Mount ZionBible Study | High Achievers | Part 5

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our god is holy our god is awesome we serve an incredible god serve a faithful god he's all that and more [Music] your name is holy you're so holy [Music] god is holy if you don't mind come on and just lift up your voice with me and declare it tonight [Music] [Music] your name's how holy you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is [Music] is [Music] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody know he's a healer i wanna be encouraged right where you are our god is a healing god your name is [Music] [Music] all that [Music] [Music] away [Music] you are everything you are more than enough [Music] and give us some god an awesome praise well welcome to bible study we are in part five can you believe it part five of this powerful series on being a high achiever i want you to stand by because bishop walker is coming to tell us how to be resilient i'm so excited about this portion as we conclude this i'm pastor diamond and i'm excited to welcome you to this place and this time for bible study this is a place it's intimate where we grow in god in the word of god and we grow together as a community listen this series is sure to bless your life so go ahead take a moment and share this with someone share with a family member a co-worker or a friend and let them know that the word of god is getting ready to take place we want to make sure that the world hears this word i know you've been blessed thus far just tell the truth i know you've been blessed so go ahead and let someone else be the benefactor of what's getting ready to take place now before we get into this word i want you to do me a favor would you follow our leaders on instagram twitter and facebook go ahead it's on the screen for you to go ahead and follow them at josephwalker3 and at dr steph walker on all three platforms that you see listed on your screen your timeline will be better because of it listen i am so excited about what's getting ready to take place but i know that anytime i come to hear the word of god i've got to make sure that i come with the seed to sow in good ground i know that mount zion is good ground and we can all testify that god has been good to us that god has been better than good to us that god has provided for us and made ways out of no ways so that's why we've come to sew into good ground there are the options that are right there on the screen for you to give many options as you can give electronically as you have done thus far we thank you for your kind and liberal giving into the kingdom of god into good ground now before we go into the word as you're giving in this moment we want to make sure that we pray and open up our hearts open up our minds for what's getting ready to take place at this time this series has been so powerful as god has called us not to just live low lives but god has called us to live as high achievers will you pray with me for one moment lord we thank you for this time that we've come to learn more about your word we bless your name for you have done so many marvelous things throughout this series god we've heard the testimonies of people who started the series and where they are now in the series and how you have blessed their lives tremendously and we declare now even before we hear this last part that we're going to leave this series better than when we came in it is in jesus name that we pray and we say together amen come on bishop will you take us into part five of this powerful series high achievers well god bless you listen i'm thankful thank you so much pastor diamond and of course we're excited to go right into part five of this series of high achievers and i want to go right into this on resilience now resilience romans chapter 5 verse 1-5 therefore we've been justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ to him we've also obtained access by faith into the grace in which we stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of god more than that we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because god's love has been poured out into our hearts to the holy spirit who's been given to us the scripture that i've just read to you describes the amazing benefits that come with declaring righteousness or being declared righteous before god by faith christ's death for our sins god gave us peace with him that's important because we stand in this grace we rejoice in the hope that we share in his glory and our suffering brings growth whatever we go through it always produces something which leads us to a more potent hope when we talk about resilience it means that even in facing difficulties head on and we fall into despair or we use these unhealthy coping mechanisms we realize that something else needs to be done resilience is often defined as the mental reservoir of strength that helps people handle stress and hardships but resilient people are able to draw upon this strength and cope to recover from the challenges they endure and that's true even we face significant traumas we have job loss financial problems serious illness relationship challenges and the death of loved ones resilience also means understanding that life is full of challenges and while we cannot avoid many of the problems we experience and we can't we can remain open and flexible and even willing to adapt to change let's talk about what resilience is not what is not because being resilient doesn't mean that a person won't experience difficulty or the stress doesn't mean that people who have suffered major adversity or trauma in their lives commonly experience emotional pain and stress it's a natural part of the process in fact the role to resilience is likely to involve considerable emotional stress and while certain factors might make some people more resilient than others resilience isn't necessary or a personality trait that only some people possess on the contrary resilience involves behaviors think about it thoughts actions that anyone can learn and even develop the ability to learn resilience is one of the reasons research has shown that resilience is ordinary not extraordinary it really is so let's really break it down what is resilience let's let's talk about it psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity adaptation to trauma tragedy threats significant sources of stress such as family or relationship problems serious health problems a workplace of financial stresses and as much as resilience involves bouncing back from these difficult experiences it also involves profound spiritual growth i talk about this all the time you never go through something without growing in it put this in the chat whatever i go through i will grow through so we have these adverse events much like rough river waters and they're certainly painful and difficult they don't have to determine the outcome of your life you go through them but you have to grow to them and there are many aspects of your life you can't control you can't modify you just have to grow with it that that's the role of resilience becoming more resilient not only helps you get through difficult circumstances it also empowers you to grow and even