Microsoft Flight Simulator LIVE | Real 737 Pilot | IFR Demonstration

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do [Music] well a very good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to another fly deck sim live stream today it's the 20th of august 2020 it's uh 38 minutes past eight here in the evening in the united kingdom and welcome back to microsoft flight simulator uh a kind of uh carrying on with the theme of microsoft flight simulator due to the popularity of the videos at the moment i can't believe both of my last two live streams already have had over 200 000 views so we're kind of keeping up with the theme they're exploring the simulator a little bit more and today we're going to have a little bit more structure to the stream the last two we've just uh we've just been kind of flying and looking at all the different things but today we're actually going to complete two flights now all becks very kindly got in touch and um showcased and allowed me to use their scenery which they've just released for microsoft flight simulators that's london city leeds innsbruck and we're going to use all three of those today so we're going to do the first sector from london city uh we're going to be going to leeds bradford flight time in around one hour so i think we're going to do that in the cessna caravan and then once that flight's complete we're going to go from salzburg to innsbruck quite a short flight 30 minutes we're going to use the uh beechcraft baron for that and i'm just going to demonstrate sort of some instrument flying for you now i think for the first sector what we're going to do is live time live weather and that way we could enjoy a bit of a sunset and then actually a night approach into leads but i might actually have a little bit of a play uh with the setting so i'm sure that we have some daylight the second sector oh i don't know i haven't tested it yet i might use snow but i think the icing is quite aggressive in microsoft flight simulators we might end up in an icy hole in the ground but i think it'd be quite exciting to do so we'll have a look about it uh there um so that's it i hope you're doing very well anyway you can see lots of the members are in the chat as well because adam freckles dan bennett commander jeddah hopefully saw anthony t was here tim fraser hope you're doing very well he says get back into the zebo mod we're going to be back at expo 11 at some point guys but uh yeah microsoft flight series are having just being released with the popularity of the videos uh i'll be keeping with this theme for a short while longer anyway let's uh jump on into microsoft flight simulator now i'm gonna sort of show you how to set it up as well we're gonna have a look at some of the um features there now let me know as well in chat i've hopefully managed to get navigraft up and running as well uh there we go so for those who don't know navigraph is a very useful chart uh company chart database i'd recommend using them i think there might be some separate thing coming out for microsoft in time but um i've essentially programmed a little basic route for us today starting off in london city and we're gonna depart here might do a little bit of a vfr flight down the thames estuary but then we're gonna head northbound we're gonna head initially towards the brookman's park vor i'm not real really following any airways today in reality you'd have to get zone transits and things like that we're going to go off to the gamston vr we'll show you how to tune the vrs and navigate using them and then we're going to head north west towards leeds bradford and i think the runway and you stay gonna be runway 1-4 with the wind we're going to use live weather today um just having a little look at the weather in leeds now uh on the meta on my phone if it loads up yeah six zero eleven not so definitely runway one four so we'll do an ndp procedural approach into leads bradford uh then the second sector we'll load that up later on but i've just selected the first sector there but yes uh i hope to get my second monitor set up i had to get a hdmi dp cable uh ordered which should be on its way with me tomorrow then i'll be able to flick between things a lot more uh er easier a lot easier for you guys anyway let's jump into the sim so world map i think we're gonna take the cessna caravan for this first sector um just because got a rough idea of how to work it compared to the others uh and then for the second one we're gonna do the beachcraft baron which i'm gonna fly like the scenic i've got my old seneca checklist for that so let's start off in london city and let's go on a random status or zoom on in that is actually one of my uh members a350 aviator where is he i'm not sure but uh where's another city we're over here look um so let's give ourselves a little stand we runway zero nine for departure yeah one six zero eleven so let's go here setters departure i'm going to go to leads that is echo call for november mike leads bradford and we'll use runway 1 4. now we're going to select here uh oh they've got all these different options here so i think if you select low altitude airways and leave the option select cits and stars but i'm just going to leave it direct and then we'll navigate using the vr you see it's going to take 47 minutes or so and we'll use lifetime the sun's just about set so i think it'll look pretty good so we'll have live traffic live time live weather so that's all good and we're pretty much ready to go so now let's select fly aj what content is he on uh in real life uh i'm in europe in the uk and the same with the stream uh peter is there a free equivalent of navigation you can find a lot of free charts available but i'd recommend navigraph it's about 10 euros a month but you get a lot with that wow 2 000 people are watching i mean prior to microsoft flight simulator releasing i've been streaming for about two years the highest amount of views i ever got was it was 1800 uh last stream we had 8 800 people watching at one point absolutely crazy so if you enjoyed the video smash the thumbs up button look i'm a professional streamer 235 likes to 2 300 viewers that is not a good ratio anyway yes we're going to hopefully demonstrate some nice instrument flying for you today anyway captain moose fatson no i know vatsim is available for microsoft flight simulator and i'm part of the beats about some had time to get around testing it but um we will be on that symbol microsoft flight simulator very soon that voice is concerned yes it's a smoking flight please wait for the new spooky light to switch off by pilot hey we fly alpaca airways we allow smoking at all times nightbot's here with the weather in london city two three zero three knots 10k 22 degrees q h is one zero zero three but it's looking very nice everywhere in the uk uh will brazil what are your pc specs they should be in the video description below unless i forgot to update it again but i do think we have updated it yes all you need to scroll down the video description and find all of that uh michael nonsense how has your work been affected by kovind 19 i had four months on furlough i went back to work only three weeks ago so yeah make a keep an eye on social media i'd take the odd a few like likes i think the odd few photos here and there as well wow thanks guys 500 likes just like that that's what i usually get in a normal stream it's just absolutely crazy uh charlie pryor did you fly real life today now i'm on my days off aj very commonly asked question i'm sure all of the uh members or moderators will help you out there [Music] says find my house thanks listen oh wow look at this it's gonna be proper night time here we go i love the city now it's up to you do you want to leave it at live time and do a bit of a night flight or do you want me to crank the time back an hour so we can enjoy a sunset let me know let me know i think it looks pretty epic at night to be fair right let's go ready to fly all the lighting's on for me already so this is uh orbeck's london city uh which is oh my sims just having a little bit of an fps usually it's all loading and i've got the city pack here um i have a little explore of the airport first so if i go to showcase and i think if i remember rightly yes i had this drone camera i'm not a big fan of it it's uh not as good as x-planes um camera system in fact i can't even remember how to rotate there we are so yeah i mean it's typical orbex quality uh very high quality i mean look at that night night time night i guess we'll just do live time live weather then a bit of authenticity won't it but yes it does look uh i have the um orbeck scenery for london city as well i mean i'll have a little bit of a explore look at that you can see some traffic there i think that'll be this is i've got live live real world traffic on there so you can see i'm struggling with this camera how do i twist it uh there we go but yes it does look resplendent look we've got all the spotlights here you can even uh i think you can even look inside the buildings perhaps i'm not sure anyway you're all here to see me fly not to mess around with the camera views but so yes go check out the all work scenery all right let's uh how do i jump back into the flight deck oh no that's not it uh cockpit i think i'll just do that there we are i'm looking at uh oh my goodness have i got a have i got a uh wow on my head it would appear i have a cave as light or a fire that's like whatever you want to call it that's pretty cool that's something i don't have in real life uh who we got here thank you very much david g for the five dollars glad to hear you're back doing some work flying captain thank you very much david g i'm sure it's nice to be back flying again thanks again alan davis who's been here for a long time for the five pounds he'll be um missing all the weather over northern ireland and west of scotland looking forward to another live stream which will no doubt be awesome thank you very much and dave it's very very kind yes i do have a lamp adam see if someone's put it on my head right anyway let's uh i'm not sure if i like it or not um how do i turn it off that's the main thing right let's get some power here i've got the little default checklist here to get us started so pre-flight uh let's get there oh my goodness man let's get the fuel selectors on how much fuel did i actually select for this sector i hope uh i hope we've got sufficient um it's a very basic chest checklist for the caravan as well generate no engine ignition switch to normal which it already is prop lever to idle really i think we'll put fall forward on that uh oh power level tide i was going to say uh properly for max rpm starting engines all right battery very basic checklist uh put the beacon on tells the ground crew to stay well clear of the aircraft uh which is just here avionics number switch uh number one switch on i vaguely remember having to leave the avionics off when i was doing my instrument rating uh thank you very much darren has just joined again as a member welcome board sir glad you are re-enjoying the content is that a word it is now thank you very much buddy welcome back uh well oh all right the avionics master switch seems to ah that's really cool so when it's cold and dark they simulate that you have the torch on and then when you put the avionics on obviously the flight deck lighting is available so it turns the light off that's a really really cool thing i like that fuel boost pump on then and we're gonna get get um we'll get the nf craft starter engines running and then we'll um load up the fmc and i think we're gonna we're gonna avoid using the gps we're gonna use conventional navigation thank you very much eddiston being here uh since before the streams awesome to keep see how far the channels come keep it up man thank you so much buddy and uh okay tours that'll be some sort of train awareness warning system thanks noah that's very kind you have indeed here being from the start so thank you very much indeed that's very very kind of here uh here we go here in flick for the two pounds where are you next flying to love the streams is that in real life that is something i won't disclose particularly as my next destination might be my operator but i'm going to all sorts of places next week we'll do parmesan mallorca doing ib for doing a faro as well but uh there we go thanks but where are we going today we're going from london city to leeds right i'm all over the place here let's put the starter motor on so yeah this this aircraft it's okay it's it's um perhaps not as detailed with the checklist to say that the cessna 1772 is but the cessna 172 slightly longer flight that i wanted i've been about an hour and 20 minutes or so in order to keep it reasonably short thanks everyone that's subscribing as well welcome poor guys thanks a lot adam as well uh for the two dollars love the streams he says thank you very much it's a fuel conditioning lever low idle okay we'll leave that fully rich press here to continue oh my god it's burning my eyes it's even dark in my office uh fuel booster that's it really let's have a look outside make sure it's all what we're doing what we wanted to do there we are he's standing a little bit precariously close um we're not going to use the atc either today because we're going to be navigating so we've got wing lighting on so put the nav lights on no smoking on scene cabin on a little bit we should be there we are in it golf oh no i forgot to change the wrench that's the shame oh i thought it would be gold up uh anyway right so here's the um basic routing in oh someone's at the someone's at the door could you hear me guys can you uh can you just give me one minute i think someone's at the door here i'm so sorry it's the neighbors i told mariana to say i'm streaming um and uh did you actually hear the doorbell as well i hope you like the doorbell sound there um that that you sort of fix i never have it during the during the live stream oh my god it's still ringing mario's talking to them typical says tim waters you've got it right thank you very much uh fearless for the donation as well very very kind right anyway let's show you these navigraph charts here um just to remind you where we're going let me just uh find my charts there we are so uh here we are under city we're gonna take off of runway zero nine here we're gonna go east i think we're just gonna have a little bit of a visual tour of london at night and then eventually once we're done we're gonna head direct to the uh brookman's park voir here we'll tune that up seventeen five actually you know watching up right now after departure so 117 decimal five um we're then going to go uh northbound towards um gamston and then from gamston we're going to root direct to elite bradford which has an ndb so we're going to do that here just give us two seconds guys sorry guys um it would appear that uh dog jack escaped uh the house that was what the issue was so pretty that's completely my fault i'm so sorry so yeah we have a labrador called jack has a bit of a rush before the stream i went to go get food from the garage and i left the front door i put a jacket got out and we hadn't really just realized we're pretty lucky there i can't believe that right anyway uh let's concentrate on the stream so let's get that um vor tuned which is 117.5 thank you very much djib for um the membership world cup also glad to enjoy the contest automatically invited to our members only discord uh cool so let's get the vor tuned 117 decimal five there we go we'll put that active uh yeah it's already picking up and you see that the course deviation course deviation indicators already come alive um so what you can do here you can set the course you can actually work out what radio uh you're on straight away here so where is the course adjuster that's looking actually we need to set the qh because someone in chat find out what the q and h or inches of mercury is for one zero zero three so in the uk i got i can't be quick enough to convert that uh so let's change the course you can actually work out what rage you're on so you keep spinning that you see when the the course deviation indicators are lined like this that tells you what rage you're on so the tail of the needle we're on the 159 radial from brookman's park so obviously we're going to go flight visual and then we just simply need to align the course deviation indicator when we're finished doing our our visual fly and go from there um cool what altitude where's the altitude selector here how if someone could remember how to set the altitude indicator here that would be really useful because i want to preset here i don't know 4 000 feet which would be a good flight i'll shoot to go to i'm not sure a two-niner six one thanks guys you don't like excellent first offices 30 20 10. so that's uh i should now be the elevation of london city which is uh pretty much sea level there uh thank you very much know i found this three times are you a real dog owner i know i can't believe that i can't do that uh fabi hands with the rmi you can read the radio straight away yes i have i got an rmi in here uh i think you could turn it on um not with this there is a way pfd yeah there we go so you can see look the tail of this needle uh nav one it's already aligned with the green ones if i adjust the courses slightly you can see yeah if you've got an rmi here you can always see what radio on with the with the blue line so that's pretty cool right anyway less talking more action now let's take off from zero nine and uh have a little look of london city so release the parking brake off we go altitude on the out select knob uh oh yes here it is now i can see it now perfect um i'll set that to four thousand feet then later on um yeah that's that's great because earlier i was in the uh lighting issue um earlier on i was in the baron and i couldn't work out how to set the um the altitude there so i'll have a play with that later wow there's 4 000 people watching thank you so much that's incredible about us thank you very very much uh i need to oh my goodness me i need to turn the lighting on in here because i can't see any of the switches here i have to try and find it in the dark uh gustav how how many fps you're getting i know there's a way of getting a little plug-in to see your fps but um uh i don't know i i think it's over 20 i'm getting so obviously it's it's probably going to drop off a little bit now because of of where we are um close to the city of lots of complex buildings um we won't go full length apart from here i'm just going to hold this i'll put here at the whole point now there's the parking brake set now