing me yep i'm not gonna say button anymore because i feel like i'm just saying buttons so much yep yes i'm trying to move up to where mom is but i can't move for these things and it's another button i like buttons but you know i would like to find something else other than a button i think this is toothpaste tube lid some sort of tube lid but i can't read it there's another button this one's a bit different though come on okay so i think we're gonna have to call it a night but i have found this beautiful little glass button here can't wait to look at it it looks like it's got roses on it so i just found a bead oh red bead okay oh no i'm going to have to stop collecting them now because i can't move okay i'm finally out hello okay so that was our little exploration of the little river stream yeah mill race whatever it is that runs into the harbour at white um working in workington we're not we're very near whitehaven we don't even know where we are yes anyway it's been a long day it's always buttons yeah buttonhead we'll see you back at the roundup [Music] hello okay so here are the things we found on our mud dark my dark gear on the little river running into workington harbour the river of buttons which we have kind of dubbed as because look how many buttons we've got it's ridiculous it's crazy i love finding buttons but you know [Laughter] some of them have gone a bit funny because whoops i soaked them in bleach um because we ran out of our usual cleaning things and they went a bit strange but we've got plastic bakelite horn um bone uh glass so yeah there's quite a range of to be honest i think materials already a bit rough yeah well you can kind of been in the river for so long the bleachers kind of especially the black ones has gone a bit bit funny yeah but we would love to make something with these so that is you know what we need to ask you guys what what can we make with buttons yeah what should we do with them because sure we have lots of ideas but we're not really sure so yeah let us know what you think we can make with these buttons okay so let's start with these these coins yeah modern modern boring but there's this little thing down here which is like a car wash token or something like that slot machine token which isn't all that interesting but we've never found one before so you know i think so it's all good get a free car wash now um our horse is all cow's tooth i think um got two glass collar studs down there um which have quite a common find for us um this lid is quite interesting it's pan yan it says pan yan and it's a ceramic lid that would have gone on a glass jar and it would have been pickle pickles um not pickles but sort of a pickle mix pickle mix yeah that would you could spread on cheese or something okay yeah we had no idea what pan yeah apparently it was popular during the first world war uh they'd send it to the men in the trenches so yeah we'll try and find an ad for that and put it up on the screen oh this is nice it's a nice color isn't it don't know what was in this i think probably some kind of cosmetic yeah cold cream or something maybe but yeah that's that we might make some might decorate that and make something with it as well smoothed out at the bottom so you can get your finger in and scoop it out yeah yeah it doesn't get stuck very heavy and chunky and it would might make a like we could pour a candle in there and yeah yeah yeah little candle and then we have bee bees this is a faux pearl but unfortunately all the purdy paint has just kind of worn off so it's just a glass bead now a white glass bead um we got i thought this was green because it has so much river slime on it but it is blue turquoise blue which is a common color of bead for us and this beautiful wound glass orange orange bead which is really vibrant and lovely and then we've got this glass um bracelet bead yeah so we usually found find these types as like more part morning bracelets yeah usually blacks this is the opposite isn't it and it's beautiful um it's got i don't know if you can see it it's very difficult to see since it's all white and shiny but there's like a rose there rose design on the bottom and a daisy there on the top it's very beautiful yeah unexpected and then a little tiny porcelain doll's arm which was another unexpected find it also looks like a cat's paw but yeah it kind of flares out to the side that's where it does i think it might be your hand pinhole where it would have been attached to your body and it kind of flares out like that so yeah god knows how i spotted that on the river it was otherwise you would never have seen it it's true it's a lucky spot and we have a couple of um clay balls yeah which one might be a clay marble and the other could be um could have been used for baking blind you put it in a pastry base to stop it the sides collapsing in well they might both be for that purpose because that is very small marble um um we've got stuff um this is a uh cartons cartons which is the source of gardens no i think it's a c we've found them below i think it's a g i don't know it might be a g gartens yeah it is a g okay we'll have we might have to look this up but it is a sauce bottle stopper so we we already know that much um this is a swing top stopper out of a aerated water uh ginger beer bottle um it could have been stoneware or glass would have had a rubber seal on it yeah about there this one would have had probably a cork yeah caulk around there yeah top and vulcanite which some of them or have their rubber seals on neck yeah it's still like that's plastic that one so yeah it's kind of different look it's like more shiny plus you can see the more shiny than the vulcanite one which is quite a bit more dull yeah these are vulcanized heated rubber um bottle stoppers so um one of the bottle stoppers we've got some metal we've got some metal finds well mum finds the information we've got some um wire which mum's actually gonna make something with at the end of the video so yeah wait until i'm either going to make something with that or that all that okay yeah so we're going to make another decoration um for midwinter festivities we've got this which we don't know what it is it says i think it's the spoon epns i've got a feeling i've seen something like that before and it like has a roller where yeah the bowl would have been riveted on really how interesting feeling but if anyone knows any difference it's straight strange yeah and this is a picture hook um this is a rivet probably out of a boat a copper rivet and two bits of cogs and this is some kind of copper tie off something maybe your furniture um but now for our more interesting um oh yeah these are paint pans they're ceramic they're so cute this one has writing on and i'm going to say something about this one yeah and these which this one has a great history tube lids probably metal tubes yeah would have been and um i know that these two are toothpaste but not sure about these it could have been toothpaste or something else yeah okay so i'm going to be talking about this um stopper which has cws on it which stands for the cooperative wholesale society and the cooperative movement started with the rochdale pioneers in 1844 and the original shop is now the rochdale pioneers museum the north of england cooperative society started in 1863 and was created to buy and manufacture goods for all the cooperatives by 1872 the north of england was dropped from the title and was thereafter