mTracker 3D First Impressions In-depth Review + Tutorial

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hey guys welcome to another final cut pro video in today's video i'm going to talk about motion vfx's m tracker 3d plugin and my first impressions after using it for the last couple of weeks i'll show you a bunch of different examples of what you can do using the m-tracker 3d plugin and i'll walk you through how i created each one of these shots [Music] there are so many creative things you can do with the mtracker 3d plugin and it's impossible to cover all of its features and everything that it's capable of in just one video today we're going to look at the following examples 2d text tracking 3d text tracking adding and tracking multiple location pins tracking photos in 3d space and even tracking emojis or 3d models to your footage i want to say a big thank you to motionvfx for sponsoring this video they generously gave me the m tracker 3d essential bundle a few weeks ago so that i could review it and show you guys how it works i wanted to see how well the tracker works on various different clips so i tested it using drone footage sony a7iii footage gopro footage and a stock clip and i'm really impressed with how well it tracks with that said let's get into the first example for the 2d text tracking example i have this drone chartia from lake bled in slovenia and the first thing i'm going to do is drag and drop the m tracker 3d plugin from the effects window onto the clip you can either track the footage directly in the viewer over here or by clicking the track button in the plugin so i'll go ahead and click track the time it takes to track will depend on the resolution the duration and how difficult it is to track your shot so it'll probably take a few minutes i've sped this process up but once it's done you'll need to drop one of the presets on top of your footage if you look at the imtracker 3d category in your title browser you'll see you have a bunch of different options here like captions drop zones particles pointers 3d models and all sorts of stuff i'll head back up here and i like this title 2d number 5 so i'll drag and drop that on top of my clip now i don't want it to start at the very beginning of the shot because i want the shot to play a little bit before it animates in i'll start the title about here and i'll just trim it to the end i'll go over to the title properties here and i'll turn the animation out off so we'll have it animate in but it'll stay on screen until the end of the shot before we copy the tracking data for this text i'll just change this to leg lead and i'll change this bottom layer here to slovenia now what we need to do is to copy the track from this m tracker 3d plugin over here click copy track head back over to the title and then i'll paste that track onto this title it's okay and you'll see that this text is tracked to this point over here you can click on this icon over here to change the position you can see how when i do that the axes change the x y and z axes move around i can hold down shift to keep the orientation the same and i'm going to track somewhere in the middle of this island here let's maybe pick a point like this door i'm going to click on the show hints box here just to hide that text in this gradient and let's just scrub through here to see how it's tracking it looks like it's tracking pretty well the next step would be to change the scale and the position so let's scale that up and let's position it somewhere in the sky over here let's scrub through again just make sure that the track still looks good yeah it looks like it's tracking nicely in 3d space there so now let's go change some of the properties of this title so i want to change the title color i'll color pick from the roof over here this orange color i'll do the same with slovenia but i'll pick that from here so it's the same then there's a bunch of different settings you can change here like the light color ambient light color you can turn shadows on or off you can wrap the light you can add a reflection all sorts of things so what i like to do is i like to add a bit of noise just so that it blends into your footage a little bit more this is a bit too much i'll go 0.1 and i'll add a slight blur just because titles are really sharp obviously they digitally created so by blurring it and adding a bit of noise you just make those titles blend into your scene a little bit better now if i play that back this is what the final product looks like for the 3d text tracking example i want to use this stock clip from croatia and i want it to look like the camera is moving underneath the title hovering in 3d space so first let's add the m tracker 3d plugin to the clip and hit track when the track is done you can copy the track and then drag a 3d title of your choice down on top of your footage i'll use old square brackets to trim the end there i'll also uncheck the animation out box so that it stays on screen right till the end next i'll paste the track onto this title layer and hit ok i'll click on the positioning icon here and i want to find a point of contrast maybe this section of the door somewhere here i'll hold down shift so that the orientation doesn't change and i'll click over there let's scrub through to check the track looks like it does a pretty good job of keeping that track so i'll come in here and change my text to croatia and i'll scale it up and i'll