let's i need to try and find out how to turn the lighting up on this aircraft i cannot i can't see a fight ah i think i might have found it ah there we go oh okay they might have to have a little fiddle with the lighting here we seem to have luminous blue switches oh cool that is bright i don't think we need that turned all the way up that's insane let's do something like that and something like that yeah that doesn't really do much then okay i use alt l for your headlamp oh you guys are fantastic amazing amazing i'm gonna learn more about this game and uh you people will right anyway let's now do the before takeoff checklist so there's no configuration warning we're going to do a flaps uh flaps up departure here we're going to climb up to 4 000 feet there eventually i'm just going to set a 4 000 there we're going to probably stand a thousand feet to go visual initially uh thank you very much trevor v welcome on board as a member glad you're enjoying the content enjoy custom emojis in chat and we'll go from there uh and uh yeah we get invited to another discord right i'm just gonna turn this lighting it's very very bright here off i think just one click is going to be more than enough there and right there we go that's a little better and then hopefully i'll work out how to turn or turn down the brightness of the screens later on right anyway let's uh get ourselves ready for departure oh yeah i know i know landing and taxi you know and i can actually see where the runway is by looking at this little screen looks like i'm about to go off the runway oh jeez little bit of differential breaking required yes uh and this is where i get all the doubters coming in right anyway let's uh let's let's get ourselves realigned with the runway runway zero nine perfect flight time will be around 45 minutes also as i said we're gonna we're gonna take take up straight ahead i'm gonna do a left-hand circuit then we'll go and have a look at london's uh london city uh london city skyline at the middle of the night here right anyway let's build up that power oh i go full power because i get all sorts of warnings flashing there we are turbine temperature recording so okay that'll do and parking released off we go just reset my seating position area that's lovely i get an 80 knots call from the uh first option because we'll probably be rotating 18 knots very slow acceleration here we should have a little bit more power perhaps all right for us let's rotate and we're airborne gear is fixed an initial climb up around 19 is this guy really a real pilot i i know i can yeah one day you'll all find out that i've just been having you on for three years anyway let's climb up to a thousand feet looks lovely at night look at that and this is lifetime live weather guys so this is how london should be looking right now so trimmed out for around 100 knots of 90 so coming up to a thousand feet so all that head back down the thames and having a look at the city at night at resolution 1920 times 1080 and high end we're running it thank you very much andy m71 so jack has bailed out already is this something we should know llama airways are you a real pilot thanks a lot uh um andy very very kind yeah marianna looked to me very shocked very shocked indeed it's a bit naughty thanks andy oh i do feel bad look at this at night looks fantastic so i'm going to fly visually initially we're going to go down the thames and then we'll do some instrument flying climb up to 4 000 the night lighting in this game is is pretty spectacular very realistic dear so much for maintaining uh 100 knots on the climb out i'm just going to reduce my rpm as well slightly 50 is not too much it's very sensitive let's go to 2 000 feet there we go there is london ahead yeah i need to work out to turn the screen brightness down on the uh the pfd here all right there's two thousand so we'll just reduce the power slightly as well and trim perfect good guys they look at exceptionally bright the buildings there is london city down there and what happened to atc it's turned off at the moment i'm still the microsoft flyers of ac still very upset with me after i took off without clearance on the last stream at the 747 in barbados they're still gonna take me down it's just about a hundred feet high here there's a little bit of turbulence and look at that there is a heathrow in the distance you can see the traffic there landing just ballooning up here she said 2 000 feet on the uh i say mcp it's not an mcp but for all intents and purposes we'll call it an mcp there we are so so there's the millennium dome and this is the um orbex expansion pack for the cities as well do you have trip control on your sim setup scale if i do so i have the um the thrustmaster airbus joystick and uh on the hat switch we usually used to pan the camera so right left uh the up down i have uh set to my trim i'm gonna try and maintain two thousand feet works really well you know i might go a bit higher on the way to leeds let me know what else you'd like me to cruise i think this one could go up to 19 000 feet here my house is all over the place there we go back to 2000 lovely evenings to go fly anyone in london hear me going over yes sir really good obviously yeah during night looks very different perhaps it probably looks a lot better during the day but uh for realism's sake there's tower bridge bt town the distance as well the shard how long is the first flight by the time we get going in the right direction about 45 minutes to an hour still getting used to the uh camera tools i here i'm not maintaining 2 000 feet anymore that's for sure there's the shard look settings on higher ultra we let her on high end here there's uh the millennium um oh my god the london eye there we parliament should be go close there it is a big ben i forgot the strokes and continue a little bit further on the thames and then we'll head over towards leads look at that night sky but it's just sensational i think all the stars are mounted as well and this lovely effect you get just after the sunset you know again the sun's still illuminating on the clouds feed right anyway let's get back to business guys so uh back in the cockpit not bad uh i only only deviated by altitude by 500 feet right so i mean look at that we're actually on final for heathrow so tempting to do a touch and go oh it's completely unpacked would you like me to do a touch and go in heathrow before we head to leeds chat oh dear i think like that that was just set up really nicely uh can you fly uh above the clouds with a full moon we'll try and get up there but if we can absolutely yes yes yes okay right let's go for two seven right then i i've got a funny thing it might be runway zero nine in use um someone quickly find the ils frequency for two seven right and uh we'll tune the ils i'll try and get the course deviation indicator well look we already got one puppy coming in so we're already three reds we need to start descending soon also gatwick challenge yeah unfortunately the bridge isn't there uh with the default gattway scenery i've been told uh we've got one more zero decimal three okay let's just get that tuned uh dude i said do i have a little bit more structure to this stream not uh not mess around uh he's not messing around you might learn for those who are new to learn how to find us good looks like it's worked straight away and uh i think it automatically uh gives you the course right uh are we going old school i'll show you how to do an instrument approach so here you have your localizer guys this is your deviation we this is your your your localizer scale here so it shows that we're flying left of the local line at right locals we need to fly left here um so this heading is good you'll notice the cause deviation bar indicator bar will come in this is your glideslope so it's just uh completely coincidental that we're on the ils right at that same time so i'm going to stay in this view all the way down it's a huge help having the runway depicted in the background here as well um but that's the beauty of these modern avionics suites really i mean i could i could just fly it using this it's like a mini old school flight simulator i mean this is like a flight simulator from the 90s it's how good it is on the pfd but i'm just going to use the glide slope and the course deviation indicator then we'll pop our head up at 200 feet hill and then we'll head on our way to leeds bradford so looking good i think there's a little bit of a crosswind from the left looking at this track i think we can select here wind option two oh no completely wrong from the left i've got a 17 knot crosswind here yes sorry that's what i meant so you can see our drift here i'm having to maintain a heading of around 263 to stay on the um oh i'm not even scanning my glideslope here my goodness uh i'm i'm too this is this is the importance of a good instrument scan i was so um preoccupied by the localizer here that i lost the glideslope deviation skin let's take a notch of flaps as well there we are so it's really hard to set a target attitude here on the pfd but um yeah i made a tutorial about a week and a half ago uh flying and approaching the um localizer and glideslope wasn't quite lined up correctly i think they fixed that now seems to be working correctly my fps is uh there's a slight drop in my fps there my computer is whirring away so you're going to maintain 100 knots there are thousand feet to go now okay and i need to fly left a little bit all i've got a 13 not crosswind here glideslope's good a little bit too far right of center line let's try that heading 800 feet above the ground too much of a headache deviation i mean it's it's sort of cheating because i've got the pier i've got the runway there so it's sort of like a video uh game does make it a lot easier that's for sure we'll try and find something a little bit more old school if you look at our last live stream we did fly an ils approach in the um the cessna 172 which worked out quite well anyway 500 feet agl now very very close to the ground i'm not going to try and land it in this view five it's not the 500 guy oh my god it looks like there's an aircraft right behind me as well uh this could be quite interesting should we pop our head up there we are look at that two reds two whites rip fps i'll do a touch and go oh my god oh oh well that's interesting i wonder if they have wake turbulence uh modeled they don't well that was uh that was eventful oh he's going around d stable i see oh dear it would be a flight of supply stream without something going wrong right let's do it touching heathrow thank you very much that was give me two seconds i'll just get on the ground here oh dude cut the power oh i've just screwed that i'm going way too fast i should be doing 85 knots right we're down let's go let's go to leeds flaps up hear that airflow over there aircraft right this climb up for around 100 120 knots i'm i'm currently on like offline modes which is why there's no aircraft flying all over it although what is that guy doing what is going on right now there's a traffic going straight over my head um would you consider doing a series or video things to learn or do i have to finish in the flight school tutorial uh for total noobs said master machete thank you very much for the five dollars um yeah i might i've got some perhaps some tutorials lined up for people who are perhaps new to swimming generally my previous tutorials are quite advanced because i've been sticking to kind of the the 737 the zebo mod um so if you're new to simming they might not find them too helpful at this stage but i might do some basic stuff in the future thanks for donation buddy right anyway let's go up to um initially let's go up to 6 000 feet i might go a little bit higher on route so 6 000 feet set still flying here i didn't uh reset the rpm for the touch and go and now we're going to go back to the um the brookman's park vor here so uh vor1 brooklyn's park there we are so we need to do a right turn onto heading around zero four two degrees we've got six thousand feet about boys people subscribing thank you very much welcome back guys so we're now doing some vr navigation so we're going to direct to the brookman's part of voir um this is right here that sort of like the hsi really um we've got the blue arrow here that's pointing directly to the vr so that's the easiest way to navigate you simply turn the aircraft until you fly to the vr then you have to calculate your drift looking at the winds now there's all sorts of rules of fun i remember vaguely the clock face rule where if the wind was more than 60 degrees you'd use the full drift amount uh or you'd um then half of that 30 degrees you'd use half the the drift that was very rough kind of dead reckoning navigation the beauty of an aircraft like this is it'll probably tell you a track with gps so you just have to align your tracker so that's what i'm doing i'm getting myself into heading here to root direct to the uh vor brooke's park and we're gonna go all the way to leeds like this we should be there in 45 minutes or so good wings level you can now line the um course deviation indicator which is here so you'll see when i line this up this this course deviation indicator will be smack bang in the middle here like so there we are so now we can use this to tell us to fly left or right to bring on this this radial so we're currently on the 230 radial see you later heathrow see you later london what's that there oh that's uh a sniff station is that um forgot the name of it drifted off so we'll get to 6000 feet then i will engage the automation and i can set the nav the nav to um follow the voi here but tell you what navigate having these um systems on board is so easy i had none of this when i did my issue rating i had steam gauge seneca ii built in the 70s it was heavy uh i had a very basic garment gps which you wouldn't allow to use on the insurance rating so yeah i actually prefer to navigate using uh this system because that's the way i understand rf norfolk thanks guys and then i need to work out to turn the brightness so that's the total distance to get to our destination which is thank you very much aviation mayhem for the five euros hi can you extend the speed break on the 737 at any speed is there any speed limits thank you very much aviation mayhem excellent question there's no speed limit for the speed brake at all uh you could you could select it at 340 knots which is vmo um the higher your the faster you're going the more effective the speed break is when you get below 230 knots 220 knots the speed break is isn't that effective and all it really does makes the airplane shake a lot uh and you probably get an extra three or four hundred feet per minute rated descent so it's ideally to be used at a higher speed uh i actually have a useful tutorial which uh for you so let me just get leveled off and i'll send you a link and i i have so many tutorials covering different aspects of commercial aviation oh it's quite windy up here look 37 not to tailwind and win from the right there so you can see my heading i'm having to fly to maintain this this constitution all right here comes six thousand feet let's level off so and then attitude that is a strong wind up here and then we'll start reducing power perfect so i'm going to match the heading bug here this is even fancier than a 737 you can do that just press that to synchronize your heading so it's ridiculous let's get the automation in so we've got uh autopilot your damper we'll have a bit of that we'll have a little bit of uh heading hold and altitude there we go perfect so i'm just in heading select here so you can see the wind's coming from the right i'm having to use a forties unfortunately it's very windy which is always a bit turbulent so that's a nice heading here to kind of fly this this track but if i select uh nav we're actually only 11 miles away from brooklyn's park so i won't go to nerf yet but um when we get further away use the outbound radio from brookman's park to fly now i did update symlink prior to this uh oh there's it does actually work now fantastic so i can now have sibling with microsoft flight some 2020. i can actually show you on an ifr chart where we are so bear with me there we go so we're kind of rooting obviously we've been messing around uh we took off from city uh landed a heathrow now we're routing direct at this point here brookman's park then we're gonna make that left turn from brooklyn's park we're not on any existing airway here but we're just gonna redirect to the gaston vr and if gamston will fly outbound to leeds bradford where they have an ndp 403 and then we'll fly the procedural approach i'll get the chance up for you uh there yeah it's quite cool flying it's uh at night here all right anyway how on earth do i turn the brightness down on these uh screens uh lights cap what's that light if i left on strobes yeah someone didn't mention it just just testing it just test see you later london i love this i think you see the clouds above correct me if i'm wrong i think these nows have been illuminated by all the city lighting which is very realistic appears very realistic of this right uh so as we get closer to the vr it becomes a lot more sensitive the um course deviation in case i'm gonna make a slight left turn here we're only five miles away so really really close it's probably a way of getting this displayed on here for you as you can see there is brooklyn's part there's our original flight plan fancy slight heading adjustments to stay all the way to the heavier here it looks like you've got a gunner no idea what this is this is some sort of weather regular system there's the moon colors in this right as you fly over there you are you go over something called the kind of confusion um that's just the total nerve routing for this you might notice it will go blank and then we need to work out our track for the um next sector which i actually have no clue so i'm actually gonna ideally try and get gamston tuned up and then turn it to there but here we are about to go overhead the vor you can see it on the little display here which is really useful oh yeah so don't chase it at this stage when you're really close i'm actually going to make that turn now out back to the next sector so let's go not sure what it is let's head initially north west very bumpy today yeah so you can see look at the cyan needle swinging around as we go over the beacon sometimes you can see it but you can't do it during the day uh there you are i think that's the vr beacon here you see it there you are that's the beacon i think during daytime now we have more mapping you know you can easily see