We Are Getting Our "Eye" In Mudlarking!

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] and we have come back to favorite Beach again because the temple is and we it's still sludgy so we've come here and we had some like incredible luck the last two times we have been here so fingers crossed it's the same this time come with us and see what we can find I hope you enjoy stop dude [Music] oh oh I hope it's another day 4head i hope it's another day ahead oh my gosh pleasant lump quite sharp [Music] nice - yeah dolls ear a little white one that's why I spot the find I spotted a disease instantly see girls are funny today but we'll stop different one alright ride ease I might be quite acute bottle to rebuild perfume [Music] for non beautiful okay that's good I'm still not found anything that's a doll I someone said in the car will you pick it up it's your find oh wow that is amazing I hate you he's beautiful oh wow that's it isn't it I knew doomed dude that's the most amazing [Music] let's film out your camera oh thank you [Music] but it's more of your pots Kate yeah like more dogs [Music] do you want the dogs no curve don't be difficult to do anything with is it another head it's a head with a bit of a body but look at the cheek really grumpy isn't it fine oh thank goodness I found something oh no I just started to get a little bit sad [Music] they're gonna be whole Oh almost Oh bitsy can use that again now look Lincoln I think it's probably just the kick up of a bottle it was just the kick up of a bottle but really looked beautiful big monsters I look at this tiny tiny beads impound so I'm gonna make it pretty long I'll be stringing know that fitting somewhere where of the Lord [Music] don't know the head is it oh wow I don't know he looks like clay [Music] my head I was just saying over and over again I would like a pipe I would like a pipe and then I look down I'm pretty sure it's plain but there you go a pipe okay and just as I stood up from picking up this pipe I look over and see oh it's like the pits or another pipe and it's a bowl but with the man's face on the bottom with the ball this time the little face with the Hat the chubby cheeks oh my gosh look oh and this is the beautiful bottle top isn't it beautiful oh is this gonna be cool or Rob rubbish oh it was a little clip art with a flower on it but it's broken obviously broken limb lots of broken limbs [Music] very old hinge or something [Music] old that would have been jewelry though probably [Music] no idea what that is order see I think it's the end of a leg I bet you it's broken but let's see together show me oh no what is that that's not a leg so original it klg sparkplug I'd say is sort of like [Music] something like that metal know what that is I forgot it in my bag [Music] well I just say over here [Music] button in my concretion [Music] buildings [Music] this is whether random became Ethel [Music] [Music] [Music] what is serrated serrated meant [Music] that's pretty cool that would have been [Music] it's a bit of a measure here [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a good flower to replace my flowers Kate used [Music] [Music] could a member another team album if this pipestem it's designed to look like this or is it just a happy coincidence I have never seen a stripy pipestem you a decorative need no cuz you don't you you go into a hole you look like an eye again you don't have a hole all the way through mom that's really stuck in there big thing to carry home maybe I'll be rich not going to leave it's a bead oh it's a good day for beads today my game today has been stone marble or kick up I'm gonna guess marble maybe hmm I can't tell every thinking bullet oh no button oh that's pretty I like that a lot maybe chip this guy just looking up for us can't quite make it out a moment but hmm circle metal thing don't know what it is but I'll take it [Music] the Playmobil oh my love it when that happens I bent down to pick up the clay marble look what was sitting there oh my gosh wow that is the most beautiful delicate dolls arm I have ever seen oh my gosh that is beautiful huh I don't know I've never seen a dolls mom it's so delicate and beautiful look at her thing is she would have been an expensive doll she would have been a very expensive dough and she's not broken okay now I can't tell if that is a mound of melted slag or if it's like a cloud figure oh it's just a slice it's just a pile of melted slag I was really expecting I had my hopes up doesn't that look like a clown oh I know I thought it was a clown I couldn't tell if it was a pile of slag or a clown figure and it's a pile of slag that looks exactly [Music] I'll feed and something tiny blue but I don't know what that it is rides coming back in and [Music] thank goodness it was like they're like sticking out this little no more deceptive non head ones oh she's beautiful a little bit on the way down yeah I don't see many nails that's a pretty shell button red glass shell button shell actually a shell do you [Music] [Music] I always complained again you could [Music] now I have plans and things like that [Music] fusional glass the color look how beautiful that be days that's a nice button [Music] could be gentle glass it's nice they don't work well button today [Music] a cold marble [Music] [Music] No oh my gosh No oh no oh my gosh okay I mean that's absolutely amazing this is so very devastating at the same time and also this is getting ridiculous what do you think I've found no it's getting ridiculous what have we found every last trick we've been on and what would be really devastating I found in tiny frozen headless Charlotte a headless frozen Charlotte a tiny tiny tiny one [Music] I'm so very happy but that's ridiculously tiny goodness why just the head you wouldn't think it would lose it [Music] it's one of my dream fine oh bloody I just keep on thinking about that frozen Charlotte's tiny tiny