known as the cooperative wholesale society and was based in manchester um it's now known as the cooperative group and we still have co-op stores all over the country today yeah we do and i didn't realize that the co-op um started in the north yes and it started to help um poorer people um you know because they could cut their prices because they bought the wholesale goods in baltimore and they also manufactured their own goods where they could um so that they could sell them cheaper yeah so most towns and even villages have a co-op so yeah that's they are definitely still getting spread throughout the world actually the idea did spread to several countries in the world so that's really cool the other things you want to talk about this is one of them um this little paint pan here is a reeves school quality made in england and the business was founded by william reeves a color man sometime before 1766 by 1768 he had gone into partnership with his brother thomas in 1781 they were awarded the silver palette of the society of arts for the invent the invention of watercolor cake which is a solidified watercolor before that people had to grind their own and mix it so william and thomas advertised from their address at two well yard little britain super fine color makers all sorts of fine colors to the greatest perfection in 1782 they were advertising upwards of 40 colors along with fine crayons pencils in cedar of all colors all sorts of crayons in sets equal to the italian and every article useful in drawing wow in 1784 the partnership was dissolved and the brothers set up their own businesses william later went into partnership with john inward william died in 1803 john edward inwood continued to trade under the reeves and inward name thomas reeves traded as thomas reeves and son colour manufacturers the business held an appointment from 1790 as colorman to her majesty queen charlotte and the prince of wales the business was passed down through the family and in 1912 four of the directors were the great great grandsons of the original thomas reeves reese brand is now owned by wilhelm becker through co-art fine art and graphics so it's still going today yeah but it did stay in the reeves family for well hundreds of years which is amazing and i actually used reeves paint at school i think so did i i think their logo was like a little little dog if i remember rightly but yeah they had watercolor paints in like um tin uh long tin palettes red tin palettes so yeah but some paint boxes wooden paint boxes still survive from the 18th century water boxes with these pans in them yeah very similar to this yeah so we'll put a picture of those old paint boxes on the screen and our final interesting find of the day it doesn't look very interesting now it does it's a plastic toothpaste lid um with gibbs on it everyone's turning us now but actually this is one of the most interesting things it is well the inventor is interesting and his name was william alfred gibbs and he lived between 1819 and 1900 and he was an agricultural machinery inventor soap maker inventor of gibbs toothpaste and a poet now he was the son of anne marshall and butcher david gibbs so he um he sort of went off track with uh his career it sounds like he had his fingers in many pies in 1858 william bought gilwell house in wartham and is said to have commuted to his manufacturing business on a large white stallion wow now that sounds romantic to me william was awarded the council of the society of arts gold medal plus 50 guineas for his work in overcoming the difficulties in drying of harvests in wet seasons which included wheat and tea and i've managed to do some research and find a book that was written by him and it's called harold earl and he wrote it in 1871 and it's um all written in verse and alex is going to read you the very first sort of stanza from that from that book childhood dawned on him like a winter's morn stars of that night from which he had emerged seemed still reflected in his young soul sky bright visions of a former life remained brilliant but indistinct like fading dreams music and voices of lost fairyland rang in his ears making earth's harsher tones seem hideously discordant like the mirth of devils so yeah that's the um that's the amazing talent of um what's it william william william alfred gibbs yeah so here's you i know and that that is actually uh i love that poem actually it's um it's quite something so it's quite haunting it is very haunting um but you wouldn't think all that history would come from this plastic toothpaste i think that's what i like most about mud locking and beach combing it's you find things and then you discover this whole history behind them well that's that's what we do and that's what mud locking is all about it's about the fines that's what it's about yeah and the people behind the things we find in the social history so so yeah um now mom's gonna make something so yeah i hope you enjoy that but for now we're going to say thank you and goodbye so yes thank you to everyone who subscribes to our channel thank you to everyone who watches our channel yep please hit the subscribe button it's free and you'll be notified whenever we put up a new video if you hit the bell and hit the bell yeah and um we also like to thank everyone who takes the time and trouble to comment and all of our patrons which are very important to us continuing what we do and what we love to do here so thank you very much and thank you to all the people who have bought things from our amazon wishlist we greatly appreciate it and we're using all the things that you've said we will be using them in videos you'll probably see them so keep your eyes open yeah so on that note goodbye [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do so [Music] do [Music] it's another very very soggy day today the porsches are soaking here's mom's finished decoration not that you can actually see it because it's so dark i don't want to go outside because it's pouring down oh it's so wet out here but you can see that she's made this rustic star i'm gonna have to go in the house it's pouring down she's made this rustic star from the a copper wire i found in the river um our ribbon hasn't arrived yet our new ribbon so we've still got this blue ribbon but um she's also added our handmade beads from the glass we collect from our mud locking adventures on beachcombing adventures and such so yeah another decoration for our mod locking christmas tree i love our beautiful beads i'm a little bit obsessed with making them so we do have lots of these beautiful beads and hopefully we'll be doing more glass work in the future as well but those porsche wuz down there soggy schwooz we'll have to see what they think of mum's decoration not that you can see it very well in this gloomy weather it's pouring down soggy swoo what do you think white schwa yep there we go pekka fish we will run this was now i'm gonna have to go in the house because it's so wet and rainy out here can't wait to put these on our tree
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 38,479
Rating: 4.9617615 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, northern mudlarks, bottle digging, treasure hunting scotland, treasure hunting, gem hunting, crystal hunting, mudlarking uk, rockhounding, northern mudlarking, Sea glass hunting, beachcombing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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