what's going on right anyway let's now show you the navigraft charts there we go and find out the next vor so you can track outbound from the the vo we just flowed into but then we want to get gaps to tune in and fly inbound to gamson so we'll do this on the second vr initially so that's going to be one one two decimal eights to start with already picked it up and what you should do prior to using that for navigation we actually have the the ident here so you don't you shouldn't need to listen to the morse code because you actually have it depicted here which is pretty cool this is a very important group thanks a lot dan rudden welcome board as a member glad you are enjoying the content invite to our members only discord enjoy your custom emojis and chat not that you'll be using top ascended toga much today anyway thank you very much so if we can select this uh to that's the woods place let's go back so bearing one bearing two there we are so gabston so this is now pointing direct to the gamston vr what i'm actually going to do because i'm not sure what outbound radio we want from it's park cheers frequency go for that it's not coming for the pound uh small on route trip to ducks but yeah we'll pop in we'll probably go pretty close i hope we don't have touch it goes today thank you very much buddy uh hope you're doing well as well karen thanks for the nation uh right let's get gamston active now box one as well which is 12 8 12 8 gamston lovely and i think with this fancy thing you can even push this and it'll center the course deviation for you amazing and all you then have to do is push um nav there you go so now the the um autopilot is maintaining a heading where are we going though it's going to fly on to the course for us what now that's that needs adjusting uh it's making a ridiculous correction we're literally only just left of our required radial and it's made up it's gonna probably overshoot now it's a huge correction because that sort of makes sense it's made a massive correction to get back onto the radial here it's gonna overshoot it it's gonna probably just keep so that needs some fine tuning there maybe not i don't know there's a very aggressive turn being such a small deviation it seems to sort itself out there yeah you can see how accurate vr navigation is this is gps navigation um it's still on the magento line i'm not even using it i could have done a bit of extra fuels hoping to take full tanks yeah there we go and that's it all right i love this who was it tell me that lovely my little lamp it's so cool yeah i'd love to know and send the screen brightness down here though hey very i found it avionics simple as that that's better lovely i mean this is far more modern than a 737 the navigation systems gps the ease of use i mean it's it really isn't too difficult to transfer these skills here into this nicely maintaining 6000 feet anyway it's a shame they don't have the cities coming up here because i'm a little familiar with the airports here as well right here there we are street labs it's just like flying over real life what city flying on over this good question really is at night very hard to identify you should tell whether the major cities are but this is compared to night flying in real life on a clear night is it's so similar though this is a lovely one it looks really good really really good uh yeah so game volume is too high on the stream yeah that's probably because outside that should be a little better now aiden why do you have the gear down excellent question this is cester caravagg where they have a fixed landing gear turn off landing lights well yeah i mean probably in a light aircraft you you could but uh you know 10 fans and ten trousers me leave the the lights on uh turn up the mic okay i have a little i'll have a little play with the volume settings i think the game could be a little bit loud here thanks for the female guys there we are i've turned it down ever so slightly let me know if that's a little better for you oh my goodness have we reached 60 000 uh subscribers we have amazing we smashed past 60 000 subscribers subscribers going in is absolutely crazy thanks a lot guys 1400 likes better thanks guys yeah keep keep letting me know if the sound isn't great for you you know just just provide the feedback and i'll make the changes in the background thanks a lot martin payton for the five pounds how accurate are the flight dynamics seen videos of the 320 hitting vmo after rotation at 1500 feet and then having to produce the idle thank you very much uh martin payton so as i mentioned before uh the default uh the default airbus 747 and seven eight seven these aircraft in a desktop simulator if you wanna model accurately require months if not years of of uh preparation feedback testing i mean you are never going to get the realism in these sort of aircraft by default now i was quite surprised and impressed by by what sort of level of of um systems they had implemented so the fmc has limited functionality the the automation too but but the autopilot i can tell you now having having worked with zebo for the past two years that the autopilot is still to this day being tweaked and tuned it is so difficult to model this accurately you know and to gazebo to get it to the stage it did it took a lot of patience a lot of time you're never going to get that so yeah i i can say with with confidence that the default aircraft they they don't fly or handle as i'd expect i've noticed that and and that i expected uh there's no default aircraft in the history of any sim which has been perfect out of the box there so so give give the guys time get the freeware developers to pay where developers time and they'll get you high quality uh metal tip but right now um i'll be sticking with x-plane 11 to fly kind of the heavier aircraft but for general aviation it's it's from what i remember flying general aviation aircraft it's spot-on feels very realistic uh indeed so yeah i hope that sort of answers your question thank you very much uh hans meyer for the five dollars this uh stream is keeping me safe what's working from home thanks for dropping all this knowledge your most welcome hands i hope you're doing very well at home and uh and uh all the best i hope it all uh sort of makes sense of you we're rooting as mentioned uh just getting back to my navigation charts for you there you go so currently rooting direct uh from brookman's park this vlog we're not flying along an airway in fact we'll be upsetting a lot of people we're about to enter uncontrolled airspace here so this will be class g airspace we'll be requesting a basic service from from uh a military airfield most likely constantly is i don't know but then we're going to head to gameston uh here's doncaster sheffield so you'd actually hit this out you need to request a zone transit because it's class d airspace and then uh flying onwards to leeds but uh the beauty of a home distance simulator you don't have to worry about busting airspace lovely not first time flying at night really really nice at dusty you're also watching this whilst i should be working from home amazing 50 40 30. uh brandon do you have the graphics turned all the way up nope i'm on high end so one off the highest setting which is ultra boy hello everyone watching from qa that's fantastic buddy oh my goodness mayweather yeah we're playing in thick and fast here thanks guys very very kind of you yeah kate thanks for five dollars when will you do the carry atlantic influence in 2020 or give jack a treat for me thank you very much kate yes uh i have been on the lookout but i've not seen any ships which would be suitable to land on so far this will be the perfect stream for it thank you very much kate i hope you're doing well and uh jack yeah jack's gonna be very well marianne's very mad at me because i actually let him check out just fly to the street sorry marianna i know you're in the lounge watching uh thanks a lot uh brisk t for the five dollars why are rudder turns not used often like your course correction huge term why not hold right rudder to get back on track uh good question bryce so that the rudder is a way of the main purpose of the rudder in an aircraft like this is to help coordinate turns you don't use it to sort of navigate and control the aircraft use aileron and pitch for that certainly on an aircraft like the 737 you never use aileron to coordinate turns the only time you use the rudder is to de-crab during takeoff or landing in a crosswind condition or in the event of an engine failure you've never touched a rudder on an aircraft like the 737 in flight now on a caravan yes when i turn i should probably have to use a little bit left or right right to coordinate turns where is the turn slip indicator in this this aircraft no no it's probably something let me just try a bit of rudder and see if i get any i think this is it here that a little bit of right ready yeah look you can see here's a a digital turn slip indicator and that will show you how much the gauge here how much rudder you need to use so i hope that answers the uh the question there thank you uh thank you very much to yoga d.o.t for the seven dollars i'm shooting this game for the first time tonight can't wait to do it i've never done this before it'll be fun lol thanks for the tips your most welcome yoga uh good luck with your your first ever stream and uh i hope you uh practice some intricate navigation which i've hopefully taught you thank you very much i take it from ferrari mclaren uh oh my goodness the chat's going so quick i missed it already i don't know about aviation but this looked epic by the way you sound like the definition of a pilot i get the uncommented saying i sound like a child thank you uh christian visa will there be a giveaway i don't know let me know in chat do you want to have a giveaway today oh yeah i think i think we should shouldn't we seeing that so many of you watching seeing that uh orbecks gave me this scenery i think it'd be very befitting to give away one item of scenery perhaps should we do should we elites bradford morbeck's leeds bradford senior i'll purchase you this how does that sound obviously i wonder if anyone will say no freckles can we have a quiz yes we need to actually have a new quiz champion we haven't had any quizzes and ages so if you're new to the channel uh on my streams every sunday if i'm off work we have a sort of a giveaway emergency giveaway and a quiz you'll see at the bottom of the screen it says uh our quiz champion here who is it currently it's uh domino mussina we just have a general aviation general knowledge quiz and uh you can then be immortalized into my livestream he's been immortalized here about a month and a half but i need to get around to doing that again actually what we'll do after landing in leeds will give away uh a copy of the all black sleep scenery thank you very much uh script do you have enough time to have a family and kids as i don't have any kids at the moment scripts my partner uh of seven years elizabeth and she is well known in the streams uh marianna flight data sims she's around and uh she helps moderate the streams as well and yeah we have not much time at the moment i am pretty busy um i am flying i have to be on furlough for four months uh and uh i'm actually reasonably busy i'm doing around 70 to 80 hours a month um but i've got a kind of like two standbys a week at the moment i am on my days off and we've just recently moved house but uh yeah we've got uh hopefully time for kids at some point did i say that on that stream i did uh how much fps you got on a 1080 i think i'm averaging i mean if i move around here i don't know i know there's a way of getting an fps counter but i'm not knowledgeable with those sort of things but i'm thinking over 20 is certainly smooth enough we're doing well all right approaching the third of the way here and we have 53 miles to run from gaston to around 20 minutes that'll take us 240 knots let's change this to now for one there we go i best update the uh the video description so having a giveaway thanks tim hope you're doing well tim waters haven't spoke to you in a while thank you very much for popping in there you go i've updated the uh channel uh video description make sure you stick around with some all big scenery so after we've touched down in leads i'll give away the lead scenery to one lucky winner freckles i'm not gonna put the video title after what happened last time a captain i still have doubts about bad weather landing how these pilots see the runway has he done any videos about it is there any feature like auto land yes so in in low visibility conditions uh captain pavel um we have the instrument landing system which i'm going to demonstrate on this approach into leads which you can use to get to yourself close enough to the runway to see the approach lines uh if it's very thick fog you have the capability on modern aircraft to conduct auto lands where they use a combinations of different systems a radio altimeter and the ils to to get and it automatically lands for you it flares it maintains the sensor line and appropriate rate of descent on touchdown very clever system uh old technology but it still works today um and i actually conducted an auto land uh last week because my home base which i i won't discuss and thank you for respecting my privacy uh it was very foggy so we had to conduct alternatives i do have tutorials for auto lans as well in fact it's one of my first ever tutorials i think my first ever tutorial on the channel uh was a go around tutorial and my second ever was an auto land i've found the video i will even show you the link because i like that i can do those things how did you feel walking up the steps to the real flight deck for the first time in such a long while confident nervous or just glad to be back thank you very much andy m71 so yes i went back to work uh was it three four weeks ago now and it'd been eight months away from the flight because i had the winter off then fell over from the clover 19 pandemic and it was a little bit of all of those things uh i felt good i'm nervous of the right word but uh yeah it's been such a long time but i i wanted to ensure that i could still knew what i was doing but uh my the company i work for has an absolutely fantastic training department i used to work there for two years as an sfi and they created some really good um documentation and some films for guys who've been off for a while and actually they put some cameras up at the flight deck and i did some flights and it was great just to watch so so when i got back it really didn't feel i was quite surprised how familiar it all felt it had been such a long time away but it really quickly after a couple of seconds it felt like it was just been fine thanks a lot thank you for the continued support as well uh thank you very much benjamin any advice someone who's new to flight sims i was just randomly scrolling when i found your channel glad i did congrats on 60k here's to 100. thank you very much benjamin welcome to the channel uh i am well i don't you know yeah i work 737 another a huge simming enthusiast i have been for my entire uh career and have been for the last three years so i'm glad you're enjoying it and um yeah thank you very much um i've got plenty of videos coming out to give you guys some guidance as well guys very generous all of you really if you you know if you're just enjoying the video don't feel like you have to donate just smash the thumbs up button uh subscribe as well to stay upstate the latest content and i'll be continuing to do these sort of flights you know this is lovely basic instrument navigation flying uh which i'm demonstrating to do obviously the order part is making my life considerably easier easier um thanks benjamin cheers as well for the 2.79 you ever flown over brazil or canada i am afraid i haven't yoga i've only flown in europe uh i don't fly long haul at my outfit and um i did my cpl in the united states in arizona that's only where i've flown myself personally i've never i've never actually been to brazil from canada thanks a lot buddy uh and also af klm virtual infinite flight studies 11 very generous thank you great stream super enjoyable what's the topic root for your next stream and how often do you plan to do them thank you very much uh af klm virtual infinite flight uh got it all out there so um now i'm back at work uh because i i work in the history as a pilot you know i don't have a fixed schedule the the flying's middle over play so i can't really plan a streaming schedule like i could quite recently when i was furloughed um i generally trying to at the moment stream at least once on my days off and so it's on typically on average once if not twice a week at the moment um tomorrow i am free so i am thinking of perhaps uh doing what then but uh i'll see and it'll probably be i usually ask the members of my channel what they'd like to see uh but at the moment i'm usually dictating it with the flight suit coming out there uh thank you very much a fklm virtual flight thank you very much ice fire one of my members thank you members you know just enjoy your membership just ask the questions in discord you don't need to do it this way thanks i spy for five dollars when is the last time you flew in a plane alone cool that a long time ago last time i flew solo in a plane on my own would have been [Music] 2011 2011 no because i think every time i went flying i took people i was 2010 when i was doing my cpr last time i actually was in a plane on my own i think that's crazy i swear when you say it like that but yeah monty crew environment thanks a lot eyesight uh makes you think makes you think that right anyway what um towns we've got coming up here this is where i don't know my airport locations in my towns and cities let's make this a little bit easier so we're just passing on our left here now this is east midlands so if we look left here that'll be nottingham i think that's the end one motorway here with the power stations there that'll probably be uh manchester distance maybe that's too far away hard to tell hard to tell could really do with her avi tap being here we need every time to have a plugin for us this game thank you very much uh twist please uh tgs venom what plane are you in right now in a sester caravan listen being alone in a flight like this must be really meditative i remember going solo listed in arizona and you take it for you took it for granted there but i'd love to go take a light aircraft up and fly on my own now it would be peaceful uh francis adventure how do you work out cost index well with complex mathematical equations hopefully