head oh it's so sad cuz it must be so tiny in it like just lost somewhere forever oh there must be so many tiny tiny tiny ants [Music] [Music] oh no that looks like quite an old button I said it's very looking you think mums very crudely made do you see the legs do you see the legs is it gonna have a head no because nothing has a head but oh look little LED soldier missing his head of course because that is how life goes but it's still very very very exciting I haven't got a lead figure here right I have it look it just gonna be yes but still it's very pretty and the pipes are pipe it's a nice colour I think it was a doll's arm that's cool okay so arm day so legs today to arm day a little baby I think it's a little like toddler me Micah Oh children oh oh I like that I like that a lot do you think this tiny bottle is going to be whole ha it in blacking muscle yeah if it's not got a lip look how cute a bottle I'm actually going to take a bottle from here I'm doing another line in one oh my gosh I mean it's still very very cool oh there's another piece of sorry I'm leaning underfoot there's another it's another piece of something something another really decorative pipe probably another oh wow that's a very regal face wow it's much Warren Warren knows yeah Wow okay just um one more head or one more pipe we can go home is it is it is it oh I'm not sure that counts unfortunately a head I mean it is a head but the poor woman's she could be rebuilt well I did say head of a pipe the sort of hard through head now we need a half a pipe or half for another head okay I did say half a pipe I mean it's a footballer's leg stem without the ball and the foot okay apparently at the end of the day I'm only allowed broken things tiny dolls lid that's hole thank you another clay marble wow I found a lot of these today oh my gosh that is creepy and if we find a creeper then it's cruel but it's very sweet as well oh my gosh you could make the most amazing that you break you can all break or something that's quite that's quite a cool thing okay well we're done for today I think in terms of quantity we didn't do as well but I think we found some amazing things so we're super excited to go home and look at the mall for a ball ching bum bag so we'll see you in the roundup [Music] well we went back to our favorite beach again it just keeps on giving um Wow I didn't really find very much my brain just wasn't in it for some reason I knew it wasn't as soon as I got there it's really odd to how that happens sometimes but but Kate did really well I mean I learned a couple of things but pretended really really well and Wow watch your favorite Kate what do you think my favorite is that I okay found a doll's eye and it is beautiful it's so beautiful it's so beautiful it's a bit scratched up from being like by the sea but it's it's stunning and wait I want you to put probably gonna put mine [Music] that's what it would have been so I couldn't we just look at the eye in the dull hmm so yeah that's how it would have been how cool is that sorry you're big we had two dolls eyes one tiny one one bigger one now I want more you're convinced wait oh yeah you're convinced that this is also an art I am if it's got that spike on the back where would have had a spike I don't know if this was the kind of uh the kind of I opened and closed it just looks like an eye with durable yeah I think it's another eye mm-hmm I think you've got two eyes do we have three eyes in the box how can we that's my favorite right of mine and I'm gonna make a necklace out of that and some crafting video I just think it's it's wonderful wonderfully creepy a little nose and her mouth a second favorite is my little headless Photoshop although it's bittersweet doesn't - yeah just tiny though I might try and make your head oh that's creepy it's like some weeds both of his legs and ours that's my thumbnail found heads again we did bud heads and always got to find the heads you found this broken one I'm not sure if we can rebuild her she might just have to become part of a strange sculpture I don't know who found this woman muted that was mine swiped me with triple you found this one he's amazing that must be it's almost like Tweedledum and Tweedledee he's like my grumpy look on his face little boy blue was little boy blue grumpy sat in the corner wasn't me little boy was sat in the corner there wasn't any little boys to visit little Jack Horner who sat in the corner yeah even wasn't curds and whey oh that's Little Miss Muffy we'll put it along and then there's this one what just pay double I don't know what it's made out its source and stony that's quite creepy and airy she almost looked sort of French pre-revolution decadence like she's about to go and see what the Bastille or something she's a big flag or something and oh yeah a camel head that was a monkey head it's a monkey head but they get on the other side because the other side is but it was more detail there you go it's a monkey but it's weird again it's like it's like clay it's part of a pipe that he's not part of a pipe he's an odd thing I don't know what he is what anybody knows he's just yeah educated guesses very cool though he is very cool [Music] get up kid and our head duck head that may find its way onto a mosaic or a figurine I think I mean actually I figure even probably be better than arms Dom day hmm finally oh really but this arm is going to be repurposed in another sea glass collector the mosaic we're talking in the shop on Thursday he decided that we're going to restock the shop on a Thursday we might stagger might do at different times though because the time difference is but the Thursday is the day because otherwise it's going to get too confusing with the posting of things and stuff so I would like to confide it to so yeah forearms you know spoke lovely my beautiful you're beautiful arm it is very much here to bulldoze arm look how