improve your life along the way remember september 11th 9 11. we all remember what happened on that day you know where you were you remember the day you woke up it was just a normal day and our country was brutally attacked when our country was brutally attacked the amazing thing about the people of the united states is our resilience when terrorists attacked us we rebuilt lives people rebuilt families that was a trauma like we've never seen before and we saw the best of people come together surround each other because we understood then like never before what it meant to be all and to pull ourselves back together the trauma was real but the resilience was even greater and like building a muscle increasing your resilience takes time intentionality and use these strategies listen here's some characteristics of resilient people i want you to think about this for a second resilient people are aware of situations their own emotional reactions which i call eq and their behavior of those around them so by remaining aware having situational awareness they maintain control of the situation and they think of new ways to tackle problems in many cases resilient people emerge stronger after difficulties they got some bounce back that's why you have to sense who is in control the 24th psalm gives us clarity concerning this the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and all those who dwell in it for he has founded it upon the seas and established it among the waters who may ascend to the hill of the lord who will stand in his holy place he who has a clean hand and a pure heart who has not lifted up his soul to an idol nor sworn deceitfully see generally resilient people tend to have what psychologists call internal locus of control they believe that the actions they take will affect the outcome of an event but as believers we know who's in control which may seem to others like we are but we know how to stay calm amidst chaos we know because god's in control that's why we build yourself up in your most holy faith because we know no matter what's happening i don't have to know what's happening why it's happening as long as i know who is in control jude 1 20-21 says beloved build yourself up in your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit keeping yourself in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life let's look at how to solve problems because problem solving skills is tied to your resilience because when a crisis emerges you can either panic or you can be solution oriented resilient people are able to spot the solution that will lead to a safe outcome because in a dangerous situation less resilient people will develop tunnel vision and they'll fail to note important details and take advantage of opportunities simply put brazilian people able to calmly and rationally look at the problem and envision a successful solution now this goes along with the ability to regulate your emotions effectively the ability to respond and not react remember you know you you have a spiritual gps to help you navigate the problems of life he's called the holy spirit psalm 50 and 15 says call on me end the day of trouble and i will deliver you hallelujah and you shall glorify me isn't that good news then how do you have self compassion well this is big because resilience is often parallel with strength but but but i'd like to to really combat this superhero mentality because resilient people are compassionate for themselves and know when they need to take a break they also know when it's too much for them i'm not walking around like i'm some superhero like i got it i got it i can do it i know how to cast my cares on him why is he essential for you to know when to ask for help to recognize your own humanity to realize and recognize that you are fearfully and wonderfully made according to psalm 139 and when you recognize and internalize god's compassion and acceptance of you you create a mentality that's healthy a mindset that's healthy because if you succumb to self-hatred you are dishonoring god's creation you got to accept your value remember last week accept your value amidst your sin and failure and recognize yourself as a person who is both flawed yet loved by god flawed but loved by god and if you've ever undergone bullying or cruelty or abuse from others this can have an extremely detrimental effect on your ability your to function your identity your self-worth sometimes you'll blame yourself struggle with feelings of guilt and and worthlessness but meditating on god's word and his compassion and kindness towards you can help you embrace his love in a more powerful and profound and personal way you know resilience manifests in different ways you know and they've been teaching this series you know about what our faith looks like and our disciplines look like you know and all these different things we talked about but how does this work in our real life remember esther it's a powerful story right that's the two and seven mordecai brought up hadassah that is esther his uncle's daughter for she had neither father nor mother the young woman was lovely and beautiful when her father and mother died mordecai took her as his own daughter and the book lists the problems of esther's young life her parents died she was raised by her male relative mordecai and she was a jewish captain but from esther we learned a few lessons pay attention the obstacle is not the end esther took the suffering that she experienced as an orphan and used it to make her stronger she knew what it felt like to be lonely she knew that she had to overcome her pain as a child like some of you but she had the resilience within herself to face every new challenge and when she stepped into the palace she used these obstacles of her past as stepping stones instead of excuses and she chose to use her pain instead of being suffocated by it man then you got to reach out to help others for help or reach out to others for help we often think we need to forge our own paths without anybody's help esther was the queen she could have decided to use just her own resources to try to save the jewish people but she instead reached out to every single jewish person in am israel the jewish nation and begged them to pray for her she needed their prayers she knew in her heart that ultimately we'll rise and fall together she had the humility to be able to say what some of us need to say i need your help please fight beside me please pray with me and resilience is fueled by persistence because when esther risked her life and walked toward the king to beg for her nation she felt the divine presence of god and she felt the divine presence began to leave her and she felt weak and afraid like she couldn't go on faith doesn't mean you always feel strong and courageous there are times in which your knees will buckle but faith means that you're persistent even when you're exhausted and afraid and esther never gave up when she felt like she couldn't go in instead she prayed she demanded to know god why have you left me i need you and she found the faith to reach out to beg for strength and to find a way to make the impossible possible she kept moving forward until she reached the king you know the story