so you don't have to do the airline or calculated cost index based on several factors such as cost of fuel engine and maintenance costs and uh you simply punch the number into the fmc christian do you like airplane food uh i i take my own pack lunch if i was to eat airplane food every day i'd get very unhealthy very quickly anyway 29 miles to go until we get to gabston right over the top of echo golf zulu echo wherever that is looks like an unlit airfield description uh echo eleven where are we flying to we're flying to leeds bradford that reminds you guys if you just tuned in and we will be now uh you know you're all very generous tonight i feel very guilty when i don't get back with these sort of situations so i will purchase one lucky winner a copy of the orbex leads bradford scenery and even if you don't have um uh microsoft flight simulator if you have uh perhaps of x-men i'll get you some scenery for morbix or whatever you like that yeah we'll negotiate something there afterwards uh how many nautical miles to your destination about 70 miles to go i think i still have it on the gps here so 70 miles doing around 140 so about 30 minutes but then we're going to fly a uh the ils procedural approach for runway 1 4 here uh ripslinger what's the longest flight i have flown about five and a half hours remy clickbait reel737 pilot ah yes an off coveted thing well uh you're pretty much getting what uh you clicked on uh and that's the unique selling point of my channel i actually take the time to return to my swimming groups and share some of the things i've learned along the way and my goodness i have to be on the ball if i make one mistake that's it thank you very much for five pounds very kind uh higher landed back to the uk last week not with channel landed at 2am and noticed that the reverse rostral shoes is that normal for late night landings uh excellent question lawrence draper so um yes i actually work for a japanese airline but i didn't say that uh lawrence excellent question so what you might have not noticed is the fact they might have actually selected reverse but they didn't uh go beyond idle so so typically for the last flight or for noise uh most commonly noises a lot of airports copenhagen is an airport that comes to mind where where if you use reverse espresso to get very cross but for safety reasons obviously if you need to use it you can but they don't approve it for normal operation um so it's very likely that they show they chose idle which is why you didn't hear anything so it was just selected and not anything beyond their same second detail where you have a bit of thrust uh reverse it working backwards so again so that's what i i should say uh was the case there maybe i i don't know for sure because i wasn't there but um we have to select at least idle reverse at every single uh landing so if you need to have the the reverser selected say if it's slippery or the breaking ocean isn't good as expected you can quickly uh deploy it if they're if they're already extended um thank you very much cap and curve for the five dollars very kind of you so heads back down in here uh we've got 19 miles to run from gamston um you should be able to hear the ident but because this is such a fancy pants system you should i don't think you need the ident because you've got the three-letter uh i identify here but you should be able to if you select nav it's very quiet you can hear in the background that's the morse code gap goal file for mic there how do i turn up very quiet dme is the same but high pitched or maybe i'm just imagining it i can't hear anything perhaps perhaps the not the latter good progress though uh lars left-hand side of the pfd ah let's try that again i think it's turned up as loud uh will you get track ir says mika yes i think that needs to be invested uh that's definitely an investment i'm thinking about so you can see here look um the the uh automation is flying this radio for us so you can see our drift look uh we're currently flying inbound on the one six four radial uh reciprocal then so three four four we're heading around three three five there's nine degrees of drift here from the wind coming from the left actually i can just push the button to sync heading there we go we're getting there guys sure i just love about this don't have to worry about downloading any author for experience we can spend so many hours trying to download the game is waiting for you without chasing the sunset that's so cool um so yeah the next sector guys once we're united leads we're going to do salzburg to innsbruck and i'm thinking of using the the snow preset i i've tried it and the aircraft ice is over really quickly it's like you're in severe icing which the aircraft like this you don't want to be we don't want to be in any aircraft in severe icing uh let alone assess the caravan but i think it could be quite fun so i might try it and if it does complete the ice over i'll just have to run the instruments and see if we can get to it's brook it could be quite good fun i think if it if it doesn't work and everything starts freezing over like the pitot tubes we've got all that we've got here we've got uh stool heat wing like the ice pumps oh my goodness me where what are the two eyes super success um yeah so you know i've not i've never flown this aircraft i like it because it sort of has the ability well i think all the aircraft had the ability to navigate conventionally which is good i wanted to fly the the default system a little bit too long we can cruise a little bit faster in this in fact i'd probably go ahead a lot faster than we're already going now yeah look my power's only at 52 percent probably can cruise at 160. speed up a little bit uh thank you very much to danny crumpet for the five pounds hi captain love with the content i can't wait to fire up the sim just having issues with crashing after load of any tips would be great thank you very much danny for your donation there i have no clue why it could be crashing though that sounds like it could be pc performance related i've not had any issues in fact the sim for me has been very stable um and on my pc right now i'm running already to sim the streaming software all of it at once there so i'm afraid i'm very sorry i can't give you uh much more guidance than that i'm afraid but um i'm sure that the microsoft flights in four forums would be able to help you there cool so look at that five miles to go from gamson vr so what i'm going to do is revert to heading uh there we are so heading select the aircraft's no longer following the radial and what i'm going to do is tune the ndb for leads bradford so here we are you can see we're approaching gaps oh thank you very much carlos gasol just brought a cloth face mask thank you very much outstanding which one's that one it's the uh if you if you could read this you're standing too close facebook thank you very much uh there's the ndb then 403 look at that later as well have a look at the approach chart here so 403 now we select ndb on this again that's for salzburg that's for later on there we are so needs bradford and we're going to be doing ios zulu runway 14 by ndp 403 we're just about to fly over the vo also need to do this because there's the gaps to vr as well so for oh hey buddy i'm so sorry i left you outside have you forgiven me marianne is very cross because i accidentally left the dog outside i feel really guilty it's not funny no i'm sorry oh i'm in trouble right four row three we've just gone over the gaps to volley again there's the needle spinning so let's now press the transfer button and toggle cursor press enter to transfer there we go so that's active now and if we put this to how do i get the adf to display here no data for adf okay no data all right we're a little bit far out perhaps so i'm gonna have to sort of guesstimate the heading here uh i don't know what the outbound radio is from gabston is anyone got a pooly's chart if anyone's got a pooly's chart a uk police chart find um leeds bradford and they might show you from gamstedville what the radial is from gamston uh to get to leeds i'm sort of cheating using gps here oh oh no it's a merchandise andy m71 one of my members is more whatever boov after flight mask thank you very much andy for the continued support as well and the directions very very kind of here uh jay are there any turbo problems in the game we're flying a server prop right now you've got the um what else is there i think there's a few others there's a tpm there's a tpm and a few others perhaps but i think there's another one as well what it is yeah i need to find out from gamston what uh the adf is but uh yeah it's definitely the right ndp in this tunes it's a beautiful night we could probably see leeds if we look hard enough is there any option for the radio on the gps map perhaps again i'm not one really knows how to use these systems i was never fortunate enough to have any of this i could also root the gps direct to leads which is echo golfer mic let's get that at least tuned up here these bradford and to activate there we are so we're now using it this is gonna make my life a lot easier i can actually we can wait for the adf to go here but i can actually change the bearing to gps there we are so the blue arrow is now pointing towards uh leads which is which is great the heading's actually very quite good it's going to head towards us then i i mean you're 33 miles away so a little bit out of the range of the ndp uh thank you very much danny crumpet night for your donation but you've also joined as a member welcome board glad you are enjoying the content you'll get invited to our members only discord i'll be uh free to answer any questions as you so please and uh you've got a great bunch of guys there very passionate about flight swimming and aviation generally and again to all my members thank you very much for the continued support as well as i know i've been uh i feel like i've been a bit lackluster recently and i know we've got the group flights organized to having this opportunity you know with the sim just coming out for microsoft flights of 2020 and the interest it's generating i'll uh i just want to get as many of these streams done as possible where i can i think you did not activate the game frequency we've been on gamson frequency mark for a while um just need to get a little bit closer with the ndv so we've got here 30 miles to go and gps 31 miles in fact i could even use the course i could line up the course now so there we are it's probably an outbound on that radial i think if you use approach on here it follows the gps line as well i know we're just gonna use heading for now anyway it's just you can't get lost with these systems my goodness in fact i'm probably going to set the procedure going procedure select approach approach no does that mean there's nothing programmed or do i need to if i'm gonna do old school anyway so i don't know how i don't know how the new system's working i've read online that um they're not fully modeled there's quite a few features missing we do sort of need the ndp for this approach approach is based off it uh what also i'm going to do is we're no longer using gps's tune the ils now which is going to be 1.009 so that's actually for the reciprocal runway 3 2 i think i recognize the idents yeah so that's um they both share the same frequency uh runway one four runway one through uh three two so i'm actually gonna wait a little bit longer because i think the sim just tunes the one that you're closest to the one you'll be approaching i've got a funny feeling looking over the horizon as well that could be leads actually let's lead straight ahead there sorry i set the adf not on db i said to send the ndb you know what i meant though you know what i meant oh my goodness me we're going an honest individual has brought a remove after flight mask thank you very much thank you very much enormous individual right anyway let's have a little look at the uh approach shot here uh let's put you in a nice position so you can enjoy the view once we've got the chance nicely so let me open up the chart sway there your eyes will be bright there you go if you're watching this at nighttime it'll be very bright so we're reading bound to elites bradford let's now get the uh charts from salzburg for the approach we're gonna fly so i'm gonna fly a little bit of this okay uh this is the i listed approach runway uh one four so we're gonna we're rooting now essentially direct to this ndb uh 402.543 should work in fact can i tune um to the nearest no it's not my apologies no it's still not picking it up oh we are picking up there we go so it actually helps if i tune the right frequency so i want to get now i want to now get rid of this cdi actually i don't want to get rid of the cdi i want to have the final approach track for the ils tune which is one three nine so let's put this to one three nine which we'll use later so you can see everything direct to the ndb it's actually just the same course thank you very much again karen for the pound conventional navigation hold could be fun uh i mean it would be pretty straightforward here karen straight in uh i don't actually know this would be a parallel entry but uh i've got plenty of streams and tutorials where we've done magnetry holds in the seven three seven two hundred and the one so uh probably old off today but thank you very much buddy all right let's get rid of this box so you can see the blue arrow is pointing directly to the ndb and i'm still in uh heading select here just got a dead reckoning towards the end in fact i should probably make a heading adjustment here because of the wind so let's make a few more degrees how do i get rid of this as well oh yeah look i forgot to turn the transporter road as well new altitude nothing to see here right now let's have a look at this approach there is lead straight ahead as well which is a bonus right so um there's charts we're going to be rooting in from the south as soon as we get here uh over the ndb we're gonna fly outbound on this this uh triple three track until we get to nine dme off india lima bravo foxtrot which is one zero decimal nine uh thank you very much how howard three thousands put a cloth mask he bought the if you're too close you can read this if you just had to close mask marionette design all these thank you very much very very kind of here uh thank you very much david madge who just joined as a member as well welcome aboard enjoying customizable chat it's like a automatic player so uh starting at the top here this this is the briefing stream you start at the top here ios will tune later one zero decimal nine otherwise we're gonna get the rns for three two five approach course is one three nine so let's jump into the sim here just to show you why are we turning what have i what have i done i've actually pushed vor somehow nope i want heading please i think i accidentally pressed a button on the keyboard which is assigned to um capture the viewer which i don't want uh final approach course for the approach is one three nine you can see on the of course select i've already got one three nine selected and back on the chart here uh height checker four miles two thousand two feet should be established on the ils at that point we insert the ils we're gonna descend to from six thousand feet to three thousand feet when we're on the downwind leg here on the outbound leg i should say uh turning final then would send a 3 000 we'll insert the glideslope at 6.1 miles four miles height checker two two ten so four dme we should be exactly at that uh down to the minimum so in a category a airport just has all the aircraft here um so we're going to set the minimums here of 874 feet which is 280 standards cap one minimum height here so 874 let's set that in here well i'm trying to get to minimums ah there we go so minimums you want to select a barrow and what was the height on the chart it was uh 874 feet so put this to 880 and that way at this point will be 200 feet above the ground perfect and at this high here you must be visual with the runway guys uh thank you very much to david g sport of face mask and i cannot read any of that text because i'm still waiting for a cable for my second monitor so i have to squint on my streamlabs overlay which is half a half size because i've got have a craft chart section thank you very much i'm so sorry mr comic thank you for watching the the mask there right anyway minimums are set how do i i don't want to close this there we go our barometer was eight eighty so we've gotta be quick here so approaching the atp uh that's what we're gonna do then eight to eighty minimums if we have to go around and we'll climb straight ahead to two thousand then climb right turn to three thousand feet back to the peak and there we are look we've made it so i hope that all makes sense guys if you have charts available um you know grab them i'll bring them up a few times so you can observe the approach anyway but we're getting ready now for that outbound track of uh 333 from the the radio until uh we get nine miles away uh i just realized i didn't have the chart viewer up for you so let me just show you again there we go so we're approaching the ndb here we're going to go out about 333 qdr from the beacon to a nine dme uh you can see the the distance here that i'll be on the left of the hsi and then we're going to fly onto the localizer i hope that sort of makes sense i know a lot of you here are new to simming let alone instrument navigation but i'll try my best to sort of explain what i've done is done it again as soon as i come back into the sim it's turning on its own that's because i'm looking so where's heading select that is completely right that's really annoying because we're literally just about to go over the beacon i think i'm using a shortcut which in microsoft flight simulators is engaging nav mode which i'm using for stream loops in the into the cloud and overhead leads there is leeds bradford again don't forget after touchdown guys i will give away one copy of the orbex microsoft flight simulator lead scenery this is the worst demonstration of the project i'm really annoyed that um i knocked something there it's going to nav because we're going to be going straight outbound but we're waving all over the place here look at the ndp turning if this was your instrument rating today you'd be you'd be in trouble i'll try and make a bit of an effort to get at least over the beacon which is why i'm making this aggressive turn without actually an imc now see outside their temperature six so you want a little bit of icing protection on here at least i'm sort of rooting towards the