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[Music] oh [Music] them praise oh come on into the glory oh come on and worship the lord [Music] we praise you we pray blessings [Music] [Music] [Music] you want [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on and think about what he's done for you come on [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] and we will give you glory we will give you glory we will give you glory [Music] blessings and glory bless [Music] blessings and glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you for blessing me thank you for blessing me thank you for healing me thank you for delivering me thank you for redeeming me thank you for setting me free thank you for waking me up this morning thank you for the activities thank you for food on the table i'll keep going thank you for clothes on my back thank you that i'm clothed in my right mind thank you for the word god thank you for the blood of jesus thank you for grace god thank you for mercy god thank you for forgiving us thank you that you never give up on your children thank you god thank you that i can come before you ask god you hear my cry lord i thank you jesus i thank you jesus i thank you jesus from the rising of the sun i thank you to the setting of the same i praise you i'll bless you at all times i'll bless you at all i'll bless you no matter what the situation looks like i'll give you a hallelujah anyway no matter the report of the doctor i'll wave my hand and say thank you anyway because i know you have the final say no matter what's going on at home i lift up my hands and offer up a sacrifice of praise i'll offer up the sacrifice of praise and i will myself to praise you i will myself to clap my head i'll reel myself to bow down and reference you bow down and honor you bow down i give you glory that's through your name there is no other name about the name of jesus at that name demons please there is no other neighbor no other name than the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus whatever you need [Music] jesus jesus jesus we love you we love you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] something happens when we come before the lord with a broken spirit and call on this thing something about the name of jesus something about the name of jesus something about the name of jesus somebody need to call on her for your chat [Music] somebody need to call your mother [Music] somebody [Music] somebody [Music] i don't know who needs to hear this this morning but god is not looking for a position of performance he's looking at the posture of your heart the bible talks about it something about when you offer up a sacrifice of praise and you come before him with a broken spirit don't you just humble yourself before him and lift up your hands and say god i need you i need you and god somebody needs to hear he's looking at the posture of your heart this morning and so god we thank you thank you for keeping us thank you for loving us thank you for your blood never lose his power thank you that your blood reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley thank you that you never give up on us thank you for setting us free this morning [Music] i will [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] one more free [Music] and as long as your breath is oh come on mount zion let's stay right there in that same spirit and give god some glory this morning oh come on we can do better than that we can do better than open up your mouth and speak something great unto your god and right where you are kind if you will pray with me god how we love you and we bless your holy and righteous name but before we ask for anything god it would not be right to thank you first for everything god you woke us up this morning thank you god you started us on our way thank you god you allow us to get to your house one more time thank you god you put breath in our body and a roof over our head and food on our table and clothes on our back god we just want to cry out with the fruit of our lift and from the utterance of our heart thank you god in the reality is if you never do anything else for us you've already done more than what we can imagine or think of and for that we say thank you we thank you for the man that hun bled and died for our sins god we thank you for picking us up out of our low places we thank you for making a way for us every time we fail god we thank you for loving us even when we did not love you and so god because we know who you are and we've read your resume we don't want to pray just selfishly for ourselves this morning we pray for our family as a mount zion as a whole god so we pray for sister shirley clay's family in her lost god we pray for the mount zion usher family god we pray that you comfort them and sustain them keep them god and give them your peace god give them your peace that shall surpass all knowledge and understanding so father you said in your word that you will never leave us no forsaker so father i pray now that at the name of jesus you be with that family you be with the mount zion family as we grieve the loss of sister shirley claim and god we pray for healing restoration we pray for deliverance of those names of those persons names who appear on the screen right now god we pray that you do what only you can do you you move like only you can do you make ways like only you can't do you open doors like only you can do and now i understand what my grandmother used to say i said i won don't tell nobody but i just couldn't keep it to myself because when i really think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for us we have a responsibility to cry out hallelujah so god let the redeemed of the lord say so because we believe you to do anything but fail we believe you to make a way out of no way we believe you to bless far beyond imagination god we believe you to honor us and sustain us we believe you to keep us in our right mind so father have your way in this service speak lord now and forevermore let someone's life be changed today let someone's heart be minded today let the brokenness of relationships until you be minted up today and god the reality is this is the day that the lord has made and we are to rejoice and be glad in this so god has your way move like only you can and we will always worship you it's in the name of jesus we do bring amen [Music] i'm gonna raise your voice raise it one more time [Music] [Music] for the presence of the lord that's in this room come up your hands