of joseph man you know this is one of my favorite stories my name say stories are bouncing back from almost unimaginable crises these characters in the bible are frequently able to renew their lives after catastrophic occurrences that's what resilience is which are usually mind-blowing to many of us and spiritually demolishing when you think about a lot of the stuff that was designed to take you out and you look at how you bounce back that's called resilience after a traumatic event think about it for a moment the steps all of us can take as christians and human beings to assist us before trouble sets into ourselves when life-altering moments present themselves with cyclonic force joseph can be thought of as a comeback king his brothers plan to kill him because they were jealous of his prized garment a coat of many colors but they eventually sold him to slavery in egypt but as the story is told in the book of genesis joseph worked for a man who placed him in jail in egypt because of a lie and during this time in prison joseph interprets dreams for others and the talent joseph possessed leads him to be ruler leads him to the ruler and ultimately elevates him to rule in some aspect to to literally be a distributor of resources throughout the kingdom in a time of famine after he interprets the dream he's given this great position of influence and he manages the agricultural efforts of egypt he was in charge of distributing the food man his brothers finally approach him after he ascends to his post y'all know how this plays out ten years later joseph's brother need food he told them who he was and joseph forgave them for what they had done to him earlier his brothers and father moved to egypt to be with joseph and joseph teaches us to recognize that we can't determine what our future holds and we also can't determine who we pass bread out to because unforeseen circumstances sometimes push us to a place but you've got to have a spirit of positivity an attitude that looks back over what you've experienced in your life and your resilience should come to this point joseph declares it you thought evil against me but god meant it for my good that's how joseph's story plays out that's how resilience plays out we don't know what the future holds could be it can be you know unknown to us we know god has a plan so how do i maintain a resilient life well a life change is not life's end just because circumstances change don't internalize disasters change is certain in life try to be optimistic find the bright side in your dark moment recall past problematic situations and build strength for those things and you saw god work then you know god can work now be determined to continue on with life be willing to give and receive support right that's what esther did give with friends who experienced similar events spiritual truth exists which states we all have experienced suffering shared help eases the burden and likewise you gotta be willing to listen care about other people's concerns and don't be a receiver of empathy and compassion but be open to what god wants to do by providing emotional support second corinthians chapter one verse three through five says blessed be the god and the father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies the god of all comfort who comforts us all in our tribulation wow that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble and with the conflict with which we ourselves are comforted by god for as the sufferings of christ abound in us so our consolation also bounds to christ how about we step back and just relax and reflect how about we take a breather when crisis erupts count to ten i mean that give your body and mind time to reconsider the situation don't act on your emotions respond don't react think about strategies which can help you and your future events come through these moments the way in which god will be glorified know that you come through it these tragic events and you can watch a pleasant sunset or sunrise take a walk contemplate your present condition then make a list of resources available to you and realize that there are unknowns which we can never control and understand life is full of uncertainty and it is but take time regularly to focus on what you can control and that's how you get a rewarding outcome y'all you got to learn over the span of your life and i've learned this things will eventually work out as believer you got to have the assurance to know i reflect and i've seen god turn it around and turn it around i got to stay resilient to know things will eventually work out so don't get stressed relax reflect because i found out you got to remember the lord is in control and when you understand that we're just stewards down here he's ultimately in control at the end of the day you got to remember romans 8 36-39 as it is written for your sake we are cured all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter and all these things we are more than conquerors to him who loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come nor heighten or dealt nor any other created things shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord now verse 37 is what gets me yet in all these things don't read that too quickly the writer reminds us that there are many factors that are trying to hold you down that are trying to disconnect you from god and disrupt your destiny yet you are more than conquerors more the clutter of your life right now more than a conqueror that's what resilience looks like ladies and gentlemen high achievers they know what resilience looks like and what you've gone through over these last 18 months you have survived more than some people have survived their entire life understand the power of resilience and you'll continue to be successful listen you can't do this by yourself you need a relationship with jesus christ here it is salvation i want you to text the word salvation to 639-75 you need to get back right with god salvation 63975 need a church home need a covering you want to be a part of this ministry text salvation to 639-75 do it now and watch what god will do we'll follow up with you i want to thank you i've been blessed to teach this series i hope you've been blessed by it i pray god's blessings be upon you now may the lord bless you and yours that's our prayer until we meet again be blessed thank you so much for tuning in to today's bible study and i pray you have been blessed you know we here at mount zion believe god has allowed us to grow as disciples and as a consequence we believe our time talent and treasure matters we are mature believers and i want to give you an opportunity if you missed it earlier to sow to give if you've been blessed i want you to put seed into good ground through your tithe your offering sow a liberal seed right now the platforms are right here make sure you do that and we thank god also let us know if you're being blessed we would love to hear from you and we appreciate you so much may god bless you is our prayer
Channel: mtzionnashville
Views: 1,929
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Id: NmzL0thi4jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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