ndp here qh2953 you'd make a fantastic first opposite tango delta king completely that's the worst ever over the beacon flying flight i've ever done right now let's go out bound now in the heading so which goes three three three we need to overshoot this we need to get the tail of this needle there's a blue line here onto three three three so where the heading bug is but there's a little bit of wind for the left so i'm gonna have to make a correction there so we're now outbound uh on this procedure just to show you here there you are there's a little pink airplane we're not going to use that to be cheating so keeping the tail of this ndb which is blue arrow here the tail of this on 333 for this entire approach now i'm gonna have to make a turn to the left because look at this we've got quite a strong crosswind here typical leads let's make a heading adjustment here oh my goodness thank you very much sir uh who we got here trader vic muffled cough thank you very much i just about saw that makes a continued support buddy appreciate that right big look at this big i'm not making nowhere near enough big crosswind correction here so i need to get the tail of this needle over at three to three i'm being drifted off course here um i'm now going to set that ils episode 139 for the course it is already there so hopefully now when we go active on nav one yes there we go india lima bravo foxtrot so that is for ils and the ils approach now for runway one four so we need to drag that tail of the needle onto three through three so we're gonna make a further correction here to the left we also need to descend to three thousand feet as well there we are i think we have level change in this it's like it's like a seven three seven where is it uh flight change no we don't have it yeah i think ah we do so if i push this i believe if i reduce power it'll just pitch for the speed it's like a posh version of little change down it goes amazing right anyway that's not that's much better so look at that drift look i'm having a heading of 310 degrees i'm just tracking that three three three outbound on the ndb so i'm gonna make a slight turn here to the left we've got a 35 knot drift so uh oh gosh i can't i've completely forgotten all the dead wrecking is there's probably some fancy tool on here which is telling me what to do anyway we need to also have a dme distance which i've completely forgotten here so how do i get do you me i need a dme distance but i've got i've got no dme at the moment for this approach i don't want to i don't know when to make this sem turtle to final nav tune of tuna [Music] and change this how do i change this one ah this is bad guys i need distance cdi i need that unlock one transponder how do i change this to get some go to pfd for dme ah thank you have one fantastic uh not great so i've completely shot past just to demonstrate that's why look look at that that's completely my fault i completely shot past nine miles because i did i was so long trying to work out how to work out where the dme was uh right i need to make this turn on final so i overshot that completely need now to make a turn to intercept the ils so yeah i wanted this up here nine miles that start that turn onto final but uh completely as you can see now on the chart there we are it looks okay on the chart depicted as it should be there you go i feel bad that was not the best demonstration i can't wait to the cause why are we climbing 3 000 feet please just take power off looking good so we'll stay on this heading i'll intercept the localizer and i'll bring the speed back as well our level change is very aggressive whoa there we are out three thousand and i'll go back to idle go full up here perfect so just waiting for the course deviation of course deviation indicators come in please level off at 3000 it should do out speed's coming back as well so just to show you again on the charts we're just intercepting the localizer here we need to maintain three thousand feet until six point one dm well in semi is oh no it's coming in look so let's adjust the heading in fact i can go i go very lazy tonight i'm feeling lazy there you go approach localizer and oh my goodness this upset a lot of people on my tutorial demonstration they were like you forgot to arm localizer no if you are approaching arms localizer and glide slope there we are so we're now established on the ils well no we're not establishing the localizer for the is there's the runway lovely what's the uh weather like it leads this evening it is probably fair very windy so right now at least bradford it's showing once it don't know it's lovely one six or eleven clear skies no excuses guys if you're enjoying watching a 737 captain uh a fly on the ifr not in imc in ifr conditions don't forget to smash the thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe as well to stay up to date with my latest microsoft flight simulator content you'll find me on social media as well i'm on instagram twitter facebook it's not impossible for me to reply to all comments and requests these days but uh always appreciate her watching that how many likes we are to 2100 likes superb two and a half thousand likes before touchdown it leads to be great and then we're going to do the next sector from salzburg to innsbruck which will um which will be even shorter i'm going to do that the the beechcraft baron um what else i was going to say don't forget we're going to do a giveaway after landing as well you will have the chance to win a copy of the uh leeds bradford uh orbex scenery for your microsoft flights of 2020 which we're going to see very shortly perfect eye less capture as well so you can do some height checks that's fine we're on the rls now so you can see here 5.8 miles on the ios let's do a height check on the chart so let me just bring the chart up for you guys so you can see here at five miles we should be at two thousand five hundred and eighty and at four miles two thousand two hundred and ten so five miles you can see you're on the profile a little bit lower in fact i'm going to take a notch of flaps now oh big balloon from the flaps my days a little bit high now 24 knot wind up here uh what was the next high chair four miles 220 so it looks like we're really low so it was 220 0.5 that would that was suggested really low uh but i see four whites uh that can't be four whites that attitude looks fine i think the puppies could be broken four whites suggest you're very high uh if you're unsure but uh we're bang on the glide slope it doesn't matter about your altitude what is the current uh pressure setting here i feel like i might have the wrong pressure setting hence why the altitude's so incorrect because an ils shouldn't deviate uh deviate or mata on your house studio is fixed there i don't have the q and h i need there's how do i switch this to um q h but yeah four whites it looks like we should be we're we're not high we're definitely not a four whites here the height check was just been low but that's because i think i've got the ring correct um qh setting final approach speed was it 85 knots so you can unlock your flaps slow down a little bit two nine or five three okay it's the correct altitude setting then not sure why there's a slight deviation it could be several reasons it could be all back scenery it could be there but we're definitely definitely my goodness um it's definitely not four whites this is two whites two rates we're a hundred percent on the three degree climb off 500 checks we're approaching the minimums point as well 880 feet above aerodrome level press b oh it was a slight difference look two nine five two that shouldn't make any difference on the ils right anyway disconnecting now yeah that the puppies are broken so is that a probably is an orbex scenery thing that we're definitely not four whites now guys we're definitely not four whites this is on profile we're on the glideslope this should be two whites two reds we'll see because i'll i'll duck below the glycerin to land on the threshold uh guys don't forget to smash the thumbs up button can i get 2500 likes before touchdown we're already at 2 300. a bit of a crossword here there we go yeah look at that four white still the puppies are broken here we'd be four reds now display threshold long landing long landing we're down a little bit speed breaks up reverses break see if we can make the first exit here we didn't use any reverse there you go tiny bit reverse ladies gentlemen welcome to leeds we made it flaps up and we made it over 2500 likes before landing superb work guys superb ladies and gentlemen welcome to leeds bradford what a lovely flight our first ever kind of full proper flight uh in a stream here hope you enjoyed that and learned something new anyway i'll let all becks know that their puppies need real lighting they're currently uh having set up i think for an approach which is a a lot shallower uh wow so yeah we've got some egg i've got a jet too we've got a rhino with a nigel here in his embraer i'm not sure if i'm meant to be parking here general aviation but we'll find a stand and we'll do a little giveaway for the uh leeds bradford scenery as well so stay tuned so you'll have a chance to win this if you don't have microsoft flight simulator you'd like a copy of the albex leads for uh x plane that's completely fine is that for me is that some marshaller i'm not sure i'm not going to follow him i'm going to pop right next to this biz chip i can't even see if there's a stand here okay i'll just turn now let's just do a little handbrake turn yeah i don't think i meant to park here oh that'll do nicely right brakes wonderful parking brake is set amazing i'm just parked somewhere completely random and now let's uh let's pull the mixture i should turn the lights all off as well wonderful look at that looks another successful flight guys i think it's about time we do a little giveaway isn't it and then we'll get everything set up for the second sector in austria but i hope you're enjoying the stream so far probably should do some more fuel cut off it's just spinning over here i'll at least turn the forward-facing lights off there we go i shall leave the beacon on as the engine is still spinning and probably meant to pull some sort of uh fuel cut off lever uh where did we go i pulled the mixture all the way back maybe something to do with the ignition system i'm very sorry if you're a caravan driver and you're you're looking at me across ah there we go turn the motor off that's falling down lovely right well i'll put some nice little background uh music in for the giveaway here it comes uh beacon light will turn off shortly as well here comes the music perfect so um the keyword is not sensitive okay guys so how this works is if you're new to the channel and you would like to take part in the giveaway all you need to do is say a keyword in chat i will tell you what the keyword is very shortly um i just need to set it up in nightbot there we are keyword is going to be this perfect it's entered all right guys so uh all you need to do is enter the keyword which i'll tell you very shortly well i'll ask you a question you'll then need to answer that question in chat to have a chance of winning and uh if you are the very lucky individual who's won the giveaway today which is a copy of the orbex leeds bradford scenery which i'll purchase for you um you need to get in contact with me via social media now the way to do this is to show me your uh log out screen from your youtube channel so you need to press on the top right hand corner where your your logo is and then where it says sign out that will prove to me it is you with your logo and your name there so that's all you need to do this is the question guys we've just landed in leeds bradford in the united kingdom what is the four-letter iko code for leeds bradford it begins with e and ends in m it is case insensitive so you can use lowercase or uppercase it's completely up to you ah wonderful it looks like the word is coming through and there it goes it's absolutely crazy wow zinger is actually upsetting nightbot oh no that's just some of you putting in some funny words ah yes it's certainly picking up a lot of people who are eligible to win very good you have correctly answered ekka golf november mike which is the four letter like okay for leads bradford one of you lucky people will be grabbing the senior football backs for you to enjoy in microsoft flight simulator in fact uh i will showcase this for you after i've done the giveaway too i will turn off live weather ah look at that that's the beauty of this symbol boom you can just make it uh middle of the day perfect congratulations okay that's all good now i'll now roll the giveaway okay and we'll see who is one here we go i've rolled it so the lucky winner is a keel majeed well done to eight kilometers you have won the leeds bradford scenery your logo is green with the letter a in it congratulations your subscription status is private i don't even know if you are subscribers congratulations to you sir he goes yes in chat at 10 26 45. i can't drop me a message on social media i hope you have microsoft flight simulator or x11 or some way of installing the lee bradford scenery but i hope you'll enjoy it and then you'll be able to to land to this airport as many times as you want this airport guys if you're unfamiliar very tricky in the uh strong weather conditions because it's uh runway is 90 degrees to prevailing wind direction in the uk so it often has strong crosswinds here so that's it congratulations to you guys i'll take you for a quick tour of the airport let's go here 50 forty thirty uh what a free camera camera uh who's that there uh thank you very much to uh cyber dats for five dollars good to see you brother carrying a flight level 400 to 787 over atlantic towards boston from london wish me luck on landing excellent uh cyber dats best of luck with the rest of your sector that's a long sector view but uh good luck coming in to land later thank you very much buddy right anyway let's have a little look so yeah thank you very much to all becks for for providing the series that is an awful amount of fuel for a cessna caravan but uh thank you very much graham uh that's the name of the fuel here uh i'm still getting used to these controls but uh yeah this um orbex they do loads of scenery um as they already have scenery for um are these gosh damn camera controls they have scenery for x-plane 11 already for leads it looks of a similar quality here how do i go up with the camera no this damn drone camera i hate it the one thing x-men has is a much better camera system right that is for that's back are you a real streamer you know what you want to do in chat i can't remember the button to go up numpad i've got the numpad on ah but it seems to be rolling around the airplane oh my goodness drain focus yes okay i can recommend uh press r thank you thank you everyone see if hopefully doesn't show anything anyway all right let's uh let's have a little look jesus i'll give you an inverted look at the scenery there you go anyway ah and then what's down why is it i don't like the view his orbex leads bradford looks uh brilliant and uh i'd recommend now i'm pressing i'm pressing w-r-e-f and freak is not working this view of the series i'm sure you can appreciate it shows all pixelary in high quality uh you can find it in the uh microsoft flight sim uh marketplace and it's uh looking very good here but i'm pressing f at num lock f uh off f yes i'm going to uh revert to where i feel most at home which is at the cockpit guys let's let's uh quit this flight and then set up the next sector uh fascinating uh camera system they have right let's now go back to the main menu continue very good perfect wow thank you very much arnie 1881 for the 100 norwegian kroner hi i'm uh not new to flight sims but i have only used heading and vertical speed autopilot functions recently moved to fly in the da62 where is a good place to learn how the gps autopilot stuff works arnie i hope here will be a decent enough place for you to learn a thing or two um certainly when it comes to using the gps system these aircraft i'm not so familiar but i'm more gonna be i'm gonna be better at teaching how to find a more complex aircraft in time but i hope that uh you'll leave subscribe and see what you can see here but uh you'll find lots of information online on how to work those complex systems uh raycon the cam system is very good when you set it up the correct way yeah it's it's lack of experience on my behalf so i must apologize that i've heard it it's pretty good right let's uh set up this second sector so again um we're going to start off now we're going to do this in the beachcraft baron okay now my experience flying this aircraft in the sim is none all i did was uh take off uh let's go straight up to four thousand to take the screenshot for this thumbnail and i haven't done it i like doing these things unplanned so you can kind of see me do things in a bit of an embarrassing manner but when i fly the complex aircraft like the zebo mod in the 737 and x plane i like to you know practice that first to make sure everything's working correctly because it is often updated uh thank you very much as well arnie 1881 for joining us remember to welcome board glad you are enjoying the content and uh you're invited to our members early discord i really do need to change that at some point thanks a lot harley welcome here sir right here's the beach craft baron now the reason i i quite like flying this um i flew the seneca too for my engine rating uh 10 years ago and i sort of treat it like a seneca again it does have all the fancy avionics in this aircraft which is pretty old school but um wait no jets yeah the original plan was to fly business jet from leeds into um uh into north skipper into innsbruck but i've i don't know i the leader jets i i just i don't know how they work really i found it i jumped in and the systems were different and the jets need a little bit of fine tuning i think these sort of complex aircraft so i think for me i'll be sticking for general aviation uh but i will do the occasional fun stream in the jumbo the d478 but they are basically modeled there right anyways jump into the beachcraft baron uh let's go to salzburg which is lima oscar let's go close uh select the departure for salzburg uh we're not gonna go live time okay we're gonna go minus 12 hours but guys should we try the snow preset and see if we can get all iced up and make it into uh innsbruck that would be proper ifr flying but i might not get there in one piece because the snow and the icing in this sim is extremely aggressive it's really