position it over here in the sky or at least in the air hovering above the walkway here next i'll come down and change my color i'll color pick something again from the scene maybe this dark brown or light brown maybe something like that and i'll go ahead and i'll add some noise again like i did with the last shot and i'll blur it slightly you can probably go with a little bit less noise in this case something about there now if you want to grade the shot including the title you can select the title and the clip and hit alt g to create a compound clip and then you can simply color correct your clip or apply light to create the look you want and if i play that back this is what it looks like for this next example i want to track and add a few different location pins on this drone shots of prague there were two issues i experienced when tracking the shot but there were easy fixes the first one was that because the drone stayed in one position and just panned from side to side m tracker 3d gave me an error when trying to track the shot all i had to do was switch the movement type from free to tripod since there was no actual camera movement and the camera just stayed in one position the second issue was that m tracker 3d struggled to achieve a proper track because this shock doesn't have a lot of contrast m tracker 3d uses areas of high contrast in your shot to track the movement so a low contrast scene like this made it pretty challenging there is an easy workaround for that though all you need to do is create contrast using your color wheels so i'll come in here and i'll crush the shadows i'll really drop it down and then i'll boost the highlights here as well just to create that contrast in the scene now it doesn't look great but we're not going to leave the footage like this this is just for the track so i'll head back over to my inspector and i'll drag this color wheels adjustment before the m-tracker 3d plug-in with the amtrak 3d plugin selected i'll hit track and i'll let it do its thing now that the tracking is done i can hide this color wheels adjustment and i'll copy the track i'll drag and drop a pointer here and i'll change the duration to somewhere around there it's roughly four seconds and then i'll go ahead and i'll paste that track the first thing i'll do is click on the position icon over here and i'll position this track somewhere over here roughly above this tower here which is the powder tower i'll come into my text and i'll change that to powder tower and i'll adjust the rotation here slightly i'll come in here and change the color to a bright red something like that and i'll change my text to that same red color let's check that track just by scrubbing through looks like the track has done a pretty good job there i'll do my usual thing with the noise and blur so i'll add a blur i'll add some noise and i'll set that to 0.1 in this case i wouldn't necessarily worry about a shadow too much on the buildings there so i'm going to turn the shadow off we'll deal with the shadows in a bit when i put a pointer here in the river okay so now i'm going to copy this title layer by holding down alt clicking and dragging and i'll put it roughly over here i'll now need to re-paste the track on this title because i've moved it from its original position over here to later on in the shot so i'll just select the title and hit paste track because we've already copied it from before and i'll hit ok for this one i want to position it over here above this tower so i'll do that i'll adjust the rotation slightly and i'll change the title here to church of our lady time let's check the track looks good i'll do another copy of this pointer and i'll put that roughly over here then i'll paste the track yet again and i'll position this one roughly over here where this church is change the rotation and i'll change this text to saint nicholas's church then i'll make one more copy and i'll paste that roughly over here and for this one let me paste the track again and this one i'll position here in the river somewhere about there i'll adjust the rotation again and i'll change the text here to voltova river so now this one because of the angle of the sun there would be a shadow here i'm not too worried about it in the buildings because it'll be difficult to determine where the shadow actually is here but here it would be very obvious if it was missing so i'm going to come down to the shadows and i'll turn that on and then here i can adjust the light rotation which would be something like that i can also change the light angle to make it a longer or shorter shadow the sun's fairly low down so it has got quite an angle to it so probably something like that would look more realistic this title has gotten a lot darker because the sun or the light source is now technically behind it so i'll come in here just to this point of color and i'll try lighten that up a little bit just so it doesn't look too dark and i'll color pick that same color from the pointer for the text if i play that back this is what the shot looks like for this example i'm going to track and add images to this gopro clip i've already tracked the shot to save some time so i'll copy the track and then i'll drag this drop zone picture in and i'll retime that to the end of the clip and i will paste the track i'll hit ok select the positioning tool and i'll track a point somewhere here on this building i'll hold down shift so that the