and give him glory oh that's a pity pat i said give him glory come and celebrate the things that he's done [Music] nobody could have done it with god you ought to give him glory shirts you want to clap your hands and tell him thank you [Music] while you're still standing it's first sunday and our morning again this morning blessed quietness holy quietness what assurance in my soul come on clap your hands and let's praise it like you got the holy ghost this morning together we sing joyce since the conflict with us forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] where he [Music] what a quiet this morning [Music] me [Music] [Music] it's the holy ghost [Music] time for the holy ghost [Applause] let's rock together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the lord [Music] well come on and give god glory everybody come on giving praise wow we're so grateful and we're thankful for you today of course we're welcoming all of you who are in this place and watching around the world we are thankful to god can't you feel the very presence and power of god in here today i mean can't you just feel the anointing we are certainly grateful and thankful if you're visiting with us for the first time you a family you are family to us we don't take your presence lightly and we just want you to wave your hand if this is your first time with us today just wave your hand come on malzahn thank god for all of these today we appreciate if you're streaming today for the first time we welcome you of course we want you to follow uh myself follow my wife out there on social media we would love uh to stay connected to you follow mount zion as well that information is out there on the screen make sure you do it we absolutely would appreciate if you would do that and we just appreciate you so much thank god bless you we're grateful amen my judge is here today rachel bale today let's thank god for her amen she's with us and of course she is stand up judge bail we thank god for you amen she is running for davidson county general sessions uh seeking re-election and she has done a tremendous job serving our community in so many ways and we partnered together on so many initiatives and i'm grateful to god and we thank god for your presence today and we really appreciate you we are grateful i hope you and the power of god has been moving and uh we just thank god you know first sundays we've incorporated the hymn uh because we are balanced ministry we sing it all here we sing the worship the praise we go for it all but you know you got to remember we got folk in this church mother mother wiley over there she's been in the memphis church for over 70 years y'all y'all hear me and so many others and we are balanced ministry and you all know you grew up in those churches where they had the hymn though in the back of the pew yeah yeah so we we want to make sure you learn some of those hymns so every first sunday we can always introduce and do him to you so you can those hymns will get you through we thank god for our music ministry give it up for them they're tremendously balanced so thankful of course we want you to know of course we are needing our volunteers who are healthcare professionals uh to assist uh in our coveted vaccine efforts and of course the health and wellness ministry is in need of health care professionals who can volunteer to administer vaccines and we definitely need your help so go to churchfit for more information we definitely need your support and help as we attempt to get our community vaccinated and we certainly appreciate that now october the 11th the 15th is salah we say lives of paul's in the bible in hebrew it's paul's rest and we at mount zion believe uh with all that's going on it's important for us to lead the way in helping people understand the importance of sailor and for us it is about rest but it's also about mental health breaks and i give our staff an entire week just to regroup to get their minds together to spend time with their family to work on their own mental health and so we want you to be supportive of that october 11th through the 15th of course they need to energize and get back into the office of course if you need help during that week the emergency line will be available and of course you can always go to extension five just call the church number and hit extension five and uh someone will always be able to serve you but we'll be shutting down that week so that week it won't be any virtual connect or anything like that uh we're just gonna allow our team to to relax and rest and regroup and we certainly thank god for that it's so important take care of yourself you hear me take care of yourself don't let this stuff cloud you like that you gotta go talk to somebody we believe in prayer and therapy in this ministry amen we're excited because you know god is blessing our ministry in so many ways since august the 20th we've gotten back into the building and we told you it was going to be a time to assess how we were doing about six weeks after and make some adjustments where needed and we're just grateful just love antioch and man it is just really growing and booming over there in a powerful way our online audience is growing and we thank god for folks all around the country in the world that are watching us even when you look around and hear we're grateful for all of you and i want to thank god for our team for helping us to stay safe and for us to gather responsibly isn't that a blessing amen um a one o'clock service at jefferson street has been a blessing and i know god spoke to me specifically about jefferson street and always being a part of that community we're going to be making some adjustments to our worship schedule starting on the third sunday october the 30th it's only going to affect you one way we're going to go to 8 15 service but it's going to be at our jefferson street location it's going to be a one-hour service and so those who want that early service you can meet us there uh a 9 30 service will be antioch meaning that we will then move from 9 to 9 30. they shouted when i said that because it gave them 30 more minutes to sleep and then you get 15 more minutes we'll start this service at 11 15. so our new worship schedule beginning on the third sunday not next sunday the third sunday uh october 17th jefferson street at 8 15 a.m antioch 9 30 and ohb will be at 11 15. we feel like that's going to be the best path forward for us and we're grateful to god so to god be the glory so we'll have one o'clock service again on