delicate and detailed she's got fingernail which is crazy they didn't break when his and these fingers fell and these ones and look at the stay at this one no that's the miraculous oh yeah saying at the very old spark plug my husband's instinct is probably 50s I don't why boy at home but it seemed interesting but I don't know what to do enough lots of broken legs but we shall rebuild them no hinge it looks like the clasp of the book or something maybe mm-hmm no looks a bit small to just be a hinge or could be a box okay just dolls cop that's completely not broken adorable hello to clay marbles I found one called marble cake downloads if a marbles hmm no there's a be block just that we'd gone on the string yes I led headless soldier obviously because as Kate said in the film everything loses its head yeah amazing lump of glass and gonna tumble that because it's just beautiful that's all for obviously where it all melted down in the fire but that's very cool of another bit of thing though the buttons hundreds of buttons not hundreds know that this one's a solenoid one an old plastic nineteen forties yeah I thought it was a nice celluloid I remembered after I got back from both I used to know lots about buttons it's there and my brain I just takes a while to come back and this is under a boot button yeah it's probably a big button but that could be glass or could be jet I love those buttons sorry about the focus on this one it's quite dark it's raining a light so it's already but it keeps on coming in and out of focus another water color pan always liked to find them the tiniest piece of blue my sake look how cool that is that would be quite nice it's like that one that mmm bit of clear I'm singing brazen half things we've got a few half things don't know what they were I mean that's split perfectly in half that was meant to be like that and I don't know what it is yours isn't quite split so neatly and hard but they're good for things another half thing inescutcheon sketching good again which is excellent for craft tiny little bottle that are good to clean more and repurpose and bring back one of my rebuilding things I mean this is beautiful don't mind a little stopper though with it than that fork I don't know what this is it's made of what's it I don't know what it is it's such a strange shape and it's ceramic I just I have no idea if anyone again I don't know why it's so intriguing but it's just I tell what it is I have no idea it's got such an odd shape hmm this bit is at an angle it's like I say it's ceramic really heavy you say if anybody has any inkling whatsoever because I just don't have a clue not one clue I got like a mystery okay found this piece of again another mystery it's like a pipe it looks like a pipe stem it feels like a pipe stem it has a hole all the way through it's made out of clay but it's like glazed painted stripy and I can't find anything online about glazed or painted clay pipes so it must not be a clay pipe then what is it I don't know but it's very prettily nothing think up in a bit I used to Khalid I've never seen anything like it on anyone elses YouTube John no no maybe it was a one-off pipe maybe someone did it themselves very neatly doesn't know how I don't know we go another miss drew I hate mysteries I wanted salt they would know because so many mysterious objects when it's really cute lid it's got one it okay I know it's a little man in a hat and it says glowlight Cork New York it's the Lee it was the end of the 1930s to 1940s cigarette lighter hello like this so cute I just googled oh man they are called midgets cuz we just they were like this big they were like this big and then right there like quite rare and they're really really cute maybe purposes a happen a bit to clay pipe hi pipes no this one oh yeah that was amazing I found I found the head before didn't I out just a piece of pipe in a tiny piece of bone now I found a whole bowl with him on it this might be one of the most decorative bowls I've ever found mm-hmm it's absolutely amazing very excited and happy to find that you were so excited ask me to find that but it's a woman I do yes we realized it's not um and I guess it's a woman's like neck and shoulders with like a flower on how I've been so beautiful and then that one again is like the bottom of something like a scarf or it would have been beautiful to really decorative ones there you go me added three although we should have added four because no didn't for that blue ones well we headed for find five we have a bit five and it should be six because there's one that mom didn't put on he was disguising itself I have a clean dim yet but we did that one look Trey similar to this one hmm there's lots of days one doesn't it be which one the same knitters quite a lot this stuff will find its way into our crafts it's a good beach to go to to find the components who are crafts and and we just both want to say thank you very much we didn't expect up shop to sell up quite so quickly we would have made more but it's gone trying to was hard trying to think of the things to make and then to make them as well as well as make two films a week edit them and go and actually look for the things so it's becoming all-consuming isn't it mm-hmm so we will endeavor to make a few more things for the shop each week but I don't think we'll ever have loads but you'll all the dance all the stuff came to make the door head molds yes it did that's very exciting so keep an eye out for that on Thursday that's it yeah and thank you to all of our Kofi donators yes yeah after this they'll be the list of everyone's names but thank you so then have a lovely week and we'll see you on Thursday [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 14,713
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking
Id: Rw_xd7flcbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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