really severe i see i might have to turn it off swiftly in the baron remember 21 21 21 manifold pressure 2100 rpm and lead mixture gives you about 140 500 love this aircraft kieran harvey i'll i'll i'll make a note of it i've just put in big letters 21 there you go thanks a lot for your tip there i appreciate it right anyway all i'm going to do here is is going to direct gps line again but we're not going to use this exact routine we aren't going to conventionally we're going to use nav aids i found uh that we can actually go straight to the arrival after departure of salzburg into innsbruck and uh go that way so let's part ourselves on a stand here in salzburg uh we're gonna do the straight-in approach for two six because you could just do a visual circuit in this aircraft anyway but uh if we're in a big jet would always do the circling here which is more enjoyable uh thank you very much kaka silva uh for the 15th ouija chrono hi i'm thinking of taking ppl is it something i can learn on this game uh thank you very much kaka for your kind donation yes this has certainly got the good foundation good foundations here uh for um a ppl uh what i must stress to you though is some bad habits can be picked up in the sim and one thing that desktop simulators just don't give you is that sort of see to the pants uh you know feedback which you get from a light aircraft especially um so yeah i used uh simulators mostly for the instrument aspect of flight training for the ppl well now with this new simulator yeah i think it could be pretty good because you've got also uh awful you've got your real world down there so you can actually properly navigate so yeah i think it's pretty useful but from a handling perspective no i don't think it'll ever be a desktop sim which will which will teach you how to fly the thing by hand but um yeah certainly can recommend it from an initial point of view right anyway uh flight conditions let's go uh snow and we're gonna go daytime all right let's go let's go 12 hours behind live time so right now it's 21 35 zulu so let's put 9 935 utc here so the sim is running 12 hours behind life time so snow this could be this could be fun this could go it'll screw very badly right i think we're all good snow one light light fly and then we'll show the instrument shots what we're going to do uh thank you very much andy conway for the five pounds can you learn to fly the 747-800 models in microsoft flight sim can only do the assessment training be nice to learn how to use the systems in large aircraft thank you very much andy conway yeah certainly for general aviation you can learn how to fly these aircraft quite in depth but certainly not the the default aircraft the default 747 and the airbus there they're great for newcomers who want to have a quick flight but but for in-depth learning you're gonna have to wait for a quality developer to come along uh or a freeware developer even to make you a a realistic aircraft that's the way it is um and a lot of people i've seen have been berating microsoft flight simulator because they expected a pay where quality pay or aircraft i mean as i mentioned earlier in the stream for for uh microsoft to have done that they would have had to spend a lot of resources and time i mean as i've said the zebo mod is still being updated here and that is what three years in development still and and uh still being tweaked i've been pmdg those aircraft i mean the developing one here that's not going to be ready until next year and that's obviously all their resources are going into that aircraft oh my days [Laughter] wow okay right this is this is gonna be interesting oh my goodness oh thank you very much freckels just missed that that pound uh snow can we get fly that sim single of a song from frozen kappa i wonder if there's a flight date to some storyline for snow keep up the good ways of this street thanks a lot frenkels there's probably something there right uh first word of warning if the conditions were like this i would not be going flying um geez i'm not going to get into interior like this off the localizer approach we'll try um firstly uh in conditions like this uh even if the aircraft is being protected with anti-icing fluid in a commercial airliner your hold over time and these sort of conditions is very low so you won't be able to to stick around i mean this is not a nice day to go flying a light aircraft at all this is going to be very interesting right i've not i've not flown this side apart from the second thunder oh it appears to be yes ah dear microsoft can you please fix the fact that it's snowing at the cabin uh from flight december right anyway uh let's get the show on the road checklist let's get the engine started we'll have a look at the navigraft charts for you as well so before starting your parking brake is set uh frontal levels uh are idle uh proper rpm max rpm uh condition levers full rich uh battery master switches on earth are they here the seneca was all here there we are alternate alternate switches on make sure the battery gets recharged the engines uh fuel selectors check on they are currently off oh how much fuel have i got i forgot to check again where's my fuel gauges de-icing pressure right we'll need plenty of that uh okay i hope we have enough fuel prop max rpm which we have full rich right fuel boost pump on where is that i'm just going to turn all this on now icing protection in op you know prop windshield with that we're having it all on straight away uh airframe de-icer otherwise we're in severe icing so a little bit of fuel pumps uh where's my fuel flow indicator i should be looking at that i feel constantly yeah we've got more than half time that's more than enough okay i didn't see that i just saw the alternator load increase but i didn't see a fuel flow change right uh throttle half inch we're going to start engine number two first 50. what's that sorry business it's very quiet yeah thank you very much ready for the two pounds i guess the snow never bothered you anyway okay well thank you very much oh dude uh one of my members coming in there with an amusing donation uh slopes have already bothered me but uh certainly in the summer house it's a very quiet entrance okay that's done uh a throttle lever just to a thousand rpm my avionics okay uh which is rpm slightly then there we go uh oh pressure check so it's in the green for the right engine and then repeat procedure for edge number two this is a lot simpler i think that it would be in real life no i need to hold it down i think there we go the oil pressure is already in the green perfect so yeah you need to sit here for a while i think for the old temperature to increase but you can see it's actually increasing very quickly to make sure it's in the green before you taxi yeah that's a very brief checklist i have to start as required there we go right uh so let's probably do that one right got as much icing on as well we'll wing anti-ice lighting we'll put the beacon on that should be already prior to engine start nothing to see here oh jeez right this could be very very interesting i well they don't even have ios into inspect so i might have to adjust the weather slightly when we get there to ensure that i've got sufficient visibility in fact i might just crank it up slightly now snow depth we can even increase it let me just adjust the precipitation which i think will improve the visibility yeah that's that's better just because we're never going to get twins broke otherwise uh cloud base okay i've have a little bit of a fiddle with that on the way right i think i think we've got sufficient visibility to get in now thanks jack what is the two pounds awesome content you make it looks so easy you haven't seen me try and land in the snow yet thanks a lot buddy appreciate it donation all right let me just i just want to have a little look because i don't want to shoot myself in the foot i think i've got more than enough um visibility now to be able to um land in cat one conditions yeah i reckon we should be okay it'll be close but uh yeah we should be shh it's gonna be close but i just wanna have a look it's roughly cat one conditions there right anyway let's uh let's have a little chat about this route let's have a look at the navigraft charts so we still have all the stuff here for lead so what i'm going to do here is go to flights i loaded one up earlier there we are so here we are in salzburg we're actually going to fly a standard instrument departure today uh it is the salzburg one sierra which gets us to the salzburg voir which is just here now when we get to the salzburg voil we're going to route this way all the way to the rattenburg ndb and this is actually an arrival into wins brook rooting from salzburg here 226 all the way to rattenberg then from rattenberg we joined the the localizer approach for runway uh what is it salzburg i remember now uh what's up my direction to it two six runway two six here um so let's have a look at the sid chart first and it is the salzburg one sierra so this is what we're going to do we're going to climb straight ahead towards the salzburg ndb which is four one zero so let me now jump into the sim and we'll set here four one zero four one zero and that's now active and we press pfd bearing one adf there we are so we're pointing straight to the ndp so it's essentially take off we're gonna head straight towards the ndb bringing the charts back up to go for you guys there we go once we get to that ndp we're gonna go outbound three zero zero until we intercept the 195 radial inbound to the salzburg vor so we want to put our course uh to zero one five and tune up salzburg which is thirteen eight so zero one five and thirteen eight oops that's the pressure which is 1410 so it's standard pressure so sales but we are 13 8 where is the where is the um let's put a 24 that is so annoying there we go so zero one five and then we need to tune the view which is 13 8 salzburg there we are perfect it's already identified perfect perfect perfect so we've got the ndp and then we're going to redirect to salzburg perfect so the syd stop altitude as well i've just realized i left the charts open for you sorry about that guys uh so you couldn't even see me tuning up the pfd so yeah zero one five thirteen eight and then when we get there it's gonna be a sharp left turn uh straight onto the arrival into inspect the stop altitude for this departure is six thousand feet so we'll set six thousand feet here and i'll make sure i hardly hide the charts now as well now um how do i set altitude so on the caravan there's a little altitude button how do i preset six thousand feet here so i've got an altitude hold mode uh [Music] i have no clue how to set preset the altitude to 6000 feet i'll set this the runway heading for salzburg as well which is uh triple three no idea what the wind is doing in the simulator so it might be the wrong runway but it'll work for us transponder that's out [Music] uh welcome we'll view lee huh well welcome back well beauties remember you must have just left and rejoined thank you very much uh welcome back uh gotcha to the content uh outside knob should be where the white circle is on the lower left side of the right g1000 screen but it's bugged uh so there's no way of me presetting the altitude on the uh mcp uh fun okay right so i'm gonna have to manually fly this entire sector outside great fantastic modern you should cycle out hold to update the current altitude ah that could work okay well that's annoying so i guess i can't preset it but if i push out hold it will just update the uh the thing that was a very good shout out there all right so i'm guessing it's bugged and it's missing the altitude selector all right is that where it's meant to be probably we're missing something there anyway right i think it was time to get the show on the road i hope that all made sense with the uh departure briefing anyway and now let's taxi to uh runway 33 in the uh the mr the merg so where's my lights here we've got taxi landing padding perfect let's go all right i'll go outside so i don't run anyone over thanks subscribing everyone and guys we're up to 3000 likes as well if you're enjoying watching a uh 737 captain flying microsoft flight simulator spare time don't forget to subscribe and smash the thumbs up button as we are taking off from a very wintry salzburg right where there's a taxi light i'm only going this way around so i don't actually run over anyone cool look at these conditions this is not a day to go flying i'm trying to find a taxi line oh there is one we'll make a left turn here all the creaking here making zero percent sense but 100 percent fascinating said super dragon thanks it's really hard to see the taxiway that's actually parking there there's stone this is just incredible i can't believe oh where are we going am i stuck uh brighty ward you sound very young how long have you been a pilot ah dear uh i've been an airline pilot for the seventh person for 10 years what's have i got the parking brake set or something inadvertently hold on here it's really struggling to go along here if it's the weather oh my goodness me there's something something definitely amiss all right i'm hoping this is a taxiway you would not be going around this quick i'm just braking really hard just to see yeah i think they've like modeled a bit of reduced braking action on snow because that that was full breaks and uh you definitely stopped quicker with the default uh without these conditions there's no icing yet i've turned on every icing device we have yeah this is not a day to go in an aircraft flying like this no way right so yeah you do power checks at some point in this aircraft do the mag checks and the rpm drop feather the props as well um but we're we're gonna go straight straight air board here it's it'll be fired it seems to be really this is way too fast for these conditions as well you wouldn't actually look at this fast i'll go full legs here i'll do something pretty camera views or sweet taxis at all points oh yes that was a view i took for the uh the thumbnail for this i'm guessing this uh the barons certified flying light icing see it's got all the icing protection so this is just default salzburg but again the inspect we're going to see shortly later is also from orbex quite how to taxi like that right so do a little bit of a forward takeoff checklist there so configuration we're gonna go flaps up for departure plenty enough along enough runway here um i'm gonna climb straight ahead towards the uh salzburg or sierra india ndb which is straight after partial straight away uh left turns three zero zero and then we're going to set the the 195 radio inbound to salisbury again a few times during departure i'll flash up the um the charts so just to show you again here uh i've got a shortcut sign there we are so we'll flash this up a few times so we can monitor our departure path and once again salisbury we're going to make a steep left turn to fly direct towards the rattenberg ndb right i hope that all makes sense uh we're all ready to go so let's turn the strobes on it's a very short flight as well i should think we'll be done in less than 30 minutes so yes enjoy ourselves guys how many likes now 3 165 4 600 of you watching challenge can i get to 3 500 likes prior to me putting the gear up on the barren b-58 there you go that's the challenge i've set you perfect where is he flying to such as fabulous we're flying to innsbruck in austria salzburg austria then inspect austria whoa this is really fast oh that does not look nice to go flying into a bit off centerline we'll sort that out on the take-off roll right guys so i hope that all makes sense of you get your togas in chat oh my goodness uh perfect how many likes did you get to i think we we just shy of three thousand four hundred three thousand five hundred we'll get there right off we go guys oh yeah push check the parking brakes released full power oh it's really crosswind here i'll rotate and we're airborne i'm really out and i'm gonna go straight into instruments here gear's coming up yeah we're not messing around today next time we're going to probably see the ground is it 200 feet in inchborg right anyway let's uh i'm gonna go heads down into here so we're already approaching that climb speed take a bit of power off here wait a little birdie told me 2100 rpm let's bring the prop black a little then because there's two thousand two hundred in the center again that'll certainly do for now two thousand three hundred right so i'm rooting towards the ndb i'm already drifting here so i'm not paying attention all right look at that we're already passing that ndb because i was drifting after see that blue needle turning so remember we now need to make a left turn right there we go uh i'll do heading of 300 so i'm going to picture around uh what's the best client speed and seneca cover 120 so i'm i only flying on instrumentation now every guy needed here is on this this pfd there's 300 so wings level i'm just gonna trim for around oh god this thing is fast i'm gonna go straight to six thousand remember which is the sid stop altitude don't mess around here cuz a lot of mountains around oh facilities improved quite a bit to be fair but yes the alps are just beyond that oh look we've got some icing look look at that oh jeez how's the windshield i got all the windshield ice protection on so we should be fine [Music] right let's get back onto the heading of 300 oh that that was me i need to change myself i need to turn down my sensitivity a little bit right so uh let's go to this view here so hopefully um if i bring up the charts uh we should be tracking 300 there you are so you can see there we're gonna wait until that that uh green line the course deviation indication shows where inbound on that radio then we'll make a right turn into the salzburg vlr so that green line being this one here approaching six thousand feet this thing is fast [Music] and hopefully if i push out the uh altitude will pre-set and level us off at six hours and as soon as we get to salisbury we need to continue climbing as well to get much higher otherwise we're going to hit mountains a lot of high terrain around here oh yeah i can push this to match the heading bug there we go there's 6 000 so i'm just going to push out now why is it saying there 1400 are six thousand so reduce that power now i've already reduced it to 16 inches all right there's six thousand um and now we'll get the automation in just to make my life a little bit easier so let's go autopilot altitude heading there we go perfect so now we're just waiting for that course deviation indicator to come in again if you check