uh today and on next sunday but then we'll move one o'clock to 8 15 so there will not be a one o'clock service on the third sunday amen in jesus name amen so how many folk out there god's been good to you come on he's been good he has been an amazing god he is still doing great things and we want you to know here at mount zion we believe in the power of sowing seed and giving and today as we give our tithe matters to god we are responsible givers here we believe we are cheerful givers and this ground is dead ground because we are faithful to god and we believe that anointing will flow into your life as you give i want you today your tithe to give i want you to give liberty in your offering i want you to always remember give your tithe and to give an offering we got great things we're going to be doing we'll be hearing about some of those things coming up soon one of the things i'm really excited about you'll be hearing more specifically about it is that we are expanding our teen church building it out and we're doing it debt free we're doing it all cash yes we are because you're giving that's how we're flowing amen so i want you to support as you give know that we're going to be responsible in doing that as well helping the community so many big things that are going to be happening even with the new worship schedule you'll be hearing about some incredible outreach efforts we're going to be doing in all of our locations and it's just going to be amazing so i'm really excited about it your giving helps us touch the world so right now the giving platforms are right there on the screen i encourage you to text to give give by the app give on the website however you're watching whatever you're doing if you just need an envelope you can raise your hand the ushers will come through and they will give you one they won't pick it back up you'll take it and drop it in the drop box outside but we encourage you to try to give as much as you can through technology and we appreciate that so thank you so much you've been so faithful and we appreciate you so very very much thank god for you let's pray father thank you for the privilege we have to give bless every household every family and i thank you for a debt-free anointing that shall cancel student loans that shall cancel mortgage payments i thank you that god credit card bills will be paid off and i thank you that you will give strategy to your people how to get it done and then let they be faithful to your house and show them you'll be faithful to theirs in jesus name amen [Music] beautiful [Applause] devin norman upon the profession of your faith we baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit knees purvis upon the profession of your faith and baptized you in the name of the father and of the holy spirit [Music] adjustments are made around and in us every day through our eyes our hearts our lungs and even in our schedules accounts and our automobiles but often the most challenging adjustment of them all is in our mind and our leadership but don't fear we can help register today at full org for 2021 virtual conference making the adjusting 2.0 where you can receive world-changing concept content and coaching from god's best like our presiding bishop joseph w walker iii bishop designate craig l oliver senior pastor t delbert robinson pastor bianca richardson reverend solomon kinla and many more take advantage of our early registration for only 69.99 today at full for propel 2021 making the adjustment 2.0 virtual conference october 26th through the 28th full of worship word and over 20 learning labs to propel 2021 virtual conference will help you lead with agility and dexterity in these challenging times register for propel today and be entered into our amazing weekly tech giveaway go to and register now mount zion and friends join us for our tuesday morning prayer call with bishop walker now by phone or watch on ig and facebook live start your tuesday with 15 minutes of prayer and devotion each week at 7 00 a.m central standard time we look forward to you joining us and don't forget to invite your friends get ready for our new october bible study series understanding the ministry of the holy spirit this series taught by bishop walker will help you dive deeper into how the holy spirit works in our lives and how he empowers you to live out your life in victory join us online for the month of october each wednesday at 12 noon or 7 p.m central standard time on facebook youtube or the loud zion app hey members partners and friends have you spoke with bishop yet don't miss your chance every thursday on zoom for our virtual connect now at a new and earlier time 8 pm central standard time bring your thoughts prayer requests and even questions and meet a few more people all at the same time we can't wait to connect with you every thursday at 8pm we've enhanced our text to give option with three simple steps first draft a new text to 267 mtz seed that's 267 mtz s e e d second add a given keyword like tithes offering vision tv partner or other and third provide the amount for example to tithe twenty dollars type tithes twenty as the message you can also give online at or from the mount zion mobile app giving at mount zion is easier and more manageable [Music] hallelujah [Music] right [Music] [Music] right oh hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] i wanna [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] loves [Music] bless his holy name somebody lift your hands right now all over the sanctuary let's set an atmosphere conducive for the word of god just for these next few moments lift those hands towards heaven today church he's a worthy god the bible tells us that after the second coming of the lord jesus christ when it's all over and all preaching and praising all preaching and praying is over and done we'll sit around the throne and worship him with the angels forever and ever can we emulate that right now somebody just opened your mouth now don't pretend and don't don't play with if you really mean it now just open your mouth right now and just tell him how worthy he is in your life come on he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's on a good day he's worthy on a bad day he's worried he's he's worthy forever [Music] foreign down before him who sat on the throne [Music] and were [Music] before the throne [Music] lord god which was and is to come [Music] give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne [Music] [Applause] forever his name is holy [Music] is wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yes you are does anybody believe that he's worthy [Music] hallelujah [Music] we keep [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] say you are there [Applause] [Music] and you're so good lord we are going tonight we bless you we are the you we glorify you forever [Applause] [Music] nobody [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign day of the week every minute of the hours [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign more [Music] [Music] oh man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh come on give it glory come on give it glory he's worth it i said he's worthy [Applause] [Music] he's worthy when you worship god like that that's what miracles happen that's that's where breakthroughs come right there not asking him for anything but just adoring him just telling him lord you are worthy of all the glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] whoever you're watching right now from home i want you to know he's worthy yes he is the glory is in this house oh god for the setting of the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's i want you to go over today to an old testament passage [Music] an old testament passage of scripture out of a book you probably never read from but today you're going to learn something today in the book of ezra the book of ezra do you feel the power of god in this place today jackie storms we know you're watching and we're praying for you and your family and patrick and your family you know we're praying for you the loss of your father we got you covered i'm starting a series today called shift the atmosphere so father do it we're better to receive what you have for our lives we thank you for what you're gonna do today we're open for the manifestation of your presence and your glory use us to shift atmospheres in jesus name amen verse 8 says now in the second month of the second year of their coming to the house of god in jerusalem the rebel bear the son of salinity yale joshua the son of jesus jose deck the rest of the brotherhood the priests of the levites and all those who had come out of the captivity of jerusalem began work and appointed the levites from 20 years old and above to oversee the work of the house of the lord then jeshua with his sons and brothers cadmiel with his sons and the sons of judah rose is one to oversee those working on the house of god the sons of hinnidad with their sons and their brethren the levites the levites were worshippers listen and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the lord the priest stood in their apparel with trumpets and the levites the sons of ace of symbols to praise the lord according to the ordinance king david of israel and they sang responsibly praising and giving thanks to the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever toward israel that all the people shouted with a great shout and when they praised the lord because the foundation of the house of the lord was laid but many of the priests and levites the heads of the father's houses old men who had seen the first temple wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes yet menace shouted aloud for joy so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people but the people shouted with a loud shout and the sound was heard afar off you may be seated today i want to open up this series by telling you what's coming was worth it [Music] one of the most complicated things to process in areas to study in theology or the study of god is the sovereignty of god why does god allow certain things to happen have you ever gone through something and wondered why god didn't prevent it have you ever petitioned god for a particular thing and wondered why it never came to pass the sovereignty of god suggests that god can do whatever god wants to do when god is under no pressure or orders or governing authority other than himself as a consequence what we find comfort in is this one fact is whatever god allows it is designed to bless you it may appear based on what the enemy tells you that this is designed to destroy you but ultimately you will discover that god allows it to usher you into a greater destiny if god allowed it there's a blessing in it for my life now listen carefully because this word today is coming to us on the backdrop of the babylonian exile when god's people had experienced a traumatic event being separated from their homeland things that they held sacred had been destroyed and now they're beginning the process of rebuilding somebody i'm preaching to right now somebody watching me right now listen carefully your life has been disrupted by a series of events things that were very traumatic and if the truth be told you're having a little difficulty just trying to keep it all together these are moments that god will send his word in your life and god will remind you that you are to shift the atmosphere from one of lament and pity to one of expectation and anticipation regarding the next season he's about to take you into i need to talk to somebody today because i think it's important for you to know that we are acknowledging the pain in that season we're not putting our head in the sand and acting as if though that never occurred it did occur but i need you to understand what's coming to you is going to make all of what you experience worth it every tear you cried every person that rejected you everything that occurred i know sometimes when you look at it there's some pieces of that you wish would just go away you wish it would have never happened but please remember all things work together for good to those who love god and who are called according to his purpose and so i want you to understand that everything that happened even the devastation and the disruption is a part of a larger plan of god to move you toward the greatest season you've ever had in your life this word is going to give you confident consolation that god's hand never left you god's plan never abandoned you and what's coming was all worth it you know when you look at this book of ezra it's it's it's it's a very difficult and complicated book but it's a fascinating book because ezra was a jewish priest and a scribe scribe is just a fancy word for a writer ezra knew god and he knew god's law and his job was to continue to teach the jews about god even though they were captives living in another country and one day king david decided to let some jews go back to jerusalem to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed the temple was the place where they would gather for the presence of god the temple was the place they knew to be the place where god would meet them and instead of choosing some smart construction worker or engineer to lead the temple project guess who god chooses he chooses an ordinary writer a scribe named ezra can you imagine being in ezra shoes he was probably thinking now i don't know how to do that choose somebody else but this is what the story of ezra teaches us that god can use anybody to make a difference that no doubt never doubt the skills that you learn going through the experiences that god allowed you to go through because all of it was preparing you for stuff you didn't even know what's coming the major god led you to study the life skills god gave you going through the prayer life you got when your heart was broke the discernment you got when you realized who your real folk were your fake folk were i mean all of this was building something in you preparing you for your not yet might not make sense to you right now but trust me you're gonna look back on you're gonna thank god you're gonna say you know what it was all worth it you see you're gonna be high-fiving haters thanking them for what they took you through because it was all worth it ezra chapter 3 takes place the scripture says in the seventh month after the israelites settled into their towns watch this it was a great gathering in jerusalem regarding the construction and the altar that had already been gunned by joshua and at this point in the text we found the foundation of the temple was being laid and the levites the worshippers were now celebrating with symbols and songs instructed by king david and they saying of the goodness of god look at how good god has been to israel god never forgot about us and they began to praise god within this passage we find two things happening one generation is celebrating the completed foundation of the temple while another generation is weeping for what they saw before them allow me to introduce you to a new term found in the dualism of this text both sounds from each generation together is what scholars call a cacophony a cacophony is a term that means a harsh discordant mixture of sounds it's when you it's impossible to distinguish the shouts of praise from the shouts of grief some of you in your own house it's a cacophony some people excited about what god is about to do and some people shouted about what they lost a cacophony some of you are in relationships full of cacophonies you're excited about what god's doing in your life and somebody trying to hold you back to what it used to be you in a cacophony but i need you to understand something today people look god because i want you to understand that when you look at this text what you're going to find out is that there is a moment and those who recognize what god is about to do and the spirit of anticipation that you have a responsibility to shift the atmosphere that we can sit here and lament all day long or what it used to be or we can start opening up our mouth and giving god glory for what it's about to be i believe that there's some folk up in here right now watching me right now who can give god glory on what is about to come in your life listen but we have to examine this i want to break this down to you i really do i i promise you i'm not going to keep you alone but i want to break this down to you you have to get a perspective of the remnant who survived what's important in this transition is to understand that there was there were people in the transition who had survived the disruption and who were yet among the people see this is a unique perspective they have haggai chapter 2 and verse 3 even raised this question who among you remembers the temple and how do you see it now you see their perspective allows us to gain valuable insight into how god moved in that generation their perspective provides hope to those who may be going through right now and who need help you see there are some people listening to me right now that this is not your first rodeo with god you have seen god do things before you have seen god open up doors you have seen god make ways you literally are like david who declared i once was young but now i'm old i've never seen the righteous forsaken noise the seed begging bread because you have a different perspective and so when you're watching people go through right now you're like wait a minute now hold on now i've seen god do this before and if god did it before do it again here's the deal perspective matters why because the disruption did not derail your destiny occurred in exile it did not derail god's plans for his people look at me whatever they did to you whatever they said about you it did not derail god's destiny on your life jeremiah 29 11 says i know the thoughts i think towards you thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and to give you a hope please understand disruption may come but god is still in control yes disruption occurred but you still are going to graduate yes disruption occurred but you still are going to start that business yes disruption occurred but you're still going to be a homeowner yes disruption occurred but you will build your life again listen [Music] you want to know why because you survived for a reason lay your hand on yourself and say i survived this for a reason god never allows us to survive for nothing your very existence is about what god is planning to do in this next season when you think about all the people who didn't think you would ever make it to this point all the people who gave up on you and who wrote you off and said i don't know how you're going to rebound from that you ought to just give up they didn't realize that your god never leaves you in a place of stagnation the god you serve people of god is always making bigger plans for your life [Music] so you didn't survive to sit here and feel sorry for yourself you you didn't survive to sit around here and be a permanent victim you survive because you were supposed to join in with what god was doing in helping to rebuild this thing it's time for you to repeal it's time to rebuild your life it's time to rebuild your family it's time to rebuild your career it's time to rebuild your spiritual life it's time to rebuild your dreams out of the brokenness out of the rubbish it's a wonderful opportunity for you to start rebuilding i come to declare today you will rebuild i don't care what it looks like you will rebuild from this listen