$300 vs $1600 Steak!! Can a Food Expert Spot The Difference? (Feat. @Guga Foods )

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I thought it was crazy to see where the sausage is made and see some of the background of Guga. Also really crazy to see all of the meat Guga offered Sonny. Truly a great host.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xXlasagacatXx 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2022 đź—«︎ replies
in a restaurant setting this almost doesn't exist how much you think they're gonna charge for that 550 final answer i'll give you one more chance to go way higher 1000 bucks more wow good morning and welcome to miami i'm enjoying this beautiful top-down convertible pretending that i'm rich but just for one week and then i have to give it back so someone else can pretend they're rich too today i'm very excited because on this second channel video we have a very special guest his channel name is guga foods his name is guga this guy is the mad food scientist of all things steak and meat no joke once he cooked a whole half of a wagyu cow he's done dry aged steak in peanut butter he's really out of his mind right now i'm headed to his house and he's going to cook me up some steak so i'm going to call you about 2500 worth of meat today so i'm gonna get to see what nobody really has seen before how does he operate this is the kitchen we never use the kitchen and i'm actually going to get to try the food usually you have to take his word for it and he said he's made something great and delicious but i get to find out if mr guger foods is the real deal i'm gonna get there shake the man's hand and introduce you to google of cougar foods right now i've arrived to the front door of the googleplex this is where all the meat making goes down and filming and editing everything like that hey what's up sonny welcome nice to meet you we already met please come on in we got all my guys here they're editing a few videos right now top secret by the way i make the videos they make it look good that's pretty much it and how long does it take them to edit one video in average between four days to a week and some videos take up to a month what's the video that you put out and you were super hyped for it and then it just like oh i know you're gonna come sometimes i make a video i have no effort whatsoever and then like boom one day million views i was like what and then mestoni six months of preparation how many it's still not million yet it's almost a million but it's not there yet so it's like that we got a dry aging steaks over here some of them are top secret and some of them you're gonna try i'm gonna cook you about 2500 worth of meat today i'm gonna cook all of this next week i'm gonna cook this for you today you're eating one two three four and this one is being dry aged as an experiment this is the kitchen we never use the kitchen this is ninety percent of everything what happens and a lot of people had no idea it's actually the garage right if you're looking back this way kitchen look at this way garage door and that is the background for my suvi channel since i have too you have a channel just all about boiling meat except no well don't say that oh no yeah that's bad we have every single meat available at all times every single piece of the cow is here balls testicles yeah these are all high quality japanese wagyu and australian wagyu they get all these beautiful steaks with the fat interest version in there and that here as well and a whole nother show this is like the vault there's more you see it never ends and here is just wow working fish how about we head outside and talk about what we're doing today okay sound good yeah let's go we're gonna do three rounds you can prepare two meats one meat that's a bit cheap affordable and one that's a lot more expensive i need to guess which one is more expensive not only what's more expensive but i also want you to tell me which one obviously tastes better because sometimes just because it's more expensive doesn't mean that it's better i'm excited to find out what you think and most importantly i have a twist today that we're gonna be doing for my channel you've tried a lot of nasty things but i can guarantee you you've never tried that that's coming soon and that's gonna be on his channel i think the next step is just to get started let's go awkward handshake oh wait that's a pretty good handshake standard handshake that's right you got to shake your hand strong this is a man shake that's right we got two beautiful steaks right here this is a skirt steak and here we have a flat iron now the price is not expensive we got to start him a little slow 22 dollars for this steak this one is 40 now they taste extremely different i'm wondering what he's gonna say [Music] so we're gonna put a nice beautiful sear that's very important we've got a hot fire put this one up too cook both at the same time [Music] first of all how do they look come on i want to know your opinion oh it looks fantastic i'm going out of my mind i'm so hungry right now it looks so delicious this to me looks like skirt steak oh correct my brother good job and then the second one top sirloin no not even close no flat iron flat iron i didn't eat i wouldn't that's not even my vocabulary i'm a cattle point