orientation doesn't change and i'll put it over there i'll scale this down let's say about 50 percent and i'll position it slightly just so that it's a little bit higher and a little bit to the side let's just scrub through there to check the track that looks pretty good to me so now we need to drop an image into this drop zone so what i'm going to do is just grab one of the images i've brought here already select the drop zone and select that photo i'll apply that clip and then i can just change the scale to get the image to fit a little bit better in the frame something about there i'll duplicate this layer by holding down alt and i'll retime it to fit the first thing i need to do is paste the track again so i'll copy the track and paste it onto the second title next i'll position this on the right hand side i'll hold down shift again so that the orientation doesn't change and then i'll adjust the position here of this photo and i'll turn the shadow off as well i'll turn the shadow off on this first layer too and for the second photo i'll just replace that image with another one that i already have on my timeline and i'll click apply clip and let's scrub through here just to check that track looks like it's tracking quite nicely so let me play that back so you can see it in real time for this last example i have this sony a73 shot from venice and i want to do something fun and a bit crazy let's add a wow emoji here wow i've already tracked the shot to save some time so i'll copy this track and i'll head over to the m tracker expansion section where i have captions and all sorts of other things and i'll grab this wow emoji and drop that on top of my footage next i'll paste this track information i'll hit ok and i'll hide these hints let's use the anchor point tool here to find a point where we can track i'd say somewhere along one of these buildings is good and let's just scrub through here to check to see if we're getting a good track looks like it's tracking well to me so i'll just increase the scale here i'm going to put him in the sky and i'll move him into the sky up here make him a little bigger [Music] and since it's a 3d model i can adjust this rotation here getting to face the gondola a little bit and have him kind of looking down on the gondola like that i'll take the shadows off i'll add a little bit of noise very little bit and i will add a bit of a gaussian blur as well let's just double check the track by scrubbing through that looks pretty good to me now i want to grade this whole clip but the emoji is a lot more saturated than the rest of the clip so with the emoji title selected i'll come over to my color inspector and i'll just reduce the saturation so it sort of matches the scene here then i'll group these two clips together into a compound clip by hitting alt g and i'll drop a light on here just to make it easy we'll just grab this one now he still looks a little saturated so i'll come in here and i'll just drop that saturation even more something like that looks good and this is the final shot wow so that's an introductory look at motion vfx's m tracker 3d plugin i've only been using it for a few weeks now and i've really enjoyed playing around with it i think that the more i use it the more i'll find creative and different ways to incorporate it into my edits so i'll probably make an updated video sometime in the future if you have any questions about mr 3d please comment down below and i'll do my best to answer them my initial impression is that it's a really impressive and powerful plugin you can do so much with it and i can't wait to use it more often if you look at motion vfx's trailer video that they posted when they launched the plugin you can see that there are endless possibilities if you've made it this far you're probably wondering about the cost well the m tracker 3d essential bundle goes for 299 dollars which includes the m tracker 3d plugin itself and the three expansion packs the titles captions and pointers packs you can also just get the m tracker 3d plugin on its own for 249 and the expansion packs can be bought separately for 69 each which makes the essential bundle a really good deal oh and the emoji pack is free so if you just purchase the m tracker 3d plugin on its own you can always add the emojis for free if you found this walkthrough and tutorial of em tracker 3d helpful and you want to purchase the plugin please consider using the link down below i do get a commission if you decide to make a purchase which will really help the channel out and it will help me to keep making more videos like this for you guys that's it for this one i hope you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe to the channel hit that notification bell and i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Brad and Donna
Views: 11,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MotionVFX, fcpx effects, mTracker, mTracker 3D, fcpx tracking, fcpx track, mtracker 3d review, mtracker 3d fcpx, mtracker 3d plugin, mtracker 3d tutorial, mTracker 3d final cut pro, motionvfx 3d tracker, motionvfx review, motionvfx plugins, mtracker 3d test, tracker fcpx, mtracker 3d essential bundle, tracking final cut pro, final cut pro plugins, mtracker 3d first impressions, free plugins for fcpx, fcpx free plugins, fcpx tutorial, Final Cut Pro, fcpx, Brad and Donna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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