now now here's the deal you have got to learn how to praise god when the process of rebuilding starts listen the bible says when they began to rebuild the people shouted with a shout out okay they instantly responded with an act of gratitude at the very idea that there was movement what is interesting in this text is when you have experienced trauma like this and disconnect and you have experienced this kind of victimization and you have been in a place of stagnation and now you've gotten word that god is moving any movement you feel triggers a response that this is the beginning of momentum yo y'all got to hear me you got you you got to hear me i'm going to help somebody right here because see you're sitting around the devil wants you to be depressed and to be despondent and make you think ain't nothing happening but listen the bible says when they laid the foundation when they laid the foundation the people began to shout see rebuilding starts with the foundation oh glory there's no way you can rebuild anything without a solid foundation come in let me talk to you see the main purpose of a foundation is to support a building the role is far more important than just the standing stone the good and strong foundation keeps the building standing while the forces of nature wreak havoc ultimately a good foundation can keep anything away which could seriously undermine the structural integrity of the entire house so the foundation doesn't just hold the house up it also acts as a stabilizer to prevent movement from side to side i'm gonna help somebody up in here today and as it is true in construction it is also true in your life because there are so many people trying to build with a cosmetic perspective this is why you're trying to build your life on social media and you don't realize that ain't no foundation you got to build your life in the word you got to build your life in prayer you got to build your life in the presence of god so if you lost everything you would lose your mind preach bishop i'm doing the best i can [Music] let me bless you stay with me i'm going somewhere according to construction experts engineers will tell you a foundation has to be able to withstand dead loads and live loads a debt load is the weight and the load of the basic structure itself you see the dead load is called that because it remains constant that is the actual weight upon the load it's the dead load but then there is the live load which is the weight of people and other objects they bring to the foundation i'm gonna help somebody and if the dead load ain't right it can't handle the live loads y'all not hearing me that's why you have certain signs that say capacity weight limit because what they're trying to tell you the foundation has a certain weight limit what you need in your life is a certain kind of limit to say i'm carrying enough stuff already i need to know what my capacity is i got enough stuff i got to deal with rather than you bringing your drama for me to cat preach bishop i'm doing the best i can [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen me so you have your foundation is about your faith it's about your family it's about your focus if my faith is strong my family is strong my family is strong my focus is strong wait a minute and that's why you can be thankful every step of the way now i need to go on and on that you might need to watch out the person you're sitting around right now i'm telling you because the fact is they did not wait until the temple was completely rebuilt before they praised god they celebrated the progress as it was taking place i told you you better watch that person you sit next to you better watch that person in your house right now they shouted at the foundation you got to learn to give god glory for every step of the way stop being hard on yourself stop beating yourself up about what you haven't accomplished the fact that you got up this morning is one step of the way start celebrating to test your past celebrate the credit cards you're paying off celebrate one step at a time i'm not gonna wait until the whole building comes back i'm gonna take about 30 seconds right now and give god glory for the steps along the way i'm gonna give you 30 seconds to just give god glory in advance i'm praising god for the first day sober i'm praising god for the first day after the bad relationship i'm praising god for the first day i paid off a bill i never thought i would can you give him glory along the way [Music] listen now watch this watch this watch what's this watch this watch this now now now now that you got to get this here here's where ezra here's where ezra gets complicated watch this here's why ezra gets complicated while the people were doing exactly what you were doing there were people crying while you were shouting on every step of the way somebody in your house somebody you used to date [Music] somebody on your job over there in serious lament and you're trying to figure out why you not happy [Applause] you have to provide room for those who struggle with the shift one of the most interesting things in this text y'all is those who remember the first temple they had difficulty shifting to this new venture of rebuilding the bible says they began to cry loud it would appear on the surface they're being difficult because they didn't embrace the change but let's be very clear i've learned this in leadership but i'm gonna share with the world right now change affects people in different ways change affects people in different ways when i first started pastoring mount zion and god was growing the church so fast and there were a few people not many but there were a few people who struggled with the change a remnant who gave me pure hell i thought they were from the pit of hell like you you can't figure out why people resisting what god is doing in your life why are you not happy you telling people how god has opened the doors what god is doing you got a new business a new job you're in school well it's because change affects people in different ways when i wrote my dissertation i dealt with this because i realized that change is counter-intuitive to us we struggle with that all of us do we resist it naturally we fight against change right our hair turns gray and we dyed black when things anatomically started going south we lifted north it's it's it's our unrelenting fear of the inevitable shift happens with or without you but i had to do something i had to study this and the spirit of god spoke to me and said listen people