the charts now approaching that point very soon where we're going to be intercepting that vr oh my god is it doing it automatically it's already on voi i must have had it arms look it's already incepting that voi for me so there we are now inbound on the 195 radial to salzburg what can we see outside oh look at that we're just on top of cloud perfect that means that that is some serious icing like bad have i got any deicing boots thank goodness i got my windshield heat on prior to departure but yeah now we're on top of cloud we should be okay but that is some serious about icing that's that's severe that's severe oh my goodness uh who we got here thank you very much to uh maverick zero six nine eight for the five dollars how does one go about learning autopilot systems in various aircraft one must study the manuals maverick uh there's so many different ways of going about it uh i'll hopefully be having making lots of tutorials and continue streams like this so so you can learn to use some of the various systems of things but they're all pretty much the same right anyway inbound to salzburg vol there you are again making super progress as soon as we get there which will be very soon i'll make our left turn in bound to it's brook cruising very fast 66 65 there yeah this is all right what's up altitude why is it slowly descending and i don't have right so hold on altitude nope heading nope okay let me just match the heading here oh we're drifting we're drifting heading select okay so somehow i well i'm now gonna have to disconnect the order pipe because the altitude selector is broken so i'm just gonna disconnect the autopilot and hand pitch up to six thousand here yeah altitude six thousand re-engage your autopilot there we are now it's maintaining heading and altitude for me back into the cloud we go so i really want to get above this as we get out the icing and you can see a bit of terrain below distance from the vr here i'm not sure where's the oh i think i've i've lost the dmv so i'm literally about to go over the vr i think here now the one while 4.9 right we're about to go right on the beacon so we need to make a left turn now inbound to the rattenberg ndb which is in innsbruck and we definitely need to climb now we definitely need to climb because we're going to hit a mountain so getting up to 9500 which is the minimum sector on this this part of the leg here so i want to just hand flying on this heading initially just going to grab some charts as well in the background and i'll show you these very shortly where's my chance for innsbruck so innsbruck charts and star i just want to know what the output is two two six so i need to go outbound two to six here this is very dangerous now cause i'm heading towards high terrain i need to climb i'll do the rest later right disconnecting the autopilot full power full up here because i'm going towards terrain right heading 226 checked [Music] you see the mountain [Music] [Music] it's hard to expect i can't get the charts up for you right now but you'll see very shortly [Music] all right i'm saying fly left [Music] so we're gonna intercept this outbound radio now two two six approaching one to go as well 9500 climbing very fast as well still in the clouds it should be just on top of cloud now which is good [Music] perfect so there here comes the radial so we're going to make a right turn now i'm trying to look at nine and a half hours at the same time [Music] this is this properties from flying it's awesome there's nine and a half let's produce some power as well again let's now decrease our workload i'm gonna reduce rpm way too much so 9500 altitude uh autopilot's in heading in altitude and let's have a little bit of nav as well voir perfect so where are we going autopilot come on i don't have thousands and we're just on top of cloud now that's brilliant so a lot of you have seen channel asking what earth is going on well let me now show you okay i've got a bit of automation in here [Music] there we are i bought the chart up already for you to see so we're currently now uh outbound from the salzburg voir we're now routing direct through the rattenberg ndb and the rattenberg ndb is the beginning of the arrival into interpret for runway two six and the localizer approach there's which we're gonna fly and hopefully land uh in these snowy climate conditions you can see here that was the importance of getting up to 9500 feet if you don't you're going to hit inside about it so we're safe at this altitude um so once we get to rattenberg we're going to be flying this approach to localize or approach runway 26. we're going to get to rattenberg then fly outbound on the two one zero uh qdm or qdr sorry from the big ndp until we get to adwig and add we will insert the localizer for runway two six and then we'll descend on the path here which we'll do using vertical speed do height checks and we're going to do that all the way until we get to our minimums which will be 356 agl so we should be able to see the runway here so 2 250 we need to set for our minimums today i hope you enjoying this finding education i know some of you it's it's beyond what you want to see i know a lot of you want to see me do barrel rolls look there you go i can even see a loopy loop in the comment but this is a i'm a more of an educational content creator just sharing my experiences a daylight pilot let's say right one of those minimums i've already forgotten um two two fifty two to fifty so [Music] rightly it's here [Music] i need to bring i need to set my power here i'm absolutely flying along it [Music] that's good [Music] come on quick quick [Music] there we go so the minimums are now set perfect i hope that all sorts of makes uh sort of makes sense we're now going to choose the tune the rattenberg uh ndb which is uh showing you here 303 right there so [Music] 303 for the ndp let's just talk about our power here as well uh perfect so three oh three when he's now tuned three zero morning three enter not sure if its ice detection is functional could try switching surface device to manual instead of auto just want to let you know good luck we're all counting on you thanks a lot kieran not sure if ice teacher's functional could try switching the ice to man instead of auto just want to let you know good luck for cartoon you're currently i've never had to work any of the icing systems on this aircraft i've just left it all on i think they've got some sort of boots as well which is like on the seneca but appreciate that thank you very much as well christian when you see a cool switch it says in op feels bad yes unfortunately it's not all uh models i'm afraid but yes we do have still a little bit of icing not as bad as it was but uh we have down here so hold on let me just make sure we're rooting in the right direction here we have the ndb tuned vr1 here uh yes we are routing direct to the ndp you can see the arrow in the background there that's great and i just want to make sure that we have the uh triple one one on standby and then we'll have a look at the icing systems this is for the localizer into cool so how do we know when we're overhead the rattenberg ndb we can work off the distance from salzburg vor so again um if i go to their arrivals here you see it's 51 miles so when we're 51 miles from salzburg will be overhead rattenberg but when we get closer we'll start routing towards the ndp using heading select so 51.6 we're 23.7 so not far to go we need to maintain 9500 feet all the way until uh localizer capture uh so what we've got de-icing-wise we've got fuel vent in up in up we definitely want the p2e on prop windshield surface auto these are boots anyway these would inflate and then uh just to show you why it's important to maintain minimum safety outside lovely uh wow if ice got bad would you be authorized to do some maneuvers to release the ice um not really there's no maneuver you could do to to get rid of it you just have to immediately fly out of the icing conditions that's the best thing to do prevention is better than the cure of course but an aircraft like this it is not designed to fly kind of moderate to severe i think even the 737 is not certified to find severe icing and you might find you're having to navigate your way out of it i've never really experienced severe i've had moderate plenty of times but not what i'd call severe icing freezing rain if you ever see freezing freezing rain on a metal or depicted get out of it it can be really nasty you can get a significant amount of ice building but this is proper this is proper imc stuff today oh sorry guys the charts are still open sorry thanks um for that i i've got my second monitor here i'm just waiting for a cable to arrive and then i'll be a professional streamer i'll be able to see what is open and closed at all times at the moment i don't because i only have one monitor hey where are we deviating to uh roll autopilot that's great i thought i was on nav all right we'll put nav back on there we go that's why we're deviating north of track nearly halfway snow looks epic well the ski runs look down here as well ah 65 thank you now it's not selected because of cdi mode changes very interesting didn't know that and now i've learned something new as well brilliant thank you there we are back on it perfect so we're just waiting for that uh dvd distance of 51.6 then we're overhead the rattenberg ndb which is also on this radial how about from salzburg it's going to get real fun soon guys so i'll get the other chart up as well now for the approach and we need to maintain 9500 feet all the way until we get a dme distance of 19 miles 19 miles once we're 90 miles away from the runway we can start out from 9500 feet thank you very much to uh m midat salam for the two dollars thank you very much so this is now 34 miles from salzburg looking good guys we're punching 160 knots you should you used to cruise at 140 in the air seneca good look at the prop i mean that is that is not good what is the actual outside air temperature minus 23. them at the back it doesn't seem too much drag for me from the ic i don't know how well that's modeled but yeah you can expect to decrease and lift and increase in drag i'll try and shout epic so 39 miles we're approaching the point where we can start our term uh outbound from brattenberg ndb awful conditions uh i was trying to get the charts up so there we go so we are rooting direct to romeo tango tango outbound from the radio from salzburg which should uh intercept with the ndb remember so at the ndb we're gonna make a left turn two one zero until it's localized and hopefully we'll pick up the localized right then prior to that point otherwise we're gonna go straight through it towards a mountain which is look at this trainer we're at 9500 feet you're at 9 000 feet high terrain just to the south of the aircraft just don't want to mess around places like this look at the msa look 14 500 to the southwest but we're getting closer than 41 miles to go it's great having this though as a backup a little bit you can see the range there is the retina again tpu you can see look there's a slight deviation now from the radial and the ndb so i'm now going to revert to heading select and we're just going to fly direct to the ndb in heading select get everything now set up for the uh localized approach so the final approach track for this approach could be two five five i'm just flying to the ndb now i'm also going to make act uh make 100 doesn't want active it's the wrong size that maybe that's the incorrect idea we're looking for oscar invictus picking up something else but it doesn't matter for now thanks for uh subscribing guys welcome aboard as well and uh we've got 4 300 watching i think we might have uh out wished our likes target uh 4 000 likes prior to landing if it would be an epic achievement what's the wind doing up here [Music] that's fine i like that one so yeah we just we're just rooting direct to the ndb that's all i'm reliant on again we're gonna back on gps but look how close we are now you'll see this blue needle swing around very quickly i remember bringing up the charts there you go um [Music] there we are see the aircraft now as well so as soon as we at romeo tango tango outbound 210 degrees awesome stuff if you enjoyed the video as i said don't forget to share it as well and try and get this video out to as many people as possible say ah i watched this guy he he says he flies real blades he's flying these uh he's flying these approaches i think he's amazing show up your friends right anyway here we go for the needle swing for the ntp it's gonna go pretty much straight over the top and then straight outbound uh two one series his heading is quite good hardly any wind did the same which is good and explain the autopilot a bit um well they're all pretty much the same on these sort of aircraft um where are we going now no lock approach i don't want that heading selected just changed on its own unless i knocked something again but there there's the needle dropping as we fly over the rattenberg ndv there you go look watch the needle drop we now want to have the tail of this uh sorry the tail of this needle on our outbound track which will be two one zero there we go wow straight over the top uh i'll try i'm very busy now i don't have too much time to answer any questions anyway there you go look out about two one zero gonna keep the tail of that needle two one zero now until we insert the localizer a little bit left so i'm using a technique called push to head pull the tail if you want the the tail of a needle towards you you need to fly your heading away and that will drag the tail towards it very basic instrument flying there we are that's more like two one zero there you go you can see on the chart two one zero oscar vector oh what it's like localizer again automatically is it doing it i don't like that it seems to be incepting the localizer on its own but i want to stay in heading until i'm right on the extended centerline i don't know where it was turning to then and what tool was that that was navigraph charts navograph charts you saw so we're just going to stay on this heading until we intercept the localizer we have the i don't know oscar convicted and then we could initiate our descent from 19 miles as soon as at 19 we can start descending you can see look if you're obviously a little bit of visual here but a lot of high terrain around oh a nice little pretty rainbow as well superb anyway heads in let's be looking at this instrument here i hope it works i've not tested this looking you good see here's all the uh i'll have waypoints associated with the approach so i hope that localizer deviation bar starts with there it is so here comes the localized deviation bar so as soon as that green line's in the middle we're on the extended site um extended center line for the approach i think it's slightly offset so you you'll probably find you're not completely lined up with the runway 88 uh less than 10 minutes now we touch down less than 10 minutes intercept manually right so we're now waiting for 19 miles once we're at 19 miles we can start we've got glide slope here it must be some sort of programmed 3d glide slope well i could just push approach and that'll be much easier do some high checks on the way i guess let's try it's right well i think we have an ils here it would seem thanks a lot trader vic uh we have clearance clearance roger roger what's our vector victor very good airplane amazing well this has made my life considerably easier we're now descending on a sort of i guess virtual ios i don't know if they have glide path here i thought it was only a localizer but it might be the way that it's programmed that's going to make my life a lot easier let's do a height check so 17 miles let me bring up the chart for you here um 17 miles we should be at 8700 feet well 16 miles look we should be at 8 300 so let's have a look at that 18 miles oh no that's not correct 16 miles uh 8 300 it's working 6 miles 8 000 300 is close enough all right well now we're just going to pray guys we're going to carry on going down go from there um maybe they have ils here but i'm looking at a chart which is the localizer only chart so it probably doesn't get the ils depicted so we'll take it and go all the way to minimums yeah can't see anything completely reliant on instruments it's now starting to snow so we're getting back into those icing conditions it's snowing in the aircraft it's worth noting yeah thanks a lot uh tim berry for the five dollars that's very very kind of you glad you enjoyed the content appreciate that so i'm gonna go full rpm now add a bit of power maintain about 100 knots at this stage elevation at innsbruck is 1900 feet okay so we've still got a while to go there's mountains either side of the aircraft as well wow wow wow wow that is awesome just just like in real life you get the halo rainbow effect and the sun which is directly above us that is just wicked so cool [Music] yeah john gnss based approach well no i am localizer approach it is following a physical glide path a glide slope this isn't this is an ard-based it seems to be following a an actual glideslope here but yes we'll be touching down very shortly down we go this is why you gotta really trust your instruments because you can't see out the window your aircraft's icing up yes i think it's a slightly steeper glide path yeah it is 3.77 degrees nothing to see so i'm just controlling the speed around 110 knots should be going a tad slower we've got around 11 miles to run what is the actual dme distance does read zero at the threshold okay this approach is pretty complex um there's an i'd have missed approach technically so we've got to go straight ahead to a waypoint and do a 118 essentially fly out the valley the way you came no fun in these conditions so you see a bit of the ground coming into view jesus that is uh that is icy yeah you wouldn't want to see this in real life and tell you that looking good i wonder if i have the same issues the papi's here i hope not this is making my life so much easier i thought i'd be localizer only and then using vertical speed to control our rate of descent ah yes someone's missing the innsbruck scenery ah yes well i think there's plenty of videos of showing the scenery but uh i'll turn the snow off after we've landed with the sort of demonstrating we've got valleys both sides of the aircraft now a lot of terrain no fun indeed you're in modernizing thankfully it's uh windscreen is looking okay stay on target stay on target this is untested but as well i've not tried this but it looks like i can see a runway here it's looking where it should be let's do a little