to my flatiron it cuts it comes from the chuck okay let's not touch that part i thought he's gonna touch me in the chuck which one you're gonna go first this one all right let's go [Music] cheers [Music] shut the front door unbelievably rich and probably rich already by itself but you just smother with butter butter makes everything better juicy soft that's one of the things about this cut a lot of people don't realize how tender it actually is it is my wife's favorite cut by the way absolutely one of my favorites we need to try this to compare i'm gonna grab a middle piece yeah i gotta scrap it from a pile of tortillas also juicy but less interspersed fat definitely not the same pizzazz or like fireworks in my mouth as a skirt steak i'm thinking that you're liking the squid steak a lot better oh if it comes to what do i like more for sure the skirt's taking now i'm trying to figure out which is more expensive this skirt steak used to be what people threw away the price has been going up because people are competing for it now whether it's for fajitas or japanese food so it seems like it should be cheap but i think that secretly this is a more expensive cut oh no you got it wrong really yes flat iron steak is forty dollars and this one right here is about twenty two dollar steak i as well just like you like the skirts take a lot better so this is round one it's not easy to guess which one is more expensive here's the thing there's no way i can lose because i'm eating grilled steak by one of the world's most renowned steak makers right here thank you thank you thank you are you ready for the second one because i'm excited for you to try let's do it now the second one i must say way up on this one this is my favorite i'll tell you right now this is the secreto itself and this one right here is the tenderloin but they're both from iberico pork which is a very special kind of pork so the first thing i want to do is put a nice beautiful sear on that grill it's pretty hot now since it's a very lean cut of meat we're going to baste it with some butter because butter doesn't hurt anybody just a little bit we're trying to get a nice sear now we got a good sear we're going to be cooking it in indirect heat until we reach that internal temperature of 145. round two two meats should i start by guessing what they are absolutely i am very curious to find out if you can nail this one it doesn't look like it has a ton of fat and it took a little bit longer to cook is this like extra tenderloin it's a backstrap bedroom yes all right so i got that you got it this one cooked super quick much more obvious marbling inside this is like some kind of wagyu this is iberico secreto wait so is this beef no also they're both pork they're both porks ah okay iberico is a type of pork that i would like to call the wagyu of all porks they feed them with acorns i'm gonna try this right here let's go of course i definitely want this one i want for sure i like how you cut it in half it's so dainty oh really nice taste on there it almost tastes like some kind of italian seasoning believe it or not salt and pepper i didn't put anything else because i want you to taste the meat and not my seasoning or my rub super delicious it's as good as you're gonna get the tenderloin to be not my favorite cut of pork really well because it just lacks the fat do you think that this tastes a lot different than a regular pork that you ever had from a tenderloin it tastes almost like oregano oregano oh my god for me it tastes a little bit sweeter than regular pork yeah i agree with that are you ready for that one yeah i'm very ready this one is a little bit crazy cheers buddy that's good cheers [Music] pork you can also have the intersperse fan like that yes sir that's so different it's like a sponge that's just soaked up a bunch of delicious pork fat it's flavor on top of flavor on top of flavor the texture itself is a little spongy as well like eating uterus uterus well i've never eaten that dry aged uterus oh man maybe i should do that next week so this is a tough one what cut is that like the jaw but more towards the shoulder like around here and there's only one on the pig this is on both sides of the spine i have to guess that this one is more expensive final answer they cost the same amount oh but let's be honest this one right here is very little this one here comes two so in essence you are right because you get a lot less meat but i pay the same exact amount 200 bucks which one do you think tastes better come on this one right here the secreto is absolutely better this is delicious it's very unique super heavy though the last round is it chicken no it's beef all right forget chicken who likes chicken no i like chicken this is as good as it gets we got a japanese wagyu a5 kobe beef but most importantly it's dry age and this one here is also a kobe filament the first thing i'm going to start is the filet mignon and we want to get a nice sear since these steaks are ridiculously expensive you got to give attention individually we're looking for medium rare doneness which is 135 degrees fahrenheit for both of them we want a nice golden brown crust all right that's done we're going to put it here to cook in indirect heat and it's time to cook the 1600 steak [Music] round three the final