were grieving the loss of the church as they once knew it it's not that they were resisting you they were struggling with the way things used to be and they couldn't wrap their mind around how they fit into where things were going and you got to give them space to process their emotions without demonizing them like you do they're people you grew up with y'all were cool and you trying your best to maintain the relationship as it's always been but i've got news for you it's not going to always be the way it always been because when god begins to elevate you you got to accept the fact you didn't change the situation change and it's hard for you because you're trying to manage their emotions and their difficulty in dealing with where you are in your life but the problem is people are god people struggling their emotions and that's nothing wrong with grieving loss grief is real they remember the formal things remember how it used to be you know people sending you messages like sending you old names you're like i ain't heard that name in years why are you still calling me that i'm in a whole different season because they remembered how things used to be memories they had stories if you notice nobody corrected them nobody rebuked them they gave them space to grieve because when you were shifting the atmosphere you got to be aware of how change affects everybody but there is a season you got to allow those who struggle to cry but then there is a moment there comes a moment where the prevailing response should be a shout the text says that the cry of lament went on simultaneously while the cry of praise went on the shout of praise and the people who were excited about what's coming shouted so the bible says you couldn't tell who was crying and who would shout a cacophony but this is the moment when god says i need somebody to shift the atmosphere listen to me listen to me oh this is gonna be this is gonna be really interesting with these masks going up in here listen to me people of god you have to understand weeping has its place but the bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning here's the word of the lord for somebody today the glory ahead should be greater than the grief behind i said the glory ahead has got to be greater than the grief behind see shifting the atmosphere suggests that the voices of what's coming had to be greater than the voices of what's been it doesn't mean that i disrespect you or disregard your feelings it just means that this is a moment that god has raised up a people who recognize that god takes us from glory to glory that god is not a stagnant god remember the prophet haggai when he said the glory of the latter house will be greater than that of the farmer which means that the prevailing voice ought to be a shout and the shout out to be louder than the cry i said the shout out to be louder than the cry i said the shout out to be louder than the cry wait a minute this i leave this with you this noise is necessary [Music] some people have a problem with noise i know what that's like i grew up in church and people had a problem with noise you know they really wanted blessed quietness all that boo-boo all that noise in church but the bible says in psalm 100 make a joyful noise unto the lord this is going to be very interesting with these masks going up in here listen to me make a joyful noise to the lord see noise is complicated right for a lot of people because some people don't like noise but let me help you understand something that's a theological understanding of noise noise is a shout it's a shout noise is listen here it is information i'm trying to communicate when i try to communicate it it comes up on the other side of articulation information i'm trying to communicate when i try to communicate it it comes up on the other side of articulation i grew up in church in shreveport louisiana and uh i was a church drummer and mother pearly and jones she was 102 when she died she could not read or write but she knew the bible and with and john's one of their mothers you know they had them white stalkers you can see through them nets on their head and their eyes are bloodshot red those are the mothers you were afraid to get up and walk out of church they pinch and tell you to sit down so yeah we were just kids you know we were just kids you know no better i'm the drummer and the spirit but get just right in church you know uh we want to see mother pearl and jones do this thing now i ain't got no sense i'm just a little kid spear be just right they say do it do it so there i was foolish but the pearl and jones would stand up with them white stockings on over there and she just said boy that was the funnest thing i ain't lying y'all i loved it i what could not wait to get to church to see mother pearline say that was the highlight of my day until i grew up and i realized in that um [Music] was something god had done for mother jones she was trying to tell us about but nouns and verbs were not enough syntax and grammar could not contain it when she thought about how good god had been the only thing that came out of her mouth was some noise now i'm going to give you about 60 seconds to think about the last 18 months of how god brought you through what he brought you through and i want to know can the shout of glory crown out the cry of pain i want to know there's somebody here when you think of the goodness of [Music] somebody watching me right there open up your mouth and give god a shout [Music] that is i'm talking about giving god glory oh for listen for getting those things watch it which are behind me reaching to those things which are before i press i press i go through whatever i got to go through because what i realized it was all worth it i need somebody right now who's not ashamed to give god glory for what is on the way i need somebody who can give god glory [Music] we need to send the devil a message we need to send the devil a message you know whenever our train comes down the track a train is carrying precious cargo and a train begins to sound a whistle and what the train is saying i'm gonna need you to get off this track because it's gonna take too long for me to stop so either you get off the track or you don't get run over i'm trying to tell the devil by my praise i'm on my way to what god has for my life and anything in the way i'm giving it fair warning now get off the track my blessing's on the way somebody give him glory up in here [Music] it was all worth it it was all worth it it was all just point to