look at the chart we're just about past eight miles let's have a look at seven miles for it here's another graph so seven miles we need to be at four thousand seven hundred feet there's seven miles coming up looking very good guys we're bang on profile here seven miles four thousand seven hundred feet perfect so the height distance checks is this live weather negative snow it's the snow preset in uh microsoft flight simulator is this live david charlton yes hello did you just reference star wars i might have done there are other sci-fi films available six miles to go two thousand feet above our minimums is that snow coming in the cupboard yes it would appear i've got a small leak nothing to nothing to really worry about that is getting worse i should again there's probably a way of firing off the boots but i can't see anything here every sort of de-icing heater on here the boots basically you let the ice build up and then you fire off the boot to shed the ice oh i'm really upset that they changed all my wrenches to the default one thanks w for the three dollars finally caught a stream thanks for your content that's very kind of you glad you're enjoying the show thank you very much i can't believe it getting so many viewers coming in now as well four thousand six hundred and eighty four incredible guys as well we've got four thousand likes all very very kind just on short final now into innsbruck with the middle marker coming in i'm gonna start slowing down actually let's take a notch of flaps protect the gear as well that came down quickly final approach been around 80 let's do the same as a seneca 85 knots so 1000 feet above the minimums not looking good i hope it starts cleaning up a little bit so by the minimums this high here two thousand two hundred fifty have to see the approach lines at least the last stream was eight thousand viewers i know i couldn't believe it so many eight thousand eight hundred and eight that that was the uh the most concurrent views right we really need to start seeing something soon so this is in orbex innsbruck scenery i'll take the opportunity to send a snare so you can have a look at senior as well ah look ahead ladies and gentlemen in the mist i see some approach lights oh they've gone again damn it i spoke too soon just better go for a cloud please come back [Music] is the baron uh i think certified i think for light icing cyber shadow i wouldn't really want to be flying in these sort of moderate icing conditions that's looking better okay pretty disconnect your pipe right we could now continue the approach approaching [Music] minimums autopilot is disconnected i'm now hand flying i should probably wait until i get a bit lower ideally so 85 knots which is the same approach speed as the uh seneca was on puppies can't quite see oh look at that just come out the cloud nice a bit high here four whites three white snow coming in still a bit high get my seating position correct here two raised to why it's now on the correct path speed to that height and just reduce a bit of power look it looks it looks absolutely sensational and that's why it's so important to actually navigate using instruments look at the terrain around it look at that that is absolutely spectacular absolutely spectacular gently lower the nose the runway will be pretty slippy ladies and gentlemen welcome to it's brooke there's a little 180 tournament here because we need to vacate there we made it we didn't freeze it to a million pieces in fact i might do a little 180 on the runway look at this these conditions amazing there you go i hope i did a nice demonstration of some ifr flying the sims absolutely fine to practice this sort of stuff i just can't wait till we get some decent commercial jets to try out look at the aircraft these conditions are just incredible it's so realistic it looks just it looks sensational it looks so good wicked wow i think that's probably where i should park with the general aviation stuff but we're gonna go park in the main terminal shame we can't do replays how long we've been streaming for nearly three hours amazing what's the time here in the uk we're approaching half midnight i said i'll go till midnight so i might have a little bit more fun yet creek creek creek guys sounds like my back it's just such an incredible scene i'm so impressed with it all right let's turn over here the icing off now and uh what we'll do is turn the taxi lighting lights off whoa i've just gone past the taxiway [Music] where are we going to park guys i'll go park next to the 2e75 actually i just saw that all those carpool boxes had to take out oh dear 30. we got here thank you very much to uh cyber dats another happy landing thanks a lot for the five dollars buddy appreciate everybody is this is this guy is it the police side no no not in germany all right you wish to see me are you gonna move just park it that's close he made a bit of a mess there all right well i thought he was going to guide me in but i'll set the parking brake no what are you doing that would make a bad there that would be a mess yeah okay did you like my metal hitting metal defense right anyway uh so i haven't done any sort of checklist on the taxi in here you you run the engines do another mag check prior to shutting them down certainly and uh we'll just uh we'll just call the mixture there ladies gentlemen welcome to inspect as i said in these uh inclement snowy conditions what a flight this has been oh my goodness right what i'm gonna do here but he's got the heater on there as well it looks really warm in his van uh what i'm gonna do here is turn the uh weather back to uh clear skies look at that cool and uh i'd like to show you the scenery this is uh from all becks as well again massive thank you to orbex for for sending me their scenery for microsoft flight simulator for you to have a look again i'm going to attempt to use this showcase camera which i have been led to believe is is rather good um once you get to know how to use it properly with all the commands uh for me i'm still getting used to it but yeah it looks pretty good and the performance i mean you can see my pc specs um below it seems good there's no noticeable drop from say compared to the default scenery uh it's pretty impressive now how it was was that was rotate camera that was yeah there we go there we are look at that we can uh go and zoom around uh karma how much is 13 40 pounds but um this is the future you look at the scenery here i mean look at innsbruck i it's it just looks absolutely sensational oh yeah it's a drone cam basically yeah once i get a little bit more comfortable with these controls will be drone coming all day but it does look really good there's our little uh seneca well not seneca sorry a baron being a hitman little fan here i think what we should do is uh have a look around inspect because i think the scenery you get the town as well you know what i should try i might do the first ever flight to sim livestream seaplane landing should we take the icon and see if we can find a river or lake to land on i think that would be fun and then uh we'll call it a day cause i always try to stream until around time so we'll go all the way to midnight and uh let's give that a go but so yeah the uh thank you very much uh orbex for founding that scenery if you obviously if you're on men's brook you'd probably really want to have to sit here as well as it's close to whom let's end the flight cool but yeah i hope you enjoyed the demonstration of the um instrument flying at least yes says john is the church there for the uh curved approach i think you're referring to the circling approach let's have a look we'll uh grab the icon in innsbruck and uh we'll attempt to do a seaplane landing i've never tried out slipping under propellers there it is i've not even flown it into brook let's go live beautiful weather for a change i've done enough snowy weather flying conditions checked live ah just not the lifetime fly very late but so just for it we'll just do 15 minutes let's go check out the orbex uh interpret scenery jude will be so glad i caught the end of this i yeah i hope you enjoyed the uh instrument flight you selected clear skies i did miss luigi we've done enough snow flying in imc today elevated network if you turn on dev mode there's a tool that allows you to change aircraft with the sim without having to reload that'll be useful cool um i really like sweet too 4200 3800 of you watching thanks a lot for everyone that subscribed as well i think we've i mean it's crazy these streams are crazy at the moment i'm getting well what are we up to now 60 000 i'm getting like over 1500 subscribers it's just great look at this beast then i mean this is just this is just something else i'd love to wear one of these just imagine what a what a machine and this is as simple as it gets simply just a power lever and that's it all right let's go take a look around it's brook then uh let's please parking brake i have no idea what the speeds are the best speeds like that uh engine run up okay right we'll let we'll presume we'll fly like a cessna inc although it looks like it struggled to do anything too fast those ticks just coming blurry it's so modern in here i mean that's super cool right anyway let's uh let's give this a go full power that sound what's wrong with my textures it looks like there's a little moisture here i'm going to attack gate ships a bit this is full power i think we might need a longer runway i have this little bit of a river or a lake for us to try our first ever sea plane landing in should rotate their airborne and that potential flaps up already it's quite nippy uh members this would be a fun group flight i think it's going like this let's go check out the scenery anyway it's brook what a cool aircraft i want one of these there's the terminal anyway it's pretty quick there is a river for me to land on what an awesome plane [Music] i saw one of these when i went to seattle when microsoft invited a few of us guys to seattle they had an icon there i remember seeing it and it had lots of microsoft flight simulator stickers on it which is pretty cool yeah that's the uh orbex inspiring scenery it looks absolutely fantastic i think you get uh the city included as well look at that river how tempting cop it was designed by bmw it doesn't look very bmws to be fair yeah thanks a lot derrick mccord for the dollar station very very kind of you i mean this is uh i'm thinking this i guess all the scenery is included with warbacks it must be a lake surely a river is a little bit daring i mean i i just can't get enough of this sim right now i mean it's it's so good right i need a long stretch of river i'm thinking this stretch here let's see what term possible without being when it comes to handling the light aircraft feel great really they really do feel nice 4 000 likes outstanding right anyway i think this uh i think this stretch of water is the one there we go guys this is the inaugural fly deck to sim c landing engine outside sounds like a lawn mower probably is a little bird to be fair there is a bridge there well let's land beyond the bridge i think if we approach it around 60 knots that's probably going to be okay i mean that looks like you're in a car what a sensational machine go under it uh i think that one's gonna be a little tight yeah that one ain't gonna happen right anyway here we go i look at the lack of attack sense if i just yeah that's cool i just did that purpose just to see the angle attack gauge well that's such a cool thing right anyway here we go i think we should do this externally actually let's do it here i wonder if anyone's ever landed a seaplane here for all right here we go oh doesn't look the most flattest river oh my goodness the river goes up interesting last time i checked rivers don't do this ah we're down it's a very elevated river it would see oh yes i don't think there's any water effects [Laughter] oh my days right i've got a funny feeling it'll be flying a little quicker i'm trying to slow down but i fear as it's going downhill we're going to struggle i might have to do a little 180 here anyway all right can we make it this is uh an interesting river i'm full right but we're down let's go how am i going to get the next thing is how am i going to take off again so i guess in time we'll hopefully have some water effects i got a funny thing we'd be going in this direction right now uh brake pedal brake pads a bit wet to the wrong way i suppose you could drop the gear if you had to stop really quickly right well which way am i going to take off because i think we should go this way because downhill hopefully we'll be airborne before the bridge starts that would be uh certainly the most amusing way of doing things right uh let's let's uh see if we can airborne get back to innsbruck here and then we'll call it a day all right brad is quite effective i guess when you've got the um yeah the prop going over the rudder she really works but like a hovercraft right let's go full power i hopefully will have enough momentum before we get to the bridge i mean look at the forest here and all this just absolutely sensational we it's like the flume the log flume and we need a little bit more speed here there we are oh airborne i got frequency change approved bye-bye amazing i need to just say fun oh that mean can't see where i'm going trees i've got a habit of taking out trees in innsbruck previous subscribers and members of her let's do a little yes wicked what uh what a fun airplane i got x-ray golf did you hear my last transmission look at this yes sierra x-ray golf sierra nice bit of scenery in there really nice someone said you could find animals in the the sim and stuff like that i've not found any animals yet leaving my water space i see what you said did there better party pixelate excited for pmdg next year absolutely yes see what they uh they make for us i'll of course be purchasing this should we land without permission what plane is called the icon a [Music] or something like that but it is a real aircraft [Music] i'm really impressed with the performance of um microsoft license 2020 if i was to load x-plane 11 with my inspect pay where scenery in a complex aircraft i'd be getting similar if not less fbs it's a grass runway on the right let's see it [Music] oh an inspector talking about not sure a bit high here listen let's descend that kick plane is only 390 000 they're minimum amazing craft yeah maybe wow that's expensive i mean what a great toy though i mean it looks like it's got a great performance i guess the range is pretty okay well i'm idle a bit high here trimming those down there we go good on the center line a bit high in a light aircraft you usually can approach a little steeper get away with this in a commercial airliner oh gosh i got to drop the gear oh that was close i mean no it wasn't i completely remembered grass runway is there where's the grass roadway here probably somewhere else i don't know i've been very unfamiliar with you know what let's see this down that textures are phenomenal so yeah this is uh i just wanted to highlight the scenery from all becks anyway let's see kindly use it today look at the angle attack increasing as i bring the nose up holding it off try and fly for as long as possible risking a tail strike we're down in the icon what a fun little plane that is there we are that was a nice way to end the stream i think i hope you guys really enjoyed that thing there we go i think we'll bring it to a nice little a nice little stuff on the runway there we go right brakes are set fantastic there's a well i won't cut the engines here on the runway which probably taxi housing and call it a day but uh it's a bit of fun wrong way 2001 throw the anchor out amazing right let's get back to the main menu i think we'll pretty much call that a day we're approaching a midnight i don't think there's many but there's so many different things to do but i've got it all set up as well um it'll be approaching what is it now nearly three hours 20 minutes of being streamed so it's been pretty pretty fun awesome stuff then guys so uh yeah that was another uh marshall flight simulator live stream hope you really enjoyed that we've had uh what was it today well over 4 000 people watching again at one point and a huge amount of new subscribers so if you're new to channel welcome i hope you enjoyed the first two flights which is what the uh the stream was about so we we demonstrated ifr their first sector in the cessna caravan from london city to leeds that was great and we did the kind of was it with the ndp procedural approach and then the second flight from salzburg to innsbruck in the uh beechcraft baron in snowy ifr imc conditions that was really good fun i hope i demonstrated um what i do again you must excuse the fact that i haven't flown a twin or a see me skipping pestici um not managing the engines correctly you know please bear with me you know more here to demonstrate the instrument part of the flying as opposed to actually flying those sort of aircraft as soon as we get a high quality uh jetliner uh the like the zebo mod 737 or the pmgmg are making the seven three seven or or i i'm uh let's believe but i must keep my mouth shut cause i am in conversation with some other things too with some other developers hopefully i'll be able to showcase some other aircraft prior to release as well but uh yeah if you really enjoyed that video don't forget to smash the thumbs up button share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe as well as i am trying to stream whenever i get some spare time in the new fly simulator demonstrating everything it has to offer as i said you could probably sense how excited i am flying this despite the fact that i do this every day but uh that's me and i love flies who are still i always still will do anyway guys stay safe out there thank you very much as well to everyone that donated subscribing especially to all my members for the continued support maybe something tomorrow evening um we don't have any plans yet and i'm back to work on saturday but i do have a couple of standbys this week so i might take some uh streams whilst i'm on standby but if they do call me i'll have to leave very quickly indeed but that's uh that's the way it is guys stay safe out there and i'll see you all uh soon for another flight to sim livestream bye for now you
Channel: flightdeck2sim
Views: 466,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, flight simulator
Id: DzuUnKY_2pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 54sec (11994 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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