round you're excited i'm so excited is this filet mignon it is great over here it looked like some kind of a wagyu i'm guessing since you brought it out that it's a5 there you go a5 correct that's what you got now there's many different types of wagyu hokkaido and miyazaki i mean there's so many which one do you think this one is kobe yeah you're damn wait really yes filet mignon almost no fat right mm-hmm why get this in wagyu if it doesn't have that intramuscular fat that wag you so famous for after you try it you answer that question no joke [Music] it's super beefy at the end it has almost a texture of liver really a little bit of a liveriness to it in a good way clear that that there's no liver taste no it's interesting because it's super moist you taste plenty of beef oils without it being super fatty oh it's fatty that's why you feel all that juiciness when you bite unlike any other filament so it is interspersed with that extremely well marbled you take a bite it just literally melts in your mouth and every bite it's like you don't want to swallow it let's move on over here this is it you already know what it is there is something there that i'm curious to find out your opinion it's dry aged you've tried a5 before in kobe okay well now you tell me about this one how different it is and if it's any different setup cheers [Music] wow yikes that is rich it is rach i mean super delicious fat overwhelmingly rich i think i need to take smaller bites because that was just like a tablespoon of oil i've just rendered down cow fat in the back of my throat is it different from the one you had before i would say this one is encased in more fat on the edges and here on the top let me put you on the spot now which one was better than one in kobe on the one you're having it right now be honest okay this is very nice it's hard to beat the one in kobe fairy now and plus i was there with a lovely lady sorry it's my wife right there holding the camera i was there with a human there's a japanese chef across from me there was fire there was sake i mean if you plied me down with a few bottles of sake first you might like this one better might be a different story now here's what i'll tell you what you don't know do you notice a tremendous difference in flavor it's a bit different but not super different this one was dry aged oh yes now you said that i'm like of course it was the dry aging is fairly short so it's just mainly affecting the texture it's tough to compare it's the same kind of meat but it's a lot different preparation so it's a bit different but here's a point where i need to guess which one is more exactly i'm curious um how much was the fillet so they're not the same no way this one's bigger this is always known as a more expensive cut i gotta say i think this is more expensive the filet mignon no oh my god no way i'm so bad at this game get some money i'm out 150 300 really 300 off a little piece of steak like that wow and this one is more way more now here's what you need to know whenever you dry aging anything you have 30 loss and then you got to add on your time and dry aging as well in a restaurant setting this almost doesn't exist how much you think they're gonna charge for that i'm gonna go 550 final answer i'll give you one more chance to go way higher with the google tags and his time which is very valuable um thousand bucks more wow sixteen hundred dollars so if i was in a restaurant i ordered this they'll probably go like twenty five hundred dollars just that piece of steak for example salt bay he charges twenty five hundred dollars for a tomahawk it's not even close to this so this could be off the moon i'm just shooting really really conservative over here that would make this the most expensive steak i've ever eaten in my life i'm about to have a heart attack thank you for calling the ambulance already maybe there's some smashing grabs at the local butchery no idea what's happening something's happening sir google today's been awesome i've seen you cook so many times before so it's incredible to actually be here and to get to taste the food and i gotta say when he's eating his own food then he's pleased absolutely justified we also did a collaboration on his channel please go to his channel check out our collaboration there and check out the rest of his videos he does a ton of super fascinating food experiments he's a mad food scientist of proteins and steaks you can find some wild that no one else is doing thank you so much for coming to my house i hope to do many other things together put it down in the comments down below what sun you should try next everybody and if you've been watching this channel here and you know my channel tell me what you would like him to try i love to hear it guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time with googa all right i'm gonna go raid your refrigerator to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodies pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tee we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit shopbestoverfood.com or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,258,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hjzLs_6mqA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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