somebody to tell them it was all worth it [Music] find somebody else point to them and tell them it was all worth it [Music] yes it was [Music] yes it was yes it was yes [Music] please be seated [Music] so when that devil that devil comes at you the devil tries to throw things in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] please be seated every head bow please be seated you're watching me around the world listen to me [Music] he's a liar he's a liar [Music] he's a deceiver he's a deceiver [Music] a deceiver too [Music] god it's not because god it's not true it's not true some of you came here today and you were you were waiting you've been waiting on a blessing seemed like you're never won't come and it seems that it just won't come doors was shot the doors were shut things got so rough people said it was over for you they wrote you off and said just give up and it seemed that you were but when you go to work tomorrow when you go on that campus tomorrow when you walk into that situation you're going with your shoulders squared and you declare but the devil but the devil [Music] he's a liar he is a liar he's a deceiver [Music] [Music] it's not true [Music] blessing you [Music] god [Music] you're watching me right now it's not tears of your eyes but just remember he's not through blessing you hold your head up and just declare god [Music] he's not true [Music] blessing you i remember my mama telling me this when i was young y'all cuz whatever whatever whatever the lord promised anybody can be a witness he's able he's able to do [Music] god is not true listen to me while every hair that's bound every eye is closed i want you to hear me if you need a relationship with jesus christ if you need to recommit your life to him you need that joy restored in your life if you if you need a church home a covering by watch care you move to nashville that you don't have a church home listen it doesn't matter what the nomination your color you are it's about you being where god wants you to be it's about a relationship with jesus and right now what i want you to do i want you to stand while every head is bound and eye is closed i want you to stand right now i want you to make that decision it's a personal decision i see you thank you i don't care if you're watching i want you to make this decision by standing in your home standing in your job stand now stand stand i see you i see you because god god would bring you to this place today to hear a message from a book you probably never read before but god gave you revelation that will change you forever it's not about lamenting about what you've been it's about giving god glory about where you're going come on stand right now right now that's it that's it i believe this is the moment i see you i see you come on stand right now come on come on right now come on right now this is not about my friend it's about where you going it's about what god is doing in your life come come stand that's it that's it i see you i see you i see you stand that's it that's it bless you bless you bless you bless you stay in this is your moment this is your moment stan stand this is your moment blessing that's it come on come on come on don't miss this god moment don't listen the bible says the day you hear my voice heart are not your heart come stand it's not true [Music] then what i want you to do listen right now while you're standing and while you're watching me around the world are you making this decision on the screen right now is a number 63975 i want you to take your phone right now listen this is the way we do it the technology i want you to take your phone but don't wait to get home do it right now take your phone and i want you to text the word salvation to 63975 do it now do it now do it now do it now don't wait don't don't delay this is that moment you got to do it now do it now do it like a coupon came on your phone and said you got 20 seconds before you gonna lose it do it now this is your life hanging in the balance salvation six three nine seven five and our minister is gonna respond to you immediately you're gonna get a response and we're gonna follow up with you you're gonna be connected to our team and they're gonna take you on the process of discipleship mount zion i want you to put your hands together help me thank god for every one of these souls all over this place all over the world right now i see them coming in right now on my phone i see you thank you please be seated thank you so much we're going to share now in the lord's supper we're thankful to god every first sunday everyone who came in the building should have the elements before you if you don't have them just let our ushers know they'll bring it to you now those of you at home i know you have your crackers and juice every first sunday we share the lord's supper together how many folk thank god for the blood how many people thank god for the blood i mean really thank god for the blood yes lord yes lord my god come on stand with us now come on i thank god [Music] [Applause] [Music] streaming [Music] that what [Applause] [Music] made the difference it was on that night after supper the lord jesus christ he took bread he blessed it and break it and gave it to his disciples and said take eat all of this in remembrance of me [Music] and then he took the cup and said this is the cup of the new testament shed for the remission of your sins as often as you drink this you show forth the lord's death until they come again drink all of this in remembrance of men have you been blessed today as you leave out today there are receptacles at the door just dropped them in the receptacle but on our screen today is our final declaration we say it every sunday at the end of service let's declare this together today come on i've received my instructions i've been equipped with god's word i'm ready and will see victory because of what i heard protect my mind my body and spirit help me to watch and pray i trust you with tomorrow and thank you for stream today may the lord bless and keep you and may he make his face shine upon you and may you go in grace and peace and may your shout of praise be greater than your lament of pain in jesus name amen love y'all be blessed thank you for tuning in god bless you the difference [Music] you
Channel: mtzionnashville
Views: 5,899
Rating: 4.9781423 out of 5
Id: Gr-colfHFB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 27sec (5667 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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